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Oliver Krüger 《Ecography》2002,25(5):523-532
Nest site selection can have important fitness consequences in birds. I analysed the habitat characteristics of 392 nests of two sympatric raptor species (common buzzard Buteo buteo and goshawk Accipiter gentilis ) in Germany and their relation to nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success. For common buzzard, multivariate models explained only small proportions of the variance in nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success (13–19%). Important variables related to nest occupation rate were human disturbances, intra- and interspecific neighbour density, the amount of forested area and nest tree crown cover. Variables related to nest site reproductive success also included human disturbance, intra- and interspecific neighbour density and nest tree crown cover as well as nest distance to the nearest forest edge. In contrast, models for the goshawk explained a much higher proportion of the variation in nest occupation rate and nest reproductive success (41–43%). Important variables related to nest occupation rate were the remoteness of the nest site and direct human disturbance. Variables related to nest site reproductive success were remoteness of the nest site and good hunting habitat. Goshawks seem to be more sensitive to human disturbance than buzzards. A multiple discriminant analysis showed that nest site characteristics substantially overlapped between the species and there is a good evidence that competition for optimal nest sites occurs. Thus, buzzards might be constrained by the dominant goshawk in their nest site selection.  相似文献   

We isolated 56 common buzzard (Buteo buteo) microsatellite loci from (AC)n‐ and (AAAG)n‐enriched genomic libraries. Eleven loci were tested on 90 individuals from Eastern Westphalia in Germany, yielding two to 17 alleles per locus (average 5.7) and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.11 to 0.93 (average 0.53). These highly variable microsatellite markers provide a powerful means for investigating population genetic diversity in the common buzzard, a little‐understood aspect of this widespread species.  相似文献   

张洪海  王明  陈磊  刘松涛  窦华山  高东泉 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3233-3240
2010年和2011年3月-6月,对内蒙古达赉湖国家级保护区达赉湖西岸地区大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)的巢穴结构和巢址选择因子进行了调查研究.采用野外观察和样方法定位了13个大鵟巢址,并对巢址样方的20个生态因子进行测量,运用主成分分析法对影响大鵟巢址选择的主要因子进行了分析.测量显示,大鵟巢穴的基本结构特征为:外径(94.7+4.2) cm;巢高度(46.1±2.7) cm;内径(24.8±1.5)cm;巢深(14.0±+0.9)cm.生境因子分析结果表明,达赉湖西岸地区大鵟的巢集中分布在湖岸或水塘附近的悬崖,营巢点坡度为15°-45°之间的阳坡或半阳坡;隐蔽度高于20%;草本密度大于5株/m2;植被均高大于30cm;巢距悬崖上部距离2-5m;距水源l00m以内;距居民点距离大于lkm;距草原道路的距离大于0.5km;而对于物种丰富度没有特殊要求.主成分分析显示,影响大鵟巢址选择的主要因子有3个,依次为:隐蔽性因子(主要包括巢址区域的植物特征和地形特征)、干扰因子和食物因子.各主成分中,相对系数绝对值最高的变量依次是:植被盖度、距居民点距离、巢的高度和距草原道路距离.  相似文献   

The tongues of ten seagulls and six common buzzards were examined. In both species, papillae linguales caudales were shaped like a letter “V” between the corpus linguae and the radix linguae. From these papillae, the length of the laterally placed papillae was greater compared with others in both species. Two or three secondary papillae were detected on these papillae in the seagull. In scanning electron microscope (SEM) examinations, in the seagull, the apex linguae was composed of multilayered desquamated cells, while in the buzzard, scalelike simple projections on the surface of desquamated cells were observed. In the buzzard, glandula (gll). linguales, and gll. mandibulares caudales were seen, while in the seagull, gll. cricoarytenoideae and gll. mandibulares caudales were present. In the seagull, apex linguae were bifurcated, and there were desquamating multilayered cells, particularly at the apex linguae. The number and location of salivary gland orifices are specific to this species. The common buzzard had similarities to many characteristics of the long‐legged buzzard. An absence of long and curly threadlike projections at the two lateral sides of the corpus linguae and an excessive number of salivary gland orifices at the corpus linguae were the main differences from the long‐legged buzzard.  相似文献   

