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YopE, a type III secreted effector of Yersinia, is a GTPase Activating Protein for Rac1 and RhoA whose catalytic activity is critical for virulence. We found that YopE also inhibited reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and inactivated Rac2. How YopE distinguishes among its targets and which specific targets are critical for Yersinia survival in different tissues are unknown. A screen identifying YopE mutants in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis that interact with different Rho GTPases showed that YopE residues at positions 102, 106, 109 and 156 discern among switch I and II regions of Rac1, Rac2 and RhoA. Two mutants, which expressed YopE alleles with different antiphagocytic, ROS‐inhibitory and cell‐rounding activities, YptbL109A and YptbESptP, were studied in animal infections. Inhibition of both phagocytosis and ROS production were required for splenic colonization, whereas fewer YopE activities were required for Peyer's patch colonization. This study shows that Y. pseudotuberculosis encounters multiple host defences in different tissues and uses distinct YopE activities to disable them.  相似文献   

YopE of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis inactivates three members of the small RhoGTPase family (RhoA, Rac1 and Cdc42) in vitro and mutation of a critical arginine abolishes both in vitro GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity and cytotoxicity towards HeLa cells, and renders the pathogen avirulent in a mouse model. To understand the functional role of YopE, in vivo studies of the GAP activity in infected eukaryotic cells were conducted. Wild-type YopE inactivated Rac1 as early as 5 min after infection whereas RhoA was down regulated about 30 min after infection. No effect of YopE was found on the activation state of Cdc42 in Yersinia-infected cells. Single-amino-acid substitution mutants of YopE revealed two different phenotypes: (i) mutants with significantly lowered in vivo GAP activity towards RhoA and Rac1 displaying full virulence in mice, and (ii) avirulent mutants with wild-type in vivo GAP activity towards RhoA and Rac1. Our results show that Cdc42 is not an in vivo target for YopE and that YopE interacts preferentially with Rac1, and to a lesser extent with RhoA, during in vivo conditions. Surprisingly, we present results suggesting that these interactions are not a prerequisite to establish infection in mice. Finally, we show that avirulent yopE mutants translocate YopE in about sixfold higher amount compared with wild type. This raises the question whether YopE's primary function is to sense the level of translocation rather than being directly involved in downregulation of the host defence.  相似文献   

Many gram-negative bacteria use type III secretion systems to translocate effector proteins into host cells. These effectors interfere with cellular functions in a highly regulated manner resulting in effects that are beneficial for the bacteria. The pathogen Yersinia can resist phagocytosis by eukaryotic cells by translocating Yop effectors into the target cell cytoplasm. This is called antiphagocytosis, and constitutes an important virulence feature of this pathogen since it allows survival in immune cell rich lymphoid organs. We show here that the virulence protein YopK has a role in orchestrating effector translocation necessary for productive antiphagocytosis. We present data showing that YopK influences Yop effector translocation by modulating the ratio of the pore-forming proteins YopB and YopD in the target cell membrane. Further, we show that YopK that can interact with the translocators, is exposed inside target cells and binds to the eukaryotic signaling protein RACK1. This protein is engaged upon Y. pseudotuberculosis-mediated β1-integrin activation and localizes to phagocytic cups. Cells with downregulated RACK1 levels are protected from antiphagocytosis. This resistance is not due to altered levels of translocated antiphagocytic effectors, and cells with reduced levels of RACK1 are still sensitive to the later occurring cytotoxic effect caused by the Yop effectors. Further, a yopK mutant unable to bind RACK1 shows an avirulent phenotype during mouse infection, suggesting that RACK1 targeting by YopK is a requirement for virulence. Together, our data imply that the local event of Yersinia-mediated antiphagocytosis involves a step where YopK, by binding RACK1, ensures an immediate specific spatial delivery of antiphagocytic effectors leading to productive inhibition of phagocytosis.  相似文献   

The YopE cytotoxin of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is an essential virulence determinant that is injected into the eukaryotic target cell via a plasmid-encoded type III secretion system. Injection of YopE into eukaryotic cells induces depolymerization of actin stress fibres. Here, we show that YopE exhibits a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity and that the presence of YopE stimulates downregulation of Rho, Rac and Cdc42 activity. YopE has an arginine finger motif showing homology with those found in other GAP proteins. Exchange of arginine 144 with alanine, located in this arginine finger motif, results in an inactive form of YopE that can no longer stimulate GTP hydrolysis by the GTPase. Furthermore, a yopE(R144A) mutant is unable to induce cytotoxicity on cultured HeLa cells in contrast to the corresponding wild-type strain. Expression of wild-type YopE in cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae inhibits growth, while in contrast, expression of the inactive form of YopE, YopE(R144A), does not affect the yeast cells. Co-expression of proteins belonging to the Rho1 pathway of yeast, Rho1, Rom2p, Bck1 and Ste20, suppressed the growth phenotype of YopE in yeast cells. These results provide evidence that YopE exhibits a GAP activity to inactivate RhoGTPases, leading to depolymerization of the actin stress fibres in eukaryotic cells and growth inhibition in yeast.  相似文献   

