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Cytoskeletal proteins of the rat kidney proximal tubule brush border   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cytoskeletal components backing the brush border of the rat kidney proximal tubule cell were identified and compared with those of the well characterized intestinal brush border by immuneoverlay and immunocytochemistry. Antibodies reactive against the intestinal microvillus core components, villin and fimbrin, as well as against the terminal web components, spectrin (fodrin) and myosin, were used. Proteins of similar molecular weight to these intestinal brush border cytoskeletal components were identified in isolated kidney brush borders by immuneoverlay. Spectrin, a major component of the terminal web region of both cell types, was more concentrated in the kidney brush border relative to both actin and myosin. By immunofluorescence, villin and fimbrin were localized in the microvilli, and spectrin and myosin were localized to the terminal web region of the brush border. In addition, spectrin was found along the basolateral membranes of the proximal tubule cell, and myosin was detected in a punctate staining pattern throughout its cytoplasm. By immunoelectron microscopy using immunogold labeling procedures, fimbrin and villin were localized in the terminal web as well as in microvilli, and spectrin and myosin were localized to fibrils in the terminal web. A key difference between the epithelia of the two organs is the extensive network of clathrin coated pits found in the terminal web region of the kidney but not the intestinal brush border. The clathrin-rich terminal web region of the kidney, like the intestinal brush border, proved to be quite stable and resistant to disruption by non-ionic detergents and harsh mechanical treatment.  相似文献   

Two membrane proteins, maltase and gp330 (the pathogenic antigen of Heymann nephritis), present in the proximal tubule brush border have recently been independently purified and found to be large glycoproteins of similar molecular weight (Mr = approximately 300,000) by SDS PAGE. To determine the relationship between the two, monoclonal antibodies raised against the purified proteins were used for comparative immunochemical analyses and immunocytochemical localization. When a detergent extract of [35S]methionine-labeled rat renal cortex was used for immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antimaltase IgG, a single band of approximately 300 kdaltons was precipitated, whereas a single 330-kdalton band was precipitated with monoclonal anti-gp330 IgG. Monoclonal antimaltase (gp300) IgG also immunoprecipitated maltase activity from solubilized renal maltase preparations, whereas monoclonal anti-gp330 IgG failed to do so. When cyanogen bromide-generated peptide maps of the two proteins were compared, there were many similar peptides, but some differences. When maltase and gp330 were localized by indirect immunofluorescence and by indirect immunoperoxidase and immunogold techniques at the electron microscope level, they were found to be differently distributed in the brush border of the initial (S1 and S2) segments of the proximal tubule: maltase was concentrated (approximately 90%) on the microvilli, and gp330 was concentrated (approximately 90%) in the clathrin-coated apical invaginations located at the base of the microvilli. We conclude that maltase (gp300) and the Heymann nephritis antigen (gp330) are structurally related membrane glycoproteins with a distinctive distribution in the proximal tubule brush border which may serve as markers for the microvillar and coated microdomains, respectively, of the apical plasmalemma.  相似文献   

A renal brush border fraction was isolated from newborn Sprague-Dawley rats, and its morphological and enzymatic characteristics were studied in comparison to that from the adult. Definite microvillar structures are seen by electron microscopy, and brush border preparations from the newborn are enriched in known marker enzymes. Though morphological development is more advanced and enzyme specific activities are greater in the adult, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins reveal no significant change in pattern with increasing age. These studies suggest that the brush border of the proximal tubule cell is present at birth as a significantly developed structure.  相似文献   

Isolated rat kidney proximal tubule brush border membrane vesicles exhibit an increase in diacylglycerol levels (20- to 30-fold) and a concomitant decrease in phosphatidylinositol when incubated with [3H]arachidonate-labeled lipids, Ca2+, and deoxycholate. Levels of free arachidonate, triglyceride, and noninositol phospholipids are not altered. These results suggest phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase activity is associated with rat proximal tubule brush border membrane. Presence of both deoxycholate and certain divalent cations was necessary to demonstrate enzyme activity. Optimum pH ranged from 7.0 to 8.5. Ca2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+ stimulated diglyceride production while Ba2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, and K+ were ineffective. HgCl2 inhibited Ca2+-stimulated phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase. Mg2+ and deoxycholate-dependent enzyme activity was shown to be phosphatidylinositol specific. Sodium lauryl sulfate, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, and Triton X-100 did not activate phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase in the presence of Ca2+. In combination with deoxycholate, diglyceride formation was not affected by sodium lauryl sulfate, partially inhibited by Triton X-100, and completely abolished by tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide. Diglyceride kinase activity was not found associated with brush border membrane phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase. ATP (1-5 mM) inhibited Ca2+- or Mg2+-stimulated, deoxycholate-dependent phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis by chelating the required divalent cation.  相似文献   

