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Differences among lake morphologies often explain variation in characteristics of lentic ecosystems. Although beaver ponds also vary in morphology, previous studies have not examined the effects of such variation on downstream ecosystems. This study evaluated downstream effects of multiple beaver ponds in the Colorado Rocky Mountains during one low and one high-flow year. Beaver pond morphology was described as the natural log transformed ratio of beaver dam height (which determines hydraulic head) to pond surface area and related to pond spillover phytoplankton and characteristics of the ecosystem downstream (nutrient concentrations, limiting nutrients, periphyton, benthic organic matter (BOM), and benthic invertebrate consumers). Nitrate concentration increased systematically downstream of beaver ponds, but only in the low flow year when groundwater influences predominated. Effects of beaver ponds on soluble reactive phosphorus concentration depended on pond morphology, increasing downstream of small ponds with high dams, but only during the low-flow year. In situ experiments showed that neither beaver activity nor pond morphology predicted periphyton-limiting nutrients downstream. Both periphyton biomass and BOM decreased downstream of small ponds with high dams but pond morphology did not predict abundance of invertebrate grazers or detritus-feeding consumers. While suspension feeding invertebrates increased downstream from small ponds with high dams, variation in chlorophyll a from water spilling over beaver dams did not follow a similar pattern. We conclude that the effects of beaver ponds on downstream nutrients, resources and consumers are rarely systematic, but instead depend on variation in pond morphology and on annual hydrologic variation.  相似文献   

Periphyton growth and diatom community structure in a cooling water pond   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Periphyton (Aufwuchs) accumulation was measured on artificial substrates in a pond in central Finland which receives warm cooling-water effluent from a power plant. The growth of periphyton was generally more rapid on the substrates during the first two weeks of colonization near the inflow of the warm water effluent than in the middle of the pond. The maximum accumulation of periphyton was in spring and autumn (dry weight maximum at warm effluent was in spring 3.5 mg DW cm−2,2.65 mg AFDW cm−2; chlorophyll a maximum 3.96 μg cm−2 was found in autumn at pond-middle station). During mid-winter months the growth was strongly limited by solar radiation, but the growth was also slow at both stations in the summer months, when the power plant was out of operation. The periphyton accumulation rate was fastest near the water surface and decreased rapidly with increasing depth. A total of 167 diatom species were found in periphyton samples. However, most species were rare; many of the dominants were common to both plankton and periphyton. Species similarity analyses (Jaccard's similarity) between 10 different diatom communities (including periphyton from 9 different types of substrates and phytoplankton) indicated low similarity index values although differences between communities were not significant.  相似文献   

Over the last one hundred years, compartmentalization and water management activities have reduced water flow to the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades. As a result, the once corrugated landscape has become topographically and vegetationally uniform. The focus of this study was to quantify variation in surface flow in the ridge and slough landscape and to relate flow conditions to particulate transport and deposition. Over the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 wet seasons, surface velocities and particulate accumulation were measured in upper Shark River Slough in Everglades National Park. Landscape characteristics such as elevation, plant density and biomass also were examined to determine their impact on flow characteristics and material transport. The results of this study demonstrate that the release of water during the wet season not only increases water levels, but also increased flow speeds and particulate transport and availability. Further, flow speeds were positively and significantly correlated with water level thereby enhancing particulate transport in sloughs relative to ridges especially during peak flow periods. Our results also indicate that the distribution of biomass in the water column, including floating plants and periphyton, affects velocity magnitude and shape of vertical profiles, especially in the sloughs where Utricularia spp. and periphyton mats are more abundant. Plot clearing experiments suggest that the presence of surface periphyton and Utricularia exert greater control over flow characteristics than the identity (i.e., sawgrass or spike rush) or density of emergent macrophytes, two parameters frequently incorporated into models describing flow through vegetated canopies. Based on these results, we suggest that future modeling efforts must take the presence of floating biomass, such as Utricularia, and presence of periphyton into consideration when describing particulate transport.  相似文献   

