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It is difficult to observe the behavior of chromosomes in early wheat embryos because they are wrapped in several cell layers of the ovary. Here we conducted genomic in situ hybridization on sections of ovary embedded in Technovit 7100, a resinous compound suitable for in situ hybridization of mRNA in sectioned tissues. With this resin it is possible to make thin sections with high resolution, no autofluorescence, and good water permeability. These features enable histochemical study using fluorescence microscopy. We established the most suitable conditions for the denaturation of target DNA embedded in Technovit resin, and performed GISH on them. Using this method, we identified Leymus mollis chromosomes in the young ovary of F1 hybrids between wheat and L. mollis. Furthermore, we observed the behavior of maize chromosomes in early wheat × maize hybrid embryos.  相似文献   

It is difficult to observe the behavior of chromosomes in early wheat embryos because they are wrapped in several cell layers of the ovary. Here we conducted genomic in situ hybridization on sections of ovary embedded in Technovit 7100, a resinous compound suitable for in situ hybridization of mRNA in sectioned tissues. With this resin it is possible to make thin sections with high resolution, no autofluorescence, and good water permeability. These features enable histochemical study using fluorescence microscopy. We established the most suitable conditions for the denaturation of target DNA embedded in Technovit resin, and performed GISH on them. Using this method, we identified Leymus mollis chromosomes in the young ovary of F1 hybrids between wheat and L. mollis. Furthermore, we observed the behavior of maize chromosomes in early wheat x maize hybrid embryos.  相似文献   

A protocol is described for RNA in situ hybridization using thin sections prepared by Technovit resin. Technovit is a widely used resin for histological examinations. Since it does not require time-consuming processes such as removal of the resin and can be performed without high temperature treatment, a high resolution of sections could be possible compared to other resins and paraffin. Thin sections (approximately 4 m) were made from inflorescences of Arabidopsis thaliana embedded in Technovit 8100 resin, and in situ hybridization was performed using the protocol described in this article. Hybridization signals were observed using LEAFY and other genes as probes, showing that this resin can be used for in situ analysis. In our experiments, the most important factor for a successful in situ hybridization pattern was to optimize the RNase A concentration after hybridization. We routinely used RNase A at a concentration of 2–5 ng/ml, a concentration much lower than that used for paraffin embedding method. Thus, the use of the Technovit resin for plant tissue embedding results in a faster protocol and greater quality than allowed by paraffin sections.  相似文献   

Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) offers a convenient and effective method for cytological detection, but can not determine the identity of the chromosomes involved. We integrated C-banding with GISH to identify Haynaldia villosa chromosomes in a wheat background. All chromosomes of H. villosa showed C-bands, either in telomeric regions or in both telomeric and centromeric regions, which allowed unequivocal identification of each H. villosa chromosome. The seven pairs of H. villosa chromosomes were differentiated as 1–7 according to their characteristic C-bands. Using a sequential C-banding and GISH technique, we have analyzed somatic cells of F3 plants from the amphiploid Triticum aestivum-H. villosa x Yangmai 158 hybrids. Three plants (94009/5-4,94009/5-8 and 94009/5-9) were shown to contain H. villosa chromosome(s). 94009/5-4 (2n = 45) had three H. villosa chromosomes (2, 3 and 4); 94009/5-8 (2n = 45) possessed one chromosome 4 and a pair of chromosome 5, and 94009/5-9 (2n = 43) was found to have one chromosome 6 of H. villosa. The combination of GISH with C-banding described here provides a direct comparison of the cytological and molecular landmarks. Such a technique is particularly useful for identifying and localizing alien chromatin and DNA sequences in plants.  相似文献   

