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根据从KEGG数据库获得的产甲烷的常温古细菌Methanosarcina acetivorans(MAC)和嗜热古细菌Methanopyrus kandleri(MKA)的代谢网络,通过不同的网络属性特征的比较,发现常温古细菌MAC的代谢网络比嗜热古细菌MKA有更长的平均路径长度,更大的直径,这表明常温古细菌MAC的总体结构是相对低密度、松散的网络结构.同时为了从系统水平上分析这些特征蕴含的功能意义,采用了Grivan和Newman提出的模块算法(简称GN算法)分析这两个生物体的功能模块,并将所得的结果与KEGG数据库中的途径信息进行比较研究,发现大部分模块对应2~4个KEGG途径,表明这些网络模块均具有一定功能意义.  相似文献   

This study combined complete 18S with partial 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences ( approximately 2,000 nt in total) to investigate the relations of basal hexapods. Ten species of Protura, 12 of Diplura, and 10 of Collembola (representing all subgroups of these three clades) were sequenced, along with 5 true insects and 8 other arthropods, which served as out-groups. Trees were constructed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian analysis, and minimum-evolution analysis of LogDet-transformed distances. All methods yielded strong support for a clade of Protura plus Diplura, here named Nonoculata, and for monophyly of the Diplura. Parametric-bootstrapping analysis showed our data to be inconsistent with previous hypotheses (P < 0.01) that joined Protura with Collembola (Ellipura), that said Diplura are sister to true insects or are diphyletic, and that said Collembola are not hexapods. That is, our data are consistent with hexapod monophyly and Collembola grouped weakly with "Protura + Diplura" under most analytical conditions. As a caveat to the above conclusions, the sequences showed nonstationarity of nucleotide frequencies across taxa, so the CG-rich sequences of the diplurans and proturans may have grouped together artifactually; however, the fact that the LogDet method supported this group lessens this possibility. Within the basal hexapod groups, where nucleotide frequencies were stationary, traditional taxonomic subgroups generally were recovered: i.e., within Protura, the Eosentomata and Acerentomata (but Sinentomata was not monophyletic); within Collembola, the Arthropleona, Poduromorpha, and Entomobryomorpha (but Symphypleona was polyphyletic); and in Diplura, the most complete data set (> 2,100 nt) showed monophyly of Campodeoidea and of Japygoidea, and most methods united Projapygoidea with Japygoidea.  相似文献   

Following a summer drought, intact cores of peat soil from two cool temperate peatlands (a rain-fed bog and a groundwater-fed swamp) were exposed experimentally to three different water table levels. The goal was to examine recovery of anaerobic methanogenesis and to evaluate peat soil decomposition to methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) upon rewetting. Methane emission from soils to the atmosphere was greatest (mean = 80 μmol m?2 s?1) when the entire peat core was rewetted quickly; emission was negligible at low water level and when peat cores were rewetted gradually. Rates of CO2 emission (mean = 1.0 μmol m?2 s?1) were relatively insensitive to water level. Concentrations of CH4 in soil air spaces suggest that onset of methanogenesis induces, but later represses, aerobic oxidation of CH4 above the water table. Concentrations of CO2 suggest production at the soil surface of swamp peat versus at greater depths in bog peat. Portions of peat soil incubated in vitro without oxygen (O2) exhibited a lag before the onset of methanogenesis, and the lag time was less in peat from the cores rewetted quickly. The inhibition of methanogenesis by the selective inhibitor 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES) decreased CO2 production by 20 to 30% but resulted in an increase in concentrations of DOC by 2 to 5 times. The results show that methanogens in peat soils tolerate moderate drought, and recovery varies among different peat types. In peat soils, the inhibition of methanogenesis might enhance DOC availability.  相似文献   