Abstract Water storage and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure affect the water relations of the desert succulent Ferocactus acanthodes, which was studied using an electrical circuit analog based on the anatomy and morphology of a representative individual. Transpiration rates and osmotic pressures over a 24-h period were used as input variables. The model predicted water potential, turgor pressure and water flow for various tissues. Plant capacitances, storage resistances and nocturnal increases in osmotic pressure were varied to determine their role in the water relations of this dicotyledonous succulent. Water coming from storage tissues contributed about one-third of the water transpired at night: the majority of this water came from the nonphotosynthetic, water storage parenchyma of the stem. Time lags of 4 h were predicted between maximum transpiration and maximum water uptake from the soil. Varying the capacitance of the plant caused proportional changes in osmotically driven water movement but changes in storage resistance had only minor effects. Turgor pressure in the chlorenchyma depended on osmotic pressure, but was fairly insensitive to doubling or halving of the capacitance or storage resistance of the plant. Water uptake from the soil was only slightly affected by osmotic pressure changes in the chlorenchyma. For this stem succulent, the movement of water from the chlorenchyma to the xylem and the internal redistribution of water among stem tissues were dominated by nocturnal changes in chlorenchyma osmotic pressure, not by transpiration.  相似文献   

A. A. Graham 《Hydrobiologia》1990,199(2):107-115
The observation that deposits of fine sediment are found on stream beds only in areas of slower water velocity promotes a common misunderstanding of the depositional behaviour of fine suspensoids in flowing water and a disregard for the potential for siltation effects on the biota on the surface of stones in fast flowing water. A model for deposition from turbulent water, whereby particles are lost from suspension where water currents are slowed by boundary friction, provides an explanation for silt infiltration into epilithic periphyton. Theoretically calculated deposition rates of clay sized mineral particles at low suspended concentrations (2 to 5 g m–3) were found to account for observed rates of silt accumulation in epilithic periphyton in a braided river in the South Island of New Zealand. At concentrations between 1 and 10 g m–3 of suspended mineral silt during normal flow, silt accumulation in epilithic periphyton accounted for about 50% of its dry weight. This caused a reduction in the mean organic content of the periphyton to 22% of the dry weight compared to 52% in a reference stream where the concentration of suspended mineral particles was less than 1.0 g m–3 during non-freshet flow. This reduction in proportional organic content is discussed in terms of diminished food value of the periphyton and potential interactions between periphyton and invertebrate consumers.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical habitat template of glacial streams in the Alps is characterized by distinct and predictable changes between harsh and relatively benign periods. Spring and autumn were thought to be windows of favorable environmental conditions conducive for periphyton development. Periphyton biomass (measured as chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass) was quantified in five glacial and three non-glacial streams over an annual cycle. One glacial stream was an outlet stream of a proglacial lake. In all glacial streams, seasonal patterns in periphyton were characterized by low biomass during summer high flow when high turbidity and transport of coarse sediment prevailed. With the end of icemelt in autumn, environmental conditions became more favorable and periphyton biomass increased. Biomass peaked between late September and January. In spring, low flow, low turbidity, and a lack of coarse sediment transport were not paralleled by an increase in periphyton biomass. In the non-glacial streams, seasonal periphyton patterns were similar to those of glacial streams, but biomass was significantly higher. Glacier recession from climate change may shift water sources in glacier streams and attenuate the glacial flow pulse. These changes could alter predicted periods of optimal periphyton development. The window of opportunity for periphyton accrual will shift earlier and extend into autumn in channels that retain surface flows.  相似文献   

