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We investigated the influence of macrophyte composition on ciliate community structure in a large, shallow, eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv. We hypothesized that macrophyte composition must have strong influence on the dispersal of ecologically different ciliate groups in a shallow lake and that more diverse macrophyte stands cause also a greater diversity in the ciliate community. In Võrtsjärv macrophyte distribution is spatially strongly polarized both in east–west and north–south directions in relation to abiotic factors. Phragmites australis and Myriophyllum spicatum were the most widespread species occurring in most parts of the lake. Correlation of environmental, macrophyte and planktonic ciliate variables confirmed the suggested spatial gradients. More diverse macrophyte stands supported a high species richness and abundance of epiplanktonic community but showed negative influence on the number and abundance of euplanktonic ciliate taxa. Opposite trends were found relative to the abundance of P. australis. Benthic ciliates showed a similar distribution pattern to euplanktonic taxa being most abundant in sites were the Shannon–Weaver index for macrophytes was low. Strong polarizing effect of the lake's vegetation on planktonic ciliate diversity was reflected in correlations of the number of ciliate taxa as well as the numbers of eu- and epiplanktonic taxa with geographic co-ordinates.  相似文献   

Our study aim was to elucidate the effects of different species of submerged macrophytes and biomass levels on sediment resuspension. For this purpose experiments were conducted in four different enclosures (Potamogeton maackianus enclosure-PE, Vallisneria spinulosa enclosure-VE, manipulated enclosure-ME and aquaculture enclosure-AE). A sediment trap method was employed and the experiments were conducted from summer to winter in a shallow freshwater lake located in central China. A total of 813, 1277, 613 and 693 g DW m−2 of sediment was resuspended in VE, AE, ME and PE, respectively. Our results showed that P. maackianus was more effective than V. spinulosa in restraining sediment resuspension. Macrophytes reached their maximum effectiveness of reducing resuspension at a certain species-specific biomass threshold above which biomass effects on resuspension were negligible. The threshold biomass was estimated as 300 g m−2 for P. maackianus. Accordingly, within a lake management and aquaculture aspect, we conclude that as long as biomass does not fall below this threshold its consumption will not influence sediment resuspension. In the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River macrophyte coverage protects the lake sediment against adverse effects of monsoon wind; if the vegetation is eroded aquaculture sediment resuspension increases significantly.  相似文献   

Starting in the middle of the 1970s, submerged macrophytes began to disappear from shallow Lake Warniak due to feeding pressure by grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). In the middle of the 1980s, the lake was stocked with seston-feeding silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). By 1993, the biomass of silverhead carp and bighead carp had declined. This allowed charophytes to recolonize the bottom of the lake. The main charophyte species at this time were Chara globularis and Chara rudis. Since then, five other stonewort species have been found: Chara contraria, C. filiformis, C. tomentosa, C. aspera and Nitellopsis obtusa. Seventeen species of aquatic angiosperms have also been found. There were distinct changes in the relative abundance and spatial distribution of particular species. C. rudis developed most intensely in the shallow parts of the lake near the southern and western shores. C. globularis gradually took over the deeper central part of the lake. In 2001, C. rudis began to retreat again. The relative abundance and spatial distribution of charophytes was correlated to water clarity (r = 0.87, p < 0.05), total phosphorus level (r = −0.78; p < 0.05), and chlorophyll a content (r = −0.79; p < 0.05).  相似文献   

The effects of floating-leaved, submerged and emergent macrophytes on sediment resuspension and internal phosphorus loading were studied in the shallow Kirkkojärvi basin by placing sedimentation traps among different plant beds and adjacent open water and by sediment and water samples. All the three life forms considerably reduced sediment resuspension compared with non-vegetated areas. Both among submerged (Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton obtusifolius, Ranunculus circinatus) and emergent (Typha angustifolia) plants, resuspension rate was on average 43% of that in the adjacent open water, while within floating-leaved plants (Nuphar lutea) the corresponding value was 87%. The effects of submerged and emergent vegetation increased in the course of the growing season together with increasing plant density. Among floating-leaved vegetation, such seasonal trend in resuspension effects was not observed. Compared with the non-vegetated area, floating-leaved, submerged and emergent plants reduced internal phosphorus loading on average by 21, 12 and 26 mg m−2 d−1, respectively. The effects of floating-leaved plants on resuspension-mediated internal phosphosrus loading were thus comparable to the effects of the other two life forms.  相似文献   

