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To arctic breeding geese, the salt marshes of the International Wadden Sea are important spring staging areas. Many of these marshes have always been grazed with livestock (mainly cattle and sheep). To evaluate the influence of livestock grazing on composition and structure of salt-marsh communities and its consequences for habitat use by geese, a total of 17 pairs of grazed and ungrazed marshes were visited both in April and May 1999, and the accumulated grazing pressure by geese was estimated using dropping counts. Observed grazing pressure was related to management status and to relevant vegetation parameters.The intensity of livestock grazing influences the vegetation on the marsh. Salt marshes that are not grazed by livestock are characterised by stands with a taller canopy, a lower cover of grasses preferred by geese, and a higher cover of plants that are not preferred.Overall goose-dropping densities are significantly lower in ungrazed marshes compared to marshes grazed by livestock. Some ungrazed marshes had comparatively high goose grazing pressure, and these were all natural marshes on a sandy soil, or artificial mainland marshes with a recent history of intensive livestock grazing. Goose grazing is associated with a short canopy. The plant communities with short canopy, dominated by Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca rubra and Puccinellia maritima, together account for 85% of all goose droppings in our data.The sites that were not visited by geese differed very little from those that were visited, in the parameters we measured. This might indicate that there was no shortage of available habitat for spring staging geese in the Wadden Sea, in the study period.  相似文献   

Biological invasions threaten biodiversity worldwide. Nonetheless, a unified theory linking disturbance and resistance to invasion through a mechanistic understanding of the changes caused to biodiversity is elusive. Building on different forms of the disturbance‐biodiversity relationship and on the Biotic Resistance Hypothesis (BRH), we constructed conceptual models showing that, according to the main biodiversity mechanism generating invasion resistance (complementary vs. identity effects), disturbance can either promote or hinder invasion. Following the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH), moderate levels of disturbance (either frequency or intensity) are expected to enhance species richness. This will promote invasion resistance when complementarity is more important than species identity. Negative effects of severe disturbance on invasion resistance, due to reductions in species richness, can be either overcompensated or exacerbated by species identity effects, depending on the life‐traits becoming dominant within the native species pool. Different invasion resistance scenarios are generated when the diversity‐disturbance relationship is negative or positive monotonic. Predictions from these models were experimentally tested on rocky reefs. Macroalgal canopies differing in species richness (1 vs. 2 vs. 3) and identity, were exposed to either a moderate or a severe pulse disturbance. The effects of different canopy‐forming species on the seaweed, Caulerpa cylindracea, varied from positive (Cystoseira crinita) to neutral (Cystoseira barbata) to negative (Cystoseira compressa). After 2 years, severely disturbed plots were monopolized by C. compressa and supported less Ccylindracea. Our study shows that the effects of disturbance on invasion depend upon its intensity, the main mechanism through which biodiversity generates invasion resistance and the life‐traits selected within the native species pool. Disturbance can sustain invasion resistance when promoting the dominance of competitively subordinate species possessing traits that allow outperforming invaders.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing is often thought to enhance native plant species co-existence in remnant grasslands but may also favour exotic invaders. Recommendations for appropriate grazing strategies are needed, for which an understanding of the response of plant species is necessary. We explored the response of plant species and plant functional groups to grazing in temperate grassland of the Monaro Tablelands of south-east Australia by comparing species abundance in adjacent areas that differed in livestock grazing regime (minimal, infrequent and frequent). We also examined whether species with similar responses to grazing share certain traits and consider whether these traits might provide a useful method of assessing grazing impact. At the scale measured (0.25 m2), an infrequent grazing regime maximised plant species co-existence in these grasslands due to widespread invasion by exotic plant species at infrequent grazing intensity. Many native species declined in abundance when grazing frequency increased from minimal to infrequent. Annuals invaded under infrequent grazing while perennials declined most strongly under high frequency grazing. Low levels of grazing apparently reduce cover and create sites suitable for seed recruitment whereas more frequent grazing reduces the persistence of perennials. While there was a tendency for native species to be more susceptible to grazing impact than exotics, plant traits, in particular longevity (perennial, annual) provided a better prediction of the response of plants to grazing. Although a few native plant species persisted at high grazing frequency, even infrequent livestock grazing may not be appropriate for the conservation of many native perennial grassland species. Targeted reductions in grazing frequency may be necessary to enable the long-term coexistence of grazing susceptible species.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing can have a strong impact on herbivore abundance, distribution and community. However, not all species of herbivores respond the same way to livestock grazing, and we still have a poor understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving these differential responses. Here, we investigate the effect of light intensity cattle grazing on the abundance of two grasshoppers (Euchorthippus cheui and E. unicolor) that co-occur in the same grasslands and feed on the same food plant (the dominant grass Leymus chinensis). The two grasshopper species differ in phenology so that their peak abundances are separated into early- and late-growing seasons. We used an exclosure experiment to monitor grasshopper abundance and food quality in the field under grazed and ungrazed conditions, and performed feeding trials to examine grasshopper preference for grazed or ungrazed food plants in the laboratory. We found that the nitrogen content of L. chinensis leaves continuously declined in the ungrazed areas, but was significantly enhanced by cattle grazing over the growing season. Cattle grazing facilitated the early-season grasshopper E. cheui, whereas it suppressed the late-season grasshopper E. unicolor. Moreover, feeding trials showed that E. cheui preferred L. chinensis from grazed plots, while E. unicolor preferred the leaves from ungrazed plots. We conclude that livestock grazing has opposite effects on the two grasshopper species, and that these effects may be driven by grazing-induced changes in plant nutrient content and the unique nutritional niches of the grasshoppers. These results suggest that insects that belong to the same guild can have opposite nutrient requirements, related to their distinct phenologies, and that this can ultimately affect their response to cattle grazing. Our results show that phenology may link insect physiological needs to local resource availabilities, and should be given more attention in future work on interactions between large herbivores and insects.  相似文献   

