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Trypanothione reductase (TR) is an NADPH-dependent flavoprotein unique to protozoan parasites from the genera Trypanosoma and Leishmania and is an important target for the design of improved trypanocidal drugs. We present details of the structure of TR from the human pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent responsible for Chagas' disease or South American trypanosomiasis. The structure has been solved by molecular replacement, using as the starting model the structure of the enzyme from the nonpathogenic Crithidia fasciculata, and refined to an R-factor of 18.9% for 53,868 reflections with F > or = sigma F between 8.0 and 2.3 A resolution. The model comprises two subunits (968 residues), two FAD prosthetic groups, two maleate ions, and 419 water molecules. The accuracy and geometry of the enzyme model is improved with respect to the C. fasciculata enzyme model. The new structure is described and specific features of the enzyme involved in substrate interactions are compared with previous models of TR and related glutathione reductases from human and Escherichia coli. Structural differences at the edge of the active sites suggest an explanation for the differing specificities toward glutathionylspermidine disulfide.  相似文献   

The phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP:oxaloacetate carboxy-lyase (transphosphorylating), EC of the epimastigote form of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi has been purified to homogeneity. The enzyme is composed of two apparently identical 42,000 +/- 500 subunits, is highly specific for adenine nucleotides, and has a strict requirement of Mn2+ ions for activity; the activation of the enzyme by ionic Mn2+ reveals that one Mn2+ ion required for each 42,000 subunit. Hyperbolic kinetics are observed for all substrates in the carboxylation reaction with Km (phosphoenolpyruvate) of 0.36 +/- 0.08 mM, Km (HCO-3) of 3.7 +/- 0.2 mM, and Km (Mg-ADP) of 39 +/- 1 microM. In the decarboxylation reaction the kinetics with respect to oxalacetic acid are also hyperbolic with a Km of 27 +/- 3 microM, but towards Mg-ATP there is a biphasic response: hyperbolic at low (less than 250 microM) concentrations with a Km of 39 +/- 1 microM, but at higher concentrations the nucleotide produces a strong inhibition of the enzyme activity. This inhibition is also observed with Mg-GTP and Mg-ITP which are not substrates of the reaction. The results are consistent with an important regulatory function of the enzyme in the amino-acid catabolism of T. cruzi.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease, a pathogenesis that affects millions of people in Latin America. Here, we report the crystal structure of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH) from T. cruzi strain Y solved at 2.2 Å resolution. DHODH is a flavin mononucleotide containing enzyme, which catalyses the oxidation of l-dihydroorotate to orotate, the fourth step and only redox reaction in the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides. Genetic studies have shown that DHODH is essential for T. cruzi survival, validating the idea that this enzyme can be considered an attractive target for the development of antichagasic drugs. In our work, a detailed analysis of T. cruzi DHODH crystal structure has allowed us to suggest potential sites to be further exploited for the design of highly specific inhibitors through the technology of structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Tryparedoxin peroxidase from Trypanosoma cruzi (TcTXNPx) belongs to the family of typical 2-Cys peroxiredoxins. These enzymes function as antioxidants through their peroxidase and peroxynitrite reductase activities. In T. cruzi, as in all trypanosomatids, this enzyme is the final electron acceptor of a unique system for detoxifying hydroperoxides, constituting a relevant target for drug design. We have determined the crystal structure of TcTXPNx in the reduced active state. The structure comprises 10 subunits in the asymmetric unit, associated to form a decamer of toroidal shape obeying 52 (D5) point group symmetry. We have analyzed the structure of TcTXNPx by comparing it with other structures of typical 2-Cys peroxiredoxins in both redox states, and have identified key residues in the structural rearrangement taking place in the enzymatic cycle. This is the first report of the structure of an active peroxiredoxin that has peroxidase and peroxynitrite reductase activity, and it is noteworthy that it is from a human parasite. This knowledge is of interest for further understanding peroxide metabolism in these parasites, and in the design of new trypanosomatidal drugs against Chagas disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi chagasin belongs to a recently discovered family of cysteine protease inhibitors found in lower eukaryotes and prokaryotes but not in mammals. Chagasin binds tightly to cruzain, the major lysosomal T. cruzi cysteine protease, involved with infectivity and survival of the parasite in mammalian host cells. In the scope of a project to characterize proteins diferentially expressed during T. cruzi metacyclogenesis, we have determined the crystal structure of chagasin, which is now the first X-ray structure of a chagasin-like cysteine protease inhibitor to be reported. The structure was solved by the SIRAS method and refined at 1.7A resolution and a comparison with the two NMR structures available revealed some differences in the loops involved in binding to cysteine proteases. The highly flexible loop 4 could be entirely modeled and residues 29-33 from loop 2 form a 3(10)-helix structure that may be important to stabilize the loop conformation. Chagasin crystal structure was docked to the highest resolution structure available of cruzain and a model of chagasin-cruzain interaction was analyzed. The knowledge of the chagasin crystal structure may contribute to the elucidation of the molecular mechanism involved in the inhibition of cruzain and other T. cruzi cysteine proteases.  相似文献   

