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M Bureau  R Banerjee 《Biochimie》1976,58(4):403-407
Partial volume measurements have been performed for human hemoglobin, both on the oxygenated and deoxygenated forms. Density measurements (by pycnometry) give vHbO2 = 0.752 +/- 0.002 and vHb =0.753 +/- 0.006 for the partial specific volume and do not distinguish between the two different structures. Differential measurements, by dilatometry, however, show a signigicantly higher molal volume (of about 50 cm3/mol hemoglobin tetramer) for the deoxy over the oxygenated from at pH 7. The same reaction, at pH 9, gives a much smaller increase or even a decrease of volume. The different volume changes at pH 7 and at pH 9 are not due to the so-called Bohr ionization but to the weakening, at pH 9 compared to pH 7, of stabilising salt linkages in the deoxy structure.  相似文献   

The effects of cordycepin on RNA metabolism in plants are studied at various drug concentrations (5–200 μg/ml) as a function of time. It is shown that high concentrations totally inhibit RNA synthesis. At lower concentrations rRNA and tRNA syntheses are selectively severely depressed. The drug appears to have no direct effect on in vivo protein synthesis at any of the studied doses. Thus high concentrations of the drug can be used to get informations concerning mRNA stability by measuring in vivo protein synthesis: some plant mRNA are stable for more than 7 hrs.  相似文献   

S K Soni  L A Kiesow 《Biochemistry》1977,16(6):1165-1170
The transition from deoxy to oxystructure of hemoglobin A (Hb) is accompanied by the breaking of the salt bridges formed by C-terminal residues in deoxy-Hb. This, in turn, changes the state of the heme. The switch between these different allosteric forms can be followed by changes in the optical absorbance spectra (Perutz, M. F., Ladner, J. E., Simon, S. R., and Ho, C. (1974), Biochemistry 13, 2163). Using difference spectroscopy in the soret region, pH-dependent spectral changes of Hb and its derivatives (carbamylated at both the alpha-NH2 groups, alpha2cbeta2c; N-ethylsuccinimide hemoglobin, NES-Hb) in their deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms were measured. From these measurements, the pK values of histidine-146beta and valine-1alpha in deoxy-Hb were determined to be 8.6 +/- 0.2 and 7.7 +/- 0.1, respectively. In carbonmonoxy-Hb a pK value of 6.3 +/- 0.1 was found.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a high oxygen affinity species of hemoglobin, bar-headed goose hemoglobin in deoxy form, has been determined to a resolution of 2.8 A. The R and R(free) factor of the model are 0.197 and 0.243, respectively. The structure reported here is a special deoxy state of hemoglobin and indicates the differences in allosteric mechanisms between the goose and human hemoglobins. The quaternary structure of the goose deoxy hemoglobin shows obvious differences from that of human deoxy hemoglobin. The rotation angle of one alphabeta dimer relative to its partner in a tetramer molecule from the goose oxy to deoxy hemoglobin is only 4.6 degrees, and the translation is only 0.3 A, which are much smaller than those in human hemoglobin. In the alpha(1)beta(2) switch region of the goose deoxy hemoglobin, the imidazole ring of His beta(2)97 does not span the side-chain of Thr alpha(1)41 relative to the oxy hemoglobin as in human hemoglobin. And the tertiary structure changes of heme pocket and FG corner are also smaller than that in human hemoglobin. A unique mutation among avian and mammalian Hbs of alpha119 from proline to alanine at the alpha(1)beta(1 )interface in bar-headed goose hemoglobin brings a gap between Ala alpha119 and Leu beta55, the minimum distance between the two residues is 4.66 A. At the entrance to the central cavity around the molecular dyad, some residues of two beta chains form a positively charged groove where the inositol pentaphosphate binds to the hemoglobin. The His beta146 is at the inositol pentaphosphate binding site and the salt-bridge between His beta146 and Asp beta94 does not exist in the deoxy hemoglobin, which brings the weak chloride-independent Bohr effect to bar-headed goose hemoglobin.  相似文献   

