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Chiral recognition with magnetic methods requires the formation of diastereomers. Due to the variety of appropriate reactions, hydrogen bond formation, esterification, and acetalization as well as host–guest interactions were chosen for basic investigations. The results obtained indicate that in the case of diamagnetic compounds the chemical shifts and for paramagnetic compounds the β-proton coupling constants are the most useful parameters. By combination of both pieces of information, assignment of the absolute configuration was achieved. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Unambiguous chemical synthesis of branched ribonucleotides, which are products of splicing reactions in eukaryotic cells, and their analogues are reported, subsequently, their secondary structures have been determined by a 270 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The role of charged groups of the nonapeptide bradykinin in stabilization of its spatial structure in dimethyl sulfoxide solution was investigated. The signal assignment in the 1H-NMR spectra was achieved by means of two dimensional correlated spectroscopy (COSY) and nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY). The changes in the NH and C alpha H proton chemical shifts of the Arg1 and Arg9 residues, variations both in temperature coefficients of chemical shifts of NH-resonances and coupling constants, as well as the appearance of additional NOE cross-peaks in NOESY spectra for d alpha N and d beta N 1H-1H distances were revealed by comparing the NMR spectra for two states--with the protonated C-terminal carboxyl group and deprotonated one. The experimental results are in agreement with the assumption that the conformation of the peptide in (CD3)2SO is stabilized by electrostatic interaction between the oppositely charged N- and C-terminal groups. The conformation with deprotonated alpha-carboxyl group is characterized by two beta-turns in the sequences Pro2-Pro-Gly-Phe5 and Ser6-Pro-Phe-Arg9.  相似文献   

Normal sheep erythrocytes as well as glutathione- (GSH-) deficient and arginase-deficient sheep erythrocytes have been characterized by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The GSH deficiency is a result of defective amino acid transport (lesion 1), diminished gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity (lesion 2), or both (lesions (1 + 2)). 1H-NMR spectra of normal sheep erythrocytes are similar to those for human erythrocytes, and consist of resonances from a number of small intracellular molecules, including GSH. In contrast, the resonances for GSH in the GSH-deficient erythrocytes are much weaker, and strong resonances are observed for lysine, threonine and ornithine or arginine, depending on the arginase activity, in erythrocytes with lesion 1 and lesions (1 + 2). A comparison of the intensity of GSH resonances in spectra for normal and GSH-deficient erythrocytes with GSH levels determined spectrophotometrically following reaction with the nonspecific thiol reagent 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB) indicates that either not all of the GSH determined with Ellman's reagent is free and observable by 1H-NMR or that not all of the thiol determined by Ellman's reagent is GSH. If the latter is the case, the GSH levels determined with Ellman's reagent for erythrocytes with lesions (1 + 2) are most affected, which might account for their high susceptibility to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Several complementary NMR approaches were used to study the interaction of mastoparan, a 14-residue peptide toxin from wasp venom, with lipid membranes. First, the 3D structure of mastoparan was determined using 1H-NMR spectroscopy in perdeuterated (SDS-d25) micelles. NOESY experiments and distance geometry calculations yielded a straight amphiphilic alpha-helix with high-order parameters, and the chemical shifts of the amide protons showed a characteristic periodicity of 3-4 residues. Secondly, solid-state 2H-NMR spectoscopy was used to describe the binding of mastoparan to lipid bilayers, composed of headgroup-deuterated dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine (DMPC-d4) and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG). By correlating the deuterium quadrupole splittings of the alpha-segments and beta-segments, it was possible to differentiate the electrostatically induced structural response of the choline headgroup from dynamic effects induced by the peptide. A partial phase separation was observed, leading to a DMPG-rich phase and a DMPG-depleted phase, each containing some mastoparan. Finally, the insertion and orientation of a specifically 15N-labeled mastoparan (at position Ala10) in the bilayer environment was investigated by solid-state 15N-NMR spectroscopy, using macroscopically oriented samples. Two distinct orientational states were observed for the mastoparan helix, namely an in-plane and a trans-membrane alignment. The two populations of 90% in-plane and 10% trans-membrane helices are characterized by a mosaic spread of +/- 30 degrees and +/- 10 degrees, respectively. The biological activity of mastoparan is discussed in terms of a pore-forming model, as the peptide is known to be able to induce nonlamellar phases and facilitate a flip-flop between the monolayers.  相似文献   

