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This study reports the findings from street interviews on owned dogs (N = 442) in New Providence, The Bahamas. Many households kept dogs outside, and roughly 43% of households allowed at least 1 dog to roam. Dogs kept inside most likely were considered a companion, whereas dogs used for security were kept outside. With 36.1% of the dog population neutered and 4.4 puppies per litter surviving to breeding age (6 months), the population continues to produce more dogs than are required just to maintain its numbers. Potcakes, the local mongrel, followed by pit bulls, were the most commonly kept dogs. Comparison with a study conducted in the Yucatan, Mexico (A. Ortega-Pacheco et al., 2005), suggests that the hostile subtropical environment of New Providence well may be responsible for checking the growth of the dog population. The study also suggests that until less than 20% of the females breed, there will continue to be a dog problem on the island.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings from street interviews on owned dogs (N = 442) in New Providence, The Bahamas. Many households kept dogs outside, and roughly 43% of households allowed at least 1 dog to roam. Dogs kept inside most likely were considered a companion, whereas dogs used for security were kept outside. With 36.1% of the dog population neutered and 4.4 puppies per litter surviving to breeding age (6 months), the population continues to produce more dogs than are required just to maintain its numbers. Potcakes, the local mongrel, followed by pit bulls, were the most commonly kept dogs. Comparison with a study conducted in the Yucatan, Mexico (A. Ortega-Pacheco et al., 2005), suggests that the hostile subtropical environment of New Providence well may be responsible for checking the growth of the dog population. The study also suggests that until less than 20% of the females breed, there will continue to be a dog problem on the island.  相似文献   



Mass vaccination of owned domestic dogs is crucial for the control of rabies in sub-Saharan Africa. Knowledge of the proportion of households which own dogs, and of the factors associated with dog ownership, is important for the planning and implementation of rabies awareness and dog vaccination programmes, and for the promotion of responsible dog ownership. This paper reports the results of a cross-sectional study of dog ownership by households in urban and rural communities in the United Republic of Tanzania.


Fourteen percent (202) of 1,471 households surveyed were identified as dog-owning, with an average of 2.4 dogs per dog-owning household. The percentage of dog-owning households was highest in inland rural areas (24%) and lowest in coastal urban communities (7%). The overall human:dog ratio was 14:1. Multivariable logistic regression revealed that households which owned cattle, sheep or goats were much more likely to own dogs than households with no livestock. Muslim households were less likely to own dogs than Christian households, although this effect of religion was not seen among livestock-owning households. Households were more likely to own a dog if the head of the household was male; if they owned a cat; or if they owned poultry. Dog ownership was also broadly associated with larger, wealthier households.


The human:dog ratios in Tanzania are similar to those reported elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, although cultural and geographic variation is evident. Estimation of the number of owned dogs, and identification of household predictors of dog ownership, will enable targeted planning of rabies control efforts.


Results from several studies in The Bahamas, which included 511 interviews with residents and data on 776 dogs, are reported. The composition and characteristics of the dog population are described. The majority of dogs, both owned and unowned, are local mongrels called “potcakes.” The median age of the dog population is three years. Potcakes are given a lower level of health care than dogs considered to resemble a recognised breed. Many dogs have no place in the household and are able to roam. The dynamics of the owned and unowned dog populations are derived, and abandoned dogs are shown to sustain the free-roaming population. The free-roaming dog population breeds throughout the year but it has a breeding cycle longer than six months, which is probably caused by its ill health. Despite the nuisance caused by unowned dogs, residents are tolerant towards them, and over half the households feed dogs they do not own. The changes in pet ownership required to increase the welfare of dogs are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports the first known study on dogs in Port-au-Prince. Interviews with 1,290 residents provided information on 1,804 dogs. More than 57.7% of homes kept dogs. Not all the dogs received vaccinations for rabies (41.6%), even though 28.2% of households had had a household member bitten by a dog. Although the "owned" dog population had decreased as a result of the earthquake in January 2010, the number of roaming dogs appeared to have been uninfluenced by the disaster. Given that 64.8% of dogs probably had access to the street and only 6.0% of the females were spayed, to humanely contain the dog population will require both confinement and neutering. Although roaming dogs were considered a nuisance by 63.3% of respondents, 42.6% of households fed dogs they did not own.  相似文献   



