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During the last step in 40S ribosome subunit biogenesis, the PIN-domain endonuclease Nob1 cleaves the 20S pre-rRNA at site D, to form the mature 18S rRNAs. Here we report that cleavage occurs in particles that have largely been stripped of previously characterized pre-40S components, but retain the endonuclease Nob1, its binding partner Pno1 (Dim2) and the atypical ATPase Rio1. Within the Rio1-associated pre-40S particles, in vitro pre-rRNA cleavage was strongly stimulated by ATP and required nucleotide binding by Rio1. In vivo binding sites for Rio1, Pno1 and Nob1 were mapped by UV cross-linking in actively growing cells. Nob1 and Pno1 bind overlapping regions within the internal transcribed spacer 1, and both bind directly over cleavage site D. Binding sites for Rio1 were within the core of the 18S rRNA, overlapping tRNA interaction sites and distinct from the related kinase Rio2. Site D cleavage occurs within pre-40S-60S complexes and Rio1-associated particles efficiently assemble into these complexes, whereas Pno1 appeared to be depleted relative to Nob1. We speculate that Rio1-mediated dissociation of Pno1 from cleavage site D is the trigger for final 18S rRNA maturation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ribosome maturation depends on a set of well ordered processing steps. Here we describe the functional characterization of yeast Nog2p (Ynr053cp), a highly conserved nuclear protein. Nog2p contains a putative GTP-binding site, which is essential in vivo. Kinetic and steady-state measurements of the levels of pre-rRNAs in Nog2p-depleted cells showed a defect in 5.8S and 25S maturation and a concomitant increase in the levels of both 27SB(S) and 7S(S) precursors. We found Nog2p physically associated with large pre-60S complexes highly enriched in the 27SB and 7S rRNA precursors. These complexes contained, besides a subset of ribosomal proteins, at least two additional factors, Nog1p, another putative GTP-binding protein, and Rlp24p (Ylr009wp), which belongs to the Rpl24e family of archaeal and eukaryotic ribosomal proteins. In the absence of Nog2p, the pre-60S ribosomal complexes left the nucleolus, but were retained in the nucleoplasm. These results suggest that transient, possibly GTP-dependent association of Nog2p with the pre-ribosomes might trigger late rRNA maturation steps in ribosomal large subunit biogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast 60S ribosomal subunits have been dissociated by reversible modification with dimethylmaleic anhydride. Treatment with 40 mol reagent/ml releases 35% of the protein, producing core particles inactive in polyphenylalanine synthesis, which are totally or highly deficient in 17 different proteins. This preparation of residual particles recovers 45% of the original activity upon incubation with the released proteins. The reconstituted particles can be isolated by centrifugation without loss of activity, having the protein composition of the original subunits.Abbreviations DMMA Dimethylmaleic Anhydride  相似文献   

The precise functions of most of the ~200 assembly factors and 79 ribosomal proteins required to construct yeast ribosomes in vivo remain largely unexplored. To better understand the roles of these proteins and the mechanisms driving ribosome biogenesis, we examined in detail one step in 60S ribosomal subunit assembly-processing of 27SA(3) pre-rRNA. Six of seven assembly factors required for this step (A(3) factors) are mutually interdependent for association with preribosomes. These A(3) factors are required to recruit Rrp17, one of three exonucleases required for this processing step. In the absence of A(3) factors, four ribosomal proteins adjacent to each other, rpL17, rpL26, rpL35, and rpL37, fail to assemble, and preribosomes are turned over by Rat1. We conclude that formation of a neighbourhood in preribosomes containing the A(3) factors establishes and maintains stability of functional preribosomes containing 27S pre-rRNAs. In the absence of these assembly factors, at least one exonuclease can switch from processing to turnover of pre-rRNA.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal 60S subunits active in polyphenylalanine synthesis can be reconstituted from core particles lacking 20–40% of the total protein. These core particles were obtained by treatment of yeast 60S subunits with dimethylmaleic anhydride, a reagent for protein amino groups. Upon reconstitution a complementary amount of split proteins is incorporated into the ribosomal particles, which have the sedimentation coefficient of the original subunits. Ribosomal protein fractions obtained by extraction with 1.25 M NH4Cl, 4 M LiCl, 7 M LiCl, or 67% acetic acid, are much less efficient in the reconstitution of active subunits from these core particles than the corresponding released fraction prepared with dimethylmaleic anhydride. Attempts to reconstitute active subunits from protein-deficient particles obtained with 1.25 M NH4Cl plus different preparations of ribosomal proteins, including the fraction released with dimethylmaleic anhydride, were unsuccessful. Therefore, under our conditions, of the disassembly procedures assayed only dimethylmaleic anhydride allows partial reconstitution of active 60S subunits.Abbreviation DMMA dimethylmaleic anhydride  相似文献   