We report crystal structures of the human enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) with and without bound substrates. These structures are the first to be determined for a GTP-dependent PEPCK, and provide the first view of a novel GTP-binding site unique to the GTP-dependent PEPCK family. Three phenylalanine residues form the walls of the guanine-binding pocket on the enzyme's surface and, most surprisingly, one of the phenylalanine side-chains contributes to the enzyme's specificity for GTP. PEPCK catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the metabolic pathway that produces glucose from lactate and other precursors derived from the citric acid cycle. Because the gluconeogenic pathway contributes to the fasting hyperglycemia of type II diabetes, inhibitors of PEPCK may be useful in the treatment of diabetes.  相似文献   

Haemoglobin from donkey was purified and crystallized in space group C2. The present donkey haemoglobin model comprises of two subunits alpha and beta. These alpha and beta subunits comprise of 141 and 146 amino acid residues, respectively, and the haem groups. The donkey haemoglobin differs from horse only in two amino acids of alpha-chain (His20 to Asn and Tyr24 to Phe) and these substitutions do not significantly change the secondary structural features of donkey haemoglobin. The haem group region and subunit contacts are closely resemble with that of horse methaemoglobin.  相似文献   

Refined structure of dimeric diphtheria toxin at 2.0 A resolution.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The refined structure of dimeric diphtheria toxin (DT) at 2.0 A resolution, based on 37,727 unique reflections (F > 1 sigma (F)), yields a final R factor of 19.5% with a model obeying standard geometry. The refined model consists of 523 amino acid residues, 1 molecule of the bound dinucleotide inhibitor adenylyl 3'-5' uridine 3' monophosphate (ApUp), and 405 well-ordered water molecules. The 2.0-A refined model reveals that the binding motif for ApUp includes residues in the catalytic and receptor-binding domains and is different from the Rossmann dinucleotide-binding fold. ApUp is bound in part by a long loop (residues 34-52) that crosses the active site. Several residues in the active site were previously identified as NAD-binding residues. Glu 148, previously identified as playing a catalytic role in ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2 by DT, is about 5 A from uracil in ApUp. The trigger for insertion of the transmembrane domain of DT into the endosomal membrane at low pH may involve 3 intradomain and 4 interdomain salt bridges that will be weakened at low pH by protonation of their acidic residues. The refined model also reveals that each molecule in dimeric DT has an "open" structure unlike most globular proteins, which we call an open monomer. Two open monomers interact by "domain swapping" to form a compact, globular dimeric DT structure. The possibility that the open monomer resembles a membrane insertion intermediate is discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of alginate (poly alpha-l-guluronate) lyase from Corynebacterium sp. (ALY-1) was determined at 1.2A resolution using the MAD method and bromide ions. The structure of ALY-1 is abundant in beta-strands and has a deep cleft, similar to the jellyroll beta-sandwich found in 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase. The structure suggests that alginate molecules may penetrate into the cleft to interact with the catalytic site of ALY-1. The reported crystal structure of another type of alginate lyase, A1-III, differs from that of ALY-1 in that it consists almost entirely of alpha-helical structure. Nevertheless, the putative catalytic residues in both enzymes are positioned in space in nearly identical arrangements. This finding suggests that both alginate lyases may have evolved through convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Enzymes of glycolysis in Trypanosoma brucei have been identified as potential drug targets for African sleeping sickness because glycolysis is the only source of ATP for the bloodstream form of this parasite. Several inhibitors were previously reported to bind preferentially to trypanosomal phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI, the second enzyme in glycolysis) than to mammalian PGIs, which suggests that PGI might make a good target for species-specific drug design. Herein, we report recombinant expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray crystal structure determination of T. brucei PGI. One structure solved at 1.6 A resolution contains a substrate, D-glucose-6-phosphate, in an extended conformation in the active site. A second structure solved at 1.9 A resolution contains a citrate molecule in the active site. The structures are compared with the crystal structures of PGI from humans and from Leishmania mexicana. The availability of recombinant tPGI and its first high-resolution crystal structures are initial steps in considering this enzyme as a potential drug target.  相似文献   

U Ermler  R A Siddiqui  R Cramm    B Friedrich 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(24):6067-6077
The molecular structure of the flavohemoglobin from Alcaligenes eutrophus has been determined to a resolution of 1.75 A and refined to an R-factor of 19.6%. The protein comprises two fused modules: a heme binding module, which belongs to the globin family, and an FAD binding oxidoreductase module, which adopts a fold like ferredoxin reductase. The most striking deviation of the bacterial globin structure from those of other species is the movement of helix E in a way to provide more space in the vicinity of the distal heme binding site. A comparison with other members of the ferredoxin reductase family shows similar tertiary structures for the individual FAD and NAD binding domains but largely different interdomain orientations. The heme and FAD molecules approach each other to a minimal distance of 6.3 A and adopt an interplanar angle of 80 degrees. The electron transfer from FAD to heme occurs in a predominantly polar environment and may occur directly or be mediated by a water molecule.  相似文献   