Factors influencing grooming site preferences in adult female Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) were investigated. The females belonged to a free-ranging harem troop (Jodhpur, India) and were observed for 569 hr by focal-female sampling. Decisive factors for grooming site preferences were the following: autogrooming was determined mostly by site accessiblity. Allogrooming was significantly concentrated on parts that are inaccessible to the groomee. Close female kin groomed significantly longer, more frequently, and more precisely at inaccessible body parts. Lower-ranking females were groomed significantly less often and more briefly but also more precisely at inaccessible parts. However, the latter might be due to a lower-ranking subjects desire to face away from the higher-ranking groomer in order to avoid eye contact. The data suggest that the groomee determines the sites being groomed.  相似文献   

We examined nesting behavior in monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) in their native habitat in the Brazilian Pantanal. Unique among parrots, monk parakeets build communal nest structures that contain many cavities, each belonging to an individual pair. We studied 41 parakeet colonies that had 104 nest structures. We hypothesized that nest structures would be located in trees providing the greatest support and protection from predators and inclement weather, and that nest sites and nest cavities would differ from random locations with respect to tree characteristics, location of houses, and presence of jabiru stork (Jabiru mycteria) nests, as suggested anecdotally by other authors. Fewer than half of the colonies were close (<350 m) to houses. There was a strong association with jabiru storks; 21 of 23 stork nests had monk parakeet nest cavities attached, accounting for 51% of parakeet colonies. Of the 21 jabiru-associated colonies, 6 had additional parakeet structures and 15 had only the jabiru-attached parakeet structure. Monk parakeet colonies associated with jabiru nests had significantly more nesting cavities than did monospecific monk parakeet colonies, due mainly to those attached directly to the jabiru nest. In jabiru-associated colonies, parakeet nest structures were located higher and in taller trees than in monospecific colonies. There was no difference in trunk diameters of parakeet nesting trees with or without jabirus. Although we tabulated 24 tree species as nest trees, nearest-neighbor trees, or matched-point trees, only 6 species were used for nesting. When compared to matched points, monk parakeet structures were preferentially located in piuva (Tabebuia spp.) and mandovi trees (Sterculia apetela). Parakeet structures were in taller trees with thicker trunk diameters than matched points. Most nest cavities (71%) faced in a northerly direction (northwest to northeast), away from cold southerly winds. Choice of a nest site and orientation appears to reflect structural, weather, and predator constraints. Thick, tall trees with stout branches provided stable sites for their large nest structures, which are known to collapse because of their own weight and strong winds. Nesting with jabirus confers structural advantages (they could attach many nests to the bottom of the jabiru nest, potentially gaining benefits from social facilitation), early warning, and predator defense.  相似文献   

Porrocaecum angusticolle is a nematode species mainly parasitic in the birds of Accipitriformes and Strigiformes. However, some aspects of the morphology of P. angusticolle remain insufficiently known. In the present study, the detailed morphology of P. angusticolle was studied using light and, for the first time, scanning electron microscopy, based on newly collected specimens from the common buzzard Buteo buteo (Linnaeus) (Accipitriformes: Accipitridae) in Czech Republic. Some previously unreported morphological features of taxonomic significance were observed. The nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers, including partial large ribosomal DNA (28S), complete internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1 + 5.8S + ITS-2), cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and subunit 2 (cox2) of P. angusticolle were sequenced for molecular identification of this species. There was no intraspecific genetic variation detected in the 28S and ITS regions among different individuals of P. angusticolle, but low level of intraspecific nucleotide divergence was found in the cox1 (0.26–0.78%) and cox2 regions (1.0%). The 28S and cox2 of P. angusticolle were sequenced for the first time. Our molecular evidence supported the validity of both P. angusticolle and P. depressum. The newly obtained genetic data are helpful for further studies of DNA-based taxonomy, population genetics and phylogeny of the genus of Porrocaecum.  相似文献   

