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Measurements of intra- and extracellular pH during the excitationof Nitellopsis obtusa were carried out with antimony microelectrodesat conditions of dark adaptation and of continuous illumination.The pH of the vacuolar sap of both dark-adapted and illuminatedcells increased during cell excitation by 0·1–0·15units. H+ ions which had entered the cytoplasm during excitationin dark-adapted cells were extruded back into the vacuole acrossthe tonoplast. After cell excitation in the light H+ ions wereextruded from the cytoplasm also into the external medium probablyacross the light-stimulated active H+-channels. Protoplasmicstreaming ceased during excitation in the dark for 1–3min, and during excitation in the light—for 5–20s.  相似文献   

The correlation between the pump current and the ATP-dependentH+ efflux was examined in internodal cells of Nitellopsis obtusa.To control the cytoplasmic pH and ATP concentration, the tonoplastwas removed by intracellular perfusion with an EGTA-containingmedium. Two groups of perfused cells were prepared, one with1 mM ATP (+ATP cells) and the other without ATP but with hexokinaseand glucose (–ATP cells). The ATP-dependent H+ effluxwas calculated as the difference in H+ efflux between the +ATPand –ATP cells. Based on an electrically equivalent circuitmodel of the plasma membrane, the pump current was calculatedfrom the membrane potentials and the membrane resistances ofboth +ATP and –ATP cells. When the membrane potentialwas not too high (–220 mV), the ATP-dependent H+ current(19 mA m–2) was almost equal to the pump current (20 mAm–2) calculated from the electrical data. This indicatesthat the electrogenic pump current across the plasma membraneof Nitellopsis obtuse was mostly carried by H+. But when themembrane potential was high (–280 mV), the H+ currentwas lower than the pump current. The possible cause of thisdiscrepancy is discussed. (Received November 5, 1984; Accepted February 28, 1985)  相似文献   

Ion transport in Nitellopsis obtusa   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The distribution and rates of exchange of the ions sodium, potassium, and chloride in single internodal cells of the ecorticate characean, Nitellopsis obtusa, have been studied. In tracer experiments three kinetic compartments were found, the outermost "free space" of the cell, a compartment we have called "protoplasmic non-free space", and the cell sap. The concentrations in the vacuole were 54 mM Na(+), 113 mM K(+), and 206 mM Cl(-). The steady state fluxes across the vacuolar membrane were 0.4 pmole Na(+)/cm.(2) sec., 0.25 pmole K(+)/cm.(2) sec., and 0.5 pmole Cl(-)/cm.(2) sec. The protoplasmic Na/K ratio is equal to that in the vacuole but protoplasmic chloride is relatively much lower. Osmotic considerations suggest a layer 4 to 6 micro thick with sodium and potassium concentrations close to those in the vacuole. The fluxes between protoplasm and external solution were of the order of 8 pmoles Na(+)/cm.(2) sec. and 4 pmoles K(+)/cm.(2) sec. We suggest that the protoplasm is separated from the cell wall by an outer protoplasmic membrane at which an outward sodium transport maintains the high K/Na ratio of the cell interior, and from the vacuole by the tonoplast at which an inward chloride transport maintains the high vacuolar chloride. The tonoplast appears to be the site of the principal diffusion resistance of the cell, but the outer protoplasmic membrane probably of the main part of the potential.  相似文献   

Aluminium induced membrane potential (Em) changes and potential changes during repolarization phase of the action potential (AP) in the internodal cells of Nitellopsis obtusa after blocking H+-ATPase activity by DCCD were investigated. Micromolar concentrations of DCCD are sufficient to give complete and irreversible inhibition of proton pumping. The membrane potential was measured by conventional glass-microelectrode technique. We found that the half-amplitude pulse duration differs significantly between standard conditions, after DCCD application, and after H+-ATPase blocking and subsequent Al3+ treatment: 4.9, 7.7 and 17.2 seconds, respectively. We propose that in the short term (2 hours) treatment of Al3+, the decrease in membrane potential was compensated for by H+-ATPase activity. Blocking H+-ATPase activity by DCCD can enhance the influence of Al3+ on the bioelectrical activity of cell membranes.  相似文献   

