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As microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of many biological processes, a series of small RNAomes from plants have been produced in the last decade. However, miRNA data from several groups of plants are still lacking, including some economically important crops. Here microRNAs from Coffea canephora leaves were profiled and 58 unique sequences belonging to 33 families were found, including two novel microRNAs that have never been described before in plants. Some of the microRNA sequences were also identified in Coffea arabica that, together with C. canephora, correspond to the two major sources of coffee production in the world. The targets of almost all miRNAs were also predicted on coffee expressed sequences. This is the first report of novel miRNAs in the genus Coffea, and also the first in the plant order Gentianales. The data obtained establishes the basis for the understanding of the complex miRNA-target network on those two important crops.  相似文献   

Self-compatibility segregation was assessed in two successive backcross progenies originating from an interspecific cross between Coffea canephora (self-incompatible) and Coffea heterocalyx (self-compatible). After self- and cross-pollination, pollen tube behaviour in styles was observed under ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy and fruit-set was determined at harvesting time. Segregation ratios in the two progenies were consistent with monofactorial control of self-compatibility. Self-compatible plants exhibited higher fruit-set than self-incompatible ones in open-pollination conditions. Segregation of AFLP markers was scored in the first backcross progeny. By molecular linkage analysis, the S locus could be mapped to a short linkage group.  相似文献   

The inheritance and relationships between four traits of agronomic and quality interest??fructification time, caffeine, and heteroside contents and 100-bean weight??were analyzed in the first backcross hybrids derived from an interspecific cross between Coffea pseudozanguebariae and Coffea canephora. We showed that short vs. long fructification time was governed by one major gene with two co-dominant alleles ft1 and ft2. Absence vs. presence of both caffeine and heteroside was also controlled by one major gene. The allele responsible for the presence of caffeine (caf2) dominated over the absence one (caf1) whereas both alleles controlling heteroside, het1 and het2, were co-dominant. The fructification time and the heteroside content were additive while the caffeine content seemed multiplicative. The 100-bean weight was additive and under a polygenic control. The two genes ft and caf were linked, separated by 30.8?cM, and were independent from the het gene. The relationships between the four traits were not strong enough, except between 100-bean weight and fructification time (r?=?0.43) or caffeine content (r?=?0.41). Recombination occurred between the genes controlling the four traits suggesting that new introgressed Robusta varieties, characterized by short, medium, or long fructification time depending on demand, bigger seeds with low or no caffeine content, and being heteroside-free, could be produced.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the currently used allometric models, as well as to propose a reliable and accurate model using non-destructive measurements of leaf length (L) and/or width (W), for estimating the area of leaves of eight field-grown coffee cultivars. For model construction, a total of 1563 leaves were randomly selected from different levels of the tree canopies and encompassed the full spectrum of measurable leaf sizes (0.3–263 cm2) for each genotype. Power models better fit coffee leaf area (LA) than linear models. To validate the model, an independent data set of 388 leaves was used. We demonstrated that the currently used allometric models are biased, underestimating the area of a coffee leaf. We developed a single power model     based on two leaf dimensions [LA = 0.6626 (LW)1.0116; standard errors: β0 = 0.0064, β1 = 0.0019; R2 = 0.996] with high precision and accuracy, random dispersion pattern of residuals and also unbiased, irrespective of cultivar and leaf size and shape. Even when the L (but not width) alone was used as the single leaf dimension, the power model developed still predicted with good accuracy the LA but at the expense of some loss of precision, as particularly found for 8% of the leaves sampled with length-to-width ratios below 2.0 or above 3.0.  相似文献   

Identification and stability of QTLs for fruit quality traits in apple   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Breeding for fruit quality traits is complex due to the polygenic (quantitative) nature of the genetic control of these traits. Therefore, to improve the speed and efficiency of genotype selection, attention in recent years has focused on the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and molecular markers associated with these QTLs. However, despite the huge potential of molecular markers in breeding programmes, their implementation in practice has been limited by the lack of information on the stability of QTLs across different environments and within different genetic backgrounds. Here, we present the results from a comprehensive analysis of the inheritance of fruit quality traits within a population derived from a cross between the apple cultivars ‘Telamon’ and ‘Braeburn’ over two successive seasons. A total of 74 different QTLs were identified for all the major fruit physiological traits including fruit height, diameter, weight and stiffness, flesh firmness, rate of flesh browning, acidity, the oBrix content and harvest date. Seventeen of these QTLs were ‘major’ QTLs, accounting for over 20% of the observed population variance of the trait. However, only one third (26) of the identified QTLs were stable over both harvest years, and of these year-stable QTLs only one was a major QTL. A direct comparison with published QTL results obtained using other populations (King et al., Theor Appl Genet 102:1227–1235, 2001; Liebhard et al., Plant Mol Biol 52:511–526, 2003) is difficult because the linkage maps do not share a sufficient number of common markers and due to differences in the trait evaluation protocols. Nonetheless, our results suggest that for the six fruit quality traits which were measured in all populations, nine out of a total of 45 QTLs were common or stable across all population × environments combinations. These results are discussed in the framework of the development and application of molecular markers for fruit quality trait improvement.  相似文献   

