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Genetic analysis of plant em-bryogenesis has been approached in part through the isolation and characterization of recessive embryonic mutants. The most extensive studies have dealt with maize and Arabidopsis. The high frequency of mutants defective in plant embryogenesis is consistent with the presence of many target genes with essential functions at this stage of the life cycle. Some mutants are likely to be defective in genes with general housekeeping functions. Others should facilitate the identification of genes with a more direct role in the regulation of morphogesis. Over 300 embryonic mutants of Arabidopsis isolated following chemical mutagenesis and T-DNA insertional mutagenesis are currently being analyzed. This collection includes embryonic le-thals, defectives, and pattern mutants. Developmental abnormalities include the presence of fused cotyledons, twin embryos, abnormally large suspensors, distorted epidermal layers, single cotyledons, enlarged shoot apices, pattern deletions and duplications, embryos with altered patterns of symmetry, bloated embryos with giant vacuolated cells, reduced hypocotyls that fail to produce roots, and embryos that protrude through the seed coat late in maturation. This review describes the isolation and characterization of embryonic mutants of Arabidopsis and their potential application to plant biology. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cesium-insensitive mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The molecular analysis of solute transport across the plasma membrane in animals and microorganisms has been aided by the analysis of well-defined transport mutants. To obtain mutant plants with genetic defects in cation transport, the inhibitory effect of monovalent cations (Li+, Na+, Rb+, and Cs+) on Arabidopsis thaliana seed germination was tested. Cesium was unique in that at low concentration it strongly inhibited seedling development. In this report it is demonstrated that cesium is a competitive inhibitor for potassium transport in A. thaliana and its toxicity is closely tied to the level of potassium supplied. Conditions were obtained to maximize the cesium-sensitivity for seed germination in a large population, and selection for resistance using M2 seeds derived from ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-treated plants yielded several dozen resistant plants. Seeds derived from these plants yielded cesium-insensitive mutant lines with heritable changes in energy-dependent potassium uptake. In progeny from a backcross to wild-type plants, at least one of the lines showed the segregation ratio expected for a single-gene recessive mutation and an RFLP analysis mapped the mutant locus to the top of chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Identification of ascorbic acid-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana mutants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Conklin PL  Saracco SA  Norris SR  Last RL 《Genetics》2000,154(2):847-856
Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid) is a potent antioxidant and cellular reductant present at millimolar concentrations in plants. This small molecule has roles in the reduction of prosthetic metal ions, cell wall expansion, cell division, and in the detoxification of reactive oxygen generated by photosynthesis and adverse environmental conditions. However, unlike in animals, the biosynthesis of ascorbic acid (AsA) in plants is only beginning to be unraveled. The previously described AsA-deficient Arabidopsis mutant vtc1 (vitamin c-1) was recently shown to have a defect in GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase, providing strong evidence for the recently proposed role of GDP-mannose in AsA biosynthesis. To genetically define other AsA biosynthetic loci, we have used a novel AsA assay to isolate four vtc mutants that define three additional VTC loci. We have also isolated a second mutant allele of VTC1. The four loci represented by the vtc mutant collection have been genetically characterized and mapped onto the Arabidopsis genome. The vtc mutants have differing ozone sensitivities. In addition, two of the mutants, vtc2-1 and vtc2-2, have unusually low levels of AsA in the leaf tissue of mature plants.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis in pinoid mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
A series of mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana was selected in which the inflorescence stem elongates but loses the ability to produce flower primordia on its flanks. Mutants fell into two classes, further occurrences of pin-formed mutants and mutations at a new locus named pinoid. As well as causing inflorescence defects, pinoid mutations result in pleiotropic defects in the development of floral organs, cotyledons and leaves. Most changes involve the number of organs produced rather than their differentiation suggesting that PINOID controls an early general step in meristem development. pinoid mutant defects are similar to those seen in pin-formed mutants for inflorescences and flowers, but different for cotyledons and leaves indicating that the two genes have separate but overlapping functions. A defect in polar auxin transport is implicated in the pin-formed mutant phenotype, but in young inflorescence stems of even the strongest pinoid mutants it occurs at close to wild-type levels. It is markedly reduced only after stems have ceased elongating. Thus, it is likely that polar auxin transport is secondarily affected in pinoid mutants rather than being directly controlled by the PINOID gene product. Even so, double mutant studies indicate that the process controlled by PINOID overlaps with that specified by the AUXIN RESISTANT1 gene, suggesting that PINOID plays some role in an auxin-related process.  相似文献   

