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Livestock depredation by leopards is one of the key conservation issues in landscapes with limited resources worldwide. Any attempts to mitigate human–leopard conflict and conserve the species in conflict should be based on an unequivocal understanding of the conflict patterns. A household survey was conducted with an intention to quantify livestock losses resulting from depredation by leopards in and around the Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. A total of 301 livestock were killed between June 2007 and August 2008 by leopards. The extent of loss varied in different months, with maximum killing occurring in the month of May. Small-bodied livestock such as goats and sheep were more vulnerable than large-bodied cattle. Goats were killed in significantly higher numbers as compared to other livestock. Domestic animals were killed more frequently at night as compared to other times of the day. There was a significant effect of the nighttime protection measures on depredation. Most attacks happened in valleys and in areas far from the forests. Factors most closely associated with livestock depredation included decline of natural prey, herding practices, guarding especially during the nighttime, and repeated use of pastures where predators were known to be hunting actively. Attitudes of the local community towards leopards were largely negative, and further efforts should be made to improve support for carnivore conservation. We suggest widespread local community education and proactive human–leopard conflict management, particularly through adopting carnivore-friendly livestock protection measures.  相似文献   

Intercommunity aggression in chimpanzees and primitive warfare in humans possess striking similarities, such as the common occurrence of large male coalitions, systematic control of territory boundaries, and lethal attacks on isolated individuals from neighboring groups. However, an important apparent contrast is the absence of recurrent peaceful interactions between neighboring groups of chimpanzees. We observed a remarkable range of behavior in intergroup encounters among three habituated communities of chimpanzees in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. Lethal attacks are documented in these study groups for the first time, as well as year‐long exchanges of parous adult females and peaceful intergroup visits of mothers with infants. Demographic factors, including group size and number of adult males, are shown to affect the nature of intergroup interactions in ways not considered previously. A reconsideration of the difference in intergroup interactions between eastern and western chimpanzees is proposed including a more important consideration of the female's perspective. The inclusion of the new complexities in intergroup interactions in chimpanzees allows new parallels to be drawn with the evolution of primitive warfare in humans. Am. J. Primatol. 70:519–532, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fox, V.E., Lindeque, P.M., Simmons, R.E., Berry, H.H., Brain, C. & Braby, R. 1997. Flamingo ‘rescue’ in Etosha National Park, 1994: technical, conservation and economic considerations. Ostrich 68 (2–4): 72–76.

During April 1994,144 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber chicks were taken from Etosha Pan, Namibia, following drying of the shallow water and the death of hundreds of chicks. The captured chicks ranged from approximately 2 weeks to 2 months of age and were hand-reared at Okaukuejo until being released (7 weeks later) or sold (12 weeks later). Fourteen birds died within 8 days; only two died later. Of 77 chicks released at Walvis Bay, their traditional wintering grounds, 76 were fitted with yellow plastic rings and 73 with numbered metal rings. These grey juveniles were highly visible in the lagoon among the pink adults, and were resighted regularly. Most of the 20 birds recovered dead within two months of release were birds with wing chord measurements less than 315 mm, and black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas predation was the most likely cause of death. Bird counts 11 and 14 months later at Walvis Bay and surrounding wetlands revealed no juveniles at all, suggesting high mortality. However, four ringed flamingos were sighted in Jan. 1997, and one debilitated ringed flamingo was recovered at the Namibia-Botswana border in Feb. 1997. A lack of predator avoidance was thought to be the main factor responsible for the high mortalities.  相似文献   

