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The nonactinic environmental agents that have been found to induce mutations in laboratory mammals are almost without exception of a single chemical class, alkylating chemicals, whereas this class is only one of the numerous sorts of environmental agents that induce congenital structural malformations. Many other types of chemical teratogens as well as nonchemical teratogens exist. This conspicuous difference between the known means of producing these phenomena reflects the fact that the mechanism by which malformations and mutations arise are for the most part distinctly different from each other. Therefore, environmentally induced malformations and mutations cannot be equated with each other and used as mutual indicators in monitoring potential harmful effects of the environment.  相似文献   

The removal of carconogenic factors would be a most efficient measure to prevent cancer. As far as known chemicals are concerned, every effort is made to avert them, or at least to reduce the exposure to such compounds, but is necessary to detect unknown chemicals, especially those, drugs and foodstuffs for example, to which large populations are exposed. Giving suspected chemicals to laboratory animals is a standard carcinogenicity test. Studies of the carcinogenicity of unknown chemicals in animals are time consuming, expensive and cumbersome. This is why other means of establishing carcinogenicity are sought for. Several rapid tests are available to-day to select suspected carcinogens. These methods aim primarily at determining with chemicals--at the cell or tissue level--certain changes that would appear essential to trigger the carcinogenic process, such as somatic mutations. Studies are used on the mutagenicity of chemicals for bacteria of the Salmonella type, for yeast and cultured mammalian cells, together with the induction of recessive lethal mutations in Drosophila and of the unscheduled repair synthesis of DNA and the transformation of mammalian cells in vitro. Although there is an unequivocal correlation between the activity of chemicals in such tests and their carcinogenicity, discrepancies are found. Thus, the in vivo tests on laboratory animals remain the most reliable method to determine carcinogenicity. Whereas direct extrapolation of experimental data to human pathology is impossible, the experimental evidence of the carcinogenicity of any chemical should allow us to draw constructive conclusions. We shall never be able to reject drugs which produce the expected results and cannot be replaced by other drugs. But we can must the drugs whose beneficial effects are not exceptional and which can be replaced by other chemicals. As for the chemicals used in food additives and cosmetics, and recognized as carcinogenic in animals, they should be totally given up. Any decision made should be based on animal studies.  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, the numbers of species and chemicals produced have significantly increased. Despite the fact that industrial chemicals have given us numerous benefits, there is no doubt that they have damaged the environment. The chemicals being dispersed on the earth should be carefully controlled to prevent adverse effects. Bioassay is one of the methods to assess chemical safety. In bioassay systems, chemical safety is estimated by monitoring biological responses to environmental pollutants and newly synthesized chemicals. This report introduces multiple-end-point bioassay systems that are based on chemical sensitivities of microorganisms, responses of one kind of organism, and micro-array technology. Multiple-end-point bioassays enable the prediction of chemicals in the environment and the understanding of toxicities of newly synthesized chemicals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Toxicology studies utilizing animals and in vitro cellular or tissue preparations have been used to study the toxic effects and mechanism of action of drugs and chemicals and to determine the effective and safe dose of drugs in humans and the risk of toxicity from chemical exposures. Testing in animals could be improved if animal dosing using the mg/kg basis was abandoned and drugs and chemicals were administered to compare the effects of pharmacokinetically and toxicokinetically equivalent serum levels in the animal model and human. Because alert physicians or epidemiology studies, not animal studies, have discovered most human teratogens and toxicities in children, animal studies play a minor role in discovering teratogens and agents that are deleterious to infants and children. In vitro studies play even a less important role, although they are helpful in describing the cellular or tissue effects of the drugs or chemicals and their mechanism of action. One cannot determine the magnitude of human risks from in vitro studies when they are the only source of toxicology data. METHODS: Toxicology studies on adult animals is carried out by pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), many laboratories at the National Institutes of Health, and scientific investigators in laboratories throughout the world. Although there is a vast amount of animal toxicology studies carried out on pregnant animals and adult animals, there is a paucity of animal studies utilizing newborn, infant, and juvenile animals. This deficiency is compounded by the fact that there are very few toxicology studies carried out in children. That is one reason why pregnant women and children are referred to as "therapeutic orphans." RESULTS: When animal studies are carried out with newborn and developing animals, the results demonstrate that generalizations are less applicable and less predictable than the toxicology studies in pregnant animals. Although many studies show that infants and developing animals may have difficulty in metabolizing drugs and are more vulnerable to the toxic effects of environmental chemicals, there are exceptions that indicate that infants and developing animals may be less vulnerable and more resilient to some drugs and chemicals. In other words, the generalization indicating that developing animals are always more sensitive to environmental toxicants is not valid. For animal toxicology studies to be useful, animal studies have to utilize modern concepts of pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics, as well as "mechanism of action" (MOA) studies to determine whether animal data can be utilized for determining human risk. One example is the inability to determine carcinogenic risks in humans for some drugs and chemicals that produce tumors in rodents, When the oncogenesis is the result of peroxisome proliferation, a reaction that is of diminished importance in humans. CONCLUSIONS: Scientists can utilize animal studies to study the toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic aspects of drugs and environmental toxicants. But they have to be carried out with the most modern techniques and interpreted with the highest level of scholarship and objectivity. Threshold exposures, no-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) exposures, and toxic effects can be determined in animals, but have to be interpreted with caution when applying them to the human. Adult problems in growth, endocrine dysfunction, neurobehavioral abnormalities, and oncogenesis may be related to exposures to drugs, chemicals, and physical agents during development and may be fruitful areas for investigation. Maximum permissible exposures have to be based on data, not on generalizations that are applied to all drugs and chemicals. Epidemiology studies are still the best methodology for determining the human risk and the effects of environmental toxicants. Carrying out these focused studies in developing humans will be difficult. Animal studies may be our only alternative for answering many questions with regard to specific postnatal developmental vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

