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As a preliminary survey to develop suspendedsoil arthropods as a new isolation source of entomopathogenic fungi, we investigated the entomopathogenic fungi of these arthropods. Fifty-five suspended-soil arthropods were collected from lowland tropical rainforests in East Kalimantan, and ten fungal isolates belonging to seven entomopathogenic species, including two undescribed species, were isolated from nine of the arthropods. Only two of the seven entomopathogenic species were commonly found from the arthropods inhabiting the ground soil in the same forests. The percentage of entomopathogenic fungi-positive arthropods from suspended soil was similar to that from ground soil of the same and another forest of the region, and lower than that from ground soil of Japan. However, the number of entomopathogenic species isolated from the suspended-soil arthropods was larger than that from ground-soil arthropods. This result suggests that suspended-soil arthropods can be a new isolation source of entomopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

This report on wild-ranging crab-eating macaques in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, describes male replacements for the first time in this species. A replacement at the alpha rank by an immigrant adult male was seen in this multimale troop during each year of the 20-month field study. The data show considerable variation in the process and outcome of social change. Adult male immigrants contested the alpha rank, whereas subadult male immigrants did not. The first replacement took 2 days, whereas the second one took 1 month. In the first replacement four males and 10 other residents left the troop. In the second replacement one of the two adult males was successful in immigrating when he replaced the resident male of his alpha rank, but the deposed alpha male was not evicted from the troop. Existing models of the causes of replacement (such as high density or human disturbance) and of the causes of infanticide are not supported by these data. Infanticide by immigrating males was not observed despite the apparent presence of the postulated circumstances conducive to infanticide.  相似文献   

Adoption of reduced‐impact logging (RIL) methods could reduce CO2 emissions by 30–50% across at least 20% of remaining tropical forests. We developed two cost effective and robust indices for comparing the climate benefits (reduced CO2 emissions) due to RIL. The indices correct for variability in the volume of commercial timber among concessions. We determined that a correction for variability in terrain slope was not needed. We found that concessions certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC, N = 3), when compared with noncertified concessions (= 6), did not have lower overall CO2 emissions from logging activity (felling, skidding, and hauling). On the other hand, FSC certified concessions did have lower emissions from one type of logging impact (skidding), and we found evidence of a range of improved practices using other field metrics. One explanation of these results may be that FSC criteria and indicators, and associated RIL practices, were not designed to achieve overall emissions reductions. Also, commonly used field metrics are not reliable proxies for overall logging emissions performance. Furthermore, the simple distinction between certified and noncertified concessions does not fully represent the complex history of investments in improved logging practices. To clarify the relationship between RIL and emissions reductions, we propose the more explicit term ‘RIL‐C’ to refer to the subset of RIL practices that can be defined by quantified thresholds and that result in measurable emissions reductions. If tropical forest certification is to be linked with CO2 emissions reductions, certification standards need to explicitly require RIL‐C practices.  相似文献   

Tropical peatlands, which coexist with swamp forests, have accumulated vast amounts of carbon as soil organic matter. Since the 1970s, however, deforestation and drainage have progressed on an enormous scale. In addition, El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) drought and large‐scale fires, which grow larger under the drought condition, are accelerating peatland devastation. That devastation enhances decomposition of soil organic matter and increases the carbon release to the atmosphere as CO2. This phenomenon suggests that tropical peatlands have already become a large CO2 source, but related quantitative information is limited. Therefore, we evaluated the CO2 balance of a tropical peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, using 3 years of CO2 fluxes measured using the eddy covariance technique from 2002 through 2004. The forest was disturbed by drainage; consequently, groundwater level (GL) was reduced. The net ecosystem CO2 production (NEP) measurements showed seasonal variation, which was slightly positive or almost zero in the early dry season, and most‐negative late in the dry season or early the rainy season. This seasonality is attributable to the seasonal pattern of climate, tree phenology and fires. Slightly positive NEP resulted from smaller ecosystem respiration (RE) and larger gross primary production (GPP) under conditions of high photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and large leaf area index (LAI). The most‐negative NEP resulted from smaller GPP and larger RE. The smaller GPP was related to high vapor pressure deficit (VPD), small LAI and low PPFD because of smoke from fires. The larger RE was related to low GL. Annual NEP values were estimated respectively as −602, −382 and −313 g C m−2 yr−1 for 2002, 2003 and 2004. These negative NEP values show that the tropical peat swamp forest, disturbed by drainage, functioned as a CO2 source. That source intensity was highest in 2002, an ENSO year, mainly because of low PPFD caused by dense smoke emitted from large fires.  相似文献   