‘On-farm’ seed priming with zinc in chickpea and wheat in Pakistan   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A series of on-station trials was implemented between 2002 and 2006 to assess the response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum) to zinc (Zn) added by soaking seeds (priming) in solutions of ZnSO4 before sowing. Wheat seed was primed for 10 h in 0.3% Zn and chickpea for 6 h in 0.05% Zn. Seed treatments increased the seed concentration in wheat from 27 to 470 mg/kg and in chickpea from 49 to 780 mg/kg. Priming wheat seeds with 0.3% Zn significantly increased the mean shoot dry mass, Zn concentration and Zn uptake of 15-day-old seedlings relative to non-primed controls and seeds primed with water alone. Using 0.4% Zn further increased shoot Zn concentration but depressed shoot dry mass to the level of the non-primed control. In seven trials, mean grain yield of wheat was significantly increased from 2.28 to 2.42 t/ha (6%) by priming with water alone and to 2.61 t/ha (14%) by priming with 0.3% Zn. Mean grain yield of chickpea in seven trials was increased significantly from 1.39 to 1.65 t/ha (19%) by priming seeds with 0.05% Zn. The effect of priming chickpea seeds with water was intermediate (1.49 t/ha) and not statistically separable from the non-primed and zinc-primed treatments. Increased grain yield due to priming in both crops was associated with increases in total biomass but there was no significant effect of priming on harvest index. In addition to increasing yield, priming seeds with Zn also significantly increased grain zinc concentration, by 12% in wheat (mean of three trials) and by 29% in chickpea (one trial) and the total amount of Zn taken up by the grain (by 27% in wheat and by 130% in chickpea). Using ZnSO4 to prime seeds was very cost-effective, with net benefit-to-cost ratios of 75 for wheat and 780 for chickpea. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Primates - The western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus), a subspecies of the common chimpanzee, is currently listed as Critically Endangered. Human-driven habitat loss and infectious diseases are...  相似文献   

Along with an increase in the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), the need arises to assess if designated MPAs are achieving their goals and objectives. A first step in this process is the identification of MPA performance indicators against which to evaluate MPA management. This study investigates the development of MPA performance indicators using an in situ approach by including diverse stakeholder groups in the process. The results show that local stakeholders identify a range of MPA performance indicators in all stages of the management cycle and in diverse MPA indicators categories. Statistical analysis reveals that multiple groups identify distinct performance indicators. Fishermen groups primarily mention governance performance indicators in the planning and output stage. Other groups most often cite biophysical and social outcome performance indicators. The findings demonstrate distinct management expectations towards MPA performance among included stakeholder groups. The study also shows that the integration of multiple groups is necessary for the identification of MPA performance indicators as the groups identify distinct performance indicators.  相似文献   

Although it is an anatomical folivore, the diet of the Milne-Edwards’ sifaka (Propithecus diadema edwardsiA. Grandidier, 1871) in Ranomafana National Park contained 35% seeds, 30% whole fruit, and 28% leaves. Plant species used as seed sources differed from those used as whole fruit sources in terms of temporal variation in consumption, taxonomic affiliation, morphology, and phenology. Although seeds were destroyed in both exploitation styles used by the sifakas—seed and whole fruit-eating—the gross morphology of species used as seed sources conformed to the complex of traits typical for fruits experiencing seed predation, while species used as whole fruit sources conformed to traits typical for fruits that do not experience predispersal predation. Many of the 19 plant species from which the seed was extracted and eaten contained a single seed with moderate testa thickness, and fruits containing this type of seed were medium-sized with dry or fibrous flesh, moderate skin thickness, and a dull color. In contrast, brightly colored, juicy fruits with minimally protected seeds were characteristic of the 38 plant species from which both pericarp and seed were eaten. Compared to transectwide measures of fruit availability or patterns restricted to whole fruit sources, fewer species of seed sources produced fruit per month and fruiting activity was more seasonal.  相似文献   

Lilian's Lovebird Agapornis lilianae is a small, near-threatened parrot resident in mopane Colophospermum mopane woodlands. We investigated its diet and foraging behaviour in Liwonde National Park, Malawi. We expected that Lilian's Lovebirds would show little specialisation for a particular food source but generally feed on available seeds, fruits, flowers and other items as observed in other lovebirds. Lilian's Lovebirds fed on 30 different plant species. Lilian's Lovebirds were observed feeding in six habitat types in Liwonde National Park and adjacent areas during the wet season, and four in the dry season. In the wet season lovebirds (23% of observations) foraged in grassy wetland (dambo) areas the most, whilst in the dry season they foraged in grasslands with tree cover (18%) the most. In mopane woodland, foraging flock sizes differed significantly between the wet (mean = 19.8 ± 1.0 lovebirds) and dry season (mean = 33.6 ± 2.3 lovebirds). Grass seeds were lovebirds’ main food source from December to June. The nutritional analysis of preferred foods showed that grass seeds have a relatively high protein and energy content. Grass seed availability is reduced with savanna burning and so early season burning (before May–June) in areas in and outside the park is not recommended.  相似文献   