Rabies is a widespread disease in African domestic dogs and a serious public health problem in developing countries. Canine rabies became established in Africa during the 20th century, coinciding with ecologic changes that favored its emergence in canids. This paper reports the results of a cross-sectional study of dog ecology in the Antananarivo urban community in Madagascar. A questionnaire survey of 1541 households was conducted in Antananarivo from October 2007 to January 2008. The study addressed both owned and unowned dogs. Various aspects of dog ecology were determined, including size of dog population, relationship between dogs and humans, rabies vaccination.


Dog ownership was common, with 79.6 to 94.1% (mean 88.9%) of households in the six arrondissements owning dogs. The mean owned dog to person ratio was 1 dog per 4.5 persons and differed between arrondissements (administrative districts), with ratios of 1:6.0 in the first arrondissement, 1:3.2 persons in the 2nd, 1:4.8 in the 3rd, 1:5.2 in the 4th, 1:5.6 in the 5th and 1:4.4 in the 6th arrondissement. Overall, there were more male dogs (61.3%) and the male/female sex ratio was estimated to be 1.52; however, mature females were more likely than males to be unowned (OR: 1.93, CI 95%; 1.39Conclusion Antananarivo has a higher density of dogs than many other urban areas in Africa. The dog population is unrestricted and inadequately vaccinated against rabies. This analysis of the dog population will enable targeted planning of rabies control efforts.  相似文献   

This article examines dog–owner relations and dog ownership in Omsk, Russia. We describe typical dog-keeping practices and reveal how diverse urban environments can influence these practices. A two-stage survey was conducted in 2014 to determine the numbers and management of dogs owned. In total, some 1,583 households at the first stage of the research and 323 households at the second stage were interviewed face-to-face. About 23% of all households in Omsk owned dogs, but this proportion varied markedly for different parts of the city. In the city's single-story area, 71.5% of households had dogs, while in the multi-story area this was only 10.8%. Dog-keeping practices were different in these areas. Significant differences in these practices were shown for almost all aspects: the selection criteria, dog feeding, veterinary treatment, dog walking, the roles of dogs, and owners’ attitudes toward them. Owners living in the single-story area demonstrated a utilitarian or functional approach to their dogs—influencing the sex, size, and the breed of the animal. Dogs often lived outside the house; they were vaccinated and taken to the veterinarian less often than dogs from the multi-story area. The owners in the multi-story area described more affectionate feelings toward their dogs. This is reflected in both the choice and treatment of the animals. We observed a larger proportion of pedigree dogs, a larger proportion of female animals, more vaccinations, and the owners making a variety of purchases for their dogs.  相似文献   

There are many indications and much practical knowledge about the different tasks which various breeds of dogs are selected for. Correspondingly these different breeds are known to possess different physical and mental abilities. We hypothesized that commonly kept breeds will show differences in their problem solving ability in a detour task around a V-shaped fence, and also, that breed differences will affect their learning ability from a human demonstrator, who demonstrates a detour around the fence. Subjects were recruited in Hungarian pet dog schools. We compared the results of the 10 most common breeds in our sample when they were tested in the detour task without human demonstration. There was no significant difference between the latencies of detour, however, there was a trend that German Shepherd dogs were the quickest and Giant Schnauzers were the slowest in this test. For testing the social learning ability of dogs we formed three breed groups (“utility”, “shepherd” and “hunting”). There were no significant differences between these, all the breed groups learned equally well from the human demonstrator. However, we found that dogs belonging to the “shepherd” group looked back more frequently to their owner than the dogs in the “hunting” group. Further, we have found that the age of pet dogs did not affect their social learning ability in the detour task. Our results showed that the pet status of a dog has probably a stronger effect on its cognitive performance and human related behaviour than its age or breed. These results emphasize that socialization and common activities with the dog might overcome the possible breed differences, if we give the dogs common problem solving, or social learning tasks.  相似文献   

Service dogs are an essential aid to persons with disabilities, providing independence, mobility, and improved self-esteem. Because of these proven benefits, the growing use of service dogs is creating a demand and supply crisis. One major cause is the 50% average dropout rate for dogs selected for training. Weiss and Greenber (1997) recently found that a dog, successful on the most commonly used selection test items, was as likely to be either a poor or a good candidate for service work. The experiment presented here evaluated test items developed by the author in 15 years of experience with dogs. The test items were administered to 75 dogs from the Kansas Humane Society. Once tested, the dogs received obedience and retrieval training. The experiment assessed each dog on behavior over 5 weeks of training versus performance on each selection test item. A subset of the selection items, combined in a regression analysis, accounted for 36.4% of the variance with R = 0.603. This research also revealed a reliable test for dog aggression without risking injury to dog or tester. Items for testing included fear, motivation, and submission. Another set of selection items reliably predicted the trait of “high energy ”commonly described as “high strung. ”Future research should involve investigating the effectiveness of both cortisol levels and blood pressure in predicting traits to help strengthen the predictive value of the tool and then testing on dogs trained to be full service dogs.  相似文献   


A conceptual model was developed to describe the dynamics of the pet dog population. The model synthesizes existing data collected for a variety of purposes to estimate the size of the various components of the pet dog population in Washington and Iowa during 1991. The total population mortality rate was estimated as 12.4% per year. Animal shelters in Washington and Iowa handled 7.6% and euthanized 4.0% of the dog population in those two states. When these estimates were extrapolated to the entire U.S. dog population, the model predicted that the total annual turnover in owned dogs was 14.7%, or 7.71 million dogs, that 4 million dogs were handled by animal shelters, and that 2.1 million were euthanized. It was also estimated that 79% of all female dogs were spayed, that household breeding could be attributed to less than one-fifth (18.7%) of the female dogs in the reproductive pool, and that the number of owners contributing to total dog population turnover through failure to retain their dog (103,453) was approximately three times the number of owners who allowed their female dogs to be bred (32,513).  相似文献   


A door-to-door questionnaire survey of 430 households in two areas of Baltimore showed significant differences in cat ownership that were attributable to racial composition. Overall, 29.9% of white households owned a mean of 1.9 cats per cat-owning household, compared to 6.8% of black households owning a mean of 1.0 cat per cat-owning household. The mean age of cats was 3.9 yrs and 1.8 yrs in white and black households, respectively. In contrast, dog ownership in the two areas was nearly identical, with 25.6% of white and 29.1% of black households owning a mean of 1.5 and 1.3 dogs per dog-owning household, respectively. Overall, 62.8% of owned cats were spayed/neutered, 51.8% had received a vaccination in the last year, and 34.7% had been wormed during their lifetimes. A total of 31.6% of households allowed their cats to free-range; 42.5% of the 87 owned cats were in this category. The estimated densities of owned free-ranging cats were 7.0 and 2.8 cats per hectare, for the two areas. Driving counts of free-ranging animals in the two areas suggested a larger population of stray or feral cats in the location with lower reported cat ownership.  相似文献   

Interviews with 509 adults in New Providence, The Bahamas, indicated that people have limited knowledge of dog care and the laws pertaining to nonhuman animal welfare. Interviews also indicated that many dogs received care limited only to food and water and--to a lesser extent--shelter. Potcakes (local mongrels) received the least health care; "breed" dogs, the most. Primary caregivers gave the impression that dogs were better cared for than did nonprimary caregivers. Although some educational messages must distinguish between those who do--and do not--live in dog-keeping households, others need not. For example, myths associated with neutering are more deeply entrenched in the general population than within members of dog-keeping households. However, all respondents had an inadequate knowledge of the law relating to dog care.  相似文献   

Canine visceral leishmaniasis is an important zoonosis in Brazil. However, infection patterns are unknown in some scenarios such as rural settlements around Atlantic Forest fragments. Additionally, controversy remains over risk factors, and most identified patterns of infection in dogs have been found in urban areas. We conducted a cross-sectional epidemiological survey to assess the prevalence of leishmaniasis in dogs through three different serological tests, and interviews with owners to assess features of dogs and households around five Atlantic Forest remnants in southeastern Brazil. We used Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Chi-square tests to detect associations between prevalence and variables that might influence Leishmania infection, and a nearest neighbor dispersion analysis to assess clustering in the spatial distribution of seropositive dogs. Our findings showed an average prevalence of 20% (ranging from 10 to 32%) in dogs. Nearly 40% (ranging from 22 to 55%) of households had at least one seropositive dog. Some individual traits of dogs (height, sterilization, long fur, age class) were found to positively influence the prevalence, while some had negative influence (weight, body score, presence of ectoparasites). Environmental and management features (number of cats in the households, dogs with free-ranging behavior) also entered models as negative associations with seropositivity. Strong and consistent negative (protective) influences of the presence of chickens and pigs in dog seropositivity were detected. Spatial clustering of cases was detected in only one of the five study sites. The results showed that different risk factors than those found in urban areas may drive the prevalence of canine leishmaniasis in farm/forest interfaces, and that humans and wildlife risk infection in these areas. Domestic dog population limitation by gonadectomy, legal restriction of dog numbers per household and owner education are of the greatest importance for the control of visceral leishmaniasis in rural zones near forest fragments.  相似文献   

Interviews with 509 adults in New Providence, The Bahamas, indicated that people have limited knowledge of dog care and the laws pertaining to nonhuman animal welfare. Interviews also indicated that many dogs received care limited only to food and water and—to a lesser extent—shelter. Potcakes (local mongrels) received the least health care; “breed” dogs, the most. Primary caregivers gave the impression that dogs were better cared for than did nonprimary caregivers. Although some educational messages must distinguish between those who do—and do not—live in dog-keeping households, others need not. For example, myths associated with neutering are more deeply entrenched in the general population than within members of dog-keeping households. However, all respondents had an inadequate knowledge of the law relating to dog care.  相似文献   

A survey in Ibiuna, Sao Paulo, Brazil, of caregivers (owners) who adopted shelter dogs assessed length of ownership, proportion of male and female dogs adopted, and owners' characteristics. It addressed breeding, neutering, vaccination, and veterinary care. It used no testing to provide a good “match ”between dog and future owner. Of adopted dogs, 58% were male. Only 36% of owners were located. Mean ownership length was 14.8 months (95% confidence interval = 12.4 to 17.2 months), estimated through a survival analysis method. Of adopted dogs, 40.9% lived with their owners; 34.9% had died (some had lived on the streets); 15.0% were donated; 4.3% ran away; 3.2% were returned to the city shelter. Of interviewees, 57% reported no difficulties with the adoption; 23.1% cited the animal's illness and death as the main difficulty. For contraception, 87 owners (46.7%) chained dogs to prevent contact with other animals; 56.5% were against neutering. Reasons given were compassion (58.1%), unnecessary procedure (11.4%), cost (9.5%), and behavior change (4.8%). This research motivated a design for Ibiuna shelter dog adoption to improve the proportion of successful adoptions.  相似文献   

We estimated the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection in domestic dogs in five Turkish provinces - Sakarya, Kocaeli, Ankara, Elazig and Mersin - using a commercial ELISA kit for detecting circulating antigen and a PCR test for detecting circulating microfilarial DNA. A total of 211 whole-blood and serum samples were collected from dogs of various breeds, ages and life status (owned or stray). Sample population characteristics were recorded and examined for differences in prevalence. Additionally, we collected 15 blood samples from cats (14 owned and 1 stray) from Ankara province and used PCR to detect D. immitis infection. Twenty-seven (12.8%) of 211 dog samples were positive for D. immitis antigen by ELISA. No differences in prevalence were observed by sex (female: 14.4%; male: 10.7%; P>0.05). The prevalence of D. immitis infection varied with age: 11.8% in younger dogs (0.5-2 years) and 17.5% in older dogs (3-5 years). Prevalence between stray dogs (15.2%) and owned dogs (9.3%) did not differ (P>0.05). Prevalence rates were highest in Kocaeli province (18.3%), followed by Ankara (14.8%), Sakarya (12.3%) and Mersin (10.5%) provinces. Prevalence in Elazig province was 0%. No dogs or cats had microfilarial DNA detectable by PCR.  相似文献   



Rabies still poses a significant human health problem throughout most of Africa, where the majority of the human cases results from dog bites. Mass dog vaccination is considered to be the most effective method to prevent rabies in humans. Our objective was to systematically review research articles on dog rabies parenteral vaccination coverage in Africa in relation to dog accessibility and vaccination cost recovery arrangement (i.e.free of charge or owner charged).

