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The insertion sequence IS481 and its isoform IS1002 have been observed to transpose into the bvgAS locus of Bordetella pertussis, for which the DNA sequence has previously been determined. Upon insertion of IS481 at three different sites and IS1002 at one site, a 6-bp sequence originally present was found at the junction of bvg and insertion sequence DNA. This indicates that, contrary to prior reports, IS481 and IS1002 do create a duplication upon insertion. In this light, examination of these and other examples of IS481 and IS1002 reported in the literature leads to the observation that the 6-bp recognition sequence usually fits the consensus NCTAGN. The near-palindromic nature of this sequence, when directly repeated at the ends of IS481 or IS1002, apparently led to the interpretation that 5 of these base pairs were part of the terminal inverted repeats flanking these elements.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is known to contain more than one active transport system for nucleoside uptake. In the present study we report the sequence of a gene encoding a second nucleoside transport system, nupC (in addition to nupG.) An open reading frame (ORF) of 1200bp was identified that codes for a hydrophobic polypeptide of 43 560 Da and an NupC fusion protein was shown to be membrane associated. The native NupC protein is also identified, following over-expression. NupC exhibits short regions of homology to several membrane-associated proteins, including LacY and Cyd. Analysis of the nupC promoter region revealed the presence of at least two putative CRP-binding sites, centred at–40bp and–89bp, which probably flank a CytR-binding site. In addition, an adjacent IS186 element was identified and found to reside within a putative terminator structure, downstream from the nupC ORF. This arrangement is shown to reflect the previously established gene order on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

IS1203v is an insertion sequence which has been found in inactivated Shiga toxin 2 genes of Escherichia coli O157:H7. We analyzed the transpositional mechanism of IS1203v in order to investigate whether the Shiga toxin 2 genes inactivated by IS1203v could revert to the wild type. When the transposase activity of IS1203v was enhanced by artificial frameshifting, IS1203v was obviously excised from the Shiga toxin 2 gene in a circular form. The IS1203v circle consisted of the entire IS1203v, but an extra 3-bp sequence (ATC) intervened between the 5′ and 3′ ends of IS1203v. The extra 3-bp sequence was identical to a direct repeat which was probably generated upon insertion. Moreover, we detected the Shiga toxin 2 gene with a precise excision of IS1203v. In the wild-type situation, the transposition products of IS1203v could be observed by PCR amplification. These results show that IS1203v can transpose in a nonreplicative manner and that the Shiga toxin gene inactivated by this insertion sequence can revert to the wild type.  相似文献   

Selenoprotein synthesis in Escherichia coli strictly depends on the presence of a specific selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) following the selenocysteine-encoding UGA codon of the respective mRNA. It is recognized by the selenocysteine-specific elongation factor SelB, leading to cotranslational insertion of selenocysteine into the nascent polypeptide chain. The synthesis of three different selenoproteins from the gram-positive anaerobe Eubacterium acidaminophilum in E. coli was studied. Incorporation of 75Se into glycine reductase protein B (GrdB1), the peroxiredoxin PrxU, and selenophosphate synthetase (SelD1) was negligible in an E. coli wild-type strain and was fully absent in an E. coli SelB mutant. Selenoprotein synthesis, however, was strongly increased if selB and selC (tRNASec) from E. acidaminophilum were coexpressed. Putative secondary structures downstream of the UGA codons did not show any sequence similarity to each other or to the E. coli SECIS element. However, mutations in these structures strongly reduced the amount of 75Se-labeled protein, indicating that they indeed act as SECIS elements. UGA readthrough mediated by the three different SECIS elements was further analyzed using gst-lacZ translational fusions. In the presence of selB and selC from E. acidaminophilum, UGA readthrough was 36 to 64% compared to the respective cysteine-encoding UGC variant. UGA readthrough of SECIS elements present in Desulfomicrobium baculatum (hydV), Treponema denticola (selD), and Campylobacter jejuni (selW-like gene) was also considerably enhanced in the presence of E. acidaminophilum selB and selC. This indicates recognition of these SECIS elements and might open new perspectives for heterologous selenoprotein synthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

