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We tested the hypothesis that hindlimb unweighting (HLU) and the associated reduction in soleus muscle blood flow causes decreased expression of endothelial cell nitric oxide synthase (ecNOS) mRNA and protein and attenuated endothelium-dependent vasodilator responses in rat soleus feed arteries (SFA). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to HLU (n = 12) or cage control (Con; n = 12) conditions for 14 days. At the end of this period, SFA were isolated, removed, and cannulated with two glass micropipettes for examination of vasodilator responses or frozen for analysis of ecNOS mRNA and protein expression. RT-PCR of RNA from single SFA was used to measure ecNOS mRNA, and immunoblots on single SFAs were used to measure ecNOS protein content. Results revealed that both ecNOS mRNA and ecNOS protein expression were lower in SFA from HLU rats. Dilation to increased intraluminal flow was attenuated in SFA from HLU rats (Con: 88 +/- 8% vs. HLU: 53 +/- 8%) as was maximal vasodilation to acetylcholine (10(-9)-10(-4) M; Con: 88 +/- 5% vs. HLU: 73 +/- 5%). Sensitivity to the endothelium-independent vasodilator sodium nitroprusside (10(-10)-10(-4) M) was enhanced by HLU (EC(50): Con: 4.46 x 10(-7) M vs. HLU: 5.00 x 10(-8) M). Collectively, these data indicate that the chronic reduction in soleus blood flow associated with the reduced physical activity during HLU results in reduced expression of ecNOS mRNA and protein in SFA and attenuated endothelium-dependent vasodilation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that endothelium-dependent dilation is impaired in soleus resistance arteries from hindlimb-unweighted (HLU) rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (300-350 g) were exposed to HLU (n = 14) or weight-bearing control (Con, n = 14) conditions for 14 days. After the 14-day treatment period, soleus first-order (1A) arterioles were isolated and cannulated with micropipettes to assess vasodilator responses to an endothelium-dependent dilator, ACh (10(-9)-10(-4) M), and an endothelium-independent dilator, sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 10(-9)-10(-4) M). Arterioles from HLU rats were smaller than Con arterioles (maximal passive diameter = 140 +/- 4 and 121 +/- 4 microm in Con and HLU, respectively) but developed similar spontaneous myogenic tone (43 +/- 3 and 45 +/- 3% in Con and HLU, respectively). Arteries from Con and HLU rats dilated in response to increasing doses of ACh, but dilation was impaired in arterioles from HLU rats (P = 0.03), as was maximal dilation to ACh (85 +/- 4 and 65 +/- 4% possible dilation in Con and HLU, respectively). Inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS) with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (300 microM) reduced ACh dilation by approximately 40% in arterioles from Con rats and eliminated dilation in arterioles from HLU rats. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (50 microM) did not significantly alter dilation to ACh in either group. Treatment with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine + indomethacin eliminated all ACh dilation in Con and HLU rats. Dilation to sodium nitroprusside was not different between groups (P = 0.98). To determine whether HLU decreased expression of endothelial cell NOS (ecNOS), mRNA and protein levels were measured in single arterioles with RT-PCR and immunoblot analysis. The ecNOS mRNA and protein expression was significantly lower in arterioles from HLU rats than in Con arterioles (20 and 65%, respectively). Collectively, these data indicate that HLU impairs ACh dilation in soleus 1A arterioles, in part because of alterations in the NO pathway.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that increased intraluminal shear stress induces endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) mRNA expression and improves endothelium-dependent dilation in senescent soleus muscle feed arteries (SFA) by increasing NO production. SFA were isolated from young (4 mo) and old (24 mo) male Fischer 344 rats and cannulated with two resistance-matched glass micropipettes. SFA were exposed to no flow (NF), low flow (LF), intermediate flow (IF), or high flow (HF) for 4 h. Mean intraluminal shear stress ranged from 0 to 82 dyn/cm(2). At the end of the 4-h treatment period, eNOS mRNA expression was assessed in each SFA. eNOS mRNA expression was significantly lower in old NF SFA than in young NF SFA. In old SFA, eNOS mRNA expression was induced by IF (+154%) and HF (+136%), resulting in a level of expression that was not different from that of young