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Balfour , E., Anderson , A. & Dunnet , G. M. 1967. Orkney Cormorants—their breeding distribution and dispersal. Bernis , F. 1966. El Buitre Negro Aegypius monachus en Iberia. Boase , H. 1965. Movements of the Mute Swan in East Scotland. Boylan , P. J. 1967. Western Atlantic Fulmars on the East Yorkshire coast. Bray , R. P. 1966. Progress report on the Pheasant Study, 1965. Brown , L. H. 1965. Redwinged starlings of Kenya. Brown , L. H. 1965. Observations on Verreaux's Eagle Owl Bubo lacteus (Temminck) in Kenya. Caldwell , L. D. 1964. Dove production and nest-site selection in southern Michigan. Campbell , B. 1965. The Crested Tit. Forestry Commission leaflet No. 41. Dowsett , R. J. 1967. Breeding biology of Lamprotornis mevesii (Wahlberg). Evans , P. R. 1966. Some results from the ringing of Rock Pipits on Skokholm, 1952–65. Harris , S. W., Morse , M. A. & Longley , W. H. 1963. Nesting and production of the Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura in Minnesota. Hewson , R. 1967. The Rock Dove in Scotland in 1965. Hilden , O. 1965. Zur Brutbiologie des Temminckstrandlaüfers Calidris temininckii (Leisl.). Lind , E. A. 1964. Nistzeitliche Geselligkeit der Mehlschwalbe Delichon u. urbica Macdonald , D. 1965. Notes on the Corn Bunting in Sutherland. Macmillan , A. T. 1965. The Collared Dove in Scotland. Nelson , J. B. 1964. Some aspects of breeding biology and behaviour of the North Atlantic Gannet on the Bass Rock. Newton , I. 1964. The breeding biology of the Chaffinch. Nickell , W. P. 1965. Habitats, nesting, and territory of the Catbird. Nyholm , E. S. 1965. Ecological observations on the geese of Spitzbergen. Pinder , R. 1966. The Cape Pigeon Duption capensis Linnaeus at Signy Island, South Orkney Iskands. Richdale , L. E. 1965. Biology of the birds of Whero Island, New Zealand, with special reference to the Diving Petrel and the White-faced Storm Petrel. Rogers , J. P. & Korschgen , L. J. 1966. Foods of Lesser Scaups on breeding, migration and wintering areas. RYDER, J. P. 1967. The breeding biology of Ross' Goose in the Perry River region, Northwest Territories. Sandeman , G. L. 1963. Roseate and Sandwich Tern colonies in the Forth and neighbouring areas. Siegfried , W. R. 1967. The distribution and status of the Black Stork in southern Africa. Soikkeli , M. 1964. The distribution of the Southern Dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii in Finland. Speidel , G. 1966. Adelie Penguins in the Milwaukee County Zoo. Suetens , W. & Groenendael , P. Van . 1966. Ecología y conducta reproductora del Buitre Negro Aegypius monachus. Taylor , W. K. 1966. Additional records of Black-tailed Gnatcatchers Polioptila melanura parasitized by the dwarf-headed cowbird Molothrus ater Valverde , J. A. 1966. Sobre Buitres Negros en Andalucia. Waters , W. E. 1963. Observations on the Fulmar at St. Kilda. Waters . W. E. 1964. Observations on small petrels at St. Kilda. 1961–62. Scott.  相似文献   

B ergman , G. 1964. Zum Problem der gemischten Kolonien: Ton band- und Dressurversuche mit Limicolen und Anatiden.
D ilger , W. C. 1962. The behaviour of Love Birds.
F riedmann , H. 1964. History of our knowledge of avian brood parasitism.
H artley , P. H. T. 1967. Parental care in the Song Thrush.
H ildén , O. 1965. Habitat selection in birds.
J enkins , D. & M ylne , C. 1962. Aggressive Capercaillies.
K ing , B. 1962. Captive Antarctic Skua swallowing pink woollen glove.
P ulliainen , E. 1963. Observations on the autumnal territorial behaviour of the Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major (L.).
S now , D. W. 1963. The display of the Blue-backed Manakin Chiroxiphia pareola in Tobago, W.I. Zoologica, N.Y.
S tickel , D. W. 1965. Territorial and breeding habits of Red-bellied Woodpeckers.
T hielcke , G. 1965. Die Ontogenese der Bettellaute von Garten- und Waldbaum-läufer ( Certhia brachydactyla Brehm und C. familiaris L.).
T hompson , D. H. & E mlen , J. T. 1966. Parent-Chick individual recognition in the Adelie Penguin.
T inbergen , N. 1964. Aggression and fear in the normal sexual behaviour of some animals.
T inbergen , N. (n.d.) On adaptive radiation in Gulls (Tribe Larini ) . Zoöl .
T suneki , K. 1966. A preliminary study on the social ecology and behaviour of the Common Sparrow in a cage.
T suneki , K. 1966. Further studies on the social ecology and behaviour of the domesticated Java Sparrow in a cage.  相似文献   