A paleolimnological evaluation was made in order to analyze the effects of increasing nutrient load, macrophyte degradation and fish introductions on the cladoceran community of a large, shallow plateau lake in southwestern China. The trophic state of Lake Dianchi has increased rapidly during recent decades, its macrophyte vegetation has suffered severe degradation, and fish introductions in the late 1950s and early 1980s have had a marked effect on the structure of the fish community. Our results show an increase in abundance of cladoceran species with a preference for eutrophic conditions over the last few decades, while species preferring oligotrophic conditions have decreased or disappeared. These changes correspond to the eutrophication in Lake Dianchi. The loss of the cladocerans Kurzia latissima and Disparalona rostrata is likely to be a reflection of the degradation of the macrophyte community. An increase in Daphnia body size indicated by the ephippia length since the early 1990s is associated with the decline of planktivorous species.  相似文献   

Debbie Stephen  Brian   《Freshwater Biology》1998,39(4):699-713
1. Mechanisms stabilizing the plant-dominated clear-water state were investigated in Little Mere, U.K. Replicated, factorial, mesocosm experiments, carried out in 1995 and 1996, were designed to investigate the relative importance of top-down (zooplankton grazing) and bottom-up (nitrogen-limitation) control in limiting algal growth, and the role of macrophytes in these processes. Treatments included increased salinity (1995) and sticklebacks (1996) to reduce zooplankton numbers, weekly nitrate additions and removal of macrophytes. 2. Contrary to the results of other studies, submerged plants did not reduce nitrate concentrations. Owing to the high stickleback density in the enclosures with fish, macrophytes did not provide a refuge for zooplankton during the experiment. In Little Mere, however, where fish densities are lower, macrophytes probably play a key role in maintaining clear water by providing refuge for pelagic zooplankton and habitat for attached Cladocera. 3. Phytoplankton in Little Mere was not nitrogen- (N) limited during the growing season. Although nitrogen availability sets a maximum potential phytoplankton biomass it was not realized owing to control by zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   

We investigated if an increase in species pool size leads to more pronounced turnover in local communities and assessed if this increase relates to stronger competition for environmental niches or to more random placement of species. We compared compositional turnover of pteridophytes (ferns and lycophytes) at 15 sites in mountain ecosystems on 13 islands in southeast Asia and Melanesia that mainly differed in the size of their species pool. Each site was sampled with 16 plots of 20 × 20 m2. Using multiple regression on distance matrices, we investigated the relationship between environmental distance and compositional turnover at different spatial extents within sites with different species pool sizes. Additionally, we tested the hypothesis that the intensity of competition increases with increasing species pool size. This was done by assessing how realized niche overlap and unevenness of communities relate to environmental distance and species pool size. With increasing species pool size, there was an increase in: a) proportional turnover in community composition, b) the importance of environmental distance for explaining turnover in community composition and c) a decrease in environmental niche overlap between species indicating an increasing importance of competition for community composition. Our results support the idea that increasing species pool size increases the competition for available environmental niches, and thereby leads to a tighter connection between environmental factors and community composition.  相似文献   

