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An autoantibody known as anti-Jo-1 antibody is found in 25% of patients with myositis. Its prevalence in patients with both myositis and cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis was 68% (13 out of 19 patients), compared with 7.5% in patients with myositis alone (four of 53) and 3% in patients with cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis alone (two of 62). Anti-Jo-1 antibody may be useful in indicating patients with myositis and cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. Raynaud''s phenomenon, the sicca syndrome, and mild arthritis are also often part of the syndrome.  相似文献   



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system and therapeutic inhibition of leukocyte migration with natalizumab, an anti-alpha4 integrin antibody, is highly effective in patients with MS. Recent studies performed in experimental animal models with relevance to human disease suggested a key role for blood-brain barrier damage and leukocyte trafficking mechanisms also in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. In addition, vascular alterations and increased leukocyte accumulation into the brain were recently documented in patients with refractory epilepsy independently on the disease etiology.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case of haemophilia due to factor VIII inhibitors occurring in a 13-year-old boy suffering from an autoimmune disease. The patient had autoantibodies to factor VIII. The haemophilia was controlled by vincristine and steroids, but this regimen had to be discontinued because of side effects, whereupon the haemophilia recurred. Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IgG i.v.) produced a slow rise in factor VIII, and the factor VIII inhibitors disappeared. Although factor VIII activity was raised for only a few months and factor VIII inhibitors reappeared, immunoglobulin treatment was continued and the patient remained free of clinical symptoms. The mechanism of action of treatment with IgG is discussed.  相似文献   

Because lung nitric oxide (NO) diffusing capacity (DL) represents alveolar-capillary gas diffusion, we queried as to whether disturbances of pulmonary gas exchange in interstitial lung disease (ILD) are appropriately reflected by using NO. In this pilot study, we applied the (15)N-labeled stable isotope (15)NO (relative abundance 0.37% of total NO) in order to ignore the endogenous NO production. In 10 ILD-outpatients, we measured DL (15)NO by performing the single-breath method. Lung function parameters as well as arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO(2)) were also tested. Values of DL (15)NO ranged within 50-151 ml (15)NO/(mmHg min). Ratios of DL (15)NO/reference were between 43 and 108% of predicted data as taken from our previous work on healthy volunteers [Eur. J. Physiol. 446 (2003) 256]. We found a significant reduction of DL (15)NO/reference in five patients. Additionally, values of PaO(2) were significantly correlated to ratios of DL (15)NO/reference (adjusted R2 +/-SEE=0.407+/-8.051). In conclusion, (15)NO represents an appropriate indicator gas for reflecting an ILD-induced impairment of alveolar-capillary gas exchange.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and resulting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may involve virtually every organ system, including the endocrine glands. Thyroid dysfunction most commonly reflects advanced disease and generally resembles euthyroid sick syndrome. Rarely do opportunistic infections, hemorrhage, neoplasms and drugs account for alterations in thyroid tissue. Multiple lymphoepithelial cysts of parotid gland and thymus have been identified, but similar findings in thyroid gland have not been reported. CASE: A 41-year-old, HIV-seropositive woman, asymptomatic for seven years, developed a squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix with local-regional extension. At the same time, bilateral complex thyroid cysts and high titers of antimicrosomal antibodies (1/6,400) were detected. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid showed a heterogeneous lymphocytic population with a reactive appearance and occasional groups of epithelial cells with an immature squamous pattern, along with cytologic features of autoimmune thyroiditis. Immunocytochemistry was positive for CD20, CD3 and CD5. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement by polymerase chain reaction from cytologic material showed a polyclonal lymphoid population. External radiotherapy resulted in a significant reduction in the pelvic lesion. Four months after diagnosis, abdominal ultrasound displayed multiple hepatic metastasis, the patient's condition rapidly deteriorated, and she died about a month later. CONCLUSION: This case had unique features and probably represented an AIDS-related lesion and distinct entity.  相似文献   