A dolph , E. F. 1967. Ontogeny of volume regulation in embryonic extracellular fluids.
A nderson , K. S., R andall , E. J., M ain , A. J. & T onn , R. J. 1966. Netting at High Pines.
D avis , F. W. 1965. Robins and D.D.T.
G ans , C. & B ock , W. J. 1965. The functional significance of muscle architecture—a theoretical analysis.
G rant , P. R. 1966. Retarded or arrested cranial development in a Mexican passerine, Myiopagis viridicata (Vieillot)
H udson , G. E., P arker , R. A., V an den B erge , J. & L anzillotti , P. J. 1966. A numerical analysis of the modifications of the appendicular muscles in various genera of gallinaceous birds.
KING, J. R. Adipose tissue composition in experimentally induced fat deposition in the 1967.
P eiponen , V. A. & B osley , A. 1964. Torpidity in a captive Nightjar ( Caprimulgus europaeus L.).
P owell , J. R. & B urke , J. D. 1966. Avian blood oxygen capacity.
R ijke , A. M. 1967. The water repellency and feather structure of cormorants, Phalacrocoracidae.
S iegfried , W. R. 1966. Growth, plumage development and moult in the Crowned Guineafowl Numida meleagris coronata Gurney.
S laden , W. J. L., B oyd , J. C. & P ederson , J. M. 1966. Biotelemetry studies on Penguin body temperatures.
S now , D. W. & S now , B. K. 1963. Meights and wing-lengths of some Trinidad birds.
Z wckel , F. C. 1966. Sex and age ratios and weights of Caprrcaillie from the 1965–66 shooting season in Scotland.  相似文献   

Bagge , P., Lehtovouri , M. & Lindqvist , O. 1963. [Quantitative investigations of the bird fauna of Inari and Enontekiö in northern Lappland.] Bailey , R. S. 1967. An index of bird population changes on farmland. Brenner , F. J. 1966. The influence of drought on reproduction in a breeding population of Redwinged Blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus. Davis , B. N. K. 1967. Bird feeding preferences among different crops in an area near Huntingdon. Dick , J. A. & Rising , J. D. 1965. A comparison of foods eaten by Eastern Kingbirds and Western Kingbirds in Kansas. Evans , F. C. 1964. The food of Vesper, Field, and Chipping Sparrows nesting in an abandoned field in Southeastern Michigan. Haapanen , A. 1965. Bird fauna of the Finnish forests in relation to forest succession. Hildén , O. 1964. Ecology of duck populations in the island group of Valassaaret, Gulf of Bothnia. Jenkins , D., Watson , A. & Miller , G. R. 1964. Current research on Red Grouse in Scotland. Kear , J. 1962. Feeding habits of the Grey Lag Goose Anser anser on the Island of Bute. Kear , J. 1965. Recent changes in Scottish barley acreages and the possible effect on wild geese. KEAR, J. 1967. Feeding habits of the Greylag Goose Anser unser in Iceland, with reference to its interaction with agriculture. Kikkawa , J. 1966. Population distribution of land birds in temperate rainforest of southern New Zealand. Kulczycki , A. 1966. [The birds of the Lańcut Park.] Murton , R. K. 1965. Natural and artificial population control in the Wood-Pigeon. Murton , R. K. c. 1966. A statistical evaluation of the effect of Wood-Pigeon shooting as evidenced by the recoveries of ringed birds. Nelson , J. B. 1966. Population dynamics of the Gannet (Sula bassana) at the Bass Rock, with comparative information for other Sulidae. Paynter , R. A. 1966. A new attempt to construct life tables for Kent Island Herring Gulls. Pulliainen , E. 1963. On the history, ecology, and ethology of the Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos L.) overwintering in Finland. Ratcliffe , D. A. 1967. The Peregrine situation in Great Britain 1965–66. Schemnitz , S. D. 1964. Comparative ecology of Bobwhite and Scaled Quail in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Skead , C. J. 1967. Ecology of birds if the Eastern Cape Province. Sladen , W. J. L., Wood , R. C. & Emison , W. B. 1966. Antarctic avian population studies, 1965–66. Snow , D. W. & Snow , B. K. 1961. Breeding seasons and annual cycles of Trinidad land-birds. Snow , D. W. 1966. Population dynamics of the Blackbird. Soikkeli , M. 1965. On the structure of the bird fauna of some coastal meadows in western Finland. Watson , A. 1965. Research on Scottish Ptarmigan. Watson , A. 1966. Hill birds of the Cairngorms. Westerskov , K. 1965. Winter ecology of the Partridge Perdix perdix in the Canadian Prairie. Williamson , K. 1964. Bird Census work in Woodland. Williamsonj , K. 1967. The bird community of farmland. Willson , M. F. 1966. Breeding ecology of the Yellow-headed Blackbird.  相似文献   