The most recent refinement of the crystallographic structure of oxyhaemoglobin (oxyHb) was completed in 1983, and differences between this real-space refined model and later R state models have been interpreted as evidence of crystallisation artefacts, or numerous sub-states. We have refined models of deoxy, oxy and carbonmonoxy Hb to 1.25 A resolution each, and compare them with other Hb structures. It is shown that the older structures reflect the software used in refinement, and many differences with newer structures are unlikely to be physiologically relevant. The improved accuracy of our models clarifies the disagreement between NMR and X-ray studies of oxyHb, the NMR experiments suggesting a hydrogen bond to exist between the distal histidine and oxygen ligand of both the alpha and beta-subunits. The high-resolution crystal structure also reveals a hydrogen bond in both subunit types, but with subtly different geometry which may explain the very different behaviour when this residue is mutated to glycine in alpha or beta globin. We also propose a new set of relatively fixed residues to act as a frame of reference; this set contains a similar number of atoms to the well-known "BGH" frame yet shows a much smaller rmsd value between R and T state models of HbA.  相似文献   

Free energies of oxygen-linked subunit assembly and cooperative interaction have been determined for 34 molecular species of human hemoglobin, which differ by amino acid alterations as a result of mutation or chemical modification at specific sites. These studies required the development of extensions to our earlier methodology. In combination with previous results they comprise a data base of 60 hemoglobin species, characterized under the same conditions. The data base was analyzed in terms of the five following issues. (1) Range and sensitivity to site modifications. Deoxy tetramers showed greater average energetic response to structural modifications than the oxy species, but the ranges are similar for the two ligation forms. (2) Structural localization of cooperative free energy. Difference free energies of dimer-tetramer assembly (oxy minus deoxy) yielded delta Gc for each hemoglobin, i.e., the free energy used for modulation of oxygen affinity over all four binding steps. A structure-energy map constructed from these results shows that the alpha 1 beta 2 interface is a unique structural location of the noncovalent bonding interactions that are energetically coupled to cooperativity. (3) Relationship of cooperativity to intrinsic binding. Oxygen binding energetics for dissociated dimers of mutants strongly indicates that cooperativity and intrinsic binding are completely decoupled by tetramer to dimer dissociation. (4) Additivity, site-site coupling and adventitious perturbations. All these are exhibited by individual-site modifications of this study. Large nonadditivity may be correlated with global (quaternary) structure change. (5) Residue position vs. chemical nature. Functional response is solely dictated by structural location for a subset of the sites, but varies with side-chain type at other sites. The current data base provides a unique framework for further analyses and modeling of fundamental issues in the structural chemistry of proteins and allosteric mechanisms.  相似文献   