Seasonality constraints to livestock grazing intensity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Increasing food production is essential to meet the future food demand of a growing world population. In light of pressing sustainability challenges such as climate change and the importance of the global livestock system for food security as well as GHG emissions, finding ways to increasing food production sustainably and without increasing competition for food crops is essential. Yet, many unknowns relate to livestock grazing, in particular grazing intensity, an essential variable to assess the sustainability of livestock systems. Here, we explore ecological limits to grazing intensity (GI; i.e. the fraction of net primary production consumed by grazing animals) by analysing the role of seasonality in natural grasslands. We estimate seasonal limitations to GI by combining monthly net primary production data and a map of global livestock distribution with assumptions on the length of nonfavourable periods that can be bridged by livestock (e.g. by browsing dead standing biomass, storage systems or biomass conservation). This allows us to derive a seasonality‐limited potential GI, which we compare with the GI prevailing in 2000. We find that GI in 2000 lies below its potential on 39% of the total global natural grasslands, which has a potential for increasing biomass extraction of up to 181 MtC/yr. In contrast, on 61% of the area GI exceeds the potential, made possible by management. Mobilizing this potential could increase milk production by 5%, meat production by 4% or contribute to free up to 2.8 Mio km² of grassland area at the global scale if the numerous socio‐ecological constraints can be overcome. We discuss socio‐ecological trade‐offs, which may reduce the estimated potential considerably and require the establishment of sound monitoring systems and an improved understanding of livestock system's role in the Earth system.  相似文献   

