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In angiosperms, initiation of ovule enlargement represents the start of seed development, the molecular mechanism of which is not yet elucidated.It was previously reported that pollen tube contents,rather than double fertilization, can trigger ovule enlargement. However, it remains unclear whether the signal(s) to trigger the initiation of ovule enlargement are from the sperm cells or from the pollen tubes.Recently, we identified a mutant drop1- drop2-, which produces pollen tubes with no sperm cells. Taking advantage of this special genetic material, we conducted pollination assays, and found that the ovules pollinated with drop1- drop2- pollen could initiate the enlargement and exhibited significant enlarged sizes at 36 h after pollination in comparison with those unpollinated ovules. However, the sizes of the ovules pollinated with drop1- drop2- pollen are significantly smaller than those of the ovules pollinated with wildtype pollen. These results demonstrate that the pollen tube, rather than the sperm cells, release the signal to trigger the initiation of ovule enlargement, and that double fertilization is required for further enlargement of the seeds.  相似文献   

In double fertilization, a reproductive system unique to flowering plants, two immotile sperm are delivered to an ovule by a pollen tube. One sperm fuses with the egg to generate a zygote, the other with the central cell to produce endosperm. A mechanism preventing multiple pollen tubes from entering an ovule would ensure that only two sperm are delivered to female gametes. We use live-cell imaging and a novel mixed-pollination assay that can detect multiple pollen tubes and multiple sets of sperm within a single ovule to show that Arabidopsis efficiently prevents multiple pollen tubes from entering an ovule. However, when gamete-fusion defective hap2(gcs1) or duo1 sperm are delivered to ovules, as many as three additional pollen tubes are attracted. When gamete fusion fails, one of two pollen tube-attracting synergid cells persists, enabling the ovule to attract more pollen tubes for successful fertilization. This mechanism prevents the delivery of more than one pair of sperm to an ovule, provides a means of salvaging fertilization in ovules that have received defective sperm, and ensures maximum reproductive success by distributing pollen tubes to all ovules.  相似文献   



Pollen tubes deliver sperm after navigating through flower tissues in response to attractive and repulsive cues. Genetic analyses in maize and Arabidopsis thaliana and cell ablation studies in Torenia fournieri have shown that the female gametophyte (the 7-celled haploid embryo sac within an ovule) and surrounding diploid tissues are essential for guiding pollen tubes to ovules. The variety and inaccessibility of these cells and tissues has made it challenging to characterize the sources of guidance signals and the dynamic responses they elicit in the pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Microelectrodes, made from a Cl(-)-selective liquid ion exchanger previously used to measure putative Cl- fluxes in Lilium longiflorum pollen tubes, were characterized. The electrodes were poorly selective, possessing only about 10-fold selectivity for Cl- over other anions tested. They had only 2.4-fold selectivity for Cl- over the anionic form of the H+ buffer, MES, indicating that the electrode can indirectly detect H+ gradients. Apparent anion influx was detected along the pollen tube shafts and at the grains while apparent anion efflux was detected near the tip of the tube. During oscillating growth, the peak of the oscillating apparent anion efflux at the tip occurred, on average, 7.9 sec after the peak of the growth oscillations. Consideration of the previously characterized H+ fluxes in lily pollen grains and tubes, as well as the poor anion selectivity of the Cl- electrodes, indicates that the putative Cl- fluxes are in fact changes in the anionic concentration of the buffer resulting from H+ gradients and not changes in Cl- concentration. The claim of a central role for Cl- in lily pollen tube growth is further undermined by the fact that these tubes grow at the same rate if the Cl- content of the growth medium is reduced to trace levels (< or =31 microM), and that the grains have only small reserves of Cl-. These results lead to the conclusion that Cl- fluxes are not a significant component of pollen tube growth and Cl- itself is not required for growth.  相似文献   

正Sexual reproduction of flowering plants depends on the delivery of two immotile sperm cells to the female gametophyte(FG),i.e.the embryo sac,through the growth of a pollen tube,a long cylindrical cellular extension from a pollen grain.The journey of pollen tubes toward the embryo sacs is led by female cues,which guide the path of the pollen tubes.Recognition between the male-female gametophytes in some cases precedes successful fertilization  相似文献   