1. The effects of emergent macrophytes on water turbidity and sediment resuspension in the shallow Kirkkojärvi basin of Lake Hiidenvesi were studied with sediment traps, and concomitant sediment and water samples. The study was conducted during May–August in three different zones of a stand of the emergent Typha angustifolia .
2. Within the stand (5 m from the edge), both the concentration of suspended solids and the rate of sediment resuspension were significantly lower than at the edge and outside the stand (5 m from the edge). The differences between the zones increased towards the end of summer together with the growing stem density. During the study period (82 days), 2210 g dw m−2 of sediment was resuspended in the outer zone. At the edge and in the inner zone, the corresponding numbers were 1414 and 858 g dw m−2, respectively.
3. With the resuspended sediment, 39.4 mg P  m−2 day−1 was brought to the water column outside the stand, 22.4 mg P  m−2 day−1 at the edge and 13.4 mg P  m−2 day−1 within the stand.
4. In early summer, the concentration of suspended solids had a highly significant positive effect on soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration in the water, whereas in late summer no effect was found. During the study period, phosphorus retention by emergent macrophyte stands corresponded to 3–5% of the present annual external phosphorus loading of the Kirkkojärvi basin.  相似文献   

1. Eutrophication has a profound effect on the biological structure and function of shallow lakes, altering the composition and abundance of submerged macrophyte and fish assemblages. Relatively little is known, however, about decadal to centennial‐scale change in these important aspects of shallow lake ecology. 2. Established palaeolimnological inference models are limited to reconstructing a single variable. As macrophyte and zooplanktivorous fish abundance exert dual and interacting controls on cladoceran assemblages a single variable inference model may contain significant error. To obviate this problem, we applied a new cladoceran‐based multivariate regression tree (MRT) model to cladoceran subfossil assemblages from dated cores from a small shallow lake (Felbrigg Lake, U.K.) to assess long‐term change in fish and submerged macrophyte abundance. Plant macrofossil, chironomid and mollusc subfossil assemblages were also analysed to track changes in biological structure and function and to evaluate the inferences of the MRT model. 3. Over the 200+ year period covered by the sediment cores, there was good agreement in the timing and nature of ecological change reflected by the plant macrofossil, mollusc, chironomid and cladoceran data. The sediment sequence was divided into three dated zones: c. 1797–1890, c. 1890–1954 and c. 1954–present. Prior to 1890 plant‐associated mollusc, cladoceran and chironomid assemblages indicated a species‐rich macrophyte community; a scenario confirmed by the plant macrofossil data. From c. 1890 to 1954 macrophyte‐associated species of all three invertebrate groups remained abundant but the proportion of pelagic cladocerans rose. Post‐1954 mollusc and chironomid assemblages changed to sediment associated detrital feeders and the proportion of pelagic cladoceran taxa increased further. 4. The cladoceran‐based MRT model indicated a long period of stability, c. 1790–1927, characterised by abundant submerged macrophytes and zooplanktivorous fish. From c. 1927 to 1980, the MRT model inferred a decline in zooplanktivorous fish density (ZF) but relative stability in August macrophyte abundance. From 1980 to 2000, an increase in zooplanktivorous fish was inferred tallying well with available data on the fish population (since the 1970s), which indicated extirpation of perch in the 1970s and a subsequent increase in the rudd population. The model inferred little change in August macrophyte abundance until post‐c. 1980 at which point it indicated a decline. The surface sediment assemblage was placed in MRT group A, where submerged plants are absent or very rare in late summer in good agreement with current conditions at the site. 5. The MRT model, applied here for the first time, appears to have successfully tracked changes in macrophyte abundance and ZF over the last 200 years at Felbrigg Lake. The inferences agreed with historical observations on the fish community and the supporting palaeolimnological data. Given that multiple structuring forces shape most biological communities, the application of a model capable of allowing for this represents a significant advance in palaeolimnology.  相似文献   

