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The huemul Hippocamelus bisulcus is an endangered species of deer occupying temperate woodland habitats in the Andes of southern Chile and Argentina. Continuing declines due to a combination of hunting and habitat loss have created a need for more conservation measures. However, current information on ranging behaviour, dispersal and seasonal movements is very limited. Three sites were therefore selected in Aysén, Chilean Patagonia, to study the movements and habitat associations of huemul. Although seasonal migrations in elevation had been reported previously for the species, we found the extent of seasonal movement limited, much less than that reported for other deer species in mountainous environments. Huemul selected mid-slope elevations, and the winter ranges of most animals overlapped summer ranges. The extent of the seasonal movements that were undertaken were, however, the greatest at the highest site and insignificant at the lowest site. Previously published information shows that habitats used by huemul follow a latitudinal gradient in elevation (reducing c . 100 m °S−1 in latitude), and our results suggest that seasonal movements are likely to be greater in sites above this line. The mean range size differed between sites, ranging from 357 to 656 ha (mean 444 ha; median 506 ha). These estimates excluded long-distance (>5 km) movements, which were infrequent.  相似文献   

Soil-dwelling and ground spiders were studied in oligotrophic and mesotrophic bog-forest ecotones of the northern taiga (Eastern Fennoscandia) in 2005–2007. The number of spider species was greater in the forest as compared to the bog. The spider assemblages of the bogs and swampy forests was characterized by the prevalence of Lycosidae both in abundance and in species richness, whereas members of the family Linyphiidae prevailed in the forest. The species diversity of soil-dwelling spiders was lower in oligotrophic bogs than in mesotrophic ones. In all the bog-forest ecotones studied, the spider assemblages showed no edge effect (an increase in diversity and abundance), indicating a high degree of interpenetration of the spider complexes from adjacent ecosystems. Stenotopic spider species were not found in the ecotones studied either. The major ecological factors responsible for the specific features of spider assemblages in the biotopes studied are the temperature regime and soil humidity.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition of fleas, their abundance and distribution on hosts and on territory are given. Changes in the species composition and abundance of fleas in the latitude and meridional directions are shown.  相似文献   

The total aestival ectoparasitic burden of six small mammal species ( Sorex araneus, Clethrionomys glareolus, C. rutilus, C. rufocanus, Microtus agrestis , and M. oeconomus ) was investigated in terms of frequency distribution, frequency of occurrence, species diversity and joint occurrences. The mammals were collected in northern Fennoscandia during peak density years. The frequency distribution of the ectoparasites was best described as negative binomial on C. glareolus, M. agrestis , and M. oeconomus but not so on S. araneus, C. rutilus and C. rufocanus. The distribution did not fit the Poisson distribution in any species. The percentage of S. araneus that had ectoparasites was 49%, and of the microtidae species, 73-96% had ectoparasites. The median number of ectoparasites on the vole species was between 2 and 9 specimens of 1 or 2 species. There was a significant, positive correlation between the number of ectoparasitic species and the total number of individuals on all host species. Pairs of ectoparasitic species occurring together more or less often than expected by chance were found on all host species. However, the pairs rarely repeated themselves on the same host species under different environmental conditions, or on other host species under similar circumstances. Differences in total infestation between reproductive categories and sexes were observed in M. agrestis but not in S. araneus and C. glareolus.  相似文献   


Many mammalian species decline on forest sites that are harvested by clearcutting because of a loss of food, cover, and other components of stand structure. Small mustelids are impacted negatively as is the southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi), a principal prey species, that disappears from clearcuts within a year of harvest. These effects may be potentially ameliorated by aggregated retention harvests that leave unlogged patches on clearcuts. We tested three hypotheses (H) that (H1) abundance, reproduction, and survival of M. gapperi populations, (H2) total abundance, species richness, and diversity of the forest-floor small mammal community, and (H3) the presence of small mustelids would be greater in large than small patches of retention forest on new clearcuts. We measured demographic responses of M. gapperi, total small mammals, and the presence of small mustelids (American marten, Martes americana, and small weasels (Mustela spp.)) from 2014 to 2016 in replicated treatments of four sizes (ha) of retention patches (means of 0.53, 1.50, 4.13, and 18.73) near Elkhart in south-central British Columbia, Canada. Mean abundance, reproduction, and survival attributes of M. gapperi were similar among treatment sites over the 3-year study. Overall mean abundance ranged from 3.5 to 5.3 voles per line in patches while this microtine was extirpated on clearcut sites (i.e., no forest patches). The similarity in population dynamics among the various forest patches across a gradient of increasing patch size of 4.5 to 35.3 times did not support H1. Mean abundance, species richness, and diversity of total forest-floor small mammals were similar among treatment sites, and hence did not support H2. Although not formally significant, mean species diversity did show a consistent increase from the largest (0.82) to the smallest (1.11) patch size, owing primarily to the presence of several generalist species such as Neotamias amoenus, Microtus, and Sorex in nearby early successional habitat. Small mustelids were present at similar levels among patch sizes, presumably in response to abundance of small mammal prey, and hence did not support H3. Although our results were relatively short-term, the detailed assessment of population dynamics of M. gapperi indicated that habitat quality was sufficient to maintain this species regardless of patch sizes, ranging from 0.3 to 20.0 ha. Similarly, the total forest-floor small mammal community and presence of small mustelids also followed this pattern. All sizes of forest patches have conservation value and will help to maintain abundance and diversity of forest mammals, both predator and prey species, on clearcuts. Longer-term studies (e.g., at 5- to 10-year intervals) are essential to determine if our results are sustainable in augmenting forest restoration.


