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C. R. Preston  J. A. Sved    W. R. Engels 《Genetics》1996,144(4):1623-1638
We studied P element-induced recombination in germline mitotic cells by examining the structure of the recombinant chromosomes. We found that most recombinants retain a mobile P element at the site of the recombination, usually with either a deletion or a duplication immediately adjacent to the P end at which the crossover occurred. The sizes of these deletions and duplications ranged from a few base pairs to well over 100 kb. These structures fit the ``hybrid element insertion' (HEI) model of male recombination in which the two P-element copies on sister chromatids combine to form a ``hybrid element' whose termini insert into a nearby position on the homologue. The data suggest that P-induced recombination can be used as an efficient means of generating flanking deletions in the vicinity of existing P elements. These deletions are easily screened using distant flanking markers, and they can be chosen to extend in a given direction depending on which reciprocal recombinant type is selected. Furthermore, the retention of a mobile P element allows one to extend the deletion or generate additional variability at the site by subsequent rounds of recombination.  相似文献   

Homologous chromosome synapsis (``homosynapsis') and crossing over are well-conserved aspects of meiotic chromosome behavior. The long-standing assumption that these two processes are causally related has been challenged recently by observations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of significant levels of crossing over (1) between small sequences at nonhomologous locations and (2) in mutants where synapsis is abnormal or absent. In order to avoid problems of local sequence effects and of mutation pleiotropy, we have perturbed synapsis by making a set of isogenic strains that are heterozygous and homozygous for a large chromosomal paracentric inversion covering a well marked genetic interval and then measured recombination. We find that reciprocal recombination in the marked interval in heterozygotes is reduced variably across the interval, on average to ~55% of that in the homozygotes, and that positive interference still modulates crossing over. Cytologically, stable synapsis across the interval is apparently heterologous rather than homologous, consistent with the interpretation that stable homosynapsis is required to initiate or consummate a large fraction of the crossing over observed in wild-type strains. When crossing over does occur in heterozygotes, dicentric and acentric chromosomes are formed and can be visualized and quantitated on blots though not demonstrated in viable spores. We find that there is no loss of dicentric chromosomes during the two meiotic divisions and that the acentric chromosome is recovered at only 1/3 to 1/2 of the expected level.  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are highly heritable and characterised by impairments in social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviours. Considering four sets of de novo copy number variants (CNVs) identified in 181 individuals with autism and exploiting mouse functional genomics and known protein-protein interactions, we identified a large and significantly interconnected interaction network. This network contains 187 genes affected by CNVs drawn from 45% of the patients we considered and 22 genes previously implicated in ASD, of which 192 form a single interconnected cluster. On average, those patients with copy number changed genes from this network possess changes in 3 network genes, suggesting that epistasis mediated through the network is extensive. Correspondingly, genes that are highly connected within the network, and thus whose copy number change is predicted by the network to be more phenotypically consequential, are significantly enriched among patients that possess only a single ASD-associated network copy number changed gene (p = 0.002). Strikingly, deleted or disrupted genes from the network are significantly enriched in GO-annotated positive regulators (2.3-fold enrichment, corrected p = 2×10−5), whereas duplicated genes are significantly enriched in GO-annotated negative regulators (2.2-fold enrichment, corrected p = 0.005). The direction of copy change is highly informative in the context of the network, providing the means through which perturbations arising from distinct deletions or duplications can yield a common outcome. These findings reveal an extensive ASD-associated molecular network, whose topology indicates ASD-relevant mutational deleteriousness and that mechanistically details how convergent aetiologies can result extensively from CNVs affecting pathways causally implicated in ASD.  相似文献   