As a basis of the suggested test-system, the following conditions are observed: 1) the economy of fulfilment in a short time; 2) the analysis of gene and chromosome mutations in germ and somatic cells; 3) the evaluation of mutagenic effects of not only substance, but also of the products of its metabolism; 4) including in the system only the tests which give the minimal variability between separate experiments; 5) the evaluation of dose-effect relationship. The practical scheme of testing is divided into two parts: a screening and a complete one. The screening programme consists of two tests: a) a test on microorganisms with a metabolic activation in vitro; b) a cytogenetic analysis of bone marrow of mammals. The complete programme of testing includes 4 tests: a) a test on microorganisms with a metabolic activation in vitro and in vivo; b) a test of dominant lethal mutations on mammals; c) a cytogenetic analysis of bone marrow of mammals; d) a cytogenetic analysis in the culture of human lymphocytes. There are good reasons for the principles of selection of substance for testing according to the screening and complete programme: population occurence, economic (or medical) significance, information about relative chemicals showing mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effect. In the group of chemicals which are to be tested according to the screening programme, such ones can be included: industrial chemicals, phosphoorganic insecticides, drugs which are taken by a limited group of patients. The group of chemicals which are to be tested according to the complete programme consists of the following ones: pesticides, food additices, widespread drugs, the chemicals of the group 1, if during one of the tests of the screening programme a genetic effect is detected. At the genetic risk estimation it is advisable to keep to the following rule: a positive effect, identified in any object of the system must in the direct meaning extrapolate on men. The quantitative evaluation of the mutagenic danger of a chemical can be determined by the increase of the spontaneous level of mutations in the test-object on the basis of an average dose and exposition of the given chemical in the human population. Those chemicals are subject to the quantitative evaluation, which have shown a mutagenic activity during any of the test-objects; they are also widespread and because of their social or economic value can not be replaced or excluded from taking. From the point of view of genetics any substance with a mutagenic activity is dangerous and must be prohibited from using or replaced by any other non-mutagenic chemical, or limited by the contact of persons of non-reproductive age. As a temporary measure from a hygienic point of view, it is recommended to evaluate this chemical as especially mutagenic and prohibit or limit its using, when its average population dose produces 1/10 or more increase of the spontaneous level of mutations.  相似文献   