The proton NMR spectra of the N-methyl choline region of normal and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT)-deficient lipoproteins and of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol 55:45 (mol %) vesicle mixtures have been examined in the presence and absence of manganous sulfate as a line-broadening reagent. Manganous ions quenched all of the signal arising from normal lipoproteins and only part of the vesicle signal corresponding to the outer monolayer. There was no net loss of vesicular phospholipid when vesicles were added to normal lipoproteins and as little as 5% (or 100 micrograms) of the vesicular phospholipid could be detected and quantitated in the mixture of lipoproteins. Similar experiments performed on plasma lipoproteins from an LCAT-deficient patient indicated that 42% of the phospholipid was associated with vesicular lipoproteins. These experiments demonstrate that this technique can be used to detect and quantify small amounts of vesicular structures directly in a mixture of micellar lipoproteins.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to determine conformations of amino acid residues of the protein and effective correlation time tau c from cross-peak intensities in two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOESY) spectra. The method consists in fitting complete relaxation matrix of dipeptide unit protons to experimental cross-peak intensities by varying phi, psi, chi torsional angles and tau c. To verify the method, NOESY spectra of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) were theoretically generated at mixing times tau m = 25-300 ms and tau c = 4 ns and used for local structure determination. The method works well with optimum for measurement of NOE intensities tau m 100-200 ms. As a result, the backbone phi, psi torsion angles were unambiguously determined at tau m = 100 ms for all but Gly residues of BPTI, and chi 1 angles were determined for the majority of side chains. The obtained dipeptide unit conformations are very close to the BPTI crystallographic structure: root mean square deviation (RMSD) of interproton distances within dipeptide units, on the average, is 0.08 A (maximal deviation 0.44 A), and RMSD of phi and psi angles are 18 and 9 degrees, respectively (maximal deviations are 44 and 22 degrees).  相似文献   

The structure of endothelin-1 (ET-1), an endothelial cell-derived peptide with vasoconstricting activity, was determined in an aqueous solution by means of a combination of NMR and distance geometry calculations. The resulting structure is characterized by an alpha-helical conformation in the sequence region, Lys9-Cys15. Furthermore, an extended structure and a turn structure exist in the Cys1-Ser4 and Ser5-Asp8 regions respectively, and no preferred conformation was found for the C-terminal part of the peptide which was not uniquely constrained by the NMR data. These structural elements, the alpha-helical structure in the sequence portion, Cys-X-X-X-Cys, and the extended structure in Cys-X-Cys, are homologous to those found commonly in several neurotoxic peptides.  相似文献   