The formation of microtubule-derived structures is thought to involve nucleation in all directions and stabilization of microtubules that contact relevant targets. A recent study indicates, during mitosis, there may be a third step, in which microtubule growth is directed over long distances without physical contact between the target and microtubules.  相似文献   

Rapid tip growth: insights from pollen tubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollen tubes extend rapidly in an oscillatory manner by the extreme form of polarized growth, tip growth, and provide an exciting system for studying the spatiotemporal control of polarized cell growth. The Rho-family ROP GTPase is a key signaling molecule in this growth control and is periodically activated at the apical plasma membrane to spatially define the apical growth region and temporally precede the burst of growth. The spatiotemporal dynamics of ROP GTPase is interconnected with actin dynamics and polar exocytosis that is required for tip-targeted membrane and wall expansion. Recent advances in the study of the mechanistic interlinks between ROP-centered signaling and spatiotemporal dynamics of cell membrane and wall remodeling will be discussed.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between the speed of pollen tube growth and the quality of the resulting progeny in several species of flowering plants has traditionally been explained as being caused by an overlap in gene expression between gametophytes and sporophytes. We experimentally manipulated the pollen tube growth rates of pollen donors, such that the genotype controlling the rate was uncoupled from the phenotype, to test the alternative hypothesis that the correlation arises because ovules fertilized early are better provisioned by the maternal plant than later-fertilized ovules. Crosses using Silene vulgaris individuals bearing distinctive genetic markers revealed a correlation between the order of fertilization by pollen grains and vigour of the resulting sporophytes, which was independent of the speed of growth of the pollen tubes. Seeds sired by donors with relatively fast-growing pollen germinated earlier and grew larger than those sired by slow-growing pollen when pollen from the two donors was applied simultaneously. Reversing the order of arrival in the ovary by placing slow-growing pollen on the styles earlier and closer to the ovary led to reverse results. These results suggest that differential provisioning by the maternal plant can lead to differences in progeny vigour following pollen competition.  相似文献   

Zonia L  Munnik T 《Plant physiology》2004,134(2):813-823
Pollen tube cell volume changes rapidly in response to perturbation of the extracellular osmotic potential. This report shows that specific phospholipid signals are differentially stimulated or attenuated during osmotic perturbations. Hypo-osmotic stress induces rapid increases in phosphatidic acid (PA). This response occurs starting at the addition of 25% (v/v) water to the pollen tube cultures and peaks at 100% (v/v) water. Increased levels of PA were detected within 30 s and reached maximum by 15 to 30 min after treatment. The pollen tube apical region undergoes a 46% increase in cell volume after addition of 100% water (v/v), and there is an average 7-fold increase in PA. This PA increase appears to be generated by phospholipase D because concurrent transphosphatidylation of n-butanol results in an average 8-fold increase in phosphatidylbutanol. Hypo-osmotic stress also induces an average 2-fold decrease in phosphatidylinositol phosphate; however, there are no detectable changes in the levels of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphates. In contrast, salt-induced hyperosmotic stress from 50 to 400 mm NaCl inhibits phospholipase D activity, reduces the levels of PA, and induces increases in the levels of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate isomers. The pollen tube apical region undergoes a 41% decrease in cell volume at 400 mm NaCl, and there is an average 2-fold increase in phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate and 1.4-fold increase in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. The phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate increase is detected within 30 s and reaches maximum by 15 to 30 min after treatment. In summary, these results demonstrate that hypo-osmotic versus hyperosmotic perturbation and the resultant cell swelling or shrinking differentially activate specific phospholipid signaling pathways in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Synaptic terminals are key elements in the functional and structural organization of the nervous system. Release of neurotransmitters, i.e. the activity specifically localized at the terminals, not only sustains the transfer of information among adjacent cells, but also contributes significantly to directing the non-random distribution of macromolecules in the plasmalemma of postsynaptic neurons, with major consequences in their general architecture (assembly of postsynaptic densities, dendritic spines, etc.). In order for these specific functions to be carried out, synaptic terminals need to be specialized in a variety of aspects with respect to the rest of the neuron. This minireview is specifically focused on two such aspects, the generation of transduction signals and their mechanism of action on intraterminal targets. In either aspects nerve terminals are by no means fully homogeneous, yet they certainly share a number of common features. These include the predominant role of Ca2+, collaborating however with other second messengers (cAMP, IP3, diacylglycerol) in the control of processes such as transmitter release and its modulation.  相似文献   