沉水植物的冬芽是植食性水鸟在越冬期的重要食物。鄱阳湖是长江中下游地区极为重要的水鸟越冬地,了解沉水植物冬芽的空间分布及其对越冬植食性水鸟的食物贡献可为水鸟保护提供科学依据。2012年10月和2013年4月,采用样方法调查了鄱阳湖典型蝶形湖泊(沙湖)内沉水植物冬芽的种类、密度和空间分布。调查共记录到两种沉水植物冬芽,分别为刺苦草(Vallisneria spinulosa)和罗氏轮叶黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata var.rosburghii)冬芽。10月份两种冬芽的密度分别为(9.53!1.73)个/m2和(25.78!3.97)个/m2,显著高于4月份的密度(2.52!0.91)个/m2和(4.76!1.17)个/m2(Z=3.712,P0.01;Z=5.738,P0.01);10月份两种植物冬芽的生物量(干重)分别为(3.07!0.65)g/m2和(5.43!0.75)g/m2,也显著高于4月份平均生物量(0.89!0.35)g/m2和(2.21!0.59)g/m2(Z=3.118,P0.01;Z=3.821,P0.01)。10月份罗氏轮叶黑藻冬芽密度显著高于刺苦草冬芽密度(Z=3.466,P0.01),但4月份两种冬芽密度之间无显著差异(Z=1.677,P=0.09)。丰水期(4—9月)能形成冬芽的两种沉水植物的平均水深分别为(2.63!0.15)m和(2.61!0.12)m。沙湖冬季刺苦草冬芽和罗氏轮叶黑藻冬芽是植食性水鸟的重要食物。估计水鸟越冬期在沙湖摄取两种植物冬芽约1.04×108个,共1.9×104kg。  相似文献   

Light determines macrophyte distribution, community composition and biomass in shallow lakes. Therefore, it is vital to determine the critical underwater light climate thresholds for macrophyte degradation and recovery. In this study, we first proposed a novel index, defined as the ratio of euphotic depth (Zeu) to water depth (WD), as a measure of the underwater light supply for macrophytes. The underwater light environment in Lake Taihu (a large, shallow, eutrophic lake) was then characterized based on this index (Zeu/WD) using field measurements collected from 2006 to 2013 (8 years × 4 seasons × 32 sites). The distribution of the macrophyte presence frequency (MPF, the number of investigations that identified macrophytes divided by the total number of investigations) was greater than 0.70 in Xukou Bay and East Lake Taihu over the 32 investigations, followed by the other sites distributed in East Lake Taihu. The proportion of macrophyte coverage increased with the increase in Zeu/WD. A significant relationship was observed between Zeu/WD and MPF for the 19 sites with macrophytes (r2 = 0.48, p < 0.001, n = 19). In the region with high nutrient concentrations and serious water pollution, better underwater light conditions are required for the growth of macrophytes. A Zeu/WD value of 0.80 can be regarded as the critical underwater light threshold for the growth of macrophytes in Lake Taihu. The region with Zeu/WD ranging between 0.57 and 0.80 was usually covered by sparse macrophytes; this region should be vital for macrophyte recovery and environmental management in Lake Taihu. The distribution of Zeu/WD was further obtained using MODIS satellite-derived Zeu from June to October in 2003 and 2013. Xukou Bay and Guangfu Bay in the southern part of Lake Taihu could be regarded as potentially crucial regions for the recovery of macrophytes from the perspective of underwater light and nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Limnology - Eutrophication still is one of the greatest anthropogenic impacts affecting aquatic ecosystems. Food web manipulations to reverse eutrophic conditions have been applied, mainly by...  相似文献   

Klamt  Anna-Marie  Hilt  Sabine  Moros  Matthias  Arz  Helge W.  Hupfer  Michael 《Biogeochemistry》2019,143(3):371-385

