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The genomic island pKLC102 first detected in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone C strains can cross species barriers and exhibits the highest mobilization rate of a genomic island known to date. Homologous genomic islands of 81-108 kb in size were identified in the completely sequenced P. aeruginosa strains PA7, PA14, 2192, C3719 and PACS2, but not in strains PAO1 and LES. All pKLC102-like genomic islands are integrated in chromosomal tRNA(Lys) genes and share a syntenic set of more than 70 homologous ORFs, part of which are related to DNA replication or mobility genes. The conserved backbone has predilection sites for the uptake of island-specific gene cassettes. A major difference between the islands is the organization of the origin of replication oriV.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa plasmid pKLC102 coexists as a plasmid and a genome island in clone C strains. Whereas the related plasmid pKLK106 reversibly recombines with P. aeruginosa clone K chromosomes at one of the two tRNA(Lys) genes, pKLC102 is incorporated into the tRNA(Lys) gene only close to the pilA locus. Targeting of the other tRNA(Lys) copy in the chromosome is blocked by a 23,395-bp mosaic of truncated PAO open reading frames, transposons, and pKLC102 homologs. Annotation and phylogenetic analysis of the large 103,532-bp pKLC102 sequence revealed that pKLC102 is a hybrid of plasmid and phage origin. The plasmid lineage conferred oriV and genes for replication, partitioning, and conjugation, including a pil cluster encoding type IV thin sex pili and an 8,524-bp chvB glucan synthetase gene that is known to be a major determinant for host tropism and virulence. The phage lineage conferred integrase, att, and a syntenic set of conserved hypothetical genes also observed in the tRNA(Gly)-associated genome islands of P. aeruginosa clone C chromosomes. In subgroup C isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis, pKLC102 was irreversibly fixed into the chromosome by the insertion of the large 23,061-bp class I transposon TNCP23, which is a composite of plasmid, integron, and IS6100 elements. Intramolecular transposition of a copy of IS6100 led to chromosomal inversions and disruption of plasmid synteny. The case of pKLC102 in P. aeruginosa clone C documents the intraclonal evolution of a genome island from a mobile ancestor via a reversibly integrated state to irreversible incorporation and dissipation in the chromosome.  相似文献   