Frequencies of formation of inversion loops and their relative sizes were studied in laboratory mice heterozygous for paracentric inversion In1(1)Rk in chromosome1, depending on the genetic background. Homozygotes In1/In1 were crossed with mice from five inbred strains (A/HeJ, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, DBA2/J). The frequency of formation of inversion loops, their relative sizes, and the dependence of these parameters on the stage of pachytene were analyzed on electron-microscopic slides of spread spermatocytes in first-generation hybrids. It was shown that the genetic background and cross direction statistically significantly influenced the duration of individual pachytene stages and the frequency of inversion loops, but not relative loop size. Using a database on SNP distribution in the inbred strains examined, we carried out in silico mapping of genes affecting the genotype-dependent characters. We have found that the efficiency of synapsis in the inversion does not depend on interstrain differences in homology of the chromosome 1 region involved in the inversion. Genes controlling the inversion loop frequency in the inversion heterozygotes were mapped to chromosome 7, and genes controlling the duration of individual pachytene stages, to chromosomes 2 and 5.__________Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2005, pp. 746–752.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Borodin, Ladygina, Rodionova, Zhelezova, Zykovich, Axenovich.  相似文献   

An investigation of the structure of meiotic chromosomes from primary spermatocytes of two salamanders, Plethodon cinereus and Desmognathus fusca, has been made using correlated light and electron microscopy. Feulgen squashes were compared with stained sections and these related to adjacent thin sections in the electron microscope. A transition from the familiar cytological preparation to the electron image was thus effected. A linear complex consisting of three parallel strands has been observed with the electron microscope, passing along the central axis of primary spermatocyte chromosomes. The complex is similar to that found in comparable chromosomes from at least a dozen animal species. The structure in Plethodon is described in detail. Synapsis has been positively identified as the stage of meiotic prophase at which the complex occurs. Thus the complex is a part of bivalent chromosomes. It has not been seen in other stages or other divisions and is thus thought to be exclusively of synaptic occurrence. The term synaptinemal complex is suggested for the entire structure. By virtue of the material condensed around it, the complex is also seen in the light microscope where it appears as a fine, densely Feulgen-positive central core along the chromosome. The complex is thus closely associated with DNA, if not at least in part, composed of it. In the stages studied, homologous chromosomes are not always completely paired. The lateral elements of the complex separate and follow the single chromosome axes at these points. The central element disappears and thus may be a phenomenon of pairing. It is concluded that the lateral elements of the synaptinemal complex may more correctly be a "core" of the single meiotic prophase chromosome, possibly being concerned with its linear organization.  相似文献   

Brain and spinal cord of female mice heterozygous for the jimpy gene were analyzed during development for activity of ceramide galactosyl transferase (CGT) and for levels of myelin basic protein (MBP). CGT activity was low at 13-14 days in brains of heterozygous jimpy females but showed normal levels by 31-36 days, in agreement with our earlier study of this enzyme. In cord, CGT activity was normal or slightly above normal at all ages studied, from 13-14 days into adulthood. In both brain and cord, decreased levels of MBP were observed at 13 days; by 100 days, amounts of MBP approached normal levels. Proven female carriers of the jimpy gene also showed normal levels of CGT activity, MBP, and isolated myelin at 200-250 days of age in both brain and cord. These biochemical findings agree with previous morphologic measurements in cord demonstrating deficits in myelin at early ages but compensation by 100 days. Our results show that compensation occurs earlier in cord than in brain and that levels of MBP show a closer correlation than CGT activity with amounts of myelin, as measured by either morphometric analysis or direct isolation.  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that 75% of infertile men with round, acrosomeless spermatozoa (globozoospermia) had a homozygous 200-Kb deletion removing the totality of DPY19L2. We showed that this deletion occurred by Non-Allelic Homologous Recombination (NAHR) between two homologous 28-Kb Low Copy Repeats (LCRs) located on each side of the gene. The accepted NAHR model predicts that inter-chromatid and inter-chromosome NAHR create a deleted and a duplicated recombined allele, while intra-chromatid events only generate deletions. Therefore more deletions are expected to be produced de novo. Surprisingly, array CGH data show that, in the general population, DPY19L2 duplicated alleles are approximately three times as frequent as deleted alleles. In order to shed light on this paradox, we developed a sperm-based assay to measure the de novo rates of deletions and duplications at this locus. As predicted by the NAHR model, we identified an excess of de novo deletions over duplications. We calculated that the excess of de novo deletion was compensated by evolutionary loss, whereas duplications, not subjected to selection, increased gradually. Purifying selection against sterile, homozygous deleted men may be sufficient for this compensation, but heterozygously deleted men might also suffer a small fitness penalty. The recombined alleles were sequenced to pinpoint the localisation of the breakpoints. We analysed a total of 15 homozygous deleted patients and 17 heterozygous individuals carrying either a deletion (n = 4) or a duplication (n = 13). All but two alleles fell within a 1.2-Kb region central to the 28-Kb LCR, indicating that >90% of the NAHR took place in that region. We showed that a PRDM9 13-mer recognition sequence is located right in the centre of that region. Our results therefore strengthen the link between this consensus sequence and the occurrence of NAHR.  相似文献   