One important feature of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis that enables resistance against the host immune defence is delivery of the antiphagocytic effectors YopH and YopE into phagocytic cells. The tyrosine phosphatase YopH influences integrin signalling, and YopE impairs cytoskeletal dynamics by inactivating Rho GTPases. Here, we report the impact of these effectors on internalization by dendritic cells (DCs), which internalize antigens to orchestrate host immune responses. We found that this pathogen resists internalization by DCs via YopE. YopH that is important for blocking phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils and which is also present inside the DCs does not contribute to the resistance. However, the YopH targets Fyb and p130Cas show higher expression levels in macrophages than in DCs. Furthermore, live cell microscopy revealed that the cells internalize Y. pseudotuberculosis in different ways: the macrophages utilize a locally restricted receptor-mediated zipper mechanism, whereas DCs utilize macropinocytosis involving constitutive ruffling that randomly catches bacteria into membrane folds. We conclude that YopH impacts early phagocytic signalling from the integrin receptor to which the bacterium binds and that this tight receptor-mediated stimulation is absent in DC macropinocytosis. Inactivation of cytoskeletal dynamics by YopE affects ruffling activity and hence also internalization. The different modes of internalization can be coupled to the major functions of these respective cell types: elimination by phagocytosis and antigen sampling.  相似文献   

PCR-based assays were developed for the detection of plasmid- and chromosome-borne virulence genes in Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, to investigate the distribution of these genes in isolates from various sources. The results of PCR genotyping, based on 5 virulence-associated genes of 140 strains of Y. enterocolitica, were compared to phenotypic tests, such as biotyping and serotyping, and to virulence plasmid-associated properties such as calcium-dependent growth at 37 degrees C and Congo red uptake. The specificity of the PCR results was validated by hybridization. Genotyping data correlated well with biotype data, and most biotypes resulted in (nearly) homogeneous genotypes for the chromosomal virulence genes (ystA, ystB, and ail); however, plasmid-borne genes (yadA and virF) were detected with variable efficiency, due to heterogeneity within the bacterial population for the presence of the virulence plasmid. Of the virulence genes, only ystB was present in biotype 1A; however, within this biotype, pathogenic and apathogenic isolates could not be distinguished based on the detection of virulence genes. Forty Y. pseudotuberculosis isolates were tested by PCR for the presence of inv, yadA, and lcrF. All isolates were inv positive, and 88% of the isolates contained the virulence plasmid genes yadA and lcrF. In conclusion, this study shows that genotyping of Yersinia spp., based on both chromosome- and plasmid-borne virulence genes, is feasible and informative and can provide a rapid and reliable genotypic characterization of field isolates.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species share a type III secretion system that translocates Yop effector proteins into host cells to counteract signalling responses during infection. Two of these effectors, YopE and YopT, downregulate Rho GTPases by different mechanisms. Here, we investigate whether YopT and YopE are functionally redundant by dissecting the contribution of these two effectors to the pathogenesis of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in a mouse infection and tissue culture model. Four days after oral infection, a YopE(+) T (-) strain and a YopE(+) T (+) strain colonized spleens of mice at similar levels, suggesting that YopT is not required for virulence. In contrast, spleen colonization by a YopE(-)T(-) strain was significantly reduced. A YopE(-) T (+) strain colonized spleen at levels comparable to those of the YopE(+) T (-) strain, arguing that YopT can promote virulence in the absence of YopE. Infection of HeLa cells with a YopE(-) T(-)H(-)J(-) strain expressing either YopE or YopT showed that YopE had a stronger antiphagocytic activity than YopT. Expression of YopE strongly inhibited activation of JNK, ERK and NFkappaB, and prevented production of IL-8; whereas YopT moderately inhibited these responses. On the other hand, pore formation was inhibited equally by YopE or YopT. In conclusion, YopE is a potent inhibitor of infection-induced signalling cascades, and YopT can only partially compensate for the loss of YopE.  相似文献   