Dissecting plant meiosis using Arabidopsis thaliana mutants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The Hsp90 family of proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The 90-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90) is an essential molecular chaperone in eukaryotic cells, with key roles in the folding and activation of proteins involved in signal transduction and control of the cell cycle. A search for Hsp90 sequences in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome revealed that this family includes 7 members. The AtHsp90-1 through AtHsp90-4 proteins constitute the cytoplasmic subfamily, whereas the AtHsp90-5, AtHsp90-6, and AtHsp90-7 proteins are predicted to be within the plastidial, mitochondrial, and endoplasmic reticulum compartments, respectively. The deduced amino acid sequences of each of the cytoplasmic proteins contains the highly conserved C-terminal pentapeptide MEEVD. All of the AtHsp90 sequences include a conserved adenosine triphosphate-binding domain, whereas only the cytoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum-resident sequences include an adjacent charged linker domain that is common in mammalian and yeast sequences. The occurrence of multiple AtHsp90 proteins in the cytoplasm and of family members in other subcellular compartments suggests a range of specific functions and target polypeptides.  相似文献   

To isolate mutants in the process of lipid mobilization during post-germinative growth we employed a screen using the pro-herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acid (2,4-DB). The phenotypes of a number of 2,4-DB-resistant mutants are compared with previously characterized mutants disrupted in beta-oxidation or the glyoxylate cycle. We conclude that the strength of 2,4-DB resistance and the ability of the seedlings to grow in the absence of exogenous sugar are inversely correlated. Sugar dependence of 2,4-DB-resistant seedlings is a consequence of impaired storage-lipid mobilization.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of salt-tolerant mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Quesada V  Ponce MR  Micol JL 《Genetics》2000,154(1):421-436
Stress caused by the increased salinity of irrigated fields impairs plant growth and is one of the major constraints that limits crop productivity in many important agricultural areas. As a contribution to solving such agronomic problems, we have carried out a large-scale screening for Arabidopsis thaliana mutants induced on different genetic backgrounds by EMS treatment, fast neutron bombardment, or T-DNA insertions. From the 675,500 seeds we screened, 17 mutant lines were isolated, all but one of which yielded 25-70% germination levels on 250 mm NaCl medium, a condition in which their ancestor ecotypes are unable to germinate. Monogenic recessive inheritance of NaCl-tolerant germination was displayed with incomplete penetrance by all the selected mutants, which fell into five complementation groups. These were named SALOBRENO (SAN) and mapped relative to polymorphic microsatellites, the map positions of three of them suggesting that they are novel genes. Strains carrying mutations in the SAN1-SAN4 genes display similar responses to both ionic effects and osmotic pressure, their germination being NaCl and mannitol tolerant but KCl and Na(2)SO(4) sensitive. In addition, NaCl-, KCl-, and mannitol-tolerant as well as abscisic-acid-insensitive germination was displayed by sañ5, whose genetic and molecular characterization indicates that it carries an extremely hypomorphic or null allele of the ABI4 gene, its deduced protein product lacking the APETALA2 DNA binding domain.  相似文献   

Chen DL  Delatorre CA  Bakker A  Abel S 《Planta》2000,211(1):13-22
Plants have evolved elaborate metabolic and developmental adaptations to low phosphorus availability. Biochemical responses to phosphate limitation include increased production and secretion of phosphate-acquisition proteins such as nucleases, acid phosphatases, and high-affinity phosphate transporters. However, the signal transduction pathways that sense phosphate availability and integrate the phosphate-starvation response in plants are unknown. We have devised a screen for conditional mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. to dissect signaling of phosphate limitation. Our genetic screen is based on the facultative ability of wild-type Arabidopsis plants to metabolize exogenous DNA when inorganic phosphate is limiting. After screening 50,000 M2 seedlings, we isolated 22 confirmed mutant lines that showed severely impaired growth on medium containing DNA as the only source of phosphorus, but which recovered on medium containing soluble inorganic phosphate. Characterization of nine such mutant lines demonstrated an inability to utilize either DNA or RNA. One mutant line, psr1 (phosphate starvation response), had significantly reduced activities of phosphate-starvation-inducible isoforms of ribonuclease and acid phosphatase under phosphate-limiting conditions. The data suggest that a subset of the selected mutations impairs the expression of more than one phosphate-starvation-inducible enzyme required for utilization of exogenous nucleic acids, and may thus affect regulatory components of a Pi starvation response pathway in higher plants. Received: 23 September 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

