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Since the beginning of the 1980s, the Paramecium–Holospora system has become an important model and a subject of international scientific cooperation in symbiosis studies, established by Prof. H.-D. Görtz. In the article, a brief sketch of the scientist's life, his areas of interest, expertise and his contribution to our knowledge of protozoan symbiosis are discussed.  相似文献   

In this essay, I discuss the origin of Charles Darwin's interest in cirripedes (barnacles). Indeed, he worked intensively on cirripedes during the years in which he was developing the theory that eventually led to the publication of The Origin of Species. In the light of our present knowledge, I present Darwin's achievements in the morphology, systematics and biology of these small marine invertebrates, and also his mistakes. I suggest that the word that sheds the most light here is homology, and that his mistakes were due to following Richard Owen's method of determining homologies by reference to an ideal archetype. I discuss the ways in which his studies on cirripedes influenced the writing of The Origin.  相似文献   

Sears CL 《Anaerobe》2012,18(2):192-196
Dr. Sydney Finegold is one of the most heralded leaders in the discovery, classification and scientific knowledge of anaerobic bacteria. On this occasion of his 90th birthday, this paper celebrates his lifetime of accomplishments and provides a perspective on the changes and growth in our understanding of one anaerobic species, Bacteroides fragilis. Over the last nearly 40 years, clinical and research data have fostered our current view that B. fragilis are essential symbiotes as well as, in some circumstances, pathogens with the capacity to induce both acute systemic and abdominal illnesses and possibly chronic colonic diseases.  相似文献   

Julian Davidson was one of the three founding editors (with Frank A. Beach and Richard E. Whalen) of Hormones and Behavior and served in this capacity from 1969 to 1976. In addition, Julian made many significant research contributions to the field of behavioral neuroendocrinology. These included his studies on the neuroendocrine control of masculine sexual behavior, first in the rat and later in the human male. Julian Davidson was one of a small number of investigators who successfully bridged the divide between animal and human studies of sexuality and brain function. In light of his contributions to our field and his instrumental role in the creation of this journal, we are publishing a collection of remembrances by former students and fellows as well as colleagues and friends. Benjamin Sachs has overseen the solicitation and editing of these contributions.Michael J. Baum Editor  相似文献   



Linnaeus developed a robust system for naming plants and a useful, if mechanical, system for classifying them. His binomial nomenclature proved the catalyst for the rapid development of our knowledge of orchids, with his work on the family dating back to 1737 in the first edition of his Genera Plantarum. His first work devoted to orchids, indeed the first monograph of the family, was published in 1740 and formed the basis for his account in Species Plantarum, published in 1753, in which he gave a binomial name to each species. Given the overwhelming number of orchids, he included surprisingly few – only 62 mostly European species – in Species Plantarum, his seminal work on the plants of the world. This reflects the European origin of modern botany and the concentration of extra-European exploration on other matters, such as conquest, gold and useful plants. Nevertheless, the scope of Linnaeus'' work is broad, including plants from as far afield as India, Japan, China and the Philippines to the east, and eastern Canada, the West Indies and northern South America to the west. In his later publications he described and named a further 45 orchids, mostly from Europe, South Africa and the tropical Americas.


The philosophical basis of Linnaeus'' work on orchids is discussed and his contribution to our knowledge of the family assessed. His generic and species concepts are considered in the light of current systematic ideas, but his adoption of binomial nomenclature for all plants is his lasting legacy.Key words: Classification, Linnaeus, nomenclature, Orchidaceae, orchids  相似文献   

《Journal of bacteriology》2010,192(17):4261-4263
Malcolm J. Casadaban died on 13 September 2009 from an infection and was found to have a weakened strain of the bacterium Yersinia pestis in his blood. This tragic event took the life of one of the most creative and influential geneticists of our time. In the late 1970s and ''80s, Malcolm invented novel approaches which changed the way many of us did science. Jon Beckwith, Tom Silhavy, and Olaf Schneewind have chronicled his scientific life from graduate school to his death and give us insight into Malcolm''s genius.Philip Matsumura Editor in Chief, Journal of Bacteriology  相似文献   

Models of sex ratio evolution under partial sib-mating are investigated in haplodiploids and diploids. In the cases of parental and sibling control of the brood investment ratio between the sexes in diploids, we find that the “unbeatable” investment ratio obtained by W. D. Hamilton (Science156, 477–488) for his local mate competition model corresponds in our inbreeding models to a weak form ESS (evolutionary stable strategy) fixation state and also to the population investment ratio at certain internal equilibria of our models. For haplodiploids, “strong form ESS” values exist under inbreeding in models involving father and sister control. Under brother and mother control, however, the ESS derived from local mate competition models is unstable in our inbreeding models to the introduction of any other investment ratio. We stress important qualitative differences between models involving local mate competition and inbreeding.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, we described for the first time the effects of fruit on the expression of putative homologues of genes involved in flowering pathways. It was our aim to provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying alternate bearing in citrus. However, a bioinformatics-based critique of our and other related papers has been given by Samach in the preceding Viewpoint article in this issue of Annals of Botany. The use of certain bioinformatic tools in a context of structural rather than functional genomics can cast doubts about the veracity of a large amount of data published in recent years. In this response, the contentions raised by Samach are analysed, and rebuttals of his criticisms are presented.  相似文献   