In order to gain a better understanding of the consequences of population density cycles and landscape structure for the genetic composition in time and space of vole populations, we analyzed the multiannual genetic structure of the two numerically dominant, sympatric small rodent species of northernmost Fennoscandia. Red voles Myodes rutilus and grey-sided voles M. rufocanus were trapped in the subarctic birch forest along three fjords over five years. Along each fjord, there were four or five altitudinal transects each with five trapping stations. Spring and fall population densities were estimated from mark–recapture data. Grey-sided voles exhibited higher amplitude density fluctuations than red voles. Polymorphism at eight or nine microsatellite loci, determined in 1228 voles, was used to estimate local genetic diversity and differentiation among samples. Genetic diversity was higher in grey-sided voles than in red voles. Spring densities had no effect on local genetic diversity or on differentiation. The amplitude of density fluctuations and the extent of favorable habitat (sub-arctic birch forest) surrounding each site had a positive effect on genetic diversity, and the amplitude of density fluctuations had a negative effect on differentiation in red voles, for which fluctuating populations were compared with more stable populations. The harmonic mean of densities, reflecting average population sizes, had a negative effect on genetic diversity in red voles, but a positive effect in grey-sided voles, for which only fluctuating populations were compared. No other effects were significant for grey-sided voles. A temporal assignment test showed that the spatial structure was more stable in time for populations with more stable population dynamics. Altogether our results suggest that high amplitude density fluctuations lead to more gene flow and higher genetic diversity in vole populations.  相似文献   

The coexistence of two very similar species, stoat and least weasel, has puzzled many researchers. From their ecology it is expected that they do not coexist, not locally at least, and still they seem to do. We reviewed the specific hypotheses proposed to explain their coexistence and related these to general theories of competitive coexistence. To test these conjectures, we studied the habitat selection of least weasels and stoats on landscape and on local scale. The study was performed during the winters, the most critical season, in years 1986–2001 in northern Norway. Stoats were usually more numerous than least weasels. Stoats showed preference for productive areas both at the landscape and at the habitat scale and appeared stereotypic in their habitat selection. Least weasels were more generalized and flexible in their habitat selection. Contrary to results reported in many studies, least weasel did not react to the presence of stoats and were not excluded from the areas with stoats. We suggest that in the conditions of northernmost Fennoscandia, the two species exhibit a variant of classical competitive coexistence. Both species have a shared preference for rodents, but the access to exclusive alternative prey in stoats allows their coexistence with least weasels, which are more efficient predators on rodents. We suggest that more attention should be paid on survival resources, exploited during times of low resource density, when studying the coexistence between close competitors.  相似文献   

We censused breeding birds for three years in natural landscape mosaics of virgin old-growth spruce forest and mire in a large protected forest area in northern Sweden Twenty forest patches, ranging from 0 2 to 17 8 ha in size, were selected in two matrix types, dominated by forest and mire, respectively Patches were very similar with regards to habitat features There was a strong effect of patch area on species richness, but no effect of matrix type Standardization of species richness by rarefaction revealed that small patches (<5 ha) had fewer and large patches (>10 ha) more species than expected Overall distribution of species across patches showed a highly significant nested pattern, indicating that a few habitat generalists occupy all size classes, whereas more demanding species avoid small patches regardless of landscape composition Individual species tended to be distributed evenly across patch classes and no significant edge effect in terms of density of birds was found Our results have bearings on actions to preserve avian diversity in northern boreal forests small patches (<5 ha) provide habitat only for habitat generalists, and therefore larger (>10 ha) patches should be preserved  相似文献   