This study examines how nutrients and light affect the relationship between autotrophic biomass and non-autotrophic periphyton organic matter in a tropical black water lake biofilm community. We hypothesized that there is no positive correlation between autotrophic and non-autotrophic organic matter in the periphytic community of a black water humic lake, where non-algal components of periphyton can rely on carbon sources external to the periphyton matrix and where nutrient availability is low. Second, we sought to test our hypothesis that non-autotrophic periphyton organic matter will benefit from nutrient enhancement in a lake where the availability of DOC is high. We performed a field experiment using in situ lake mesocosms to manipulate nutrient concentrations and light availability in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Control treatments (no nutrient added) and nutrient treatments (N + P) were compared in different light conditions: high light (near surface water) and low light (near bottom). No positive correlation was found between autotrophic biomass and non-autotrophic periphyton organic matter, but a negative correlation was observed in high nutrient and light conditions. The low C:P and N:P ratios revealed that the non-autotrophic organic matter mostly comprised a heterotrophic microbial biofilm. High levels of light and nutrients together caused significant changes in periphyton community properties. The non-autotrophic periphyton organic matter was negatively affected by nutrient addition, whereas autotrophic biomass was positively affected, especially in high light conditions. Our results strongly suggest that non-autotrophic periphyton organic matter in a humic lake is primarily comprised of a bacterial biofilm that directly competes for nutrients with autotrophs in the periphytic community. We also observed no effect of nutrient addition on periphyton growing in light-limited conditions. These results suggest that heterotrophic periphytic organisms might experience carbon limitation despite the high availability, but usually low quality, of dissolved carbon in the water column of humic lakes.  相似文献   

We sampled periphyton communities in a highly productive stream to characterize how longitudinal changes in watershed geology and land use affect periphyton nutrient status and elemental composition. Nutrient status was evaluated from measures of periphyton nutrient composition (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus), stable isotope signatures (δ15N and δ13C), and the response of periphyton to experimental enrichment with nitrogen. Biomass and nutrient content increased dramatically from the headwaters to downstream, while tissue nutrient ratios (C:P and C:N) were more consistent and did not indicate strong N- or P-limitation. Nitrogen enrichment experiments did not exhibit a consistent response upstream or downstream, and periphyton C:N:P stoichiometry showed no significant response to N-enrichment. Absolute densities of periphyton N were 5- to 90-fold greater than the overlying N concentrations in stream water (159- to 353-fold greater for P), and the δ15N signal indicates downstream enrichment from likely watershed sources (urban and agriculture land-use). These results suggest that periphyton in Spring Creek are not N-limited and store large quantities of both N and P, which in turn can be transported downstream during high flow events. Handling editor: David Hamilton  相似文献   

Everglades periphyton mats are tightly-coupled autotrophic (algae and cyanobacteria) and heterotrophic (eubacteria, fungi and microinvertebrates) microbial assemblages. We investigated the effect of water column total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, water depth and hydroperiod on periphyton of net production, respiration, nutrient content, and biomass. Our study sites were located along four transects that extended southward with freshwater sheetflow through sawgrass-dominated marsh. The water source for two of the transects were canal-driven and anchored at canal inputs. The two other transects were rain-driven (ombrotrophic) and began in sawgrass-dominated marsh. Periphyton dynamics were examined for upstream and downstream effects within and across the four transects. Although all study sites were characterized as short hydroperiod and phosphorus-limited oligotrophic, they represent gradients of hydrologic regime, water source and water quality of the southern Everglades. Average periphyton net production of 1.08 mg C AFDW−1 h−1 and periphyton whole system respiration of 0.38 mg C AFDW−1 h−1 rates were net autotrophic. Biomass was generally highest at ombrotrophic sites and sites downstream of canal inputs. Mean biomass over all our study sites was high, 1517.30 g AFDW m−2. Periphyton was phosphorus-limited. Average periphyton total phosphorus content was 137.15 μg P g−1 and average periphyton total N:P ratio was 192:1. Periphyton N:P was a sensitive indicator of water source. Even at extremely low mean water total phosphorus concentrations ( ≤ 0.21 μmol l−1), we found canal source effects on periphyton dynamics at sites adjacent to canal inputs, but not downstream of inflows. These canal source effects were most pronounced at the onset of wet season with initial rewetting. Spatial and temporal variability in periphyton dynamics could not solely be ascribed to water quality, but was often associated with both hydrology and water source.  相似文献   

