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This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of caerulein, a CCK analog, on the different cell populations of the pancreatic tissue and their respective turnover. Rats received saline or caerulein subcutaneously and 3H-thymidine intraperitoneally three times a day for 4 days. They were sacrificed immediately after termination of treatment and 2, 15 and 50 days later. With age, the proportion of acinar cells decreased significantly whereas those of the ductal and interstitial cells increased. Although caerulein induced preferential acinar cell growth, it did not modify the proportion of this cell population with regard to the other cells. However, at specific times after termination of treatment, caerulein induced modifications in the ductal, endothelial and interstitial cell populations. The growth promoting effect of caerulein was evident from the specific increases in total DNA content and DNA synthesis. The labeling indices indicate that all cell populations except the endocrine system were stimulated to grow in response to caerulein. Furthermore, all new cells remained for at least 50 days after termination of treatment. These data indicate that caerulein induced uniform growth of the pancreatic tissue during intensive treatment. The normal growth rate of these stimulated cells was, however, arrested for the following 50 days while that of the control group cell population proceeded normally.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the effects of secretin (0 to 200 nM) and caerulein (0 to 100 nM) on rat pancreatic acinar cells cultured 0 to 48 h in serum-free medium. The effects of 100 nM secretin with 1 nM caerulein were also studied because secretin may potentiate the effects of caerulein. Cellular and media (secreted) lipase and amylase were analyzed as were cellular DNA and protein content. Cellular lipase and amylase activities significantly decreased (P<0.0001) over time in all treatment groups, whereas media amylase and lipase significantly increased (P<0.0001). Neither secretin nor caerulein affected cellular lipase or media amylase. However, secretin significantly increased (P<0.04) and caerulein tended to increase (P<0.08) media lipase in a dose-dependent manner. At 12 h, 10 nM secretin maximally increased media lipase (58%), suggesting that cultured acinar cells remain responsive to secretin in vitro. Caerulein, at all concentrations, significantly decreased (P<0.001) cellular amylase but exhibited a dose-dependent effect only at 24 h when 100 nM caerulein maximally decreased cellular amylase (34%). Secretin (100 nM) did not alter these effects of caerulein. These results support the proposed role of caerulein in the regulation of amylase but not a direct role of secretin in the regulation of lipase. This study was supported in part by grant RO1 DK32690 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

In the present investigation the effect of neurotensin on pancreatic secretion of isolated pancreatic lobules from the rat was examined. We found a dose- and time-dependent stimulation of amylase release beginning with a concentration of 10(-9) M neurotensin. This response was potentiated by the cholinergic agonist carbachol, the gastrointestinal peptide secretin, and the CCK analogue caerulein. As we found neurotensin-immunoreactive nerves within the pancreas and as neurotensin-like immunoreactivity is present in the circulation (found previously), neurotensin may well be a further peptide taking part in the regulation of exocrine pancreatic secretion either as a hormone or a neurotransmitter. Neurotensin would then cooperate with cholinergic mechanisms, secretin, and CCK.  相似文献   

In this study, the role of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) on the proliferation of rat embryonic pancreas ducts and on the proportion of insulin cells was investigated. All-trans RA (10-6 m) was added to Ham's F12.ITS serum-free medium in which 12.5 day rat dorsal pancreatic buds were cultured on Matrigel. Control explants were cultured on Matrigel in Ham's F12.ITS alone or in Ham's F12.ITS containing ethanol (the diluent for RA). After a 7 day culture period, explants were incubated with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for assessment of cell proliferation. Explants were processed for both morphometry and immunocytochemistry. The length density and volume density of the pancreatic ducts were assessed using an image analysis system. Cells positive for insulin, BrdU and glucagon were localized on adjacent serial sections. RA treatment caused a statistically significant increase in the volume density (P < 0.007) and length density (P < 0.008) of the ducts, as well as a 1.2-fold increase (P < 0.0001) in the proportion of insulin to glucagon cells, compared to both control groups. Few insulin cells were BrdU positive, indicating that cells had a low proliferation rate. The increased proportion of insulin cells may relate to the increased volume density and length density of the ducts in RA-treated explants. It is suggested that RA stimulated the production of additional progenitor cells and not proliferation of existing insulin cells.  相似文献   

