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Long-chain Acyl-CoA is not primarily increased in myotubes established from type 2 diabetic subjects
Just M Faergeman NJ Knudsen J Beck-Nielsen H Gaster M 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》2006,1762(7):666-672
Accumulation of intramuscular long-chain acyl-CoA esters (LCACoA) has previously in animal and human models been suggested to play an important role in lipid induced insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to examine whether myotubes established from type 2 diabetic (T2D) subjects and lean controls express differences in long-chain acyl-CoA esters (LCACoA) precultured under physiological conditions and during chronic exposure to palmitate (PA) and oleic acids (OA) with/without acute insulin stimulation. No significant differences were found between diabetic and control myotubes, neither in the total amount nor among individual LCA-CoA species during basal and acute insulin stimulation. LCA-CoA accumulated during exposure to palmitic acid but not during exposure to oleic acid. During PA and OA exposure, only palmitoyl-CoA, oleoyl-CoA and total LCA-CoA change. PA exposure increased the palmitoyl-CoA, whereas oleoyl-CoA was reduced and vice versa during OA exposure. No differences were found in the LCA-CoA level between T2D and control subjects, neither in the total amount nor in the individual specific LCA-CoA species during fatty acid exposure. Chronic (24 h), high PA, but not OA exposure induced insulin resistance at the level of glycogen synthesis in control subjects. These results indicate that (1) no primary defects are responsible for LCA-CoA accumulation in diabetic subjects; (2) LCA-CoA changes in vivo are partly adaptive to changes in the PA level and possibly other saturated fatty acids; and (3) PA induced insulin resistance may be mediated through an increased level of palmitoyl-CoA. 相似文献
In the present study, we investigated triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation, glucose and fatty acid (FA) uptake, and glycogen synthesis (GS) in human myotubes from healthy, lean, and obese subjects with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D), exposed to increasing palmitate (PA) and oleate (OA) concentrations with/without high glucose and/or high insulin concentrations for 4 days. We showed that these myotubes expressed an increased TAG accumulation (P<0.001) without differences between groups. Chronically high insulin, but not high glucose concentrations, increases TAG accumulation by 25% (P<0.001). Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by antimycin A and oligomyin was followed by a reduced lipid oxidation (P<0.05) and increased TAG accumulation (P<0.05), but only in the presence of FAs. Both chronic PA and OA exposure reduced the insulin-mediated PA and OA uptake (fold change) (P<0.001), but could not induce insulin resistance at the level of glucose uptake, whereas high insulin concentrations induced insulin resistance (P<0.001). Chronic, high PA, but not OA, induced insulin resistance at the GS level in control subjects (P<0.05). The TAG content correlated negatively with insulin-stimulated FA uptake (P<0.001), but did not correlate with insulin-stimulated glucose uptake for PA or OA (P>0.05). These results indicate that (1) TAG accumulation is not primarily affected in skeletal muscle tissue of obese and T2D; (2) induced inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation is followed by TAG accumulation; (3) increasing FA and insulin availability, and reduced oxidative phosphorylation, and to a lesser extent glucose, are determinants for differences in intramyocellular TAG accumulation; (4) quantitative TAG content may not be the best marker for insulin resistance. Thus, increased TAG content in skeletal muscle of obese and T2D subjects is adaptive. 相似文献
Michael Gaster 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2009,382(4):766-770
To date, it is unknown whether reduced lipid oxidation of skeletal muscle of obese and obese type 2 diabetic (T2D) subjects partly is based on reduced oxidation of endogenous lipids. Palmitate (PA) accumulation, total oxidation and lipolysis were not different between myotubes established from lean, obese and T2D subjects, chronic exposed for PA. Complete oxidation from endogenous PA was reduced in diabetic and obese compared to lean myotubes while exogenous PA oxidation was reduced in diabetic compared to lean myotubes. The complete/incomplete ratio was significantly reduced in diabetic myotubes both for endogenous and exogenous lipids. Thus myotubes established from obese and obese T2D subjects express a reduced complete oxidation of endogenous lipids. Two cardinal principles govern the reduced lipid oxidation in obese and diabetic myotubes; firstly, an impaired coupling between endogenous lipid and mitochondria in obese and obese diabetic myotubes and secondly, a mismatch between β-oxidation and citric acid cycle in obese diabetic myotubes. 相似文献