Clusters of four simple sequence repeats (SSRs), AAC, AAG, AG and CAT, have been mapped physically to hexaploid wheat chromosomes; 15—24-bp synthetic oligonucleotides were labelled by random-primer labelling and used as probes for fluorescent in situ hybridization with standard formamide and low-salt conditions. AAC hybridized strongly to the pericentromeric regions and several intercalary sites of all seven chromosomes of the B-genome corresponding to N bands and enabling their identification. Most of the AAC sites also co-localize with AAG, although the strength of the AAC and AAG signal was often different at the same location. Not all heterochromatic bands showed AAC signals and a few AAC sites were detected that are neither AAG nor N band positive, revealing the complex and heterogeneous genome organization of wheat and identifying the four most frequent classes of banded chromatin. Clusters characterised by a high concentration of AG repeats were detected on chromosome arms 3BS, 4BL, 5BS and 5BL, adjacent to AAG sites. The only detectable CAT cluster was found on chromosome arm 3BL, making this oligonucleotide valuable in identifying this particular chromosome. SSR in situ hybridization is useful as a diagnostic tool in cytogenetics and for understanding genome organization in wheat. Received: 21 September 1999 / Accepted: 19 March 2000  相似文献   

A 16S rRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) method for cheese was developed to allow detection in situ of microorganisms within the dairy matrix. An embedding procedure using a plastic resin was applied to Stilton cheese, providing intact embedded cheese sections withstanding the hybridization reaction. The use of a fluorescein-labelled 16S rRNA Domain Bacteria probe allowed observation of large colonies of microbial cells homogeneously distributed in the cheese matrix. FISH experiments performed on cheese suspensions provided images of the different microbial morphotypes occurring. The technique has great potential to study the spatial distribution of microbial populations in situ in foods, especially where the matrix is too fragile to allow manipulation of cryosections.  相似文献   

Ten random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers specific to chromosome 5Eb of Thinopyrum bessarabicum were detected. Genomic in situ hybridization and standard cytological observations revealed that six of the markers are located on the 5Eb short arm and four are located on the 5Eb long arm. These RAPD markers have been used to confirm the identity of putative 5Eb (5A) and 5Eb (5D) substitution individuals. The potential of RAPDs for the detection of wheat/alien recombinants is discussed.  相似文献   

An improved modification of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was proposed. It allows clear and reproducible discrimination between closely related genomes of both tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species due to preannealing of labeled DNA probes and prehybridization of chromosomal samples with blocking DNA. The method was applied to analyze intergenomic translocations 6A:6B and 1A:6B identified in the IG46147 and IG116188 samples of tetraploid wheat Triticum dicoccoides by C-banding. The structure of the rearranged chromosomes was defined for two translocation variants, and the breakpoints were identified on the chromosome arms. Possible application of the developed GISH variant to study genome reorganizations during speciation of allopolyploid plants in evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

A genomic probe containing ribosomal sequences and labelled with biotin was used to hybridize rRNA molecules in ultrathin sections of animal cells embedded in Lowicryl K4M. After detection with streptavidin conjugated with 10 nm gold particles, ribosomal target sequences were localized preferentially in the dense fibrillar component of the nucleolus and in the polyribosome structures of the cytoplasm. The method presently described offers the possibility to detect rapidly and precisely ribosomal gene expression at the ultrastructural level, particularly under different physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

The presence of double minute chromosomes (dmin) in cancer cells is known to be correlated with gene amplifications. In human high grade astrocytomas or glioblastomas, about 50% of cytogenetically characterized cases display dmin. G5 is a cell line which has been established from a human glioblastoma containing multiple dmin. In order to identify the DNA content of these dmin, three techniques were successively used: conventional cytogenetic analysis, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The karyotype of G5 cells showed numerical chromosome changes (hypertriploidy), several marker chromosomes, and multiple dmin. CGH experiments detected two strong DNA amplification areas located in 9p21-22 and 9p24, as well as an underrepresentation of chromosomes 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 18q. By using FISH with a chromosome 9-specific painting probe to metaphase chromosomes of the G5 cell line, dmin were shown to contain DNA sequences originating from chromosome 9. This study demonstrates the usefulness of a combination of classical karyotyping, CGH, and FISH to identify the chromosomal origin of amplified DNA sequences in dmin. Received: 30 October 1994 / Revised: 25 February 1996  相似文献   