The dynamics of root growth, proliferation of initial cells of the root cap, rhizodermis, and central metaxylem, as well as structural changes in the cells induced by a 72-h exposure to a high (0.1 mM) concentration of NiSO4 were studied in 3-day-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. In the roots of control plants, we observed a 12-h rhythm of changes in the length of the cells that completed elongating. Upon the treatment with nickel, this effect was negated, and a considerable reduction in the root length increment was observed in 12 h. In 24 h, root growth essentially ceased. Cell elongation was suppressed acropetally, and the cells, whose elongation was over, became shorter. In the meristem and apical part of the elongation zone, slow cell growth continued during the second and even third days. Autoradiography showed that the earliest effect of nickel on the processes of root morphogenesis observed in 6 h was a suppression of cell transition to DNA synthesis. The cells, where DNA synthesis has already started or which were in other stages of the cycle, continued to pass slowly through the cycle and completed it. Sister cells formed as a result of division subsequently left the cycle in the phase G1 and transited to dormancy. It was found that the main mechanism of cell proliferation cessation was the suppression of cell transition to DNA synthesis. In the cells elongating when exposed to nickel, tissue-specific changes in the nucleus structure were observed (chromatolysis in the rhizodermis and cortex, pycnosis in the endodermis, a disturbance of the nucleus structure in the central metaxylem). These disorders were only observed after cessation of elongation. Root incubation in 0.1 mM nickel solution did not affect the onset of cell differentiation in the xylem and metaphloem and shifted its beginning to the root tip. However, in 24 h the initiation and growth of root hairs were suppressed. It was concluded that tissue-specific nickel-induced changes in the nucleus structure in the elongating cells do not cause the cessation of root growth, although point to nickel toxic effect on the cells in the course of elongation.  相似文献   

The genus Hymenolepis contains a number of unarmed species. These frequently possess similar morphologies and are difficult to discriminate using the traditional method of comparative morphology. A parasite of the long-tailed field mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus in northeast Ireland, resembles the widespread H. diminuta which is usually a parasite of the rat. Analysis of general and specific proteins of the adults in A. sylvaticus , laboratory mice and rats suggests that the parasite found in the former host and H. diminuta are genetically distinct, though more closely allied than either is to H. nana, H. citelli and H. microstoma . Experimental analysis of the growth and expulsion of the Irish material and H. diminuta from SPF C57 laboratory mice, rats and wild caught A. sylvaticus suggests that there are behavioural and physiological differences in these taxa. Both are expelled from C57 mice though the hymenolepid from Irish A. sylvaticus persists for 3 days more than those of H. diminuta . The former prospers better in rats than H. diminuta in A. sylvaticus . Detailed comparison of the gross morphology of cysticercoid and adult H. diminuta and the Irish hymenolepid reveals differences in size rather than qualitative attributes. The occurrence of H. diminuta in A. sylvaticus is discussed. It is concluded that the hymenolepid recovered from Irish A. sylvaticus differs sufficiently from H. diminuta to warrant species status and that it has adapted to the alimentary canal of A. sylvaticus . This cestode material is described under the name of H. hibernia sp. nov.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia is attractive as a potential adjunctive modality in the treatment of cancer, especially those cancers that are more resistant to conventional modalities. In the present study, we characterized the response of two pancreatic cancer cell lines to hyperthermia alone. In so doing, we utilized and characterized a novel exposure system that heats by 915-MHz continuous wave microwave (MW) radiation, with microprocessor control of the power input via temperature monitoring of the sample and simultaneous visualization and recording of temperature parameters. Samples, consisting of cells in 25-cm2 culture flasks with 10 ml of medium, were exposed to MWs in a stripline for 1 h at MW-induced temperatures of 37, 41.5, 42.5, 43.5, or 44.5 degrees C. The specific absorption rate was 132 W/kg for all temperatures. In addition, 37 degrees C waterbath controls were concurrently run. The colony formation assay was used to assess cytotoxicity. No significant difference was found between 37 degrees C waterbath and 37 degrees C MW controls. Significant differences in the thermosensitivity of the two cell lines were found, with the most drug-sensitive cell line showing the greatest thermosensitivity. However, hyperthermia alone was not very effective as a single cytotoxic modality in either cell line. The MW-hyperthermia-induction system provided precise, automated temperature control (+/- 0.2 degrees C), and ease of utilization and data management.  相似文献   