Light-induced stomatal movement of selected Arabidopsis thaliana mutants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Various Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with defects in phytohormone signal transduction or the reception of light were analysed with regard to their stomatal response in a red, red/blue light irradiation programme. Stomatal response to light was detected with a customized gas exchange measurement device, optimized for the small model plant. Small transpiration-kinetic variations of the two wild-type lines Columbia (Col) and Landsberg erecta (Ler) were observed. A comparison of the mutant lines to the respective wild type revealed significant differences for the phytochrome A (phyA-103), the abscisic acid insensitive (aba3-2) and the auxin resistant (axr1-3) mutant. Furthermore, the zeaxanthin-less mutant line npq1-2 showed no alterations in stomatal response to light.  相似文献   

We present cuticular wax chemical profiles for the leaves and stems of Arabidopsis wildtype Landsberg erecta and eleven isogenic eceriferum mutants: cer5, cer10 to cer15, and cer17 to cer20. These cer mutants have wax profiles that are different from those of wildtype in chemical chain length distribution, amount per chemical class, and/or total wax load. Analyses of detailed leaf and stem wax profiles for these cer mutants have allowed us to place some of these mutants at specific steps in wax production. The cer13 gene is predicted to affect release of the 30 carbon fatty acid from the elongation complex or the reduction of C30 fatty acid to C30 aldehyde. The CER19 gene product is predicted to be involved in C28 to C30 fatty acyl-CoA elongation. The CER20 gene is predicted to affect the oxidation of C29 alkane to C29 secondary alcohol. Several predicted gene products affect only stem specific steps in the wax pathway.  相似文献   

A group of 13 recessive lethal mutants was selected on the basis of the collection of Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants with insertions of T-DNA vector plasmid pLD3 or pPCVRN4, which was produced by agrobacterial transformation of germinating seeds. The use of media containing exogenous hormones made it possible to compensate the lethal effect, identify phenotypes, and characterize six lines of recessive lethal germlings using genetic and molecular-genetic methods.  相似文献   

Fourteen spermine-resistant mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. have been isolated from EMS-mutagenized M2 seeds by screening for germination seedlings on a medium containing a germination inhibitory concentration of spermine. Two of these mutants have been studied initially. Genetic analysis indicated that the two mutants are allelic and the spermine resistance is due to recessive nuclear mutations at a locus we have designated SPR1. Mutant spr1-1 exhibits large, longitudinally folded-in cauline leaves whereas mutant spr1-2 is characterized by vigorous growth, large longitudinally folded-in cauline leaves, prominent flowers with 4–8 sepals, 6–8 petals, 6 (rarely 7) stamens of equal lengths, and 2–4 carpellary club-shaped pistil. Both mutants are resistant to exogenous spermine but are as sensitive as the wild-type to spermidine and putrescine.  相似文献   

Anther developmental defects in Arabidopsis thaliana male-sterile mutants   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
 We identified Arabidopsis thaliana sterility mutants by screening T-DNA and EMS-mutagenized lines and characterized several male-sterile mutants with defects specific for different anther processes. Approximately 44 and 855 sterile mutants were uncovered from the T-DNA and EMS screens, respectively. Several mutants were studied in detail with defects that included the establishment of anther morphology, microspore production, pollen differentiation, and anther dehiscence. Both non-dehiscencing and late-dehiscencing mutants were identified. In addition, pollenless mutants were observed with either apparent meiotic defects and/or abnormalities in cell layers surrounding the locules. Two mutant alleles were identified for the POLLENLESS3 locus which have defects in functional microspore production that lead to the degeneration of cells within the anther locules. pollenless3–1 contains a T-DNA insertion that co-segregates with the mutant phenotype and pollenless3–2 has a large deletion in the POLLENLESS3 gene. The POLLENLESS3 gene has no known counterparts in the GenBank, but encodes a protein containing putative nuclear localization and protein-protein interaction motifs. The POLLENLESS3 gene was shown recently to be the same as MS5, a previously described Arabidopsis thaliana male-sterility mutant. Three genes were identified in the POLLENLESS3 genomic region: GENEY, POLLENLESS3, and β9-TUBULIN. The segment of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome containing the POLLENLESS3 and β9-TUBULIN genes is duplicated and present on a different chromosome. Analysis of the POLLENLESS3 expression pattern determined that the 1.3-kb POLLENLESS3 mRNA is localized specifically within meiotic cells in the anther locules and that POLLENLESS3 mRNA is present only during late meiosis. Received: 15 October 1998 / Revision accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Genomic analysis of the Hsp70 superfamily in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The Arabidopsis genome contains at least 18 genes encoding members of the 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (Hsp70) family, 14 in the DnaK subfamily and 4 in the Hsp110/SSE subfamily. While the Hsp70s are highly conserved, a phylogenetic analysis including all members of this family in Arabidopsis and in yeast indicates the homology of Hsp70s in the subgroups, such as those predicted to localize in the same subcellular compartment and those similar to the mammalian Hsp110 and Grp170. Gene structure and genome organization suggest duplication in the origin of some genes. The Arabidopsis hsp70s exhibit distinct expression profiles; representative genes of the subgroups are expressed at relatively high levels during specific developmental stages and under thermal stress.  相似文献   