The diversity of the Escherichia coli species is in part due to the large number of mobile genetic elements that are exchanged between strains. We report here the identification of a new integrative and conjugative element (ICE) of the pKLC102/PAGI-2 family located downstream of the tRNA gene pheU in the E. coli strain BEN374. Indeed, this new region, which we called ICEEc2, can be transferred by conjugation from strain BEN374 to the E. coli strain C600. We were also able to transfer this region into a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain and into a Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strain. This transfer was then followed by the integration of ICEEc2 into the host chromosome downstream of a phe tRNA gene. Our data indicated that this transfer involved a set of three genes encoding DNA mobility enzymes and a type IV pilus encoded by genes present on ICEEc2. Given the wide distribution of members of this family, these mobile genetic elements are likely to play an important role in the diversification of bacteria.The fantastic diversity of the Escherichia coli species has been known for a long time. With modern sequencing strategies, the molecular bases of this diversity are now being unraveled (49). Analyzing the genome of 20 E. coli strains, Touchon et al. recently showed that only a minority of genes, approximately 1,900 genes, were shared by all E. coli strains and constituted the core genome of the E. coli species (50). Additionally, the total number of genes found in all E. coli strains, the pan-genome, is an order of magnitude larger than this core genome (50). The non-core genome of a strain, also called flexible gene pool, is therefore made of a wide diversity of genes. This genetic diversity of the E. coli species translates into a diversity of phenotypic properties. While most E. coli strains are commensal of the gastrointestinal tract of humans and warm-blooded animals, a significant number are responsible for different diseases in humans and animals (22), including extraintestinal infections in chickens; strains isolated from such cases are designated by the term APEC for avian pathogenic E. coli (10).This diversity arises from frequent horizontal gene transfers of mobile genetic elements such as transposons, plasmids, phages, genomic islands, or integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) (11, 21, 34). Among these mobile genetic elements, ICEs have a particular place as they share properties with both plasmids, genomic islands, and transposons; they can be defined as elements that encode all the necessary machineries that allow their excision from the chromosome, their transfer to a recipient strain, and their integration into the recipient strain''s genome (5, 6, 46, 54). Well-known representatives of this class of genetic elements include Tn916 discovered in Enterococcus faecalis, the conjugative transposon CTnDOT in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, ICEKp1 in Klebsiella pneumoniae, SXT/R391-related elements, PFGI-1 in Pseudomonas fluorescens, and the clc element in Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 as well as ICEBs1 in Bacillus subtilis and ICEEc1 in the E. coli strain ECOR31 (1, 39, 44, 46, 54). Typically, ICEs contain at least three modules that are required for key steps in the ICE''s life cycle: an excision/integration module, a transfer module, and a regulation module (54). Besides these, ICEs often contain cargo regions that confer on their host a diverse array of properties, such as virulence properties (ICEEc1), antibiotic resistance (SXT), or degradation of chemical compounds (clc). Because of their self-transfer abilities and their diverse accessory gene repertoires, ICEs are very likely to play a major role in bacteria evolution (46).A new family of ICEs has recently gained interest and was named the pKLC102/PAGI-2 family. The first element of this family, the clc element, was discovered in Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 and confers on the bacteria the possibility to degrade aromatic compounds (42). The transfer of this element was discovered long before its complete sequence was characterized (16). Other members of this family include several elements present in Pseudomonas strains such as PAGI-1 and PAGI-2 as well as the pKLC102 element first considered to be a plasmid but later on shown to be an ICE because of its ability to integrate into the chromosome of its host (23, 52). pKLC102/PAGI-2 elements share a set of core genes (33) and, like most ICEs and genomic islands, are all integrated downstream of tRNA genes (26, 52). The transfer between strains has been demonstrated, albeit with different frequencies, for only a few members, such as the clc element, Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenicity island 1 (PAPI-1), and ICEHin1056 from Haemophilus influenzae (20, 37, 41); this transfer involves the type IV pilus (20), the integrase (40), and in some cases the formation of a circular intermediate of the excised ICE (24).In order to identify new accessory genes of APEC strains, we previously described tRNA loci in the E. coli genome that could represent potential insertion sites for new genomic islands (18). We had already used this strategy to characterize the AGI-3 region that is involved in the virulence of an avian pathogenic E. coli strain and that confers the ability to grow on fructooligosaccharides (7, 43). During this tRNA screening, we showed that genomic islands might potentially be present downstream of the tRNA genes argW, leuX, pheU, pheV, selC, serU, and thrW in several APEC strains.In this report, we describe the identification of a new genomic island located downstream of pheU in the APEC strain BEN374. This region, which we named ICEEc2, was fully sequenced, and its properties were analyzed in detail; ICEEc2 is a new ICE found in E. coli and belongs to the pKLC102/PAGI-2 family described above.  相似文献   

Key to Pseudomonas aeruginosa 's ability to thrive in a diversity of niches is the presence of numerous genomic islands that confer adaptive traits upon individual strains. We reasoned that P. aeruginosa strains capable of surviving in the harsh environments of multiple hosts would therefore represent rich sources of genomic islands. To this end, we identified a strain, PSE9, that was virulent in both animals and plants. Subtractive hybridization was used to compare the genome of PSE9 with the less virulent strain PAO1. Nine genomic islands were identified in PSE9 that were absent in PAO1; seven of these had not been described previously. One of these seven islands, designated P. aeruginosa genomic island (PAGI)-5, has already been shown to carry numerous interesting ORFs, including several required for virulence in mammals. Here we describe the remaining six genomic islands, PAGI-6, -7, -8, -9, -10, and -11, which include a prophage element and two Rhs elements.  相似文献   

