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Summary The spicule primordium is formed in an intercellular cavity within a group of sclerocytes. This cavity contains organic material which ensheaths the growing spicule but does not appear to determine the nature of the mineral morph (magnesian calcite) or the crystallographic orientation of the spicule. The tip of each growing spicule ray is seated in a dense cup in the cytoplasm of the sclerocyte concerned. Both ends of monaxons are initially inserted each into a dense cup. As rays elongate the sclerocyte membrane around the tip becomes invaginated and forms a system of converging spaces that possibly indicate high secretory activity in that region. Spicule growth involves the displacement and expansion of the organic sheath by the enlarging spicule. Fully formed spicules which are exposed to the mesohyl become surrounded by collagen fibrils. However, these fibrils are in no way concerned with the process of mineral deposition and are never found within the spicule calcite.  相似文献   

Most cell junctions of Sycon are of the simple kind in which the plasma membranes are separated by an intercellular space of about 15 mmu. True septate junctions are found between sclerocytes. They are similar to those of coelenterates and echinoderms, with a parallel arrangement of septa as seen in tangential sections. The functional implications of the restriction of this type of junction to the sclerocytes are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the developmental mechanisms in living basal metazoan phyla is crucial for understanding the genetic bases of morphological evolution in early animal history. We looked for homeobox genes in the calcareous sponge, Sycon raphanus, using the polymerase chain reaction. Partial sequences of eight homeoboxes were recovered, five of which are assignable to the NK-2 class of homeoboxes. The three remaining sequences are related members of a new class of homeoboxes, the Sycox class, showing limited similarity to bilaterian Lbx, Hlx, HEX, En, and Cad classes. Among the five NK-2 class homeoboxes are four closely related sequences occupying a divergent position within the class, the remaining one on the contrary showing high sequence similarity with members of the NK-2 family, a particular subgroup within the NK-2 class, previously known only from the Bilateria. This suggests that diversification of the NK-2 class occurred early in metazoan history. Altogether, the results reveal an unexpected diversification of homeobox genes in S. raphanus.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the three classes of the Porifera-Demospongiae, Calcarea and Hexactinellida-are still unresolved, despite the use of molecular analyses of rRNA. To determine whether phylogenetic resolution of these classes is possible based on genes coding for specific proteins, in the present study the genes for the 70 kDa heat shock protein [Hsp70] were isolated from Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni [Hexactinellida] and from Sycon raphanus [Calcarea], and compared to that previously isolated from the demosponge Geodia cydonium. The gene from R. dawsoni is 2021 bp long and encodes a predicted Hsp70 of Mr 77, 697; the protein comprises the characteristic sites of eukaryotic, cytoplasmic Hsp70 polypeptides. The Hsp70 isolated from cDNA from S. raphanus is 2326 bp long. It encodes a potential polypeptide of Mr 85, 927 and belongs to the same class of Hsp70s. All three sponge sequences for Hsp70 were found to be highly identical to both human and plant Hsp70s. The degree of identity at the amino acid (aa) level between the sponge sequences and the human sequence for Hsp70 is 77%-84% and at the nucleotide (nt) level, between 69% and 75%. Resolution of the phylogenetic relationship between the three classes of sponges based on the Hsp70 was not possible due to the high degree of identity [similarity] of their respective aa sequences, which ranged from 80% [90%] to 82% [91%]. The evolutionary rates-Kaa-values-calculated for the sponge Hsp70 molecules, are low, reflecting the strong functional contraints placed upon these polypeptides. These values range from 0.125 times 10-9 for G. cydonium and R. dawsoni to 0.087 times 10-9 for S. raphanus. Higher values have previously been reported for the G. cydonium galectin molecule [Kaa-value of 1.7 times 10-9] and the receptor tyrosine kinase [1.24 times 10-9] from the same animal. The occurrence of at least one double mutation, in the codon for the aa Ser in the conserved regions of the Hsp70 sequences, also suggests that these molecules are subjected to strong functional constraints.  相似文献   

Some of the morphological characters used in Porifera taxonomy have often been shown to be inconsistent. In the present study, we tested the phylogenetic coherence of currently used taxonomic characters of the calcarean genus Clathrina. For this, 20 species of Clathrina and three other calcinean genera (Ascandra, Guancha, and Leucetta) were sequenced for the ITS and D2 region of the 28S ribosomal DNA. Maximum‐likelihood and maximum‐parsimony algorithms were used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees. Deep divergences were observed in our tree and Clathrina was shown to be paraphyletic. The major split in our topology showed a clear‐cut distinction between sponges with and without tetractine spicules. Moreover, a group of yellow‐coloured Clathrina was clearly separated from the remaining white‐coloured species. Our results show that the presence of diactines, water‐collecting tubes, the degree of cormus anastomosis, and actine shapes do not correlate with the major clades of the calcinean phylogeny. On the other hand, the presence of tripods, the absence of tetractines, and the presence of spines in the apical actine of tetractines seem to be good synapomorphies for clades in our tree. Our results demonstrate that skeleton characters can be reliably used in higher level taxonomy in Clathrinida. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 1026–1034.  相似文献   