Cross-compatibility behaviour of doubled haploid (DH) and hybrid genotypes of Coffea camphora was established using both phenotypic bioassay and in situ seed-set examination. The availability of DHs provided the opportunity of working with genetically homogenous pollen and female parents. The aniline blue fluorescence (ABF) method was applied to detect callose accumulation in pollen and pistil. Clear cross-compatibility/incompatibility situations were observed and confirmed by in situ seed-set analysis. Cross-compatibility analysis of hybrid combinations involving different DHs corroborated the crossing behaviour observed at the DH level. Expression of the self-incompatibility system did not appear to be affected by the low vigour of the DH. The crossing-behaviour distribution observed within DHs derived from clone IF200 confirmed that self-incompatibility in C. canephora is a gametophytic self-incompatibility system controlled by a single locus (S-locus). Reduced seed-set developments following incompatible crosses may indicate the occurrence of pseudo-incompatibility. Molecular marker linkage analysis showed that the S-locus is associated with an RFLP marker on linkage group 9. The availability of a linked DNA marker should facilitate the genetic analysis of self-incompatibility in relation to coffee breeding programmes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Yield capacity is a target trait for selection of agronomically desirable lines; it is preferred to simple yields recorded over different harvests. Yield capacity is derived using certain architectural parameters used to measure the components of yield capacity. METHODS: Observation protocols for describing architecture and yield capacity were applied to six clones of coffee trees (Coffea canephora) in a comparative trial. The observations were used to establish architectural databases, which were explored using AMAPmod, a software dedicated to the analyses of plant architecture data. The traits extracted from the database were used to identify architectural parameters for predicting the yield of the plant material studied. CONCLUSIONS: Architectural traits are highly heritable and some display strong genetic correlations with cumulated yield. In particular, the proportion of fruiting nodes at plagiotropic level 15 counting from the top of the tree proved to be a good predictor of yield over two fruiting cycles.  相似文献   

Exoglycosidases modify carbohydrate epitopes on glycoproteins and glycolipids. The alpha-D-galactosidase from Coffea canephora is an important exoglycosidase which degrades the human blood group B epitope. Although multiple isozymes have been described, they have never been demonstrably purified and thoroughly characterized. We have developed a technique to purify an isozyme to homogeneity. The isolated enzyme has a molecular weight of 36.7 kDa by SDS PAGE and 34.0 kDa by gel filtration. The isozyme is highly selective for alpha-D-galactosides and inactive against other low molecular weight substrates. It hydrolyzes the the terminal alpha-D-galactosyl residue from the blood group B epitope. Protease activity is below detectable limits. The isozyme has a broad pH optima at 6.3, a pl of 7.03, is unaffected by ionic strength, and is stable at 4 degrees C.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic parameters were determined in disks from leaves of C. arabica cv. Red Catuaí and C. canephora cv. Kouillou grown in the field. Kouillou showed a relatively higher irradiance requirement for saturating photosynthesis, lower chlorophyll (Chl) content, and higher Chl a/b ratio than Catuaí. Photoinhibition of photosynthesis under bright irradiance was manifested by decreases in maximum photochemical efficiency (evaluated by the variable to maximum fluorescence ratio, Fv/Fm), as a consequence of an increased initial and a quenched maximum fluorescence. Restoration of Fv/Fm following photoinhibition in low irradiance was faster in Kouillou than in Catuaí. Chloramphenicol both accelerated photoinhibition (mainly in Kouillou) and blocked its recovery for at least 190 min in either cultivar. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution under photoinhibitory conditions was decreased by chloramphenicol; in control leaf disks this decrease was only observed in C. arabica, but with a rapid recovery within 90 min of low irradiance exposure. In both coffee cultivars, the depressed photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 was not accompanied by a concomitant lowering in oxygen evolution during reversal from photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Da Matta  F.M.  Maestri  M. 《Photosynthetica》1998,34(3):439-446
Photosynthetic parameters were determined in disks from leaves of C. arabica cv. Red Catuaí and C. canephora cv. Kouillou grown in the field. Kouillou showed a relatively higher irradiance requirement for saturating photosynthesis, lower chlorophyll (Chl) content, and higher Chl a/b ratio than Catuaí. Photoinhibition of photosynthesis under bright irradiance was manifested by decreases in maximum photochemical efficiency (evaluated by the variable to maximum fluorescence ratio, Fv/Fm), as a consequence of an increased initial and a quenched maximum fluorescence. Restoration of Fv/Fm following photoinhibition in low irradiance was faster in Kouillou than in Catuaí. Chloramphenicol both accelerated photoinhibition (mainly in Kouillou) and blocked its recovery for at least 190 min in either cultivar. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution under photoinhibitory conditions was decreased by chloramphenicol; in control leaf disks this decrease was only observed in C. arabica, but with a rapid recovery within 90 min of low irradiance exposure. In both coffee cultivars, the depressed photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 was not accompanied by a concomitant lowering in oxygen evolution during reversal from photoinhibition.  相似文献   