3H-RNA, complementary to repetitive DNA of wheat, rye, barley, and oat, was hybridizedin situ to root tip or pollen mother cells of the species mentioned. The cRNAs hybridized best with the DNA in cell nuclei of the species from which they were prepared. Cross hybridization with cells of the other related species resulted in a significant but diminished labelling. Wheat, rye, and barley hybridized better to each other than to oat, andvice versa, in agreement with the usual taxonomical classification. Over the interphase nuclei the label was distributed unevenly; not all regions of dense chromatin were labelled, and little label was found over the nucleoli. On chromosomes, the repetitive DNA was located somewhere along the chromosome arms or near the centromers in wheat, barley, and oat. Only in rye, most of the label was located near the telomers, probably over the large heterochromatin areas.  相似文献   

Utilization of repetitive DNA probes to assess the taxonomic affinity between related species has become the most powerful tool in evolutionary biology today. Consequently, tremendous strides have recently been made towards establishing the phylogenetic relationship of humans with chimpanzee. We employed human genomic proe (P5080 B.5) to identify the degree of divergence of chimpanzee genome from humans. A small protion of structurally distinct genomic areas in chimpanzee could be identified by fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) technique when compared to human DNA. The genomic divergence is confined mainly to the chromosomal ends in chimpanzee and may be an important phylogenetic characteristic in human evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomes of the tetraploid wheats Triticum timopheevi (Genome AAGG) and T. araraticum (Genome AAGG) were C-banded at mitosis. The identity of the banded and unbanded chromosomes was then established by firstly making comparisons with the hexaploid species T. zhukovskyi which has the genome formula AAAAGG. Secondly, the meiotic pairing in F1 hybrids between T. timopheevi and diploid wheats was examined by means of C-banding. The results showed that the banded chromosomes belonged to the G genome, while the unbanded chromosomes belonged to the A genome. Only one of the two pairs of satellited chromosomes had strong heterochromatic bands. The relationship between the genomes of T. timopheevi and T. dicoccum (Genome AABB) was then assessed at meiosis in hybrids between these species, using the techniques of C-banding and in situ hybridisation of a cloned ribosomal RNA gene probe. It was concluded that there were differences both in the amount and distribution of heterochromatin and also translocation differences between the species.  相似文献   

We have studied the expression of the fibronectin gene in 7 day-old chick embryo (stage 32) by in situ hybridization at the light and electron microscope levels, using a 397 base-pairs chicken cDNA, labeled by radioisotope or biotin-11dUTP. Cryostat sections of whole chick embryos displayed a selective label on the upper layer of the dermis, fibrous sclera and mesenchymal cells but not on cartilagenous sclera cells. These results show that the expression of the fibronectin gene varies in relation to the morphogenetic events. Hybridization at the ultrastructural level on thin sections of sclera embedded in Lowicryl K4M showed a selective labelling on various cell compartments. Biotin-11dUTP and radiolabeled probes were compared. The labeling was found precisely on the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and on the nuclear envelope. A few silver grains were located on the nucleus and in the perinucleolar region. This study shows that the postembedding in situ hybridization is a powerful procedure to study the expression of the extracellular protein genes and gives further information on the localization of mRNA.  相似文献   

We report convenient retinal fiber tracing by transfecting the tracer cDNA by in ovo electroporation. Long-term and stable expression of tracer proteins such as green fluorescent protein is achieved by transposon-mediated genome integration of the tracer protein expression cassette. We carried out coelectroporation of a plasmid containing CAGGS-tracer cDNA flanked by the Tol2 transposable element along with a transposase expression vector to the optic vesicle of chick embryos at stage 11. By selecting electrodes, we can label a large group of retinal ganglion cells, or a small group of retinal ganglion cells; parallel electrodes assure transfection of large areas of the retina, and needle type electrodes label small areas of the retina. The retinal fiber trajectory and terminal zone (TZ) could be detected in the precise retinotopic manner on the contra-lateral side of the optic tectum. The method has advantage in that we can show the retinal fiber trajectory in relation to the molecules that are responsible for pathfinding for the retinal fibers in the same specimen.  相似文献   

