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Link WA 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1123-1130
Heterogeneity in detection probabilities has long been recognized as problematic in mark-recapture studies, and numerous models developed to accommodate its effects. Individual heterogeneity is especially problematic, in that reasonable alternative models may predict essentially identical observations from populations of substantially different sizes. Thus even with very large samples, the analyst will not be able to distinguish among reasonable models of heterogeneity, even though these yield quite distinct inferences about population size. The problem is illustrated with models for closed and open populations.  相似文献   

Xu Y  Liu L  You N  Pan H  Yip P 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):917-921
A continuous time frailty capture-recapture model is proposed for estimating population size of a closed population with the use of observed covariates to explain individuals' heterogeneity in presence of a random effect. A conditional likelihood approach is used to derive the estimate of parameters, and the Horvitz-Thompson estimator is adopted to estimate the unknown population size. Asymptotic normality of the estimates is obtained. Simulation results and a real example show that the proposed method works satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Dorazio RM  Royle JA 《Biometrics》2003,59(2):351-364
We develop a parameterization of the beta-binomial mixture that provides sensible inferences about the size of a closed population when probabilities of capture or detection vary among individuals. Three classes of mixture models (beta-binomial, logistic-normal, and latent-class) are fitted to recaptures of snowshoe hares for estimating abundance and to counts of bird species for estimating species richness. In both sets of data, rates of detection appear to vary more among individuals (animals or species) than among sampling occasions or locations. The estimates of population size and species richness are sensitive to model-specific assumptions about the latent distribution of individual rates of detection. We demonstrate using simulation experiments that conventional diagnostics for assessing model adequacy, such as deviance, cannot be relied on for selecting classes of mixture models that produce valid inferences about population size. Prior knowledge about sources of individual heterogeneity in detection rates, if available, should be used to help select among classes of mixture models that are to be used for inference.  相似文献   

Chao A  Chu W  Hsu CH 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):427-433
We consider a capture-recapture model in which capture probabilities vary with time and with behavioral response. Two inference procedures are developed under the assumption that recapture probabilities bear a constant relationship to initial capture probabilities. These two procedures are the maximum likelihood method (both unconditional and conditional types are discussed) and an approach based on optimal estimating functions. The population size estimators derived from the two procedures are shown to be asymptotically equivalent when population size is large enough. The performance and relative merits of various population size estimators for finite cases are discussed. The bootstrap method is suggested for constructing a variance estimator and confidence interval. An example of the deer mouse analyzed in Otis et al. (1978, Wildlife Monographs 62, 93) is given for illustration.  相似文献   

Let us assume that there is a monoecious random mating population that changes cyclically in size. Then, the probability that a nonrecessive favorable mutant is ultimately fixed, if it is originally present in a single heterozygote, is approximately proportional to the harmonic mean of the effective population sizes in the cycle and inversely proportional to the population size when the mutant appears. This approximation works well if the selective advantage s of the mutant is small and the length k of a cycle is small in comparison with the population sizes in a cycle. If k is large the harmonic mean is, in general, replaced by a weighted harmonic mean that puts the largest weights on reciprocals of effective population sizes in the first few generations after the mutant appears.  相似文献   

K H Pollock  M C Otto 《Biometrics》1983,39(4):1035-1049
In this paper the problem of finding robust estimators of population size in closed K-sample capture-recapture experiments is considered. Particular attention is paid to models where heterogeneity of capture probabilities is allowed. First, a general estimation procedure is given which does not depend on any assumptions about the form of the distribution of capture probabilities. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the usefulness of the generalized jackknife technique to reduce bias. Numerical comparisons of the bias and variance of various estimators are given. Finally, a general discussion is given with several recommendations on estimators to be used in practice.  相似文献   

Estimating population size by genotyping faeces.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Population size is a fundamental biological parameter that is difficult to estimate. By genotyping coyote (Canis latrans) faeces systematically collected in the Santa Monica Mountains near Los Angeles, California, we exemplify a general, non-invasive method to census large mammals. Four steps are involved in the estimation. First, presumed coyote faeces are collected along paths or roadways where coyotes, like most carnivores, often defaecate and mark territorial boundaries. Second, DNA is extracted from the faeces and species identity and sex is determined by mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome typing. Third, hypervariable microsatellite loci are typed from the faeces. Lastly, rarefaction analysis is used to estimate population size from faecal genotypes. This method readily provides a point count estimate of population size and sex ratio. Additionally, we show that home range use paternity and kinship can be inferred from the distribution and relatedness patterns of faecal genotypes.  相似文献   

DUPUIS  JEROME A. 《Biometrika》1995,82(4):761-772
The Arnason–Schwarz model is usually used for estimatingsurvival and movement probabilities of animal populations fromcapture-recapture data. The missing data structure of this capture-recapturemodel is exhibited and summarised via a directed graph representation.Taking advantage of this structure we implement a Gibbs samplingalgorithm from which Bayesian estimates and credible intervalsfor survival and movement probabilities are derived. Convergenceof the algorithm is proved using a duality principle. We illustrateour approach through a real example.  相似文献   

