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We compared the seedbanks, seed rains, plant densities and biomasses of weeds under two contrasting systems of management in beet, maize and spring oilseed rape. Weed seedbank and plant density were measured at the same locations in two subsequent seasons. About 60 fields were sown with each crop. Each field was split, one half being sown with a conventional variety managed according to the farmer's normal practice, the other half being sown with a genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) variety, with weeds controlled by a broad-spectrum herbicide. In beet and rape, plant densities shortly after sowing were higher in the GMHT treatment. Following weed control in conventional beet, plant densities were approximately one-fifth of those in GMHT beet. In both beet and rape, this effect was reversed after the first application of broad-spectrum herbicide, so that late-season plant densities were lower in the GMHT treatments. Biomass and seed rain in GMHT crops were between one-third and one-sixth of those in conventional treatments. The effects of differing weed-seed returns in these two crops persisted in the seedbank: densities following the GMHT treatment were about 20% lower than those following the conventional treatment. The effect of growing maize was quite different. Weed density was higher throughout the season in the GMHT treatment. Late-season biomass was 82% higher and seed rain was 87% higher than in the conventional treatment. The difference was not subsequently detectable in the seedbank because the total seed return was low after both treatments. In all three crops, weed diversity was little affected by the treatment, except for transient effects immediately following herbicide application.  相似文献   

J. L. Maron  S. N. Gardner 《Oecologia》2000,124(2):260-269
Plants often suffer reductions in fecundity due to insect herbivory. Whether this loss of seeds has population-level consequences is much debated and often unknown. For many plants, particularly those with long-lived seedbanks, it is frequently asserted that herbivores have minimal impacts on plant abundance because safe-site availability rather than absolute seed number determines the magnitude of future plant recruitment and hence population abundance. However, empirical tests of this assertion are generally lacking and the interplay between herbivory, spatio-temporal variability in seed- or safe-site-limited recruitment, and seedbank dynamics is likely to be complex. Here we use a stochastic simulation model to explore how changes in the spatial and temporal frequency of seed-limited recruitment, the strength of density-dependent seedling survival, and longevity of seeds in the soil influence the population response to herbivory. Model output reveals several surprising results. First, given a seedbank, herbivores can have substantial effects on mean population abundance even if recruitment is primarily safe-site-limited in either time or space. Second, increasing seedbank longevity increases the population effects of herbivory, because annual reductions in seed input due to herbivory are accumulated in the seedbank. Third, population impacts of herbivory are robust even in the face of moderately strong density-dependent seedling mortality. These results imply that the conditions under which herbivores influence plant population dynamics may be more widespread than heretofore expected. Experiments are now needed to test these predictions. Received: 3 November 1999 / Accepted: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

The unique plant community on Middle Island, Lake Erie, Canada, has been greatly modified by double‐crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus Less.) whose population has increased enormously in the last two decades. The aims of this study were to assess the impact of cormorants on island tree canopy, understorey vegetation, soil seedbank, and soil chemistry. The ultimate objective was to assess the resilience of the vegetation community for recovery should cormorant nest densities decrease significantly. Forty‐three point stations were established in a grid system covering the entire island. The herbaceous and woody vegetation was surveyed over 2 years and tree crown damage was assessed at each point station. In 2008, soil samples were collected for both chemical analysis and a seedbank inventory. Vegetation and seedbank species richness were impoverished compared to the vegetation surveyed prior to cormorant colonization. Cormorants affected not only the tree canopy where they nested but also the understorey vegetation. Exotic plant species were very common in the standing vegetation and constituted the bulk of the abundance in the seedbank. However, there was little relationship between aboveground vegetation and seedbank composition. Cormorants appeared to have little influence on seedbank richness, abundance, and composition. Notably, several species of conservation interest were found in the aboveground vegetation and in the seedbank providing a positive sign for future efforts to restore island plant communities.  相似文献   

