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The development of Next Generation Sequencing technologies, capable of sequencing hundreds of millions of short reads (25–70 bp each) in a single run, is opening the door to population genomic studies of non-model species. In this paper we present SHRiMP - the SHort Read Mapping Package: a set of algorithms and methods to map short reads to a genome, even in the presence of a large amount of polymorphism. Our method is based upon a fast read mapping technique, separate thorough alignment methods for regular letter-space as well as AB SOLiD (color-space) reads, and a statistical model for false positive hits. We use SHRiMP to map reads from a newly sequenced Ciona savignyi individual to the reference genome. We demonstrate that SHRiMP can accurately map reads to this highly polymorphic genome, while confirming high heterozygosity of C. savignyi in this second individual. SHRiMP is freely available at http://compbio.cs.toronto.edu/shrimp.  相似文献   

Identifying microRNA signatures for the different types and subtypes of cancer can result in improved detection, characterization and understanding of cancer and move us towards more personalized treatment strategies. However, using microRNA''s differential expression (tumour versus normal) to determine these signatures may lead to inaccurate predictions and low interpretability because of the noisy nature of miRNA expression data. We present a method for the selection of biologically active microRNAs using gene expression data and microRNA-to-gene interaction network. Our method is based on a linear regression with an elastic net regularization. Our simulations show that, with our method, the active miRNAs can be detected with high accuracy and our approach is robust to high levels of noise and missing information. Furthermore, our results on real datasets for glioblastoma and prostate cancer are confirmed by microRNA expression measurements. Our method leads to the selection of potentially functionally important microRNAs. The associations of some of our identified miRNAs with cancer mechanisms are already confirmed in other studies (hypoxia related hsa-mir-210 and apoptosis-related hsa-mir-296-5p). We have also identified additional miRNAs that were not previously studied in the context of cancer but are coherently predicted as active by our method and may warrant further investigation. The code is available in Matlab and R and can be downloaded on http://www.cs.toronto.edu/goldenberg/Anna_Goldenberg/Current_Research.html.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that RNA structural motifs play essential roles in RNA folding and interaction with other molecules. Computational identification and analysis of RNA structural motifs remains a challenging task. Existing motif identification methods based on 3D structure may not properly compare motifs with high structural variations. Other structural motif identification methods consider only nested canonical base-pairing structures and cannot be used to identify complex RNA structural motifs that often consist of various non-canonical base pairs due to uncommon hydrogen bond interactions. In this article, we present a novel RNA structural alignment method for RNA structural motif identification, RNAMotifScan, which takes into consideration the isosteric (both canonical and non-canonical) base pairs and multi-pairings in RNA structural motifs. The utility and accuracy of RNAMotifScan is demonstrated by searching for kink-turn, C-loop, sarcin-ricin, reverse kink-turn and E-loop motifs against a 23S rRNA (PDBid: 1S72), which is well characterized for the occurrences of these motifs. Finally, we search these motifs against the RNA structures in the entire Protein Data Bank and the abundances of them are estimated. RNAMotifScan is freely available at our supplementary website (http://genome.ucf.edu/RNAMotifScan).  相似文献   

We present a new computational method for solving a classical problem, the identification problem of cis-regulatory motifs in a given set of promoter sequences, based on one key new idea. Instead of scoring candidate motifs individually like in all the existing motif-finding programs, our method scores groups of candidate motifs with similar sequences, called motif closures, using a P-value, which has substantially improved the prediction reliability over the existing methods. Our new P-value scoring scheme is sequence length independent, hence allowing direct comparisons among predicted motifs with different lengths on the same footing. We have implemented this method as a Motif Recognition Computer (MREC) program, and have extensively tested MREC on both simulated and biological data from prokaryotic genomes. Our test results indicate that MREC can accurately pick out the actual motif with the correct length as the best scoring candidate for the vast majority of the cases in our test set. We compared our prediction results with two motif-finding programs Cosmo and MEME, and found that MREC outperforms both programs across all the test cases by a large margin. The MREC program is available at http://csbl.bmb.uga.edu/~bingqiang/MREC1/.  相似文献   



Identification of DNA/Protein motifs is a crucial problem for biologists. Computational techniques could be of great help in this identification. In this direction, many computational models for motifs have been proposed in the literature.