This work investigates the effects of the long-acting somatostatin analogue, octreotide also named SMS 201-995 or Sandostatin, on pancreatic growth in function of the dose and duration of treatment. Octreotide was administered s.c. twice daily, while pancreatico-trophic peptides, caerulein and CCK-8 (1.8 nmol/kg b.wt.) or GRP (3.6 nmol/kg b.wt.) were administered s.c. three times daily. Octreotide (1,10,20 micrograms/kg b.wt.) administered for 4 days reduced pancreatic growth induced by caerulein in a dose-dependent manner. This effect, significant from 10 micrograms/kg, was more obvious with 20 micrograms/kg. At this latter dose, octreotide inhibited significantly the increase in pancreatic weight and protein, RNA, DNA and enzyme content induced by a 4- or 10-day treatment with GRP. A similar effect was observed after a 4-day treatment with CCK-8, but after a 10-day treatment only protein and enzyme contents were reduced. Octreotide by itself did not affect pancreatic size and composition after a 10-day treatment, but decreased enzyme content after a 4-day treatment. It is concluded that octreotide exerts an antitrophic effect on the rat exocrine pancreas which depends on the dose and duration of treatment and can be modulated by the trophic factor applied for a long-term.  相似文献   

The recent increase in understanding of cell death has promoted new approaches in toxicological studies, mainly those dealing within vitro systems where the evaluation of cell death has been the most widely adopted end-point in measuring the effects of chemical toxicants. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of improving the traditional cytotoxicity test protocols in order to produce more specific information on the type of cell death induced by exposure to toxicants. In particular, we characterized the mode of cell death in an established epithelial cell line, HEp-2 cells, which is frequently used in cytotoxicity testing owing to its easy handling and standardization of culture conditions. Reference chemicals for apoptosis and necrosis were selected as controls, together with other molecules that have been shown, in preliminary studies, to induce various morphological and structural modifications in relation to cell death. The results obtained show that: (a) the floating fraction of treated cells gives the clearest picture of the necrotic/apoptotic distribution; (b) morphological analysis is crucial for characterization of apoptosis; (c) more than one cytotoxic end-point is necessary to clearly identify the type of cell death. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Calsyntenins are members of the cadherin superfamily of cell adhesion molecules. They are present in postsynaptic membranes of excitatory neurons and in vesicles in transit to neuronal growth cones. In the current study, calsyntenin-1 (CST-1) and calsyntenin-3 (CST-3) were identified by mass spectrometric analysis (LC-MS/MS) of integral membrane proteins from highly enriched secretory granule preparations from bovine anterior pituitary gland. Immunofluorescence microscopy on thin frozen sections of rat pituitary revealed that CST-1 was present only in gonadotropes where it colocalized with follicle-stimulating hormone in secretory granules. In contrast, CST-3 was present not only in gonadotrope secretory granules but also in those of somatotropes and thyrotropes. Neither protein was detected in mammatropes. In addition, CST-1 was also localized to the glucagon-containing secretory granules of alpha cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Results indicate that calsyntenins function outside the nervous system and potentially are modulators of endocrine function.  相似文献   

In the course of investigating the signals associated with pancreas regeneration, we have developed a method to initiate pancreatic duct cell proliferation by brief occlusion of the main pancreatic duct. The resulting duct cell proliferation, induced by temporary partial main duct occlusion, was compared to that induced by firmly tying a cellophane strip around the head of the pancreas for longer periods of time. Both methods stimulated a biphasic increase in duct cell proliferation, with proliferation maxima at 3 and 14 days post operation. The short duration of temporary main duct occlusion (60 s) that was needed to stimulate duct cell proliferation, and the similar duct cell proliferation profiles that were observed after both the temporary and the longer term main duct occlusion, led us to conclude that the signals which initiate proliferation occur rapidly at the beginning of each procedure.  相似文献   