Weston E  Thorogood K  Vinti G  López-Juez E 《Planta》2000,211(6):807-815
Plants acclimate to changes in light quantity by altering leaf-cell development and the accumulation of chloroplast components, such that light absorption is favoured under limiting illumination, and light utilisation under non-limiting conditions. Previous evidence suggests an involvement of a high-light photosynthetic redox signal in the down-regulation of the accumulation of the light-harvesting complexes of photosystem II (Lhcb) and the expression of the Lhcb genes, and of a blue-light signal in the control of leaf development and in the increase in photosynthetic capacity, as affected by the accumulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). We examined the internal anatomy of leaves, the ultrastructure of chloroplasts and accumulation of light-harvesting complexes and Rubisco in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and in mutants in each of the three known blue-light photoreceptors, cryptochrome 1, cryptochrome 2 and phototropin, as well as a mutant in both cryptochromes. Our results indicate an extensive capacity of the Arabidopsis mesophyll cells to adapt to high light fluence rate with an increase in palisade elongation. Under high light, chloroplasts showed increased starch accumulation and reductions in the amount of granal thylakoids per chloroplast, in the proportion of chlorophyll b relative to chlorophyll a, and in the accumulation of the major Lhcb polypeptides. The responses were similar for all four mutants, with respect to their wild types. The results are consistent with either a complete redundancy in function between cryptochromes and phototropin, or their absence of involvement in the light-quantity responses tested. We observed minimal effects of light quantity on Rubisco accumulation over the range of fluence rates used, and conclude that elongation of palisade mesophyll cells and accumulation of Rubisco are controlled separately. This indicates that light acclimation must be the result of a number of individual elementary responses. Quantitative differences in the acclimatory responses were observed between the Landsberg erecta and Columbia wild-type ecotypes used. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 14 July 2000  相似文献   

Mature seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana strain “Columbia” were soaked for 7.5 hr in an aqueous solution of the chemical mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate (0.05, 0.10, or 0.50%, v/v). Embryo-lethal mutants were identified in the resulting M-1 chimeral plants by screening the first five siliques of each plant and noting the frequency of aborted seeds. Three hundred sixty seeds were treated at each mutagen dose; the frequency of embryo-lethal mutants ranged from 1–3% of the M-1 plants grown from seeds exposed to 0.05% EMS, to 20–30% of the M-1 plants at the highest mutagen dose. Six embryo-lethal mutants identified through screening of M-1 plants were chosen for detailed studies in subsequent generations. All six mutants segregate as nonallelic, Mendelian recessive lethals, and are maintained as heterozygotes since homozygotes die as embryos. Fruits of heterozygous plants contain 25% aborted seeds and 75% phenotypically normal seeds (23 heterozygotes and 13 wild type). Segregation ratios are not temperature sensitive; the same frequency of aborted seeds is found in plants grown at 18, 25, and 32°C. Embryo arrest and eventual lethality in each mutant occur at a characteristic stage of early embryo development: globular-heart, globular, early globular, or preglobular. Arrested embryos from five of the six mutants resemble normal embryos at early stages of development. Developmental arrest of the embryo proper in the remaining mutant is followed by abnormal growth of the suspensor, an embryonic structure that attaches the embryo proper to the maternal tissue.  相似文献   

In higher plants, development of the chloroplasts must be coordinated with development of the leaf. In order to study the signals that synchronize these two developmental processes, we have isolated virescent (delayed in greening) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Two such mutants that have pale-green young leaves which gradually green more fully during leaf maturation have been partially characterized. The two, vir1 and vir2, are due to separate nuclear recessive mutations. The pale leaves of vir1 and vir2 both had reduced 77°K fluorescence emission at 730–734 nm relative to that at 686–687 nm, indicating a reduction in the relative amount of LHC I compared to WT. As leaves greened, the amount of LHC I increased to near wildtype levels. The shift in the fluorescence emission peak from 730 nm to 734 nm, characteristic of maturing LHC I, was seen for vir1, but not vir2, suggesting that vir1 is a regulatory mutant while vir2 may be defective in a specific aspect(s) of LHC I function.Abbreviations D dark - EMS ethyl methanesulfonate - er erecta - gl1 glabrous1 - L light - LHC I light harvesting complex of Photosystem I - LHC II light harvesting complex of Photosystem II - M2 second generation of mutagenized seed - M3 third generation of mutagenized seed - vir virescent - WT wildtype  相似文献   

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