The sterols of calcareous sponges (Calcarea, Porifera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sponges are sessile suspension-feeding organisms whose internal phylogenetic relationships are still the subject of intense debate. Sterols may have the potential to be used as independent markers to test phylogenetic hypotheses. Twenty representative specimens of calcareous sponges (class Calcarea, phylum Porifera) with a broad coverage within both subclasses Calcinea and Calcaronea were analysed for their sterol content. Two major pseudohomologous series were found, accompanied by some additional sterols. The first series encompassing conventional C(27) to C(29)Delta(5,7,22) sterols represented the major sterols, with ergosterol (ergosta-5,7,22-trien-3beta-ol, C(28)Delta(5,7,22)) being most prominent in many species. The second series consisted of unusual C(27) to C(29)Delta(5,7,9(11),22) sterols. Cholesterol occurred sporadically, mostly in trace amounts. The sterol patterns did not resolve intraclass phylogenetic relationships, namely the distinction between the subclasses, Calcinea and Calcaronea. This pointed towards major calcarean lipid traits being established prior to the separation of subclasses. Furthermore, calcarean sterol patterns clearly differ from those found in Hexactinellida, whereas partial overlap occurred with some Demospongiae. Hence, sterols only partly reflect the phylogenetic separation of Calcarea from both of the other poriferan classes that was proposed by recent molecular work and fatty acid analyses.  相似文献   

The fatty acids of calcareous sponges (Calcarea, Porifera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-nine specimens of calcareous sponges (Class Calcarea, Phylum Porifera), covering thirteen representative species of the families Soleneiscidae, Leucaltidae, Levinellidae, Leucettidae, Clathrinidae, Sycettidae, Grantiidae, Jenkinidae, and Heteropiidae were analysed for their fatty acids. The fatty acids of Calcarea generally comprise saturated and monounsaturated linear (n-), and terminally methylated (iso-, anteiso-) C(14)-C(20) homologues. Furthermore, polyunsaturated C(22) fatty acids and the isoprenoic 4,8,12-trimethyltridecanoic acid were found. The most prominent compounds are n-C(16), iso-C(17), iso-C(18), n-C(18), n-C(20). In addition, a high abundance of the exotic 16-methyloctadecanoic acid (anteiso-C(19)) appears to be a characteristic trait of Calcarea. Long-chain 'demospongic acids', typically found in Demospongiae and Hexactinellida, are absent in Calcarea. The completely different strategy of calcarean fatty acid synthesis supports their phylogenetic distinctiveness from a common Demospongiae/Hexactinellida taxon. Both intraspecific and intraclass patterns of Calcarea showed great similarity, suggesting a conserved fatty acid composition that already existed in the last common ancestor of Calcinea and Calcaronea, i.e. before subclasses diverged.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic observations are presented on thin sections of excised chicken breast tendon following the introduction and diffusion of aqueous solutions of heavy metal salts. The dark banded regions of the collagen fibrils are seen to be in near-perfect register throughout the diameter of each fibril and, in many cases, to be continuous across the intervening ground substance. Clusters of uranyl ions form well-defined chains extending across the interfibrillar space between neighbouring fibrils, a distance of several hundred nanometres. It is suggested that the high degree of organization characteristic of collagen fibrils in tissue may perhaps be a property not only of the protein but also of the ground substance in which it is embedded, the fibres merely rendering visible a lattice pattern of their surroundings to which they have conformed.  相似文献   

Intermediate labile intermolecular crosslinks in collagen fibres   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

A study of the shapes of secondary sagittal tri- and quadri-radiate spicules of the calcareous sponge Leuconia fistulosa has revealed that the paired rays appear kinked, with straight sections in between the kinks, when the spicules are viewed along the optic axis of the constituent calcite. The secondary sagittal spicules thus conform with monaxons and with per-regular and primary sagittal tri- and quadri-radiates, in general, in that whenever a ray is curved, the curvature is always in a single plane that includes the optic axis. The kinks are not necessarily distributed in symmetrical fashion along the paired rays. A mechanism is proposed whereby uniplanar curvature could be achieved.  相似文献   