The dynamics of invasive plant populations are intriguing and informative of the importance of population and community‐level processes. A dominant approach to understanding and describing invasion has been the development of unique hypotheses to explain invasion. However, here we directly explore the relevance of the small‐scale, spatiotemporal pattern in seedbanks and plants of the highly invasive weed, Centaurea solstitialis, to determine whether pattern can be used to contrast predictions associated with the simple ecological hypotheses of seed versus microsite limitations. At three invaded grasslands in California, highly invaded (> 20 adult plants present), invaded (< 10 adults), and uninvaded (no C. solstitialis plants) sites were selected. The spatial pattern of the seedbank was assessed using fine‐scale, 2 cm diameter contiguous cores and geostatistical statistics, and the number of C. solstitialis seeds in the seedbank was recorded in addition to the total community seedbank density. Three of the four critical predictions associated with the seed limitation hypothesis were clearly supported as an explanation for the patterns of C. solstitialis invasion observed in the field. The density of C. solstitialis seeds decreased from high to low extents of invasion, there was no relationship between the community seedbank and C. solstitialis seeds, and the distances between C. solstitialis plants was inversely related to the density of C. solstitialis seeds. However, both the persistent and transient seedbanks of C. solstitialis were spatially aggregated with autocorrelation up to 12 cm2 which suggests that aggregation is a consistent attribute of this species in the seedbank regardless of extent of invasion. This basic pattern‐based approach clearly detected an ecological signal of invasive seedbank dynamics and is thus a useful tool for subsequent studies of invasions in grasslands.  相似文献   

Aim We tested the hypothesis that anthropogenic fires favour the successful establishment of alien annual species to the detriment of natives in the Chilean coastal matorral. Location Valparaíso Region, central Chile. Methods We sampled seed rain, seedbank emergence and establishment of species in four paired burned and unburned areas and compared (using GLMM) fire resistance and propagule arrival of alien and native species. To assess the relative importance of seed dispersal and seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment after fire, we compared seed rain and seedbank structure with post‐fire vegetation using ordination analyses. Results Fire did not change the proportion of alien species in the coastal matorral. However, fire increased the number of annual species (natives and aliens) of which 87% were aliens. Fire reduced the alien seedbank and not the native seedbank, but alien species remained dominant in burned soil samples (66% of the total species richness). Seed rain was higher for alien annuals than for native annuals or perennials, thus contributing to their establishment after fire. Nevertheless, seed rain was less important than seedbank survival in explaining plant establishment in burned areas. Main conclusions Anthropogenic fires favoured alien and native annuals. Thus, fire did not increase the alien/native ratio but increased the richness of alien species. The successful establishment of alien annuals was attributable to their ability to maintain rich seedbanks in burned areas and to the greater propagule arrival compared to native species. The native seedbank also survived fire, indicating that the herbaceous community has become highly resilient after centuries of human disturbances. Our results demonstrate that fire is a relevant factor for the maintenance of alien‐dominated grasslands in the matorral and highlight the importance of considering the interactive effect of seed rain and seedbank survival to understand plant invasion patterns in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

The weed soil seedbank is of interest in agroecosystems as a major source of weed infestation in fields and as a reservoir of plant and seed‐feeder diversity. A seedbank is a characteristic of annual plants and has been the focus of numerous studies, as it reflects the past aboveground vegetation and is the reservoir of the future vegetation. Therefore, it potentially can be used to evaluate the past, present and future annual weed communities. The goal of this paper was to provide guidelines to help researchers to do a weed seedbank survey. Through a qualitative review of 60 weed seedbank articles, we investigate why and how the seedbank has been studied in agronomy. It shows that seedbank studies have been performed to address the following four major objectives: (a) the assessment of weed management practices on weed communities; (b) the relationship between seedbank and aboveground vegetation; (c) the study of composition and diversity of seedbank in a given area; and, (d) the quantification of seedbank as a food resource for wildlife. Because the analysis highlighted a wide range of methodologies to estimate the seedbank, we critically reviewed them. We show that the selected methodology strongly affects the seedbank estimate. Nevertheless, in our sample of research articles, the analysis revealed that the choice of the methodology was not always justified in terms of achieving a particular scientific goal, but was often determined by the resources available for the experiment (e.g., workload). While studying the soil seedbank remains of interest for scientists (proved by the amount of recent publications), it is time consuming and requires considerable botanical skill. Innovative methods of estimation are scarce and novel methodological developments are needed to increase the quality and reliability of the data obtained.  相似文献   

We analyze patterns of genetic variability of populations in the presence of a large seedbank with the help of a new coalescent structure called the seedbank coalescent. This ancestral process appears naturally as a scaling limit of the genealogy of large populations that sustain seedbanks, if the seedbank size and individual dormancy times are of the same order as those of the active population. Mutations appear as Poisson processes on the active lineages and potentially at reduced rate also on the dormant lineages. The presence of “dormant” lineages leads to qualitatively altered times to the most recent common ancestor and nonclassical patterns of genetic diversity. To illustrate this we provide a Wright–Fisher model with a seedbank component and mutation, motivated from recent models of microbial dormancy, whose genealogy can be described by the seedbank coalescent. Based on our coalescent model, we derive recursions for the expectation and variance of the time to most recent common ancestor, number of segregating sites, pairwise differences, and singletons. Estimates (obtained by simulations) of the distributions of commonly employed distance statistics, in the presence and absence of a seedbank, are compared. The effect of a seedbank on the expected site-frequency spectrum is also investigated using simulations. Our results indicate that the presence of a large seedbank considerably alters the distribution of some distance statistics, as well as the site-frequency spectrum. Thus, one should be able to detect from genetic data the presence of a large seedbank in natural populations.  相似文献   