The ribose protons of 13 trinucleoside bisphosphates (trimers) were studied, using 360-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Complete assignments and analyses of the NMR signals of these protons were carried out by the methods of homonuclear decoupling and computer line-shape simulations. It was shown that the trinucleotides preferred the anti, 3' endo, gamma +, beta t and epsilon t/epsilon- conformations for the glycosidic torsions, the ribose rings, the C4'-C5' bonds, the C5'-O5' bonds, and the C3'-O3' bonds, respectively. It was also found that the trimers, especially those which had noticeable population of 'bulged' structures, did not necessarily have a higher population of these preferred local conformations than their component dimers. The overall conformations of the trinucleotides are classified into two categories. The conformations in the first category involve the nearest-neighbor interactions. Each dinucleotide moiety can assume one of the four stable conformations (I, I', II and III) or the open forms of dinucleoside monophosphates. However, due to steric hindrance, there are only four cases in which both dinucleotide moieties can assume one of the four stable conformations at the same time. These four combinations of conformations are I-I, I'-I', I-II and III-I', where the first Roman numeral represents the conformation of the NpN'p-moiety and the second one, that of the -pN'pN' moiety of the trimers. Among them, I-I and I'-I' are helical structures, capable of forming a double helix. The second category contains conformations with bulged structures which have the two dinucleotide moieties in open forms (i.e. no nearest-neighbor interactions) and the bases of the two terminal residues stacking on each other while the middle residue is bulged out. These bulged conformations may serve as structural models for frame-shift mutations.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of a synthetic peptide, an analogue of the membrane spanning segment B (residues 34-65) of bacterioopsin from Halobacterium halobium, has been refined. Backbone torsion angles were derived from intensities of short-range interproton NOEs. These, together with a complete set of the NOEs integral intensities formed the basis for the three-dimensional structure refinement by the energy minimization with consideration of NOE penalty functions. Analysis indicates the right-handed alpha-helical conformation of segment B extending from Asp-38 to Tyr-64 with a kink of the helical axis (27 degrees) at Pro-50. The most stable region with an average root-mean-square deviation of 0.43 A between the backbone atoms includes residues 42-60 in six energy refined structures. The N-terminal part of segment B (residues 34-37) has no ordered conformation. The inferred structure is in close agreement with the electron cryomicroscopy structure of bacteriorhodopsin, differing from it in conformations of most of the side chains.  相似文献   

In this study, high-resolution 600-MHz 1H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopies were used to compare the urinary metabolic profiles of healthy humans and humans in a high-selenium area of China. NMR biomarkers for renal and liver lesions were observed by comparing the urine 1H-NMR spectra. In urinary excretion, the concentrations in human urine samples of formate, lactate, acetate, hippurate, and alanine in overexposure to selenium were increased, whereas citrate, creatine, and TMAO excretion were decreased compared with that of the healthy human—some of them even disappeared. An interesting result was the appearance of formate in urine, which has previously been shown to lead to acidosis and chronic renal failure and interfere with the lumen and proximal tubular cells. The level of creatine was associated with the seminal activity. The changes of acetate and citrate may explain the disorder of the cellular energy metabolism caused by selenium, and the changes of other amino acids were a result of the reuptake of these compounds that had been blocked in the glomerulus and proximal tubule. The results elucidate the renal/liver lesion in humans in high-selenium area by 1H-NMR spectroscopy and offer the molecular basic of selenium toxicity.  相似文献   

In order to identify comparative aspects of the interaction of calmodulin with its target proteins, proton magnetic-resonance studies of complex formation between calmodulin and defined segments of phospholamban and caldesmon have been undertaken. Residues 3-15 in the cytoplasmic region of phospholamban, an integral membrane protein of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum believed to regulate the calcium pumping ATPase, are shown to contribute to interaction with calmodulin. Using wheat germ calmodulin specifically modified with a spin-label to provide the spectral means for spatial localisation, these residues of phospholamban were correlated with binding in the vicinity of the probe attached to Cys-27 in the N-terminal domain of calmodulin. This interaction, relevant to the mechanism of calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of phospholamban that relieves its inhibitory influence on the calcium pump, provides a useful model system for comparative study of the properties of calmodulin-binding domains. We contrast here a calmodulin-binding segment in the C-terminal region of caldesmon localised by 1H-NMR study of the interface(s) between the two proteins. These observations are discussed in the context of other calmodulin-binding sequences.  相似文献   