Chemicals used in communication are divided into signals and cues. Signals are moulded by natural selection to carry specific meanings in specific contexts. Cues, on the other hand, have not been moulded by natural selection to carry specific information for intended receivers. Distinguishing between these two modes of information transfer is difficult when animals do not perform obvious secretion behaviours. Although a number of insects have been suspected of leaving cues at food sites and nest entrances, studies have not attempted to experimentally distinguish between cues and signals. Here, we examine the chemical composition of the scent marks left by the bumblebee Bombus terrestris at food sites and compare it to those found at a neutral location. If bees are depositing a cue, we expect the same chemicals to be found at both sites, but if they deposit a signal we only expect to find the scent marks at the food site. We were also interested in identifying the chemicals left at the nest entrance to determine if they differed from those used to mark food sites. We find that bees deposit the same chemicals at food, nest and neutral sites. Therefore, bumblebees leave behind general chemical footprints everywhere they walk and we propose that they learn to use these footprints in a manner that ultimately enhances their fitness, for example, to improve their foraging efficiency and locate their nest. Experimentally, distinguishing these two modes of information transfer is crucial for understanding how they interact to shape animal behaviour and what chemical bouquets are under natural selection. Handling Editor: Heikki Hokkanen  相似文献   

The Scoring and Ranking Assessment Model (SCRAM) was developed to serve as an analytical tool in chemical scoring and ranking of Great Lakes contaminants. The model provides an initial screening evaluation, based on minimal amount of data, of large numbers of chemicals to identify those chemicals that have the greatest potential to cause adverse effects. The SCRAM model is different from most screening systems in that it assesses uncertainty. The SCRAM model was used to score a list of contaminants existing or potentially present in the Great Lakes. Data on environmental fate properties, such as persistence and bioaccumulation potential and toxicity were compiled on selected chemicals. Uncertainty scores were also assigned based on incompleteness of the database. A score was calculated for each chemical and given a relative rank based on its persistence, bioaccumulation, toxicity, and uncertainty. The relative rankings of chemicals can be used as a decision-making tool to determine which chemicals need immediate research or monitoring based on their SCRAM score and the chemical's use and environmental loading.  相似文献   

The thalidomide tragedy stimulated an intense research in the etiology, prevention and treatment of congenital malformations. The Government requires that drugs and food additives be evaluated pre-clinically for toxicity, including developmental toxicity, before being marketed. The number of compounds which must be tested has increased dramatically with the continuous development of therapeutic, cosmetic and food additive chemicals. Such tests include: in vitro studies which can serve as efficient pre-screens to rank chemicals for further batteries of in vivo tests on pregnant animals. However, the safety of any drug would be determined only by a post-marketing epidemiological survey. Taking into account the altered susceptibility to different drugs in a pregnant individual, it could be said that administration of any drug during the first trimester is an experiment in human teratology.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity is one of the important endpoints for risk assessment of environmental chemicals. Many short-term assays to evaluate genotoxicity have been developed and some of them are being used routinely. Although these assays can generally be completed within a short period, their throughput is not sufficient to assess the huge number of chemicals, which exist in our living environment without information on their safety. We have evaluated three commercially available in silico systems, i.e., DEREK, MultiCASE, and ADMEWorks, to assess chemical genotoxicity. We applied these systems to the 703 chemicals that had been evaluated by the Salmonella/microsome assay from CGX database published by Kirkland et al. We also applied these systems to the 206 existing chemicals in Japan that were recently evaluated using the Salmonella/microsome assay under GLP compliance (ECJ database). Sensitivity (the proportion of the positive in Salmonella/microsome assay correctly identified by the in silico system), specificity (the proportion of the negative in Salmonella/microsome assay correctly identified) and concordance (the proportion of correct identifications of the positive and the negative in Salmonella/microsome assay) were increased when we combined the three in silico systems to make a final decision in mutagenicity, and accordingly we concluded that in silico evaluation could be optimized by combining the evaluations from different systems. We also investigated whether there was any correlation between the Salmonella/microsome assay result and the molecular weight of the chemicals: high molecular weight (>3000) chemicals tended to give negative results. We propose a decision tree to assess chemical genotoxicity using a combination of the three in silico systems after pre-selection according to their molecular weight.  相似文献   