Although many northern peat-forming wetlands (peatlands) are a suitable habitat for anaerobic CH 4 -producing bacteria (methanogens), net CH 4 fluxes are typically low in forested systems. We examined whether soil factors (aeration, substrate availability, peat size fractions) constrained net CH 4 production in peat from a Sphagnum -moss dominated, forested peatland in central New York State. The mean rate of net CH 4 production measured at 24° C was 79 nmol g -1 d -1 , and the mean rate of CO 2 production (respiration) was 5.7 w mol g -1 d -1 , in surface (0 to 10 cm) and subsurface (30 to 40 cm) peat. Saturated peat (900% water content) exposed to oxic conditions for 2 days or 14 days showed no net CH 4 production when subsequently exposed to anoxic conditions. Rates of CO 2 production, measured concomitantly, were essentially the same under oxic and anoxic conditions, and net CH 4 consumption under oxic conditions was barely affected by short-term exposure to anoxic conditions. Therefore, methanogens were particularly sensitive to aeration. Net CH 4 production in whole peat increased within hours of adding either acetate, glucose, or ethanol, substrates that methanogens can convert directly or indirectly into CH 4 , indicating that availability of these substrate might limit net CH 4 production in situ. In longer incubations of 30 days, only ethanol addition stimulated a large increase in net CH 4 production, suggesting growth in the population of methanogens when ethanol was available. We fractionated peat into size fractions and the largest sized fraction (> 1.19 mm), composed mostly of roots, showed the greatest net CH 4 production, although net CH 4 production in smaller fractions showed the largest response to ethanol addition. The circumstantial evidence presented here, that ethanol coming from plant roots supports net CH 4 production in forested sites, merits more research.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic soil microorganisms rely on carbon (C) allocated belowground in plant production, but belowground C allocation (BCA) by plants is a poorly quantified part of ecosystem C cycling, especially, in peat soil. We applied a C balance approach to quantify BCA in a mixed conifer-red maple (Acer rubrum) forest on deep peat soil. Direct measurements of CH4 and CO2 fluxes across the soil surface (soil respiration), production of fine and small plant roots, and aboveground litterfall were used to estimate respiration by roots, by mycorrhizae and by free-living soil microorganisms. Measurements occurred in two consecutive years. Soil respiration rates averaged 1.2 bm μmol m? 2 s? 1 for CO2 and 0.58 nmol m? 2 s? 1 for CH4 (371 to 403 g C m? 2 year? 1). Carbon in aboveground litter (144 g C m? 2 year? 1) was 84% greater than C in root production (78 g C m? 2 year? 1). Complementary in vitro assays located high rates of anaerobic microbial activity, including methanogenesis, in a dense layer of roots overlying the peat soil and in large-sized fragments within the peat matrix. Large-sized fragments were decomposing roots and aboveground leaf and twig litter, indicating that relatively fresh plant production supported most of the anaerobic microbial activity. Respiration by free-living soil microorganisms in deep peat accounted for, at most, 29 to 38 g C m? 2 year? 1. These data emphasize the close coupling between plant production, ecosystem-level C cycling and soil microbial ecology, which BCA can help reveal.  相似文献   

为探究广东北部山区森林保护现状与发展规律,利用植被样方调查法和数量分析法,研究了粤北18个森林群落乔木层优势种群的频度和高频度(〉60%)种群的年龄结构。结果显示,1265个频度值按Raunkiaer的5个频度等级分析,A级(物种出现概率1%~20%)占78.38%,B级(21%~40%)占15.38%,C级(41%~60%)占2.91%,D级(61%~80%)占1.87%,E级(81%~100%)占1.46%;频度规律为A〉B〉C〉D〉E。在16个频度〉60%(D级和E级)的优势种群的年龄结构中,衰退种群有枫香(Liquidambar formosana)、杉木(Cunning-hamia lanceolata)、小红栲(Castanopsis carlesii)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、拟赤杨(Alniphyllum fortunei)、黄樟(Cinnamomum porrectum)、青栲(Castanopsis lamontii)和酸枣(Choerospondias axillarie);属于增长种群的有红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、黧蒴(C.fissa)和罗浮栲(C.fabric);趋于稳定种群的有甜锥(Castanopsis eyrei)、木荷(Schima superba)、红楠(Machilus thunbergii)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana)和深山含笑(Michelia maudiae)。粤北森林经较长期的群落演替和自然保护,目前针叶树种群及落叶阔叶树种群的衰退,为地带性植被常绿阔叶林及其优势种群的发展奠定了基础。研究结果为粤北自然保护区的建设和可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

Two new species of Pristionchus, P. lucani n. sp. and P. bulgaricus n. sp., are described from France and Bulgaria, respectively. Additionally, new morphological and morphometric data are provided for two previously described species from Europe, P. brevicauda (Kotlán, 1928) Paramonov, 1952 and P. clavus (von Linstow, 1901) Sudhaus and Fürst von Lieven, 2003. A phylogeny including these four species was inferred from a dataset including 26 ribosomal protein-coding genes, sequences of which are original for P. bulgaricus n. sp. and P. clavus. Relationships support a radiation of all sequenced European Pristionchus species from a single, gonochoristic common ancestor, and current knowledge of species ranges supports “western” and “eastern” clades. Similar diagnostic morphologies reflect the close relationships among the new and recharacterized species, especially P. bulgaricus n. sp., P. brevicauda, and P. clavus, although mating tests as well as genetic and phylogenetic separation support their identities as unique species. Our results show that Pristionchus species in Europe are more diverse than typological characters suggest, and thus biological and molecular profiling will be essential for future delimitation of Pristionchus species from the region.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 7.4 kb region containing the entire plastid ribosomal RNA operon of the nongreen parasitic plant Epifagus virginiana has been determined. Analysis of the sequence indicates that all four rRNA genes are intact and almost certainly functional. In contrast, the split genes for tRNAIle and tRNAAla present in the 16S-23S rRNA spacer region have become pseudogenes, and deletion upstream of the 16S rRNA gene has removed a tRNAVal gene and most of the promoter region for the rRNA operon. The rate of nucleotide substitution in 16S and 23S rRNAs is several times higher in Epifagus than in tobacco, a related photosynthetic plant. Possible reasons for this, including relaxed translational constraints, are discussed.  相似文献   

