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The transposons Tn21, Tn501, and Tn1721 are related to Tn3. Transposition-deficient mutants (tnpA) of these elements were used to test for complementation of transpostion. Transposition of tnpA mutants of Tn501 and Tn1721 was restored by the presence in trans of Tn21, Tn501, and Tn1721, but transposition of a tnpA mutant of Tn21 was restored in trans only by Tn21 itself. Tn3 did not complement transposition of Tn21, Tn501, or Tn1721, and these elements did not complement transposition of Tn3.  相似文献   

M P Gilbert  A O Summers 《Plasmid》1988,20(2):127-136
The mercury resistance (mer) operons of the Gram-negative bacterial transposons, Tn21 and Tn501, are phenotypically indistinguishable and have extensive DNA identity. However, Tn21 mer has an additional coding region (merC) in the middle of the operon which is lacking in Tn501 and there is also a discrete region of the mercuric ion reductase gene (merA) which differs markedly between the two operons. DNA fragment probes were used to determine the distribution of specific mer coding regions in two distinct collections of mercury-resistant (Hgr) Gram-negative bacteria. Colony blot hybridization analysis showed that merC-positive operons occur almost exclusively in Escherichia, although merC-negative operons can also be found in this genus. The merC-negative operons were found in Citrobacter, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter and in some Pseudomonas. Most of the Pseudomonas did not hybridize detectably with either of the two operons studied, indicating that they harbor an unrelated or more distantly related class of mercury resistance locus. Southern hybridization patterns demonstrated that the merC-positive mer operon is well conserved at the DNA level, whereas the merC-negative operons are much less conserved. The presence of merC also correlated with conservation of a specific variant region of the merA gene and with an antibiotic resistance pattern similar to that of Tn21. Tn501 appears to be an atypical example of the merC-negative subgroup of Hgr loci.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the tnpA genes of the transposons Tn3, Tn21, and Tn501 was assessed in total bacterial community DNA isolated from different marine environments. The PCR technique was employed, together with most probable number statistics, to determine the abundance of the target tnpA genes. All three genes could be detected, and the Tn21 tnpA sequences predominated in all samples. The smallest amount of total community DNA in which the Tn21 tnpA sequence could be detected was 0.037 ng, and on the basis of our results, we estimated that this sequence was present in 1 of 1,000 to 10,000 bacteria. Hybridization of the PCR products with the respective tnpA probes verified the Tn21 and Tn501 tnpA sequences but only some of the Tn3 tnpA amplification products. The distribution and dissemination of transposons in natural bacterial communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the genes tnpA, tnpR and res of Tn2603 required for its own transposition, was determined. The order of the genes was tnpA-tnpR-res from the right end of the right hand side region in Tn2603, the tnpA and tnpR encoded gene products having molecular weights of 110,000 and 21,000, respectively. The 110,000 molecular weight polypeptides was absolutely required for replicon fusion as the first stage of transposition, and named transposase. On the other hand, the 21,000 molecular weight polypeptide was necessary for resolution of the cointegrate as the second stage of transposition, and named resolvase. We also examined the ability of various transposons, assumed to be closely related, to complement the tnpA and tnpR mutations of Tn2603. The results indicated that the mercury resistance transposon, Tn2613, and Tn501, can complement both genes, but TnAs and gamma delta cannot at all. Tn501 had much less efficiency of complementation for tnpA than Tn2613. We have also discovered that the transposition frequency of transposons in the tn2613 family systematically depend on their size of transposon.  相似文献   