1. Water abstraction from glacial rivers is an important characteristic of hydroelectric power schemes in Alpine regions. Streams in the Valais region of Switzerland have been particularly affected. 2. Invertebrate distributions are described in La Borgne d'Arolla, a glacial stream with icemelt-, snowmelt- and groundwater-dominated tributaries. The icemelt-dominated streams have been affected by abstractions for more than 30 years. 3. The glacial streams contain only Chironomidae (Diamesa), and are devoid of fauna for between 200 and 500 m below the glacier snouts. 4. Immediately below the water intakes the streams are intermittent, flowing only during system purges and high floods, and are devoid of fauna for short distances (<1.5km). 5. Further downstream, abstraction of glacial meltwater increases the importance of snowmelt and groundwater, increasing water temperatures, improving water clarity and increasing the length of krenal/rhithral streams at the expense of kryal streams. 6. A community including Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Baetidae, Nemouridae, Limnephilidae and Chloroperlidae occurs as soon as a permanent flow is maintained by tributary runoff, and the channel becomes stable. 7. A wide range of taxa inhabit snowmelt- and groundwater-dominated tributary streams with stable channels, often at much higher altitudes than the main river. The tributaries provide sources for rapid colonization of the main channel following ice retreat or physical disturbance. 8. Purges and high floods are important disturbances within the main channel. Recovery may be rapid because of drift from tributaries, but sites influenced by frequent disturbances have reduced faunas in comparison to stable channel sites. 9. This study supports the model proposed by Milner & Petts (1994) and shows that deterministic responses of macroinvertebrate communities may be observed to changes of temperature, turbidity, flow regime and channel stability.  相似文献   

This article aims to test the light-nutrient hypothesis (LNH) in a periphytic community in a tropical black-water lake. Individual and interactive effects of light and nutrient availability were assessed with periphyton biomass accrual, nutrient content, and nutrient stoichiometry. We performed a manipulative field experiment with a 4 × 2 factorial design. We used nutrient diffusing substrates to produce four different nutrients treatments: Control (no nutrient added), nitrogen amended (N), phosphorus amended (P) and combined N and P amendment (NP). Two light levels were also considered: high light (near surface water) and low light (near bottom water). Light and nutrients individually and interactively caused significant changes in aggregate periphyton community properties. Total and autotrophic biomasses were significantly higher in high light conditions and in nutrient enriched treatments. Autotrophic biomass was significantly higher in N enriched treatment whereas total biomass was mainly affected by the joint addition of N and P. At lower light availability periphyton growth was limited, even in enriched treatments. Light also strongly affected periphyton nutrient content. Periphyton C, N and P in general increased when subjected to high light conditions. As predicted by the LNH, light promoted an increase in periphyton C:P ratios in P deprived treatments, but an opposite effect was observed on C:N ratios, especially in N-enriched treatments. This experiment revealed that light availability strongly limits the propagation of nutrient effects on periphyton growth. Such complex interdependencies on basal resources affect the proportion of autotrophic to total periphytic biomass that can be an important mechanism to explain variation in the nutrient stoichiometry of periphyton in nature.  相似文献   

The effects of light and discharge on standing crops of periphyton in adjacent shaded and open reaches of first to fourth order streams were examined during winter in three streams of the Western Cascades, Oregon. Standing crops were measured in terms of chlorophylla and periphyton biomass at each site on 8 occasions. Open sites supported higher standing crops of periphyton than shaded sites and increases in standing crop were shown to be related to light input at each site. Biomass increased throughout winter until scouring associated with an unusually late winter freshet reduced periphyton standing crops to their lowest observed levels. It is concluded that periphyton levels are affected by a combination of factors of which light levels, and the periodicity of storm events are of major importance.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,82(2):99-112
Responses of periphyton communities to different relevant durations of dry down were assessed. Long-hydroperiod sites within Everglades National Park remain wet for greater than 8 months of the year while short-hydroperiod mats are wet for fewer than 4 months of the year. Dry down duration of long and short-hydroperiod Everglades periphyton was manipulated from 0 to 1, 3, or 8 months after which periphyton was rewetted 1 month and examined for algal species composition. The effects of desiccation and rewetting on periphyton nutrient retention were also assessed. Relative abundance of diatoms declined from an average of 47% in the long-hydroperiod community at the start of the experiment to 24% after 1 month of desiccation and only 12% after 8 months of desiccation. Short-hydroperiod periphyton contained a lower proportion of diatoms at the outset (3%), which declined to less than 1% after the 8-month desiccation treatment. A significant increase in the filamentous cyanobacteria Schizothrix calcicola occurred in long-hydroperiod periphyton mats during this same period, but not in short-hydroperiod mats. Long-hydroperiod periphyton communities had a greater response to desiccation overall, but short-hydroperiod community structure responded to desiccation more rapidly. Because short-hydroperiod communities dry frequently, they appear to cope better to desiccating conditions than long-hydroperiod periphyton communities. This is indicated by the dominance of desiccation resistant algal taxa such as the cyanobacterial filaments S. calcicola and Scytonema hofmanni. Long-hydroperiod periphyton mat communities converge compositionally to short-hydroperiod periphyton communities after prolonged desiccation. Desiccation and rewetting caused long-hydroperiod periphyton to flux greater concentrations of nutrients than short-hydroperiod periphyton. Significant increases in efflux occurred from 1 to 8 months for total phosphorus (TP) and from 1 to 3 and 8 months for total nitrogen (TN) and total organic carbon (TOC). Thus, changes in periphyton mat community structure and function with altered hydroperiod may have long-term ecosystem effects.  相似文献   