Aschoff , J. & Wever , R. 1965. Circadian rhythms of finches in light-dark cycles with interposed twilights. Aschoff , J. & Wever , R. 1966. Circadian period and phase-angle difference in Chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs L.). Bern , H. A., Nishioka , R. S., Mewaldt , L. R. & Farner , D. S. 1966. Photoperiodic and osmotic influences on the ultrastructure of the hypothalamic neurosecretory system of the White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii. Brenner , F. J. 1965. Metabolism and survival time of grouped Starlings at various temperatures. Farner , D. S., Follett , B. K., King , J. R. & Morton , M. L. 1966. A quantitative examination of ovarian growth in the White-crowned Sparrow. Fechheimer , N. S. & Jaffe , W. P. 1966. Method for the display of avian chromosomes. Harrison , C. J. O. 1963. Mottled plumage in the genus Corvus, its causation and relationship to fundamental barring. Harrison , Jeffery G. 1963. A congenital abnormality in the beak of a Curlew. Harrison , C. J. O. 1963. Non-melanic, carotenistic and allied variant plumages in birds. Harrison , James M. & Jeffery G. 1963. A Gadwall (Anas strepera) with a white neck ring and a review of plumage variants in wildfowl. Keil , W. 1964. Messung der Bruttemperatur bei einigen Singvogelarten. Keil , W. 1965. Zur Nestlings entwicklung von Kohl und Blaumeise. Kendeigh , S. C. & Wallin , H. E. 1966. Seasonal and taxonomic differences in the size and activity of the thyroid glands in birds. King , J. R. & Farner , D. S. 1965. Studies of fat deposition in migratory birds. Markert , C. L. & Sladen , W. J. L. 1966. Stability of Lactate Dehydrogenase Isozyme Pattern in Penguins. Mc Farland , L. 2. & Warner , R. 1966. Blood volume of the nasal salt glands and other glands and organs of seagulls. Nelson , D. M., Norton , H. W. & Nalbandov , A. V. 1965. Changes in hypophysial and plasma LH levels during the laying cycle of the hen. Rossbach , R. 1966. Das Neurosekretorische Zwischenhirn system der Amsel (Turdus merula L.) im Jahresablauf und nach Wasserentzug. Sturkie , P. D. & Lin , Y-C. 1966. Release of vasotocin and oviposition in the hen. Yatvin , M. B. 1966. Hypophyseal control of genetic expression during chick feather and skin differentiation.  相似文献   

Bengtson , S.-A. 1966. (Observations on the sexual behaviour of the Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra) on the breeding grounds, with special reference to courting parties.) Boswall , J. 1966. The roosting of the Pied Wagtail in Dublin. Cade , T. J. 1965. Relations between raptors and columbiform birds at a desert water hole. Dunham , D. W. 1966. Maintenance activities of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Dunham , D. W. 1966. Reactions to predators in the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Elgood , J. H. & Ward , P. 1963. A snake attack upon a weaver-bird colony. Possible significance of synchronus breeding activity. Ellis , R. E. Jr . 1966. Agonistic behaviour in the male Starling. Ficken , M. S. & Ficken , R. W. 1965. Comparative ethology of the Chestnut-sided Warbler, Yellow Warbler and American Redstart. Fischer , G. J. 1966. Auditory stimuli and imprinting. Goforth , W. R. & Baskett , r. S. 1965. Effects of experimental colour marking on pairing of captive Mourning Doves. J. Wildlife Manag. Gottlieb , G. 1965. Imprinting in relation to parental and species identification by avian neonates. Hailman , J. P. 1965. Cliff-nesting adaptations of the Galapagos Swallow-tailed Gull. Hansen , E. W. 1966. Squab induced crop growth in ring dove foster parents. Hatch , J. J. 1966. Collective territories in Galapagos mockingbirds, with notes on other behaviour. Hespenheide , H. A. 1966. The selection of seed size by finches. Holcomb , L. C. 1966. The development of grasping and balancing coordination in nestlings of seven species of altricial birds. Holcomb , L. C. 1966. Redwinged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) nestling development. Keil , W. 1963. Beiträge zur Ermittlung der Fütterungs—frequenz einiger Singvogel. Klopfer , P. H. 1965. Behavioral aspects of habitat selection:a preliminary report on stereotypy in foliage preference in birds. Koivisto , I. & Pirkola , M. K. 1964. (On the behaviour on the display ground and the importance of the social display of the Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) and Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus).) Lasky , A. R. 1966. The manner of feeding fledgling woodpeckers. Lott , D. F. & Brody , P. N. 1966. Support of ovulation in the Ring Dove by auditory and visual stimuli. Moyle , P. 1966. Feeding behavior of the Glaucous-winged Gull on an Alaskan salmon stream. Nilsson , L. 1965. (Observations of the spring behaviour of the Red-breasted Merganser). Nilsson , L. 1966. (The behaviour of the Goosander (Mergus merganser) in the winter.) Nilsson , L. 1965. (Studies on the preening behaviour of the Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula).) Offutt , G. C. 1965. Behaviour of the Tufted Titmouse before and during the nesting season. Polt , J. M. & Hess , E. H. 1966. Effects of social experience on the following response in chicks. Root , R. B. 1966. The Avian Response to a Population Outbreak of the Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma corstrictum (Stretch). Simmons , K. E. L. 1965. The ritual world of the Great Crested Grebe. Simmons , K. E. L. 1966. Les noces rituelles du grébe huppé. Vowles , D. M. & Harwood , D. 1966. The effect of exogenous hormones on aggressive and defensive behaviour in the Ring Dove (Streptopeliu risoria).  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Osche, G. (1966): Die Welt der Parasiten. Frisch, Karl v. (1965): Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen. Reichenbach-Klinke, H. H. (1963): Krankheiten der Reptilien. Reichenbach-Klinke, H. , und E. Elkan (1965): The principal diseases of lower vertebrates. Griffin, D. R. (1964): Bird migration, the biology and physics of orientation behavior. Kaestner, A. (1965): Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. Kühn, A. (1965): Vorlesungen über Entwicklungsphysiologie. Lorenz, K. (1966): Stammes- und kulturgeschichtliche Ritenbildung. Hafez, E. S. (1962): The Behaviour of domestic animals. Hassenstein, B. (1965): Biologische Kybernetik. Bally, G. (1966): Vom Spielraum der Freiheit. Strohmeyer, C. (1959): Schweinekomödie.  相似文献   