SFA. In a separate series of experiments, SFA were pretreated with NF or HF for 4 h, and endothelial function was assessed by examining vasodilator responses to ACh. ACh-induced dilation was less in old NF SFA than young NF SFA. Pretreatment with HF improved ACh-induced dilation in old SFA such that the response was similar to that of young SFA. In the presence of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine to inhibit NOS, ACh-induced dilation was inhibited in old HF SFA such that the response was no longer greater than that of old NF SFA. These results indicate that increased intraluminal shear stress induces eNOS mRNA expression and improves endothelium-dependent dilation in senescent SFA by increasing NO production.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that endothelium-dependent dilation (flow-induced dilation and ACh-induced dilation) in rat soleus muscle arterioles is impaired by hindlimb unweighting (HLU). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 300 g) were exposed to HLU or weight-bearing control (Con) conditions for 14 days. Soleus first-order (1A) and second-order (2A) arterioles were isolated, cannulated, and exposed to step increases in luminal flow at constant pressure. Flow-induced dilation was not impaired by HLU in 1A or 2A arterioles. The cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (Indo; 50 microM) did not alter flow-induced dilation in 1As or 2As. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA; 300 microM) reduced flow-induced dilation by 65-70% in Con and HLU 1As. In contrast, L-NNA abolished flow-induced dilation in 2As from Con rats but had no effect in HLU 2As. Combined treatment with L-NNA + Indo reduced tone in 1As and 2As from Con rats, but flow-induced dilation in the presence of L-NNA + Indo was not different from responses without inhibitors in either Con or HLU 1As or 2As. HLU also did not impair ACh-induced dilation (10(-9)-10(-4) M) in soleus 2As. L-NNA reduced ACh-induced dilation by approximately 40% in Con 2As but abolished dilation in HLU 2As. Indo did not alter ACh-induced dilation in Con or HLU 2As, whereas combined treatment with L-NNA + Indo abolished ACh-induced dilation in 2As from both groups. We conclude that flow-induced dilation (1As and 2As) was preserved after 2 wk HLU, but HLU decreased the contribution of NOS in mediating flow-induced dilation and increased the contribution of a NOS- and cyclooxygenase-independent mechanism (possibly endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor). In soleus 2As, ACh-induced dilation was preserved after 2-wk HLU but the contribution of NOS in mediating ACh-induced dilation was increased.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that short-term increases in intraluminal pressure improve endothelium-dependent dilation and increase endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) expression in senescent soleus muscle feed arteries (SFA). SFA isolated from young (4 mo) and old (24 mo) Fischer 344 rats were cannulated and pressurized at 90 (p90) or 130 (p130) cmH(2)O for 4 h. At the end of the 4-h protocol, pressure in p130 SFA was lowered to 90 cmH(2)O for examination of endothelium-dependent (flow- or ACh-induced) vasodilation. Flow- and ACh-induced dilations were blunted in old p90 SFA relative to young p90 SFA. Pretreatment with increased pressure (p130) improved flow- and ACh-induced dilations in old SFA, such that vasodilator responses were similar to those in young SFA. In the presence of N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA) or l-NNA + indomethacin (Indo), flow-induced dilation was inhibited in old p130 SFA, such that the response was not greater than the response in old p90 SFA. In old p130 SFA, ACh-induced dilation was inhibited by l-NNA + Indo (not l-NNA alone). In a separate experiment, SFA were pressurized at 70, 90, 110, or 130 cmH(2)O for 4 h, and eNOS mRNA and protein content were assessed. Increased pressure induced eNOS mRNA expression in young (not old) SFA. eNOS protein content was not altered in young or old SFA. These results indicate that short-term increases in intraluminal pressure improve endothelium-dependent dilation in senescent SFA, in part by enhancing NO bioavailability; however, the beneficial effect was not associated with increased eNOS expression.