A quantitative real-time PCR targeting the tnaA gene was studied to detect Escherichia coli and distinguish E. coli from Shigella spp. These microorganisms revealed high similarity in the molecular organization of the tna operon.  相似文献   

alpha-Haemolysin is an extracellular protein toxin (approximately 107 kDa) secreted by Escherichia coli that acts at the level of the plasma membranes of target eukaryotic cells. The nature of the toxin interaction with the membrane is not known at present, although it has been established that receptor-mediated binding is not essential. In this work, we have studied the perturbation produced by purified alpha-haemolysin on pure phosphatidylcholine bilayers in the form of large unilamellar vesicles, under conditions in which the toxin has been shown to induce vesicle leakage. The bilayer systems containing bound protein have been examined by differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy, differential solubilization by Triton X-114, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. All the data concur in indicating that alpha-haemolysin, under conditions leading to cell lysis, becomes inserted in the target membrane in the way of intrinsic or integral proteins. In addition, the experimental results support the idea that inserted alpha-haemolysin occupies only one of the membrane phospholipid monolayers, i.e. it is not a transmembrane protein. The experimental data are complemented by structure prediction studies according to which as many as ten amphipathic alpha-helices, appropriate for protein-lipid interaction, but no hydrophobic transmembrane helices are predicted in alpha-haemolysin. These observations and predictions have important consequences for the mechanism of cell lysis by alpha-haemolysin; in particular, a non-transmembrane arrangement of the toxin in the target membrane is not compatible with the concept of alpha-haemolysin as a pore-forming toxin.  相似文献   

ISRm14 is 2695 basepairs (bp) in size and bordered by 22 bp imperfect inverted repeats (IRs). A 9-bp target sequence is duplicated upon ISRm14 transposition. The DNA strand that putatively encodes the transposase enzyme carries three open reading frames (ORFs) designated ORFs1 to 3, which specify putative proteins of 15.9 kDa, 13.1 kDa, and 61.1 kDa, respectively. According to its structural characteristics, ISRm14 belongs to the recently proposed IS66 family of IS elements. The ORFs1 to 3 encoded putative proteins displayed significant similarities to ORFs of the previously unrecognized IS element ISEc8, which is inserted adjacent to the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island of Escherichia coli EDL933. Analyses of the distribution of ISRm14 in a natural S. meliloti population showed its widespread occurrence in 66% of the strains tested with a copy number ranging from 1 to 6. Received: 13 May 1999 / Accepted: 14 June 1999  相似文献   

The chromosomal insertion sites of Tn10-containing Escherichia coli strains were amplified by inverse PCR, and the nucleotide sequences of the junctions were determined. In 95 strains analyzed, 88 unique Tn10 positions were determined and matched to the E. coli chromosome sequence. Two gaps in insertion site positions were noted, one including the terminus of DNA replication and another bounded by recombination hot spots RhsA and RhsB.  相似文献   

DNA-based methods are increasingly important for bacterial typing. The high number of polymorphic sites present among closely related bacterial genomes is the basis for the presented method. The method identifies multilocus genomic polymorphisms in intergenic regions termed AILP (amplified intergenic locus polymorphism). For each locus, a pair of unique PCR primers was designed to amplify an intergenic sequence from one open reading frame (ORF) to the adjacent ORF. Presence, absence, and size variation of the amplification products were identified and used as genetic markers for rapidly differentiating among strains. Polymorphism was evaluated using 18 AILP sites among 28 strains of Listeria monocytogenes and 6 strains of Listeria spp. and 30 AILP markers among 27 strains of Escherichia coli. Up to four alleles per locus were identified among Listeria strains, and up to six were identified among E. coli strains. In both species, more than half of the AILP sites revealed intraspecies polymorphism. The AILP data were applied to phylogenetic analysis among Listeria and E. coli strains. A clear distinction between L. monocytogenes and Listeria spp. was demonstrated. In addition, the method separated L. monocytogenes into the three known lineages and discriminated the most common virulent serotypic group, 4b. In E. coli, AILP analysis separated the known groups as well as the virulent O157:H7 isolates. These findings for both Listeria and E. coli are in agreement with other phylogenetic studies using molecular markers. The AILP method was found to be rapid, simple, reproducible, and a low-cost method for initial bacterial typing that could serve as a basis for epidemiological investigation.  相似文献   