Various genomic islands, PAPI-1, PAPI-2, PAGI-1, PAGI-2, PAGI-3, and PAGI-4, and the element pKLC102 have been characterized in different P. aeruginosa strains from diverse habitats and geographical locations. Chromosomal DNA macroarray of 100 P. aeruginosa strains isolated from 85 unrelated patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit was created to assess the occurrence of these genomic islands (GEIs). The macroarray was then hybridized with labeled probes derived from each genomic island. In addition, PFGE patterns with SpeI, frequency of virulence genes, and antimicrobial resistance patterns of the strains were studied. Our results showed that almost all P. aeruginosa strains presented up to eight virulence genes. By SpeI macrorestriction fragment analysis we were able to identify 49 restriction patterns; 35 patterns correspond to single strains and the remaining 14 to strains subgroup (a-n). Most of the strains showed variation in number or composition of GEIs and a specific antimicrobial pattern indicating that each strain was an unrelated isolate. In terms of the number of genomic islands per strain, 7 GEIs were found in 34% of the strains, 6 in 18%, 5 in 12%, 4 in 14%, 3 in 10%, 2 in 7%, and 1 in 4%; only one isolate did not present any GEI. The genomic islands PAPI-1 and PAPI-2 and the element pKLC102 were the most frequently detected. The analysis of the location of each GEI in the chromosome of two strains show that the islands PAGI-3, PAPI-1, PAPI-2 and pKLC102 are present in the insertion site previously reported, but that PAGI-2 and PAGI-4 are inserted in another chromosome place in a site not characterized yet. In conclusion our data show that P. aeruginosa strains exhibited an epidemic population structure with horizontal transfer of DNA resulting in a high frequency of GEIs.  相似文献   

Gradient of genomic diversity in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa chromosome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In 545 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, mainly collected from patients with cystic fibrosis, Spel-Dral macrorestriction fragment lenght diversity was scanned for using probes of known map position on th P.earuginosa PAO chromosome. Southern analysis of the 60 unrelated clones uncovered a gradient of macrorestriction fragment lenght polymorphisms (RFLPs) from the origin of replication towards the auxotroh-poor region of the P. aeruginosa population in the region encompassed by the rrn operons. The oriC -reactive Spel fragment was conserved in nearly all isolates examined. Few fragment lenght classes were seen for the alga60-, algR- and toxA -encoding Spel fragments. Fragment siz varied within one class by up to 20 kb. Two probes from the auxotroph-poor region detected a broad size range for the Spel fragment, suggestiong extensive genomic deversity in these reions. Subclonalvariation of fragment size was detected at all investigated loci in at least one of the analysed clones, but within one particlular clone, Spel -RFLPs were found at only few loci.  相似文献   

Most known virulence determinants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa are remarkably conserved in this bacterium's core genome, yet individual strains differ significantly in virulence. One explanation for this discrepancy is that pathogenicity islands, regions of DNA found in some strains but not in others, contribute to the overall virulence of P. aeruginosa. Here we employed a strategy in which the virulence of a panel of P. aeruginosa isolates was tested in mouse and plant models of disease, and a highly virulent isolate, PSE9, was chosen for comparison by subtractive hybridization to a less virulent strain, PAO1. The resulting subtractive hybridization sequences were used as tags to identify genomic islands found in PSE9 but absent in PAO1. One 99-kb island, designated P. aeruginosa genomic island 5 (PAGI-5), was a hybrid of the known P. aeruginosa island PAPI-1 and novel sequences. Whereas the PAPI-1-like sequences were found in most tested isolates, the novel sequences were found only in the most virulent isolates. Deletional analysis confirmed that some of these novel sequences contributed to the highly virulent phenotype of PSE9. These results indicate that targeting highly virulent strains of P. aeruginosa may be a useful strategy for identifying pathogenicity islands and novel virulence determinants.  相似文献   