Lee E Ryu GR Ko SH Ahn YB Yoon KH Ha H Song KH 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2011,414(2):397-402
Islet fibrosis could be important in the progression of pancreatic beta cell failure in type 2 diabetes. It is known that oxidative stress is involved in the pancreatic fibrosis through the activation of pancreatic stellate cells. However, no study has investigated the in vivo effects of antioxidants on islet fibrogenesis in type 2 diabetes. In this study, antioxidants (taurine or tempol) were administered in drinking water to Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats, an animal model of type 2 diabetes, for 16 weeks. An intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test revealed that the blood glucose levels after the glucose injection were decreased by the antioxidants. The insulin secretion after the glucose injection, which was markedly reduced in the rats, was also restored by the antioxidants. Beta cell mass and pancreatic insulin content were greater in the rats treated with the antioxidants than in the untreated rats. Beta cell apoptosis was attenuated in the rats by the antioxidants. Finally, islet fibrosis and the activation of pancreatic stellate cells were markedly diminished in the rats by the antioxidants. Our data suggest that antioxidants may protect beta cells through the attenuation of both islet fibrosis and beta cell apoptosis in type 2 diabetes. 相似文献
《Redox report : communications in free radical research》2013,18(5):193-200
AbstractIntroductionLeptin has lipid peroxidation properties in healthy individuals. Here we aimed to study the correlation between serum-oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) and leptin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. We also studied the effect of metformin therapy on the correlation between serum ox-LDL and leptin levels in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes.MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional study on two groups of patients with type 2 diabetes stratified according to (1) patients with newly diagnosed diabetes and (2) patients with long-standing diabetes plus healthy controls. Patients with newly diagnosed diabetes were followed for 3 months after the initiation of metformin therapy.ResultsPatients with type 2 diabetes had a higher serum ox-LDL, ox-LDL/LDL ratio, waist circumference, fasting blood sugars (FBSs), hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), triglyceride, homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and a lower serum leptin levels than controls. Serum ox-LDL, ox-LDL/LDL ratio (0.08 (0.08–0.12) vs. 0.06 (0.05–0.08), P < 0.001) and HOMA-IR (3.26 ± 0.23 vs. 2.93 ± 0.32; P < 0.01) were decreased when serum leptin levels (15.9 ± 1.6 vs. 21.4 ± 2.5, P < 0.01) were increased after 3 months of metformin therapy. This remained significant after multiple adjustments for age, body mass index, FBS, HbA1c, and HOMA-IR. Leptin was significantly correlated with ox-LDL/LDL ratio in controls (r = 0.78, P < 0.01), and in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes (r = 0.4, P < 0.05), after metformin therapy. There were not any correlation between leptin and ox-LDL/LDL ratio in patients with long-standing diabetes and patients with newly diagnosed diabetes before treatment.DiscussionMetformin restores the positive correlation between serum ox-LDL and leptin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. 相似文献
ATP浓度和缺氧暴露对大鼠脑线粒体RNA和蛋白质体外合成的影响 总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14
本文探讨介质中ATP浓度和急,慢性缺氧暴露对大鼠脑线粒体内RNA和蛋白质合成的影响。用差速离心法分离正常和低压舱模拟4000m高原急性连续缺氧暴露3d和慢性连续缺氧暴露40d大鼠脑线粒体,用体外无细胞(cell-free in vitro)^3H-UTP和^3H-Leucine掺入法分别测定线粒体RNA和蛋白质合成活性,结果显示,大鼠急性缺氧暴露后大脑皮质线粒体RNA体外合成活性降低40%,蛋白质合成活性降低60%;慢性缺氧暴露后线粒体RNA和蛋白质合成活性分别为对照的72%和76%;ATP对正常大鼠脑线粒体RNA以及蛋白质的体外合成活性的影响均呈双相性,大于或小于1mmol/L均可产生不同程度的抑制效应,结果提示,缺氧可在转录和翻译两个水平上影响脑线粒体mtDNA的表达,而慢性缺氧暴露时,线粒体半自主性功能的改善可能是机体对缺氧适应的细胞机制之一;ATP对脑线粒体内转录和释放活性的调节是一种经济有效的反馈调节方式。 相似文献
There is increasing evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress may be integral to the pathogenesis of type
2 diabetes mellitus. Heat shock protein (Hsp60) is a mitochondrial stress protein known to be induced under conditions of