1. Human‐induced rapid environmental change may decrease food resources and create unfavourable conditions for native species. Organisms showing a flexible foraging behaviour can exploit novel or alternative foods and are more likely to persist, whereas less flexible organisms might suffer starvation and numerical reductions. 2. This study assessed whether declines in the quality and availability of seeds prompted by grazing provoke behavioural and numerical responses in Pogonomyrmex mendozanus ants, and aimed to test whether behavioural flexibility buffers habitat degradation and prevents numerical declines. 3. Heavy grazing caused seed reductions, especially of the highly consumed and preferred grass seeds, and triggered two kinds of ant responses. Ants expanded their diet by incorporating a greater proportion of non‐seed items, and they reduced foraging activity. As a consequence, the rate of food intake per colony lessened, particularly that of carbohydrate‐rich seeds like grass seeds. Colony density under heavy grazing also fell. 4. Habitat degradation triggered a cascade of mechanisms that starts with a decrease in the seed resources and continues with changes in ant behaviour. However, behavioural responses were insufficient to prevent ant numerical declines. The results of this study suggest that the reduction in the colony density under habitat degradation was provoked by ant nutritional deficit and starvation, and predict a deterioration in body condition, colony performance and reproduction of ants, which deserve further assessment.  相似文献   

There is very limited information concerning livestock (sheep and goats) and brown hare Lepus europaeus interaction when both coexist. The effect of the intensity of livestock grazing on seasonal habitat use by hares, in a typical Mediterranean rangeland, was evaluated using the pellet-count method. Lightly grazed pastures were less preferred by hares compared with moderately grazed ones, whereas ungrazed pastures were used less intensively than grazed ones. Because livestock grazing reduces the quantity of standing biomass proportionally to its grazing intensity, forage resource was not the driving force for pasture selection. The increased use of moderately grazed pastures by hares in relation to lightly and ungrazed ones, where vegetation was more abundant, could be attributed to their reduced herbage height and density. This behaviour is probably a tactic that hares follow for predator avoidance, because they are more likely to detect visually approaching predators when feeding in a biotope with a limited herbaceous layer. The conclusion of this research is that livestock and brown hare coexistence may be compatible and beneficial rather than competitive when stocking rates do not exceed grazing capacity, leading to the conclusion that proper livestock grazing and hare population management can be feasible in practice.  相似文献   

Nests of cavity‐nesting birds usually harbor some species of haematophagous ectoparasites that feed on the incubating adults and nestlings. Given the negative impact of ectoparasites on nestlings there will be selection on hosts to reduce parasite infestations through behavioural means. We have experimentally reduced the abundance of all ectoparasites in nests of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca to explore both whether there are changes in the frequency and duration of putative anti‐parasite behaviours by tending adults, as well as whether such anti‐parasite behaviours are able to compensate for the deleterious effects that parasites may have on nestlings. Heat treatment of nests substantially decreased the density of ectoparasites, and thereby positively affected nestling growth. The frequency and intensity of female grooming and nest sanitation behaviours during the incubation and nestling periods decreased as a consequence of the experimental reduction of ectoparasite infestation. Although nestlings begged more intensely in infested nests, the experiment had no significant effect on parental provisioning effort. Reduction of parasites resulted in larger nestlings shortly before fledging and increased fledging success. This study shows a clear effect of a complete natural nest ectoparasite fauna on parental behaviour at the nest and nestling growth in a cavity‐nesting bird. Although ectoparasites induce anti‐parasite behaviours in females, these behaviours are not able to fully remove parasite's deleterious effects on nestling growth and survival.  相似文献   

Abstract. In many species-rich hay meadows in Central Europe, the traditional extensive (low input, low output) management is no longer economical and meadows are either fertilized or abandoned. Both these practices lead to changes in species composition and usually to a loss in species diversity. The response of a species-rich meadow plant community to fertilization, mowing and removal of dominant species was studied in a manipulative factorial experiment over four years. Both species richness and seedling recruitment were positively influenced by mowing and to a lesser extent by removal of the dominant species, Molinia caerulea, and were negatively influenced by fertilization. Fertilization caused an immediate increase in community biomass. Response to removal of the dominant species was delayed by one season, continued over the whole period, and by the fourth year the biomass reached a similar value as in the plots with Molinia present. Changes in species composition were evaluated by RDA for repeated measurements. The best and only significant predictor of species response to fertilization was plant height. This shows that with increased nutrient availability, nutrient limitation weakens and competition for light becomes the decisive factor. Competition for light appears to be more asymmetric than competition for nutrients, and consequently, it is more likely to drive inferior species to extinction. This is, together with seedling recruitment limitations, the most important cause of a decrease in species richness under high nutrient levels.  相似文献   

