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The anterior pituitary tissue of male rats injected with growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) was either processed for stereology at the light-and electron-microscopic levels, or homogenized for growth hormone (GH) assay 2–60 min after GRF injection. Secretory granules of somatotrophs became smaller but increased in numerical density 2 min after GRF injection. Their volume density began to increase at 5 min. The frequency of exocytosis of the granules was most prominent as early as 2 min after GRF injection and reduced thereafter. GH levels in the tissue were lowest at 2–5 min, and returned to the control value by 60 min. Serum GH levels were highest at 15 min; even at 60 min, this value was higher than in the controls. These findings suggest that secretory granules in somatotrophs are stimulated to divide by GRF, resulting in a decrease in size and an increase in number. The discrepancy between the earlier formation of new secretory granules and the later restoration of intracellular GH levels implies that GRF first stimulates the synthesis of constituents of granules other than GH, and only later the synthesis of GH, and that newly formed small secretory granules contain less GH. From the clearance rate of serum GH and the frequency of granule exocytosis, it can be estimated that about a half million granules are released to maintain 1 ng/ml of serum GH in rats.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament protein nestin is predominantly expressed in some stem/progenitor cells and appears to be a useful molecular tool to characterise tumours originating from precursor cells of neuroectodermal and mesenchymal lineages. Leydig cells originate in the adult testis by differentiation from stem cells and express a variety of neural and neuroendocrine markers. The possible expression of the neural stem cell marker nestin in Leydig cells and testicular tumour cells was determined by analysing the patterns of nestin expression in normal and pathological human testes by Western blot and immunohistochemical methods. In normal testis, nestin was found in some vascular endothelial cells, a subset of peritubular spindle-shaped cells and some Leydig cells; spermatogenic and Sertoli cells were unstained. In normal Leydig cells, nestin was distributed in the perinuclear cytoplasm and accumulated in the crystalloids of Reinke with ageing. In non-tumour pathologies (cryptorchidism, impaired spermatogenesis), the seminiferous tubules were immunonegative, whereas hyperplastic Leydig cells showed cytoplasmic immunolabelling. In testicular malignancies, nestin was localised in the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous tubules affected with intratubular germ cell neoplasia, in the hyperplastic Leydig cells associated with these tumours and in some components (mesenchymal and neuroepithelial cells) of teratomas; spermatocytic and non-spermatocytic seminomas were unstained. Some vascular endothelial cells were immunolabelled in all tumour samples. Thus, nestin is expressed in a population of normal and hyperplastic Leydig cells and in Sertoli cells in the presence of intratubular germ-cell neoplasia. Nestin may be a good marker for identifying components of testicular teratomas.The two first authors participated equally in this workThis work was supported by a grant from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS 02/3003 to M.V.T. Lobo)  相似文献   

Summary Growth hormone (GH) secretory cells were identified by immunogold cytochemistry, and were classified on the basis of the size of secretory granules. Type I cells contained large secretory granules (250\2-350 nm in diameter). Type II cells contained the large secretory granules and small secretory granules (100\2-150 nm in diameter). Type III cells contained the small secretory granules. The percentages of each GH cell type changed with aging in male and female rats of the Wistar/Tw strain. Type I cells predominated throughout development; the proportion of type I cell was highest at 6 months of age, and decreased thereafter. The proportion of type II and type III cells decreased from 1 month to 6 months of age, but then increased at 12 and 18 months of age. The pituitary content of GH was highest at 6 months of age, and decreased thereafter. Estrogen and androgen, which are known to affect GH secretion, caused changes in the proportion of each GH cell type. The results suggest that when GH secretion is more active the proportion of type I GH cell increased, and when GH secretion is less active the proportion of type II and type III cells increased. The type III GH cell may therefore be an immature type of GH cell, and the type I cell the mature type of GH cell. Type II cells may be intermediate between type I and III cells.  相似文献   

Summary The synthetic peptides somatostatin (SRIF) and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRH) were coupled directly to colloidal gold of different particle sizes. Both conjugates were biologically active in displacing the corresponding radiolabeled hormones from high affinity binding sites in pituitary membranes. Release of growth hormone (GH) from cultured anterior pituitary cells was modulated by both conjugates alone or in combination. Ultrastructural studies were performed with cells incubated at 4° C (2 h) and 37° C (2 min-2 h) with one of the labeled peptides or their combination. Somatotropes were identified by immunostaining with anti-rGH followed by protein A-ferritin, thus obtaining a triple labeling. Both hormone conjugates were internalized in different vesicles in the beginning but accumulated during longer incubation times in the same compartment. The secretory vesicles and the nucleus were not labeled by any hormone conjugate. In contrast to SRIF-gold, the uptake of GRH-gold conjugate decreased with longer incubation times. This effect could be neutralized by simulatenous incubation of the somatotropes with both regulating hormones. Hence, whereas the binding and internalization of SRIF by somatotropes do not seem to be influenced by GRH, the corresponding processes for GRH are stimulated by the presence of SRIF.  相似文献   