Isolation in a 55% yield of the low molecular weight pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor was achieved by gel filtration of an acid extract of whole inactive rat pancreas juice on Sephadex G-50 at pH 2.5 followed by desalting and ion-exchange chromatography on SP Sephadex C-50 at pH 4.5. Two distinct chromatographic fractions were obtained, labeled fraction 1 and 2. Fractions 1 and 2 showed three, respectively two, distinct closely migrating cationic bands on gel electrophoresis in barbital buffer, pH 8.6. Each fraction demonstrated one band on polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis at pH 4.6. The inhibitor is homogenous on gel filtration and on the basis of its stoichiometry with active site titrated rat anionic trypsin. Its molecular weight is approx. 6024. The amino acid composition is included. Rat pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor is trypsin-specific and interacts on a 1:1 molar basis with rat trypsin. It is good inhibitor of bovine trypsin but a poor inhibitor of human cationic trypsin and its binding to trypsin is reversible by acidification. Like other inhibitors of this sort, it is present in about 0.1–0.2% of the total protein content of the juice, and normally exists in its free form. A simple procedure for the production of antiserum to the inhibitor which is a poor antigen is also described.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on mucin secretion in the pancreatic cancer Capan-1 cell line were studied by Enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay (ELISA), and by light and electron microscopy using immunocytological methods. During the exponential growth phase, mucins were accumulated in the cytoplasm of cells and slowly exocytosed. In contrast, there was enhanced exocytosis of mucins during the stationary phase when the cells were well-polarized. Moreover, during this phase, VIP induced a dose-dependent rise in mucin content in the extracellular medium. The reaction with anti-MI monoclonal antibodies, which recognize specifically the peptide core of gastric mucins, showed an accumulation of secretion granules near the apex of well-polarized cells together with fusion of the granule and plasma membranes after VIP stimulation. Moreover, mucin exocytosis was stimulated by Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) and secretin. It was also increased after forskolin treatment suggesting that this mechanism was cAMP-dependent. Our results suggested that exocytosis of mucins could be under the control of VIP in pancreatic duct cells of the Capan-1 cell line.  相似文献   

Lim HJ  Han J  Woo DH  Kim SE  Kim SK  Kang HG  Kim JH 《Molecules and cells》2011,31(2):123-132
The mammalian reproductive tract is known to contain 1.5–5.3% oxygen (O2), but human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) derived from preimplantation embryos are typically cultured under 21% O2 tension. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of O2 tension on the long-term culture of hESCs and on cell-fate determination during early differentiation. hESCs and embryoid bodies (EBs) were grown under different O2 tensions (3, 12, and 21% O2). The expression of markers associated with pluripotency, embryonic germ layers, and hypoxia was analyzed using RTPCR, immunostaining, and Western blotting. Proliferation, apoptosis, and chromosomal aberrations were examined using BrdU incorporation, caspase-3 immunostaining, and karyotype analysis, respectively. Structural and morphological changes of EBs under different O2 tensions were comparatively examined using azan- and hematoxylineosin staining, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Mild hypoxia (12% O2) increased the number of cells expressing Oct4/Nanog and reduced BrdU incorporation and aneuploidy. The percentage of cells positive for active caspase-3, which was high during normoxia (21% O2), gradually decreased when hESCs were continuously cultured under mild hypoxia. EBs subjected to hypoxia (3% O2) exhibited well-differentiated microvilli on their surface, secreted high levels of collagen, and showed enhanced differentiation into primitive endoderm. These changes were associated with increased expression of Foxa2, Sox17, AFP, and GATA4 on the EB periphery. Our data suggest that mild hypoxia facilitates the slow mitotic division of hESCs in long-term culture and reduces the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities and apoptosis. In addition, hypoxia promotes the differentiation of EBs into extraembryonic endoderm.  相似文献   