In 1965 and 1966 respectively 9628 and 10467Salmonella strains were screened for resistance to tetracycline and chloramphenicol. In 1965 the major half of the strains were also tested for ampicillin resistance and in 1966 all strains passed this test. In 1965 20.9% and in 1966 21.7% were found resistant, mainly to tetracycline. The incidence of resistance to chloramphenicol remained low (less than 1%). By far the majority of the resistant strains belonged toS. typhi murium andS. panama. The rate of resistance in the former organism remained nearly equal to that observed in 1963 – 1964, whereas inS. panama it has diminished.Ampicillin-resistant strains were found in as many as 23 different types ofSalmonella. In 8 types in which ampicillin resistance was found, only animal strains were concerned. These findings may represent cases of primary ampicillin resistance. In the human strains ofSalmonella the incidence of ampicillin resistance increased from 11.6% in 1965 to 15.3% in 1966.  相似文献   

Al -Dabagh , M. A. 1964. The incidence of blood parasites in wild and domestic birds of Columbus, Ohio. Amadon , D. 1966. The super:pecies concept. Bergstrand , J. L. & Klimstra , W. D. 1964. Ectoparasites of the Bobwhite Quail in Southern Illinois. Bernis , F. 1963. La invernada y migración de nuestros Ansares. Brinck , P., Svedmyr , A. & Zeipel , G. von . 1965. Migrating birds at Ottenby, Sweden, as carriers of ticks and possible transmitters of tick-borne encephalitis virus. Carrick , R. & Ingham , S. E. 1967. Antarctic sea-birds as subjects for ecological research. Carriker , M. A. 1966. New species and records of Mallophaga (Insectnt) from Neotropical owls (Strigiformes). Davis , P. 1963. Recent developments at Fair Isle. Diamond , A. W., Douthwaite , R. J. & Indge , W. J. E. 1965. Notes on the birds of Berneray, Mingulay and Pabbay. Dott , H. E. M. 1967. Numbers of Great Skuas and other seabirds of Hermaness, Unst. Evans , P. R. & Flower , W. U. 1967. The birds of the Small Isles. Grierson , J. 1962. A check-list of the birds of Tentsmuir, Fife. Gysels , H. 1964. Bijdrage tot de Systematiek van de Vogels, aan de hand van de elektroforese in agar van de oplosbare lens- en spierproteinen. Harris , M. P. 1964. Ring loss and wear of rings on marked Manx Shearwaters. Hytönen , 0. 1965. Fruhjahrsbeobachtungen uber die Vogelwelt der siidlichen Toskana. Jackson , E. E. 1966. The birds of Foula. Johnsgard , P. A. 1967. Sympatry changes and hybridisation incidence in Mallards and Black Ducks. Johnson , N. K. 1966. Bill size and the question of competition in allopatric and sympatric populations of Dusky and Gray Flycatchers. MOEPCKE, M. 1965. Zur Kenntnis einiger Furnariiden (Aves) der Küste und des westlichen Andenabhanges Perus. Lanyon , W. E. 1966. Hybridization in Meadowlarks. Maynard Smith , J. 1966. Sympatric speciation. Mayr , E. 1965. What is a fauna? Mc Clure , H. E. 1966. An Asian bird-bander's manual. Medway , Lord . 1966. Field characters as a guide to the specific relations of Swiftlets. Novobytov , A. 1968. [Bird strikes on aircraft in the Soviet Union.] Yuni Tekhnik [The Young Technician] Packard , G. C. 1967. House Sparrows: Evolution of populations from the Great Plains and Colorado Rockies. Pearson , J. M. & Scott , P. 1965. “Save the Flamingo”: was it a good idea? Pennie , I. D. 1962. A century of bird-watching in Sutherland. Pennie , I. D. 1966. Ornithology in Scotland: a historical review. Penny , R. L. & Sladen , W. J. L. 1966. The use of Teflon for banding Penguins. Prigogine , A. 1967. La faune ornithologique de l'ile Idjwi. Sandeman , P. W. 1965. Attempted reintroduction of White-tailed Eagle to Scotland. Sessions , P. H. B. 1966. Notes on the birds of Lengetia Farm, Mau Narok. Short , L. L. 1965. Variation in West Indian Flickers (Aves, Cokzptes). Sick , H. 1963. Hybridisation in certain Brazilian Fringillidae (Sporophila and Oryzoborus). Siaden , W. J. L. & Friedmann , H. 1961. Antarctic Ornithology. Sladen , W. J. L. 1965. Ornithological research in Antarctica. Slater , R. L. 1967. Helminths of the robin, Turdus nzigratorius Ridgway, from Northern Colorado. Smith , V. W. 1966. Birds seen on a trans-Saharan overland crossing in spring 1966. Strange , I. J. 1965. Beauchene Island. Voous , K. H. 1967. Man and predators. Vos , A. De . 1964. Range changes of birds in the Great Lakes region. Waters , W. E. 1962. The birds of St. Kilda—winter 1961–62. Weins , J. A. 1966. On group selection and Wynne-Edwards' hypothesis.  相似文献   

A. J.F.K. Craig 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):203-207
Craig, A.J.F.K. 1999. Anting in Afrotropical birds: a review. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 203–207.