Transgenic rats for the murine Ren-2 gene display high blood pressure, low circulating levels of angiotensin II, and high renin content in the adrenal glands. Moreover, transgenic rats possess and increased aldosterone secretion (maximal from 6 to 18 weeks of age), paralleling the development of hypertension. To investigate further the cytophysiology of the adrenal glands of this strain of rats, we performed a combined morphometric and functional study of the zona glomerulosa of 10-week-old female transgenic rats. Morphometry did not reveal notable differences between zona glomerulosa cells of transgenic and age- and sex-matched Sprague-Dawley rats, with the exception of a marked accumulation of lipid droplets, in which cholesterol and cholesterol esters are stored. The volume of the lipid-droplet compartment underwent a significant decrease when transgenic rats were previously injected with angiotensin II or ACTH. Dispersed zona glomerulosa cells of transgenic rats showed a significantly higher basal aldosterone secretion, but their response to angiotensin II and ACTH was similar to that of Sprague-Dawley animals. Angiotensin II-receptor number and affinity were not dissimilar in zona glomerulosa cells of transgenic and Sprague-Dawley rats. These data suggest that the sustained stimulation of the adrenal renin-angiotensin system in transgenic animals causes an increase in the accumulation in zona glomerulosa cells of cholesterol available for steroidogenesis, as indicated by the expanded volume of the lipid-droplet compartment and the elevated basal steroidogenesis. However, the basal hyperfunction of the zona glomerulosa in transgenic animals does not appear to be coupled with an enhanced responsivity to its main secretagogues, at least in terms of aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

Summary Testicular interstitial cells, from rats aged 35 days, were dispersed with collagenase and separated through Percoll into 5 fractions (I–V); fraction I being the least dense. Measurement of basal testosterone production, histo-enzymological staining for 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and electron microscopy indicated that the majority of Ley dig cells were found in fraction IV (corresponding to a density of 1.076–1.097 g/ml). In addition, cells from this fraction responded to hCG treatment in a dose-dependent manner on day 0 and remained responsive after being cultured for 1 day. Immunostaining for oxytocin indicated that this fraction also contained the majority of the oxytocin-immunoreactive cells. On day 1 of culture, 56% of the cell population from fraction IV were positively stained for the steroidogenic enzyme and 75% immunoreactive for oxytocin. This overlap indicates that the Leydig cells were also the oxytocin immunoreactive cells.  相似文献   

Ovariectomy (OVX) in rats results in increased bone turnover and decreased bone volume and bone mineral density when measured in the metaphyses of long bones. We have investigated the effects of OVX on changes in the number of progenitors in cell populations derived from the metaphyseal bone of femurs of ovariectomized rats at 12 months of age, by using colony assays, bone nodule assays, and limiting dilution analysis at 1.5 and 9 months post-OVX. We have also measured histomorphometric parameters of bone formation and resorption in the corresponding tibia at the same time-points. A significant increase, as shown by bone nodule assays and limiting dilution analysis, occurs in the number of progesterone- and dexamethasone-responsive osteoprogenitors in cell populations isolated from ovariectomized rats at the 9-month post-OVX time-point. Progesterone-responsive osteoprogenitors are also increased at 1.5 months post-OVX. The number of fibroblast colony-forming units does not change. Histomorphometry has shown that OVX causes an increase in osteoblast surfaces, mineralizing surfaces, and bone formation rate at both 1.5 and 9 months post-OVX. The mineral apposition rate is increased at 1.5 months post-OVX. OVX also increases parameters of bone resorption at both time-points, the net result being a decrease in bone mineral density and cancellous bone volume at 9 months post-OVX. Thus, OVX in rats at 12 months of age is associated with an increase in the number of both progesterone- and dexamethasone-responsive osteoprogenitors 9 months post-OVX; this corresponds with increases in the histomorphometric parameters of bone formation.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the early spermatogonia in mature testes of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, was compared to that of oogonia in mature ovaries of X. maculatus and the related X. nigrensis. Both cell types were very similar and, characterized as being large, oval to round cells containing large, central nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Abundant mitochondria with sparse transverse cristae were located at one pole or around the nucleus. Annulate lamellae and electron-dense granular material (nuage) were present. Other organelles were not prominent. A female that had received a testis graft had testicular tissue containing mature spermatozoa within the ovary, indicating that cells were present that could develop along the male line. Special crosses were carried out to obtain all-male embryos of X. maculatus and all-female embryos of X. nigrensis. The ultrastructure of the germ cells in all embryonic gonads was similar to that of the adult cells. These results suggest the presence of sexually undifferentiated germ cells in the adult gonads of both sexes. The support cells investing all of these germ cells were also similar structurally and appeared to be undifferentiated.  相似文献   

We applied scanning electron microscopy combined with imaging and morphometric techniques to analyze the dorsal topography and morphology of short portal vessels linking the capillary beds of the pituitary neural and anterior lobes in adult male albino rats. The pituitary microvasculature was replicated by intracarotid injection of Batson's No. 17 compound producing plastic casts that were advantageous for comprehensive morphometric analyses using an imaging device. The analysis revealed the existence of two types of portal vessels having quantitatively different morphological properties. The bilateral venular plexus of 3–4 vessels located at the base of the infundibular stalk (each venule measuring 300 m in length and 32 m in diameter) appears to be the major part of the short portal system in the dorsum of the rat pituitary gland. Narrower capillary-like shunt vessels (6.8 m in diameter), of about the same length as the venules, were situated throughout other subregions of the intermediate lobe cleft. The short portal vessels of both types made direct anastomoses with the capillary networks in the neural and anterior lobes. The neural lobe capillaries were twice as numerous (1324 per mm2), and only half as wide (6.2 m), as the sinusoidal capillaries in the anterior lobe (density of 637 per mm2; diameter of 13.7 m). The topographical position of the portal venular system suggests that the caudolateral subregions of the pituitary neural and anterior lobes have a functional relationship dependent on rapid interlobe transfer of neurohumoral factors such as hormones via the portal blood. This process appears to be supplemented throughout the rest of the cleft between the two lobes by a small number of capillary shunts that supply the epithelial cell lobules of the intermediate lobe in situ. The findings collectively indicate that this portal system provides a constant stream of neurohumoral information that is shared moment-by-moment between the pituitary neural and anterior lobes.  相似文献   

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