We describe an in vitro model that we have used to evaluate dermal substitutes and to obtain data on cell proliferation, the rate of degradation of the dermal equivalent, contractibility and de novo synthesis of collagen. We tested three classes of collagenous materials: (1) reconstituted non-crosslinked collagen, (2) reconstituted collagen that was chemically crosslinked with either glutaraldehyde, aluminium alginate or acetate, and (3) native collagen fibres, with or without other extracellular matrix molecules (elastin hydrolysate, hyaluronic acid or fibronectin). The non-crosslinked reconstituted collagen was degraded rapidly by human fibroblasts. Teh chemically crosslinked materials proved to be cytotoxic. Native collagen fibres were stable. In the absence of ascorbic acid, the addition of elastin hydrolysate to this type of matrix reduced the rate of collagen degradation. Both elastin hydrolysate and fibronectin partially prevented fibroblast-mediated contraction. Hyaluronic acid was only slightly effective in reducing the collagen degradation rate and more fibroblast-mediated contraction of the material was found than for the native collagen fibres with elastin hydrolysate and fibronectin. In the presence of ascorbate, collagen synthesis was enhanced in the native collagen matrix without additions and in the material containing elastin hydrolysate, but not in the material with hyaluronic acid. These results are indicative of the suitability of tissue substitutes for in vivo application.  相似文献   

The structure and distribution of collagen fibres in chordae tendineae, anterior leaflet and annulus fibrous of human mitral valve has been investigated using high and small angle X-ray diffraction. The molecular packing of collagen in native mitral valve components is very similar to that in native rat tail tendon. The distribution and orientation of collagen fibres in unstretched and stretched specimens has been deduced by the arcing of the high and small angle meridional reflections. Collagen fibres, which are aligned along the chordae tendineae, are preferentially distributed along the branchings of the chordae into the anterior leaflet and then course towards the annulus fibrous. However, in the anterior leaflet a considerable amount of collagen fibres are organized in a tridimensional isotropic network even after high deformation of the tissue.  相似文献   

We have examined, as a function of oxygen concentration, the in vivo and in vitro aging rates of tendon from animal species with widely differing life-spans. The results suggest that concomitant with the genetically determined aldimine type cross-linking reactions which probably are complete by the time the animal has reached physiological maturity, there is an on-going oxygen-mediated system of reactions which also effectively cross-link the structure. These reactions appear to proceed with their own intrinsic rate dependent only upon oxygen concentration, and independent of the particular species involved. They may not be required by connective tissues, but are an unavoidable consequence of the presence of free oxygen in tissues with a low rate of turnover.  相似文献   

Collagen is the main component of structural mammalian tissues. In tendons, collagen is arranged into fibrils with diameters ranging from 30 nm to 500 nm. These fibrils are further assembled into fibres several micrometers in diameter. Upon excessive thermal or mechanical stress, damage may occur in tendons at all levels of the structural hierarchy. At the fibril level, reported damage includes swelling and the appearance of discrete sites of plastic deformation that are best observed at the nanometer‐scale using, for example, scanning electron microscopy. In this paper, digital in‐line holographic microscopy is used for quantitative phase imaging to measure both the refractive index and diameter of collagen fibres in a water suspension in the native state, after thermal treatments, and after mechanical overload. Fibres extracted from tendons and subsequently exposed to 70 °C for 5, 15, or 30 minutes show a significant decrease in refractive index and an increase in diameter. A significant increase in refractive index is also observed for fibres extracted from tendons that were subjected to five tensile overload cycles.


Previous studies revealed that the organic matrix of the skeletal rod of the sea pen, Veretillum cynomorium, contained about 50% collagenous protein. The present ultrastructural study, based upon conventional staining methods, shows the existence of an abundant, longitudinally arranged nonbanded and fibrillar material separated by a reticular matrix. After incubation with 3H-proline, labeling is specifically localized on the fibrillar material. Some fibers occasionally display a transverse striation with a period of 11 to 14 nm which can be associated with a chevron striation. Infrequently, some other fibers display a more distinct banding of 55 to 70 nm or even yield a checkerboard pattern. However, a majority of fibers remain without a regular structure comparable to the periodic striations observed in the collagen of other animals. After treatment with 1% PTA in 70% ethanol, all the fibers show a clear banding of 14 nm and some of them possess two types of striations. The same result is obtained on fibers mechanically dissociated and negatively stained. As these methods show a periodic banding pattern on all the fibers, it is likely that all the fibers (striated or not) observed after routine electron microscopy correspond to collagen material. This collagen appears to be both polymorphic and completely new in comparison to that which is characteristic of the mesoglea. The polymorphic aspect is compared to that obtained from vertebrate collagens.  相似文献   