A renal brush border fraction was isolated from newborn Sprague-Dawley rats, and its morphological and enzymatic characteristics were studied in comparison to that from the adult. Definite microvillar structures are seen by electron microscopy, and border preparations from the newborn are enriched in known marker enzymes. Though morphological development is more advanced and enzyme specific activities are greater in the adult, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins reveals no significant change in pattern with increasing age. These studies suggest that the brush border of the proximal tubule cell is present at birth as a significantly developed structure.  相似文献   

Brush border membranes of the rabbit renal tubule have an ATPase which was stimulated 60% by 50 mm HCO3?. The Ka for HCO3? was 36 mm. Kinetic studies of the “HCO3?-ATPase” indicate that HCO3? had no effect on the Km for ATP and ATP did not alter the Ka for HCO3?. Several anions, notably SO32?, also accelerated the rate of dephosphorylation of ATP. The V for “SO32?-ATPase” was fivefold greater than that for “HCO3?-ATPase.” The Ka for SO32? was 0.78 mm. Other anions including Cl? and phosphates, did not enhance ATPase activity. Thus, of the anions present in the glomerular filtrate in appreciable concentrations only HCO3? stimulated the luminal membrane enzyme. The anion-stimulated ATPase activity increased sharply from pH 6.1 to 7.1 and moderately with higher pH. The renal ATPase was not inhibited by SCN? nor methyl sulfonyl chloride and was relatively insensitive to oligomycin and quercetin. Carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy phenylhydrazone increased the basal rate of the membranal ATPase, suggesting that the ATPase activity is limited by transmembrane H+ flux. Carbonic anhydrase significantly increased the HCO3?-stimulated ATPase activity. This increment was blocked by Diamox. These findings provide evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the brush border membrane ATPase is involved in the extrusion of H+ from tubular cell to lumen and support suggested interrelationships between HCO3?-stimulated ATPase, H+ secretion, and bicarbonate transport in the kidney.  相似文献   

Brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from rabbit kidney proximal tubule cells, prepared with different internal solute concentrations (cellobiose buffer 13, 18 or 85 mosM) developed an hydrostatic pressure difference across the membrane of 18.7 mosM, that causes a membrane tension close to 5 × 10−5 N cm−1. When subjected to several hypertonic osmotic shocks an initial delay of osmotic shrinkage (a lag time), corresponding to a very small change in initial volume was apparent. This initial osmotic response, which is significantly retarded, was correlated with the initial period of elevated membrane tension, suggesting that the water permeability coefficient is inhibited by membrane stress. We speculate that this inhibition may serve to regulate cell volume in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the plasma membrane and the core of microvilli of proximal tubule cells has been investigated by electron microscopy using sectioned and negatively stained material. By the technique of negative staining, a particulated coat is disclosed on the outside of the plasma membrane of microvilli of brush borders isolated from rat, rabbit and ox. This coat is composed of 30 to 60 Å particles and is 150 to 300 Å thick and appears to be a distinguishing feature for the luminal plasma membrane (brush border) of proximal tubule cells. The plasma membrane of the basal part of tubule cells is found to be smooth. By thin sectioning, an axial bundle of 50 to 70 Å diameter filaments regularly arranged in an 1+6 configuration, one axially located filament being surrounded by a ring of six, is disclosed. The distance from the ring of filaments to the inner surface of the plasma membrane is 250–300 Å, the diameter of the ring 300 Å and the center-to-center distance between filaments 120 Å. Negative staining also discloses 60 Å filaments in microvilli of isolated brush borders. Broken off, single microvilli (fingerstalls) are observed with thin filaments projecting from their broken ends. Filaments up to 1 in length are seen. At high magnification, the filaments appear beaded and show strong resemblance with actin filaments isolated from skeletal muscle. Based on present evidence, it is postulated that microvilli constituting renal brush borders possess contractile properties, which may play a role in the absorption process operating at the luminal part of the cells.The authors are indebted to Miss Kirsten Sjöberg for skilled technical assistance, and to the Danish State Research Foundation and the Tuborg Foundation for financial support.  相似文献   

We have shown previously (R.P.J. Oude Elferink, E.M. Brouwer-Kelder, I. Surya, A. Strijland, M. Kroos, A.J.J. Reuser, J.M. Tager, Eur. J. Biochem. 139, 489-495 (1984)) that human urine contains considerable amounts of a precursor form of lysosomal alpha-glucosidase (about 50% of the total alpha-glucosidase activity present). We have now purified alpha-glucosidase from human kidney. Only about 5 to 10% of the total lysosomal alpha-glucosidase present in kidney comprises the precursor form of the enzyme. By means of immunocytochemistry using monoclonal antibodies, the precursor of alpha-glucosidase was detected in the brush border of the proximal tubule cells. Taking into account the amount of precursor alpha-glucosidase excreted daily into the urine and the amount present in the kidneys, we conclude that extensive secretion of precursor alpha-glucosidase occurs from the brush border of the proximal tubules.  相似文献   