Algal and plant production of nonphosphorus lipids in place of phospholipids is a physiological response to low phosphorus (P) availability. This response has been shown in culture and in marine plankton studies, but examples from freshwater algae remain minimal. Herein, we analyzed the nutrient contents and lipid composition of periphyton communities across the Florida Everglades ecosystem. We hypothesized that in phosphate‐poor areas, periphyton in high‐ and low‐sulfate waters would vary the proportion of sulfolipids (SLs) and betaine lipids (BLs), respectively. In phosphate‐enriched areas, periphyton would produce more phospholipids (PLs). We observed that at low‐P sites, PLs were a minor lipid component. In cyanobacteria‐dominated periphyton where sulfate was abundant, BLs were only slightly more abundant than SLs. However, in the low‐P, low‐sulfate area, periphyton were comprised to a greater degree green algae and diatoms, and BLs represented the majority of the total lipids. Even in a P‐rich area, PLs were a small component of periphyton lipid profiles. Despite the phosphorus limitations of the Everglades, periphyton can develop tremendous biomass. Our results suggest a physiological response by periphyton to oligotrophic conditions whereby periphyton increase abundances of nonphosphorus lipids and have reduced proportions of PLs.  相似文献   

Transport of ions in young maize plants was affected by the temperature gradient (gradT). This influence was dependent on the age of plants and the solute concentrations in compartments at the two sides of plants. When gradT was increased, current, volume and heat flows rose during 20 min and then declined. On the other hand, the diffusive flow only declined. The character of the flow changes was given by the changes in permeability and reflection coefficients. In young plants under low solute concentration on both sides of plants, the permeability of the plant tissues shifted from positive to negative values. Under higher solute concentrations on both sides of the plants such phenomenon was not observed. At high gradT the reflection coefficients of the plant tissues were low, but they rose during levelling the temperature in the two compartments.  相似文献   