The change in the amounts of the three major reducible cross-links was followed throughout the bovine-life span. The major reducible cross-link in embryonic skin is 6,7-dehydro-N(epsilon) -(2-hydroxy-5-amino-5-carboxypentyl)hydroxylysine, but this is gradually replaced in the latter stages of gestation or early postnatal growth period by two other Schiff bases, 6,7-dehydro-N(epsilon)-(5-amino-5-carboxypentyl)hydroxylysine and a component not yet identified, designated Fraction C. These latter two Schiff bases increase in amount during the rapid growth period to a maximum, after which they then slowly decrease until at maturity they are virtually absent. The proportion of these Schiff bases closely reflects the rate of growth, i.e. the amount of newly synthesized collagen present at any one time. Similarly, the three Schiff bases present in tendon and the one in cartilage slowly decrease during maturation. No evidence for the possible stabilization of these aldimine bonds during maturation by reduction in vivo was found by three different analytical techniques. Concurrently with the decrease in the proportion of the Schiff bases some new reducible components increased during maturation, but their characterization as N(epsilon)-glycosylamines demonstrated that they were not related to the lysine-derived aldehyde components. The significance of these components in the aging process cannot at present be assessed. As no evidence was obtained for any new reducible cross-links replacing the Schiff bases, it is probable that the latter are intermediate cross-links and that during maturation they are stabilized to some as yet unknown non-reducible cross-link as previously proposed (Bailey, 1968).  相似文献   



Naked DNA and standard vectors have previously been used for gene delivery from implantable carrier matrices with great potential for gene therapeutic assistance of wound healing or tissue engineering. We have previously developed copolymer‐protected gene vectors which are inert towards opsonization. Here we examine their potency in carrier‐mediated gene delivery in comparison to standard vectors using a vector‐loaded collagen sponge model.


Equine collagen type I sponges were loaded by a lyophilization method with naked DNA, polyethylenimine (PEI)‐DNA, DOTAP/cholesterol‐DNA and copolymer‐protected PEI‐DNA. These preparations were characterized in terms of vector‐release, cell growth on the matrices and reporter gene expression by cells colonizing the sponges in vitro and in vivo. Subcutaneous implantation of sponges in rats served as an in vivo model.


At the chosen low vector dose, the loading efficiency was at least 86%. Naked DNA‐loaded collagen matrices lost 77% of the DNA dose in an initial burst in aqueous buffer in vitro. The other preparations examined displayed a sustained vector release. There was no difference in cell growth and invasion of the sponges between vector‐loaded and untreated collagen grafts. Reporter gene expression from cells colonizing the sponges in vitro was observed for not more than 7 days with naked DNA, whereas the lipoplex and polyplex preparations yielded long‐term expression throughout the experimental period of up to 56 days. The highest expression levels were achieved with the PEI‐DNA‐PROCOP (protective copolymer) formulation. Upon subcutaneous implantation in rats, no luciferase expression was detected with naked DNA preparations. DOTAP/cholesterol‐DNA and PEI‐DNA‐loaded implants lead to reporter gene expression for at least 3 days, but with poor reproducibility. PEI‐DNA‐PROCOP collagen matrices yielded consistently the highest reporter gene expression levels for at least 7 days with good reproducibility.


With the preparation method chosen, lipoplex‐ and polyplex‐loaded collagen sponges are superior in mediating sustained gene delivery in vitro and local transfection in vivo as compared to naked DNA‐loaded sponges. Protective copolymers are particularly advantageous in promoting the tranfection capacity of polyplex‐loaded sponges upon subcutaneous implantation, likely due to their stabilizing and opsonization‐inhibiting properties. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The elastic constants and ultrastructure of natural and tanned basement membrane of the crystalline lens of the adult rat have been investigated. Sonicated and negatively stained specimens of both membranes show parallel filaments that have similar spacing of 3.5(+/- 0.1) nm and a different periodicity. In natural membrane the periodicity is 3.7(+/- 0.13) nm, whilst in tanned basement membrane the periodicity is 3.2(+/- 0.15) nm. The periodicity ratio of tanned membrane to natural membrane was 0.86 +/- 0.04, whilst the elongation ratio of tanned membrane compared with natural membrane was 0.88 +/- 0.05. In contrast to this, the thickness ratio of tanned to natural membrane was 1.098 +/- 0.045. Tanned basement membrane showed a shrinkage of 12% in length but an increase in thickness of about 10%. These data suggest, firstly, that the degree of extension of the superhelices of the filaments follows closely the degree of extension of the intact membrane and, secondly, that the coiled superhelices of tanned membrane have an angle of tilt of about 42 degrees compared with those of natural membrane, where the angle is about 50 degrees. The Young's modulus of elasticity and ultimate stress of tanned basement membrane are, respectively, eight times greater and one-third as great as natural membrane. The entropy change in basement membrane was calculated from the external work necessary to extend the tanned membrane, and was estimated to be -13.5(+/- 2.4) J K-1 mol-1. An estimate of the change in entropy from thermodynamic measurements made on a suspension of collagen tanned with glutaraldehyde was found to be -30.1(+/- 9.5) J K-1 mol-1. The two different estimates of the change in entropy of collagen following tanning suggest that in basement membrane only about 45% of the collagenous protein has an extensile helical structure.  相似文献   

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