Psoriasis, as the most common inflammatory skin disorder, affects about 2–3% of the world''s population. Many non-dermatological conditions have been linked with psoriasis, including cardiovascular diseases, depression, inflammatory bowel disorders, and some cancers, i.e. lung, colon and kidney cancers. Among systemic factors are endocrine and metabolic disturbances as well as many drugs. Erythrodermic psoriasis, the most severe form of the disease, is characterized by diffuse erytrema and scaling, often accompanied by fever, chills, and malaise.A 57-year-old Caucasian man was admitted for curative radiation therapy of adenocarcinoma of the prostate after 3 months of initial hormonal therapy. The management comprised the combined androgen blockade (CAB). On admission the patient reported escalation of psoriasis symptoms, which he had been treated for since 2002. Due to a mild course of the disease he had not required any systemic treatment ever before, even during aggravation periods. The last exacerbation started appearing a month after hormonal therapy implementation. The cutaneous eruptions, already existing, become larger with new foci revealing, mainly on upper and lower limbs. During radiotherapy planning, there appeared a diffuse erythema and scaling on hands and feet with accompanying pruritis. We decided to start the previously planned radiation therapy which included the prostate gland with 1.5 cm margin and provided for the total dose of 72 Gy in 36 fractions. The irradiation was conducted with the four-field technique using a megavoltage linear accelerator. During radiotherapy we photo-documented skin lesions.To our best knowledge hormone therapy (androgen deprivation) of prostate cancer patients has not been reported as an aggravating factor. Thus, the aim of our work is to present the case of a prostate cancer patient who experienced psoriasis exacerbation after implementation of hormonal blockade as a neoadjuvant oncological treatment.  相似文献   

Watermelon stomach is characterized by prominent stripes of ectatic vascular tissue in the stomach similar to stripes on a watermelon; in patients with this disorder chronic gastrointestinal bleeding occurs and approximately half of these patients have associated autoimmune disorders. In the serum of one patient, an antinucleolar antibody titer of 1:25 600 was found; the antibodies specifically recognized an approximately 100 kDa nucleolar protein, which we referred to as the 'Gu' protein. Its cDNA was cloned and sequenced. The Gu protein is a member of a new subgroup of RNA helicases, the DEXD box family. Gu protein fused with glutathione S-transferase contains ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity which preferably translocates in the 5'-->3' direction. Its RNA folding activity, RNA-dependent ATPase and dATPase activities, and its translocation direction are similar to those of RNA helicase II [Flores-Rozas, H. and Hurwitz, J. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 21372-21383]. Sequencing of 209 amino acids of RNA helicase II peptides showed 96.7% identity with the cDNA-derived amino acid sequence of the Gu protein. The precise biological roles of this RNA helicase in the biogenesis of ribosomal RNA and the pathogenesis of watermelon disease and autoimmune disorder require further study.  相似文献   

R Homan  K Lechner  E Neumann  H Moritz  H Czembirek  F Resch 《Blut》1983,47(4):231-235
A patient with primary Hodgkin's disease of the lung is described. Special features of this case were alcohol-induced chest pain as the main presenting clinical symptom and the documentation of the evolution of the pulmonary mass by serial X-rays. Complete remission was achieved by lobectomy and subsequent MOPP-therapy. Since then the patient has been in unmaintained remission for 36 months.  相似文献   

Mice of the kdkd strain predictably develop a spontaneous tubulointerstitial nephritis after 8 wk of life. In this report we have examined several aspects of the nephritogenic immune response that seemed potentially relevant to the expression of this progressively destructive renal lesion. Of particular interest is that by direct immunofluorescence we were unable to demonstrate the presence of antibodies to determinants in the tubulointerstitium. Serum and kidney eluates from nephritic mice, furthermore, did not stain any renal structures in normal kidney. We did observe, however, that disease could be transferred through kdkd----CBA/Ca bone marrow chimeras, and prevented, in the reverse direction, by CBA/Ca----kdkd chimeras. The development of the interstitial lesion was markedly inhibited by thymectomy with T cell depletion, but disease could not be adoptively transferred with cells or serum from nephritic mice. The interstitial lesions also did not appear in (kdkd X CBA/Ca)F1 hybrids, and the development of disease in kdkd mice could be inhibited by treatment with adoptively transferred T cells from CBA/Ca mice. With these new findings we now hypothesize that susceptibility to the expression of interstitial nephritis in kdkd mice involves the cellular limb of the immune system, and may be related, in part, to alterations in regulatory T cell function.  相似文献   

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