Passive anting has been recorded from four non-passerine species in Africa, the Rock Kestrel Falco tinnunculus, the African Finfoot Podica senegalensis, the African Hoopoe Upupa epops and the Whitebacked Mousebird Colius colius. Active or passive anting has been recorded from 21 passerine species in 10 families in the wild, and in captive birds in a further 27 species of 3 families. Although such behaviour may have been overlooked or misinterpreted, the rarity of observations implies that in most species anting is likely to be infrequent. In all cases in which the ants have been identified, they were members of the sub-family Formicinae. It appears unlikely that any single functional explanation can account for the observed occurrences of this behaviour.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Symons, P. E. K. (1966): Analysis of spine-raising in the male Three-spined Stickleback. Blakeslee, P. , und R. Gunter (1965): Cross-modal transfer of discrimination learning in Cebus Monkey. (Heteromodale Transpositionen in Viel- und Zweifachwahlen bei Cebusaffen.) Bernstein, I. S. , und L. G. Sharpe (1965): Social roles in a Rhesus Monkey Group. Ferguson, D. E. , und H. F. Landreth (1966): Celestial orientation of Fowler's Toad, Bufo fowleri. Ulrich, R. E., T. J. Stachnik, E. R. Brierton und J. H. Mabry (1966): Fighting and avoidance in response to aversive stimulation. Menzel, E. W. Jr. (1966): Responsiveness to objects in free ranging Japanese Monkeys. Glickman, S. E. , und R. W. Sroges (1966): Curiosity in Zoo animals. Dethier, V. G. (1965): The physiology of insect senses. (Die Sinnesphysiologie der Insekten.) Methuen Monographs on Biological Subjects. Groot, C. (1965): On the orientation of young Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during their seaward migration out of lakes. Merkel, F. W. , und W. Wiltschko (1965): Magnetismus und Richtungsfinden zugunruhiger Rotkehlchen. Van Lavick-Goodall, J. (1965): New discoveries among Africa's Chimpanzees. (Fortgesetzte Freilandbeobachtungen an afrikanischen Schimpansen.) Bates, M. (1965): Tierleben. Deutsche Bearbeitung von Animal Worlds (1963) von H. Wermuth und F. Bolle. Schjelderup, H. (1963): Einführung in die Psychologie. Goerttler, V. (1965): Vom literarischen Handwerk der Wissenschaft.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Beer, C. G. (1966): Incubation and nest-building behaviour of Blackheaded gulls. V: The post-hatching period. Mrosovsky, N., und B. B. Boycott (1966): Intra- and interspecific differences in phototactic behaviour of freshwater turtles. Lill, A. (1966): Some observations on social organisation and non-random mating in captive Burmese red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus spadiceus). Singh, S. D. (1966): The effects of human environment upon the reactions to novel situations in the Rhesus. Schmidt, R. S. (1966): Central mechanisms of frog calling. Salzen, E. A. (1966): The interaction of experience, stimulus characteristics and exogenous androgen in the behaviour of domestic chicks. Åkerman, B. (1966): Behavioural effects of electrical stimulation in the forebrain of the Pigeon. Uyeno, E. T. , und R. A. Graham (1966): The effects of food deprivation of Rats on swimming to exhaustion. Silverman, A. P. (1966): The