One such important model is the motif model. In this paper we describe a motif search web tool that predominantly employs this motif model. This web tool exploits the state-of-the art algorithms for solving the motif search problem.


The online tool has been helping scientists identify many unknown motifs. Many of our predictions have been successfully verified as well. We hope that this paper will expose this crucial tool to many more scientists.

Availability and requirements

Project name: PMS - Panoptic Motif Search Tool. Project home page: http://pms.engr.uconn.edu or http://motifsearch.com. Licence: PMS tools will be readily available to any scientist wishing to use it for non-commercial purposes, without restrictions. The online tool is freely available without login.  相似文献   

Tumor samples are typically heterogeneous, containing admixture by normal, non-cancerous cells and one or more subpopulations of cancerous cells. Whole-genome sequencing of a tumor sample yields reads from this mixture, but does not directly reveal the cell of origin for each read. We introduce THetA (Tumor Heterogeneity Analysis), an algorithm that infers the most likely collection of genomes and their proportions in a sample, for the case where copy number aberrations distinguish subpopulations. THetA successfully estimates normal admixture and recovers clonal and subclonal copy number aberrations in real and simulated sequencing data. THetA is available at http://compbio.cs.brown.edu/software/.  相似文献   

Improvements in experimental techniques increasingly provide structural data relating to protein-protein interactions. Classification of structural details of protein-protein interactions can provide valuable insights for modeling and abstracting design principles. Here, we aim to cluster protein-protein interactions by their interface structures, and to exploit these clusters to obtain and study shared and distinct protein binding sites. We find that there are 22604 unique interface structures in the PDB. These unique interfaces, which provide a rich resource of structural data of protein-protein interactions, can be used for template-based docking. We test the specificity of these non-redundant unique interface structures by finding protein pairs which have multiple binding sites. We suggest that residues with more than 40% relative accessible surface area should be considered as surface residues in template-based docking studies. This comprehensive study of protein interface structures can serve as a resource for the community. The dataset can be accessed at http://prism.ccbb.ku.edu.tr/piface.  相似文献   

We present Quip, a lossless compression algorithm for next-generation sequencing data in the FASTQ and SAM/BAM formats. In addition to implementing reference-based compression, we have developed, to our knowledge, the first assembly-based compressor, using a novel de novo assembly algorithm. A probabilistic data structure is used to dramatically reduce the memory required by traditional de Bruijn graph assemblers, allowing millions of reads to be assembled very efficiently. Read sequences are then stored as positions within the assembled contigs. This is combined with statistical compression of read identifiers, quality scores, alignment information and sequences, effectively collapsing very large data sets to <15% of their original size with no loss of information. Availability: Quip is freely available under the 3-clause BSD license from http://cs.washington.edu/homes/dcjones/quip.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization signals (NLSs) are stretches of residues in proteins mediating their importing into the nucleus. NLSs are known to have diverse patterns, of which only a limited number are covered by currently known NLS motifs. Here we propose a sequential pattern mining algorithm SeqNLS to effectively identify potential NLS patterns without being constrained by the limitation of current knowledge of NLSs. The extracted frequent sequential patterns are used to predict NLS candidates which are then filtered by a linear motif-scoring scheme based on predicted sequence disorder and by the relatively local conservation (IRLC) based masking.The experiment results on the newly curated Yeast and Hybrid datasets show that SeqNLS is effective in detecting potential NLSs. The performance comparison between SeqNLS with and without the linear motif scoring shows that linear motif features are highly complementary to sequence features in discerning NLSs. For the two independent datasets, our SeqNLS not only can consistently find over 50% of NLSs with prediction precision of at least 0.7, but also outperforms other state-of-the-art NLS prediction methods in terms of F1 score or prediction precision with similar or higher recall rates. The web server of the SeqNLS algorithm is available at http://mleg.cse.sc.edu/seqNLS.  相似文献   

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