选取100个与铜绿假单胞杆菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)群感效应(quorum-sensing,QS)相关的基因,克隆这些基因片段于pMD-18T载体,测序鉴定,点样制备cDNA基因芯片。制备cy3-dCTP/cy5-dCTP标记的探针,与芯片杂交。初步研究了处于不同生长期的铜绿假单胞杆菌基因的表达差异。指数中期和平台初期相比,有9个QS基因表达量最著增加,有6个基因表达量显著下降。利用芯片做针对铜绿菌假单胞杆菌药物的筛选:妥布霉素(Tobramycin)给药后细菌基因发生差异表达。证明了该cDNA芯片用于药物筛选的可行性。在国内首次研制开发了QS相关基因的cDNA芯片。应用基因芯片技术建立的铜绿假单胞杆菌QS相关基因研究平台,为找到能较好抑制铜绿假单胞杆菌正常生长的药物研究提出新的解决方法。  相似文献   

A genomic analysis of 18 P. aeruginosa phages, including nine newly sequenced DNA genomes, indicates a tremendous reservoir of proteome diversity, with 55% of open reading frames (ORFs) being novel. Comparative sequence analysis and ORF map organization revealed that most of the phages analyzed displayed little relationship to each other.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 is the most commonly used strain for research on this ubiquitous and metabolically versatile opportunistic pathogen. Strain PAO1, a derivative of the original Australian PAO isolate, has been distributed worldwide to laboratories and strain collections. Over decades discordant phenotypes of PAO1 sublines have emerged. Taking the existing PAO1-UW genome sequence (named after the University of Washington, which led the sequencing project) as a blueprint, the genome sequences of reference strains MPAO1 and PAO1-DSM (stored at the German Collection for Microorganisms and Cell Cultures [DSMZ]) were resolved by physical mapping and deep short read sequencing-by-synthesis. MPAO1 has been the source of near-saturation libraries of transposon insertion mutants, and PAO1-DSM is identical in its SpeI-DpnI restriction map with the original isolate. The major genomic differences of MPAO1 and PAO1-DSM in comparison to PAO1-UW are the lack of a large inversion, a duplication of a mobile 12-kb prophage region carrying a distinct integrase and protein phosphatases or kinases, deletions of 3 to 1,006 bp in size, and at least 39 single-nucleotide substitutions, 17 of which affect protein sequences. The PAO1 sublines differed in their ability to cope with nutrient limitation and their virulence in an acute murine airway infection model. Subline PAO1-DSM outnumbered the two other sublines in late stationary growth phase. In conclusion, P. aeruginosa PAO1 shows an ongoing microevolution of genotype and phenotype that jeopardizes the reproducibility of research. High-throughput genome resequencing will resolve more cases and could become a proper quality control for strain collections.The metabolically versatile Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen of plants, animals, and humans and is ubiquitously distributed in soil and aquatic habitats. The common reference strain is P. aeruginosa PAO1, a spontaneous chloramphenicol-resistant mutant of the original PAO strain (earlier called “P. aeruginosa strain 1”) that had been isolated in 1954 from a wound in Melbourne, Australia (9, 10). This PAO1 strain from Bruce Holloway''s laboratory has become the reference strain for Pseudomonas genetics and functional analyses of the physiology and metabolism of this gammaproteobacterium. A genetic map of its chromosome was generated by exploiting the mechanisms of gene exchange in bacteria, i.e., transduction and conjugation (11). With the advent of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), a physical map of the PAO1 genome was constructed (32) and later merged with the genetic map information (12). By 2000 the PAO1 strain had been completely sequenced (36). Thereafter, the genome annotation has been continually updated and the database content and functionality have been expanded to facilitate accelerated discovery of P. aeruginosa drug targets and vaccine candidates (38). Two near-saturation libraries of transposon insertion mutants have been constructed in P. aeruginosa PAO1 as a global resource for the scientific community (14, 22).Comparison of the genome sequence with the physical map revealed a large, 2.2-Mb inversion between the sequenced PAO1-UW strain (36) and the original PAO1 strain (9, 10), indicating that PAO1 sublines maintained worldwide in numerous laboratories and strain collections had diversified their genomic sequence. Mutational events were already reported in the 1970s (10), and more recently sequence variations of MexT, which regulates the MexEF-OprN multidrug efflux system, were described (18, 24). Furthermore, a PAO1 subline from a German strain collection (PAO1-D) and another, independent PAO1 subline from a Japanese strain collection (PAO1-J) that had been stored by research groups in Germany and Japan, respectively, were found to be quorum-sensing-negative mutants that carried point mutations in the regulatory gene lasR (6). In addition, spontaneous secretion-defective vfr mutants from a PAO1 population were observed after several cycles of static growth (2). Similarly, we noted a difference in virulence in a mouse infection model (see below) between the MPAO1 and PAO1-DSM sublines that had been utilized for the construction of the transposon library (14) and the physical map (32), respectively. PAO1-DSM was indistinguishable in its SpeI-DpnI-SwaI-PacI physical map from the PAO1 subline that had been stored in the Holloway laboratory (12). Hence, we decided to compare the genomic sequence of the initially sequenced PAO1 subline PAO1-UW (36) with that of MPAO1 and PAO1-DSM. Combined physical mapping and DNA sequencing-by-synthesis revealed numerous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions-deletions (indels) in the chromosomes that were associated with differences in fitness, antimicrobial susceptibility, and virulence of the sublines.  相似文献   