Northern bobwhites thrive in fine-grained landscapes with a diversity of early succession woodland, grassland, and agriculture-associated habitat types. Bobwhite conservation has proved challenging in the increasingly coarse-grained Midwestern landscape as simplified agricultural cropping systems are implemented at larger spatial scales. Regardless, managing agricultural landscapes on private lands is the primary opportunity to restore bobwhite populations in the Midwestern United States. Although bobwhite habitat requirements are well understood, habitat selection in contemporary Midwestern landscapes is not well understood, especially on private lands where populations are declining. We used compositional analysis to investigate second- (study area) and third- (home range) order habitat selection by radiomarked bobwhite coveys on 4 private land study areas in southwestern Ohio. Mean covey home range size was 26.1 ± 2.2 ha (n = 48). Although home ranges were established in areas with more grassland cover, bobwhites most strongly selected early succession woody habitat (e.g., fencerows and ditches) at all scales, and selection for grassland diminished between the study area and home range scales. Grassland selection varied among sites and was strongest on sites with more row crop area. Woodlots were avoided at the study area scale, but were selected within home ranges. Grassland cover, like that provided by contemporary conservation programs, is an essential component of bobwhite habitat in the Midwest, but our results suggest more emphasis should be placed on early succession woody cover. Woody cover associated with fencerows, ditches, and woodlots adjacent to food sources and breeding habitat will likely improve non-breeding season survival, which is an influential vital rate in northern populations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The preservation of remaining semi-natural grasslands in Europe has a high conservation priority. Previously, the effects of artificial fertilisation and grazing intensity on grassland animal and plant taxa have been extensively investigated. In contrast, little is known of the effects of tree and shrub cover within semi-natural grasslands and composition of habitats in the surrounding landscape on grassland taxa. We evaluated the effect that each of these factors has on species richness and community structure of vascular plants, butterflies, bumble bees, ground beetles, dung beetles and birds surveyed simultaneously in 31 semi-natural pastures in a farmland landscape in south-central Sweden. Partial correlation analyses showed that increasing proportion of the pasture area covered by shrubs and trees had a positive effect on species richness on most taxa. Furthermore, species richness of nectar seeking butterflies and bumble bees were negatively associated with grazing intensity as reflected by grass height. At the landscape level, species richness of all taxa decreased (butterflies and birds significantly so) with increasing proportion of urban elements in a 1-km2 landscape area centred on each pasture, while the number of plant and bird species were lower in landscapes with large proportion of arable fields. Our results differed markedly depending on whether the focus was on species richness or community structure. Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) showed that the abundance of most taxa was ordered along a gradient describing tree cover within pastures and proportion of arable fields in the landscape. However, subsets of grassland birds and vascular plants, respectively, showed markedly different distribution patterns along axis one of the CCA. In contrast to current conservation policy of semi-natural pastures in Sweden, our results strongly advise against using a single-taxon approach (i.e., grassland vascular plants) to design management and conservation actions in semi-natural pastures. Careful consideration of conservation values linked to the tree and shrub layers in grasslands should always precede decisions to remove trees and shrubs on the grounds of promoting richness of vascular plants confined to semi-natural grasslands. Finally, the importance of landscape composition for mobile organisms such as birds entails that management activities should focus on the wider countryside and not exclusively on single pastures.  相似文献   

Populations of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (R. norvegicus), feral house mice (Mus musculus), stoats (Mustela erminea), weasels (M. nivalis), and ferrets (M. furo) were sampled with killtraps every three months from November 1982 to November 1987 in logged and unlogged native forest and in exotic plantations of various ages at Pureora Forest Park, central North Island. Mice (n=522 collected) were fewest in unlogged native forest, more abundant in road edge cutover forest, and most abundant in a young (5-10 year old) plantation. Traps catching most mice were set in dense ground cover under a low, sparse canopy. Ship rats (n=1793) were absent from the young plantation, present but not abundant in older exotic forest, and abundant in all native forest regardless of logging history. Traps set on warmer, steeper sites caught most ship rats, and those set in early successional habitats caught fewest. There was a marked reciprocal relationship between the distributions of ship rats and of mice: the proportion of mice in the total catch of rodents decreased significantly at the least, disturbed forest sites (P <0.001). Most (81%) Norway rats (n=43) were caught in a single trap in unlogged native forest on the bank of a stream. Stoats (n=57) were most abundant in the older exotic plantations; weasels (n=16) in the young plantation and along road edges in native forest; and ferrets (n=11) in unlogged native forest. Hedgehogs (n=290) were common in unlogged native forest far from any roads and also in older exotic forest. Our data suggest that selective logging and conversion to exotics have different effects on each of the six species we monitored. We hypothesise that (1) selective logging is likely to stimulate temporary increases in the numbers of mice and weasels, but not rats or stoats, and (2) after conversion to exotic forest, mice and occasionally weasels will be abundant at first but will gradually be replaced by ship rats and stoats as the forest matures.  相似文献   