We have applied computational procedures that utilize nmr data to model the solution conformation of ferrichrome, a rigid microbial iron transport cyclohexapeptide of known x-ray crystallographic structure [D. van der Helm et al. (1980) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 102, 4224-4231]. The Al3+ and Ga3+ diamagnetic analogues, alumichrome and gallichrome, dissolved in d6-dimethylsulfoxide (d6-DMSO), were investigated via one- and two-dimensional 1H-nmr spectroscopy at 300, 600, and 620 MHz. Interproton distance constraints derived from proton Overhauser experiments were input to a distance geometry algorithm [T. F. Havel and K. Wüthrich (1984) Bull. Math. Biol. 46, 673-691] in order to generate a family of ferrichrome structures consistent with the experimental data. These models were subsequently optimized through restrained molecular dynamics/energy minimization [B. R. Brooks et al. (1983) J. Comp. Chem. 4, 187-217]. The resulting structures were characterized in terms of relative energies and conformational properties. Computations based on integration of the generalized Bloch equations for the complete molecule, which include the 14N-1H dipolar interaction, demonstrate that the x-ray coordinates reproduce the experimental nuclear Overhauser effect time courses very well, and indicate that there are no significant differences between the crystalline and solution conformations of ferrichrome. A similar study of the metal free peptide, deferriferrichrome, suggests that at least two conformers are present in d6-DMSO at 23 degrees C. Both are different from the ferrichrome structure and explain, through conformational averaging, the observed amide NH and CH alpha multiplet splittings. The occurrence of interconverting peptide backbone conformations yields an increased number of sequential NH-CH alpha and NH-NH Overhauser connectivities, which reflects the mean value of r-6 dependence of the dipolar interaction. Our results support the idea that, in the case of structurally rigid peptides, moderately accurate distance constraints define a conformational subspace encompassing the "true" structure, and that energy considerations reduce the size of this subspace. For flexible peptides, however, the straight-forward approach can be misleading since the nmr parameters are averaged over substantially different conformational states.  相似文献   

The cationic peanut peroxidase is a complex enzyme consisting of a heme group, two calcium ions and three complex carbohydrate chains at positions Asn60, 144 and 185. Details of the heme and calcium ligation, necessary for oxidation, have recently been revealed from the three-dimensional structure of the peroxidase. However, the three glycans that may be important for the stability of the enzyme as well as its activity were not resolved. In order to determine the configuration of one of these glycans, PNGase A was used to cleave the glycan from the enzyme at Asn-144. This glycan was studied by two dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy to identify the sugar linkages. The results indicated a glycan structure comprising a Man alpha1-6(Xyl beta1-2)Man beta1-4GlcNAc beta1-4(Fuc alpha1-3)GlcNAc beta core but with an additional Man alpha1-3 appendage linked to Man3. The glycan also appeared to be heterogeneous as was noted from a single terminating galactose being linked to approximately 20-25% glycan.  相似文献   

alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin purified from normal human serum was separated by affinity chromatography into th ree microheterogeneous forms on a concanavalin-A-Sepharose column: a pass-through (peak 1), a retarded (peak 2) and a bound form (peaks 3 + 4). For each form the asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains were liberated as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis, submitted to reduction with NaBH4 after re-N-acetylation and further separated by affinity chromatography on a concanavalin-A-Sepharose column. The complete primary structure of the glycans was determined by high-resolution 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The results indicated the presence of disialyl diantennary and of trisialyl triantennary type glycanic structures, the latter being accompanied by traces of disialylated triantennary oligosaccharide. The N-glycanase was used for the deglycosylation of the unfractionated alpha 1-antichymotrypsin; the successive removal of the N-linked complex-type oligosaccharide side chains of alpha 1-antichymotrypsin was studied in the presence of detergents. From these experiments it is concluded that alpha 1-antichymotrypsin carries four oligosaccharide side chains. Moreover our results show that the peak 1 contains four triantennary glycans, the peak 2 three triantennary and one diantennary glycans while the bound peaks 3 + 4 possess, on average, about one triantennary and three diantennary glycans per molecule. Since we showed that the peak 4 contains mostly diantennary glycans, it can be deduced that in peak 3 there are molecules carrying two triantennary and two diantennary glycans and others carrying one triantennary and three diantennary glycans.  相似文献   

M Paci  C L Pon  C O Gualerzi 《FEBS letters》1988,236(2):303-308
Escherichia coli translational initiation factor IF1 was studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy at 400 MHz. IF1 displays a very well resolved spectrum in both aromatic and aliphatic regions. Other spectral characteristics include relatively narrow resonance lines and lack of relevant cross-relaxation phenomena. The resonances of the aromatic residues, in particular of the two His and two Tyr, were assigned by selective chemical modifications and spectroscopic techniques to individual residues in the protein sequence. The relative mobility of various residues of IF1 has been evaluated on the basis of the spin-lattice relaxation times which are rather short and homogeneous. Overall the factor appears to have a complex secondary and tertiary structure and to be a flexible protein whose residues have a high degree of internal mobility.  相似文献   