Methodology/Principal Findings

A systematic literature search was made in the databases of CAB abstracts (EBSCOhost and OvidSP), Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, Medline (EBSCOhost and OvidSP) and AJOL (African Journal Online) for peer reviewed articles on 1) rabies control, 2) dog rabies vaccination coverage and 3) dog demography in Africa. Identified articles were subsequently screened and selected using predefined selection criteria like year of publication (viz. ≥ 1990), type of study (cross sectional), objective(s) of the study (i.e. vaccination coverage rates, dog demographics and financial arrangements of vaccination costs), language of publication (English) and geographical focus (Africa). The selection process resulted in sixteen peer reviewed articles which were used to review dog demography and dog ownership status, and dog rabies vaccination coverage throughout Africa. The main review findings indicate that 1) the majority (up to 98.1%) of dogs in African countries are owned (and as such accessible), 2) puppies younger than 3 months of age constitute a considerable proportion (up to 30%) of the dog population and 3) male dogs are dominating in numbers (up to 3.6 times the female dog population). Dog rabies parenteral vaccination coverage was compared between “free of charge” and “owner charged” vaccination schemes by the technique of Meta-analysis. Results indicate that the rabies vaccination coverage following a free of charge vaccination scheme (68%) is closer to the World Health Organization recommended coverage rate (70%) than the achieved coverage rate in owner-charged dog rabies vaccination schemes (18%).


Most dogs in Africa are owned and accessible for parenteral vaccination against rabies if the campaign is performed “free of charge”.  相似文献   

This study investigates the level of helminthic infestation in better-cared-for dogs in a middle-class community in suburban Kingston. A canine zoographic study was conducted, and fresh faecal deposits were collected and analysed for helminth life-cycle stages. The survey indicated that 73% (n = 93) of households in the study area owned one dog or more (mean = 1.4). Resident's attitudes towards canine management suggested that the dog population was, in general, restricted to the residential estate, and most owners claimed to have dewormed their dogs at least as young animals. Of 141 faecal specimens, 58% contained eggs or larvae of one or more of eight helminths: Uncinaria stenocephala (26%), Ancylostoma sp. (23%), Trichuris vulpis (9%), Toxocara canis (8%), Spirocerca lupi (6%), Strongyloides sp. (6%), Apophallus sp. (4%) and taeniids (1%). There was a high level of multiple infection in the host animals, with approximately one fifth of the infected samples containing three or more helminth types. Infection intensity was apparently low, but some dogs harboured heavy worm loads.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that certain behavioral problems in domestic dogs can be triggered by the games played by dog and caregiver (owner). In this study, we examine possible links between the types of games played and dimensions of the dog-owner relationship that are generally considered to affect such problems. Fifty dog-owner partnerships were filmed during 3-min play sessions in which the owner was allowed to choose the games played. All partnerships then undertook a 1-hr test designed to measure elements of behavior commonly ascribed to “dominance ”and “attachment. ”Principal components analysis of the data produced 2 dominance-related factors (Amenability and Confident Interactivity) and 4 factors describing aspects of attachment (Nonspecific Attention Seeking, Preference for Owner, Preference for Unfamiliar Person, and Separation-Related Behavior). Amenability, in particular, varied significantly between breeds. In the study, we then compared types of games played to each of these factors. Dogs playing rough-and-tumble scored higher for Amenability and lower on Separation-Related Behavior than did dogs playing other types of games. Dogs playing tug-of-war and fetch scored high on Confident Interactivity. Winning or losing these games had no consistent effect on their test scores. If the dog started the majority of the games, the dog was significantly less amenable and more likely to exhibit aggression. The results suggest that how dogs play reflects general attributes of their temperament and relationship with their owner. This study provides no evidence that games play a major deterministic role on dominance dimensions of dog-human relationships, but the results suggest that playing games involving considerable body contact may affect attachment dimensions.  相似文献   

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