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Like most double‐stranded (ds) DNA phages, mycobacteriophage Ms6 uses the holin‐endolysin system to achieve lysis of its host. In addition to endolysin (lysA) and holin (hol) genes, Ms6 encodes three accessory lysis proteins. In this study we investigated the lysis function of Gp1, which is encoded by the gp1 gene that lies immediately upstream of lysA. Escherichia coli lysis was observed after coexpression of LysA and Gp1 in the absence of Ms6 holin. Gp1 does not belong to the holin class of proteins, and we provide evidence that it shares several characteristics with molecular chaperones. We show that Gp1 interacts with LysA, and that this interaction is necessary for LysA delivery to its target. In addition, PhoA fusions showed that, in Mycobacterium smegmatis, LysA is exported to the extracytoplasmic environment in the presence of Gp1. We also show that Gp1 is necessary for efficient M. smegmatis lysis, as Ms6 gp1 deletion results in host lysis defects. We propose that delivery of Ms6 endolysin to the murein layer is assisted by Gp1, a chaperone‐like protein, in a holin‐independent manner.  相似文献   

The mycobacteriophage Ms6 is a temperate double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) bacteriophage which, in addition to the predicted endolysin (LysA)-holin (Gp4) lysis system, encodes three additional proteins within its lysis module: Gp1, LysB, and Gp5. Ms6 Gp4 was previously described as a class II holin-like protein. By analysis of the amino acid sequence of Gp4, an N-terminal signal-arrest-release (SAR) domain was identified, followed by a typical transmembrane domain (TMD), features which have previously been observed for pinholins. A second putative holin gene (gp5) encoding a protein with a predicted single TMD at the N-terminal region was identified at the end of the Ms6 lytic operon. Neither the putative class II holin nor the single TMD polypeptide could trigger lysis in pairwise combinations with the endolysin LysA in Escherichia coli. One-step growth curves and single-burst-size experiments of different Ms6 derivatives with deletions in different regions of the lysis operon demonstrated that the gene products of gp4 and gp5, although nonessential for phage viability, appear to play a role in controlling the timing of lysis: an Ms6 mutant with a deletion of gp4 (Ms6(Δgp4)) caused slightly accelerated lysis, whereas an Ms6(Δgp5) deletion mutant delayed lysis, which is consistent with holin function. Additionally, cross-linking experiments showed that Ms6 Gp4 and Gp5 oligomerize and that both proteins interact. Our results suggest that in Ms6 infection, the correct and programmed timing of lysis is achieved by the combined action of Gp4 and Gp5.  相似文献   

A derivative of the temperate mycobacteriophage Ms6 containing the aph gene from transposon Tn5 was constructed. In the transductants the aph gene was integrated in the bacterial genome. The aph gene is stably maintained in the absence of positive selection after more than 150 generations. The results presented in this report show that Ms6 can be used as a vehicle for the integration of foreign DNA into the Mycobacterium smegmatis genome.  相似文献   

We have cloned, sequenced, and characterized the genes encoding the lytic system of the unique Staphylococcus aureus phage 187. The endolysin gene ply187 encodes a large cell wall-lytic enzyme (71.6 kDa). The catalytic site, responsible for the hydrolysis of staphylococcal peptidoglycan, was mapped to the N-terminal domain of the protein by the expression of defined ply187 domains. This enzymatically active N terminus showed convincing amino acid sequence homology to an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase, whereas the C-terminal part, whose function is unknown, revealed striking relatedness to major staphylococcal autolysins. An additional reading frame was identified entirely embedded out of frame (+1) within the 5' region of ply187 and was shown to encode a small, hydrophobic protein of holin-like function. The hol187 gene features a dual-start motif, possibly enabling the synthesis of two products of different lengths (57 and 55 amino acids, respectively). Overproduction of Hol187 in Escherichia coli resulted in growth retardation, leakiness of the cytoplasmic membrane, and loss of de novo ATP synthesis. Compared to other holins identified to date, Hol187 completely lacks the highly charged C terminus. The secondary structure of the polypeptide is predicted to consist of two small, antiparallel, hydrophobic, transmembrane helices. These are supposed to be essential for integration into the membrane, since site-specific introduction of negatively charged amino acids into the first transmembrane domain (V7D G8D) completely abolished the function of the Hol187 polypeptide. With antibodies raised against a synthetic 18-mer peptide representing a central part of the protein, it was possible to detect Hol187 in the cytoplasmic membrane of phage-infected S. aureus cells. An important indication that the protein actually functions as a holin in vivo was that the gene (but not the V7D G8D mutation) was able to complement a phage lambda Sam mutation in a nonsuppressing E. coli HB101 background. Plaque formation by lambdagt11::hol187 indicated that both phage genes have analogous functions. The data presented here indicate that a putative holin is encoded on a different reading frame within the enzymatically active domain of ply187 and that the holin is synthesized during the late stage of phage infection and found in the cytoplasmic membrane, where it causes membrane lesions which are thought to enable access of Ply187 to the peptidoglycan of phage-infected Staphylococcus cells.  相似文献   



Mycobacteriophage Ms6 integrates into Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. bovis BCG chromosome at the 3' end of tRNAala genes. Homologous recombination occurs between the phage attP core and the attB site located in the T-loop. Integration-proficient vectors derived from Ms6 are useful genetic tools, but their insertion sites in the BCG chromosome remain poorly defined. The primary objective of this study was to identify Ms6 target genes in M. smegmatis and BCG. We then aimed to modify the attP site in Ms6-derived vectors, to switch integration to other tRNAala loci. This provided the basis for the development of recombinant M. bovis BCG strains expressing several reporter genes inserted into different tRNAala genes.  相似文献   