The effect of acetylcholine and the cholecystokinin-like peptide, caerulein on the fractional efflux of 86Rb+ from preloaded isolated segments of mouse pancreas were studied. Both secretagogues evoked a marked transient increase in 86Rb+ efflux. The removal of Ca2+ from the superfusing medium and addition of 10?4 M EGTA, markedly reduced, but did not abolish the responses to either acetylcholine or caerulein. Furosemide (10?5?10?3M) or piretanide (10?4 M) reduced the basal efflux and inhibited the secretagogue-elicited responses. Stimulus-induced 86Rb+ outflow was abolished when the Cl? component of the superfusing solution was replaced by either NO3?, SO42? or I? but not in case of replacement by Br?, When Na+ was replaced with either Li+ or choline+ both acetylcholine and caerulein failed to elicit any detectable increase in 86Rb+ outflow. However, when Tris+ was substituted for Na+, acetylcholine caused a moderate increase in 86Rb+ efflux which was abolished by either furosemide (10?4 M) or chloride depletion (nitrate substitution). The removal of extracellular K+ or pretreatment with 10?3 M ouabain had little effect on secretagogue-evoked 86Rb+ efflux. These results indicate the presence of a diuretic-sensitive Na+-K+-Cl? cotransport system in the mouse pancreatic acinar cell membrane.  相似文献   

Cichlids of the genus Oreochromis are fish of economic importance in African countries. They tolerate brackish water, however, with great variations between species. In this work, two species, both from the Ivory Coast but of different origins, O. niloticus (field and laboratory strains) and O. aureus (field strain) were compared during osmotic challenges (10, 20 and 30%o salinity) in order to provide physiological support for their specific behaviour when confronted with natural hypertonic environments. Tolerance to salinity was assessed by correlated observations on gill structure, plasma sodium levels and gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity. In fresh water (FW), all fish presented a gill epithelium structure characteristic of FW stenohaline fish: no chloride cells (CC) on the lamellae and few CC on the filaments. An increase in external salinity induced the proliferation of CC on filaments, a feature typical of seawater teleosts. This change in gill structure was accompanied by an increase of gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity. In the most tolerant strains, plasma Na+ did not change, indicating successful ion regulation in the hypertonic media. With regard to potential interest of field strains in fish culture, O. aureus acclimated more easily to brackish water than O. niloticus . Interestingly, O. niloticus , kept for several generations in the laboratory, performed best in our challenge studies. Plasma Na+ levels and gill CC proliferation upon transfer to an isotonic medium may be the parameters of choice when testing these fish for their response to a salinity change.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of HCB (0.1% in the diet for 15 days) to cause early changes in the cellular ploidy of rat liver. Treatment caused marked hepatomegaly, increase of microsomal proteins and cytochrome P-450 content and reduction of hepatocyte microviscosity. Microscopic examination showed that the hepatocytes were enlarged, with hyaline cytoplasm and vacuoles. The size distribution of the isolated hepatocytes showed a larger percentage of bigger cells. Flow-cytometric DNA/protein analysis was performed on whole (fixed) cells and on nuclei. From the combined results of both analyses it was possible to exclude significant changes in the percentages of diploid, mononucleated tetraploid, binucleated tetraploid and octoploid hepatocytes. The DNA and protein content of each subpopulation remained unchanged. Our results suggest that HCB does not cause early diploidization of liver cells and that hepatomegaly and cytochrome P-450 induction seem not to be correlated with effects on total DNA and total protein contents.Abbreviations HCB hexachlorobenzene - PI propidium iodide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - DN diploid nuclei - SN 2N-4N nuclei in S-phase - TN tetraploid nuclei - DC diploid cells - SDC 2N-4N diploid cells in S-phase - TC tetraploid cells - STC 4N-8N tetraploid cells in S-phase - OC octoploid cells - MDC mononucleated diploid cells - SMDC mononucleated diploid cells in S-phase - BOC binucleated octoploid cells - SBTC binucleated tetraploid cells in S-phase - BTC binucleated tetraploid cells - MTC mononucleated tetraploid cells.  相似文献   

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