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that endothelium-dependent dilation in soleus muscle feed arteries (SFA) is impaired by aging due to attenuated nitric oxide (NO)-mediated vasodilation. SFA were isolated from young (4 mo) and old (24 mo) male Fischer 344 rats and cannulated with two glass micropipettes for examination of endothelium-dependent [flow or acetylcholine (ACh)] and endothelium-independent [sodium nitroprusside (SNP)] vasodilator function. Flow- and ACh-induced dilation was significantly attenuated by age, whereas dilation to SNP was not compromised. To determine the mechanism(s) by which aging affected dilator responses to flow and ACh, dilation was assessed in the presence of Nomega-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA; to inhibit NO synthase), indomethacin (Indo; to inhibit cyclooxygenase), and L-NNA + Indo. In the presence of L-NNA, Indo, or L-NNA + Indo, flow-induced dilation was inhibited in young SFA, resulting in a response to flow that was no longer greater than old SFA. In the presence of L-NNA or Indo, ACh-induced dilation was not significantly inhibited in young or old SFA; however, double blockade with L-NNA + Indo inhibited ACh-induced dilation in young SFA such that the response to ACh was no longer greater than old SFA. Collectively, these data indicate that aging impairs vasodilator responses in SFA by attenuating NO- and prostacyclin-mediated, endothelium-dependent, dilation.  相似文献   

Our objective was to test the hypothesis that short-term exercise training (STR) of pigs increases endothelium-dependent dilation (EDD) of coronary arteries but not coronary arterioles. Female Yucatan miniature swine ran on a treadmill for 1 h, at 3.5 mph, twice daily for 7 days (STR; n = 28). Skeletal muscle citrate synthase activity was increased in STR compared with sedentary controls (Sed; n = 26). Vasoreactivity was evaluated in isolated segments of conduit arteries (1-2 mm ID, 3-4 mm length) mounted on myographs and in arterioles (50-100 microm ID) isolated and cannulated with micropipettes with intraluminal pressure set at 60 cmH(2)O. EDD was assessed by examining responses to increasing concentrations of bradykinin (BK) (conduit arteries 10(-12)-10(-6) M and arterioles 10(-13)-10(-6) M). There were no differences in maximal EDD or BK sensitivity of coronary arterioles from Sed and STR hearts. In contrast, sensitivity of conduit arteries (precontracted with PGF(2alpha)) to BK was increased significantly (P < 0.05) in STR (EC(50), 2.33 +/- 0.62 nM, n = 12) compared with Sed animals (EC(50), 3.88 +/- 0.62 nM, n = 13). Immunoblot analysis revealed that coronary arteries from STR and Sed animals had similar levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). In contrast, eNOS protein was increased in STR aortic endothelial cells. Neither protein nor mRNA levels of eNOS were different in coronary arterioles from STR compared with Sed animals. STR did not alter expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) protein in any artery examined. We conclude that pigs exhibit increases in EDD of conduit arteries, but not in coronary arterioles, at the onset of exercise training. These adaptations in pigs do not appear to be mediated by alterations in eNOS or SOD-1 expression.  相似文献   

Hindlimb unweighting is a commonly used model to study skeletal muscle atrophy associated with disuse and exposure to microgravity. However, a discrepancy in findings between single fibers and whole muscle has been observed. In unweighted solei, specific tension deficits are greater in whole muscle than in single fibers. Also, metabolic enzyme activity when normalized per gram of mass is depressed in whole muscle but not in single fibers. These observations suggest that soleus muscle interstitial fluid volume may be elevated with atrophy caused by unweighting in rats. The purpose of this study was to determine if soleus muscle atrophy induced by unweighting is accompanied by alterations in muscle interstitial fluid volume and to calculate the effect of any such alterations on the muscle specific tension (N/cm2 muscle cross-sectional area). Nine female Wistar rats (200 g) were hindlimb unweighted (HU) by tail suspension. Soleus muscles were studied after 28 days and compared with those from five age-matched control (C) rats. Interstitial fluid volume ([3H]inulin space) and maximum tetanic tension (Po) were measured in vitro at 25 degrees C. Soleus muscles atrophied 58% because of unweighting (C = 147.8 +/- 2.3 mg; HU = 62.3 +/- 3.6 mg, P less than 0.001). Relative muscle interstitial fluid volume increased 107% in HU rats (35.5 +/- 2.8 microliters/100 mg wet mass) compared with the control value of 17.2 +/- 0.5 microliters/100 mg (P less than 0.001); however, absolute interstitial fluid volume (microliters) was unchanged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms responsible for the adaptation and changes in the capillary network