Population dynamics for voles (Cricetidae), Tengmalm's owl (Aegolius funereus (L.)), red fox (Vulpes vulpes (L.)) willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus (L.)), black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix (L.)), capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.), hazel hen (Tetrastes bonasia (L.)), mountain hare (Lepus timidus L.) and tularemia (Francisella tularensis (McCoy & Chapin)) and game bird recruitment were studied by index methods in northern Sweden. In addition contemporary temperature records and spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and pine (Pinus silvestris L.) cone crops (as indices for plant production) and the occurrence of forest damage, caused by voles eating bark, were studied.During 1970–80 two synchronous 4-year cycles were observed for voles, predators (Tengmalm's owl and red fox) and their alternative prey species (grouse and mountain hare). In grouse the change of numbers was correlated with that of recruitment. Autumn vole numbers peaked about a year before the other species and extensive forest damage occurred at winter peak densities of voles. These population fluctuations are consistent with a predator-prey model for their regulation. In short the model suggests that vole-food plant interactions trigger the cycle of voles, that voles generate the cycle of predators and that these in turn synchronize alternative prey populations to the others at vole declines.For voles, grouse and red fox the amplitude was higher in the first cycle compared to the second one whilst the opposite was true for the mountain hare. Although temperature and cone crops showed large interannual variations they still implied that herbivore food conditions were better during the former cycle. Hence, the reduction of the amplitude of the vole cycle may be explained by inter-cyclic differences in plant food conditions, implying food shortage (as indicated by bark-eating) at different population levels. The similar decrease of grouse and red fox populations may also be explained by deteriorated food conditions and/or for the fox by an outbreak of sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiae var. vulpes). The increased amplitude of the mountain hare cycle was part of a long-term rise in numbers after a tularemia epidemic in 1967. This is interpreted as a recovery, probably towards the generally higher pre-epidemic population level.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(3):176-182
Rapid changes in agricultural landscape structure and composition affect many different farmland biotas, including carnivores, which are a key element of ecosystem stability, yet little is known about their distribution and habitat use. In this study, we evaluated how habitat characteristics on two different spatial scales (local and landscape scale) affected the forest-edge utilization by small and medium-sized carnivores in fragmented central European farmland. Based on an indirect method for detecting carnivores (scent stations), we sampled 212 forest fragments of different sizes (1–7864 ha) during April to May from 2006 to 2009. Our results indicate that carnivore utilization of forest-edge habitats was driven by landscape rather than local characteristics even though the overall extent of explained variation was small. The most important factors that determined response of the carnivore community were the area of farmland and that of urban land on a landscape scale. The corridor connectivity between small forest fragments and other spatial elements played a crucial role in the occurrence of red fox. Our results suggest that comprehensive studies on multi-species carnivore assemblage using scent station might be useful in evaluating species-specific response to habitat characteristics, especially if large numbers of stations visited by carnivores are available.  相似文献   

The general patterns of the effect of cuttings on the habitat structure, abundance, territorial distribution, and specific ecological features of 11 small mammalian species are analyzed based on long-term studies (1958–2013) covering the overall area of eastern Fennoscandia. The responses to concentrated cuttings common for most of the examined species include a decrease in total population size, transition to an arrhythmic population dynamics with drastic short-term rises and deep long depressions, formation of unstable mosaic spatial distribution, disturbances of the reproduction rates, and a decrease in reproduction intensity.  相似文献   

Species occurrence and community structure are strongly influenced by multiple factors like habitat selection, species movement capabilities, competition, or conspecific and heterospecific attractions. More specifically, in waterbird communities, previous studies have identified the importance of environmental and structural characteristics of wetlands for their occupation and use. However, the effect of the surrounding landscape configuration remains unknown. In this article, we use a large network of artificial irrigation ponds to evaluate the importance of pond features in comparison to the effect of landscape and spatial configuration on the community at three different spatial scales. Our results show that landscape configuration has relatively little influence on structure of the waterbird community. Pond features were by far the most important variables to describe waterbird abundance and richness. At the species level, we detected differences in habitat preferences relating to species-specific ecological requirements. Our results highlight the importance of using a multiscale approach to understand and predict richness and abundance in waterbird communities. Our findings emphasize the need to maintain high-quality ponds to enhance their suitability for use as breeding and foraging sites.  相似文献   

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