We have examined the binding of colonization factor antigens, (CFAs) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to gangliosides and asialo gangliosides by using immuno-thin layer chromatography. CFA/II and its subcomponents (CS1, CS2 and CS3) as well as the subcomponent CS4 of the CFA/IV complex bound to asialo ganglioside GM1.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal-P can be covalently linked to E. coli B ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase by reduction with sodium borohydride. The modified enzyme is almost fully active when less than 1 mole of pyridoxal-P is incorporated per mole of enzyme subunit and is no longer dependent on the presence of allosteric activators in reaction mixtures for high activity. The allosteric activators, fructose-P2 or hexanediol 1,6 bisphosphate, decrease the incorporation of pyridoxal-P into enzyme suggesting that the pyridoxal-P is linked at or near the allosteric activator binding site. Acid hydrolysis of the modified enzyme yields pyridoxyllysine suggesting that the epsilon amino group of lysine is functional in the binding of the allosteric activators of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The dipyrromethane cofactor of Escherichia coli porphobilinogen deaminase was specifically labelled with 13C by growth of the bacteria in the presence of 5-amino[5-13C]levulinic acid. Using 13C-NMR spectroscopy, the structure of the cofactor was confirmed as a dipyrromethane made up of two linked pyrrole rings each derived from porphobilinogen. The chemical shift data indicate that one of the pyrrole rings of the cofactor is covalently linked to the deaminase enzyme through a cysteine residue. Evidence from protein chemistry studies suggest that cysteine-242 is the covalent binding site for the cofactor.  相似文献   

DnaK, the bacterial homolog of human Hsp70, plays an important role in pathogens survival under stress conditions, like antibiotic therapies. This chaperone sequesters protein aggregates accumulated in bacteria during antibiotic treatment reducing the effect of the cure. Although different classes of DnaK inhibitors have been already designed, they present low specificity. DnaK is highly conserved in prokaryotes (identity 50–70%), which encourages the development of a unique inhibitor for many different bacterial strains. We used the DnaK of Acinetobacter baumannii as representative for our analysis, since it is one of the most important opportunistic human pathogens, exhibits a significant drug resistance and it has the ability to survive in hospital environments. The E.coli DnaK was also included in the analysis as reference structure due to its wide diffusion. Unfortunately, bacterial DnaK and human Hsp70 have an elevated sequence similarity. Therefore, we performed a differential analysis of DnaK and Hsp70 residues to identify hot spots in bacterial proteins that are not present in the human homolog, with the aim of characterizing the key pharmacological features necessary to design selective inhibitors for DnaK. Different conformations of DnaK and Hsp70 bound to known inhibitor-peptides for DnaK, and ineffective for Hsp70, have been analysed by molecular dynamics simulations to identify residues displaying stable and selective interactions with these peptides. Results achieved in this work show that there are some residues that can be used to build selective inhibitors for DnaK, which should be ineffective for the human Hsp70.  相似文献   

The immunoaffinity chromatography of total membrane proteins from Escherichia coli helped determine the specificity of the monoclonal antibody 3A6 that was obtained upon immunization of mice with nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase preparations and reacted with an unknown E. coli antigen. Proteins with apparent molecular masses of 150, 45, and 20 kDa were isolated and identified by N-terminal sequencing as the subunits of nitrate reductase. This conclusion was confirmed by immunoblotting with the 3A6 antibody of the proteins from the E. coli cells grown upon induction of nitrate reductase. It was shown that the 3A6 antibody specifically recognizes the alpha subunit of nitrate reductase, and the formation of the enzyme-antibody complex does not result in a loss of the enzyme catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The fundamental activities of the replicative primosomes of Escherichia coli are provided by DnaB, the replication fork DNA helicase, and DnaG, the Okazaki fragment primase. As we have demonstrated previously, DnaG is recruited to the replication fork via a transient protein-protein interaction with DnaB. Here, using site-directed amino acid mutagenesis, we have defined the region on DnaB required for this protein-protein interaction. Mutations in this region of DnaB affect the DnaB-DnaG interaction during both general priming-directed and phiX174 complementary strand DNA synthesis, as well as at replication forks reconstituted in rolling circle DNA replication reactions. The behavior of the purified mutant DnaB proteins in the various replication systems suggests that access to the DnaG binding pocket on DnaB may be restricted at the replication fork.  相似文献   

We found two Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains isolated from humans carrying the stx(1) gene with an IS1203-like element (designated as IS1203v(1)). The IS1203v(1) was inserted into the coding region of the A subunit 7 bp upstream from the TGA termination codon, resulting in a loss of two amino acid residues (Ser-Ser) from its C terminus. Toxicity of the Stx1 was confirmed by Vero cell assay. IS1203v(1) hardly affected the stx(1) gene in either its expression or the toxicity of its product.  相似文献   

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