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Genetic diversity for aluminum tolerance in sorghum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic variation for aluminum (Al) tolerance in plants has allowed the development of cultivars that are high yielding on acidic, Al toxic soils. However, knowledge of intraspecific variation for Al tolerance control is needed in order to assess the potential for further Al tolerance improvement. Here we focused on the major sorghum Al tolerance gene, Alt SB , from the highly Al tolerant standard SC283 to investigate the range of genetic diversity for Al tolerance control in sorghum accessions from diverse origins. Two tightly linked STS markers flanking Alt SB were used to study the role of this locus in the segregation for Al tolerance in mapping populations derived from different sources of Al tolerance crossed with a common Al sensitive tester, BR012, as well as to isolate the allelic effects of Alt SB in near-isogenic lines. The results indicated the existence not only of multiple alleles at the Alt SB locus, which conditioned a wide range of tolerance levels, but also of novel sorghum Al tolerance genes. Transgressive segregation was observed in a highly Al tolerant breeding line, indicating that potential exists to exploit the additive or codominant effects of distinct Al tolerance loci. A global, SSR-based, genetic diversity analysis using a broader sorghum set revealed the presence of both multiple Alt SB alleles and different Al tolerance genes within highly related accessions. This suggests that efforts toward broadening the genetic basis for Al tolerance in sorghum may benefit from a detailed analysis of Al tolerance gene diversity within subgroups across a target population. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To obtain crops tolerant to aluminum (Al) toxicity in acid soils, several methods have been used to screen different plant species and genotypes to this production constraint. Little is known about the effect of the method on genetic analyses and breeding method suggested. Three genetic studies were conducted to examine evaluation method on inheritance and gene action of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] to Al toxicity as measured by seedling dry matter production.Results of acid soil and solution culture studies indicated that tolerance to Al toxicity was inherited as a dominant character. Narrow-sense heritability estimates in the greenhouse acid-soil study were low for shoot and root dry matter production. Six of the same hybrids tested in solution culture produced high additive-genetic variance and had narrow-sense heritability estimates of 72% for shoot and 65% for root DM yields. Griffing's diallel analysis showed that seven of nine restorer lines had substantially higher specific than general combining ability variances for both root and shoot dry matter yields.Inconsistencies between the acid soil and solution culture techniques showed that different genetic responses to the treatments were being measured. The solution culture study indicated to the plant breeder that genes conditioning Al tolerance could be incorporated into pure lines while the greenhouse acid-soil study would predict that this would not be possible. The diallel study of plants grown in solution culture showed that developing both Al-tolerant varieties and hybrids would be possible depending upon Al-tolerant germplasm used. Acid-soil field studies of actual genetic gain for Al to lerance are needed.  相似文献   

Two screening methods tested in this study were based on the observation that roots of freshly germinated seeds exhibit their relative tolerance to Al during the first 48 hours of growth. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) varieties were evaluated using toxic/nontoxic soil pairs in petri dishes and toxic/nontoxic solution pairs in a flowing aqueous system. The soils had 0, 61, and 72% Al saturation and the solutions had 0, 1.85 and 3.70 M l–1 Al from AlCl3 and 0.25 mM l–1 Ca from Ca(NO3)2. Relative root lengths in both systems correctly differentiated 13 genotypes of known Al tolerance into tolerant and intolerant groups. Twenty six other sorghums genotypes were also screened using genotypes of known Al reactions as checks. The soil with 72% Al saturation and the 1.85 M l–1 Al solution gave the highest correlation between the two systems and both effectively arrayed sorghums of known and unknown tolerance. For routine screening the authors prefer the soil system for its simplicity, efficiency, and use of a natural growth medium.Journal paper 11637. Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station, Lafayette, Indiana. Contribution from the Agronomy Department.  相似文献   

A steady-state model of cell volume frequency distribution using the method of Williams (1971) is derived. Results are compared to a Monte Carlo simulation of cell growth and division. It is suggested that the Monte Carlo method might be of value for investigating cell and population properties for which analytic methods are not currently available.  相似文献   