A rapid in vivo test for chromosomal damage   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
An in vivo method for screening drugs, food additives, and other chemicals that might cause chromosomal aberrations has been tested. It is reliable, easy, and very much more rapid than the traditional method.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread distribution of a great many chemical substances in the environment, very few have been implicated in human teratogenicity, and most of these are drugs used at relatively high biological effect levels. Although several other types of environmental chemicals such as pesticides, solvents, and metals can be shown under laboratory conditions to have some teratogenic potential, there is little evidence that these, at present ambient concentrations and conditions of exposure, represent significant hazards to human intrauterine development. An exception to the latter generalization is methylmercury which, because of peculiarities in distribution, can reach high concentration in the human diet.  相似文献   

The system previously described for inducing single gene mutations in Chinese hamster cells has been extended to produce additional auxotrophic mutants. An improved method for quantitating the efficiency of single gene mutation to specific auxotrophies has been developed. Mutagenesis in the forward direction has been measured after treatment of these cells with ethyl methanesulfonate, N-methyl-N1-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, hydroxylamine, an acridine mustard (ICR-191), caffeine and ultraviolet- and X-irradiation. For each agent, the single cell survival curve and the efficiency of chromatid breakage and rearrangement were measured. Similar measurements were also carried out with a water-soluble carcinogen N-nitrosomethylurea, which was shown to be effective in producing auxotrophic, somatic mutations. These results offer promise of illuminating the relationships between cell killing, chromosomal aberration, single gene mutations and carcinogenesis produced by various agents. The methods described can be used in routine testing of drugs, food additives, and environmental pollutants for mutagenic action in mammalian cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Johnson FM 《Mutation research》2003,543(3):201-215
High production volume (HPV) chemicals are produced in or imported to the US in amounts greater than 1 million pounds per chemical per year. The EPA has identified thousands of HPVs. Due to their abundance, such chemicals bring a substantial risk for human exposure, and as a result some level of adverse consequences to health are to be expected. In order to examine the potential for cancer risk associated with HPVs, this paper examines HPVs that have been tested in the National Toxicology Program's rodent cancer bioassay. The chemicals tested in the bioassay represent a small sample of the universe of environmental chemicals to which people are exposed. Unexpectedly, 60% of the 128 HPVs evaluated in the bioassay proved to be rodent carcinogens. This value compares to a predicted prevalence of only 16.5% carcinogens in a previous study. The previous study concluded that HPVs were less likely to be toxic by a variety of other test criteria as well. However, the approach involved identifying putative carcinogens using quantitative chemical structure-activity relationships (QSAR) in contrast to the direct tabulation of bioassay test results performed here. Detailed examination of bioassay results reveals that test outcomes depend heavily on route of administration as well as on dose level, sex, strain, and species used. Since most of these factors have little or no apparent relationship to chemical structure, results of this study suggest that QSAR, as well as virtually all other alternative methods, may not generally provide accurate predictions of carcinogenic potential. As we wait for efficient and effective methods for predicting carcinogens to be developed, people continue to be exposed to environmental carcinogens. Progress on regulating environmental carcinogens as well as on developing more effective test methods has been minimal since "war on cancer" began approximately 30 years ago. The present study questions whether the current strategy for dealing with environmental carcinogens will ever be successful. Close examination of rodent cancer test results seems to suggest that almost all chemicals may have carcinogenic potential in some genotypes under some exposure circumstances. If this hypothesis is correct, it would explain the general lack of progress in developing methods to differentiate carcinogens from noncarcinogens. A completely new strategy for dealing with cancer caused by exposures to environmental chemicals seems to be needed.  相似文献   