The speciation history of Anaspides tasmaniae (Crustacea: Malacostraca) and its close relatives (family Anaspididae) was studied by phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences. The phylogenetic analyses revealed that the Anaspides morphotype conceals at least three cryptic species belonging to different parts of its range. The occurrence of multiple cryptic phylogenetic species within one morphological type shows that substantial genetic evolution has occurred independently of morphological evolution. Molecular clock dating of the speciation events that generated both the cryptic and the morphological species of Anaspididae indicated continuous speciation within this group since the Palaeocene ~55 million years ago. This relatively constant rate of recent morphological and cryptic speciation within the Anaspididae suggests that the speciation rate in this group does not correlate with its low extinction rate or morphological conservatism.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of two putative new species of the collembolan genus Orchesella was investigated by comparison with four other Italian species of the genus using a fragment of the mitochondrial gene encoding for subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase (COI). The gene showed the well-known A + T bias, typical of insect mitochondrial DNA, although A + T content was not as high as that observed in species belonging to more derived insect orders. The large number of variable sites in 3rd codon positions (85.2% variable) suggested that these sites contain significant homoplasy due to multiple hits. Despite the lack of morphological differentiation, the COI portion examined shows remarkable levels of genetic divergence between the putative species and their closest relatives. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that one of the putative new species is related to O. villosa, whereas the other is included in a clade with O. cincta and O. ranzii. The species O. chiantica appears to be related to O. villosa, agreeing with previous allozyme data.  相似文献   

用扩增片段长度多态性 (AFLP ,amplifiedfragmentlengthpolymorphism)方法研究了荷木 (SchimasuperbaGardn .etChamp .)和锥栗 (CastanopsischinensisHance .)在 3个演替系列群落中的分子变化。研究地点位于广东省鼎湖山。 3个群落是针叶林群落、针阔叶混交林群落和常绿阔叶林群落。荷木的AFLP分析结果表明 ,4组引物对分别扩增出2 4、40、2 7、2 7条带 ,其中分别有 15、2 3、2 3、16条是多样性带 ;锥栗的AFLP分析结果表明同样的 4组引物对分别扩增出 2 7、2 0、33、39条带 ,其中分别有 12、5、15、13条是多样性带。平均杂合度表明荷木比锥栗有更大的分子变异。用AMOVA(analysisofmolecularvariance)分析表明荷木种群有 95 .99%的分子分化表现在种群内 ,4.0 1%的分子分化表现在种群间 ,表现极显著 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;锥栗种群有 75 .36 %的分子分化表现在种群内 ,2 4.6 4%的分子分化表现在种群间 ,极显著 (P <0 .0 0 1)。除趋势面对应分析表明荷木来自不同群落的个体分布没有规律 ,而锥栗来自不同群落的个体大致分布在一起。上述结果的产生是两个不同种群的生物学特性的反映 ,并提示了不同群落微环境对种群分化的影响 ,以及与森林演替群落的相关性。  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of nrITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences place Austrian Herbertus sendtneri in a well bootstrap supported clade with Herbertus azoricus and Neotropical accessions which were alternatively assigned to Herbertus subdentatus or Herbertus dicranus. Asian and African Herbertus dicranus form a separate lineage which is placed sister to several European Herbertus taxa. Herbertus borealis from the British Isles is placed sister to H. stramineus in a robust sister relationship, indicating that the species does not belong in the synonymy of H. dicranus. As a result of the molecular investigation, the range of Herbertus sendtneri is extended to the Neotropics and H. azoricus is placed into the synonymy of H. sendtneri. Without much doubt, Herbertus dicranus does not occur in tropical America. Morphologically, H. sendtneri and H. dicranus can at most be separated by weak tendencies. Herbertus sendtneri is characterized by the frequent occurrence of coarse appendages at the leaf margins and often completely papillose leaves. H. dicranus often has small appendages and a nearly smooth basal leaf half. Herbertus borealis, which is nonmonophyletic with H. dicranus in the molecular trees, cannot be separated morphologically from forms of H. dicranus with small appendages. Herbertus subdentatus is not identical with H. sendtneri. Morphological homoplasy and cryptic speciation are obviously common in Herbertus.We thank the owners and curators of the herbaria cited in the text for the loan of specimens, P. Schwartz for assistance with SEM techniques, and M. Lindner for help with laboratory work. M. Schmull, S.R. Gradstein, F.A. Hartmann, and R.-L. Zhu helped to collect Herbertus sendtneri. D.S. Rycroft (Glasgow) collected H. borealis. G. Gärtner and D. Miller kindly organized authorizations. Parts of this study were supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG grant HE 3584/1).  相似文献   