In several crop species within the Triticeae tribe of the grass family Poaceae, single major aluminum (Al) tolerance genes have been identified that effectively mitigate Al toxicity, a major abiotic constraint to crop production on acidic soils. However, the trait is quantitatively inherited in species within other tribes, and the possible ancestral relationships between major Al tolerance genes and QTL in the grasses remain unresolved. To help establish these relationships, we conducted a molecular genetic analysis of Al tolerance in sorghum and integrated our findings with those from previous studies performed in crop species belonging to different grass tribes. A single locus, AltSB, was found to control Al tolerance in two highly Al tolerant sorghum cultivars. Significant macrosynteny between sorghum and the Triticeae was observed for molecular markers closely linked to putatively orthologous Al tolerance loci present in the group 4 chromosomes of wheat, barley, and rye. However, AltSB was not located within the homeologous region of sorghum but rather mapped near the end of sorghum chromosome 3. Thus, AltSB not only is the first major Al tolerance gene mapped in a grass species that does not belong to the Triticeae, but also appears to be different from the major Al tolerance locus in the Triticeae. Intertribe map comparisons suggest that a major Al tolerance QTL on rice chromosome 1 is likely to be orthologous to AltSB, whereas another rice QTL on chromosome 3 is likely to correspond to the Triticeae group 4 Al tolerance locus. Therefore, this study demonstrates a clear evolutionary link between genes and QTL encoding the same trait in distantly related species within a single plant family.  相似文献   

The relationship between heterozygosity at neutral marker loci and heterosis of F1 hybrids is investigated using a theoretical model. Results emphasize that linkage disequilibrium between the markers and the loci implicated in heterosis [quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that exhibit dominance effects] is a necessary condition to finding a correlation ( mh ) between heterozygosity at marker loci and the heterosis. The effect of population structure, in which the parental inbred lines of the hybrids belong to different heterotic groups, is considered. mh is investigated for: (1) hybrids between lines that belong to the same heterotic group (within-group hybrids); (2) hybrids between lines that belong to different groups (between-group hybrids); and (3) all hybrids, both within and between-groups. Within a group, significant values of ( mh ) may arise because of linkage disequilibrium generated by drift. At the between-group level, no correlation is expected since link-age disequilibrium should differ randomly from one group to the other, which is consistent with recent experimental results. Possible ways to achieve prediction of the heterosis in this situation are discussed. When all hybrids are considered simultaneously, divergence of allelic frequencies among groups for the markers and the QTLs produces a correlation between heterosis and heterozygosity at marker loci. This correlation increases with the number of markers that are considered.  相似文献   

Self-assembly of proteins and peptides into amyloid structures has been the subject of intense and focused research due to their association with neurodegenerative, age-related human diseases and transmissible prion diseases in humans and mammals. Of the disease associated amyloid assemblies, a diverse array of species, ranging from small oligomeric assembly intermediates to fibrillar structures, have been shown to have toxic potential. Equally, a range of species formed by the same disease associated amyloid sequences have been found to be relatively benign under comparable monomer equivalent concentrations and conditions. In recent years, an increasing number of functional amyloid systems have also been found. These developments show that not all amyloid structures are generically toxic to cells. Given these observations, it is important to understand why amyloid structures may encode such varied toxic potential despite sharing a common core molecular architecture. Here, we discuss possible links between different aspects of amyloidogenic structures and assembly mechanisms with their varied functional effects. We propose testable hypotheses for the relationship between amyloid structure and its toxic potential in the context of recent reports on amyloid sequence, structure, and toxicity relationships.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is involved, together with plant hormones, in the adaptation to Al stress in plants. However, the mechanism by which NO and plant hormones interplay to improve Al tolerance are still unclear. We have recently shown that patterns of plant hormones alteration differ between rye and wheat under Al stress. NO may enhance Al tolerance by regulating hormonal equilibrium in plants, as a regulator of plant hormones signaling. In this paper, some unsolved issues are discussed based on recent studies and the complex network of NO and plant hormones in inducing Al tolerance of plants are proposed.  相似文献   

On average, large-bodied species live at lower densities than small-bodied ones. Early studies suggested that population densities might scale so that the energy use of a population is independent of body size. However, recent work shows that, at the scale of local communities, this is rarely true and that the pattern varies among taxonomic or ecological subsets of those communities. Energetic considerations may only be relevant to the densities of more abundant species. In fact, within natural assemblages o f organisms, the underlying relationship is very variable; in subsets of those assemblages, ecological processes such as competition may structure abundance patterns.  相似文献   

PCR-based analysis of polymorphism between genera and species of sorghum, soryz, and related forms (maize, rice) was carried out. The level of polymorphism reached 100% within the sample, while interspecific polymorphism (sorghum and soryz species) amounted to 96.2%, thus evidencing the wide range of variation between the studied species. Genotypes formed clusters according to their specific belonging.  相似文献   