of hindlimb unweighting (HU)-induced atrophied skeletal muscle, especially the coupling between functional and structural alterations of intercapillary anastomoses and tortuosity of capillaries. We hypothesized that muscle atrophy by HU leads to the apoptotic regression of the capillaries and intercapillary anastomoses with their functional alteration in hemodynamics. To clarify the three-dimensional architecture of the capillary network, contrast medium-injected rat soleus muscles were visualized clearly using a confocal laser scanning microscope, and sections were stained by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) and with anti-von Willebrand factor. In vivo, the red blood cell velocity of soleus muscle capillaries were determined with a pencil-lens intravital microscope brought into direct contact with the soleus surface. After HU, the total muscle mass, myofibril protein mass, and slow-type myosin heavy chain content were significantly lower. The number of capillaries paralleling muscle fiber and red blood cells velocity were higher in atrophied soleus. However, the mean capillary volume and capillary luminal diameter were significantly smaller after HU than in the age-matched control group. In addition, we found that the number of anastomoses and the tortuosity were significantly lower and TUNEL-positive endothelial cells were observed in atrophied soleus muscles, especially the anastomoses and/or tortuous capillaries. These results indicate that muscle atrophy by HU generates structural alterations in the capillary network, and apoptosis appears to occur in the endothelial cell of the muscle capillaries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the decreased capacity for glucose transport in the denervated rat soleus and the increased capacity for glucose transport in the unweighted rat soleus are related to changes in the expression of the regulatable glucose transporter protein in skeletal muscle (GLUT-4). One day after sciatic nerve sectioning, when decreases in the stimulation of soleus 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) uptake by insulin (-51%, P less than 0.001), contractions (-29%, P less than 0.05), or insulin and contractions in combination (-40%, P less than 0.001) were observed, there was a slight (-18%, NS) decrease in GLUT-4 protein. By day 3 of denervation, stimulation of 2-DG uptake by insulin (-74%, P less than 0.001), contractions (-31%, P less than 0.001), or the two stimuli in combination (-59%, P less than 0.001), as well as GLUT-4 protein (-52%, P less than 0.001), was further reduced. Soleus muscle from hindlimb-suspended rats, which develops an enhanced capacity for insulin-stimulated glucose transport, showed muscle atrophy similar to denervated soleus but, in contrast, displayed substantial increases in GLUT-4 protein after 3 (+35%, P less than 0.05) and 7 days (+107%, P less than 0.001). These results indicate that altered GLUT-4 expression may be a major contributor to the changes in insulin-stimulated glucose transport that are observed with denervation and unweighting. We conclude that muscle activity is an important factor in the regulation of GLUT-4 expression in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

This investigation compared how hindlimbunweighting (HU) affected the contractile function of single soleusmuscle fibers from 12- and 30-mo-old Fischer 344 Brown Norway F1 Hybridrats. After 1 wk of HU, functional properties of singlepermeabilized fibers were studied, and, subsequently, the fiber typewas established by myosin heavy chain (MHC) analysis. After HU, therelative mass of soleus declined by 12 and 19% and the relative massof the gastrocnemius declined by 15 and 13% in 12- and 30-mo-oldanimals, respectively. In 12-mo-old animals, the peak active force(5.0 ± 0.2 ×104 vs. 3.8 ± 0.2 ×104 N) and thepeak specific tension (92 ± 4 vs. 78 ± 3 kN/m2) were significantlyreduced in the MHC type I fibers by 24 and 15%, respectively. In30-mo-old animals, the peak active force declined by 40% (4.7 ± 0.2 ×104vs. 2.8 ± 0. 3 ×104 N) and the peakspecific tension declined by 30% (79 ± 5 vs. 55 ± 4 kN/m2). The maximal unloadedshortening velocity of the MHC type I fibers increased in 12-mo-oldanimals (from 1.65 ± 0.12 to 2.59 ± 0.26 fiber lengths/s) andin 30-mo-old animals (from 0.90 ± 0.09 to 1.50 ± 0.10 fiberlengths/s) after HU. Collectively, these data suggest thatthe effects of HU on single soleus skeletal muscle fiber function occurin both age groups; however, the single MHC type I fibers from theolder animals show greater changes than do single MHC type I fibersfrom younger animals.