social behaviour of laboratory rats and the action of Chlorpromazine and other drugs. Cole, D. D. , und J. N. Shafer (1966): A study of social dominance in Cats. Varley, M. , und D. Symmes (1966): The hierarchy of dominance in a group of Macaques. Kahl, M. P. (1966): Comparative ethology of the Ciconiidae I: the Marabou Stork. Hansen, E. W. (1966): The development of maternal and infant behavior in the Rhesus monkey. Franck, D. (1966): Möglichkeiten zur vergleichenden Analyse auslösender und richtender Reize mit Hilfe des Attrappenversuchs, ein Vergleich der Successiv- und Simultanmethode. Dunham, D. P. (1966): Agonistic behavior in captive Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Pheucticus ludovicianus L. Herrnstein, R. J. (1965): In defense of bird brains. (Was Vogelhirne leisten können.) Kolb, A. (1965): Über die Orientierung einheimischer Fledermäuse während des Fressens. Colbert, E. H. (1965): Die Evolution der Wirbeltiere. — G. Heberer übersetzte die zweite amerikanische Auflage von Evolution of the Vertebrates, Verlag Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart. Menzel jun., E. W., R. K. Davenport jun. und Ch. M. Rogers (1963): Effects of environmental restriction upon the Chimpanzee's responsiveness in novel situations. 1) Lorenz, Konrad (1964): Über tierisches und menschliches Verhalten. Aus dem Werdegang der Verhaltenslehre. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. 2) Lorenz, Konrad (1965): Der Vogelflug. Unveränderter Abdruck der 1933 im Journal für Ornithologie. Ziswiler, V. (1965): Bedrohte und ausgerottete Tiere. Eine Biologie des Aus-sterbens und Überlebens. Freedman, D. (1965): An ethological approach to the genetical study of human behavior. Schaller, G. B. (1965): Unsere nächsten Verwandten. — A. P. Zeller übersetzte die amerikanische Urfassung: The Year of the Gorilla. Huxley, Julian, und H. B. D. Kettlewell (1965): Charles Darwin and his world. (Charles Darwin und seine Welt.) Hockett, Ch. F. (1960): Logical considerations in the study of animal communication. Altmann, St. A. (1965): The structure of Primate social communication. (Die Struktur der sozialen Verständigung bei Primaten) — vervielfältigtes Manuskript, das Verf. Harrison, Ruth : Animal machines, übersetzt von Margaret Auer (1964): Tiermaschinen.  相似文献   

D rent , R., T ets , G. F. v an , T ompa , F. & V ermeer , K. 1964. The breeding birds of Mandarte Island, British Columbia.
G rant , P. R. 1965. A systematic study of the terrestrial birds of the Tres Marias islands, Mexico.
G rimwood , I. R. 1963. Notes on birds seen in the eastern Aden Protectorate.
H olgate , P. 1966. Time series analysis applied to wildfowl counts.
P arker , S. A. & H arrison , C. J. O. 1963. The validity of the genus Lusciniola Gray.
P feifer , S. & K eil , W. 1960. Zum Verhalten von Staren ( Sturnus vulgaris ) beim überfliegen ihrer Schlafplatze durch Hubschrauber.
K eil , W. 1965. Erfahrung zur phonoakustichen Vertreibung von Staren— Sturnus vulgaris — aus ihren Schlafplätzen.
S immons , K. E. L. 1962. Some recommendations for a revised check list of the genera and species of grebes (Podicipitidae).
T raylor , M elvin , A. 1963. Revision of the Quail Finch Ortygospiza atricollis .
W hite , C. M. N. 1963. Notes on African Estrildinae.  相似文献   