mitochondrial impairment. Although this intracellular protein is normally found in the mitochondrion, several studies have
shown that this protein is also present in systemic circulation. In this study, we report the presence of elevated levels
of Hsp60 in both saliva and serum of type 2 diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic controls. Hsp60 was detectable in the
saliva of 10% of control and 93% of type 2 diabetic patients. Levels detected were in the range of 3–7 ng/ml in control and
3–75 ng/ml in type 2 diabetic patients. Serum Hsp60 levels in the range of 3–88 ng/ml were detected in 33% of control subjects,
and levels in the range of 28–1,043 ng/ml were detected in 100% of type 2 diabetic patients. This is the first reporting of
the presence of mitochondrial stress protein in salivary secretions. The serum Hsp60 levels were 16-fold higher compared to
those in saliva, and there was a good positive correlation between salivary and serum Hsp60 levels (r = 0.55). While the exact mechanisms responsible for the secretion of Hsp60 into biological fluids such as saliva and blood
are not yet known. The presence of this molecular marker of mitochondrial stress in saliva offers a non-invasive route to
further investigate the biological functions of extracellular Hsp60 in type 2 diabetes mellitus and other conditions. 相似文献
Gaster M Brusgaard K Handberg A Højlund K Wojtaszewski JF Beck-Nielsen H 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2004,319(4):1235-1240
The mechanism responsible for the diminished activation of glycogen synthase (GS) in diabetic myotubes remains unclear, but may involve increased activity and/or expression of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). In myotubes established from type 2 diabetic and healthy control subjects we determined GS activity ratio, protein expression, and activity of GSK-3alpha and beta under basal and insulin-stimulated conditions when precultured in increasing insulin concentrations. In myotubes precultured at low insulin concentrations acute insulin stimulation increased GS activity more in control than in diabetic subjects, whereas the corresponding GSK-3alpha but not GSK-3beta activity was significantly reduced by acute insulin treatment in both groups. However, in myotubes precultured at high insulin concentrations the effect of insulin on GS and GSK-3alpha activity was blunted in both groups. The protein expression of GSK-3alpha or beta was unaffected. In conclusion, myotubes with a primary defect in GS activity express insulin responsive GSK-3alpha, suggesting that failure of insulin to decrease GS phosphorylation involves abnormal activity of another kinase or phosphatase. 相似文献
Adachi Y Yoshikawa Y Yoshida J Kodera Y Katoh A Takada J Sakurai H 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2006,345(3):945-950
Previously, we found that bis(allixinato)oxovanadium(IV) (VO(alx)(2)) exhibits a potent hypoglycemic activity in type 1-like diabetic mice. Since the enhancement of insulin sensitivity is involved in one of the mechanisms by which vanadium exerts its anti-diabetic effects, VO(alx)(2) was further tested in type 2 diabetes with low insulin sensitivity. The effect of oral administration of VO(alx)(2) was examined in obesity-linked type 2 diabetic KKA(y) mice. Treatment of VO(alx)(2) for 4 weeks normalized hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension in KKA(y) mice; however, it had no effect on hypoadiponectinemia. VO(alx)(2) also improved hyperleptinemia, following attenuation of obesity in KKA(y) mice. This is the first example in which a vanadium compound improved leptin resistance in type 2 diabetes by oral administration. On the basis of these results, VO(alx)(2) is proposed to enhance not only insulin sensitivity but also leptin sensitivity, which in turn improves diabetes, obesity and hypertension in an obesity-linked type 2 diabetic animal. 相似文献