The need for new antibiotics has become pressing in light of the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of human pathogens. Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, is a public health threat and also an agent of concern in biodefence. It is a recently emerged clonal derivative of the enteric pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Previously, we developed a bioinformatic approach to identify proteins that may be suitable targets for antimicrobial therapy and in particular for the treatment of plague. One such target was cytidine monophosphate (CMP) kinase, which is an essential gene in some organisms. Previously, we had thought CMP kinase was essential for Y. pseudotuberculosis, but by modification of the mutagenesis approach, we report here the production and characterization of a Δcmk mutant. The isogenic mutant had a growth defect relative to the parental strain, and was highly attenuated in mice. We have also elucidated the structure of the CMP kinase to 2.32 Å, and identified three key residues in the active site that are essential for activity of the enzyme. These findings will have implications for the development of novel CMP kinase inhibitors for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria of the species Yersinia, including Yersinia pestis, block phagocytosis by macrophages. This process involves the YopE protein, which induces disruption of the host cell actin microfilament structure. Here, we show that the contact between the pathogen and the mammalian cell induces expression and then polarized transfer of YopE into the eukaryotic cell. While the bacteria remain at the surface of the target cell, the YopE cytotoxin is transferred through the host cell plasma membrane and YopE is only recovered within the cytosol of the target cell. The results suggest that the pathogen senses cell structures and focuses the transfer of YopE to occur solely at the interaction zone between the bacterium and the eukaryotic cell. The regulation of this process is shown to involve surface-located YopN sensor protein of the bacterium.  相似文献   

Iron acquisition in Yersinia pestis is fundamental to the success of plague pathogenesis. We have previously identified an approximately 5.6 kb region (yfe) of Y. pestis genomic DNA, capable of restoring iron-deficient growth but not siderophore production to an Escherichia coli mutant (SAB11) incapable of synthesizing the siderophore, enterobactin. The yfe locus of Y. pestis, found in both pigmented (Pgm+) and nonpigmented (Pgm-) strains, comprises five genes arranged in two distinct operons (yfeA-D and yfeE ). The larger of these, yfeABCD, encodes an ABC transport system, whose expression is iron and Fur regulated and is repressed in cells grown in the presence of manganese. Cells from a Pgm-, Yfe- (DeltayfeAB ) mutant strain of Y. pestis exhibited reduced transport of both 55Fe and 54Mn. Furthermore, cells containing an intact yfe locus showed reduced 55Fe uptake when competing amounts of MnCl2 or ZnCl2 were present, whereas 54Mn uptake was inhibited by FeCl3 but not by ZnCl2. Similarly, yfe mutants of Y. pestis exhibited growth defects on media supplemented with the iron chelators 2,2'-dipyridyl or conalbumin. These growth defects were not relieved by supplementation with MnCl2. A ybt-, DeltayfeAB mutant of Y. pestis was completely avirulent in mice infected intravenously (LD50 > 1.7 x 107 cfu) compared with its parental ybt-, yfe+ strain, which had an LD50 of < 12. In addition, compared with its ybt+, yfe+ parent, a ybt+, DeltayfeAB mutant of Y. pestis had an approximately 100-fold increase in the LD50 from a subcutaneous route of infection. These data suggest that the Yfe and Ybt systems may function effectively to accumulate iron during different stages of the infectious process of bubonic plague.  相似文献   

Type III secretion-dependent translocation of Yop (Yersinia outer proteins) effector proteins into host cells is an essential virulence mechanism common to the pathogenic Yersinia species. One unique feature of this mechanism is the polarized secretion of Yops, i.e. Yops are only secreted at the site of contact with the host cell and not to the surrounding medium. In vitro, secretion occurs in Ca2+-depleted media, a condition believed to somehow mimic cell contact. Three proteins, YopN, LcrG and TyeA have been suggested to control secretion and mutating any of these genes results in constitutive secretion. In addition, in Y. enterocolitica TyeA has been implied to be specifically required for delivery of a subset of Yop effectors into infected cells. In this work we have investigated the role of TyeA in secretion and translocation of Yop effectors by Y. pseudotuberculosis. An in frame deletion mutant of tyeA was found to be temperature-sensitive for growth and this phenotype correlated to a lowered expression of the negative regulatory element LcrQ. In medium containing Ca2+, Yop expression was somewhat elevated compared to the wild-type strain and low levels of Yop secretion was also seen. Somewhat surprisingly, expression and secretion of Yops was lower than for the wild-type strain when the tyeA mutant was grown in Ca2+-depleted medium. Translocation of YopE, YopH, YopJ and YopM into infected HeLa cells was significantly lower in comparison with the isogenic wild-type strain and Yop proteins could also be recovered in the tissue culture medium. This indicated that the tyeA mutant had lost the ability to translocate Yop proteins by a polarized mechanism. In order to exclude that the defect in translocation seen in the tyeA mutant was a result of lowered expression/secretion of Yops, a double lcrQ/tyeA mutant was constructed. This strain was de-repressed for Yop expression and secretion but was still impaired for translocation of both YopE and YopM. In addition, the low level of YopE translocation in the tyeA mutant was independent of the YopE chaperone YerA/SycE. TyeA was found to localize to the cytoplasm of the bacterium and we were unable to find any evidence that TyeA was secreted or surface located. From our studies in Y. pseudotuberculosis we conclude that TyeA is involved in regulation of Yop expression and required for polarized delivery of Yop effectors in general and is not as suggested in Y. enterocolitica directly required for translocation of a subset of Yop effectors.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of L-asparaginases from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and from Erwinia carotovora were investigated in vitro using human T-lymphoblastic leukemia (Jurkat and Molt-4) and also solid tumor cell lines MCF-7 (human breast adenocarcinoma), LnCap (human prostate carcinoma), NGUK1 (rat Gasser node neurinoma). E.coli L-asparaginase produced by Medak (Germany) was used as a reference preparation. The data obtained indicate that Y. pseudotuberculosis L-asparaginase significantly inhibits growth of leukemic and solid tumor cells. Its antitumor activity is comparable to that of the reference preparation of L-asparaginase (Medak). These results suggest that the recombinant L-asparaginase can be used for the development of new preparations for the therapy of different types of tumors.  相似文献   