A set of 187 doubled haploid lines derived from the cross between cvs. Courtot and Chinese Spring was explored for QTLs for three bread-making quality tests: hardness, protein content and strength of the dough (W of alveograph). The scores of the parental lines were quite different except for protein content, and the population showed a wide range of variation. About 350 molecular and biochemical markers were used to establish the genetic map, and technological criteria were evaluated in 1 to 3 years. QTL detection was performed by the ”marker regression” method. The most significant unlinked markers were used in the model as covariates, and the results were tested by bootstrap resampling. For hardness, we confirmed a previously tagged major QTL on chromosome 5DS, and two additional minor QTLs were found on chromosome 1A and 6D, respectively. For protein content two main QTLs were identified on chromosomes 1B and 6A, respectively. For W, three consistent QTLs were detected: two at the same location as those for hardness, on chromosomes 1A and 5D; the third one on chromosome 3B. Therefore, it appeared that except for the Glu-1A locus, storage protein loci were not clearly involved in the genetic control of the criteria studied in the present work. Despite the reasonable size of the population no QTL with interactive effects could be substantially established as measured. All computations were carried out using home-made programmes in Splus language, and these are available upon request. Received: 16 May 1999 / Accepted: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

To identify alien chromosomes in recipient progenies and to analyze genome components in polyploidy, a genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) technique that is suitable for cotton was developed using increased stringency conditions. The increased stringency conditions were a combination of the four factors in the following optimized state: 100:1 ratio of blocking DNA to probe, 60% formamide wash solution, 43 ℃ temperature wash and a 13 min wash. Under these specific conditions using gDNA from Gossypium sturtianum (C1 C1 ) as a probe, strong hybridization signals were only observed on chromosomes from the C1 genome in somatic cells of the hybrid F1 (G. hirsutum x G. sturtianum) (AtDtC1). Therefore, GISH was able to discriminate parental chromosomes in the hybrid. Further, we developed a multi-color GISH to simultaneously discriminate the three genomes of the above hybrid. The results repeatedly displayed the three genomes, At, Dt, and C1, and each set of chromosomes with a unique color, making them easy to identify. The power of the multi-color GISH was proven by analysis of the hexaploid hybrid F1 (G. hirsutum x G. australe) (AtAtDtDtG2G2). We believe that the powerful multi-color GISH technique could be applied extensively to analyze the genome component in polyploidy and to identify alien chromosomes in the recipient progenies.  相似文献   

Polyploidy has been found to be common in plants. Bread or common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n=42) is a good example of allopolyploid made up of three diploid genomes A, B and D. In recent years, by the study of mimicking the origination of common wheat, it was found that changes of DNA sequence and gene expression occurred at the early stages of artificial allohexaploid between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops tauschii, which was probably favorable to genetic diploidization of new synthetic hexaploid wheat. Common wheat 99L2 is a new line stable in genetic, which was derived from the early self-pollinated generation of wide hybrids between common wheat and rye. In this study, it was found that at least two rye DNA segments had been introgressed into 99L2. This result suggested that a mechanism of alien DNA introgression may exist, which was different from the traditional mechanism of chromosome pairing and DNA recombination between wheat and alien species. Meanwhile, during the introgression process of alien rye DNA segments, the changes in DNA sequences of wheat itself occurred.  相似文献   

In general, it requires five or more generations to develop a stable line by the traditional breeding method of cultivar hybrids in self-pollinated crops, such as wheat, barley, and rice. No doubt, the breeding period will be shortened and thus the breeding effi-ciency will be improved if the hybrids can stabilize in early generation. The method of haploid breeding, that is, obtaining stable pure lines (DH lines) of cultivar hybrids with the aid of anther culture and then chro-mosome doubling,…  相似文献   

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