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Andre V B  Ivan L 《ZooKeys》2011,(89):15-31
Three new species of parasitic mites of the genus Neharpyrhynchus Fain (Acariformes, Harpirhynchidae) are described from Neotropical birds: Neharpyrhynchus chlorospingussp. n. from Chlorospingus pileatus (Passeriformes, Emberizidae) from Costa Rica, Neharpyrhynchus mironovisp. n. from Dacnys cayana (Passeriformes, Thraupidae) and Neharpyrhynchus tangarasp. n. from Tangara cayana (Thraupidae) both from Brazil. Neharpyrhynchus trochilinus (Fain) is recorded from 3 new host species of the family Trochilidae (Apodiformes), Panterpe insignis and Eugenes fulgens from Costa Rica, and Amazilia lactea from Brazil. Emended diagnosis of the genus and a key to species are provided; all records of Neharpyrhynchus species are summarized.  相似文献   

During the first scientific expedition to the Hoh Xil area of Qinghai, the author had collected about 210 speceis of seed plant, which belong to 30 families and 102 genera. Among these plants, 48 species are cushion plant included 8 families and 15 genera. They occupy respectively 26.7% of the total number of the family, 14.7% of the total number of the genus and 22.9% of the total number of the species of the seed plant in this area. Therefore, Qinghai Hoh Xil is the most developed area for the growth of the cushion plant. These cushion plants are morpho-structural and roughly divided into four types: Typical (spongy) cushion plant; Dense clumping cushion plant; Brevi-rhizome or collar tillaring cushion plant; and collar radial dense branching cushion plant. These cushion plants are very much adaptable to the special harmful climate and the adverse nature environment on the plateau platform of Hoh Xil. The community or the population of cushion plant occurs extensively of the various of types of vegetation are very luxurient in the Hoh Xil area. They often become the dominant community or together with often vegetation form a huge landscape of cushion vegetation. The cushion plants are the pioneers in the Hoh Xil area. Their growth cycle, from sprouting, growing, multiplying, flourishing until dying, contribute to the accumulation of soil rich in organic nutrients and create a favourable condition for migration, growth and development of the flora and vegetation in the Hoh Xil area.  相似文献   

青海可可西里地区垫状植物   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
首次考察青海可可西里地区,共采集到种子植物约210 种,隶属于30 科102 属。其中垫状植物有8 科15 属约48 种,分别占该地区全部种子植物科的26.7% 、属的14.7% 、种的22.9% 。该区是青藏高原上垫状植物最发达的地区。垫状植物按其形态结构可以划分为4 种类型:典型(海绵体)垫状植物;密丛垫状植物;短根茎或根蘖型垫状植物;根颈辐状分枝型垫状植物。垫状植物种群或群落广泛存在于该地区各种植被类型中,并且非常发达,甚至可组成优势群落或群丛,形成大面积垫状植被景观。垫状植物是可可西里地区的先锋植物,它们的存在、繁衍、发达和衰退为其它类型植物迁入生长和漫延积累了细土和有机质,改善了生境  相似文献   

According to recent taxonomic reclassification, the primate family Hylobatidae contains four genera (Hoolock, Nomascus, Symphalangus, and Hylobates) and between 14 and 18 species, making it by far the most species-rich group of extant hominoids. Known as the "small apes", these small arboreal primates are distributed throughout Southeast, South and East Asia. Considerable uncertainty surrounds the phylogeny of extant hylobatids, particularly the relationships among the genera and the species within the Hylobates genus. In this paper we use parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods to analyze a dataset containing nearly 14 kilobase pairs, which includes newly collected sequences from X-linked, Y-linked, and mitochondrial loci together with data from previous mitochondrial studies. Parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses largely failed to find a significant difference among phylogenies with any of the four genera as the most basal taxon. All analyses, however, support a tree with Hylobates and Symphalangus as most closely related genera. One strongly supported phylogenetic result within the Hylobates genus is that Hylobates pileatus is the most basal taxon. Multiple analyses failed to find significant support for any singular genus-level phylogeny. While it is natural to suspect that there might not be sufficient data for phylogenetic resolution (whenever that situation occurs), an alternative hypothesis relating to the nature of gibbon speciation exists. This lack of resolution may be the result of a rapid radiation or a sudden vicariance event of the hylobatid genera, and it is likely that a similarly rapid radiation occurred within the Hylobates genus. Additional molecular and paleontological evidence are necessary to better test among these, and other, hypotheses of hylobatid evolution.  相似文献   