Summary The prokaryotic mercury-resistance transposon Tn501 contains a sequence, 80 nucleotides from one end, which is identical with an inverted terminal repeat (IR) of Tn21. This Tn21 IR sequence is used when Tn21 complements a TnpA- derivative of Tn501, but not when Tn501 is used for the complementation. Complementation by Tn1721 shows a preference for the normal Tn501 IRs. The element (Tn820) transposed when Tn21 is used to complement a Hg- TnpR- TnpA- Res- deletion mutant of Tn501 contains the Tn21 IR sequence at one terminus and a Tn501 IR at the other. Transposition of Tn820 can be complemented by Tn501 and Tn1721, but at a much lower frequency than transposition of the parental element (Tn819) which has two Tn501 IRs. The relationship between the transposition functions of Tn501, Tn21 and Tn1721, and available nucleotide sequence data suggest that Tn501 evolved by the transposition of a Tn21-like element into another transposable element (similar to that found within Tn1721) followed by deletion of the Tn21-like transposition functions.Abbreviations used (IR) Inverted repeat - (Cb) carbenicillin - (Cm) chloramphenicol - (Sm) streptomycin - (Su) sulphonamide - (Tc) tetracycline - (Tp) trimethoprim  相似文献   

Summary The related transposons Tn501 and Tn1721 have a 3.8 kb region in common that contains two genes (tnpA and tnpR) and a resolution site (res) required for transposition. Resolvase, the product of tnpR, catalyses site-specific recombination at res, a 186 base pair (bp) sequence located adjacent to tnpR at one end of the homology region. We describe here identification of the crossover site within res. It involved the construction of a plasmid containing copies of res (Tn501) and res (Tn1721) in direct orientation and tnpR-mediated intramolecular recombination between the two homologous (but non-identical) sites. The resulting hybrid contained Tn501 and Tn1721 fused at the crossover point. DNA sequence analysis of the recombinant indicates that recombination occurs in an 11 bp region of exact homology between Tn501 and Tn1721. The recombination site lies 161–172 bp upstream of tnpR at the transition from homology to non-homology between Tn501 and Tn1721 suggesting that site-specific recombination may have played a role in the evolution of these elements.  相似文献   

The transposons Tn501(Hg) and Tn1721(Tc) are related   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The dual functions of resolvase, site-specific recombination and the regulation of its own expression from tnpR, both require the interaction of this protein with the DNA sequence at res, but the specificity of this interaction differs between groups of Tn3-like elements. In this study, DNA fragments that contained res from Tn21 or Tn1721 were subjected to either cleavage by DNase I or methylation by dimethyl sulphate in the presence of the purified resolvase from Tn21 or Tn1721. These experiments showed that each resolvase bound to the same three sites (I, II and III) within res from Tn1721 and to an equivalent series of three sites on Tn21: the differences in the amino acid sequences of the two proteins did not affect their interaction with either DNA. The DNA sequences at each site had some similarities and, in conjunction with data from the related transposon Tn501, a consensus was established. However, the three sites are functionally distinct: site I (tnpR-distal) spans the recombination cross-over point and sites II and III (tnpR-proximal) overlap the promoter of tnpR. The binding sites on these transposons were compared with those in the gamma delta/Tn3 system: the similarities between the two groups of transposons revealed some general features of resolvase-DNA interactions while the differences in fine structure elucidated the specificity of each resolvase.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences at the ends of the mercury-resistance transposon, Tn501, have been determined. The terminal sequences are inverted repeated sequences 38 nucleotide pairs in length, which differ in 3 nucleotide pairs. The transposon is flanked by directly repeated sequences of 5 nucleotide pairs, originating from a single pentanucleotide sequence in the recipient replicon. There is no obvious homology between recipient replicons at the site of insertion of the transposon. The structures of the ends of Tn501 are compared with those of other transposons and insertion sequences. The use of Tn501 to locate an EcoRI site within a genetically defined sequence of interest is discussed.  相似文献   