An analysis of the effects of topsoil handling and storage methods was undertaken to optimize the potential rehabilitation of southwest Western Australian Banksia woodland species present before site disturbance. An increase in the depth of topsoil stripped from the Banksia woodland, from 10 to 30 cm, correlated to decreasing seedling recruitment from the soil seedbank by a factor of three following in situ respreading in an area to be restored. There was no significant difference in total seedling recruitment in situ at two depths of spread, 10 cm and 30 cm. These results concur with an ex situ trial on the effects of depth of seed burial on seedling recruitment that showed most species failed to emerge from depths greater than 2 cm. In situ stockpiling of the woodland topsoil for 1 or 3 years demonstrated a substantial and significant decline in seedling recruitment to 54% and 34% of the recruitment achieved in fresh topsoil, respectively. Stripping and spreading during winter substantially depressed seedling recruitment, compared with autumn operations, as did in situ stockpiling followed by spreading in the wet season, or stockpiling in winter followed by spreading in spring. No loss in total seedling recruitment occurred when replaced topsoil and subsoil were ripped to 80 cm following spreading of topsoil in sites to be restored. Conclusions from this study are that (1) topsoil provides a useful source of seeds for rehabilitation of Banksia woodland communities in the southwest of Western Australia, (2) correct handling of the topsoil, stripped and replaced fresh and dry (autumn direct return) to the maximum depths of 10 cm, can be used to optimize revegetation of species‐rich plant communities with this type of seedbank, and (3) ripping of topsoil and subsoil to ease compaction of newly restored soils does not diminish the recruitment potential of the soil seedbank in the replaced topsoil.  相似文献   

A population-projection model was developed for a depth-structured weed seed population (employing transition matrices to model seed survival, germination, and vertical movement) and plant survival and seed production. Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria viridis seedbank dynamics were simulated in continuous corn and in two crop rotations (corn-soybean and oat/clover-corn-soybean-corn). Results suggest that crop rotation can nearly eliminate S. viridis seedbanks, while A. theophrasti seedbanks are less affected. Sensitivity analysis indicated that variation in seed survivorships over winter influenced population dynamics most strongly. Other seed survivorships were also highly influential, while plant survivorships and per-plant seed production had smaller effects. These results highlight the potential value of weed control measures aimed at seed.  相似文献   

The recent increase in wildfire frequency in the Santa Monica Mountains (SMM) may substantially impact plant community structure. Species of Chaparral shrubs represent the dominant vegetation type in the SMM. These species can be divided into three life history types according to their response to wildfires. Nonsprouting species are completely killed by fire and reproduce by seeds that germinate in response to a fire cue, obligate sprouting species survive by resprouting from dormant buds in a root crown because their seeds are destroyed by fire, and facultative sprouting species recover after fire both by seeds and resprouts. Based on these assumptions, we developed a set of nonlinear difference equations to model each life history type. These models can be used to predict species survivorship under varying fire return intervals. For example, frequent fires can lead to localized extinction of nonsprouting species such as Ceanothus megacarpus while several facultative sprouting species such as Ceanothus spinosus and Malosma (Rhus) laurina will persist as documented by a longitudinal study in a biological preserve in the SMM. We estimated appropriate parameter values for several chaparral species using 25 years of data and explored parameter relationships that lead to equilibrium populations. We conclude by looking at the survival strategies of these three species of chaparral shrubs under varying fire return intervals and predict changes in plant community structure under fire intervals of short return. In particular, our model predicts that an average fire return interval of greater than 12 years is required for 50 % of the initial Ceanothus megacarpus population and 25 % of the initial Ceanothus spinosus population to survive. In contrast, we predict that the Malosma laurina population will have 90 % survivorship for an average fire return interval of at least 6 years.  相似文献   