Reproductive success by unusual growth of pollen tubes to ovules   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The distribution of and relationship between F-actin and G-actin were investigated in pollen grains and pollen tubes of Lilium davidii Duch. using a confocal laser scanning microscope after fluorescence and immunofluorescence labeling. Circular F-actin bundles were found to be the main form of microfilament cytoskeleton in pollen grains and pollen tubes. Consistent with cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes, there were no obvious F-actin bundles in the 10- to 20-microm tip region of long pollen tubes, only a few short F-actin fragments. Labeling with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-DNase I at first established the presence of a tip-focused gradient of intracellular G-actin concentration at the extreme apex of the tube, the concentration of G-actin being about twice as high in the 10- to 20-microm region of the tip as in other regions of the pollen tube. We also found that the distribution of G-actin was related negatively to that of the F-actin in pollen tubes of L. davidii. Caffeine treatment caused the G-actin tip-focused gradient to disappear, and F-actin to extend into the pollen tube tip. Based on these results, we speculate that the circular F-actin bundles may be the track for bidirectional cytoplasmic streaming in pollen tubes, and that in the pollen tube tip most of the F-actin is depolymerized into G-actin, leading to the absence of F-actin bundles in this region.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of the pollen tubes of Lilium and Clivia has demonstrated three different classes of longitudinal structures which could influence patterns of protoplasmic streaming and/or serve as guide elements in the vectorial migration of secretory vesicles: (a), cortical and noncortical microtubules; (b), microfilaments; and (c), subcortical tubules and cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum (subsurface cisternae). Morphological details of these structures are described. Colchicine concentrations which lead to the complete disappearance of the microtubules affect neither germination of the pollen nor cytoplasmic streaming and tip growth of the elongating pollen tubes. Tip growth is initially uninhibited by cycloheximide, and cytoplasmic streaming is insensitive to this inhibitor. However, both of these processes are sensitive to cytochalasin B and vinblastine. Our results suggest that neither microtubules nor subsurface cisternae are essential for cytoplasmic streaming and directional secretion of cell surface materials in the pollen tube but would be consistent with an involvement of microfilamentous structures in these processes. Additionally, the possible importance of the lateral cross-link elements interconnecting all three types of structures is discussed.  相似文献   

While the biology of nitrogen-fixing root nodules has been extensively studied, little is known about the evolutionary events that predisposed legume plants to form symbiosis with rhizobia. We have studied the presence and the expression of two pectic gene families in Medicago, polygalacturonases (PGs) and pectin methyl esterases (PMEs) during the early steps of the Sinorhizobium meliloti-Medicago interaction and compared them with related pollen-specific genes. First, we have compared the expression of MsPG3, a PG gene specifically expressed during the symbiotic interaction, with the expression of MsPG11, a highly homologous pollen-specific gene, using promoter-gus fusions in transgenic M. truncatula and tobacco plants. These results demonstrated that the symbiotic promoter functions as a pollen-specific promoter in the non-legume host. Second, we have identified the presence of a gene family of at least eight differentially expressed PMEs in Medicago. One subfamily is represented by one symbiotic gene (MtPER) and two pollen-expressed genes (MtPEF1 and MtPEF2) that are clustered in the M. truncatula genome. The promoter-gus studies presented in this work and the homology between plant PGs, together with the analysis of the PME locus structure and MtPER expression studies, suggest that the symbiotic MsPG3 and MtPER could have as ancestors pollen-expressed genes involved in polar tip growth processes during pollen tube elongation. Moreover, they could have been recruited after gene duplication in the symbiotic interaction to facilitate polar tip growth during infection thread formation.  相似文献   

One of the key organizers in the CNS is the floor plate - a group of cells that is responsible for instructing neural cells to acquire distinctive fates, and that has an important role in establishing the elaborate neuronal networks that underlie the function of the brain and spinal cord. In recent years, considerable controversy has arisen over the mechanism by which floor plate cells form. Here, we describe recent evidence that indicates that discrete populations of floor plate cells, with characteristic molecular properties, form in different regions of the neuraxis, and we discuss data that imply that the mode of floor plate induction varies along the anteroposterior axis.  相似文献   

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