A comparative field study of the locomotion of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha) and spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) in undisturbed rainforest of northeastern Ecuador reveals substantial differences in their use of suspensory modes. Ateles performed both more brachiation (by forelimbs and tail, with trunk rotation), and forelimb swing (similar to brachiation, but without trunk rotation) than Lagothrix. In contrast, in Lagothrix 20% of suspensory movement was by pronograde forelimb swing, which resembles forelimb swing except that the body is held in a pronograde orientation due to the tail and/or feet intermittently grasping behind the trailing forelimb. Ateles never exhibited this mode. Both brachiation and forelimb swing by Ateles were more dynamic than in Lagothrix, consisting of higher proportions of full-stride bouts (versus single-step). Both species used smaller supports for suspensory than for quadrupedal locomotion, and Ateles used both smaller and larger supports for suspension than did Lagothrix. Analysis of support inclination shows that both species tended to perform more above-support movement on horizontal supports and more below-support (suspensory) movement from oblique supports. Our attempt to elucidate the aspects of canopy structure that favor suspension suggests the need for additional kinds of observational data, focusing on the "immediate structural context" of positional events.  相似文献   

Valuation of Forests and Plant Species in Indigenous Territory and National Park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia. A quantitative ethnobotanical study was conducted in Indigenous Territory and National Park Isiboro-Sécure (TIPNIS), Bolivia, to assess the usefulness assigned by local Yuracaré and Trinitario ethnic groups to different terra firme and floodplain forests. Furthermore, we investigated which variables are good predictors for the use value attributed to plant species in the research area. Plants were collected during transect, walk-in-the-woods and homegarden sampling. Ethnobotanical and ethnoecological data of the inventoried plants were obtained from 12 Yuracaré and 14 Trinitario participants through semistructured interviews. On average, 84% of species in transects were claimed to be useful to people. The understorey (2.5 cm ≤ dbh < 10 cm) of the sampled forest types contained more useful species than the overstorey (dbh ≥ 10 cm), particularly for species with a medicinal and/or social use function. The local use value of plant species can be predicted, in part, from their botanical family, growth form, density, frequency, mean and maximum dbh, and ecological importance value. Our data confirm the hypothesis that density and frequency of plants in the landscape are both related to perceived plant accessibility. Accessibility of plants partly seems to guide their usefulness in TIPNIS. Indigenous assessment of accessibility and abundance of plants also covaried with their perceived usefulness and therefore has a potential for uncovering patterns in the perceived utility of plants.  相似文献   

“Brush structures” are temporary wooden structures built with unmodified local materials and used as shelters by First Nation Peoples in the forests of the Yukon prior to European contact. This paper reports a preliminary attempt to date these structures using dendrochronology. Investigations were carried out of four njel (“teepee like”) structures and eight män-ku (low 2–3 sided wall structures) at four main sites. The primary material cored was poles (dead spruce trunks), often only 10–20 cm diameter, with narrow, sometimes extremely suppressed ring sequences. These structures are dated between 1865 and 1887, based on the latest (outermost) ring in the sampled material. The limited sampling and use of old wood in these structures (whether fire-kill, standing dead or reused from previous features) makes it difficult to give precise dates for the initial evidence of First Nation activity at these sites: more extensive sampling could provide further insight into the settlement history and construction techniques used. The sites investigated date from the latter half of the nineteenth century shortly before the first European gold rush to this region.  相似文献   

The use of molecular phylogenetic approaches in microbial ecology has revolutionized our view of microbial diversity at high temperatures and led to the proposal of a new kingdom within the Archaea, namely, the "Korarchaeota." We report here the occurrence of another member of this archaeal group and a deeply rooted bacterial sequence from a thermal spring in Yellowstone National Park (USA). The DNA of a mixed community growing at 83°C, pH 7.6, was extracted and the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (16S rDNA) sequences were obtained using the polymerase chain reaction. The products were cloned and five different phylogenetic types ("phylotypes") were identified: four archaeal phylotypes, designated pBA1, pBA2, pBA3, and pBA5, and only one bacterial phylotype, designated pBB. pBA5 is very closely related to the korarchaeotal phylotype, pJP27, from Obsidian Pool in Yellowstone National Park. The pBB phylotype is a lineage within the Aquificales and, based on 16S rRNA sequence, is different enough from the members of the Aquificales to constitute a different genus. In situ hybridization with bacterial-specific and Aquificales-specific fluorescent oligonucleotide probes indicated the bacterial population dominated the community and most likely contributed significantly to biogeochemical cycling within the community. Received: August 29, 1999 / Accepted: November 16, 1999  相似文献   