The behavior of heterozygously inverted X chromosomes that were members of the distributive pool at least 70% of the time was studied when the other pool members were either two free 4's or one compound 4. The X's were structurally modified by additions or deletions of heterochromatin, so that the two homologues differed in both size and configuration or in size alone. In the noncompetitive situation, with two free 4's, recognition between the X's remained high despite the modifications, and primary X nondisjunction was low. In the competitive situation, with the compound 4, distributive nondisjunction of the X's increased approximately two orders of magnitude, and trivalent formation was indicated. Disjunction from the trivalent varied with X size and configuration. When both X's were acrocentric, the smaller X directed the larger X and the very small (see PDF) to the same pole; when the larger X carried a second arm, it assumed the directing role; when the size ratio of the smaller, one-armed X to the larger, two-armed X became less than ~5/9, the smaller X again directed the other two.  相似文献   

Recombinant forms of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) have been shown to be of major importance in the global AIDS pandemic. Viral RNA dimer formation mediated by the dimerization initiation sequence (DIS) is believed to be essential for viral genomic RNA packaging and therefore for RNA recombination. Here, we demonstrate that HIV-1 recombination and replication are not restricted by variant DIS loop sequences. Three DIS loop forms found among HIV-1 isolates, DIS (CG), DIS (TA), and DIS (TG), when introduced into deletion mutants of HIV-1 recombined efficiently, and the progeny virions replicated with comparable kinetics. A fourth DIS loop form, containing an artificial AAAAAA sequence disrupting the putative DIS loop-loop interactions [DIS (A6)], supported efficient recombination with DIS loop variants; however, DIS (A6) progeny virions exhibited a modest replication disadvantage in mixed cultures. Our studies indicate that the nonhomologous DIS sequences found in different HIV-1 subtypes are not a primary obstacle to intersubtype recombination.  相似文献   

Individuals with terminal and interstitial deletions of chromosome 1p36 have a spectrum of defects that includes eye anomalies, postnatal growth deficiency, structural brain anomalies, seizures, cognitive impairment, delayed motor development, behavior problems, hearing loss, cardiovascular malformations, cardiomyopathy, and renal anomalies. The proximal 1p36 genes that contribute to these defects have not been clearly delineated. The arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide (RE) repeats gene (RERE) is located in this region and encodes a nuclear receptor coregulator that plays a critical role in embryonic development as a positive regulator of retinoic acid signaling. Rere-null mice die of cardiac failure between E9.5 and E11.5. This limits their usefulness in studying the role of RERE in the latter stages of development and into adulthood. To overcome this limitation, we created an allelic series of RERE-deficient mice using an Rere-null allele, om, and a novel hypomorphic Rere allele, eyes3 (c.578T>C, p.Val193Ala), which we identified in an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-based screen for autosomal recessive phenotypes. Analyses of these mice revealed microphthalmia, postnatal growth deficiency, brain hypoplasia, decreased numbers of neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN)-positive hippocampal neurons, hearing loss, cardiovascular malformations–aortic arch anomalies, double outlet right ventricle, and transposition of the great arteries, and perimembranous ventricular septal defects–spontaneous development of cardiac fibrosis and renal agenesis. These findings suggest that RERE plays a critical role in the development and function of multiple organs including the eye, brain, inner ear, heart and kidney. It follows that haploinsufficiency of RERE may contribute–alone or in conjunction with other genetic, environmental, or stochastic factors–to the development of many of the phenotypes seen in individuals with terminal and interstitial deletions that include the proximal region of chromosome 1p36.  相似文献   