The cooperative O(2)-binding of hemoglobin (Hb) have been assumed to correlate to change in the quaternary structures of Hb: T(deoxy)- and R(oxy)-quaternary structures, having low and high O(2)-affinities, respectively. Heterotropic allosteric effectors have been shown to interact not only with deoxy- but also oxy-Hbs causing significant reduction in their O(2)-affinities and the modulation of cooperativity. In the presence of two potent effectors, L35 and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) at pH 6.6, Hb exhibits extremely low O(2)-affinities (K(T)=0.0085mmHg(-1) and K(R)=0.011mmHg(-1)) and thus a very low cooperativity (K(R)/K(T)=1.3 and L(0)=2.4). (1)H-NMR spectra of human adult Hb with these two effectors were examined in order to determine the quaternary state of Hb in solution and to clarify the correlation between the O(2)-affinities and the structural change of Hb caused by the heterotropic effectors. At pH 6.9, (1)H-NMR spectrum of deoxy-Hb in the presence of L35 and IHP showed a marker of the T-quaternary structure (the T-marker) at 14ppm, originated from inter- dimeric α(1)β(2)- (or α(2)β(1)-) hydrogen-bonds, and hyperfine-shifted (hfs) signals around 15-25ppm, caused by high-spin heme-Fe(II)s. Upon addition of O(2), the hfs signals disappeared, reflecting that the heme-Fe(II)s are ligated with O(2), but the T-marker signals still remained, although slightly shifted and broadened, under the partial pressure of O(2) (P(O2)) of 760mmHg. These NMR results accompanying with visible absorption spectroscopy and visible resonance Raman spectroscopy reveal that oxy-Hb in the presence of L35 and IHP below pH 7 takes the ligated T-quaternary structure under the P(O2) of 760mmHg. The L35-concentration dependence of the T-marker in the presence of IHP indicates that there are more than one kind of L35-binding sites in the ligated T-quaternary structure. The stronger binding sites are probably intra-dimeric binding sites between α(1)G- and β(1)G-helices, and the other weaker binding site causes the R→T transition without release of O(2). The fluctuation of the tertiary structure of Hb seems to be caused by both the structural perturbation of α(1)β(1) (or α(2)β(2)) intra-dimeric interface, where the stronger L35-binding sites exist, and by the IHP-binding to the α(1)α(2)- (or β(1)β(2)-) cavity. The tertiary structural fluctuation induced by the allosteric effectors may contribute to the significant reduction of the O(2)-affinity of oxy-Hb, which little depends on the quaternary structures. Therefore, the widely held assumptions of the structure-function correlation of Hb - [the deoxy-state]=[the T-quaternary structure]=[the low O(2)-affinity state] and [the oxy-state]=[the R-quaternary structure]=[the high O(2)-affinity state] and the O(2)-affiny of Hb being regulated by the T/R-quaternary structural transition - are no longer sustainable. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Allosteric cooperativity in respiratory proteins.  相似文献   

This report employs a statistical genetic approach to analyze quantitative oxygen transport variables in a high-altitude (4,850–5,450 m) native Tibetan population and demonstrates the presence of a major gene influencing % O2 saturation of arterial hemoglobin. This result suggests the hypothesis that individuals with the dominant allele for higher % O2 saturation have a selective advantage at high altitude. Studies of the biologically distinctive Himalayan and Andean populations have greatly influenced thinking about ongoing human evolution and adaptation; this is the first statistical evidence for a major gene enhancing oxygen transport in a highaltitude native population. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The resonant Raman enhancement of hemoglobin (Hb) in the Q band region allows simultaneous identification of oxy- and deoxy-Hb. The heme vibrational bands are well known at 532 nm, but the technique has never been used to determine microvascular Hb oxygen saturation (So(2)) in vivo. We implemented a system for in vivo noninvasive measurements of So(2). A laser light was focused onto areas of 15-30 microm in diameter. Using a microscope coupled to a spectrometer and a cooled detector, Raman spectra were obtained in backscattering geometry. Calibration was performed in vitro using blood at several Hb concentrations, equilibrated at various oxygen tensions. So(2) was estimated by measuring the intensity of Raman signals (peaks) in the 1,355- to 1,380-cm(-1) range (oxidation state marker band nu(4)), as well as from the nu(19) and nu(10) bands (1,500- to 1,650-cm(-1) range). In vivo observations were made in microvessels of anesthetized rats. Glass capillary path length and Hb concentration did not affect So(2) estimations from Raman spectra. The Hb Raman peaks observed in blood were consistent with earlier Raman studies using Hb solutions and isolated cells. The correlation between Raman-based So(2) estimations and So(2) measured by CO-oximetry was highly significant for nu(4), nu(10), and nu(19) bands. The method allowed So(2) determinations in all microvessel types, while diameter and erythrocyte velocity could be measured in the same vessels. Raman microspectroscopy has advantages over other techniques by providing noninvasive and reliable in vivo So(2) determinations in thin tissues, as well as in solid organs and tissues in which transillumination is not possible.  相似文献   

244 point mutations have been recorded in human hemoglobin beta-chain, of which some change the oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin beta-chain. We use the amino-acid distribution probability to quantify these mutations, and use the cross-impact analysis with Bayes' law to determine the probability that changes the oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin beta-chain under mutations.  相似文献   

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