A lm , B., M yhrberg , H., N yholm , E., & S vensson , S. 1966. Densities of birds in alpine heaths.
E llinthorpe -W hite , S. L. 1966. Winter populations and movements of Wildfowl at Falsterbo Peninsula:January to March 1964.
E rnholdt , T. 1966. (The occurrence of the Golden Oriole ( Oriolus oriolus ) in Sweden 1944–1964.)
G rant , P. R. 1966. The coexistence of two wren species of the genus Thryothorus .
G renquist , P. 1966. A summary of changes in abundance of Finnish duck and sea-bird populations in four southern archipelago areas 1950–1962 and some causes influencing them.
L indberg , P. 1966. (Irruption of the Pygmy Owl ( Gluucidium passrinum ) into Southern Scandinavia, 1963–64.)
O lney , P. J. S. 1966. Berries and birds.
P itman , C. S. R. 1962. Waterfowl predation in Canada by the Northern Pike (or Jackfish) Esox lucius
P ynnonen , A. 1963. (Variations in the abundance of the Hazel Grouse ( Tetrastes bonusia ).)
U usvaara , O. 1963. (The structure of the habitats of the Hazel Grouse ( Tetrustes bonasia ).)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Philip Stanworth 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):138-151
St. Denis. A French‐Canadian Parish. Horace Miner. The University of Chicago Press, Phoenix Books. Chicago 1963. 299 pp., 10 figs. Price 17 s. 6 d.

Waika. Die kulturgeschichtliche Stellung der Waika‐Indianer des oberen Orinoco im Rahmen der Völkerkunde Südamerikas. Otto Zerries. Klaus Renner Verlag, München, 1964. VII + 312 pp., 54 maps. DM. 78.‐

African Background. The Traditional Culture of the Shona‐speaking People. Michael Gelfand. Juta &; Co., Ltd. Cape Town 1965. 132 pp., 34 figs.

Pensée et Société Africaines. Essais sur une dialectique de complémentarité antagoniste chez les Bantu du Sud‐Est. Jacqueline Roumeguère‐Eberhardt. École Pratique des Hautes Études—Sorbonne, VIe Section: Sciences Économiques et Sociales, Cahiers de l'Homme, Nouvelle Série III. Mouton &; Co., Paris 1963. 99 pp., 9 figs.

A Manual of Intergroup Relations. John P. Dean and Alex Rosen. The University of Chicago Press, Phoenix Books. Chicago 1963. Originally published in 1955. 192 pp. Price 12 s.

The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology. 1965. 238 pp. Price 35 s. Political Systems and the Distribution of Power. 1965. 142 pp. Price 30 s. A.S.A. Monographs 1 and 2. Michael Banton [general editor]. Tavistock Publications. London.

Education and Culture. Anthropological Approaches. George D. Spindler (editor). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York. 1963. 571 pp. $ 4.75.

Capital, Saving and Credit in Peasant Societies. Studies from Asia, Oceania, the Caribbean and Middle America. R. Firth and B. S. Yamey (editors). George Allen &; Unwin Ltd. London 1964. 399 pp. Price 45 s.

Glaubenswelt und Folklore der sibirischen Völker. Herausgegeben von Vilmos Diószegi. Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest 1963. 534 S., mit 151 zum Teil mehrfarbigen Abbildungen. $ 14.

Festschrift Paul Schebesta zum 75. Geburtstag. Gewidmet von Mitbrüdern, Freunden und Schülern. Studia Instituti Anthropos, 18. St. Gabriel‐Verlag, Wien‐Mödling 1963. XV + 568 S. DM. 70.  相似文献   

E astwood , E. & R ider , G. C. 1966. Grouping of nocturnal migrants.
G yllin , R. 1965. (Some aspects of the inland wader migration over Sweden with special regard to the relationship between the resting and migrating numbers.)
H augh , J. R. & C ade , T. J. 1966. The spring hawk migration around the southern shore of Lake Ontario.
H ofslund , P. B. 1966. Hawk migration over the western tip of Lake Superior.
M erkel , F. W. & W iltschko , W. 1965. Nächtlide Zugunruhe und Zugorientierung bei Klein-vögeln.
W iltschko , W. & M erkel , F. W. 1965. Orientierung Zugunruhiger Rotkehlchen un Statischen Magnetfeld. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft in Jena 1965
Ö sterlöf , S. 1966. (The migration of the Goldcrest ( Regulus regulus ).)
S cott , R. E. 1965. Weights and measurements of migrant passerines, September 1962.
THIEDE, W. 1963–65. Die Verbreitung des Rotschenkels, Tringa totanus
8. Zoologischer Anzeiger  相似文献   

Eggleton, P. &; Siegfried, W. R. 1979. Displays of the Jackass Penguin. Ostrich 50:139-167.

The paper describes the displays of the Jackass Penguin Spheniscus demersus. It also covers aspects of the species' comfort behaviour. Observations were made at several islands off the South African west coast from 1973 to 1976, although most were made on 130 individually-marked adults at Bird Island (Lambert's Bay) in 1975.