Internodal cells of Nitellopsis were made tonoplast-free byperfusion with a medium containing EGTA. Cytoplasmic concentrationsof solutes were controlled by a second perfusion with mediaof known composition. The electrogenic pump current (Ip), whichwas calculated from electrical data obtained from cells withand without ATP, was compared with the current carried by H+(IH+) across the plasma membrane. A close correlation betweenIp and IH+ was found under various internal and external conditions.(1) Ip and IH+ depended on the internal ATP and showed Michaelis-Mententype saturation curves. For Ip, Km was 120 µM and themaximum current Vmax was 15.1 mA m–2, while for IH+, Kmwas 160 µM and Vmax was 16.6 mA m–2. (2) Ip andIH+ showed almost the same IH2+ dependence. The Mg2+-dependentIp was 19.5 mA m–2, while the Mg2+-dependent IH2+ was17.7 mA m–2. (3) IH2+ was maximal at an external pH of8 and decreased both in acidic and alkaline pH ranges. Ip wasnearly equal to IH+ in the pH range between 8 and 5. (4) IH+became maximal at an internal pH of 7.3, which is nearly thesame as the pH for maximal electrogenecity found by Mimura andTazawa (1984). All these facts support the idea proposed in our previous paper(Takeshige et al. 1985) that the electrogenic ion pump locatedin the plasma membrane of Nitellopsis is the H+ pump. 1 Dedicated to Professor Dr. Erwin Bünning on the occasionof his 80th birthday. (Received June 21, 1985; Accepted December 20, 1985)  相似文献   

Oscillatory changes of the electrical resistance across the nodal complex of Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv. in Lois) J. Gr. were observed in experiments performed for 40–150 min with the use of external electrodes and microelectrodes. Three main patterns of node resistance oscillations were similar to those found for membrane potential and resistance. The presented findings indicate an oscillatory behaviour of the plasmodesmata system at the node, which may be connected with e.g. pulsatile variations in the number of open plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Protein storage vacuoles were examined for the induction of H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase), H+-ATPase, and a membrane integral protein of 23 kD after seed germination. Membranes of protein storage vacuoles were prepared from dry seeds and etiolated cotyledons of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.). Membrane vesicles from etiolated cotyledons had ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent H+-transport activities. H+-ATPase activity was sensitive to nitrate and bafilomycin, and H+-PPase activity was stimulated by potassium ion and inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The activities of both enzymes increased after seed germination. On immunoblot analysis, the 73-kD polypeptide of H+-PPase and the two major subunits, 68 and 57 kD, of vacuolar H+-ATPase were detected in the vacuolar membranes of cotyledons, and the levels of the subunits of enzymes increased parallel to those of enzyme activities. Small amounts of the subunits of the enzymes were detected in dry cotyledons. Immunocytochemical analysis of the cotyledonous cells with anti-H+-PPase showed the close association of H+-PPase to the membranes of protein storage vacuoles. In endosperms of castor bean (Ricinus communis), both enzymes and their subunits increased after germination. Furthermore, the vacuolar membranes from etiolated cotyledons of pumpkin had a polypeptide that cross-reacted with antibody against a 23-kD membrane protein of radish vacuole, VM23, but the membranes of dry cotyledons did not. The results from this study suggest that H+-ATPase, H+-PPase, and VM23 are expressed and accumulated in the membranes of protein storage vacuoles after seed germination. Overall, the findings indicate that the membranes of protein storage vacuoles are transformed into those of central vacuoles during the growth of seedlings.  相似文献   