R plasmid pRSD1 contains tetracycline resistance (tet) genes in a 3.55 Mdal-region capable of amplification by forming tandem repeats (Mattes, Burkardt and Schmitt, Molec. gen. Genet., 1979). The repetitious tet element is itself part of a 7.2 Mdal-transposon, named Tn1721, as demonstrated by the following criteria; (i) Tn1721 has been translocated to phage lambda. The resulting hybrid phage lambda tet contains the 7.2 Mdal-insertion to the right of the attachment site, but not continguous with it indicating translocation of the element by non-homologous recombination. In addition, lambda tet has sustained a 3.4 Mdal-deletion adjacent to the insertion. (ii) Further transposition of Tn1721 to the 21.5 Mdal-plasmid R388 resulted in R388::Tn1721 derivatives, two of which were characterised. They contain Tn1721 inserted into different sites but in the same orientation as shown by restriction and heteroduplex analyses. These translocation of Tn1721 were not accompanied by deletions of DNA. (iii) The insertion plasmid pRSD102(R388::Tn1721) has conserved the capacity of the original plasmid pRSD1 to amplify the 3.55 Mdal-tet region. It has been concluded that Tn1721 constitutes a novel transposon encompassing a tet region capable of selective amplification. The model proposed for Tn1721 contains three short repeats. Two direct repeats, flanking the 3.55 Mdal tet region, provide sequence homology for amplification. The third repeat (located distally to tet) is inverted and provides the basis for transposition of the 7.2 Mdal-element.  相似文献   

M E Tolmasky 《Plasmid》1990,24(3):218-226
A fragment of Tn1331 including tnpR, aac, aadA, and a bla gene which encodes lower levels of resistance to ampicillin and carbenicillin as compared to those mediated by the TEM beta-lactamase was sequenced. The polypeptide encoded by the bla gene has homology with the OXA-1, PSE-2, and OXA-2 proteins. Genes aac and bla are upstream and downstream respectively of aadA, and are both flanked by recombinational hot spots. Tn1331 has 520-bp direct repeats which include parts of the tnpR and TEM bla genes. Evolutionary models for the genesis of Tn1331 are proposed.  相似文献   

M Tsuda  T Iino 《Journal of bacteriology》1983,153(2):1008-1017
The flagellar genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO cluster on the chromosome at two distinct regions, region I and region II. The order of the flagellar cistrons in this organism was established by using transducing phage G101 and plasmids FP5 and R68.45. A method to insert transposon Tn501 near the fla genes was devised. We obtained two strains in which Tn501 was inserted at sites close to the flagellar cistrons in region II. We isolated Fla mutants in which the chromosomal segment between the two Tn501 insertion sites was deleted. Using Tn501-encoded mercury resistance as an outside marker, we determined the order of 9 of the 11 flagellar cistrons in region II as follows: puuF-region I-flaG-flaC-flaI-flaH-flaD-flaB-flaA-flaF-flaE-pur-67. By using phage G101-mediated transduction, the mutation converting monoflagellated bacteria into the multiflagellated (mfl) form was closely linked to the five fla cistrons in region I. Using mfl as an outside marker, we determined the order of the five cistrons as follows: puuF-flaV-flaZ-flaW-flaX-flaY-region II. The mfl mutation was shown to be either located within the flaV cistron or linked very closely to this cistron. No linkage was observed in transductions between any of the fla cistrons in region I and any of the fla cistrons in region II.  相似文献   

The Tn1 and Tn3 elements are closely related transposons which carry the structural gene for ampicillin resistance. Two classes of deletion mutants of the plasmid pMB8::Tn3 (RSF1050) are unable to transpose ampicillin resistance but can be complemented in trans by a coresident Tn1 or Tn3 element. The analysis of the sequences transposed upon complementation of one class of mutants (type I) showed that the mutant element had undergone bona fide transposition. Complementation of the type II mutants led to the transposition of a sequence analogous to bacteriophage mu-promoted integration of non-mu DNA. The transposed sequence consisted of two Tn3 elements which flanked a single copy of the pMB8 portion of the RSF1050 genome. Complementation data indicated that the type II mutants are defective in at least one trans-acting function which must be supplied for transposition to occur. The nature of sequence transposed from the type II mutant is the consequence of a defective cis-acting function (or site). In addition, the type II mutants were defective in a trans-acting function which regulated the frequency of transposition.  相似文献   

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