Under- and over-represented mono- to hexanucleotides are signatures of bacterial genomes, but the compositional biases of octa- to tetradecanucleotides have not yet been explored. Thirteen completely sequenced genomes of the Pseudomonas genus were searched for highly overrepresented 8–14mers. Between 59–989 overrepresented 8–14mers were found to exceed the applied threshold value. All genomic data sets of the 13 strains showed a consistent pattern, with individual oligomers clustering in either non-coding or coding regions. Non-coding oligonucleotides were typically part of longer repeats. Coding oligonucleotides were evenly distributed in the core genome, preferred one reading frame and matched with the local tetranucleotide usage patterns. Genomic islands were recognized by the depletion of overrepresented oligonucleotides. Several mainly coding 8–14mers occurred in genomes on average every 10 000 bp or less. Such frequently occurring 8–14mers could become useful markers for species identification. In the future of next-generation ultra-high throughput DNA sequencing, the composition of bacterial metagenomes may be quantified by scanning the primary sequence reads for these 8–14mer markers.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa are noscomially acquired, opportunistic pathogens that pose a major threat to the health of burns patients and the immunocompromised. We sequenced the genomes of P. aeruginosa isolates RNS_PA1, RNS_PA46 and RNS_PAE05, which displayed resistance to almost all frontline antibiotics, including gentamicin, piperacillin, timentin, meropenem, ceftazidime and colistin. We provide evidence that the isolates are representatives of P. aeruginosa sequence type (ST) 235 and carry Tn6162 and Tn6163 in genomic islands 1 (GI1) and 2 (GI2), respectively. GI1 disrupts the endA gene at precisely the same chromosomal location as in P. aeruginosa strain VR-143/97, of unknown ST, creating an identical CA direct repeat. The class 1 integron associated with Tn6163 in GI2 carries a blaGES-5aacA4gcuE15aphA15 cassette array conferring resistance to carbapenems and aminoglycosides. GI2 is flanked by a 12 nt direct repeat motif, abuts a tRNA-gly gene, and encodes proteins with putative roles in integration, conjugative transfer as well as integrative conjugative element-specific proteins. This suggests that GI2 may have evolved from a novel integrative conjugative element. Our data provide further support to the hypothesis that genomic islands play an important role in de novo evolution of multiple antibiotic resistance phenotypes in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