A Tn5-induced mutant of Mesorhizobium ciceri, TL28, requiring the amino acid lysine for growth on minimal medium was isolated and characterized. The Tn5 insertion in the mutant strain TL28 was located on a 6.8-kb EcoRI fragment of the chromosomal DNA. Complementation analysis with cloned DNA indicated that 1.269 kb of DNA of the 6.8-kb EcoRI fragment restored the wild-type phenotype of the lysine-requiring mutant. This region was further characterized by DNA sequence analysis and was shown to contain a coding sequence homologous to lysA gene of different bacteria. The lys ? mutant TL28 was unable to elicit development of effective nodules on the roots of Cicer arietinum L. There was no detectable level of lysine in the root exudates of chickpea. However, addition of lysine to the plant growth medium restored the ability of the mutant to produce effective nodules with nitrogen fixation ability on the roots of C. arietinum.  相似文献   

Cloning of Bacillus subtilis DNA fragment with the lysA gene encoding diaminopimelatecarboxylase (EC was done. The cloned gene in poorly expressed both in Escherichia coli and in Bacillus subtilis. Some DNA sequence distant from the lysA gene seems to be necessary for full gene expression, this sequence having been not cloned together with the lysA. The sequence in needed for regulation of the expression as well.  相似文献   

A novel second myostatin gene is present in teleost fish.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We report on the isolation and characterisation of the complete cDNA sequence encoding a novel bone morphogenetic protein-like protein (sbMSTN-b) in the teleost fish Sparus aurata. The encoded protein is 68% identical to S. aurata MSTN at the amino acid level, and homologues were also found in Umbrina cirrosa and Tetraodon nigroviridis. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the MSTN-b gene may be present in most, perhaps all, teleost fish species. RT-PCR on different tissues/stages indicates that MSTN-b is expressed almost exclusively in the central nervous system, starting from late larval stages. Quantitative analyses indicate an increase of sbMSTN-b expression in the brain associated with metamorphosis, at the same time as completion of nervous system differentiation.  相似文献   

The regulation of lysA which encodes the last enzyme for lysine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli, diaminopimelic acid-decarboxylase, was studied by using lysA-lacZ fusions. Our results indicate an absolute requirement for the LysR product for its activation, LysR protein present in a limiting amount which can be titrated by a multicopy plasmid carrying its target site and a negative regulatory role for the LysA protein itself which decreases lysA-lacZ expression 30-fold.  相似文献   

Multiple homologous sequences for the ferritin L subunit are present in mammalian genomes, but so far, only one expressed gene has been described. Here we report the isolation of a cDNA from a mouse bone marrow library, corresponding to an isoform of the mouse ferritin L subunit. This new subunit, that we named Lg, differs from the L subunit of ten amino acids. Specific amplification of mouse genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed the presence of this Lg sequence in the mouse genome but also suggested that it must be encoded by an intronless gene. Using a series of different Lg-specific oligonucleotides as probes, we subsequently isolated a genomic clone containing an uninterrupted sequence, identical to the Lg cDNA. This Lg gene lacks introns and does not contain the 28 base pairs (bp) conserved motif usually present at the 5 end of most ferritin mRNAs, which confers translational regulation by iron. When transiently transfected into K562 cells, this Lg genomic clone is actively transcribed, suggesting that, although it possesses the characteristics of a processed pseudogene, it is likely to correspond to the gene encoding this new ferritin subunit.  相似文献   

The expression of the IL-6 gene is usually tightly controlled and may be induced in specific tissues after treatment with appropriate stimuli. Although much is known about the inducible expression of the IL-6 gene, the molecular mechanisms responsible for its repression in specific tissues or cell types remain poorly defined. To address this question we have studied two human breast carcinoma cell lines, MDA-MB-231, in which the IL-6 gene is expressed, and, MCF-7, in which the IL-6 message is undetectable by Northern blot assay even in the presence of inducers. The expression of the IL-6 message was estimated after treatment with 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine and the methylation state of the IL-6 gene was analyzed. We show herein that treatment of MCF-7 cells with an agent which reduces DNA methylation correlates with IL-6 gene hypomethylation and increases the level of its expression.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations in two of the three collagen VI genes, COL6A2 and COL6A3, have recently been shown to cause Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy (UCMD), a frequently severe disorder characterized by congenital muscle weakness with joint contractures and coexisting distal joint hyperlaxity. Dominant mutations in all three collagen VI genes had previously been associated with the considerably milder Bethlem myopathy. Here we report that a de novo heterozygous deletion of the COL6A1 gene can also result in a severe phenotype of classical UCMD precluding ambulation. The internal gene deletion occurs near a minisatellite DNA sequence in intron 8 that removes 1.1 kb of genomic DNA encompassing exons 9 and 10. The resulting mutant chain contains a 33-amino acid deletion near the amino-terminus of the triple-helical domain but preserves a unique cysteine in the triple-helical domain important for dimer formation prior to secretion. Thus, dimer formation and secretion of abnormal tetramers can occur and exert a strong dominant negative effect on microfibrillar assembly, leading to a loss of normal localization of collagen VI in the basement membrane surrounding muscle fibers. Consistent with this mechanism was our analysis of a patient with a much milder phenotype, in whom we identified a previously described Bethlem myopathy heterozygous in-frame deletion of 18 amino acids somewhat downstream in the triple-helical domain, a result of exon 14 skipping in the COL6A1 gene. This deletion removes the crucial cysteine, so that dimer formation cannot occur and the abnormal molecule is not secreted, preventing the strong dominant negative effect. Our studies provide a biochemical insight into genotype-phenotype correlations in this group of disorders and establish that UCMD can be caused by dominantly acting mutations.  相似文献   

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