From a literature survey, 117 chemicals are tabulated that have been assayed in 179 assays for their clastogenic effects in Pisum. Of the 117 chemicals that have been assayed, 65 are reported at giving a positive reaction (i.e. causing chromosome aberrations), 30 positive with a dose response, five borderline positive. Seventeen chemicals gave a negative response. Eighty-one percent of the chemicals gave a definite positive response. A c-mitotic effect was detected from treatment with 17 chemicals. In addition to the above tabulation of chemicals, 39 chemicals have been reported with an antimitotic effect. Thirteen assays have been recorded for five types of radiation, which with the exception of ultrasound reacted positively. The results of assays with 38 chemicals and/or radiations in combined treatments, as well as 15 chemicals and three types of radiations that induce somatic mutations are tabulated. The Pisum sativum (2n=14) bioassay has been shown to be a very good plant bioassay for assessing chromosome damage both in mitosis and meiosis for somatic mutations induced by chemicals, radiations, and environmental pollutants. For some chemicals, the Pisum assay is not as sensitive in assessing clastogenicity as the Allium assay, although this should be considered in relative terms. Pisum fulvum (2n=14) has been used in clastogenic studies also, but to a much lesser extent.  相似文献   

Potential commercial applications of microbial surfactants   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
Surfactants are surface-active compounds capable of reducing surface and interfacial tension at the interfaces between liquids, solids and gases, thereby allowing them to mix or disperse readily as emulsions in water or other liquids. The enormous market demand for surfactants is currently met by numerous synthetic, mainly petroleum-based, chemical surfactants. These compounds are usually toxic to the environment and non-biodegradable. They may bio-accumulate and their production, processes and by-products can be environmentally hazardous. Tightening environmental regulations and increasing awareness for the need to protect the ecosystem have effectively resulted in an increasing interest in biosurfactants as possible alternatives to chemical surfactants. Biosurfactants are amphiphilic compounds of microbial origin with considerable potential in commercial applications within various industries. They have advantages over their chemical counterparts in biodegradability and effectiveness at extreme temperature or pH and in having lower toxicity. Biosurfactants are beginning to acquire a status as potential performance-effective molecules in various fields. At present biosurfactants are mainly used in studies on enhanced oil recovery and hydrocarbon bioremediation. The solubilization and emulsification of toxic chemicals by biosurfactants have also been reported. Biosurfactants also have potential applications in agriculture, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, detergents, personal care products, food processing, textile manufacturing, laundry supplies, metal treatment and processing, pulp and paper processing and paint industries. Their uses and potential commercial applications in these fields are reviewed. Received: 29 July 1999 / Received revision: 8 November 1999 / Accepted: 9 November 1999  相似文献   

Study of P450 function using gene knockout and transgenic mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The xenobiotic-metabolizing P450s have been extensively studied for their ability to metabolize endogenous and exogenous chemicals. The latter include drugs and dietary and environmentally derived toxicants and carcinogens. These enzymes also metabolize endogenous steroids and fatty acids. P450s are thought to be required for efficient removal of most xenobiotics from the body and to be responsible for the hazardous effects of toxicants and carcinogens based on their ability to convert chemicals to electrophilic metabolites that can cause cellular damage and gene mutations. P450 catalytic activities have been extensively studied in vitro and in cell culture, yielding considerable information on their mechanisms of catalysis, substrate specificities, and metabolic products. Targeted gene disruption has been used to determine the roles of P450s in intact animals and their contributions to the mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenesis. The P450s chosen for study, CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP1A2, and CYP2E1, are conserved in mammals and are known to metabolize most toxicants and chemical carcinogens. Mice lacking expression of these enzymes do not differ from wild-type mice, indicating that these P450s are not required for development and physiological homeostasis. However, the P450 null mice have altered responses to the toxic and carcinogenic effects of chemicals as compared with wild-type mice. These studies establish that P450s mediate the adverse effects of drugs and dietary, environmental, and industrial chemicals and serve to validate molecular epidemiology studies that seek to determine links between P450 polymorphisms and susceptibility to chemically associated diseases. More recently, P450 humanized mice have been produced.  相似文献   

