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We redefine the genus Orthaea Dallas and redescribe O. consuta and O. procincta. Two new species are described, O. meloae from Colombia and O. montana from Peru. A new genus, Neomyocoris, is created to accommodate O. arnaudi Brailovsky. A key to the species of Orthaea and illustrations of male genitalia of O. consuta, O. procincta, O. montana and N. arnaudi n. comb. are provided. Photographs of scanning microscope and habitus are given.  相似文献   

In the present revision four genera and 32 species are recognized. One genus, Paratoradjia , and 17 species, namely Adinda malaccensis, A. sumatrana, A. palniensis, A. carli, A. nilgiriensis, A. lobata, A. triangulifera, A. rudeli, A. lamellata, Protoradjia paeninsulae, P. insularis, P. montana, P. pilosa, Paratoradjia beroni, P. vietnamensis, P. sulcata and Toradjia hirsute , are described as new. The neotype of Toradjia cephalka and lectotypes of Adinda weberi, Protoradjia jacobsoni, Toradjia gorgona and T. celebensis are established. Adinda cahgarii is considered to be a junior synonym of Adinda weberi , and A. conglobator , a species inquirenda. Toradjia dollfusi is transferred to the genus Adinda , and T. indosinensis to Paratoradjia. The characters of the group and its taxonomic position within the Oniscidea are discussed: it is transferred from the Eubelidae to the Scleropactidae, of which it constitutes a separate subfamily, the Toradjiinae. A map and comments on the distribution of genera and species are included.  相似文献   

A new genus Lyalia is described in Nanophyidae and three species are included in it: Lyalia curvatasp. n. (Vietnam), Lyalia robusta (Pic, 1921), comb. n. (from Nanophyes) (Java, Bali, Laos) and Lyalia albolineata (Pajni & Bhateja, 1982), comb. n. (from Ctenomerus) (India: Assam). Ctenomerus lagerstroemiae G. A. K. Marshall, 1923 is a syn. n. of Lyalia robusta. Thus, the genus Ctenomerus Schoenherr, 1843 is restricted to the Afrotropical Realm. Kantohiagen. n. is erected for Kantohia taiwana (Kantoh & Kojima, 2009) (from Shiva) (Taiwan). A key to the Nanophyinae genera with six desmomeres is presented.  相似文献   

The classification of the genera of the widely distributed Old World tribe Pseudoterpnini is reviewed and 34 genera are recognized. Two new generic synonyms ( Sterictopsis Warren and Oxyphanes Turner as synonyms of Rhuma Walker), and 21 new or reinstated combinations are established. Representative moths of all the genera are illustrated in colour (upper side and underside), and genitalia of all genera are illustrated in monochrome (162 figures). All the known species and subspecies of Pseudoterpnini are listed (321), together with their synonyms. The Pseudoterpnini and their characters are assessed, and many genera are newly assigned to the tribe.  © 2007 Natural History Museum, London. Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 343–412.  相似文献   

研究欧洲和中国的标本后发现,室翅长蝽科Heterogastridae的小异腹长蝽Heterogaster minimusZou&Zheng,1981是地长蝽科Rhyparochromidae的红足点胸长蝽Acompus rufipes(Wolff,1804)的新异名。文中还提供了红足点胸长蝽Acompus rufipes的整体图和雄性生殖器特征图。  相似文献   

The genus Ablattaria Reitter, 1884 (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Silphinae) is revised. Four taxa are recognized as valid species: Ablattariaarenaria (Kraatz, 1876), Ablattariacribrata (Ménétries, 1832), Ablattarialaevigata (Fabricius, 1775) and Ablattariasubtriangula Reitter, 1905. Ablattarialaevigatavar.meridionalis Ganglbauer, 1899 is newly treated as a junior subjective synonym of Ablattarialaevigata. Lectotypes are designated for Phosphugaarenaria Kraatz, 1876, Ablattariaarenariavar.punctigera Reitter, 1884, Ablattariaarenariavar.alleoni Portevin, 1926, Silphacribrata Ménétries, 1832, Silphalaevigata Fabricius, 1775, Silphagibba Brullé, 1832, Ablattariagibbavar.costulata Portevin, 1926, Ablattariagibbavar.distinguenda Portevin, 1926, Ablattariagibbavar.punctata Portevin, 1926 and Ablattariasubtriangula Reitter, 1905. The distribution of all taxa is mapped, based on material examined. Geometric morphometric methods were used to evaluate shape variability in Ablattaria. Results indicated sexual dimorphism in all species. Shape inconsistency was found between the sexes of all taxa when tested independently. The first two relative warp axes indicated 65.17% shape variation in males and 65.72% in females. Canonical variate analysis separated the taxa studied. There was minimal overlap between some groups in both sexes. Differences in body shape between populations of Ablattarialaevigata from Central Europe, Italy and Greece + Turkey were also examined. Relative warps implied 58.01% shape variability on both axes in males and 64.78% in females. CVA revealed noticeable overlaps between the groups, although the Italian population demonstrated a higher separation in both sexes.  相似文献   

记述了中国跳小蜂科1新属1新种,竹粉蚧隆盾跳小蜂Clivia antoninae gen.et sp.nov.,提供了该属分类特征的扫描电镜图片.隆盾跳小蜂属Clivia gen.nov.与其近缘属花翅跳小蜂属Microterys Thomson和毛盾跳小蜂属Trichomasthus Thomson主要区别在:触角窝深,侧背方有明显的脊;上颚具两盾齿;小盾片强烈隆起.研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(4):101974
The two resin assassin bugs belonging to the tribe Ectinoderini (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) occurring in China are documented: Amulius malayus Stål, 1867 is redescribed and Ectinoderus sinicus Chen & Cai, sp. nov. is described as new. The discovery of the new species extends the distribution of the genus and the tribe northwards from tropical Southeast Asia to southern mainland China. A key to the two ectinoderine genera and species from China is provided to facilitate their identification. DNA barcodes and bionomic data are provided for the species concerned, and their conservation is briefly discussed.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A7F7402E-E9A8-4FAD-B72A-4B1C9B2A7276.  相似文献   