In shallow lakes, increasing phosphorus (P) loading has often been accompanied by a shift from a clear-water, macrophyte-dominated state to a turbid state featuring phytoplankton dominance. The effect of a regime shift on P burial and P fractions in lake sediments, however, is poorly understood. We used sediment cores from a eutrophic hard-water lake (Lake Gollinsee, Germany) that had undergone a regime shift (in approximately 1917) to investigate the effect on the accumulation rate of P and on changes in P forms. The cores were dated using Hg contents and radioisotopes (210Pb, 137Cs, and 241Am). A combination of total organic carbon to total nitrogen ratios (TOC:TN), δ13TOC values, X-ray fluorescence calcium (Ca) counts, and sediment colour clearly distinguished sediment layers that were deposited during periods of macrophyte or phytoplankton dominance. The accumulation rate of total P (TP) in the sediments was 1.8 times higher after the regime shift and was associated with changes in the distribution of P fractions. The proportions of loosely-(NH4Cl-extracted TP) and Ca-(HCl-extracted TP) bound P decreased significantly, whilst the proportions of biogenic P (NaOH-extracted NRP) and aluminium-bound P (NaOH-extracted SRP) increased significantly. A higher dry mass deposition rate, reduced burial of stable Ca-P complexes, and increased contents and proportions of the mobile iron-bound (BD-extracted TP) and biogenic P fractions in the near-surface sediment layers are assumed to have enhanced the internal cycling of P and hence to have helped to maintain a state of phytoplankton dominance.


SUMMARY 1. The shallow ponds of the nature reserve 'De Maten' form a metacommunity, in which individual ponds are highly interconnected via a system of overflows and rivulets. This study reports on the relations between cladoceran species richness and (a) connectivity patterns and (b) local environmental variables.
2. No relation was found between local species richness and three connectivity variables or dispersal pathways.
3. Spatial configuration was related to richness, but was confounded by environmental variables for 2 of 3 years. In those 2 years, there was a significant linear relation between Secchi disc depth and species richness, suggesting an important impact of the clearwater/turbid state alternative equilibria in shallow lakes in determining cladoceran richness. Only in the year in which environmental variables were unimportant did connectivity between the ponds influence species richness.
4. These results suggest that local environmental variables related to the clearwater/turbid state alternative equilibria in shallow lakes are important in determining cladoceran species richness. Connectivity and dispersal of individuals between the different ponds only act secondarily by increasing the general species richness within a pond through dispersal from ponds with different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In shallow aquatic systems, the majority of organic matter mineralization occurs in the sediments. Several factors including temperature control mineralization rates, however, the underlying causes of the effects are not well understood in subtropical lakes. In this study, we determined the influence of temperature on organic matter degradation by taking sediments from four sites in a subtropical large shallow freshwater lake, and monitoring organic matter composition and enzymes in microcosm experiments at five temperatures from 5 to 40°C. Following a three-month incubation, it was found that the mineralization of submerged plants in sediments was strongly influenced by temperature. Removal efficiency of total organic carbon in sediments ranged from 4.3 to 22.6% at 5°C, and reached 46.7–55.5% at 40°C. In addition, the removal efficiency of organic matter and the relative recalcitrant carbon decomposition depended on sediment type. For sediments in the site located in the lake center, recalcitrant and labile carbon decomposition had equivalent responses to the different temperatures. For sediments with dominance of submerged macrophytes, the humic acids were low even at high temperature. Thus, the annual deposition of plant litter in sediments favored organic carbon decomposition rather than humification.  相似文献   

Four submerged macrophytes were analysed with their respective assemblages of chironomid and algal taxa. Studies were made bimonthly, from January to November, in a shallow macrophyte-dominated lake. The periphytic algal community was represented by chlorophytes, diatoms and cyanobacteria; diatoms showed the highest relative abundance on the macrophyte species during the study. Algal biomass was affected by the season, and in January the highest values were found on Stratiotes aloides L., Potamogeton lucens L., Myriophyllum spicatum L.; in July on Chara aculeolata Kütz. The lowest algal biomass, on most of the macrophytes studied, was found in September. Larvae of Dicrotendipes sp., Diplocladius cultriger Kieffer, Endochironomus albipennis gr., Endochironomus impar (Walker), Glyptotendipes sp. and Paratanytarsus austriacus Kieffer were dominant within the chironomid community. The spatial distribution of chironomids between macrophytes species was related to periphytic algae biomass and certain environmental variables (temperature, water transparency, biomass of chlorophytes and diatoms). Analysis of chironomid diet and the results of canonical correspondence analysis confirmed this relationship. The strongest chironomid-algae relationships were observed on S. aloides and P. lucens.  相似文献   

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