Yévenes A  Cardemil E 《Biochimie》2000,82(2):123-127
Plasmid pTbp60B (Kueng et al., J. Biol. Chem. 264 (1989) 5203-5209) was employed to obtain, through the polymerase chain reaction, the Trypanosoma brucei gene coding for phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase, and then cloned into the yeast expression plasmid pYES2. The cloned gene was completely sequenced and the expression plasmid transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae PUK-3B (MATalpha pck1 ura3 ade1) competent cells. Gene expression took place upon induction with 2% galactose, and the recombinant T. brucei PEP carboxykinase was purified to near homogeneity. The basic molecular and catalytic characteristics of the recombinant enzyme were determined, and they showed to be essentially similar to those reported for wild type T. brucei PEP carboxykinase (Hunt and K?hler, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1249 (1995) 15-22). The expression system here described is a reliable non-pathogenic source of T. brucei PEP carboxykinase.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of thioltransferase at 2.2 A resolution.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We report here the first three-dimensional structure of a mammalian thioltransferase as determined by single crystal X-ray crystallography at 2.2 A resolution. The protein is known for its thiol-redox properties and dehydroascorbate reductase activity. Recombinant pig liver thioltransferase expressed in Escherichia coli was crystallized in its oxidized form by vapor diffusion technique. The structure was determined by multiple isomorphous replacement method using four heavy-atom derivatives. The protein folds into an alpha/beta structure with a four-stranded mixed beta-sheet in the core, flanked on either side by helices. The fold is similar to that found in other thiol-redox proteins, viz. E. coli thioredoxin and bacteriophage T4 glutaredoxin, and thus seems to be conserved in these functionally related proteins. The active site disulfide (Cys 22-Cys 25) is located on a protrusion on the molecular surface. Cys 22, which is known to have an abnormally low pKa of 3.8, is accessible from the exterior of the molecule. Pro 70, which is in close proximity to the disulfide bridge, assumes a conserved cis-peptide configuration. Mutational data available on the protein are in agreement with the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystallographic structure of N-acyl-d-glucosamine 2-epimerase (AGE) from porcine kidney, which has been identified to be a renin-binding protein (RnBP), was determined by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined at 2.0 A resolution with a final R-factor of 16.9 % for 15 to 2.0 A resolution data. The refined structure of AGE comprised 804 amino acid residues (one dimer) and 145 water molecules. The dimer of AGE had an asymmetric unit with approximate dimensions 46 Ax48 Ax96 A. The AGE monomer is composed of an alpha(6)/alpha(6)-barrel, the structure of which is found in glucoamylase and cellulase. One side of the AGE alpha(6)/alpha(6)-barrel structure comprises long loops containing five short beta-sheets, and contributes to the formation of a deep cleft shaped like a funnel. The putative active-site pocket and a possible binding site for the substrate N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (GlcNAc) were found in the cleft. The other side of the alpha(6)/alpha(6)-barrel comprises short loops and contributes to the dimer formation. At the dimer interface, which is composed of the short loops and alpha-helices of the subunits, five strong ion-pair interactions were observed, which play a major role in the dimer assembly. This completely ruled out the previously accepted hypothesis that the formation of the RnBP homodimer and RnBP-renin heterodimer requires the leucine zipper motif present in RnBP.  相似文献   

Bilgrami S  Yadav S  Kaur P  Sharma S  Perbandt M  Betzel C  Singh TP 《Biochemistry》2005,44(33):11058-11066
Disintegrins constitute a family of potent polypeptide inhibitors of integrins. Integrins are transmembrane heterodimeric molecules involved in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. They are involved in many diseases such as cancer and thrombosis. Thus, disintegrins have a great potential as anticancer and antithrombotic agents. A novel heterodimeric disintegrin was isolated from the venom of saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus) and was crystallized. The crystals diffracted to 1.9 A resolution and belonged to space group P4(3)2(1)2. The data indicated the presence of a pseudosymmetry. The structure was solved by applying origin shifts to the disintegrin homodimer schistatin solved in space group I4(1)22 with similar cell dimensions. The structure refined to the final R(cryst)/R(free) factors of 0.213/0.253. The notable differences are observed between the loops, (Gln39-Asp48) containing the important Arg42-Gly43-Asp44, of the present heterodimer and schistatin. These differences are presumably due to the presence of two glycines at positions 43 and 46 that allow the molecule to adopt variable conformations. A comparative analysis of the surface-charge distributions of various disintegrins showed that the charge distribution on monomeric disintegrins occurred uniformly over the whole surface of the molecule, while in the dimeric disintegrins, the charge is distributed only on one face. Such a feature may be important in the binding of two integrins to a single dimeric disintegrin. The phylogenetic analysis developed on the basis of amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structures indicates that the protein diversification and evolution presumably took place from the medium disintegrins and both the dimeric and short disintegrins evolved from them.  相似文献   

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