The Jackass Penguin has an extensive repertoire of aggressive displays including Point, Gape, Alternate Stare, Sideways Stare, Peck and Beak Slapping. Other displays are Vibratory Head Shaking (VHS), Ecstatic Display, Mutual Ecstatic Display, several bowing displays and displays associated with copulation. The functions of the displays are discussed and comparison is made with displays in other penguins as documented in the literature. In general the displays of the Jackass Penguin resemble those of other penguins, excluding the genus Aptenodytes. There are, however, variations commensurate with the environment and habits of S. demersus.  相似文献   

Gutorm Gjessing 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-4):167-185
African Miniatures. The Goldweights of the Ashanti. Margaret Webster Plass. Lund Humphries, London 1967. 26 pp., 166 ill.

Anthropologists in the Field. Edited by D. G. Jongmans and P. C. W. Gutkind. Series: Non‐European Societies, nr 6. Royal van Gorcum &; Comp. N. V. Assen 1967. 277 pp. Price cloth Hf 32.50.

Races of Africa. C. G. Seligman. 4 ed. Opus 9 (Oxford Paperbacks University Series). Oxford University Press, London. 1966. 177 pp.

Hausa ba dabo ba ne. A collection of 500 Proverbs translated and annotated by A. H. M. Kirk‐Greene. Ibadan. Oxford University Press London 1966 84 pp. Price 5/3 d.

Human Evolution. An Introduction to Man's Adaptations. Bernard G. Campbell. Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago 1966. 425 pp., 135 ill. Price $ 8.95.

Human Evolution. Readings in Physical Anthropology (2nd cd.) Noel Korn and Fred W. Thompson (editors). Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York 1967, 466 pp. figs. $ 4.95.

Caste and Race: Comparative Approaches. A Ciba Foundation Volume. Ed. by Anthony de Reuck and Julie Knight. J. &; A. Churchill Ltd., London 1967. 348 pp. Price 60 s.

The American Negro. A Study in Racial Crossing. Melville J. Hersko‐vits. A Midland Book, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1964. 92 pp. Price $ 1.65.

Strangers to the City: Urban Man in Jos, Nigeria. Leonard Plotnicov. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh 1967. 320 pp. Price hardbound $ 6.95, paperbound $ 2.95.

Ozeanien. Paul Collaer. Musikgeschichte in Bildern, Hrsg. von Heinrich Besseler und Max Schneider, Band I: Musikethnologie, Lieferung 1. VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik, Leipzig 1965. 234 S., 178 Abb.

A Study of Polyandry. H. R. H. Prince Peter of Greece and Denmark. Mouton &; Co. The Hague 1963. 606 pages, 44 photographs, 4 figs., 2 sketches, 6 maps, 48 genealogical tables. Cloth. Price: Glds. 68.‐(=ab. US $ 19.00, £ 6.16.‐, DM 75.50, 94.50 F).

African Music. A Briefly Annotated Bibliography. Compiled by Darius L. Thieme. Library of Congress, Reference Department, Music Division, Washington 1964. 55 pp. 45 cents.

Tribes and forms in African Art. William Fagg. Methuen &; Co. Ltd., London 1965. 122 Pl. 6 Guineas net.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Lorenz, K. (1965): Darwin hat recht gesehen. Nachtsheim, H. (1966): Kampf den Erbkrankheiten. Franz Decker-Verlag, Schmieden bei Stuttgart. Derselbe (1967): Überbevölkerung, Zentralproblem der Welt. Tembrock, G. (1967): Grundlagen der Tierpsychologie. Aufl. Derselbe (1964): Verhaltensforschung. Eine Einführung in die Tierpsychologie. Leyhausen, P. (1965): Das Motivationsproblem in der Ethologie. Leyhausen, P. (1967): Zur Naturgeschichte der Angst. Smith, Neal G. (1966): Evolution of some arctic gulls (Larus): An experimental study of isolating mechanisms. Petersen, Erich (1966): Biologische Beobachtungen über Verhaltensweisen einiger einheimischer Nager beim öffnen von Nüssen und Kernen. Kaufmann, John H. , und Arleen Kaufmann (1965): Observations on the behavior of Tayras and Grisons (Verhaltensbeobachtungen an den Raubmardern Tayra und Grison). Porzig, Erhard (1966): Ausdrucksbewegungen beim Hausrind. Walther, Fritz (1966): Zum Liegeverhalten des Weißschwanzgnus (Connochaetes gnou Zimmermann, 1780). Schönberner, Dagmar (1965): Beobachtungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie des Wolfes, Canis lupus. Eisfeld, Detlef (1966): Verhaltensbeobachtungen an einigen Wildcaniden. Z. wiss. Gauthier-Pilters, Hilde (1966): Einige Beobachtungen über das Spielverhalten des Fenek (Fennecus zerda Zimm.). Schenkel, Rudolf (1966): On sociology and behaviour in Impala (Aepyceros melampus suara Matschie). Leuthold, Walter (1966): Homing experiments with an African antelope.  相似文献   

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