Measurements of impedance were made on the internodal cellsof Nitellopsis obtusa with the aid of external electrodes andcurrent frequencies of from 20 to 1000 Hz. The analysis of theresults points to the fact that the resistance (r) and capacity(c) of the membrane and the specific resistance (p) of the interiorof the cell are constant in the range of the frequencies used.The values of r, c, and p are: r = 26.2 k cm2; c = 0.55 F cm–2;p = 78 em. The observed dispersion of the resistance and capacityof the system investigated at low frequencies is a result ofits complex structure, which consists of several phases withdifferent electrical parameters. These phases are: the membranes,the cytoplasm, the vacuolar sap, the external solution, andthe electrodes.  相似文献   

The decomposition of urea by Nitellopsis obtusa from Characeae was investigated. The intact cells were exposed to the inhibition by two typical urease inhibitors: boric acid and fluoride ion, used as a criterion to define if urease or UAL-ase is responsible for the ureolytic activity of the algae. It was found that boric acid and fluoride ion are simple competitive and slow-binding competitive inhibitors of Nitellopsis obtusa enzyme respectively, which is the response characteristic of urease. The inhibition constants equal to 2.3 and 0.1 mM for boric acid and fluoride ion, when compared to those of jack bean urease, indicate that in the observed kinetic behaviour of Nitellopsis obtusa urease partake transport processes taking place in the intact cells.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic drops covered with the tonoplast were prepared frominternodal cells of Nitellopsis grown in fresh water. Applyingthe patch-clamp technique and the microinjection technique tosuch drops, we characterized the ion channels in the tonoplast.Both in cell-free patches and in the cytoplasmic-drop-attachedpatches, the tonoplast K+ channel was identified. The permeabilityratio between Na+ and K+ was calculated to be 0.2. This channelwould provide a molecular basis for the Na+/K+ exchange at thetonoplast. In cell-free patches, the K+channel was not activatedby Ca2+. However, in the case of attached patches, microinjectionof Ca2+ into a drop activated the K+ channel with a lag of afew seconds, suggesting that some cytoplasmic factor(s) maymediate the activation of the K+ channel by Ca2+. The conductanceof this channel was not changed by cytoplasmic Ca2+, but theprobability of opening increased markedly. In addition to theK+ channel, a second type of channel was also identified incell-free patches. This channel may be the Cl channel. 3 Present address: Department of Insect Physiology and Behavior,National Institute of Sericultural and Entomological Science,Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan (Received August 6, 1990; Accepted December 6, 1990)  相似文献   