The relationship between peptide structure and antibacterial activity   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Powers JP  Hancock RE 《Peptides》2003,24(11):1681-1691
Cationic antimicrobial peptides are a class of small, positively charged peptides known for their broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. These peptides have also been shown to possess anti-viral and anti-cancer activity and, most recently, the ability to modulate the innate immune response. To date, a large number of antimicrobial peptides have been chemically characterized, however, few high-resolution structures are available. Structure-activity studies of these peptides reveal two main requirements for antimicrobial activity, (1) a cationic charge and (2) an induced amphipathic conformation. In addition to peptide conformation, the role of membrane lipid composition, specifically non-bilayer lipids, on peptide activity will also be discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between DNA replication and chromosome structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dutrillaux  B. 《Human genetics》1977,35(3):247-253
Summary The results obtained by acridine orange staining of chromosomes, after BrdU treatment, during one or two cell cycles, are described. The alterations of chromosome structure do not depend only on BrdU incorporation into DNA. Some other mechanisms are necessarily involved, and it is postulated that they are disturbances of protein-DNA association, occurring in G1 and in S- or G2-phase. The aspect of metaphase chromosomes then appears as the result of several metabolic steps, all occurring during interphase.Presented at the Fifth Meeting of the Cytogenetics Section of the Society for Anthropology and Human Genetics, Basel, Switzerland, June 17–19, 1976.  相似文献   

Methods have been developed to study the influence of quaternary structure on enzyme activity. Some enzymes which normally exist as stable oligomers remain catalytically active when the subunits are dissociated by artificial means.  相似文献   

Jiang CD  Wang X  Gao HY  Shi L  Chow WS 《Plant physiology》2011,155(3):1416-1424
Leaf anatomy of C3 plants is mainly regulated by a systemic irradiance signal. Since the anatomical features of C4 plants are different from that of C3 plants, we investigated whether the systemic irradiance signal regulates leaf anatomical structure and photosynthetic performance in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), a C4 plant. Compared with growth under ambient conditions (A), no significant changes in anatomical structure were observed in newly developed leaves by shading young leaves alone (YS). Shading mature leaves (MS) or whole plants (S), on the other hand, caused shade-leaf anatomy in newly developed leaves. By contrast, chloroplast ultrastructure in developing leaves depended only on their local light conditions. Functionally, shading young leaves alone had little effect on their net photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance, but shading mature leaves or whole plants significantly decreased these two parameters in newly developed leaves. Specifically, the net photosynthetic rate in newly developed leaves exhibited a positive linear correlation with that of mature leaves, as did stomatal conductance. In MS and S treatments, newly developed leaves exhibited severe photoinhibition under high light. By contrast, newly developed leaves in A and YS treatments were more resistant to high light relative to those in MS- and S-treated seedlings. We suggest that (1) leaf anatomical structure, photosynthetic capacity, and high-light tolerance in newly developed sorghum leaves were regulated by a systemic irradiance signal from mature leaves; and (2) chloroplast ultrastructure only weakly influenced the development of photosynthetic capacity and high-light tolerance. The potential significance of the regulation by a systemic irradiance signal is discussed.  相似文献   

Impaired root development caused by aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major cause of grain yield reduction in crops cultivated on acid soils, which are widespread worldwide. In sorghum, the major Al‐tolerance locus, AltSB, is due to the function of SbMATE, which is an Al‐activated root citrate transporter. Here we performed a molecular and physiological characterization of various AltSB donors and near‐isogenic lines harboring various AltSB alleles. We observed a partial transfer of Al tolerance from the parents to the near‐isogenic lines that was consistent across donor alleles, emphasizing the occurrence of strong genetic background effects related to AltSB. This reduction in tolerance was variable, with a 20% reduction being observed when highly Al‐tolerant lines were the AltSB donors, and a reduction as great as 70% when other AltSB alleles were introgressed. This reduction in Al tolerance was closely correlated with a reduction in SbMATE expression in near‐isogenic lines, suggesting incomplete transfer of loci acting in trans on SbMATE. Nevertheless, AltSB alleles from the highly Al‐tolerant sources SC283 and SC566 were found to retain high SbMATE expression, presumably via elements present within or near the AltSB locus, resulting in significant transfer of the Al‐tolerance phenotype to the derived near‐isogenic lines. Allelic effects could not be explained by coding region polymorphisms, although occasional mutations may affect Al tolerance. Finally, we report on the extensive occurrence of alternative splicing for SbMATE, which may be an important component regulating SbMATE expression in sorghum by means of the nonsense‐mediated RNA decay pathway.  相似文献   

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