QSR1 is a recently discovered, essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, which encodes a 60S ribosomal subunit protein. Thirty-one unique temperature-sensitive alleles of QSR1 were generated by regional codon randomization within a conserved 20-amino-acid sequence of the QSR1-encoded protein. The temperature-sensitive mutants arrest as viable, large, unbudded cells 24 to 48 h after a shift to 37 degrees C. Polysome and ribosomal subunit analysis by velocity gradient centrifugation of lysates from temperature-sensitive qsr1 mutants and from cells in which Qsr1p was depleted by down regulation of an inducible promoter revealed the presence of half-mer polysomes and a large pool of free 60S subunits that lack Qsr1p. In vitro subunit-joining assays and analysis of a mutant conditional for the synthesis of Qsr1p demonstrate that 60S subunits devoid of Qsr1p are unable to join with 40S subunits whereas 60S subunits that contain either wild-type or mutant forms of the protein are capable of subunit joining. The defective 60S subunits result from a reduced association of mutant Qsr1p with 60S subunits. These results indicate that Qsr1p is required for ribosomal subunit joining.  相似文献   

A mixture of 40S and 60S subunits from salt-washed rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes fails to promote methionyl-puromycin synthesis under conditions in which an AUG-40S-Met-tRNAi initiation complex, but not an 80S complex, is readily formed. This suggests that the inability of the system to form methionyl-puromycin is due to failure of the subunits to join. When Artemia salina 60S subunits are substituted for their reticulocyte counterparts, the resulting hybrid system readily forms an 80S initiation complex and synthesizes methionyl-puromycin. Activity of the reticulocyte 60S subunits can be restored by factors IF-M2A and IF-M2B. This suggests that one or both of these factors may be 60S proteins, essential for subunit joining, that may be removed from ribosomes by salt washing procedures.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of a novel factor, Rsa4p (Ycr072cp), which is essential for the synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits. Rsa4p is a conserved WD-repeat protein that seems to localize in the nucleolus. In vivo depletion of Rsa4p results in a deficit of 60S ribosomal subunits and the appearance of half-mer polysomes. Northern hybridization and primer extension analyses of pre-rRNA and mature rRNAs show that depletion of Rsa4p leads to the accumulation of the 27S, 25.5S and 7S pre-rRNAs, resulting in a reduction of the mature 25S and 5.8S rRNAs. Pulse–chase analyses of pre-rRNA processing reveal that, at least, this is due to a strong delay in the maturation of 27S pre-rRNA intermediates to mature 25S rRNA. Furthermore, depletion of Rsa4p inhibited the release of the pre-60S ribosomal particles from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm, as judged by the predominantly nucleolar accumulation of the large subunit Rpl25-eGFP reporter construct. We propose that Rsa4p associates early with pre-60S ribosomal particles and provides a platform of interaction for correct processing of rRNA precursors and nucleolar release of 60S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis requires >100 nonribosomal proteins, which are associated with different preribosomal particles. The substrates, the interacting partners, and the timing of action of most of these proteins are largely unknown. To elucidate the functional environment of the putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase Dbp6p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is required for 60S ribosomal subunit assembly, we have previously performed a synthetic lethal screen and thereby revealed a genetic interaction network between Dbp6p, Rpl3p, Nop8p, and the novel Rsa3p. In this report, we extended the characterization of this functional network by performing a synthetic lethal screen with the rsa3 null allele. This screen identified the so far uncharacterized Npa1p (YKL014C). Polysome profile analysis indicates that there is a deficit of 60S ribosomal subunits and an accumulation of halfmer polysomes in the slowly growing npa1-1 mutant. Northern blotting and primer extension analysis shows that the npa1-1 mutation negatively affects processing of all 27S pre-rRNAs and the normal accumulation of both mature 25S and 5.8S rRNAs. In addition, 27SA(2) pre-rRNA is prematurely cleaved at site C(2). Moreover, GFP-tagged Npa1p localizes predominantly to the nucleolus and sediments with large complexes in sucrose gradients, which most likely correspond to pre-60S ribosomal particles. We conclude that Npa1p is required for ribosome biogenesis and operates in the same functional environment of Rsa3p and Dbp6p during early maturation of 60S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