With the use of voltage clamp and current clamp techniques thesupposition was proved that during the hyperpolarizing response(HR) N. obtusa cells generate active electromotive force (emf)at the expense of metabolic energy. Threshold inward currentsent through the plasmalemma of the cell which was depolarizedwith 100 mol m–3 KG resulted in the HR with the transferof the membrane's excitable units from the high-conductive stateto the low-conductive state. During the HR the membrane potentialVm increased from –135±10 mV to –290±15mV, the membrane resistance increased from 3.3±1.5 kOhmcm2 to 5.8±1.2 kOhm cm2 and the membrane emf Em increasedfrom –20±4 mV to –93± 15 mV. Changesin the external concentration of K, Na+, Cl andH did not affect the patterns of HR. Cells which weredepolarized by light also generated HR (in normal medium) whichwas accompanied with the increase of Vm, Rm and Em. The highvalue of Em generated during the HR can be explained only withthe involvement of active electrogenic charge transfer acrossthe membrane. 0.05 mol m–3 DCCD added to the externalmedium inhibited the HR in both cases. Key words: Active ion transport, Hyperpolarizing response, Nitellopsis obtusa  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on the algal cells with removed tonoplast using both continuous intracellular perfusion and voltage clamp on plasmalemma. The transient plasmalemma current induced by depolarization disappeared upon perfusion with the Ca2+-chelating agent, EGTA, since the voltage-dependent calcium channels lost their ability to activate. Subsequent replacement of the perfusion medium containing EGTA by another with Ca2+ for clamped plasmalemma (-100 mV) induced an inward C1- current which showed both activation and inactivation. The maximal amplitude of the current at [C1-]in = 15 mmol/l (which is similar to that in native cells) was approximately twice that in electrically excited cell in vivo. The inactivation of C1 channels in the presence of internal Ca2+ was irreversible and had a time constant of 1-3 min. This supports our earlier suggestion (Lunevsky et al. 1983) that the inactivation of C1 channels in an intact cell (with a time constant of 1-3 s) is due to a decrease in Ca2+ concentration rather than to the activity of their own inactivation mechanism. The C1 channel selectivity sequence was following: C1- much greater than CH3SO-4 approximately equal to K+ much greater than SO2-4 (PK/PSO4 approximately 10). Activation of one half the channels occurs at a Ca2+ concentration of 2 X 10(-5) mol/l. Sr2+ also (though to a lesser extent) activated C1 channels but had to be present in a much more higher concentration than Ca2+. Mg2+ and Ba2+ appeared ineffective. Ca2+ activation did not, apparently, require participation of water-soluble intermediator including ATP. Thus, C1 channel functioning is controlled by Ca2+-, Sr2+-sensitive elements of the subplasmalemma cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Measurements of tonoplast resistance for unit area, T were carriedout by four methods. The T values obtained by two of these methods,when taking into account a correction for leakage current, were0.024 and 0.010 k cm2. The other two methods, which made itpossible to neglect leakage current, gave the T values of 0.036and 0.021 k cm2. Thus, the mean value of tonoplast resistancein the investigated cells of Nitellopsis obtusa was 0.023 kcm2, while the measurements in which leakage current was nottaken into account gave the value 10.6 k cm2. The results obtainedin this study indicate the fact that leakage current significantlyaffects measurements of tonoplast resistance and that the truevalue of that resistance is smaller by two or three orders ofmagnitude than that usually reported.  相似文献   

Interrelations between the action of acetylcholine (ACh) and cadmium ions (Cd2+) on bioelectrogenesis of Nitellopsis obtusa cells were investigated. We analyzed repetitively triggered action potentials (AP), their reproducibility, shape and dynamics of membrane potential after AP induction. ACh significantly increased membrane permeability only at high concentrations (1 mM and 5 mM). Repolarisation level of action potential after the first stimulus was much more positive in all cells treated with ACh as compared to the control. Differences of membrane potentials between points just before the first and the second stimuli were 23.4±.0 mV (control); 40.4±5.9 mV (1 mM ACh solution) and 57.7 ± 8.5 mV (5 mM ACh solution). Cd2+ at 20 μM concentration was examined as a possible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in vivo. We found that cadmium strengthens depolarizing effect of acetylcholine after the first stimulus. The highest velocity of AP repolarization was reduced after ACh application and Cd2+strengthened this effect. There were no differences in dynamics of membrane potential after repetitively triggered action potentials in ACh or ACh and Cd2+ solutions. This shows that cadmium in small concentration acts as inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

Using the patch-clamp technique, we recorded single-channel currents across the excised patch of the plasma membrane of Nitellopsis. Both K+ and Na+ can pass this channel, but currents were not carried by Cl. Upon the addition of ATP or AMP to the cytoplasmic side, the frequency of channel opening decreased. This is the first report on an ATP-regulated channel in plant cells.  相似文献   

Nitellopsis obtusa, a macroalga (Characeae) native to Europe and Asia, was found in U.S. waters of the St. Clair-Detroit River system in 1983, thus extending the range of this taxon into the Laurentian Great Lakes about 850 km from the St. Lawrence River where it was first discovered in North America in 1978. Its occurrence only in water frequented by commercial shipping vessels suggests that it is distributed via this mechanism. In the St. Clair-Detroit River system, N. obtusa was collected with a Ponar grab at four locations, and with a grapnel at one additional location. It was the ninth most frequently found macrophyte and it was most abundant at Belle Isle in the Detroit River, where the mean dry-weight biomass in Ponar samples was 0 g m-2 in June, 37 g m-2 in August, and 32 g m−2 in September. Maximum biomass of this taxon in one Ponar grab at this location was 289 g m-2 in September. The alga occurred primarily in water of relatively low current velocity (11.3 cm s−1) and in association with Vallisneria americana, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton richardsonii, Najas flexilis, and Elodea canadensis. Contribution 654, Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA Contribution 654, Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA  相似文献   