The outcomes of grasshopper responses to both vertebrate grazing and fire vary across grassland ecosystems, and are strongly influenced by local climactic factors. Thus, the possible application of grazing and fire as components of an ecologically based grasshopper management strategy must be investigated in regional studies. In this study, we examined the effects of grazing and fire on grasshopper population density and community composition in a northern Great Plains mixed-grass prairie. We employed a large-scale, replicated, and fully-factorial manipulative experimental design across 4 yr to examine the separate and interactive effects of three grazing systems in burned and unburned habitats. Grasshopper densities were low throughout the 4-yr study and 1 yr of pretreatment sampling. There was a significant fire by grazing interaction effect on cumulative density and community composition, resulting from burned season long grazing pastures having higher densities than unburned pastures. Shannon diversity and grasshopper species richness were significantly higher with twice-over rotational livestock grazing. The ability to draw strong conclusions regarding the nature of species composition shifts and population changes in the presence of fire and grazing is complicated by the large site differences and low grasshopper densities. The results reinforce the importance of long-term research to examine the effects of habitat manipulation on grasshopper population dynamics.  相似文献   

Changes in the composition of a Fagus-Acer (Beech-Sugar maple) forest in southeastern Wisconsin over a 16-yr period from 1971 to 1987 are analyzed in relation to a severe glaze (ice) storm disturbance occurring within the census period. Landscape topography created ‘windward’ and ‘leeward’ forest aspects with respect to storm severity, which resulted in greater canopy opening on the windward aspect. In the tree stratum, most species remained stable in density and most of the common species increased in basal area into larger size classes. However, Fagus grandifolia, Ulmus rubra, and the small tree Ostrya virginiana suffered net losses that suggest synergistic effects between glaze storm disturbance and other factors upon tree mortality. In the sapling stratum, canopy opening strongly promoted release of shade-to levant Acer sac-charum. On the windward forest aspect, sapling densities of less shade-tolerant species also increased, in contrast to the absence of such increases on the leeward forest aspect. In the shrub (regeneration) stratum, species responses were heterogeneous. Regeneration of most species increased over the 16-yr period, and some less shade-tolerant species showed increased regeneration differentially on the windward forest aspect. Overall, disturbance appears to have accelerated forest succession toward increased dominance by A. saccharum and persistence of both Fagus and Tilia americana through their capacities for root sprouting. However, forest succession was retarded somewhat on the windward aspect through increased recruitment of less-shade tolerant species. These results parallel those of other studies of glaze storm disturbance, and they illustrate how spatially heterogeneous disturbance intensity may contribute to maintenance of forest diversity.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing, which has a large influence on habitat structure, is associated with the widespread decline of various bird species across the world, yet there are few experimental studies that investigate how grazing pressure influences avian reproduction. We manipulated grazing pressure using a replicated field experiment, and found that the offspring sex ratio of a common upland passerine, the meadow pipit Anthus pratensis, varied significantly between grazing treatments. The proportion of sons was lowest in the ungrazed and intensively grazed treatments and highest in treatments grazed at low intensity (by sheep, or a mixture of sheep and cattle). This response was not related to maternal body condition. These results demonstrate the sensitivity of avian reproductive biology to variation in local conditions, and support growing evidence that too much grazing, or the complete removal of livestock from upland areas, is detrimental for common breeding birds.  相似文献   