1. Hong Kong streams are subject to aggressive water extractions but the downstream water needs of ecosystems – i.e. environmental flow (e‐flow) requirements – have not yet been addressed. This study investigated hydro‐ecological relationships that could be used to establish e‐flow allocations for streams in monsoonal Hong Kong. 2. Data were collected during the wet and dry seasons from 10 unpolluted streams experiencing a gradient of flow reductions (c. 0–98%). Relationships between flow conditions (percentage discharge reduction and absolute discharge volume) and responses of macroinvertebrate composition and periphyton condition were established for each season. 3. Declines in richness of Ephemeroptera and abundance of hydropsychid caddisflies, as well as increases in the proportion of predators, were linearly related to percentage discharge reduction during both seasons. Relationships were also recorded for eight other macroinvertebrate richness or compositional metrics during the dry season only. Relationships between macroinvertebrate assemblage attributes and absolute discharge volume across downstream reaches were also evident. Periphyton was relatively insensitive to flow reductions and did not provide useful hydro‐ecological relationships, although declines in autotrophic index were related to percentage discharge reduction during the dry season. 4. Using hydro‐ecological relationships established for macroinvertebrates, two levels of e‐flow were proposed: a ‘threshold’ intended to maintain near‐natural conditions and a ‘degradation limit’ that allowed no more than 25% of the maximum indicator response to flow reduction. Calculated threshold e‐flows required downstream allocation of ≥74% of natural flows; degradation limit e‐flows were ≥12% (wet) and ≥27% (dry). The discharge needed to maintain threshold conditions was 30–105 L s?1 (wet) and 5–14 L s?1 (dry), with degradation limit e‐flows of 19–57 L s?1 (wet) and 3–6 L s?1 (dry), relative to natural mean discharges of 77–303 L s?1 (wet) and 3–18 L s?1 (dry). 5. The proposed e‐flow allocations are indicative only, and significant obstacles to implementation have yet to be surmounted. Any such implementation requires monitoring of outcomes in order to refine the allocations and inform adaptive flow management for Hong Kong streams.  相似文献   

This study assessed benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton and its responses to managed river-flows, in riffles downstream of three dams on the Cotter River, Australian Capital Territory. Benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton were also assessed in adjacent tributaries of the river, as well as in a nearby unregulated river and its tributaries. Food sources of four macroinvertebrate taxa (Leptophlebiidae, Elmidae, Glossosomatidae and Orthocladiinae) were determined by stable isotope analysis of the invertebrates and their potential food, in conjunction with examination of the gut contents of individual invertebrates. Components of benthic periphyton were the main food source for the selected taxa. Orthocladiinae consumed primarily amorphous detritus, while Elmidae, Glossosomatidae and Leptophlebiidae consumed diatoms. Enclosed benthic chambers were used to measure the response of benthic metabolism to monthly flow spikes released from one of the dams. The balance of benthic metabolism as measured by the Production/Respiration ratio (P/R) showed a shift towards production after the release of flow spikes. At sites downstream of the dams, there was more periphyton chlorophyll-a in the form of filamentous green algae than at sites in the unregulated river and the tributaries, and macroinvertebrate taxa using periphyton as a food resource were missing or reduced in abundance relative to sites without dams. However, the site downstream of the dam with environmental flow releases had more macroinvertebrate taxa and less periphyton cholorophyll-a content than sites downstream of dams without managed environmental flows, suggesting that a more suitable food supply resulting from environmental flow releases shifted macroinvertebrate communities towards those of unregulated streams.  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes play a key role in maintaining a clear‐water phase and promoting biodiversity in shallow aquatic ecosystems. Since their abundance has declined globally due to anthropogenic activities, it is important to include them in aquatic ecosystem restoration programs. Macrophytes establishment in early spring is crucial for the subsequent growth of other warm‐adapted macrophytes. However, factors affecting this early establishment of submerged macrophytes have not been fully explored yet. Here, we conducted an outdoor experiment from winter to early spring using the submerged macrophytes Potamogeton crispus and Vallisneria spinulosa to study the effects of shading, nutrient loading, snail herbivory (Radix swinhoei), and their interactions on the early growth and stoichiometric characteristics of macrophytes. The results show that the effects strongly depend on macrophyte species. Biomass and number of shoots of P. crispus decreased, and internode length increased during low light conditions, but were not affected by nutrient loading. P. crispus shoot biomass and number showed hump‐shaped responses to increased snail biomass under full light. In contrast, the biomass of the plant linearly decreased with snail biomass under low light. This indicates an interaction of light with snail herbivory. Since snails prefer grazing on periphyton over macrophytes, a low density of snails promoted growth of P. crispus by removing periphyton competition, while herbivory on the macrophyte increased during a high density of snails. The growth of V. spinulosa was not affected by any of the factors, probably because of growth limitation by low temperature. Our study demonstrates that the interaction of light with snail herbivory may affect establishment and growth of submerged macrophytes in early spring. Macrophyte restoration projects may thus benefit from lowering water levels to increase light availability and making smart use of cold‐adapted herbivores to reduce light competition with periphyton.  相似文献   

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