The Acidobacteria show a widespread distribution in natural ecosystems. In this study, we analyzed the presence of Acidobacteria in freshwater ponds at Do?ana National Park (southwestern Spain). Nucleic acid sequence analysis, quantitative, real-time RT-PCR, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were carried out. Acidobacteria in these aquatic environments were investigated using their 16S and 23S rDNA sequences and acidobacterial specific primer pairs through phylogenetic approaches. The presence of up to five subdivisions of Acidobacteria was detected during this study. The analyzed ponds exhibited distinctive patterns of acidobacterial clades. In order to detect their role in ecosystem functions, metabolically active Acidobacteria were detected based upon rRNA analyses. Quantitative, real-time RT-PCR showed a low percentage of metabolically active Acidobacteria at suboxic zones within the water column covered by surface Fe-rich films. Oxygen-saturated areas showed around 4% of total bacterial RNA belonging to Acidobacteria both in the water column and the sediment surface. The morphology of the most abundant Acidobacteria was revealed by FISH as cocci generally in pairs or chains. Enrichment cultures were also obtained and indicated a putative metabolism based on aerobic and heterotrophic characteristics likely taking advantage of the abundant organic matter present at the investigated sites. These results represent a significant contribution toward understanding the distribution and ecological role of the phylum Acidobacteria in natural ecosystems, specifically at Do?ana National Park freshwater ponds.  相似文献   

The Māori site of Tieke Marae is located on a Department of Conservation campsite in Whanganui National Park, New Zealand. It has been occupied for 16 years by members of the Tamahaki hapu (sub-tribe, known as Te Whanau o Tieke (the family of Tieke), and their supporters. Tamahaki maintain that Tieke Marae was confiscated illegally, and that they will remain in place until the New Zealand Government recognises their claim to 267 acres currently inside the Park. Te Whanau o Tieke has effectively put its stamp on Tieke by landscaping the marae (ceremonial meeting ground) erecting buildings, raising a pou whenua (an elaborately carved pole that demarcates their territory) conducting burials, and hosting thousands of visitors, including government officials. Their occupation has been peaceful, helped in recent years by the spirit of cooperation that has developed between the group and the Department of Conservation. Events at Tieke Marae seem to reinforce some points recently made in anthropological and legal literature about solving disputes over contested sacred sites. Brown (2004 Brown, M. 2004. Who owns native culture?, Cambridge, USA: Harvard University Press.  [Google Scholar]) and Yablon (2004 Yablon, M. 2004. Property rights and sacred sites: Federal regulatory responses to American Indian religious claims on public land. Yale Law Journal, 113(7): 162363.  [Google Scholar]) maintain that local agencies, rather than courts, are better placed to work out compromises between indigenous people and national governments than courts. While agreeing about the usefulness of local agencies in bringing out solutions to issues involving federal use of indigenous sacred sites, I conclude that a real solution at Tieke requires the kind of definitive justice that only a court or some equivalent legal body can deliver.  相似文献   

Within a primate species, diet can be highly variable in composition, even at small spatial scales within the same forest, or temporally, suggesting that primates use different plant species and parts to meet similar nutritional needs. To test whether such differences in the plant species and parts that primates eat affects the nutrient concentrations that they obtain, we observed feeding of seven groups of red colobus monkeys ( Procolobus rufomitratus) residing in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The different groups consumed mostly young leaves from many of the same plant species, but spent different amounts of time feeding on them. As protein and fibre are suggested to be important determinants of colobine food choice and abundance, we analysed multiple samples of 47 food species for protein and fibre. Despite the differences in the plant species and parts eaten, the protein and fibre concentrations for the seven red colobus groups were similar. Our results suggest that colobus monkeys eating diets with differing amounts of species and parts may ultimately receive similar concentrations of nutrients.  相似文献   


This article looks at the communal violence in Ambon, Poso, and Sambas in post-Suharto Indonesia from a comparative perspective. It explores why Ambon and Poso were seen as religious while Sambas was seen as ethnic despite the fact that in all three conflicts different religions and ethnicities fought each other. Examining the “ethnic” elements, this article advances three arguments: First, that the Poso and Ambon conflicts were no less ethnic than the Sambas conflict as they had similar “ethnic causes”. Second, that the religious narrative dominated in Ambon and Poso because it reflected the Islamic resurgence in Indonesia since the 1990s while the narrative in Sambas reflected that it was the latest round of a pre-existing anti-Madurese conflict which had already been “defined” as “ethnic”. Third, that the narratives were framed strategically, thus influencing the trajectory of the conflict but also responding to it.  相似文献   

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