Summary The nesting biology of a mainly solitary bee,Lasioglossum (Dialictus) figueresi, is compared with that of a possible relative and mainly eusocial bee,L. (D.) aeneiventre. These bees nest in the ground in highly disturbed areas in the Meseta Central of Costa Rica. Information is provided on social organization, male production, diel and seasonal activity patterns, pollen utilization, natural enemies and nest architecture. L. (D.) figueresi nests within aggregations in vertical earthen banks, and 80–90 % of females are solitary during the nest-provisioning phase. Social nests contain two (or rarely three) females which may be either equal or unequal in reproductive status (i.e. mated with developed ovaries or not). Solitary nests and two-female nests do not experience different rates of parasitism. Mid-way through the dry season, females cease provisioning at a time when otherL. (Dialictus) remain active. Females typically remain within their nests, although they occasionally forage for nectar. This behavior is similar of that of spring gynes of temperate eusocial species. The egg-to-adult developmental rate ofL. (D.) figueresi is unusually slow for halictine bees, however, so that all the adult females die before their brood eclose in April and May, precluding overlap of generations. The eclosed offspring remain in open cells within their natal nests until mid-June, when both males and females emerge to mate. These newly mated females either establish new nests or re-use old ones. L. (D.) aeneiventre nests within aggregations in horizontal ground or in vertical banks. A foundress female digs a nest at the beginning of the dry season, although some re-activate old nests. Foundress nests develop into colonies with various kinds of social organization. In contrast toL. (D.) figueresi, L. (D.) aeneiventre is active nearly all year round, except during periods of heavy rain, and produces up to three broods per year.Sweat bees (Hymenoptera: Halictinae) are a socially heterogeneous group of mainly ground-nesting bees which are abundant world-wide. Intra-specific variation in social behavior is prevalent both within and among populations, presumably indicating social and environmental control of behavioral modifications (see e.g. Sakagami and Munakata, 1972; Eickwort, 1986; Packer, 1990; Yanega, 1988; reviewed in Michener, 1990). The initial stages of hymenopteran social evolution are represented by solitary individuals and those in undifferentiated societies, yet their biology is not well known, as is true for the numerous tropical halictine species or populations (see Michener, 1990).The subgenusDialictus ofLasioglossum is a primarily New World group of several hundred species (Moure and Kurd, 1987). These bees are monotonously similar in structure and appearance, yet diverse in social behavior. FemaleLasioglossum (Dialictus) figueresi are usually solitary, and structurally are very similar to their social relativeL. (D.) aeneiventre (Wcislo, 1990 a). The systematic placement of these species with respect to otherL. (Dialictus) is uncertain, but they have no obvious affinities to other recognized species groups (G. C. Eickwort, pers. comm.). Unusual morphological features, such as large size, yellowish wings and pubescence, and features of the genital organs, may indicate thatL. (D.) figueresi is the more derived of the pair, and may therefore be secondarily solitary, as is known for other sweat bees (Packer, 1991).  相似文献   

Anstensrud  M.  Schram  T. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):587-595
Sprat caught by beach seining during the period 1977–1980 were examined for adult Lernaeenicus, and both sprat and herring caught in 1981–1983 were examined for all parasitic stages. Lernaeenicus was never found on herring. Adult L. sprattae were always found in the sprat's eye, usually (89%) in the upper rear quadrant of the eye. Double and triple infection of one or both eyes were found. Infection experiments support results from field work. The sprat is the only intermediate and final host of L. sprattae. In laboratory experiments, copepodites showed no preference for particular size groups of sprat. The infective stages, copepodid and adolescent female, are both initially randomly distributed on the host before the copepodites move towards the fins and the gravid females to the eye.  相似文献   

Synopsis Triggerfishes construct nests by excavating depressions in sand. Eggs are laid in an adhesive mass and anchored with rubble. A photograph of a newly-hatched embryo is included.  相似文献   