Macaca nemestrina andM. fascicularis coexist through much of their geographic ranges in Southeast Asia, but locally they segregate into drier hilly terrain and wetter alluvial riverine terrain respectively. SinceM. fascicularis travel arboraally andM. nemestrina, travel terrestrially, structural characteristics of habitats on the two different substrates may explain local segregation of these two species. This paper reports measures comparing habitat structure ofM. fascicularis fascicularis andM. nemestrina nemestrina at the Mentoko site in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Results show that (1) ground cover is thicker; (2) there are fewer gaps in the canopy; and (3) the foliage of the canopy is more dense in habitat occupied by arborealM. f. fascicularis than in habitat occupied byM. n. nemestrina. These differences in habitat structure appear to explain segregation of the two species at the Mentoko. Similar differences in habitat may permit coexistence of the two species throughout their geographical ranges.  相似文献   

This article examines interaction with spirits among the Luangan, a group of shifting cultivators in Indonesian Borneo. Through examples of different forms of Luangan spirit interaction, it interrogates the relationship between the spirit world and the natural environment, with special reference to what happens when the latter undergoes dramatic change. Inspired by Eduardo Kohn's understanding of how the spirit world is semiotically embedded within the rainforest environment, I explore how relations with nonhumans reflect historical and ongoing experiences of life and sociality in the forest and human domain, while superimposing a virtual relational landscape upon the natural landscape. It is proposed that spirit communication offers a means of refiguring human lives and alleviating debilitation, and that recurrent rituals enable Luangans to virtually maintain relations with unseen beings of the local environment, even where it has been thoroughly transformed through oil palm cultivation.  相似文献   

Living large benthic foraminifera (LBF) were analyzed from three transects of boxcores taken on a shelf off the coast of East Kalimantan, just north of the Mankalihat Peninsula. The transects were located at different distances to the mouth of the Berau river. In 45 boxcores, of which 28 contained living LBF, 20 species were recognised. They occurred in moderate to high density outside the pro-delta, i.e., outside the area with high clay and silt sedimentation. LBF characteristic of sandy substrates can be divided into two or possibly three assemblages, shallow (15–50 m), deep (50–85 m) and possibly very deep (> 85 m). The latter is poorly developed in the study area. Few LBF were recorded in one of the three transects, possibly because of either sediment instability or physical or chemical parameters of the sediment. Grain-size analysis of samples in the other transects indicates that LBF occurrence strongly modify the habitat. After colonisation, grain-size increases, creating more opportunities for other species and higher densities of LBF.  相似文献   

Clarification of carbon content characteristics, on their spatial variability in density, of tropical peatlands is needed for more accurate estimates of the C pools and more detailed C cycle understandings. In this study, the C density characteristics of different peatland types and at various depths within tropical peats in Central Kalimantan were analyzed. The peatland types and the land cover types were classified by land system map and remotely sensed data of multi-temporal AVHRR composites (1-km pixel size), respectively. Differences in the mean values of volumetric C density (CDV) were found among peatland types owing to the variability in physical consolidation from peat decomposition or nutrient inputs, although no vertical trends of CDV were found. Using a step-wise regression technique, geographic variables and the categories of peatland type and land cover type were found to explain 54% of the variability of CDV within tropical peatlands in some conditions.  相似文献   

Specific inherent optical properties (SIOP) of the Berau coastal waters were derived from in situ measurements and inversion of an ocean color model. Field measurements of water-leaving reflectance, total suspended matter (TSM), and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations were carried out during the 2007 dry season. The highest values for SIOP were found in the turbid waters, decreasing in value when moving toward offshore waters. The specific backscattering coefficient of TSM varied by an order of magnitude and ranged from 0.003 m2 g−1, for clear open ocean waters, to 0.020 m2 g−1, for turbid waters. On the other hand, the specific absorption coefficient of Chl a was relatively constant over the whole study area and ranged from 0.022 m2 mg−1, for the turbid shallow estuary waters, to 0.027 m2 mg−1, for deeper shelf edge ocean waters. The spectral slope of colored dissolved organic matter light absorption was also derived with values ranging from 0.015 to 0.011 nm−1. These original derived values of SIOP in the Berau estuary form a corner stone for future estimation of TSM and Chl a concentration from remote sensing data in tropical equatorial waters.  相似文献   

Indonesia declared an ambitious plan to restore its degraded and fire‐prone peatlands, which have been a source of significant greenhouse gas and haze. However, the progress has been slow and the plan cannot succeed without sustained social supports and political will. Although many previous studies argued for the need to see ecological restoration in socio‐economic contexts, empirical assessments have been lacking for how restoration is operationalized on the ground. We interviewed 47 key informants involved in four different projects in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, and assessed their definitions, goals, and practices of peatland restoration. Most of the actors we interviewed defined peatland restoration primarily in an ecological context following the global concept of ecological restoration. However, all four restoration projects were designed without determining reference and trajectory conditions. Their intermediate goals and practices were more focused on engaging local communities and developing sustainable livelihood options than improving the ecological conditions of peatlands. To be internally consistent, peatland restoration needs to recognize a social dimension in its process, as well as in its goal. Setting clear trajectory conditions is also important to clarify achievable goals and measurable intermediate outcomes. We propose the following definition of peatland restoration: a process of assisting the recovery of degraded peatland ecosystems to achieve the appropriate trajectories defined through multi‐stakeholder collaboration within social‐ecological contexts. We hope to generate healthy debates to further refine the definition that encompasses both social and ecological dimensions to generate broader support for sustaining and expanding peatland restoration projects in Indonesia.  相似文献   

This study documents the abundance, distribution and knowledge of medicinal plant species in a Ransa Dayak village and adjoining forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Over 250 medicinal plant species from 165 genera and 75 families are utilized by the local healer. Late successional, primary and river bench forests contained the highest diversity of locally-utilized medicinal species and the greatest number of species restricted to a single forest type for which alternative species or remedies were unavailable. Epiphytes and trees restricted to primary forests are particularly important sources for plants used to treat unusual ailments. A 100% survey of village residents 15 years of age and older (N = 32) revealed that people older than 25 years of age, and older females in particular, possessed greater knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses than younger people and males. All residents, except the male healer, were more knowledgeable about medicinal plants found in early successional forests than those of primary forests. Commercial logging and the loss of traditional knowledge through acculturation pose twin challenges to the persistence of traditional medicinal plant use in this Ransa village and throughout much of Kalimantan.
Résumé  Penelitian ini mengumpulkan informasi mengenai keberadaan, penyebaran dan pengetahuan tentang jenis tumbuhan obat di daerah perkampungan Daya’ Ransa dengan hutan sekitarnya di Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Lebih dari 250 spesies tumbuhan obat dari 165 genus dan 75 suku digunakan oleh dukun setempat. Hutan sekunder tua, hutan primer dan daerah hutan sepanjang pinggir sungai merupakan tipe hutan yang memiliki keanekaragaman dan jenis tumbuhan obat paling tinggi yang hanya tumbuh di tipe hutan tersebut serta tidak adanya jenis tumbuhan obat pengganti untuk mengobati penyakit yang sama di tipe hutan lain. Jenis epipit dan pohon yang ditemukan khusus di hutan primer mempunyai arti sangat penting bagi masyarakat karena digunakan untuk menogobati jenis penyakit yang tidak biasa. Dari survey 100% yang dilakukan terhadap penghuni desa yang usianya lebih dari 15 tahun (N = 32) diketahui bahwa penduduk yang berusia lebih dari 25 tahun, terutama perempuan berusia tua, mempunyai pengetahuan yang lebih banyak mengenai pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat dibandingkan dengan laki-laki dan perempuan yang lebih muda. Seluruh penduduk, kecuali sang dukun, lebih mengetahui pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat yang tumbuh di hutan sekunder muda dibandingkan dengan tumbuhan obat yang tumbuh di hutan primer. Kegiatan pembalakan hutan berskala besar (HPH) dan hilangnya pengetahuan tradisional lewat perubahan budaya adalah dua tantangan yang dihadapi untuk dapat mempertahankan pemakaian dan melestarikan tumbuhan obat di kampung ini khususnya dan di seluruh Kalimantan umumnya.

Around 1990, when in other countries mangrove protection took off, massive conversion of mangrove forest into shrimp ponds started in the Mahakam delta. To identify constraints to and options for sustainable management we analysed institutions and constraints with stakeholders. In 3 sites we used participatory tools and a complementary survey to assess the livelihood framework. Since 1970, ponds for shrimp farming gradually replaced 75% of mangrove forested area. After 2004, recovery of mangrove took off, as, mainly due to low shrimp yields, ponds were abandoned. In 2008, 54% of the delta was dedicated to ponds for shrimp production. Around 80% of livelihood activities of pond-farmers, pond caretakers, and fishermen was related to mangroves. The involvement of men and women in these activities varied between sites and types. Poor households depended more on mangroves. Most activities resulted in seasonal income peaks; only a few activities resulted in a full daily livelihood. Ponds, on the other hand, provide 50% of households’ livelihood, but this remains vulnerable in the context of the risky shrimp production. Skewed land holding, unequal sharing of benefits, competing claims and vested interests of stakeholders pose a great challenge to a transition to a more sustainable use of the mangrove area. In particular, ponds located on peat soils are non-sustainable and would require full restoration into mangrove; ponds on other soils could best be transformed into a mixed mangrove-pond system using a ‘green-water’ technology.  相似文献   

In a number of places, sacred forest sites play an important role in conservation and local livelihoods. Here we examine how Iban hunters and animals alike use sacred forest in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. To determine the relative importance of different sites in hunting, we compare hunting effort, animal species and their numbers encountered by hunters, and encounters and captures in a variety of forest sites including sacred groves. We relate the results to the role of such sites in the overall Iban agroforestry system and in the conservation of forest habitat that professional conservationists deem precious. Such land use practices, while having social and religious origins, may be important for local economic purposes, but they may also be valuable in promoting and enhancing the more global goals of biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the assemblage composition of large benthic foraminifera (LBF) in relation to environmental conditions is needed to interpret fossil records. In this study the assemblage composition of LBF is described for a carbonate shelf with a barrier reef system and some reefs outside the barrier. In a total of 140 samples, 34–35 species of LBF were found. Four clusters, roughly corresponding to substrate type were identified. Several small groups of samples were recognized that were collected locally inside, on, or outside the barrier. Microscale environmental gradients within the substrate or in the benthic boundary layer resulted in spatial differentiation of the microhabitat of each species.  相似文献   

Human-orangutan conflict and hunting are thought to pose a serious threat to orangutan existence in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. No data existed prior to the present study to substantiate these threats. We investigated the rates, spatial distribution and causes of conflict and hunting through an interview-based survey in the orangutan's range in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Between April 2008 and September 2009, we interviewed 6983 respondents in 687 villages to obtain socio-economic information, assess knowledge of local wildlife in general and orangutan encounters specifically, and to query respondents about their knowledge on orangutan conflicts and killing, and relevant laws. This survey revealed estimated killing rates of between 750 and 1800 animals killed in the last year, and between 1950 and 3100 animals killed per year on average within the lifetime of the survey respondents. These killing rates are higher than previously thought and are high enough to pose a serious threat to the continued existence of orangutans in Kalimantan. Importantly, the study contributes to our understanding of the spatial variation in threats, and the underlying causes of those threats, which can be used to facilitate the development of targeted conservation management.  相似文献   

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