N-Methyltransferases (NMTs) catalyze the three SAM dependent sequential methylation of xanthosine, producing caffeine in Coffea species. In the present work, a PCR based genome walking method was adopted to isolate and clone the promoter for the NMT gene. Inspection of the promoter sequence revealed the presence of several motifs important for the regulation of the gene expression. The whole fragment was fused to the beta-glucuronidase (gus) reporter gene and used in Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of Nicotiana tabacum. GUS assays proved that the isolated promoter was able to direct the expression of the reporter gene in transgenic tobacco. Based on the promoter sequence, primer was designed and the genomic fragment comprising the promoter and its corresponding gene was amplified and cloned. Sequencing of one of the genomic clones revealed the presence of four exons and three introns in NMT gene. The differences in the restriction pattern among the genomic clones were studied using PCR-RFLP. This is the first report of cloning of the promoter for a gene involved in caffeine biosynthetic pathway and it opens up the possibility of studying the molecular mechanisms that regulate the production of caffeine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Caffeoylquinic acids are cinnamate conjugates derived from the phenylpropanoid pathway. They are generally involved in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress and one of them, chlorogenic acid (5-O-caffeoylquinic acid, 5-CQA), is an intermediate in the lignin biosynthesis pathway. Caffeoylquinic acids, and particularly 5-CQA, are accumulated in coffee beans, where they can form vacuolar complexes with caffeine. Coffea canephora beans are known to have high caffeoylquinic acid content, but little is known about the content and diversity of these compounds in other plant parts. To gain new insights into the caffeoylquinic acid metabolism of C. canephora, caffeoylquinic acid content and in situ localization were assessed in leaves at different growth stages. METHODS: HPLC analyses of caffeoylquinic acid content of leaves was conducted in conjunction with detailed histochemical and microspectrofluorometrical analysis. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: HPLC analyses revealed that caffeoylquinic acid content was 10-fold lower in adult than in juvenile leaves. The most abundant cinnamate conjugate was 5-CQA, but dicaffeoylquinic acids (particularly in juvenile leaves) and feruloylquinic acids were also present. Using specific reagents, histochemical and microspectrofluorometrical analysis showed that caffeoylquinic acids (mono- and di-esters) were closely associated with chloroplasts in very young leaves. During leaf ageing, they were found to first accumulate intensively in specific chlorenchymatous bundle sheath cells and then in phloem sclerenchyma cells. The association with chloroplasts suggests that caffeoylquinic acids have a protective role against light damage. In older tissues, their presence in the leaf vascular system indicates that they are transported via phloem and confirms their involvement in lignification processes. In accordance with the hypothesis of a complex formation with caffeine, similar tissue distribution was observed for alkaloids and this is further discussed.  相似文献   

The genetic variability characterization of the accessions of the germplasm collection, using molecular markers, is being applied as a complementary strategy to the traditional approaches to redefine the plant genetic resources. In this study, we compared the informativeness and efficiency of the molecular markers RAPD, AFLP and SSR in the analysis of 94 accessions of Coffea canephora germplasm held by the breeding program of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), Rondônia State, Brazil. For this, we considered the marker’s discriminatory power and level of polymorphism detected and also the genetic relationships and clustering (dendrogram) analysis. The RAPD marker yielded low-quality data and problems in the discrimination of some accessions, being less recommended for genetic studies of C. canephora. The SSRs had a higher level of information content and yielded high-quality data, while AFLP was the most efficient marker system because of the simultaneous detection of abundant polymorphism markers per few reactions. Our results indicate that AFLP and SSR, allies to the intrinsic characteristics of each technique, are the most suitable molecular markers for genetic studies of C. canephora. However, the choice of AFLP or SSR in the species characterization should be made in agreement with some characteristics that are discussed in this work.  相似文献   

Cilas C  Bouharmont P  Bar-Hen A 《Heredity》2003,91(5):528-532
The genetic parameters of several agronomic traits were estimated in Coffea canephora in a triangular diallel with six parents and in a partial diallel with 18 parents. The yield data came from harvests obtained over 14 years divided into an initial 6-year cycle, a second cycle of 5 years after cutting back and a third cycle of 3 years after topping. Risk incidence was also observed over several years. The general combining abilities (GCA) were the principal sources of variation for the various traits considered. Parents derived from the Yangambi selections (Democratic Republic of Congo) proved to be best for yields in the three cropping cycles. The rank correlations between the GCA of the various traits indicated that first-cycle production was still not enough to predict the GCA for yield over 14 years. Susceptibility to leaf anthracnose and to drought could lead to modifications in successive classifications, with a more significant impact on production during the first cycle. The differences in susceptibility to Coffee Berry Borers had an impact on yield, which increased in line with coffee tree age. There was a rather good relation between inherent values and values in parent combinations and it was thus possible to choose parents on their own performance.  相似文献   

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