放牧家畜排泄物N转化研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
放牧家畜排泄物氮转化是草原生态系统氮循环的关键。自 2 0世纪 70年代以来 ,以提高氮利用效率和减少温室气体排放为目的的家畜排泄物氮转化的研究越来越受到人们的重视。放牧家畜排泄物氮的转化研究主要包括 3个方面 :氮的矿化、硝化与反硝化 ,氮的氨化。家畜粪氮矿化速度慢 ,持续时间长 ;尿氮矿化速度快 ,持续时间短。氮矿化与家畜排泄物 C∶ N比、木质素/氮素比、木质素含量和纤维素含量呈负相关关系 ,而与全氮含量和水溶性氮含量呈正相关 ;土壤动物和微生物可以显著促进氮的矿化过程 ;高温和相对干燥、砂质土壤较壤土和粘土有利于氮的矿化。 4~ 4 0℃氮硝化作用与温度呈正相关 ;硝化作用的底物和产物浓度、土壤溶液渗透压和氯化物浓度的增加对硝化作用有强烈的抑制效应 ;p H6 .0~ 8.0条件下硝化作用强度随着土壤p H值的升高而增加 ,而 p H值高于 8.0或低于 6 .0时硝化作用受到抑制 ;硝化作用与土壤氧气含量呈正相关关系 ,而与土壤含水量呈负相关 ;温暖湿润较干燥炎热的气候条件有利于硝化过程的进行。反硝化作用与土壤氧气浓度呈负相关关系 ,而与土壤含水量和可利用有机碳含量呈正相关 ;0~ 6 5℃反硝化作用强度随温度升高而增大 ,10~ 35℃条件下温度成为影响反硝化作用的关键因素 ;反硝化作用在  相似文献   

Animals use and impact on habitats unevenly. A prime example is the ‘piosphere’, the zone of ecological impact focused around a livestock watering point, particularly in dry areas. The piosphere provides a good context for studying the ecological effects of large herbivores, and for applying ecological information to land management. Much of the literature on piospheres is in journals outside mainstream ecology, and this article provides ecologists with an introductory review of the topic and its wider ramifications.  相似文献   

Joris P. G. M. Cromsigt  Han Olff 《Oikos》2008,117(10):1444-1452
Grazing lawns are characteristic for African savanna grasslands, standing out as intensely grazed patches of stoloniferous grazing‐tolerant grass species. Grazing lawn development has been associated with grazing and increased nutrient input by large migratory herds. However, we argue that in systems without mass migrations disturbances, other than direct grazing, drive lawn development. Such disturbances, e.g. termite activity or megaherbivore middens, also increase nutrient input and keep the bunch vegetation down for a prolonged time period. However, field observations show that not all such disturbances lead to grazing lawns. We hypothesize that the initial disturbance has to be of a minimal threshold spatial scale, for grazing intensity to be high enough to induce lawn formation. We experimentally tested this idea in natural tall savanna grassland. We mowed different‐sized plots to simulate initial disturbances of different scales (six times during one year) and applied fertilizer to half of the plots during two years to simulate increased nutrient input by herbivores or termite activity. Allowing grazing by naturally occurring herbivores, we followed the vegetation development over more than three years. Grazing kept bunch grass short in coarser, fertilized plots, while grasses grew out toward their initial height in fine‐scale and unfertilized plots. Moreover, lawn grasses strongly increased in cover in plots with an increased nutrient input but only after coarser scale disturbance. These results support our hypothesis that an increased nutrient input in combination with grazing indeed induces grazing lawn formation, but only above a threshold scale of the initial disturbance. Our results provide an alternative mechanism for the development of grazing lawns in systems that lack mass migrating herds. Moreover, it gives a new spatial dimension to the processes behind grazing lawn development, and hence help to understand how herbivores might create and maintain spatial heterogeneity in grassland systems.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the ecosystem services (ES) linked to livestock grazing are perceived across countries. A total of 82 case studies collected from 42 countries via survey (53.7% cases from Europe and 46.3% from outside of Europe) have been analysed through a multivariate approach. In all, 18 non-provisioning ES were considered. Overall, the reported impacts of livestock grazing on the different ES were much more positive than negative. Notably, a large proportion of respondents reported either positive or very positive impacts for some cultural ES, namely cultural, historic and natural heritage (84%), knowledge systems and educational values (77%), landscape values (74%), and for some supporting and regulating ES, namely habitat provision (66%), nutrient cycling (65%), and bush encroachment/fire control (66%). Based on multiple regression analysis, geographic origin, stakeholder type and species category, as well as protection status of the grazing area, had significant effects on the perception of the impacts. Respondents reported those impacts as more positive in Europe, in protected areas and where several species were present in the grazing area. A significantly larger proportion of respondents reported recognition of ES provided by the grazing livestock population in European countries (40.9%) compared with non-European countries (23.7%). Based on the survey responses it appears that in non-European countries absence of formal recognition, especially by policy makers, is a major challenge for the continued provision of ES in grazing systems. In Europe, where such recognition is already often included in legislation, the long-term sustainability of related policies and incentives to provide such services is viewed as a major issue by the respondents.  相似文献   