Snow R 《Genetics》1980,94(2):327-339
The HIS1 and THR4 loci are the structural genes for phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphorylase and threonine synthetase, respectively. The allele his1–1S has no enzyme activity at 30°, but does have activity at 15° provided the cell contains the wild-type THR4 allele or a suppressing allele at another locus, designated SUP(his1–1S). Under these conditions, cells with the his1–1S mutation are capable of growth on minimal medium at 15°. Three kinds of reversions of a his1–1S thr4 sup(his1–1S) strain to histidine prototrophy have been obtained: (1) his1–1S locus reversions to HIS1 that restore growth without added histidine at 30°, (2) thr4 reversions to THR4 that simultaneously eliminate the requirement for threonine and restore the low-temperature effect on the his1-1S allele, and (3) mutations from sup to SUP. The SUP allele is not an ochre suppressor, and it is not linked to either HIS1, THR4 or a centromere. It may represent a missense suppressor. It is proposed that the effect of THR4 is caused by aggregation of the wild-type threonine synthetase with defective his1–1S monomers, causing a favorable conformational change in the histidine protein that restores limited enzymatic activity. This can be regarded as a case of complementation between nonhomologous proteins.  相似文献   

Neutrophil recruitment (NR) to sites of sterile inflammation plays a key role in tissue damage and healing potential of lesions characteristic to non-infectious inflammatory diseases. Previous studies suggested significant genetic control of neutrophil survival, function, and migration in inflammatory responses to endogenous and exogenous stimuli. We have mapped the murine genome for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) harbouring genetic determinants that regulate NR in SI using a murine model of chemically-induced peritonitis. NR was quantified in 16 AXB-BXA recombinant inbred strains and their progenitors, A/J (A) and C57BL/6J (B). A continuous distribution of NR was found among the strains, with parent B showing higher NR and parent A showing lower NR (3.0-fold difference, p=0.05). Within the progeny strains, a 5.5-fold difference in NR was observed between the lowest, BXA1, and the highest responders AXB19 (p<0.001). This data was analyzed using GeneNetwork, which linked NR to one significant QTL on chromosome 12 (Peritoneal Neutrophil Recruitment 1, PNR1) and two suggestive QTLs (PNR2, PNR3) on chromosomes 12 and 16 respectively. Sixty-four candidate genes within PNR1 were cross-referenced with currently published data, mRNA expression from two NR microarrays, and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis. The present study brings new light into the genetics of NR in response to cell injury and highlights potential candidate genes Hif1α, Fntb, and Prkch and their products for further studies on neutrophil infiltration and inflammation resolution in sterile inflammation.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection can be significantly reduced by immunization in mice. Th17 cells play an essential role in the protective immune response. Th1 immunity has also been demonstrated to play a role in the protective immune response and can compensate in the absence of IL-17. To further address the potential of Th1 immunity, we investigated the efficacy of immunization in mice deficient in IL-23p19, a cytokine that promotes Th17 cell development. We also examined the course of Helicobacter infection in unimmunized mice treated with Th1 promoting cytokine IL-12. C57BL/6, IL-12 p35 KO, and IL-23 p19 KO mice were immunized and challenged with H. pylori. Protective immunity was evaluated by CFU determination and QPCR on gastric biopsies. Gastric and splenic IL-17 and IFNγ levels were determined by PCR or by ELISA. Balb/c mice were infected with H. felis and treated with IL-12 therapy and the resulting gastric bacterial load and inflammatory response were assessed by histologic evaluation. Vaccine induced reductions in bacterial load that were comparable to wild type mice were observed in both IL-12 p35 and IL-23 p19 KO mice. In the absence of IL-23 p19, IL-17 levels remained low but IFNγ levels increased significantly in both immunized challenged and unimmunized/challenged mice. Additionally, treatment of H. felis-infected Balb/c mice with IL-12 resulted in increased gastric inflammation and the eradication of bacteria in most mice. These data suggest that Th1 immunity can compensate for the lack of IL-23 mediated Th17 responses, and that protective Th1 immunity can be induced in the absence of immunization through cytokine therapy of the infected host.  相似文献   

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