Cannabis sativa L. plants produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites. Cannabis cell cultures were treated with jasmonic acid (JA) and pectin as elicitors to evaluate their effect on metabolism from two cell lines using NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. According to principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), the chloroform extract of the pectin-treated cultures were more different than control and JA-treated cultures; but in the methanol/water extract the metabolome of the JA-treated cells showed clear differences with control and pectin-treated cultures. Tyrosol, an antioxidant metabolite, was detected in cannabis cell cultures. The tyrosol content increased after eliciting with JA.  相似文献   

We synthesized porcine neuropeptide Y (pNPY) N-terminal fragments by solid-phase synthesis techniques and analyzed them for solution Conformational properties by CD and 1H-nmr spectroscopy. The analogues pNPY1–9 and pNPY1–14 displayed CD spectra indicative of random structures and showed no evidence for induced α-helical structures in trifluoroethanol (TFE) up to 50%. However, the CD spectra of pNPY1-9 suggested a Conformational shift in tetrahydrofuran. Although in aqueous solution the CD spectra of pNPY1–21 indicated random structures with induction of only a small percentage of α-helix in aqueous TFE, pNPY1-25 displayed 13% a-helical structure in aqueous solution that increased to 40 and 41% by the addition of TFE and methanol, respectively. The nmr spectra of pNPY1-9 and the proline region of pNPY1–25 indicated extended structures with all-trans conformers at Pro5 and Pro8 for pNPY1–9 and at Pro5, Pro8, and Pro13 for pNPY1–25; in each case the Tyrl-Pro2 amide bond was in both cis and trans conformations. However, observed nuclear Overhauser effect correlations and UN exchange experiments indicated an α-helical segment in pNPY1–25 initiated by Pro 13 and extending from residues 14 to 25. Thus, the N-terminal polyproline region of NPY has no propensity to fold into a regular secondary structure, although Pro 13 is a helix initiator, a result consistent with the proposed role of this amino acid in the NPY structural model. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectra of the oligosaccharide derived from monosialoganglioside GM1 (GM1 = β-d-galactosyl-(1–3)-β-d-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-(1–4)-[α-N-acetylneuraminyl-(2–3)]-β-d-galactosyl-( 1–4)-β-d-glucosylceramide) (GM1OS) and its reduced form (GM1OS-R) have been obtained at 500 MHz in D2O. Through the combined use of one-dimensional and homonuclear two-dimensional spin-echo J-correlated (2D SECSY) spectra of GM1OS-R, the assignments for the ring protons of GM1OS are made. Data on chemical shifts and coupling constants of GM1OS including the α-linked neuraminic acid protons, in aqueous solution, are tabulated. Due to the very small coupling constants (<2 Hz) and the closeness in chemical shifts (<0.04 ppm) for the pair of correlated peaks in the two-dimensional spectrum, the information on the connectivities of the H5 ring protons of the neutral sugar residues is missing. Second-order coupling also blurs this information. Data are compared with those obtained for ganglioside GM1 in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO;the actual composition therein was 97% DMSO-d6 and 3% D2O) by T.A.W. Koerner, J. H. Prestegard, P. C. Demou, and R. K. Yu (1983, Biochemistry22, 2676). While the heterogeneity of chemical shifts for the H5, H6a, and H6b protons diminishes in D2O, that for A-9a and A-9b remains. The latter suggests an intraneuraminic acid conformation involving the glycerol side chain unaffected by the solvent. Moreover, the chemical shifts of the III-1, III-2, and A-4 protons (and perhaps the II-4, IV-2, and A-8 protons) in D2O exhibit unusual upfield shifts compared with those in DMSO. This indicates that the intramolecular interactions between GalNAc residue III and neuraminic acid present in DMSO are weakened in D2O. The effect of temperature on the conformation is also examined and appears to be minimal (<0.02 ppm) in the range 22–50 °C.  相似文献   

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