Yip PS  Lin HZ  Xi L 《Biometrics》2005,61(4):1085-1092
A semiparametric estimation procedure is proposed to model capture-recapture data with the aim of estimating the population size for a closed population. Individuals' covariates are possibly time dependent and missing at noncaptured times and may be measured with error. A set of estimating equations (EEs) based on covariate process and capture-recapture data is constructed to estimate the relevant parameters and the population size. These EEs can be solved by an algorithm similar to an EM algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed procedures work better than the naive estimate. In some cases they are even better than "ideal" estimates, for which the true values of covariates are available for all captured subjects over the entire experimental period. We apply the method to a capture-recapture experiment on the bird species Prinia flaviventris in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Estimating population size by recapture sampling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NAYAK  TAPAN K. 《Biometrika》1988,75(1):113-120

In nature, individual reproductive success is seldom independent from year to year, due to factors such as reproductive costs and individual heterogeneity. However, population projection models that incorporate temporal autocorrelations in individual reproduction can be difficult to parameterise, particularly when data are sparse. We therefore examine whether such models are necessary to avoid biased estimates of stochastic population growth and extinction risk, by comparing output from a matrix population model that incorporates reproductive autocorrelations to output from a standard age‐structured matrix model that does not. We use a range of parameterisations, including a case study using moose data, treating probabilities of switching reproductive class as either fixed or fluctuating. Expected time to extinction from the two models is found to differ by only small amounts (under 10%) for most parameterisations, indicating that explicitly accounting for individual reproductive autocorrelations is in most cases not necessary to avoid bias in extinction estimates.  相似文献   

Conservation and management agencies require accurate and precise estimates of abundance when considering the status of a species and the need for directed actions. Due to the proliferation of remote sampling cameras, there has been an increase in capture–recapture studies that estimate the abundance of rare and/or elusive species using closed capture–recapture estimators (C–R). However, data from these studies often do not meet necessary statistical assumptions. Common attributes of these data are (1) infrequent detections, (2) a small number of individuals detected, (3) long survey durations, and (4) variability in detection among individuals. We believe there is a need for guidance when analyzing this type of sparse data. We highlight statistical limitations of closed C–R estimators when data are sparse and suggest an alternative approach over the conventional use of the Jackknife estimator. Our approach aims to maximize the probability individuals are detected at least once over the entire sampling period, thus making the modeling of variability in the detection process irrelevant, estimating abundance accurately and precisely. We use simulations to demonstrate when using the unconditional-likelihood M 0 (constant detection probability) closed C–R estimator with profile-likelihood confidence intervals provides reliable results even when detection varies by individual. If each individual in the population is detected on average of at least 2.5 times, abundance estimates are accurate and precise. When studies sample the same species at multiple areas or at the same area over time, we suggest sharing detection information across datasets to increase precision when estimating abundance. The approach suggested here should be useful for monitoring small populations of species that are difficult to detect.  相似文献   

Ecological and evolutionary change is generated by variation in individual performance. Biologists have consequently long been interested in decomposing change measured at the population level into contributions from individuals, the traits they express and the alleles they carry. We present a novel method of estimating individual contributions to population growth and changes in distributions of quantitative traits and alleles. An individual's contribution to population growth is an individual's realized annual fitness. We demonstrate how the quantities we develop can be used to address a range of empirical questions, and provide an application to a detailed dataset of Soay sheep. The approach provides results that are consistent with those obtained using lifetime estimates of individual performance, yet is substantially more powerful as it allows lifetime performance to be decomposed into annual survival and fecundity contributions.  相似文献   

Huggins RM  Yip PS 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):387-395
A weighted martingale method, akin to a moving average, is proposed to allow the use of modified closed-population methods in the estimation of the size of a smoothly changing open population when there are frequent capture occasions. We concentrate here on modifications to martingale estimating functions for model Mt, but a wide range of closed-population estimators may be modified in this fashion. The method is motivated by and applied to weekly capture-recapture data from the Mai Po bird sanctuary in Hong Kong. Simulations show that the weighted martingale estimator compared well with the Jolly-Seber estimator when the conditions for the latter to be valid are met, and it performed far better when individuals were allowed to leave and reenter the population. Expressions are derived for the asymptotic bias and variance of the estimator in an appendix.  相似文献   

The effective population size is a central concept for understanding evolutionary processes in a finite population. We employ Fisher's reproductive value to estimate the ratio of effective to actual population size for an age‐structured population with two sexes using random samples of individual vital rates. The population may be subject to environmental stochasticity affecting the vital rates. When the mean sex ratio at birth is known, improved efficiency is obtained by utilizing the records of total number of offspring rather than considering separately female and male offspring. We also show how to incorporate uncertain paternity.  相似文献   

A statistical methodology for estimating dataset size requirements for classifying microarray data using learning curves is introduced. The goal is to use existing classification results to estimate dataset size requirements for future classification experiments and to evaluate the gain in accuracy and significance of classifiers built with additional data. The method is based on fitting inverse power-law models to construct empirical learning curves. It also includes a permutation test procedure to assess the statistical significance of classification performance for a given dataset size. This procedure is applied to several molecular classification problems representing a broad spectrum of levels of complexity.  相似文献   

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