The relationship between adenine-nucleotide levels and metabolism-dependent membrane potential was studied in cells of Nitellopsis obtusa. Effects of ADP and AMP in the presence of ATP on electrogenic pump activity were measured in the dark, using the continuous perfusion method. Both ADP and AMP acte as competitive inhibitors for ATP, the Ki value for either compound being about 0.4 mM. The role of ADP and AMP as regulating factors for the electrogenic pump was investigated under various metabolic conditions. Application of N2 gas in the dark caused a significant membrane depolarization amounting to 90 mV, but cytoplasmic streaming and membrane excitability were not affected. Under anoxia, the ATP level decreased from 1.6 to 0.5 mM; ADP increased but only slightly, and AMP increased greatly. However, the time course of changes in the adenine nucleotides was not concurrent with that of the membrane-potential changes, thus, the adenine-nucleotide level changes cannot fully account for the N2-elicited depolarization. Under light, although the membrane hyperpolarized, no significant changes in the adenine-nucleotide levels were observed. Therefore, the light-induced membrane hyperpolarization cannot be explained solely by changes in adenine-nucleotide levels.Abbreviations APW artificial pond water - Em membrane potential - Rm membrane resistance  相似文献   

The present paper is a study on the rapid and the slow excitablechannels of Nitellopsis obtusa. The working hypothesis is thatduring the excitation of these cells a Ca2+-dependent activeion-transport system in the plasmalemma is activated (Gyenesand Bulychev, 1979; Gyenes, Bulychev, and Kurella, 1980) whichmay interact with a light-dependent active transport systemalso present in the plasmalemma. It is found that under conditionsof maximal light-induced current changes, registered in voltageclamp experiments, the amplitudes of both action current componentsare relatively small (10–15 µA cm2) and they increaseup to 100–150 µA cm–2 during 15–30 minin the dark. Cells may also be excited chemically under conditionsof unchanged voltage across the plasmalemma. It is suggestedthat in the excitation process of Nitellopsis obtusa two typesof ion channels take part/emdash electrically excitable passiveand chemically excitable active channels-both incorporated inone proteolipid complex of a Ca2+-dependent ATPase of the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞伸长生长中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用免疫荧光定位及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜,结合细胞生长曲线的定量测定,对不同生长阶段的轮藻节间细胞微管骨架进行了观察研究,结果如下:轮藻顶端生长活跃的新生细胞中,与细胞长轴垂直的周质微管(cortical microtubules)占绝对优势,随着生长速率的减慢,周质微管由垂直于细胞长轴逐渐转为平行排列;基部生长基本停止的节间细胞中,胞内微管则以平行细胞长轴为主;不同生长阶段节间细胞的微管骨架,对微管特异解聚剂黄草消(oryzalin)处理的敏感性表现不相同。顶端生长活跃的节间细胞经oryzalin处理40min后,绝大多数周质微管发生解聚;而基部生长基本停止的老细胞中,即使延长处理时间,仍残留一些尚未完全解聚的微管片段;10μmol/L微管解聚剂oryzalin处理轮藻顶端新生细胞,在高精度的细胞伸长生长测定装置监测下,发现oryzalin对细胞的伸长生长速率有明显的抑制作用,去掉药剂后,伸长生长又有一定的恢复。并且发现,经oryzalin处理后,微管的解聚(40min左右)与顶端节间细胞伸长生长的停止(100min左右)两者间存在着时间上的差异,即微管解聚在先,细胞伸长停止在后。以上结果均说明微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞生长中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

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