A fast Na+-exchange is shown to be present in isolated renal brush border membranes. The lower limit of the rate constant for this process, calculated from the 23Na-NMR spectrum is 580 sec-1. The actual exchange rate may be higher. A fast 7Li exchange is also shown to be present in the isolated membrane vesicles. The characteristic overshoot of the Na+ dependent D-glucose cotransport and Na+/H+ antiport can be demonstrated. The fact that neither treatment with papain, nor lowering of the temperature to 5 degrees C affected the 23Na-NMR spectra obtained in the renal brush border membrane vesicles is consistent with the possibility that the fast Na+-exchange occurs through a channel mechanism.  相似文献   

Papain treatment of renal brush border vesicles was carried out as a successful first step towards the purification of the membrane components involved in dipeptide transport. The treated vesicles exhibited increased specific transport activity of glycyl-l-proline. In contrast, the specific transport activity of l-alanine in the treated vesicles was less than that in the control vesicles. Papain treatment resulted in the solubilization of 38% of protein, 55% of alkaline phosphatase, 90% of γ-glutamyltransferase and 95% of leucine aminopeptidase. There was no change in the intravesicular volume nor was there any increase in vesicular permeability. Glycyl-l-proline transport was Na+-independent in the control and papain-treated vesicles. Diamide reduced the Na+-dependent l-alanine transport while glycyl-l-proline transport remained unaffected in the presence of Na+. Many dipeptides inhibited glycyl-l-proline transport both in the presence and absence of Na+. The inhibition by dipeptides was greater than the inhibition by equivalent concentrations of free amino acids. These data demonstrate that renal brush border vesicles can efficiently handle dipeptides by a mechanism completely different from that of amino acid transport.  相似文献   

Summary A membrane extract enriched with the Na+-dependentd-glucose transport system was obtained by differential cholate solubilization of rat renal brush border membranes in the presence of 120mm Na+ ions. Sodium ions were essential in stabilizing the transport system during cholate treatment. This membrane extract was further purified with respect to its Na+-coupledd-glucose transport activity and protein content by the use of asolectin-equilibrated hydroxylapatite. The reconstituted proteoliposomes prepared from this purified fraction showed a transient accumulation ofd-glucose in response to a Na+ gradient. The observed rate of Na+-coupledd-glucose uptake by the proteoliposomes represented about a sevenfold increase as compared to that of the reconstituted system derived from an initial 1.2% cholate extract of the membranes. Other Na+-coupled transport systems such asl-alanine, -ketoglutarate and phosphate were not detected in these reconstituted proteoliposomes.  相似文献   

The absorbance change of the weak base dye probe, Acridine orange, was used to monitor alterations of pH gradients across renal brush border membrane vesicles. The presence of Na+/H+ or Li+/H+ exchange was demonstrated by diluting Na2SO4 or Li2SO4 loaded vesicles into Na+- or Li+-free solutions, which caused dye uptake. About 20% of the uptake was abolished by lipid permeable cations such as valinomycin-K+ or tetraphenylphosphonium, indicating perhaps the presence of a finite Na+ conductance smaller than electroneutral Na+/H+ exchange. The protonophore tetrachlorosalicylanilide raised the rate of dye uptake under these conditions, hence the presence of an Na+ conductance greater than the H+ conductance was suggested. K+ gradients also induced changes of pH, at about 10% of the Na+ or Li+ rate. Partial inhibition (21%) was seen with 0.1 mM amiloride indicating that K+ was a low affinity substrate for the Na+/H+ exchange. Acceleration both by tetrachlorosalicylanilide (2-fold) and valinomycin (4-fold) suggested the presence of 2 classes of vesicles, those with high and those with low K+ conductance. The larger magnitude of the valinomycin dependent signal suggested that 75% of the vesicles had a low K+ conductance. Inward Cl? gradients also induced acidification, partially inhibited by the presence of tetraphenylphosphonium, and accelerated by tetrachlorosalicylanilide. Thus both a Cl? conductance greater than the H+ conductance and a Cl?/OH? exchange were present. The rate of Na+/H+ exchange was amiloride sensitive with a pH optimum of 6.5 and an apparent Km for Na+ or Li+ of about 10 mM and an EA of 14.3 kcal per mol. A 61-fold Na2SO4 gradient resulted in a pH gradient of 1.64 units which increased to 1.8 with gramicidin. An equivalent NaCl gradient gave a much lower ΔpH even in the presence of gramicidin showing that the H+ and Cl? pathways could alter the effects of the Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

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