Elevated plasma levels of fat-derived signaling molecules are associated with obesity, vascular endothelial dysfunction, and coronary heart disease; however, little is known about their direct coronary vascular effects. Accordingly, we examined mechanisms by which one adipokine, resistin, affects coronary vascular tone and endothelial function. Studies were conducted in anesthetized dogs and isolated coronary artery rings. Resistin did not change coronary blood flow, mean arterial pressure, or heart rate. Resistin had no effect on acetylcholine-induced relaxation of artery rings; however, resistin did impair bradykinin-induced relaxation. Selective impairment was also observed in vivo, as resistin attenuated vasodilation to bradykinin but not to acetylcholine. Resistin had no effect on dihydroethidium fluorescence, an indicator of superoxide (O(2)(-)) production, and the inhibitory effect of resistin on bradykinin-induced relaxation persisted in the presence of Tempol, a superoxide dismutase mimetic. To determine whether resistin impaired production of and/or responses to nitric oxide (NO) or prostaglandins (e.g., prostacyclin; PGI(2)), we performed experiments with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) and indomethacin. The effect of resistin to attenuate bradykinin-induced vasodilation persisted in the presence of L-NAME or indomethacin, suggesting resistin may act at a cell signaling point upstream of NO or PGI(2) production. Resistin-induced endothelial dysfunction is not generalized, and it is not consistent with effects mediated by O(2)(-) or interference with NO or PGI(2) signaling. The site of the resistin-induced impairment is unknown but may be at the bradykinin receptor or a closely associated signal transduction machinery proximal to NO synthase or cyclooxygenase.  相似文献   

Tang YB  Wang QL  Zhu BY  Huang HL  Liao DF 《生理学报》2005,57(3):373-378
观察金雀异黄酮(genistein)替代治疗对卵巢切除大鼠心肌中一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)和内皮型一氧化氮合酶(endothelial nitric oxide synthase,eNOS)的影响.成年雌性Sprague-Dawley大鼠经双侧卵巢切除术,假手术组作为对照,术后三周将行卵巢切除术的大鼠随机分为低剂量genistein(0.5 mg/kg·d1)、高剂量genistein(5.0 mg/kg·d-1)、17-β雌二醇(0.1 mg/kg·d-1)和模型组(100μl/d芝麻油),各组均皮下注射给药并给予不含大豆的饲料喂养6周,测定大鼠尾动脉血压、心率,麻醉后放血处死大鼠称量子宫重量;放免法检测血浆中总雌二醇,亚硝酸还原酶法检测心肌匀浆中NO,Western blot检测心肌中eNOS的表达以及eNOS的调节蛋白小凹蛋白-1(caveolin-1)和钙调素(calmodulin)的表达情况.结果显示各组间大鼠血压无显著性差异,同17-β雌二醇一样,genistein能呈剂量依赖性地增加心肌组织中eNOS表达量和NO生成,同时genistein能明显降低内源性eNOS活性抑制物caveolin-1的表达,而不影响eNOS活性正性调节蛋白钙调素的表达.与溶媒对照组比较,0.5 mg/kg·d-1的genistein不增加子宫重量,5.0 mg/kg·d-1的genistein增加子宫重量3倍,但较17-β雌二醇(增加6倍)的作用小(P<0.01).上述结果提示,植物雌激素genistein剂量依赖性地上调心肌组织eNOS的活性并增加NO的生成,减少抑制eNOS活性的小凹蛋白-1表达.  相似文献   

Distinguishing gastrocnemius and soleus muscle function is relevant for treating gait disorders in which abnormal plantarflexor activity may contribute to pathological movement patterns. Our objective was to use experimental and computational analysis to determine the influence of gastrocnemius and soleus activity on lower limb movement, and determine if anatomical variability of the gastrocnemius affected its function. Our hypothesis was that these muscles exhibit distinct functions, with the gastrocnemius inducing limb flexion and the soleus inducing limb extension. To test this hypothesis, the gastrocnemius or soleus of 20 healthy participants was electrically stimulated for brief periods (90 ms) during mid- or terminal stance of a random gait cycle. Muscle function was characterized by the induced change in sagittal pelvis, hip, knee, and ankle angles occurring during the 200 ms after stimulation onset. Results were corroborated with computational forward dynamic gait models, by perturbing gastrocnemius or soleus activity during similar portions of the gait cycle. Mid- and terminal stance gastrocnemius stimulation induced posterior pelvic tilt, hip flexion and knee flexion. Mid-stance gastrocnemius stimulation also induced ankle dorsiflexion. In contrast mid-stance soleus stimulation induced anterior pelvic tilt, knee extension and plantarflexion, while late-stance soleus stimulation induced relatively little change in motion. Model predictions of induced hip, knee, and ankle motion were generally in the same direction as those of the experiments, though the gastrocnemius? results were shown to be quite sensitive to its knee-to-ankle moment arm ratio.