The extrinsic factors that regulate soil microbial stability (resistance and resilience) are little understood, even though soil microbes are important drivers of ecosystem function and their stability is likely to affect soil carbon storage and plant nutrient availability. Soils were collected across three primary plant chronosequences (two in New Zealand and one in Hawaii) that differed in climate, parent material and time spans to test the following hypotheses: i) there is a tradeoff between the resistance and resilience of key soil microbial response variables, ii) this tradeoff is related to the relationship of soil microbial resistance and resilience to soil resources, iii) resources change predictably during different primary plant chronosequences, and iv) if the first three hypotheses hold and are consistent for all three chronosequences, then soil microbial resistance and resilience should change predictably across different chronosequences. Results showed that although there was a tradeoff between resistance and resilience, the role of resources in determining this was unclear. Within each chronosequence, resources that were positively related to resistance were negatively related to resilience and vice versa, consistent with our second hypothesis. However, the direction and strength of correlations between stability and soil resources depended strongly on which soil microbial response variable was measured, and the chronosequence it was measured in. Total amounts of resources often showed consistent trends with ecosystem development for each chronosequence, but the way that resource quality changed varied between chronosequences. At least partly because of the variable nature of these relationships, the trajectory of resistance and resilience during ecosystem development varied considerably across chronosequences. Thus, although consistent trends were found within each chronosequence, the relationships between the stability of different soil microbial response variables, resources and ecosystem development depended strongly on which chronosequence was considered.  相似文献   

保护区内放牧活动对野生动物保护存在负面影响,明确不同物种对放牧干扰的行为响应对制定更有针对性的保护管理政策具有重要意义。使用红外相机研究卧龙自然保护区放牧活动对多种珍稀野生动物的影响,分析放牧激励政策实施前后大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)及其同域分布的小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)、川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)、水鹿(Rusa unicolor) 4种珍稀野生动物的照片数、空间分布以及活动模式的变化,探讨这4种动物对放牧的行为响应策略。结果表明:(1)一期(2012—2013),2012年10月实施了禁马政策,同年12月实施放牧(牛羊)激励政策)家畜照片数量很少,4种野生动物照片数相对较多。二期(2014—2015)家畜的照片数显著增加(P0.01),小熊猫(P0.05)与川金丝猴(P0.01)的照片数均显著减少,大熊猫、水鹿的照片数也呈减少趋势;到三期(2016—2017),大熊猫、小熊猫及水鹿3种关注野生动物的照片数基本回升到激励政策实施前的水平,无川金丝猴照片记录。(2)一期,4种野生动物在研究区域有较广的分布;二期,大熊猫、小熊猫的空间分布范围均缩小,无川金丝猴空间分布信息,而家畜、水鹿的空间分布范围有所增加;到三期,大熊猫、小熊猫的空间分布基本恢复到放牧激励政策实施前的区域,无川金丝猴的空间分布信息。(3)放牧激励政策实施前后,大熊猫、小熊猫及川金丝猴活动模式无明显变化,但水鹿的活动更加集中于傍晚,以避开人类与家畜的活动高峰。同域分布的不同的野生动物对人类活动(如放牧)的行为响应策略不同,各保护区在制定相关保护政策时应综合考虑人类干扰对多个物种的影响,增加决策的科学性与合理性。  相似文献   

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