Spumochlamys iliensis n. g., n. sp. was isolated from a mineral pond in an arid, semi-desert region in Kazakhstan (Central Asia). This amoeba is covered with a plate-shaped, flexible organic spongious test. The thin membranous margin of this test extends ventrally to surround a flexible ventral aperture. In its morphological features and behaviour this amoeba is very similar to Microchlamys patella (Claparède and Lachmann, 1859) Cockerell, 1911, but differs from this species and from M. sylvatica Golemansky, Skarlato and Todorov, 1987 in the lack of an additional membrane separating the cell body from the test, a feature that can only be detected using electron microscopy. The presence of this membrane is considered to be a principal characteristic of the genus Microchlamys and family Microchlamyiidae; however, this conclusion was reached from the study of only two species. The data presented show a higher diversity of Microchlamys-like testate amoebae; we therefore suggest that the described species should be included in the family Microchlamyiidae with emendation of its diagnosis, but that a separate genus within this family should be established to accommodate it.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Lobochona prorates n. sp., a collar cliate (CHONOTRICHIDA) ectocommensal on the pleopodal bristles of Limnoria tripunctata , is described. Lobochona prorates differs from the previously described chonotrichidan ectocommensal of the gribble, Lobochona limnoriae Dons on Limnoria lignorum (Rathke), in the outlines of the body and of the marginal lappets of the collar. The genus Lobochona Dons and the species Lobochona limnoriae Dons are redescribed.  相似文献   

Nematodes of the genus Ptycholaimellus Cobb, 1920 are unique in possessing a collar by which the head is separated from the body. The collar is raised from a groove at the border between the neck and the remainder of the body. The contents of the ventral gland cell are emptied in the groove in at least 9 out of 14 species. It is suggested that the amphids are located in the groove. Fourteen species are considered to belong to Ptycholaimellus . Two Ptycholaimellus species are described as new to science, that is, P. jacobi sp.n. and P. vincxae sp.n.; P. ponticus (Fihpjev, 1922) is redescribed. Ptycholaimellus ponticus sensu Stekhoven (1950) and Boucher (1972) from the Mediterranean off France differs from the other Ptycholaimellus species by its subcuticular ornamentation and shape of spicules, hence these specimens are regarded as belonging to a new species: Ptycholaimellus boucheri sp.n. Chromadorissa inaequibulba Aminova & Galtsova, 1978 is transferred to Ptycholai- mellus as P. inaequibulbus. Ptycholaimellus ponticus from Europe and P pandispiculatus (Hopper, 1961) from the east coast of North America are assumed to have colonized brackish waters independently.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Rhinodinium broomeense, a new genus and species of heterotrophic peridinioid dinoflagellates, has been studied based on morphological and molecular genetic data. The genus was found in tidal marine sand habitats in Broome, north‐western Australia, and from three marine sand habitats in Japan. The thecal plate formula is Po 3′ 1a 5″ 4c ?s 5″′ 1″″. A large apical hook points toward the dorsal side. Its plate pattern is similar to species of the genus Roscoffia; however, it differs from that genus in its much larger epitheca, narrow cingulum, which could be interpreted as incomplete, the narrow sulcus without sulcal lists on both sides, and the strong oblique lateral compression. Phylogenetic analyses using partial LSU rDNA sequences, as well as plate pattern information, support the placement of this genus in the Peridiniales; however, it is sufficiently different from other genera that the family affinity remains unclear.  相似文献   

Gibbons of the genus Hylobates likely speciated very rapidly following isolation by rising sea levels during the Pleistocene. We sequenced the hypervariable region I (HV-I) of the mitochondrial D-loop to reconstruct the phylogeny of this group. Although the results clearly supported monophyly of each of the six species, the relationships among them were not clearly resolved by these data alone. A homogeneity test against published data sets of a coding mitochondrial locus (ND3-ND4 region), behavioral characters (vocalizations), and morphological traits (including skeletal and soft tissue anatomy) revealed no significant incongruence, and combining them resulted in a phylogenetic tree with much stronger support. The Kloss's gibbon (H. klossii), long considered a primitive taxon based on morphology, shares many molecular and vocal characteristics with the Javan gibbon (H. moloch), and appear as the most recently derived species. The northernmost species (H. lar and H. pileatus) are the most basal taxa. These data suggest that ancestral gibbons radiated from north to south. Unlike other markers, the HV-I region can accurately identify members of different gibbon species much like a DNA barcode, with potential applications to conservation.  相似文献   

Nine specimens of Apus affinis (J.E. Gray) were studied at Franceville, Haut-Ogooué Province, Republic of Gabon, for the presence of helminth parasites. Two cestode species of the family Dilepididae were recorded. Pseudangularia gonzalezi n. sp. is distinguished from the most similar species P. europaea Georgiev & Murai, 1993 by having elliptical cirrus-sac, longer vagina, longer rostellar sheath and greater diameter of suckers. An identification key to the species of the genus Pseudangularia Burt, 1938 is proposed. The present study is the first record of the genus Pseudangularia in the Afrotropical Region. Our study confirms that, in dilepidids with vaginal sclerites from swifts, breaking off the cirrus after copulation is a frequent phenomenon. The genus Gibsonilepis n. g. is erected as monotypic for Vitta swifti Singh, 1952 (originally described from the same host species in India) and Gibsonilepis swifti n. comb. is proposed. Gibsonilepis n. g. is distinguished from Vitta Burt, 1938 by its highly elongate rostellum, rostellar sheath much bigger than rostellum, relatively small rostellar hooks possessing strongly developed guard, disc-shaped suckers with weak peripheral musculature and flat or convex central part, long and well-expressed neck, highly lobed two-winged ovary (lobes rounded) and presence of a band consisting of rows of spine-like microtriches along posterior margin of each proglottis. This is the first record of G. swifti in the Afrotropical Region. The separation of G. swifti from the genus Vitta (parasites of swallows) suggests that, contrary to previous opinions, no dilepidid genera are shared by Apodidae (swifts) and Hirundinidae (swallows).  相似文献   

The limited fossil record of enteropneust hemichordates (acorn worms) and the few external features that distinguish the four families have provided a challenge to our understanding of the evolution of the group and their various feeding adaptations. The middle Pennsylvanian Saccoglossus testa sp. nov. from the Mazon Creek, Westfalian D Carbonate Formation, Francis Creek Shale of northern Illinois provides evidence for the exploitation of surface sediments. Saccoglossus testa has a long proboscis characteristic of the extant genus Saccoglossus, a specialist in surface deposit feeding. The collar is as long as it is wide. The anterior trunk lacks a distinctively wide branchial region. These three features distinguish it from its sympatric enteropneust species Mazoglossus ramsdelli Bardack that has a proboscis characteristic of an infaunal deposit feeder. It is the seventh known species of fossil enteropneust, including a resting trace of a Lower Triassic fossil that has collar lips that characterize the extant deep‐sea family Torquaratoridae, and which represents a second parallel evolution of surface deposit feeding. An analysis of the seven fossils shows that the earliest Enteropneusta had a relatively simple harrimaniid‐like body plan, and that the spengelid, the torquaratorid and lastly the most complex ptychoderid body plan appeared in that chronological order.  相似文献   

A new species of trematode, Pleurogonius tortugueroi n. sp. (Digenea: Pronocephalidae) is described from the lower intestine of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. The new species differs from all other species of Pleurogonius by having a short oesophagus and oval testes close to lateral posterior limit of the body. It differs from all other species, except P. malaclemys Hunter 1961, by having an ovary between the testes; moreover the latter species is a parasite of freshwater turtles. All others members of the genus have a long oesophagus, testes placed to some distance from the posterior end, and the ovary is pretesticular. The new species appears most closely related to P. linearis Looss, 1901 but differs from it by having a different body shape, lappets of the head collar close at the cecal bifurcation level, a longer vitellarian field, different testis shape and position, ovary intertesticular, and different egg size.  相似文献   

eterachopsis was proposed by the senior author as an independent genus of the family Aspleniaceae in 1940 with 2 species. Since then much study on its morphology, anatomy, gametophyte and palynology has been carried out by Nayar, Bir, Chandra & Nayar and Chang et al., and they are of the opinion that the genus like Ceterach, is a comparatively primitive element in the family Aspleniaceae. The queer zigzag patern of cutting of lanceolate fronds appears extraordinary in the family Aspleniaceae, and also suggests its antiquity in evolution. So far only 3 species (C. dalhousiae, C. paucivenosa and C. magnifica) are recognized, the former from W. Himalayas, also known from Africa, while the latter two from W. S. China (Yunnan). However, in the past forty years the Chinese botanists have discovered 2 more species as new in N. W. Yunnan, thus bringing the total known species of the genus up to 5. The present paper is a brief summary on the genus Ceterachopsis, which will be published in detail in the Flora Sinica vol. 4. Pteridologists are also divided in their views regarding the generic status of Ceterachopsis with 5 well-defined species in Yunnan and the East Himalayas. We prefer to mintain it as a genus separate from Asplenium on account of its distinct morphological features. It is to be hoped that more species may come to light in the mountainsin N. W. Yunnan through further exploration now under way.  相似文献   

对东亚特有属-松蒿属进行了分类学订正。松蒿属特产东亚温带地区,有5种,我国全产。其中木里松蒿为1新种;黑籽松蒿为1新记录种;本文还报2个新异名。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Protoglossus is described from the west coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It lives buried in clay bottoms below the halocline where the salinity is at least 33–34 psu. Body small, estimated maximal length 1.5 cm. Collar broader than long, with a forward inclination. The thickest part is the collar region where it can be up to 1 mm in diameter. Proboscis colouration light pink to golden yellow; collar white with transversal yellow bands; branchial, hepatic and intestinal regions translucent pale yellow to golden yellow; brown intestine visible through the body wall. Proboscis groove extends through posterior half of proboscis. Nine to 17 pairs of gill openings, the size of the posteriormost successively smaller. It differs from the other European species, Protoglossus koehleri, in colouration, smaller size, fewer gill openings, body shape and proportions. It was sequenced (18S rRNA gene) and clustered within the family Harrimaniidae, with Saxipendium as its closest relative.  相似文献   

A new species of the holopodid genus Cyathidium was found on rocks off Grande Comore in a depth of around 200 m. Based on external morphology of resting animals, the new species Cyathidium plantei sp. n is described, with emphasis on comparison to the only other extant species ( C. foresti ) as well as to the four extinct representatives of the genus. Concerning morphological characters, the new species is almost identical to the Cretaceous C. depressum . A cladistic analysis of the entire family, including the genus Holopus, shares a peculiar pattern of bending of the arms, which in principle is an apomorphic character of the family and in detail shows variations within the family. In addition, stratigraphic data are used for the determination of the evolutionary direction. This analysis reveals that the two recent species are closely related to each other, and to the fossil C. depressum . from which the entire family is probably derived.  相似文献   

Petasiger islandicus n. sp. is described and figured from a demographically isolated population of the horned grebe Podiceps auritus auritus (L.) in Lake Myvatn (Iceland). This new species belongs to the group of species with 19 collar spines which possess a large elongate-oval cirrus-sac, well-developed pars prostatica and massive bulb-like cirrus. Within this group, P. islandicus appears most similar to P. oschmarini Kostadinova & Gibson, 1998, a form with similar body dimensions described from the same host, but differs in having a larger head collar, collar spines, oral sucker, pharynx, testes and sucker-width ratio, and a smaller cirrus-sac, cirrus and eggs. Two Nearctic species resemble P. islandicus in general morphology but differ as follows: P. pseudoneocomense Bravo-Hollis, 1969 has a larger body and collar width, notably shorter collar spines, smaller testes and sucker-width ratio, and a shorter but much wider cirrus-sac which is also smaller relative to the ventral sucker and almost entirely anterior to it; and P. caribbensis Nassi, 1980 has a smaller body, shorter collar spines and a seminal vesicle which is small in relation to the cirrus-sac, vitelline fields reaching anteriorly to the level of the genital pore and the intestinal bifurcation is located more anteriorly.  相似文献   

Two species of Clinostomum previously described from Australia, C. hornum from Botaurus poiciloptilus (Australian bittern) and Nycticorax caledonicus (Nankeen night heron) and C. australiense from Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian pelican), which have previously been synonymised with C. complanatum, are redescribed and recognised as valid species. In addition, C. complanatum is recorded from Egretta alba (large egret), E. garzetta (little egret), E. intermedia (plumed egret), N. caledonicus and Ardea novaehollandiae (white-faced heron). C. wilsoni n. sp. is described from E. intermedia from Queensland. C. wilsoni differs from the other three species in size and shape of the body and in the oral collar, oral sucker, intestinal caeca, caecal diverticula and position of testes. Taxonomic problems within the genus Clinostomum are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of over 90 species of mealybugs are presented (71 for the first time). The diploid chromosome number (2n) ranged from 8 to 64, but over 68% of the species had 2n=10, and 10 is considered to represent the ancestral 2n in this family. Since only 4 species had 2n<10,and 26 had 2n>10, it is concluded that in this family increases in 2n occurred much more often than decreases. The data are compared to those from two other coccid families, the Diaspididae and the Eriococcidae. Unexpectedly, in both the Pseudococcidae and the Diaspididae the frequency of species with the modal 2n is lowest among species from monotypic genera and from genera from which only a single species was examined, and increases with the increase in the number of species examined per genus.(died June 10, 1977)  相似文献   

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