We explicitly tested the following predictions using Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum foraging on artificial arrays of natural seedbank on a semi-stabilized sand dune: 1. that the gerbils will forage using a quitting harvest rate rule, 2. that larger seeds are preferred due to higher encounter rates, and 3. that there are community level consequences for the annual plants as a direct result of foraging by the desert rodents. Natural seedbank, separated into two size classes, was placed in seed trays in the field at four different densities (1/16×, 1/4×, 1×, and 2×normal). Following exposure to granivory, the remaining seeds were weighed and germinated to test for community level effects. Only the 1× and 2×normal density plots were heavily foraged, and at both seed sizes, which suggests that the gerbils employed a quitting harvest rate rule. In support of our second prediction, the two species of gerbils tended to consume more of the larger seeds, particularly at higher densities. The mean number and total number of plant species that germinated in plots exposed to granivores was not significantly different from unexposed samples. At the community level however, there was no net association of germinated plant species in the four treatment groups exposed to granivores, but a significant net positive association in the unexposed control seedbank. Gerbil foraging on annual plant seedbank may thus subtly change the entire community structure (from positive to neutral), although not necessarily shift the species distributions significantly. Our results corroborate other studies involving artificial food types such as millet and suggest that foraging decisions may affect the plant community.  相似文献   

Shinoda  Yushin  Akasaka  Munemitsu 《Plant Ecology》2019,220(6):595-603

An understanding of relationships between species diversity and disturbance gradient is important to comprehend the role of disturbances in the structure of plant communities. Although some studies have demonstrated incongruence in diversity–disturbance relationships (hereafter DDRs) between aboveground vegetation and soil seedbank, the process that causes the difference remains unclear. This incongruence between the two DDRs could result in the decrease in the source of recovery of aboveground vegetation following disturbances being overlooked when only aboveground vegetation is surveyed. Here, we verified a process that species turnover across the disturbance gradient causes the incongruence. Based on a vegetation and seedbank survey, we examined DDRs and species turnover of aboveground vegetation and seedbank along disturbance duration (i.e., excluding years of ungulate grazing). The degree of species turnover was considerably greater in aboveground vegetation than in seedbank; thus, the degree of species turnover along a disturbance gradient caused the difference in DDR between aboveground vegetation and seedbank.


A nonlinear version of the Lotka-Sharpe model of population growth is considered in which the age specific fertility is a function of the population size. The stability of an equilibrium population distribution is investigated with respect to both global and local perturbations. Sufficient conditions for such stability are presented, as are estimates for the rate of return of the population to the equilibrium configuration. Particular attention is paid to those situations in which the age dependent stability criteria coincide with those of age independent models.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to harvesting in a discrete-time, age-structured model of an animal population is considered. Density dependence and stochasticity are confined to the first year of the life cycle. Sensitivity is characterized by (a) the characteristic return time and (b) the relative variance (coefficient of variation) of recruitment and yield. Harvesting affects the return time and relative variance through two mechanisms: (1) a displacement of the equilibrium down the stock-recruitment curve and (2) a change in the shape of the “fecundity profile.” The first mechanism occurs in models without age structure and usually has the effect of increasing both return time and relative variance. The second mechanism has opposite effects on return time and relative variance—reducing the former while in most cases increasing the latter. For this model it can be concluded that the overall effect of harvesting is to increase the relative variance of recruitment and yield. The behavior of the return time is ambiguous and is in poor agreement with that of the relative variance.  相似文献   

The ability of some invasive plant species to produce biochemical compounds toxic to native species, called allelopathy, is thought to be one of the reasons for their success when introduced to a novel range, an idea known as the Novel Weapons Hypothesis. However, support for this hypothesis mainly comes from bioassays and experiments conducted under controlled environments, whereas field evidence is rare. In a field experiment, we investigated whether three plant species invasive in Europe, Solidago gigantea, Impatiens glandulifera and Erigeron annuus, inhibit the germination of native species through allelopathy more than an adjacent native plant community. At three sites for each invasive species, we compared the germination of native species that were sown on invaded and non-invaded plots. Half of these plots were amended with activated carbon to reduce the influence of potential allelopathic compounds. The germination of sown seeds and of seeds from the seedbank was monitored over a period of 9 weeks. Activated carbon generally enhanced seed germination. This effect was equally pronounced in invaded and adjacent non-invaded plots, indicating that invasive species do not suppress germination more than a native plant community. In addition, more seeds germinated from the seedbank on invaded than on non-invaded soil, probably due to previous suppression of germination by the invasive species. Our field study does not provide evidence for the Novel Weapons Hypothesis with respect to the germination success of natives. Instead, our results suggest that if invasive species release allelopathic compounds that suppress germination, they do so to a similar degree as the native plant community.  相似文献   