Tetartopeus frischi sp. n. from the U?ak Province in western Anatolia, Turkey, is described and illustrated. Additional records of ten species of Tetartopeus are reported from the West Palaearctic region, among them several new country records. An updated key to the Turkish species of Tetartopeus is presented.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8B832717-E48D-444A-9E1A-2946DA1BCA68  相似文献   

Ernst Heiss 《ZooKeys》2013,(319):137-151
As an addition to the presently poorly known aradid fauna of Ecuador, 3 new genera and 4 new species are described: Osellaptera setiferagen. n., sp. n.; Kormilevia ecuadorianasp. n. both belonging to Mezirinae; and CarventinaeCotopaxicoris cruciatusgen. n., sp. n. and Onorecoris piceusgen. n., sp. n. An updated key is provided for all species of the Neotropical genus Kormilevia Usinger & Matsuda, 1959.  相似文献   

记述中国短头飞虱属Epeurysa Matsumura1新种:叉突短头飞虱E.divaricata sp.nov.,编制了中国短头飞虱属分种检索表,还提供了成虫外形照片及雄性外生殖器特征图。研究标本均分别保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWAFU)及德国洪堡大学自然博物馆(MNHB)。叉突短头飞虱,新种E.divaricatasp.nov.(图1~15)新种因其头部(包括复眼)宽于前胸背板而与E.straminea(Muir,1919)近似,区别在于新种体呈褐色(后者为蒿黄色);雌虫体长2.29~2.46mm,翅长2.50~2.65mm(后者分别为2.7mm和2.8mm)。由于E.straminea仅根据1头雌虫而建立,因此,新种与E.straminea的关系还有待于进一步研究。正模♂(长翅型),海南坝王岭,2008-05-15,海拔126m,灯诱,门秋雷采(NWAFU)。副模:1♂(长翅型),采集信息同正模(MNHB);1♀(长翅型),2008-05-12,其它信息同正模(MNHB);1♀(长翅型),2008-04-30,1♀(长翅型),2008-05-02,海南七仙岭,灯诱,门秋雷采(NWAFU);1♂(长翅型),海南坝王岭,1983-05-25,灯诱,张雅林采(NWAFU)。词源:新种种名因其阳基侧突向两侧强烈叉开而定名。  相似文献   

Haba persica Strumia & Fallahzadeh sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Elampini), from mountains in southwestern Iran, is described and illustrated.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9D537878-6215-4874-8970-7F7DE8F57422  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the ichneumonid genus Stauropoctonus Brauns, 1889 are revised. As a result, three species are recognized. Stauropoctonus infuscus (Uchida, 1928 ) stat. rev. , previously synonymized with S. bombycivorus (Gravenhorst, 1829 ), is recognized as a valid species and re‐described. Stauropoctonus bombycivorus, which has already been recorded in Japan, is also recognized and re‐described based on Japanese specimens. Stauropoctonus aurantiacus sp. nov. is described based on a single male specimen from Yakushima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Stauropoctonus nigrithorax Lee & Kim, 2002 syn. nov. is newly synonymized with S. bombycivorus. Additionally, a key to the Stauropoctonus species and discussions on their phenology and collection methods are provided.  相似文献   

The first account of the predaceous diving beetles or Dytiscidae of Jordan is presented. Altogether 25 species are listed, although the occurrence of two of them remains doubtful. Nine species are recorded from the territory of Jordan for the first time, and the first precise locality data are provided for an additional seven species. Bidessus anatolicus Wewalka, 1972 and Nebrioporus stearinus (Kolenati, 1845) recorded recently from Jordan based on misidentification are removed from the list. If available, habitat information is provided for recently collected species. The zoogeographical patterns of the region are briefly summarised.  相似文献   

记述了分布于中国东洋区的拟花托摇蚊属Stempellinella 1新种:裸拟花托摇蚊 Stempellinella depilisa sp.nov.正模♂,福建省上杭县步云山,1993-05-05,王新华采.本种与本属已知种的主要区别特征在于肛节(第9)背板不具有中区长刚毛.同时本种个体小;触角比只有0.47.文中对Cranston等(1989)提出的属级鉴别特征作了修订.新种模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

古北和东洋界在我国东部的精确划界--据两栖动物   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
陈领 《动物学研究》2004,25(5):369-377
我国动物地理区划向以横跨古北界和东洋界而著称,但两界在我国东部即秦岭以东地区的精确划界始终没有明确的认识。依据我国东部河南、安徽和江苏省14个动物地理省2目10科17属42种两栖动物的分布资料,通过对物种相似性进行分析后表明,东部的分界呈现为一条过渡带:其北界为自秦岭—伏牛山—淮河—苏北灌溉总渠;其南界为伏牛山—桐柏大别山—淮南丘陵—通扬运河一线。讨论认为更准确的划界要依赖更多的动物类群,并从更大的尺度,进行深刻分析才能获得。  相似文献   

The small annual genera Crithopsis, Heteranthelium, Henrardia and Amblyopyrum are revised, maps showing the distribution of the species are presented and the known chromosome numbers are confirmed. The phylogenetic relationships of each genus are discussed. Results of intergeneric hybridizations including the four genera are reported.  相似文献   

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