We previously identified the cvfA gene (SA1129) as a novel virulence regulator in Staphylococcus aureus using the silkworm infection model. The cvfA gene, which is conserved among various pathogenic bacteria, contributes to the expression of the agr locus, a global virulence regulator that controls the expression of genes encoding various exoproteins, such as hemolysin. CvfA protein has a transmembrane domain, an RNA binding domain (KH domain), and a metal-dependent phosphohydrolase domain (HD domain). We report here the purification of recombinant CvfA protein from a membrane fraction of Escherichia coli by measuring its phosphodiesterase activity. Purified CvfA protein hydrolyzed the phosphodiester linkage of 2',3'-cyclic AMP, 2',3'-cyclic GMP, and 2',3'-cyclic phosphate at the 3'-terminal of RNA in the presence of Mn(2+). CvfA mutant proteins with amino acid substitutions in the HD domain had significantly decreased phosphodiesterase activity. Furthermore, mutated cvfA genes encoding proteins with low phosphodiesterase activity did not complement the decreased hemolysin production or the attenuated killing ability against silkworms in the cvfA deletion mutant. These results suggest that the phosphodiesterase activity of CvfA protein is required for virulence in S. aureus.  相似文献   

The phage shock protein locus (pspFpspABCDE) of Escherichia coli has proved to be something of an enigma since its discovery. The physiological functions of the psp locus, including those of the predicted effector protein PspA, are unknown. In a previous genetic screen, we determined that a Yersinia enterocolitica pspC mutant was severely attenuated for virulence. In this study, the psp locus of Y. enterocolitica was characterized further. The pspC gene of Y. enterocolitica was found to be important for normal growth when the Ysc type III secretion system was expressed in the laboratory. This growth defect was specifically caused by production of the secretin protein, YscC. Expression of the psp genes was induced when the type III secretion system was functional or when only the yscC gene was expressed. This induction of psp gene expression required a functional pspC gene. Most significantly, evidence suggests that the expression of at least one gene that is not part of the psp locus is regulated by Psp proteins. This unidentified gene (or genes) may also be important for growth when the type III secretion system is expressed. These conclusions are supported by the effects of various psp mutations on virulence. This is the first indication that Psp proteins might be involved in the regulation of genes besides the psp locus itself.  相似文献   

Members of the Rho family of small GTPases are required for many of the morphogenetic processes required to shape the animal body. The activity of this family is regulated in part by a class of proteins known as RhoGTPase Activating Proteins (RhoGAPs) that catalyse the conversion of RhoGTPases to their inactive state. In our search for genes that regulate Drosophila morphogenesis, we have isolated several lethal alleles of crossveinless-c (cv-c). Molecular characterisation reveals that cv-c encodes the RhoGAP protein RhoGAP88C. During embryonic development, cv-c is expressed in tissues undergoing morphogenetic movements; phenotypic analysis of the mutants reveals defects in the morphogenesis of these tissues. Genetic interactions between cv-c and RhoGTPase mutants indicate that Rho1, Rac1 and Rac2 are substrates for Cv-c, and suggest that the substrate specificity might be regulated in a tissue-dependent manner. In the absence of cv-c activity, tubulogenesis in the renal or Malpighian tubules fails and they collapse into a cyst-like sack. Further analysis of the role of cv-c in the Malpighian tubules demonstrates that its activity is required to regulate the reorganisation of the actin cytoskeleton during the process of convergent extension. In addition, overexpression of cv-c in the developing tubules gives rise to actin-associated membrane extensions. Thus, Cv-c function is required in tissues actively undergoing morphogenesis, and we propose that its role is to regulate RhoGTPase activity to promote the coordinated organisation of the actin cytoskeleton, possibly by stabilising plasma membrane/actin cytoskeleton interactions.  相似文献   

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