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Transient expression of the mdg1 deletion mutants revealed sites of 3'-end processing in the leader region of the transcribed RNA. The efficiency of the processing is regulated in different types of cells. The sequences within the mdg1 body and the 3'-LTR are involved in its regulation. We have also shown, that one of the small open reading frames in the mdg1 leader region in principle might be translated.  相似文献   

Several copies of the Penelope transposable element, previously described in Drosophila virilis, have been studied in different D. virilis strains and D. melanogaster strains transformed with P-based constructs bearing a full-size Penelope copy. Most Penelope copies in both species have large terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) and deletions of various sizes at the 5′ ends of their ORFs. Junctions between TIRs and ORFs usually have microhomologies of various lengths, which allowed a hypothesis explaining the emergence of these complex structures at the molecular level to be put forward. Most Penelope copies have a 34 bp long direct repeat at the ORF ends. Full-size and truncated Penelope copies are usually surrounded by target site duplications of various lengths.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine early promoters from bacteriophage T4 and 14 early promoters from bacteriophage T6 were isolated using vector M13HDL17, a promoterless derivative of M13mp8 carrying a linker sequence, the bacteriophage lambda-terminator tR1, and the lacZ' gene including part of its ribosome-binding site. The consensus sequence for the T4 promoters is: (sequence; see text). Ribosome-binding sites of T4 share the sequence: 5'...g.GGAga..aA.ATGAa.a...3' The consensus sequence of the T4 early promoter regions is significantly different in sequence and length from that of Escherichia coli promoters. Only one of the promoters detected with vector M13HDL17 resembled a typical bacterial promoter. The high information content raises the possibility that additional proteins recognize and contact nucleotides within the promoter region. All T4 early promoters also carry DNA sequences that could support DNA curving, a structural feature that might contribute to promoter recognition.  相似文献   

Nrg1 is a zinc finger protein involved in the glucose repression of several glucose-repressed genes such as STA1, SUC2, and GAL1. Although the molecular details of the Nrg1-mediated repression of STA1 have been partly characterized, it still remains largely unknown how Nrg1 regulates these multiple target genes. In this study, we show that Nrg1 mediates the glucose repression of SUC2 and HXT2 through its direct binding to the specific promoter regions; it binds to the −404 to −360 region of the SUC2 promoter and the −957 to −810 region of the HXT2 promoter. Nrg1 also interacts with the −380 to −250 region of the PCK1 promoter, suggesting that it might also contribute to the PCK1 repression. In addition, ChIP assays confirmed that Nrg1 associated with specific promoter regions of these glucose-repressed genes in vivo. Analysis of the DNA fragments to which it binds indicates that Nrg1 may recognize T/ACCCC sequence within the promoters of these glucose-repressed genes as well as in its own promoter. Collectively, our findings indicate that Nrg1 mediates the glucose repression of multiple genes through its direct binding to the specific promoter regions.  相似文献   

Parasites represent a threat to endangered fish species, particularly when the parasite can host switch and the new host is vulnerable. If the parasite is highly host specific then successful host switching should be a rare occurrence; however, the host range of many parasites which are assumed to be specialists has never been tested. This includes the monogenean Gyrodactylus turnbulli, a well-studied ectoparasite found caudally on its known host, the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. In this study, we monitored parasite establishment and reproduction on a range of poeciliids and more distantly related fish. Individually maintained fish were experimentally infected with a single parasite and monitored daily to establish whether G. turnbulli could survive and reproduce on other fish species. Gyrodactylus turnbulli can infect a wider range of hosts than previously considered, highlighting the fact that host specificity can never be assumed unless experimentally tested. Our findings also have significant implications for parasite transmission to novel hosts and provide further insight into the evolutionary origins of this ubiquitous group of fish pathogens. Previous molecular evidence indicates that host switching is the key mechanism for speciation within the genus Gyrodactylus. Until recently, most Gyrodactylus spp. were assumed to be narrowly host specific. However, our findings suggest that even so-called specialist species, such as G. turnbulli, may represent a threat to vulnerable fish stocks. In view of the potential importance of host switching under artificial conditions, we propose to describe this as 'artificial ecological transfer' as opposed to 'natural ecological transfer', host switching under natural conditions.  相似文献   

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