Loc1p is an exclusively nuclear dsRNA-binding protein that affects the asymmetric sorting of ASH1 mRNA to daughter cells in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition to the role in cytoplasmic RNA localization, Loc1p is a constituent of pre-60S ribosomes. Cells devoid of Loc1p display a defect in the synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits, resulting in “half-mer” polyribosomes. Previously, we reported that Loc1p is located throughout the entire nucleus; however, upon closer inspection we discovered that Loc1p is enriched in the nucleolus consistent with a role in 60S ribosome biogenesis. Given that Loc1p is an RNA-binding protein and presumably functions in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits, we investigated if Loc1p has a role in rRNA processing and nuclear export of 60S subunits. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing revealed that loc1Δ cells exhibit gross defects in 25S rRNA synthesis, specifically a delay in processing at sites A0, A1 and A2 in 35S pre-rRNA. Furthermore, loc1Δ cells exhibit nuclear export defects for 60S ribosomal subunits, again, consistent with a role for Loc1p in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits. It is attractive to hypothesize that the two phenotypes associated with loc1Δ cells, namely altered ASH1 mRNA localization and ribosome biogenesis, are not mutually exclusive, but that ribosome biogenesis directly impacts mRNA localization.  相似文献   

RIO proteins form a conserved family of atypical protein kinases. Humans possess three distinct RIO kinases-hRio1, hRio2, and hRio3, of which only hRio2 has been characterized with respect to its role in ribosomal biogenesis. Here we show that both hRio1 and hRio3, like hRio2, are associated with precursors of 40S ribosomal subunits in human cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that depletion of hRio1 by RNA interference affects the last step of 18S rRNA maturation and causes defects in the recycling of several trans-acting factors (hEnp1, hRio2, hLtv1, hDim2/PNO1, and hNob1) from pre-40S subunits in the cytoplasm. Although the effects of hRio1 and hRio2 depletion are similar, we show that the two kinases are not fully interchangeable. Moreover, rescue experiments with a kinase-dead mutant of hRio1 revealed that the kinase activity of hRio1 is essential for the recycling of the endonuclease hNob1 and its binding partner hDim2 from cytoplasmic pre-40S. Kinase-dead hRio1 is trapped on pre-40S particles containing hDim2 and hNob1 but devoid of hEnp1, hLtv1, and hRio2. These data reveal a role of hRio1 in the final stages of cytoplasmic pre-40S maturation.  相似文献   

K+-depleted 60S ribosomal subunits from rat liver were submitted to a mild treatment with ribonuclease T1. Ribonucleoprotein fragments could be separated on sucrose gradients only when the digested subunits were partially deproteinized with a high KCl concentration (0.6 M) which removed seven proteins more or less completely and 5S RNA. The RNA and protein content of each fragment has been characterized. The largest ribonucleoprotein enclosed two RNA fragments of about 950,000 and 750,000 daltons and all the salt-resistant proteins except L5. The smallest one enclosed protein L5 (with L11, L17 and L26 in small amounts) and a 67,000 RNA piece. The subsequent hydrolysis of the large ribonucleoprotein produced several other ribonucleoproteins. One of them has been fully characterized: it enclosed a 250,000 RNA fragment and protein L12 (with L11, L25 and L30 in smaller amounts).  相似文献   

Nuclear export and cytoplasmic maturation of ribosomal subunits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zemp I  Kutay U 《FEBS letters》2007,581(15):2783-2793
Based on the characterization of ribosome precursor particles and associated trans-acting factors, a biogenesis pathway for the 40S and 60S subunits has emerged. After nuclear synthesis and assembly steps, pre-ribosomal subunits are exported through the nuclear pore complex in a Crm1- and RanGTP-dependent manner. Subsequent cytoplasmic biogenesis steps of pre-60S particles include the facilitated release of several non-ribosomal proteins, yielding fully functional 60S subunits. Cytoplasmic maturation of 40S subunit precursors includes rRNA dimethylation and pre-rRNA cleavage, allowing 40S subunits to achieve translation competence. We review current knowledge of nuclear export and cytoplasmic maturation of ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