李路云  杨会涛  滕丽微  刘振生 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4836-4842
2008年9月至2009年8月,在黑龙江省方正林业局新风林场,用不定宽样线法对藏獾洞穴生境选择进行研究,共记录了55组藏獾洞穴,藏獾洞口平均直径为(27.40±7.15)cm,洞深平均为(84.18±22.04)cm,倾角平均为(26.36±9.10)°,洞口总数=3.02个常用洞数+0.80个不常用洞数+0.56个废弃洞数。相对于对照样方而言,藏獾洞穴更偏爱选择位于郁闭度和植被盖度小,灌木密度大、距离近,乔木距离远,距水源和农田近、人为干扰距离远,坡度较缓的向阳中坡位的生境。资源选择函数模型为:logit(p)=246.980-1.059×植被盖度-0.703×距水源距离-1.403×坡度-45.005×坡向,模型的正确预测率为93.9%。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the influence of sex, age, social rank, matriline membership, posture, and visual and tactual motor control on manual preferences inSaimiri sciureus. A well-established social group of 12 squirrel monkeys, aged 2 to 14 yrs and consisting of two matrilines with social rank known for each animal, was presented with four different food-reaching tasks and assessed for hand preferences with a minimum of 100 reaches per animal. Frequency of occurrence of hand preferences at the group level and degree of hand preferences at the individual level depended on posture and on whether the reaching act took place under visual or tactual guidance. Sex, age, social rank, and matriline membership were not found to determine frequency of occurrence, direction or degree of hand preferences with the exception of one task in which a significant negative correlation between the degree of hand preference and age was found. Nine out of 12 monkeys showed task-dependent changes in the hand they used preferentially while only three animals preferred the same hand in all four tasks. Significant preferences for the use of right or left hand on a given task were distributed almost equally between individuals. Thus, the results of this study suggest task-specific demands like posture and/or whether reaching was visually or tactually guided to be the major correlates of hand preferences in food-reaching tasks in squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

城市面积在全球范围内迅速扩张,一些鸟类种群通过改变营巢特征,在与自然生境截然不同的城市中筑巢繁殖。但目前城市环境对于鸟类营巢影响的研究较缺乏。为了解鸟类营巢对城市环境的适应,于2016、2019年在黑龙江哈尔滨的城市与乡村环境,分别测量家燕(Hirundo rustica)巢(如,大小及形状)及巢址特征等(如,距地面和屋顶距离)参数,以探究:(1)家燕巢特征在乡村及城市生境是否存在差异?(2)家燕巢特征在年际间是否存在变化?并为城市家燕种群的保护提供理论依据及合理建议。研究采用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验以及Wilcoxon秩和检验比较分析所测量的巢特征参数在城乡之间、年际间的差异,并对组间参数进行线性判别分析(LDA,Linear Discriminant Analysis)。结果发现,城乡间具有显著差异:(1)与乡村相比,城市巢距离屋顶更远,距地相对更近(P<0.05);(2)城市巢更浅(P<0.05);(3)从2016到2019年,城市和乡村巢都变得更深,半径更大(P<0.05)。根据这些发现,推测城市楼房建筑的楼道为家燕繁殖提供了相对更为封闭、安全的环境,旧巢及较为丰富的支撑物为家燕提供了适宜的巢址,有可能节省亲鸟在营巢上的繁殖投入;但同时应当警惕门窗关闭、资源受限、人为干扰等不利因素可能造成的生态陷阱。  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables on the selection of a water body as breeding habitat by Salamandra salamandra was studied in an arid zone located in the southwestern part of its distribution range. From November 2002 to October 2003, 50 water bodies were monitored in the south east of the Iberian Peninsula. Environmental data were submitted to a stepwise logistic regression analysis at macrohabitat, water body typology and microhabitat scales in order to establish the main factors influencing the use of a given water body as breeding habitat by this species. A significant degree of dependence between the reproduction of Salamandra salamandra and environmental variables was observed at all of these levels. These results should be taken into account when populations of this species are subjected to management and/or recovery programmes in arid areas.  相似文献   

Substantial changes in the composition of crops in Central Europe during the last two decades (increasing areas of maize, rape and sunflower fields) have significantly influenced the structure and dynamics of animal communities, though there is a lack of data available for small rodents. In this study, we assessed the importance of these three crops for rodents and compared it with traditional crops (alfalfa, barley, wheat). We observed that herbivorous species (especially the common vole) do not live in crops which do not have green leaves near the ground (e.g. sunflower, maize), while mobile granivorous species can inhabit all types of crop. We confirmed the presumed differences in habitat preferences; however we rejected the hypothesis of a general increase of rodent abundance during the vegetative season in managed fields. We found that (1) maize and sunflower had no importance for common voles, but they were favored habitats for wood mice; (2) numbers of wood mice in rape decreased during the season, while abundances of common voles increased; (3) common vole populations tended to increase during the season in all suitable crops (alfalfa, barley, wheat, tendency in maize and rape); (4) wood mice populations seemed stable in all crops; i.e. without a seasonal increase. It can be concluded that even if the new crop fields are an important part of the agricultural landscape, they are only a temporal habitat for small mammals, especially granivorous species.  相似文献   

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