Azelaic acid (AzA), a C9 linear α,ω-dicarboxylic acid, is found in whole grains namely wheat, rye, barley, oat seeds and sorghum. The study was performed to investigate whether AzA exerts beneficial effect on hepatic key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in high fat diet (HFD) induced type 2 diabetic C57BL/6J mice. C57BL/6J mice were fed high fat diet for 10 weeks and subjected to intragastric administration of various doses (20 mg, 40 mg and 80 mg/kg BW) of AzA daily for the subsequent 5 weeks. Rosiglitazone (RSG) was used as reference drug. Body weight, food intake, plasma glucose, plasma insulin, blood haemoglobin (Hb), blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), liver glycolytic enzyme (hexokinase), hepatic shunt enzyme (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), gluconeogenic enzymes(glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase), liver glycogen, plasma and liver triglycerides were examined in mice fed with normal standard diet (NC), high fat diet (HFD), HFD with AzA (HFD + AzA) and HFD with rosiglitazone (HFD + RSG). Among the three doses, 80 mg/kg BW of AzA was able to positively regulate plasma glucose, insulin, blood HbA1c and haemoglobin levels by significantly increasing the activity of hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and significantly decreasing the activity of glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase thereby increasing the glycogen content in the liver. From this study, we put forward that AzA could significantly restore the levels of plasma glucose, insulin, HbA1c, Hb, liver glycogen and carbohydrate metabolic key enzymes to near normal in diabetic mice and hence, AzA may be useful as a biomaterial in the development of therapeutic agents against high fat diet induced T2DM. 相似文献
目的:探讨槟榔碱对2型糖尿病大鼠肝脏胰岛素抵抗的影响及其机制。方法:采用高果糖饲料饲养Wistar大鼠12周制备2型糖尿病大鼠模型,实验动物随机分为5组(n=8):对照组、模型组、模型+不同浓度的槟榔碱(0,0.5,1,5mg/kg)组。4周后通过检测血糖、血脂、胰岛素、RT-PCR检测肝脏组成型雄甾烷受体(CAR)、孕甾烷x受体(PXR)、糖代谢相关基因:葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶(G6Pase)、磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)和炎症相关因子:白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)mRNA表达,Western blot检测大鼠肝内p-AKT和葡萄糖转运体4(GLUT4)蛋白表达。结果:1,5mg/kg槟榔碱显著降低糖尿病大鼠体重、空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素、血脂和糖代谢相关基因及炎症相关因子mRNA水平,提高CAR、PXR mRNA水平及p-AKT、GLUT4蛋白水平。结论:槟榔碱可能通过提高CAR和PXR的表达,导致肝脏糖代谢关键酶PEPCK、G6Pase基因表达或者炎性因子肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白介素-6(n-6)表达降低,改善2型糖尿病大鼠肝脏胰岛素抵抗。 相似文献
Circulating levels of endothelin (ET)-1 are increased in the diabetic state, as is endogenous ET(A)-receptor-mediated vasoconstriction. However, the responsible mechanisms remain unknown. We hypothesized that ET-1-induced vasoconstriction is augmented in type 2 diabetes with hyperglycemia through an increment in advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). So, we investigated whether treatment with aminoguanidine (AG), an inhibitor of AGEs, would normalize the ET-1-induced contraction induced by ET-1 in strips of thoracic aortas isolated from OLETF rats at the chronic stage of diabetes. In such aortas (vs. those from age-matched genetic control LETO rats): (1) the ET-1-induced contraction was enhanced, (2) the levels of HIF1α/ECE1/plasma ET-1 and plasma CML-AGEs were increased, (3) the ET-1-stimulated ERK phosphorylation mediated by ET(A)-R was increased, (4) the expression level of Jab1-modified ET(A)-R protein was reduced, and (5) the expression level of O-GlcNAcylated ET(A)-R protein was increased. Aortas isolated from such OLETF rats that had been treated with AG (50mg/kg/day for 10 weeks) exhibited reduced ET-1-induced contraction, suppressed ET-1-stimulated ERK phosphorylation accompanied by down-regulation of ET(A)-R, and increased modification of ET(A)-R by Jab1. Such AG-treated rats exhibited normalized plasma ET-1 and CML-AGE levels, and their aortas exhibited decreased HIF1α/ECE1 expression. However, such AG treatment did not alter the elevated levels of plasma glucose or insulin, or systolic blood pressure seen in OLETF rats. These data from the OLETF model suggest that within the timescale studied here, AG normalizes ET-1-induced aortic contraction by suppressing ET(A)-R/ERK activities and/or by normalizing the imbalance between Jab1 and O-GlcNAc in type 2 diabetes. 相似文献
Atlante A de Bari L Bobba A Marra E Calissano P Passarella S 《Journal of neurochemistry》2003,86(3):591-604
In rat cerebellar granule cells, cytochrome c release takes place during glutamate toxicity and apoptosis due to deprivation of depolarising levels of potassium. We show that, as in necrosis, the released cytochrome c present in the cytosolic fraction obtained from cerebellar granule cells undergoing apoptosis can operate as a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger and as a respiratory substrate. The capability of the cytosolic fraction containing cytochrome c, obtained from cerebellar granule cells undergoing either necrosis or apoptosis, to energise coupled mitochondria isolated by the same cells is also investigated. We show that, in both cases, the cytosolic fraction containing cytochrome c, added to mitochondria, can cause proton ejection, and membrane potential generation and can drive ATP synthesis and export in the extramitochondrial phase, as photometrically measured via the ATP detecting system. Cytochrome c, separated immunologically from the cytosolic fraction of apoptotic cells when added to mitochondria, is found to cause proton ejection to generate membrane potential and to drive ATP synthesis and export in a manner not sensitive to the further addition of the cytosolic fraction depleted of cytochrome c, which failed to do this. In the light of these findings we propose that in apoptosis the released cytochrome c can contribute to provide ATP required for the cell programmed death to occur. 相似文献