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that age-related endothelial dysfunction in rat soleus muscle feed arteries (SFA) is mediated in part by NAD(P)H oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS). SFA from young (4 mo) and old (24 mo) Fischer 344 rats were isolated and cannulated for examination of vasodilator responses to flow and acetylcholine (ACh) in the absence or presence of a superoxide anion (O(2)(-)) scavenger (Tempol; 100 μM) or an NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor (apocynin; 100 μM). In the absence of inhibitors, flow- and ACh-induced dilations were attenuated in SFA from old rats compared with young rats. Tempol and apocynin improved flow- and ACh-induced dilation in SFA from old rats. In SFA from young rats, Tempol and apocynin had no effect on flow-induced dilation, and apocynin attenuated ACh-induced dilation. To determine the role of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), dilator responses were assessed in the absence and presence of catalase (100 U/ml) or PEG-catalase (200 U/ml). Neither H(2)O(2) scavenger altered flow-induced dilation, whereas both H(2)O(2) scavengers blunted ACh-induced dilation in SFA from young rats. In old SFA, catalase improved flow-induced dilation whereas PEG-catalase improved ACh-induced dilation. Compared with young SFA, in response to exogenous H(2)O(2) and NADPH, old rats exhibited blunted dilation and constriction, respectively. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the NAD(P)H oxidase subunit gp91phox protein content was greater in old SFA compared with young. These results suggest that NAD(P)H oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species contribute to impaired endothelium-dependent dilation in old SFA.  相似文献   

The expression of five myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms was analyzed in the rat soleus (Sol) and the deep and superficial medial gastrocnemius (dGM, sGM) muscle after 2 and 4 wk of TTX paralysis by using immunohistochemical techniques. In Sol, after 4 wk of paralysis, fibers containing type I MHC were either pure type I (14%) or also contained developmental (D; 76%), IIa (26%), or IIx (18%) MHC. Values for corresponding fibers in dGM were 8.5, 65, 38, and 22%. Also, by 4 wk an increase was seen in the proportions of fibers expressing IIa MHC in Sol (from 16 to 38%) and dGM (from 24 to 74%). In a region of sGM in control muscles containing pure IIb fibers, a major proportion (86%) remained pure after 4 wk of paralysis, with the remainder coexpressing IIb and IIx. The results indicate that TTX-induced muscle paralysis results in an increase in fibers containing multiple MHC isoforms and that the D isoform appears in a major proportion of these hybrid fibers.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) were administered the red wine polyphenol resveratrol in drinking water at 0, 0.448, or 4.48 mg/l (control, low, or high, respectively) for 28 days. The low dosage was chosen to mimic moderate red wine consumption. After the treatment period, thoracic aorta rings were excised for in vitro assessment of vasomotor function. Chronic resveratrol significantly improved endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine (Ach), increasing maximal values to 80.8% +/- 5.2% and 80.8% +/- 5.0% in low and high groups, respectively, compared with 60.7% +/- 1.4% in controls (P<0.01). This treatment effect was eliminated in the presence of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) blocker N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Resveratrol did not affect relaxation to sodium nitroprusside or systolic blood pressure in SHRs. In contrast to the SHR results, chronic resveratrol in Sprague Dawley rats did not affect vasomotor function in aorta rings in response to Ach. Hydrogen peroxide was reduced in the SHR thoracic aorta by a high dosage of resveratrol (P<0.05), but it was not significantly altered in other tissues tested. Thoracic aorta immunoblots revealed no significant treatment effects in SHRs on eNOS, superoxide dismutases 1 and 2, gp91phox, or Hsp90. Thus, these data provide novel evidence of improved endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in hypertensive, but not normotensive, animals as a result of chronic resveratrol consumption mimicking dosages resulting from moderate red wine consumption. This response was not dependent on increases in eNOS expression but was dependent on improved NO bioavailability.  相似文献   

The Hoffmann (H) reflex and motor (M) response were studied in soleus and gastrocnemius during voluntary contraction in eight male volunteers. AIMS: To determine if the strength of spindle input to the muscles is the same. To assess if the M response size changes during contraction. RESULTS: The size of the maximum M response (M max) changed during contraction in each subject. Hence, all H reflex measurements were normalized to the M max at each level of contraction for each subject. The largest H/M max was bigger in soleus than gastrocnemius at every contraction level. The overall largest H/M max for soleus (97%) and gastrocnemius (55%) were achieved at 40 and 100% maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), respectively. CONCLUSION: Soleus receives greater spindle feedback than the gastrocnemius both at rest and during voluntary contraction.  相似文献   

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