庞泉沟自然保护区华北落叶松土壤种子库的研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
采用样地内小样方取样,物理方法分离,室内测量,试验,分析的方法,对庞泉沟国家级自然保护区内,华北落叶松4个林型的林下土壤种子数量,质量及分布进行了研究。分析了影响林下土壤种子数量的因素,提供了华北落叶松土壤种子库的基本背景。  相似文献   

The introduction of genetically modified, herbicide-tolerant, oilseed rape into the agricultural environment will have ramifications beyond weed control of the crop. Herbicide-tolerant rape will undoubtedly become part of established volunteer weed populations that occur in many cereal rotations, but its longevity in these populations and its impact as a weed and contaminant of future oilseed rape crops is uncertain. A life cycle model of volunteer oilseed rape was therefore constructed, incorporating existing information on physiological processes such as emergence pattern, longevity of buried seed, death rates of various structures and flowering and seeding as functions of density. The model was designed to allow interaction with control factors such as harvesting efficiency, herbicide treatment, ploughing and the sequence of crops in the rotation. Many of the physiological parameters (including seed decay rates, fecundity at high density) are uncertain, simply through lack of information in the appropriate context. Other parameters such as harvesting efficiency and herbicide kill rates, are inherently variable in farming. Accordingly, a Monte-Carlo approach, in which the model was run many times with different random realisations of parameter sets, was used to expose factors to which the seedbank was sensitive. Sets of 1250 realisations were compared for each of two extreme conditions: where herbicide could be used according to current intensive farming practice and where it was not an option (representing total herbicide tolerance). Modelled seedbank numbers after 5 yr ranged from 10-3to 104m-2, realistic values found in arable soils. The use of herbicide, together with efficient harvesting of seed, clearly has an important suppressive effect on the oilseed rape seedbank, keeping it lower than 102m-2(a typical sowing rate) after 5 yr in more than 80% of realisations. In the absence of herbicide, seedbanks were invariably greater, but their absolute value depended strongly on harvesting efficiency and the extent to which high density of plants suppressed fecundity. Analysis of the time series from the simulations showed that the seedbank levels fluctuated by orders in magnitude from year to year in the absence of herbicide use. The sensitivity analysis of the life-cycle model led to the development of a simplified model for the seedbank dynamics. The model shows that the essential features of the dynamics result from an interaction between density-dependent fecundity and the perturbations due to management. Therefore predictions of the effect of herbicide tolerance on seedbank dynamics are highly uncertain without knowledge of the density dependence of fecundity. Furthermore, the sensitivity to management practices suggests that seedbank levels will be substantially more difficult to control if the efficacy of herbicide is compromised. It is concluded that the model and Monte-Carlo approach have many potential uses in exploring the effects of management, cultivar physiology and the nature of the transgenes.  相似文献   

Simulation studies have shown that the time it takes for a system of interacting species in a food chain to return to equilibrium after a disturbance increases as the number of trophic levels increase. It has been argued that this effect is important in limiting the length of food chains subject to perturbations of the real world. We show that for an asymptotically stable system a lower bound on the return time is directly proportional to the number of trophic levels in agreement with simulation studies. In addition, the lower bound on the return time is shown to be inversely proportional to the sum of products of the intraspecific competition coefficient and equilibrium population of the species. A new method for directly computing the vulnerability of a system to external perturbations is presented. Using this method we demonstrate that for a food chain where the number of species is equal to the number of trophic levels, the return time alone is not a proper measure of system vulnerability. Indeed, adding an additional trophic level may make the system less vulnerable to disturbances. Interspecific coupling between the trophic levels is shown to be an important factor in determining system vulnerability.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of the management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) and conventional beet, maize and spring oilseed rape on 12 weed species. We sampled the seedbank before and after cropping. During the season we counted plants and measured seed rain and biomass. Ratios of densities were used to calculate emergence, survival, reproduction and seedbank change. Treatments significantly affected the biomass of six species in beet, eight in maize and five in spring oilseed rape. The effects were generally consistent, with biomass lower in GMHT beet and spring oilseed rape and higher in GMHT maize. With few exceptions, emergence was higher in GMHT crops. Subsequent survival was significantly lowered for eight species in beet and six in spring oilseed rape in the GMHT treatments. It was increased for five species in maize and one in spring oilseed rape. Significant effects on seedbank change were found for four species. However, for many species in beet and spring oilseed rape (19 out of 24 cases), seed densities were lower in the seedbank after GMHT cropping. These differences compounded over time would result in large decreases in population densities of arable weeds. In maize, populations may increase.  相似文献   

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