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《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):466-476
In northwest Massachusetts, black-capped chickadees shifted foraging groups repeatedly each day during the winter. As a result, there was no clear distinction between flock members and floaters, but instead a continuous gradation from birds that formed relatively stable associations to those that shifted groups more frequently. Group territories were absent and individual territories were at most poorly defended, if present at all. This picture differs from other recently studied populations, where flock membership is stable and flock territories are clear. Comparison with other populations indicates that winter social structure in the black-capped chickadee may be sensitive to both winter food levels and the proportion of year-round residents. This indicates that cost-benefit analyses of winter social organization should consider factors acting throughout the year as well as the residence status of the wintering birds. The data suggest that flock size, population density and home range size are sensitive to winter food on the study area, whereas territoriality and flock cohesion may respond more clearly to the local availability of breeding resources or the proportion of year-round residents.  相似文献   

于2012年1—3月和2012年12—2013年3月,采用瞬时扫描法研究了鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区越冬白鹤(Grusleucogeranus)的昼间时间分配模式和日活动节律,分析了年龄、集群大小、生境类型和天气对白鹤越冬行为的影响。结果表明,白鹤越冬期的主要行为有觅食、警戒、理羽、游走、休息和争斗。其中,觅食是鄱阳湖越冬白鹤主要行为,占其昼间活动时间的82.94%;警戒占11.94%,理羽占3.52%,游走占1.88%,休息占0.15%,争斗占0.02%。白鹤在越冬期间的觅食、游走、休息和争斗行为存在明显的昼间节律性,其中游走、觅食和争斗行为在每天的上午和下午各存在1个高峰,休息行为在中午出现一个高峰;警戒和理羽行为则没有显著的昼间节律变化。年龄、集群大小、天气和生境对白鹤的越冬行为具有显著的影响:幼鹤取食的时间显著多于成鹤,而警戒时间则显著的小于成鹤;与家庭群中的个体相比,集体群中的个体取食和争斗时间显著增加,警戒时间显著减少;在天气晴朗时,白鹤的警戒时间显著大于阴天的警戒时间,取食时间则显著少于阴天时白鹤的取食时间;白鹤在大风天气显著增加理羽行为;在有雾的天气会显著增加取食时间,减少警戒时间。在草洲和浅水两种生境中,白鹤的游走和理羽行为存在显著差异,而觅食和警戒行为没有显著的差异,这可能源于草洲和浅水生境相互毗邻,并且具有相同程度的人为干扰。GLM分析结果表明,年龄和集群大小、年龄和生境、集群大小和天气、集群大小和生境、天气和生境对白鹤昼间时间分配模式的影响存在显著交互效应。  相似文献   

The spatial patterning and grouping behavior of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) under ranch management was studied. Activity was highly synchronized among flock members and was often initiated by several individuals, but no specific individual was always responsible. In the pasture, they were not randomly dispersed, but stayed together, and individuals did not develop specific favorite areas. They usually split into several groups. The size and composition of the group was very flexible and changed often. The group did not have fixed members, although there seemed to be certain partiality for an individual's association. In certain situations, the sheep sometimes formed a large flock composed of most members. They showed 2 types of flock formation: splitting into small groups, and assembling into one large group. They changed immediately from one formation type to another, without any particular individual's initiation. They seemed to have preference for association partners in a flock, but this was not found to be a determinant factor of subgroup composition. Furthermore a large group is not formed from the association of other stable subgroups. They seemed to be attracted by co-existence or the “flock” itself, rather than association with preferred individuals.  相似文献   

The effect of the timing of spring migration on reproductive success differs between the sexes. As a consequence, various sex‐specific tactics relating to the timing of migration have evolved in migratory avian groups. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain differential migration to breeding or wintering grounds, and inter‐ and intrasexual size differences are often considered one of the proximate mechanisms. We investigated arrival patterns in the spring by individuals of each sex, sexual size dimorphism and related morphological variables, and the relationship between size variation and arrival date in five bunting species that passed through an East Asian migratory flyway stopover site in 2006–08. Males of all the study species arrived before females, and significant sexual dimorphism was observed. Several morphological characters, including total length, wing‐length and tail‐length, contributed to the size variation. Although larger males arrived earlier, there was no relationship between arrival date and size in females. Our study confirmed that East Asian buntings display a discriminated protandrous migration pattern at the stopover site as well as at the breeding grounds. This is consistent with the view that larger body size in males is favoured due to its association with early arrival to help ensure access to the best resources and hence enhanced mating success.  相似文献   