Stanley BA Sivakumaran V Shi S McDonald I Lloyd D Watson WH Aon MA Paolocci N 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2011,286(38):33669-33677
Respiring mitochondria produce H(2)O(2) continuously. When production exceeds scavenging, H(2)O(2) emission occurs, endangering cell functions. The mitochondrial peroxidase peroxiredoxin-3 reduces H(2)O(2) to water using reducing equivalents from NADPH supplied by thioredoxin-2 (Trx2) and, ultimately, thioredoxin reductase-2 (TrxR2). Here, the contribution of this mitochondrial thioredoxin system to the control of H(2)O(2) emission was studied in isolated mitochondria and cardiomyocytes from mouse or guinea pig heart. Energization of mitochondria by the addition of glutamate/malate resulted in a 10-fold decrease in the ratio of oxidized to reduced Trx2. This shift in redox state was accompanied by an increase in NAD(P)H and was dependent on TrxR2 activity. Inhibition of TrxR2 in isolated mitochondria by auranofin resulted in increased H(2)O(2) emission, an effect that was seen under both forward and reverse electron transport. This effect was independent of changes in NAD(P)H or membrane potential. The effects of auranofin were reproduced in cardiomyocytes; superoxide and H(2)O(2) levels increased, but similarly, there was no effect on NAD(P)H or membrane potential. These data show that energization of mitochondria increases the antioxidant potential of the TrxR2/Trx2 system and that inhibition of TrxR2 results in increased H(2)O(2) emission through a mechanism that is independent of changes in other redox couples. 相似文献
Zhu XuFen Suzuki Kengo Saito Takeshi Okada Kazunori Tanaka Katsunori Nakagawa Tsuyoshi Matsuda Hideyuki Kawamukai Makoto 《Plant molecular biology》1997,35(3):331-341
We have cloned a new geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) synthase gene, designated GGPS6/, from Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the GGPS6 gene contains an open reading frame coding for a protein of 343 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 37 507 Da. Also, the gene is not interrupted by an intron. The predicted amino acid sequence of the GGPS6 gene shows significant homology (34.0–57.7%) with other GGPP synthases from Arabidopsis. The GGPS6 protein contains a N-terminal signal peptide which is thought to function as an organelle targeting sequence. In fact, the GGPS6-GFP fusion protein was found to be localized exclusively in mitochondria when expressed in tobacco BY-2 cells. In vitro analysis of the enzyme activity as well as genetic complementation analysis with Erwinia uredovora crt gene cluster expressed in Escherichia coli showed that the GGPS6 gene most certainly encodes a GGPP synthase catalyzing the conversion of farnesyl pyrophosphate to GGPP. 相似文献
The inability of insulin to stimulate glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle fibres is a classic characteristic of type 2 diabetes. Using the non-obese Goto-Kakizaki rat as an established animal model of this type of diabetes, sucrose gradient centrifugation studies were performed and confirmed the abnormal subcellular location of the glucose transporter GLUT4. In addition, this analysis revealed an unexpected drastic reduction in the surface membrane marker beta-dystroglycan, a dystrophin-associated glycoprotein. Based on this finding, a comprehensive immunoblotting survey was conducted which showed a dramatic decrease in the Dp427 isoform of dystrophin and the alpha/beta-dystroglycan subcomplex, but not in laminin, sarcoglycans, dystrobrevin, and excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle elements. Thus, the backbone of the trans-sarcolemmal linkage between the extracellular matrix and the actin membrane cytoskeleton might be structurally impaired in diabetic fibres. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that the reduction in the dystrophin-dystroglycan complex does not induce obvious signs of muscle pathology, and is neither universal in all fibres, nor fibre-type specific. Most importantly, the expression of alpha-syntrophin and the syntrophin-associated neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase, nNOS, was demonstrated to be severely reduced in diabetic fibres. The loss of the dystrophin-dystroglycan complex and the syntrophin-nNOS complex in selected fibres suggests a weakening of the sarcolemma, abnormal signalling and probably a decreased cytoprotective mechanism in diabetes. Impaired anchoring of the cortical actin cytoskeleton via dystrophin might interfere with the proper recruitment of the glucose transporter to the surface membrane, following stimulation by insulin or muscle contraction. This may, at least partially, be responsible for the insulin resistance in diabetic skeletal muscles. 相似文献
Neve EP Nordling A Andersson TB Hellman U Diczfalusy U Johansson I Ingelman-Sundberg M 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2012,287(9):6307-6317
Reduction of hydroxylamines and amidoximes is important for drug activation and detoxification of aromatic and heterocyclic amines. Such a reductase system was previously found to be of high activity in adipose tissue and liver, and furthermore, in vitro studies using recombinant truncated and purified enzymes suggested the participation of cytochrome b(5) reductase (CYB5R), cytochrome b(5) (CYB5), and molybdenum cofactor sulfurase C-terminal containing 1 and 2 (MOSC1 and -2). Here, we show that purified rat liver outer mitochondrial membrane contains high amidoxime reductase activity and that MOSC2 is exclusively localized to these membranes. Moreover, using the same membrane fraction, we could show direct binding of a radiolabeled benzamidoxime substrate to MOSC2. Following differentiation of murine 3T3-L1 cells into mature adipocytes, the MOSC2 levels as well as the amidoxime reductase activity were increased, indicating that the enzyme is highly regulated under lipogenic conditions. siRNA-mediated down-regulation of MOSC2 and the mitochondrial form of cytochrome b(5) type B (CYB5B) significantly inhibited the reductase activity in the differentiated adipocytes, whereas down-regulation of MOSC1, cytochrome b(5) type A (CYB5A), CYB5R1, CYB5R2, or CYB5R3 had no effect. Down-regulation of MOSC2 caused impaired lipid synthesis. These results demonstrate for the first time the direct involvement of MOSC2 and CYB5B in the amidoxime reductase activity in an intact cell system. We postulate the presence of a novel reductive enzyme system of importance for lipid synthesis that is exclusively localized to the outer mitochondrial membrane and is composed of CYB5B, MOSC2, and a third unknown component (a CYB5B reductase). 相似文献
Walker CG Loos RJ Mander AP Jebb SA Frost GS Griffin BA Lovegrove JA Sanders TA Bluck LJ 《Genes & nutrition》2012,7(4):529-536
Genome-wide association studies have identified SNPs reproducibly associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D). We examined the effect of genetic predisposition to T2D on insulin sensitivity and secretion using detailed phenotyping in overweight individuals with no diagnosis of T2D. Furthermore, we investigated whether this genetic predisposition modifies the responses in beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity to a 24-week dietary intervention. We genotyped 25 T2D-associated SNPs in 377 white participants from the RISCK study. Participants underwent an IVGTT prior to and following a dietary intervention that aimed to lower saturated fat intake by replacement with monounsaturated fat or carbohydrate. We composed a genetic predisposition score (T2D-GPS) by summing the T2D risk-increasing alleles of the 25 SNPs and tested for association with insulin secretion and sensitivity at baseline, and with the change in response to the dietary intervention. At baseline, a higher T2D-GPS was associated with lower acute insulin secretion (AIRg 4% lower/risk allele, P = 0.006) and lower insulin secretion for a given level of insulin sensitivity, assessed by the disposition index (DI 5% lower/risk allele, P = 0.002), but not with insulin sensitivity (Si). T2D-GPS did not modify changes in insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity or the disposition index in response to the dietary interventions to lower saturated fat. Participants genetically predisposed to T2D have an impaired ability to compensate for peripheral insulin resistance with insulin secretion at baseline, but this does not modify the response to a reduction in dietary saturated fat through iso-energetic replacement with carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat.