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This paper presents new data from Abric Romaní, a key site in the region of Catalunya, northeastern Iberia, which is central to discussions of the transition between the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in Europe. Until now, the Mid-Upper Paleolithic transition had been dated at the site through samples from the remaining baulk sections of levels A and B (typologically classified as ‘earliest Aurignacian’ and Mousterian, respectively) at the rear of the rockshelter, which were left from excavations in the late 1900s and early 1910s. We dated samples of bone and charcoal from these remnant sections with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) methods. We also analysed several humanly-modified artefacts (bone points and perforated shells) excavated from other areas of the same layers. From the initial series, we obtained ages of c. 20 ka BP (thousands of years before present); much younger than expected if they indeed dated to the early Upper Palaeolithic. We sampled additional material to test the robustness of these initial ages, and older determinations that were more comparable with the chronology outlined by [Bischoff et?al., 1988] and [Bischoff et?al., 1994] resulted. All of the old and new results have been compared in a Bayesian model using the new INTCAL09 14C calibration dataset. The results appear to confirm the suggestion of some researchers (e.g., Zilhão and d’Errico, 1999) that there was no Aurignacian in the north of Iberia until c. 36,500 BP. The chronometric model shows a good level of agreement between the radiocarbon and U-series chronologies previously obtained, and the new results published in this paper.  相似文献   

The “lower” Hamamelidae sensu Endress (1989a) comprises seven families: Trochodendraceae, Tetracentraceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Myrothamnaceae, Eupteleaceae, Platanaceae and Hamamelidaceae. In the present paper, the systematic position, modern distribution pattern and fossil history of each family are analyzed, and the origin and dispersal of them are discussed according to the principle of the unity between the phylogeny and distribution of plants. The paper consists of three parts. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The center of distribution According to Takhtajan's (1986) regionalization of the world flora, there are 13 distribution types in the “lower” Hamamelidae (Table 1 ). Eastern Asiatic Region, with five families, 19 genera and 73 species, ranks the first based on the numbers of species, genera and families. Four families: Trochodendraceae, Tetracentraceae, Cercidiphyllaceae and Eupteleaceae which were considered as more primitive in the “lower” Hamamelidae and three genera: Disanthus, Exbucklandia and Rhodoleia, primitive in the Hamamelidaceae, are all found in Eastern Asiatic Region. In addition, the groups at different evolutionary stages in the “lower” Hamamelidae survive in this region. Indochinese Region, with two families, 15 genera and 32 species, ranks the second. It was shown that southern Eastern Asiatic region and northern Indochinese Region are the distribution center of the “lower”Hamamelidae based on further analysis (see Table 2). 2. The place and time of the origin The fossil records of the “lower” Hamamelidae are abundant in angiosperms. Nordenskioldia, supposed as the extinct ancestral group of Trochodendraceae and Tetracentraceae, was widely distributed during the latest Cretaceous and the early Tertiary in the Northern Hemisphere; Trochodendroides appeared during the Cretaceous in North America, former USSR and Japan; the ancestral group of Cercidiphyllaceae, the Joffrea-Nyssidum complex, also occurred during the Cretaceous in the middle and higher latitude area of the Norhern Hemisphere. In addition, the earliest fossil records of the Eupteleaceae, Platanaceae and Hamamelidaceae appeared in North America, Europe and Asia of the Northern Hemisphere respectively. Therefore, the Laurasian origin of the “lower” Hamamelidae is supported by fossil evidence. On the other hand, the fossil data are still insufficient to determine the place of the origin, especially because the fossil records are rather poor in Asia. For this reason, the analyses of birthplace should combine with the information from the distribution of the primitive groups or outgroup of the “lower” Hamamelidae. Based on the statistics of distribution types, there are four primitive families in the “lower” Hamamelidae and three primitive genera in the Hamamelidaceae in southern Eastern Asiatic Region and northern Indochinese Region. Platanus kerrii Gagnep. of the Platanaceae, distributed in northern Vietnam, is considered as one of the most primitive species which has survived in modern times in this family because of its pistillate inflorescence comprising 10-12 heads. The Magnoliaceae was selected as an outgroup in our other paper “A phylogenetic analysis of families in the Hamamelidae” (Lu et al. 1991 ). All its 13 genera and most species occur from East to Southeast Asia, but in North America only three genera are found. Takhtajan (1969) considered that it was plants of the Magnoliaceae that were dispersed from East Asia to North America. Because the primitive groups of the “lower” Hamamelidae and its outgroup almost occur in the same area, their ancestor also appeared most probably in this area according to the principle of common origin. It was inferred that the area from southern Eastern Asiatic Region to northern Indochinese Region is the birthplace of the “lower"” Hamamelidae. The differentiation of the “lower” Hamamelidae took place rather early in angiosperms. The origin of them may be traced at least back to the Barremian of the early Cretaceous according to pollen fossil records. From more unequivocal fossil evidence, Platanoid plants appeared during the late Albian of the early Cretaceous, and the Trochodendraceae, Tetracentraceae, Cercidiphyllaceae and Hamamelidaceae diverged from their ancestral groups respectively no later than the late Cretaceous (Fig. 6). 3. The causes for the formation of the modern distribution pattern The “lower” Hamamelidae is a. rather old group. It is one of the most abundant and widespread components of fossil floras in the Northern Hemisphere during the late Cretaceous-middle Tertiary, the interval, when the global temperature was warm, although the extant Trochodendraceae, Tetracentraceae, Cercidiphyllaceae and Eupteleaceae which are now confined to East Asia are monotypical or oligotypical families. This distribution pattern indicates that most plants became extinct in Europe, northern Asia and North America because of the climatic changes during the late Tertiary, and especially the Quaternary glaciation, but East Asia, usually called “plant refuge”during the glacial period, became the survival place of many plants. From the viewpoint of evolution, these four families might be “living fossil plants” preserved from the Tertiary. The distribution of Hamamelidaceae is disjunct, but the causes leading to this pattern are not the same in different genera. The disjunction among Europe, North America, Australia and southern Africa is due to the tectonic movements of the earth; , and that between southeastern Europe-northern West Asia and southeastern Asia is developed as a result of the Quaternary glaciation. Fothergilla found from Carolina to Alabama in the United States and Hamamelis disjunct between East Asia and North America were widely distributed during the Tertiary in the Northern Hemisphere (Hu & Chaney 1940). The formation of their distribution patterns is a synthetic process owing to the tectonic movements and the Quaternary glaciation. Parrotia and Parrotiopsis, endemic to Iran and the West Himalayas respectively, are very similar in morphology. They might have a common ancestor, and the latter is more primitive than the former. It seems that several groups in the Hamamelidaceae were dispersed from east to west in Eurasia. Of the five genera in the Southern Hemisphere, Dicoryphe and Trichocladus are Madagascarian and southern African, and Ostrearia, Neostrearia and Noahdendron occur in northeastern Australia. They are usually considered as rather isolated groups, but Hufford and Endress (1989) found that they are closely related. The African genera might be dispersed from Asia via India, Sri Lanka and Lemuria continent; the Australian Hamamelidaceae also from Asia, but via the islands distributed in the Pacific Ocean. The Myrothamnaceae, comprising 2 species distributed in Madagascar and southern Africa, is closely related to the Hamamelidaceae. Based on morphological analyses, an evolutionary series exists among Myrothamnus, Dicoryphe and Trichocladus in which the distribution patterns are the same, and Myrothamnus is more specialized than the two genera of the Hamamelidaceae. Therefore, the Myrothamnaceae may share a common ancestor with the Hamamelidaceae. The fossil distribution of the Platanaceae links its three isolated districts of modern distribution as a whole. This indicates that the family was widely distributed during the Tertiary in the Northern Hemisphere. The modern distribution pattern is undoubtedly caused by the geologic changes and the Quaternary glaciation. Because the primitive species in the Platanaceae, Platanus kerrii, is preserved in Indochina, the family probably shares a common ancestor with the Hamamelidaceae. Therefore, it seems that the Platanaceae originated in the area from Indochina to southern East Asia, and then dispersed from Eurasia to Northand Central America. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug. Sarcolite hypoacusia phasograph albuminoid weanling. Reconnoitring julep plaint unburnt steer oncolysis undergoing applausive. 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The Palaeolithic site of Raşcov 8, discovered in the 1950's, was recently subjected to new investigations. It yielded archaeological layers from the Upper Pleniglacial. We used zooarchaeological methods to deepen knowledge about this site. We focused on the taphonomy, the anatomical representation of the different species and the anthropogenic activities to better determine the use of natural resources by humans, in particular of animal origin, to understand which strategies were used, the technocultural practices and territory occupation. The taphonomic observations are quite typical of a dry and cold environment. They also suggest that the 3 and 3a layers result from the same or chronogically closely occupations, affected by soil movements. Concerning the anthropogenic features, repeated short-term occupations, on a seasonal basis, mainly hunting and butchering activities of one or several small human groups have been highlighted. Whereas in the older layer humans exploited the carcass of a mammoth, in the other layers they hunted reindeer and horses and butchered the carcasses on the site, probably transporting some parts elsewhere. Whereas the lithic industries are different between layers 4/3-3a (Epiaurignacian) and 2/1 (Epigravettian), the subsistence behavior is similar and quite typical of Molodovian.  相似文献   

A report on the pterosaurian remains from the Lower Cretaceous of Anoual, Morocco, is presented. The material consists of teeth possibly documenting two groups. One of them cannot be clearly established but might be ornithocheirid, while the most numerous teeth are reminiscent of those of gnathosaurine. This possible attribution might be consistent with a Berriasian age for the calcareous lens containing the microvertebrate assemblages of Anoual.  相似文献   

We evaluated the skeletal profiles from several levels of the Neanderthal site of Abric Romaní, focusing on the methodology proposed by Faith and Gordon (2007): differences in the skeletal distribution of animals in accordance with their size and weight; the statistical correlation between the skeletal profiles and standard food utility index; and the anatomical diversity of size-weight categories. Results indicate an unconstrained transport strategy in all levels and all size-weight categories. However, we also found differences in the skeletal distribution of medium-sized and large animals, which may be due to different transport strategies. These characteristics suggest that the superposition of transport and occupation events could be responsible for our results. In addition, we applied the same analysis to Hadza assemblages, which revealed similar results to those found at Abric Romaní. The most striking feature of the Hadza assemblages examined is the superposition of transport events as a result of successive occupation/deposition events. This suggests that the transport strategies used by Neanderthals at Abric Romaní are also characterized by a high degree of diversity in transport decisions.  相似文献   

Całowanie site, which supported hunter-gatherer populations from ca. 11 380±95 until 8270±100 B.P., is the major terminal Palaeolithic and early Mesolithic occupation complex of the North European Plain. The archaeological layers are intercalated with biogenic sediments. The remains of plants that probably served as food were recovered from terminal Palaeolithic and early Mesolithic layers. Most of the charred plant remains, apart from wood charcoal, derives from vegetative parenchyma which forms a major part of organs such as root and tuber. Two taxa have been identified on the basis of the anatomy of parenchymatous tissue, namely Sagittaria cf. sagittifolia and Polygonum sp. In addition, several charred seeds and fruits were recovered. This is the first evidence for the probable use of plant foods, other than hazel nuts or water-chestnuts, in the diet of hunter-gatherers in the North European Plain during the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic.  相似文献   

The large Hunsrück Slate arthropodBundenbachiellus giganteus (Broili, 1929) has been interpreted as a myriapod, a possible arthropleurid, and most recently as a distorted specimen of the arachnomorph arthropodCheloniellon. The Single specimen lacks the head region and is characterised by a narrow trunk bearing a series of biramous appendages with a segmented endopod and filamentous exopod. A reinvestigation demonstrates that it is not referable toCheloniellon but represents a distinct taxon of whichEschenbachiellus wuttkensis Briggs &;Bartels, 2001, also based on a Single Hunsrück Slate specimen, is a junior synonym. Minor features ofStürmer &;Bergström’s (1978) reconstruction ofCheloniellon, which were based on the holotype ofBundenbachiellus giganteus, are revised.  相似文献   

The Hunsrück Slate is a world renowned conservation lagerstätte, stretching SW-NE in a narrow band between the villages of Bundenbach and Gemünden, Hunsrück region, Germany. A great variety of complete Lower Devonian fossils is preserved with their soft parts pyritised due to rapid burial by sediment. The fossils of the Hunsrück Slate outside the narrow band are scarcely known. They represent the normal Situation: quiet low energy Sedimentation. This paper describes this overall “Rhenish” neritic fauna under the heading “atypical”, in contrast to the famous fossils of the conservation lagerstätte. The fauna described here lacks starfishes, mitrates and chelicerates. The paper begins with an overview of the recent relevant literature (stratigraphic position of the Hunsrück Slate, palaeoecology). The slate fossils were collected in two quarries WNW and NE of Bundenbach (Lingenbach and Karschheck, respectively) and most closely resemble that of the Wisper Valley in the Taunus region. Their geologic age is Lower Devonian, early Emsian, Ulmen Substage. Special interest is given to Community structures, rugose corals, bivalves, gastropods, trilobites, conulariids, brachiopods and crinoids. In the systematic part, the crinoidOrthocrinus simplex is redescribed. Also, two new species are introduced: the rugose coralVolgerophyllum karschheckensis n. gen., n. sp., and the crinoidAcanthocrinus spinosus n. sp.  相似文献   

A study of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana detected lower mutation rates in genomic regions where mutations are more likely to be deleterious, challenging the principle that mutagenesis is blind to its consequence. To examine the generality of this finding, we analyze large mutational data from baker''s yeast and humans. The yeast data do not exhibit this trend, whereas the human data show an opposite trend that disappears upon the control of potential confounders. We find that the Arabidopsis study identified substantially more mutations than reported in the original data-generating studies and expected from Arabidopsis'' mutation rate. These extra mutations are enriched in polynucleotide tracts and have relatively low sequencing qualities so are likely sequencing errors. Furthermore, the polynucleotide “mutations” can produce the purported mutational trend in Arabidopsis. Together, our results do not support lower mutagenesis of genomic regions of stronger selective constraints in the plant, fungal, and animal models examined.  相似文献   

In southwestern Mongolia, conodonts from the Indert Formation at its type locality in Shine Jinst were investigated to improve regional and global correlation of the uppermost Devonian–lowermost Carboniferous. The abundance and diversity of the conodont fauna is quite low in general, whereas representatives of Siphonodella, Protognathodus, Pseudopolygnathus, Polygnathus and Bispathodus have been collected from the Indert-Uul section. Five conodont biointervals, from the Bi. costatus-Pr. kockeli Interregnum (ckI) to the Siphonodella sandbergi Zone, could be recognized from the top Heermorit Member and the lower part of the Shombon Member, while the middle and upper parts of the Shombon Member cannot be zoned based on the conodonts. Absence of index fossils Si. sulcata, Pr. kuehni and Pr. kockeli hampered precise recognition of the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary (DCB) at Indert-Uul, but this transition is well delineated by typical uppermost Famennian and Tournaisian conodont assemblages. The DCB is tentatively placed at the base of the Shombon Member, consistent with the lithological boundary and the resuming of carbonate production during the DCB transitional interval.  相似文献   

Restudy ofNahecaris based on new stereo radiographs and re-examination of actual specimens has added the following new information.Nahecaris ranges in shape from long and slender to short and stout, the carapace from deep and rounded to long and narrow. Carapace ornament consists either of thin ridges parallel to the ventral border or inclined rows of irregular lines or cusps, but these characters cannot be consistently correlated with other variables to permit definition of separate species. The carapace is fused to the head, and possibly to the anterior end to the thorax in the area in front of the median dorsal plate. A post-mandibular pyritised band may represent the carapace adductor muscle, which inserts on the mesolateral carinae. The mandible resembles that ofCeratiocaris, while the maxillae are like those of extant leptostracans. The 8 thoracopods are biramous: they have an exopod with finger-like lobes and a stenopodous endopod. Posteriorly the endopods reduce markedly, forming a conical, anteriorly open feeding basket. The predominance of dorso-ventrally flattened specimens, and the wide ventral gape of the carapace valves suggests those valves were spread apart in life.Nahecaris may have pressed itself to the substrate by flexing the carapace rim outward and incurving the ventral region of the carapace. The stout second antennae may have stabilised and propelled the animal over the substrate.Nahecaris is thought to have been benthic and to have fed, likeCeratiocaris, by lifting the substrate into suspension, as well as by picking up large fragments directly with the mandibles.  相似文献   

Because cross-species evidence suggests that high testosterone (T) may interfere with paternal investment, the relationships between men''s transition to parenting and changes in their T are of growing interest. Studies of human males suggest that fathers who provide childcare often have lower T than uninvolved fathers, but no studies to date have evaluated how nighttime sleep proximity between fathers and their offspring may affect T. Using data collected in 2005 and 2009 from a sample of men (n = 362; age 26.0 ± 0.3 years in 2009) residing in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines, we evaluated fathers'' T based on whether they slept on the same surface as their children (same surface cosleepers), slept on a different surface but in the same room (roomsharers), or slept separately from their children (solitary sleepers). A large majority (92%) of fathers in this sample reported practicing same surface cosleeping. Compared to fathers who slept solitarily, same surface cosleeping fathers had significantly lower evening (PM) T and also showed a greater diurnal decline in T from waking to evening (both p<0.05). Among men who were not fathers at baseline (2005), fathers who were cosleepers at follow-up (2009) experienced a significantly greater longitudinal decline in PM T over the 4.5-year study period (p<0.01) compared to solitary sleeping fathers. Among these same men, baseline T did not predict fathers'' sleeping arrangements at follow-up (p>0.2). These results are consistent with previous findings indicating that daytime father-child interaction contributes to lower T among fathers. Our findings specifically suggest that close sleep proximity between fathers and their offspring results in greater longitudinal decreases in T as men transition to fatherhood and lower PM T overall compared to solitary sleeping fathers.  相似文献   

The lake basin Neumark-Nord 2 (NN 2) is located in the Geisel Valley in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany). It was scientifically investigated between 2003 and 2008. The sediment sequence, which is about 10 to 11 m thick, consists of limnic deposits, mostly silts mixed with clays and sands. Sedimentological as well as palynological, malacological and palaeomagnetic investigations, supported by absolute datings, date the entire sequence into the Eemian and Early Weichselian. Within the deposits several archaeological find horizons were discovered. Neumark-Nord 2/2 (NN 2/2) at the beginning of the Eemian and Neumark-Nord 2/0 (NN 2/0) with an early Weichselian were the most important archaeological horizons. Both find horizons represent former lake shore sites, where numerous crushed animal bones and other faunal debris were found, which can be regarded as remains of hunted game. With regard to the rich lithic material, both find horizons differ remarkably. In NN2/2, a simple artefact spectrum with a certain Levallois component and a dominance of denticulated, notched and laterally retouched specimens. In NN 2/0, on the other hand, bifacial tools such as backed knives and sometimes finely retouched scrapers are dominant, while the Levallois component fades completely into the background. Thus, NN 2 is one of the few open-air sites in archaeological landscape of Central German where several middle Palaeolithic find horizons occur in superposition.  相似文献   

For the first time, fossils of unquestionable eurypterid origin are documented from the renowned Lower Devonian Hunsrück Slate Lagerstätte in southwestern Germany. The gnathobase of a coxal plate and a body segment can be attributed to pterygotid eurypterids, probably to Jaekelopterus rhenaniae. These body parts from the Hunsrück Slate once more confirm the extraordinary large size that could be attained by this Rhenish eurypterid. Based on the usual occurrence in marine–terrestrial transitional facies elsewhere in the Rhenish Devonian, rareness in the Hunsrück Slate, and poor preservation, the Hunsrück Slate pterygotid remains are most probably allochthonous, and eurypterids are considered nongenuine elements of the ‘Hunsrück Slate biota.  相似文献   

Higher brain regions are more susceptible to global ischemia than the brainstem, but is there a gradual increase in vulnerability in the caudal-rostral direction or is there a discrete boundary? We examined the interface between `higher` thalamus and the hypothalamus the using live brain slices where variation in blood flow is not a factor. Whole-cell current clamp recording of 18 thalamic neurons in response to 10 min O2/glucose deprivation (OGD) revealed a rapid anoxic depolarization (AD) from which thalamic neurons do not recover. Newly acquired neurons could not be patched following AD, confirming significant regional thalamic injury. Coinciding with AD, light transmittance (LT) imaging during whole-cell recording showed an elevated LT front that initiated in midline thalamus and that propagated into adjacent hypothalamus. However, hypothalamic neurons patched in paraventricular nucleus (PVN, n= 8 magnocellular and 12 parvocellular neurons) and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN, n= 18) only slowly depolarized as AD passed through these regions. And with return to control aCSF, hypothalamic neurons repolarized and recovered their input resistance and action potential amplitude. Moreover, newly acquired hypothalamic neurons could be readily patched following exposure to OGD, with resting parameters similar to neurons not previously exposed to OGD. Thalamic susceptibility and hypothalamic resilience were also observed following ouabain exposure which blocks the Na+/K+ pump, evoking depolarization similar to OGD in all neuronal types tested. Finally, brief exposure to elevated [K+]o caused spreading depression (SD, a milder, AD-like event) only in thalamic neurons so SD generation is regionally correlated with strong AD. Therefore the thalamus-hypothalamus interface represents a discrete boundary where neuronal vulnerability to ischemia is high in thalamus (like more rostral neocortex, striatum, hippocampus). In contrast hypothalamic neurons are comparatively resistant, generating weaker and recoverable anoxic depolarization similar to brainstem neurons, possibly the result of a Na/K pump that better functions during ischemia.  相似文献   

In southern China, well preserved acritarch assemblages have been recovered from numerous sections in the Yangtze Platform and the Jiangshan–Changshan–Yushan (JCY) area crossing the interval where the Lower–Middle Ordovician boundary should be defined, i.e., roughly at the base of the Chinese Azygograptus suecicus graptolite biozone. The acritarch taxa Aureotesta clathrata and Arbusculidium filamentosum first appear below the suecicus zone, while the genus Ampullula and the species Barakella felix have their First Appearance Datum (FAD) in the suecicus zone. These latter taxa, that are also present in Baltica and peri-Gondwana, respectively, thus probably indicate the base of the Middle Ordovician. To cite this article: J. Li et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 75–81.  相似文献   

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