Decrease in individual vigilance with flock size is a widely recognized pattern in group‐living species. However such a relationship may be affected by other factors, such as age and flock composition. For instance, because young animals generally lack experience and have higher nutritional needs than adults, they can be expected not only to be less vigilant than adults but also to decrease their vigilance level by a greater extent when flock size increases than adults do. We investigated this issue using data on greater flamingos wintering in the gulf of Gabès, in southern Tunisia. Flamingos tended to congregate in small single‐age flocks for feeding, but as flock size increased, flocks became mixed. We found that when flock size increased, young flamingos significantly decreased their vigilance time, while adult did not, suggesting an age‐dependent flock size effect on vigilance. However, when flock composition (single‐age vs. mixed) was taken into account, a more complex pattern was found. Within single‐age and small flocks, no difference was found between young flamingos and adult ones regarding their vigilance level and their response to increasing flock size. However, within mixed and large flocks, adult flamingos were more vigilant than young ones, while variation in flock size did not result in a significant change in vigilance. These results suggest that young birds relied on the presence of adults, and hence more experienced individuals in detecting dangers, to reduce their vigilance and to increase their foraging time in order to satisfy their higher nutritional requirements. They could also be interpreted as a possible consequence of increasing competition with flock size which constrained more nutritionally stressed young flamingos to increase their foraging time to the detriment of vigilance.  相似文献   

Animals often spend less time vigilant and more time feeding when foraging in larger groups. This group-size effect does not, however, consider if larger groups differ systematically from smaller ones: Large groups could form in different habitats than small groups or be composed of a different mix of ages or classes than small groups. We examined how habitat differences and flock size and composition explain feeding and vigilance rates in common cranes Grus grus , wintering in holm oak Quercus ilex dehesas of Spain. Flock size and composition were related to habitat type in cranes: flocks formed in areas sown with cereal crops were larger than flocks formed in set aside areas. Vigilance rate depended on habitat but decreased with increasing flock size in a similar way across all habitats. Juveniles were less vigilant than adults and showed little change in vigilance with flock size. Vigilance increased and feeding time decreased over months from November through February. Our results show that vigilance is affected by habitat but that the group size effect on vigilance is not the product of differences between habitats in group size or composition.  相似文献   

云南省纳帕海自然保护区越冬黑颈鹤的集群特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2004年10月-2005年5月,在云南纳帕海自然保护区采用定点扫描法对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的集群类犁和集群大小进行了观察.结果表明黑颈鹤夜间集群夜栖,形成较大的夜栖群,平均群体大小为67.9只(16-157,n=17):按照有无灰鹤加入,又将其分为同种集群和混种集群两种类型,其中同种集群的黑颈鹤数量占整个越冬种群的65.3%.在白昼,黑颈鹤以家庭鹤、集群鹤及特殊群体3种类型活动,家庭鹤和集群鹤的平均大小分别为2.7只(2-4,n=145)和16.1只(3-65,n=1017).黑颈鹤的集群大小并不稳定,在日内和月份间均有明显变化(P=0.000<0.05).存越冬期,最大集群形成于12月,其次为11月和1月;在日内,早上8时集群最大,随后减小并保持相对稳定,18时黑颈鹤开始向夜栖地靠拢,使得集群再次开始增大.随后观察中还发现,黑颈鹤的家庭解体过程开始于3月底,当幼鹤被成鹤驱逐离群后,逐渐加入集群鹤活动,从而使得家庭鹤和集群鹤的大小和组成发生改变.黑颈鹤的集群大小和组成受自身状况、种内关系、天气、食物等多种因素的共同影响,随时间和季节变动而发生变化,是对自身、种群和环境条件变化的综合反映.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of weather and tides on percent feeding and flock positions of wintering redheads (Aythya americana Eyton) in the Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana, USA. Flock scans (n = 750) were made on 55 flocks from November through March of 1988–1989. The percent of the flock that was feeding was negatively correlated with time of day, temperature, water level, and distance of the flock from shore, and was positively correlated with wind velocity, flock size, fetch, and wave height; birds also fed more in early winter and during northerly winds. Flocks were closer to land earlier in the winter on cloudy, rainy, and windy days when waves were high, and those flocks were smaller than flocks farther from shore. Conditions associated with reduced fetch by flocks included later time of day, smaller waves, warmer air temperatures, northerly wind shifts, stronger winds, increasing cloud cover, and rain. Redheads minimized energy expenditure by foraging during low tides and in shallow water closer to shore; they increased feeding and reduced fetch during times of high thermoregulatory demands.  相似文献   

Vigilance achieved at the group level, known as collective vigilance, can enhance the ability to assess threats and confer benefits to gregarious prey species. Examining the factors that influence collective vigilance and exploring how individual vigilance is organized at the group level can help to understand how prey groups respond to potential threats. We quantified collective vigilance and determined its temporal pattern in a natural wintering population of the hooded crane Grus monacha in the Shengjin Lake reserve in China. We examined the role of flock size and anthropogenic disturbances in the human‐dominated landscape on collective vigilance and level of synchronization. The proportion of time during which at least one individual scanned the surroundings (collective vigilance) increased with flock size and was higher in the more disturbed buffer zone of the lake. Synchronization of vigilance occurred more frequently in the smaller flocks but was not related to the risk of disturbance. Synchronization implies that individuals tend to monitor and copy the vigilance of neighbors. In the degraded wetlands, the wintering hooded crane benefits from foraging in groups and synchronizing their vigilance in response to human disturbances.  相似文献   

We studied the pattern of inter-specific association of breeding territories in a passerine assemblage of dry cereal farmland in central Spain and evaluated the role of the presence of heterospecifics in the habitat use patterns exhibited by different species. Bird territories showed a non-random inter-specific spatial aggregation pattern. We studied territory abundance variation in the three more abundant species: the corn bunting, the crested lark, and the fan-tailed warbler. Crested lark and fan-tailed warbler territories were more abundant in plots where corn bunting territories were present and vice versa, while their respective abundances did not vary with the breeding presence of the other species. We used landscape and agricultural management variables to analyze the relationships between habitat and each species?? breeding territories by means of classification trees. While the corn bunting showed a marked pattern of nesting habitat use, the crested lark and the fan-tailed warbler exhibited a much more generalist one. Corn Bunting presence was affected negatively by intensification-related variables, such as field size and percent cover of cereal crops. Similarly, the presence of crested larks was negatively related to high yielding areas. However, when the presence of hetero-specific territories was considered, the presence of corn bunting territories was the most important variable explaining the occurrence of breeding fan-tailed warblers, and the second most important in the case of the crested lark. These results suggest that inter-specific attraction could play a role in the formation of farmland bird assemblages, while adding further evidence for the detrimental effect of agricultural intensification at the community level.  相似文献   

Clinal variation is one of the most emblematic examples of the action of natural selection at a wide geographical range. In Drosophila subobscura, parallel clines in body size and inversions, but not in wing shape, were found in Europe and South and North America. Previous work has shown that a bottleneck effect might be largely responsible for differences in wing trait–inversion association between one European and one South American population. One question still unaddressed is whether the associations found before are present across other populations of the European and South American clines. Another open question is whether evolutionary dynamics in a new environment can lead to relevant changes in wing traits–inversion association. To analyse geographical variation in these associations, we characterized three recently laboratory founded D. subobscura populations from both the European and South American latitudinal clines. To address temporal variation, we also characterized the association at a later generation in the European populations. We found that wing size and shape associations can be generalized across populations of the same continent, but may change through time for wing size. The observed temporal changes are probably due to changes in the genetic content of inversions, derived from adaptation to the new, laboratory environment. Finally, we show that it is not possible to predict clinal variation from intrapopulation associations. All in all this suggests that, at least in the present, wing traits–inversion associations are not responsible for the maintenance of the latitudinal clines in wing shape and size.  相似文献   

Assessments of body condition can provide useful information on changes in the state of individuals within a population, which may in turn help to inform conservation efforts. For example, decreases in body condition over time can indicate reduced food resources. Mass and skull length measures recorded for 195 adult and 467 first winter (cygnets) Bewick’s Swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) at wintering sites in the UK between winters 1966/1967 and 2017/2018 therefore were analysed to determine whether a ca. 40% decline in numbers in the Northwest European Bewick’s Swan population between 1995 and 2010 corresponded with poorer body condition from the mid-1990s onwards. Parents and siblings were known for all individuals, allowing us to account for shared genetic factors and rearing environment in our analysis. We used linear mixed-effects models and an information-theoretic approach to test different models of temporal variation in scaled body mass index (SBMI). Within our study population, although SBMI values varied both within and between years, we found no evidence of any directional trends in body condition. Of our competing time models of swan SBMI, a model in which age-specific body condition was constant over time received the greatest support in the data. Body condition was greater for adults than cygnets, but did not vary between sexes or wintering sites. Our findings suggest no connection between the recent declines in population size and body condition. Population decline is therefore unlikely to be caused by inadequate food supplies.  相似文献   

Flocking bird species tolerate an approaching human up to a certain distance. We measured this distance, i.e., flight distance, to an approaching small boat for 11 waterfowl species. The flight distances correlated positively with flock size and species diversity (Shannon index H′) in species that showed relatively short flight distances when they were in a single-species flock. However, we did not observe such a correlation for single-species flocks that showed relatively long flight distances. Only pochards (Aythya ferina), a species with large individual variation in flight distances, showed a positive correlation between flight distance and flock size in both single- and multispecies flocks. Flight distance seemed to be affected by usage of the water area: flight distances tended to be longer for waterfowl species that use a water area for foraging than for those that use it primarily for resting. Thus, the behavior of actively foraging species may be more affected by human disturbances than that of resting species. Received: March 10, 2001 / Accepted: May 22, 2001  相似文献   

N. B. METCALFE  R. W. FURNESS 《Ibis》1987,129(S2):553-563
The aggressive interactions of Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers feeding in wintering mixed-species wader flocks could be classified into those involving food and those involving space. All observed interspecific encounters were of short duration and were initiated and won by the larger species; the majority did not involve food and were resolved by low-intensity displays. Intraspecific interactions (a greater proportion of which involved food) were also resolved quickly and were usually won by the initiator. Space-related encounters between conspecifics were more likely to be resolved than food-related encounters just by threat displays. Aggression rates increased with flock densities. However, the increase in aggression with density was dependent on the species composition of the flock: both Turnstones and Purple Sandpipers were more likely to be involved in fights (both over food and over space) with conspecifics than with other species, indicating that the aggression costs of flocking were less in mixed-species flocks.  相似文献   

Innovative behaviour may allow animals to cope with changes in their environment. Innovative propensities are known to vary widely both between and within species, and a growing body of research has begun to examine the factors that drive individuals to innovate. Evidence suggests that individuals are commonly driven to innovate by necessity; for instance by hunger or because they are physically unable to outcompete others for access to resources. However, it is not known whether the factors that drive individuals to innovate are stable across contexts. We examined contextual variation in the drivers of innovation in rock pool prawns (Palaemon spp), invertebrates that face widely fluctuating environments and may, through the actions of tides and waves, find themselves isolated or in groups. Using two novel foraging tasks, we examined the effects of body size and hunger in prawns tested in solitary and group contexts. When tested alone, small prawns were significantly more likely to succeed in a spatial task, and faster to reach the food in a manipulation task, while hunger state had no effect. In contrast, size had no effect when prawns were tested in groups, but food-deprived individuals were disproportionately likely to innovate in both tasks. We suggest that contextual variation in the drivers of innovation is likely to be common in animals living in variable environments, and may best be understood by considering variation in the perception of relative risks and rewards under different conditions.  相似文献   

Flight initiation distance (FID), the distance at which individuals take flight when approached by a potential (human) predator, is a tool for understanding predator–prey interactions. Among the factors affecting FID, tests of effects of group size (i.e., number of potential prey) on FID have yielded contrasting results. Group size or flock size could either affect FID negatively (i.e., the dilution effect caused by the presence of many individuals) or positively (i.e., increased vigilance due to more eyes scanning for predators). These effects may be associated with gregarious species, because such species should be better adapted to exploiting information from other individuals in the group than nongregarious species. Sociality may explain why earlier findings on group size versus FID have yielded different conclusions. Here, we analyzed how flock size affected bird FID in eight European countries. A phylogenetic generalized least square regression model was used to investigate changes in escape behavior of bird species in relation to number of individuals in the flock, starting distance, diet, latitude, and type of habitat. Flock size of different bird species influenced how species responded to perceived threats. We found that gregarious birds reacted to a potential predator earlier (longer FID) when aggregated in large flocks. These results support a higher vigilance arising from many eyes scanning in birds, suggesting that sociality may be a key factor in the evolution of antipredator behavior both in urban and rural areas. Finally, future studies comparing FID must pay explicit attention to the number of individuals in flocks of gregarious species.  相似文献   

卧龙自然保护区血雉的社群组织   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
1994年11月至1995年9月在四川卧龙自然保护区五一棚地区,采用无线电追踪技术并结合野外观察,对血雉的社群组织进行了研究。血雉冬季集群活动,相邻群体相遇,有驱逐行为发生。分群配对时,雌鸟长距离迁移。血雉为单配偶制,配偶关系联结紧密,可维持整个繁殖季节。孵卵由雌鸟承担,取食时由雄鸟相伴,雌雄鸟共同育雏。繁殖季节不参加繁殖的亚成体雄鸟、参加繁殖的成体雄鸟或配偶对往往也有集群活动的倾向。在繁殖季节,  相似文献   

Amongst the benefits of foraging in flocks are the enhancement of food finding and predation avoidance. Characteristics such as size, individual position, as well as position and distance between members are factors that may influence vigilance and foraging. In a study using scaled doves, Columbina squammata, I observed a negative correlation between group size and vigilance and a positive correlation with time spent foraging, which suggests a reduction of costs and an increase of benefits as a consequence of larger group sizes. Individual position in the flock appeared to be an important factor in this trade-off. Peripheral individuals were more vigilant and foraged less than central ones, suggesting an edge effect in flocks of this species. The clustering of conspecifics may be related with fast transmission of information. Overall, aggressive interactions were rarely observed; when registered, they occurred mostly in larger groups, suggesting an effect of interference competition. These results imply that predation may be a strong pressure on the scaled dove's flock formation and behaviour.  相似文献   

In group‐living animals, individuals may benefit from the presence of an innovative group‐mate because new resources made available by innovators can be exploited, for example by scrounging or social learning. As a consequence, it may pay off to take the group‐mates' problem‐solving abilities into account in social interactions such as aggression or spatial association, for example because dominance over an innovative group‐mate can increase scrounging success, while spatial proximity may increase the chance of both direct exploitation and social learning. In this study, we tested whether the individuals' innovation success influences their social interactions with group‐mates in small captive flocks of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). First, we measured the birds' actual problem‐solving success in individual food‐extracting tasks. Then, we manipulated their apparent problem‐solving success in one task (by allowing or not allowing them to open a feeder repeatedly) while a new, unfamiliar group‐member (focal individual) had the opportunity to witness their performance. After this manipulation, we observed the frequency and intensity of aggression and the frequency of spatial associations between the focal individuals and their manipulated flock‐mates. Although flock‐mates behaved according to their treatments during manipulations, their apparent problem‐solving success did not affect significantly the focal individuals' agonistic behaviour or spatial associations. These results do not support that sparrows take flock‐mates' problem‐solving abilities into account during social interactions. However, focal individuals attacked those flock‐mates more frequently that had higher actual problem‐solving success (not witnessed directly by the focal individuals), although aggression intensity and spatial association by the focal birds were unrelated to the flock‐mates' actual success. If this association between flock‐mates' actual innovativeness and focal individuals' aggression is not due to confounding effects, it may imply that house sparrows can use more subtle cues to assess the group‐mates' problem‐solving ability than direct observation of their performance in simple foraging tasks.  相似文献   

It has been argued that size matters on the human mate market: both stated preferences and mate choices have been found to be non-random with respect to height and weight. But how universal are these patterns? Most of the literature on human mating patterns is based on post-industrial societies. Much less is known about mating behaviour in more traditional societies. Here we investigate mate choice by analysing whether there is any evidence for non-random mating with respect to size and strength in a forager community, the Hadza of Tanzania. We test whether couples assort for height, weight, body mass index (BMI), per cent fat and grip strength. We test whether there is a male-taller norm. Finally, we test for an association between anthropometric variables and number of marriages. Our results show no evidence for assortative mating for height, weight, BMI or per cent fat; no evidence for a male-taller norm and no evidence that number of marriages is associated with our size variables. Hadza couples may assort positively for grip strength, but grip strength does not affect the number of marriages. Overall we conclude that, in contrast to post-industrial societies, mating appears to be random with respect to size in the Hadza.  相似文献   

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