Computer-generated genetic activity profiles and pairwise matching procedures may aid in the selection of the most appropriate short-term bioassays to be used in test batteries for the evaluation of the genotoxicity of a given chemical or group of chemicals. Selection of test batteries would be based on a quantitative comparative assessment of the past performance of similar tests applied to other chemicals of the same structural group. The information potentially available for test-battery selection through the use of this pattern-recognition technique is considerably greater than the qualitative results obtained from individual short-term tests. Application of the method should further our understanding of the relationships between chemical properties and genotoxic responses obtained in short-term bioassays and also may contribute to our knowledge of the mechanisms of complex processes such as carcinogenesis. This approach to battery selection should be augmented by careful consideration of established principles of genetic toxicity testing; that is, a chemical should be evaluated in a battery of tests representing the full range of relevant genetic endpoints.  相似文献   

Toxicogenomic approach for assessing toxicant-related disease   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The problems of identifying environmental factors involved in the etiology of human disease and performing safety and risk assessments of drugs and chemicals have long been formidable issues. Three principal components for predicting potential human health risks are: (1) the diverse structure and properties of thousands of chemicals and other stressors in the environment; (2) the time and dose parameters that define the relationship between exposure and disease; and (3) the genetic diversity of organisms used as surrogates to determine adverse chemical effects. The global techniques evolving from successful genomics efforts are providing new exciting tools with which to address these intractable problems of environmental health and toxicology. In order to exploit the scientific opportunities, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has created the National Center for Toxicogenomics (NCT). The primary mission of the NCT is to use gene expression technology, proteomics and metabolite profiling to create a reference knowledge base that will allow scientists to understand mechanisms of toxicity and to be able to predict the potential toxicity of new chemical entities and drugs. A principal scientific objective underpinning the use of microarray analysis of chemical exposures is to demonstrate the utility of signature profiling of the action of drugs or chemicals and to utilize microarray methodologies to determine biomarkers of exposure and potential adverse effects. The initial approach of the NCT is to utilize proof-of-principle experiments in an effort to "phenotypically anchor" the altered patterns of gene expression to conventional parameters of toxicity and to define dose and time relationships in which the expression of such signature genes may precede the development of overt toxicity. The microarray approach is used in conjunction with proteomic techniques to identify specific proteins that may serve as signature biomarkers. The longer-range goal of these efforts is to develop a reference relational database of chemical effects in biological systems (CEBS) that can be used to define common mechanisms of toxicity, chemical and drug actions, to define cellular pathways of response, injury and, ultimately, disease. In order to implement this strategy, the NCT has created a consortium of research organizations and private sector companies to actively collaborative in populating the database with high quality primary data. The evolution of discrete databases to a knowledge base of toxicogenomics will be accomplished through establishing relational interfaces with other sources of information on the structure and activity of chemicals such as that of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and with databases annotating gene identity, sequence, and function.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity is one of the important endpoints for risk assessment of environmental chemicals. Many short-term assays to evaluate genotoxicity have been developed and some of them are being used routinely. Although these assays can generally be completed within a short period, their throughput is not sufficient to assess the huge number of chemicals, which exist in our living environment without information on their safety. We have evaluated three commercially available in silico systems, i.e., DEREK, MultiCASE, and ADMEWorks, to assess chemical genotoxicity. We applied these systems to the 703 chemicals that had been evaluated by the Salmonella/microsome assay from CGX database published by Kirkland et al. [1]. We also applied these systems to the 206 existing chemicals in Japan that were recently evaluated using the Salmonella/microsome assay under GLP compliance (ECJ database). Sensitivity (the proportion of the positive in Salmonella/microsome assay correctly identified by the in silico system), specificity (the proportion of the negative in Salmonella/microsome assay correctly identified) and concordance (the proportion of correct identifications of the positive and the negative in Salmonella/microsome assay) were increased when we combined the three in silico systems to make a final decision in mutagenicity, and accordingly we concluded that in silico evaluation could be optimized by combining the evaluations from different systems. We also investigated whether there was any correlation between the Salmonella/microsome assay result and the molecular weight of the chemicals: high molecular weight (>3000) chemicals tended to give negative results. We propose a decision tree to assess chemical genotoxicity using a combination of the three in silico systems after pre-selection according to their molecular weight.  相似文献   

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