Laboratory and field investigations were undertaken to evaluate the effect of winter mortality on subsequent infestation levels of the grape berry moth (GBM), Endopiza viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Supercooling points (SCP) were used as a measure of the minimum survivable temperature for GBM pupae. The SCP of winter forms (diapausing) from a laboratory colony averaged –25.2 °C in December, –24.3 °C in March, and –24.0 °C in April. When diapausing pupae from a laboratory colony were placed in the field from December to March, the SCP averaged –23.3 °C. The SCP of summer forms from a laboratory colony averaged –21.6 °C in March. Significant levels of mortality (ca. 80%) of diapausing GBM pupae were observed after 24 h at –21 °C. Comparable mortality occurred after 1-week at –15 °C. Eighty-four percent of diapausing pupae survived for 8-months at 3 °C; non diapausing pupae suffered high levels of mortality (ca. 60%) after only 7-days at 3 °C. Field survival of diapausing pupae were significantly greater at soil level than 1-meter above the soil. Pupal survival was greater at 75% r.h. than at 0% or ambient r.h.. In 1986–1987 and 1987–1988, pupae covered with snow or leaf-litter had higher of survival than exposed pupae although these differences were only statistically significant in 1986–1987. The above findings are discussed within the context of potential implications to management strategies for GBM.
Zusammenfassung Labor und Freilandversuche wurden unternommen um den potenziellen Einfluss von Wintersterben auf subsequenten Wurmbefall des nordamerikanischen Traubenwicklers Endopiza viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) auszuwerten. Die niedrigste Temperatur wobei Puppen ueberleben konnten ist durch Ueberkuehlungstemperaturen der Puppen gemessen worden. Fuer das ueberwinternde Stadium (in Diapause) einer Laborkolonie lag diese Temperatur durchschnittlich bei minus 25.2 °C in Dezember, minus 24.3 °C in Maerz, und minus 24.0 °C in April. Der Ueberkuehlungspunkt lag um minus 23.3 °C im Durchschnitt fuer Laborkolonie Puppen die waehrend der Diapause von Dezember bis Maerz im Freiland ausgesetzt wurden. Der Ueberkuehlungspunkt von Sommerstadien von der gleichen Kolonie lag im Vergleich um minus 21.6 °C im Maerz. Signifikante Sterblichkeit (um 80%) der Traubenwicklerpuppen wurde bemerkt nach 24 Stunden bei minus 21 °C. Vergleichbar war die Sterblichkeit nach einer Woche bei minus 15 °C. Nach 8 Monaten bei 3 °C ueberlebten 84% der Puppen in Diapause; 60% der Puppen nicht in Diapause starben nach 7 Tage bei 3 °C. Das Ueberlebensprozent diapausierender Puppen im Freien war signifikant hoeher auf der Erdoberflaeche als fuer die 1 m ueber der Oberflaeche. Mehr Puppen ueberlebten bei 75% relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit als bei 0% oder umgebender Luftfeuchtigkeit. In 1986–1987 und 1987–1988 Puppen die mit Schnee oder Laub bedeckt waren, ueberlebten prozentual mehr als die ohne jedes Bedeckungsmaterial. Die Ergebnisse werden im Kontext ihrer potenzieller Verwendung fuer Kontrolle des Traubenwicklers diskutiert.