During their biogenesis, 40S ribosomal subunit precursors are exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where final maturation occurs. In this study, we show that the protein kinase human Rio2 (hRio2) is part of a late 40S preribosomal particle in human cells. Using a novel 40S biogenesis and export assay, we analyzed the contribution of hRio2 to late 40S maturation. Although hRio2 is not absolutely required for pre-40S export, deletion of its binding site for the export receptor CRM1 decelerated the kinetics of this process. Moreover, in the absence of hRio2, final cytoplasmic 40S maturation is blocked because the recycling of several trans-acting factors and cytoplasmic 18S-E precursor ribosomal RNA (rRNA [pre-rRNA]) processing are defective. Intriguingly, the physical presence of hRio2 but not its kinase activity is necessary for the release of hEnp1 from cytoplasmic 40S precursors. In contrast, hRio2 kinase activity is essential for the recycling of hDim2, hLtv1, and hNob1 as well as for 18S-E pre-rRNA processing. Thus, hRio2 is involved in late 40S maturation at several distinct steps.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,208(2):373-378
Incubation of 60 S ribosomal subunits with the ricin A chain reduced their stability during heat treatment. The toxin shifted the thermal denaturation curve of the subunits towards lower temperatures, in a similar way to that produced by the decrease in Mg2+ concentration. A brief heating (3 min at 57°C), which did not affect control subunit activity, enhanced protein synthesis inhibition of the toxin-treated subunits that released more 5 S RNA, in the form of nucleoprotein complex(es) with protein L5 and phosphoproteins P1P2 (RNPH), than did heated control subunits [(1984) Eur. J. Biochem, 143, 303-307]. No nuclease activity tested on 60 S subunits and purified 5 S and 5.8 S RNA was found associated with the toxin. The results suggest that the toxin induced a limited conformational change of the 60 S subunit, which destabilized the interaction between RNPH and the rest of the subunit.  相似文献   

60S and 40S ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleolus and exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm independently of each other. We show that in vertebrate cells, transport of both subunits requires the export receptor CRM1 and Ran.GTP. Export of 60S subunits is coupled with that of the nucleo- cytoplasmic shuttling protein NMD3. Human NMD3 (hNMD3) contains a CRM-1-dependent leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) and a complex, dispersed nuclear localization signal (NLS), the basic region of which is also required for nucleolar accumulation. When present in Xenopus oocytes, both wild-type and export-defective mutant hNMD3 proteins bind to newly made nuclear 60S pre-export particles at a late step of subunit maturation. The export-defective hNMD3, but not the wild-type protein, inhibits export of 60S subunits from oocyte nuclei. These results indicate that the NES mutant protein competes with endogenous wild-type frog NMD3 for binding to nascent 60S subunits, thereby preventing their export. We propose that NMD3 acts as an adaptor for CRM1-Ran.GTP-mediated 60S subunit export, by a mechanism that is conserved from vertebrates to yeast.  相似文献   

The PeBoW complex is essential for cell proliferation and maturation of the large ribosomal subunit in mammalian cells. Here we examined the role of PeBoW-specific proteins Pes1, Bop1, and WDR12 in complex assembly and stability, nucleolar transport, and pre-ribosome association. Recombinant expression of the three subunits is sufficient for complex formation. The stability of all three subunits strongly increases upon incorporation into the complex. Only overexpression of Bop1 inhibits cell proliferation and rRNA processing, and its negative effects could be rescued by coexpression of WDR12, but not Pes1. Elevated levels of Bop1 induce Bop1/WDR12 and Bop1/Pes1 subcomplexes. Knockdown of Bop1 abolishes the copurification of Pes1 with WDR12, demonstrating Bop1 as the integral component of the complex. Overexpressed Bop1 substitutes for endogenous Bop1 in PeBoW complex assembly, leading to the instability of endogenous Bop1. Finally, indirect immunofluorescence, cell fractionation, and sucrose gradient centrifugation experiments indicate that transport of Bop1 from the cytoplasm to the nucleolus is Pes1 dependent, while Pes1 can migrate to the nucleolus and bind to preribosomal particles independently of Bop1. We conclude that the assembly and integrity of the PeBoW complex are highly sensitive to changes in Bop1 protein levels.  相似文献   

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