MexAB-OprM, the multidrug efflux pump of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, contributes to the high resistance of this organism to a wide variety of antibiotics. To investigate the structure and function of OprM, the outer membrane channel of MexAB-OprM, we examined the oligomeric states of OprM and its homologues OprJ and OprN. These proteins were treated with crosslinking reagent after their reconstitution into liposome membranes. The crosslinked products indicated that OprM and OprN formed trimers, while OprJ unexpectedly appeared to form a tetramer. In order to test whether differences in oligomeric structure might be intimately related to channel function, we examined the channel-forming activity of these proteins by liposome swelling assay. However, no significant differences in channel characteristics were detected among OprM, OprJ, and OprN. We proposed the probable explanation for the diversity in the oligomeric structure of the channel proteins.  相似文献   

The bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) utilizes many toxic effectors to gain advantage over interbacterial competition and eukaryotic host infection. Meanwhile, the cognate immunity proteins of these effectors are employed to protect themselves from the virulence. TseT and TsiT form an effector‐immunity (E‐I) protein pair secreted by T6SS of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. TseT is toxic for other bacteria, whereas TsiT can suppress the virulence of TseT. Here, we report the crystal structure of TsiT at 1.6 Å resolution. TsiT is a typical α + β class protein and belongs to a novel Imm52 protein family of the polymorphic toxin system. Apart from TsiT, only one structure of the Imm52 family proteins is present in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), but that structure is not characterized and shares low sequence identity with TsiT. We characterized the basic features of TsiT structure and identified conserved residues of the Imm52 family proteins according to homology comparison. Our work provided structural information of a new protein family and should aid future functional studies.  相似文献   

A procedure for the elimination of the IncP-8 plasmid FP2 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain 1 was developed. The procedure consists of freezing cells, competent for transformation, in 15% glycerol at -70 degrees C for at least 48 h and screening survivors for loss of mercuric chloride resistance. Curing frequencies of 0.5% were achieved only in host cells carrying a dht mutation (unable to convert thymine to dihydrothymine).  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that microbial communities with greater microbial diversity would be less susceptible to invasion by potential opportunistic pathogens. We investigated whether the survival of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the wheat rhizosphere would be affected by the presence of natural and constructed microbial communities of various diversity levels. Three levels of microbial community diversity were derived from wheat roots by a dilution/extinction approach. These wheat rhizosphere inocula, as well as a gnotobiotic microbial community consisting of seven culturable wheat rhizobacterial isolates, were introduced into the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown wheat plants on the day of planting. Phenotypic characterization of the culturable microbial communities on R2A medium, Shannon microbial diversity index, community-level physiological profiles, and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms were used to assess the varying microbial diversity levels. At day 7 the roots were invaded with P. aeruginosa and the number of P. aeruginosa colony forming units per root were measured at day 14. The average number of surviving P. aeruginosa cells was 3.52, 4.90, 7.18, 6.65 log10 cfu/root in the high, medium, low, and gnotobiotic microbial community diversity level treatments, respectively. The invasibility of the rhizosphere communities by P. aeruginosa was inversely related to the level of diversity from the dilution extinction gradient. The gnotobiotic community did not confer protection against P. aeruginosa invasion. Although these data indicate that invasibility is inversely related to diversity, further study is needed to both reproduce these findings and define the specific mechanisms of the diversity effect.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important cause of infections, especially in patients with immunodeficiency or diabetes. Antibiotics are effective in preventing morbidity and mortality from Pseudomonas infection, but because of spreading multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, bacteriophages are being explored as an alternative therapy. Two newly purified broad host range Pseudomonas phages, named vB_Pae-Kakheti25 and vB_Pae-TbilisiM32, were characterized as candidates for use in phage therapy. Morphology, host range, growth properties, thermal stability, serology, genomic sequence, and virion composition are reported. When phages are used as bactericides, they are used in mixtures to overcome the development of resistance in the targeted bacterial population. These two phages are representative of diverse siphoviral and podoviral phage families, respectively, and hence have unrelated mechanisms of infection and no cross-antigenicity. Composing bactericidal phage mixtures with members of different phage families may decrease the incidence of developing resistance through a common mechanism.  相似文献   

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