Temporal trends in macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio, the largest lagoonal ecosystem in the Po River deltaic area, were examined at four sampling sites located along a putative stress gradient and characterized by different levels of disturbance. Trends of parameters characterizing macrobenthic community structure were analyzed using data collected quarterly from 1996 to 2002. The positive slopes in trends of proportion of abundance of opportunistic species observed at all the four study sites indicated the persistence of stressful conditions. Conversely, temporal trends of species richness and diversity showed a positive slope at three out of four sites, thus indicating an increase of community structural complexity. It is suggested that the increase in abundance of detritivorous opportunistic species, as well as the increase in diversity and species richness, is probably driven by the frequency of physical disturbance that resets the ‘successional clock’ of the benthic communities of the Valli. Redundancy was assessed through multivariate analyses and a ‘forward selection backward elimination’ algorithm. At the ecosystem level (i.e., merging counts from the four sites), two response units (a response unit is the smallest subset of species for which the Spearman rank correlation with sample similarities for the full species set exceeds a predetermined value) were obtained. Each of the response units encompassed quite a large taxonomic and functional spread, since all guilds were well represented. Conversely, at the local level, only one response unit was obtained. Species number and function is essential to long-term maintenance of community and ecosystem processes over a complete cycle of common disturbance events. Since redundancy reflects the resistance to change of community functioning, we hypothesize that the macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio are quite resistant to environmental changes, despite disturbances that generate fluctuations in species abundance and complement at the local level.  相似文献   

The entire nucleotide sequence containing the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA) from the mitochondrial genome of Chondrus crispus was determined. To our knowledge, this is the first sequence of a mitochondrial 16S-like rRNA from a red alga. The length of this gene is 1,376 nucleotides. Its secondary structure was constructed and compared with other known secondary structures from eubacteria and from mitochondria of land plants, green and brown algae, and fungi. Phylogenetic trees were built upon SSU rRNA sequence alignment from mitochondria and eubacteria. The results show that rhodophytes and chromophytes provide additional links in the evolution of mitochondria between the green plant lineage and the nonplant lineages.Correspondence to: C. Boyen  相似文献   

General relationships between phytoplankton production, chlorophyll, total, dissolved and particulate phosphorus, Secchi depth, humic level, trophic level, fish production and latitude are described by regression equations using an extensive “Soviet” data base covering a wide domain of lake characteristics and a European data base. New systems for defining lake trophic and humic status are presented. The results may be used for more precise estimates of fundamental lake properties and for many practical issues of lake management, e.g., predictions of fish catch. We have used strict chlorophyll‐a concentrations for every trophic class and we have omitted Secchi depth from the trophic classes, since Secchi depth and other variables strongly related to water clarity (like suspended particulate matter and particulate organic carbon) depend on autochthonous production, allochthonous influences and resuspension. We have used the Secchi depth as a simple operational measure of the effective depth of the photic zone. It has also been shown that among these lakes there exist a very strong relationship between primary production and latitude. In fact, 74% of the variability among the lakes in mean summer primary production can be statistically related to variations in latitude. These data also show a strong relationship between primary production and fish yield, which can be used to address many fundamental issues in lake management, like “normal and abnormal fish production”.  相似文献   

Spatial and seasonal patterns in phytoplankton and zooplankton communities of Lake St. Clair from June through September, 1984 are described. Phytoplankton biomass averages 586 µg l-1 with the Diatomae and Chrysophyceae predominating. Zooplankton biomass averages 663 µg l- with small bosminid Cladocera being the most abundant organisms. Lake St. Clair zooplankton biomass is second only to that of Lake Erie amongst the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Biomass size spectra are typical in structure for mesotrophic lakes but low explained variance in the annual normalized spectrum is indicative of a perturbed system. Since 1972/1973 there appears to have been a slight decrease in zooplankton abundance in the lake accompanied by a shift from dominance of rotifers to dominance of cladocerans. We hypothesize that high flushing rate and seasonal variability coupled with contaminant loadings have resulted in a plankton community reduced in taxonomic diversity and dominated by small-bodied species.  相似文献   

To estimate genetic structure of a soldier-producing aphid, Pseudoregma bambucicola, samples from natural populations throughout southeastern Asia were analyzed by a DNA fingerprinting technique. We unexpectedly found that P. bambucicola comprises two geographic groups, the northern group and the southern group, which are genetically distinct from each other but morphologically almost indistinguishable. Molecular phylogenetic and statistical analyses based on mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences demonstrated that the northern and southern groups of P. bambucicola are not closely related but constitute distinct lineages in the genus Pseudoregma. Detailed morphological reexamination revealed that the two groups could be distinguished by the number of setae on the 8th abdominal tergite of 1st instar nymphs and soldiers. From these results, it was suggested that P. bambucicola should be divided into two species. The northern group from Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and northern Vietnam retains the name P. bambucicola, whereas we suggest that the name P. carolinensis (R. Takahashi, 1941, Tenthredo 3, 208–220) should be used for the southern group from Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Java, Irian Jaya, and Micronesia. The morphological resemblance between P. bambucicola and P. carolinensis might be due to shared ancestral characters of the genus Pseudoregma.  相似文献   

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