Goodbye John     

It is with great sadness when we learned of the death of John Tooze, our predecessor as the Director of EMBO and the founder and first Chief Editor of The EMBO Journal. Our thoughts are with his wife Sharon and his children, and we share our memories of John with the broader community who have known him as a scientific coordinator and an editor who embodied EMBO’s credo of excellence.  相似文献   

Lorenz Hiltner is recognized as the first scientist to coin the term “rhizosphere” in 1904. His scientific career and achievements are summarized in this essay. Most of his research he performed in the Bavarian Agriculture–Botanical Institute (later named the “Bavarian Institute of Plant Growth and Plant Protection”) in Munich, where he was the director from 1902 to 1923. Beginning with intensive and thorough investigations on the germination and growth of different crop plants (legumes and non-legumes) Hiltner became convinced, that root exudates of different plants support the development of different bacterial communities. His definition of the “rhizosphere” in the year 1904 centered on the idea, that plant nutrition is considerably influenced by the microbial composition of the rhizosphere. Hiltner observed bacterial cells even inside the rhizodermis of healthy roots. In analogy with fungal root symbionts, Hiltner named the bacterial community that is closely associated with roots “bacteriorhiza.” In his rhizosphere concept, Hiltner also envisioned, that beneficial bacteria are not only attracted by the root exudates but that there are also “uninvited guests,” that adjust to the specific root exudates. Based on his observations he hypothesized that “the resistance of plants towards pathogenesis is dependent on the composition of the rhizosphere microflora.” He even had the idea, that the quality of plant products may be dependent on the composition of the root microflora. In addition to his scientific achievements, Hiltner was very dedicated to applied work. Together with F. Nobbe he had the first patent on Rhizobium inoculants (Nitragin). He continuously improved formulations and the effectivity of the Rhizobium preparations and he also initiated seed dressing with sublimate for plant protection of seedlings. Thus, Hiltner tightly linked breakthroughs in basic research to improved rhizosphere management practices. In addition, he wrote a pioneering monograph on plant protection for everybody’s practical use. His emphasis on understanding microbes in the context of their micro-habitat, the rhizosphere, made him a pioneer in microbial ecology. Even now, in the era of genome and postgenome analysis with our better understanding of plant nutrition and soil bacteriology, his ideas and contributions are as fresh as they were more than 100 years ago.  相似文献   

Charles Darwin began The Origin of Species with a chapter entitled variation under domestication, which encapsulated decades of his research on a diverse array of animal and plant domesticated species. Variation in these species compared with that in their wild relatives, their origins and their selection by humans, formed a paradigm for his theory of the evolutionary origin of species by means of natural selection. This chapter, its subsequent expansion into a two-volume monograph, together with the rediscovery of Mendel''s laws, later became the foundation of scientific plant breeding. In the period up to the present, several advances in genetics (such as artificial mutation, polyploidy, adaptation and genetic markers) have amplified the discipline with concepts and questions, the seeds of which are in Darwin''s original words. Today, we are witnessing a flowering of genomic research into the process of domestication itself, particularly the specific major and minor genes involved. In one striking way, our view of domestic diversity contrasts with that in Darwin''s writing. He stressed the abundance of diversity and the diversifying power of artificial selection, whereas we are concerned about dwindling genetic diversity that attends modern agriculture and development. In this context, it is paramount to strive for a deeper understanding of how farmer selection including both deliberate selection and unconscious selection, might generate and retain diversity. This knowledge is essential for devising in situ conservation measures.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strains with increased expression of the cloned yeast his3 gene were selected. In some mutants an E. coli chromosomal locus is altered; in others the yeast his3 sequence is affected. Alterations of the his3 sequence include a point mutation, deletion, and IS2 insertion. When IS2 inserts into the yeast sequence, all pre-existing copies of IS2 are maintained in their original location in the E. coli chromosome. The results indicate that E. coli can employ a variety of mechanisms to increase expression of a foreign gene.  相似文献   

Mosaicisms are often overlooked in routine molecular diagnosis. Although not common, they are of great significance for accurate diagnosis and genetic counseling. In this study, we systematically evaluated the frequency of mosaicisms in both asymptomatic parents and affected patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection (TAAD). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) data from 1085 patients was reanalyzed with a more lenient allele frequency to detect potential mosaic variants. In addition, parental mosaicisms were investigated in 80 TAAD families. Finally, a total of six mosaic variants were detected in our cohort. Three of them were identified in symptomatic patients and three were in asymptomatic parents. Notably, a low-level mosaic variant in TGFB2 was detected combined with a causative FBN1 variant in patient AD2001, which might partially explain the clinical heterogeneity in his family. Our study hinted that it is necessary and feasible to implement mosaicism analysis in routine molecular diagnosis.  相似文献   

Hunting is often either portrayed as the ultimate means to enact a close connection between the human being and nature, or investigated in terms of its contribution to livelihoods. Through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, we explored the meaning of hunting in the lower Omo valley, Ethiopia, and found that large game hunting was best understood as an activity that served to establish and maintain human–human relationships. Hunting was important as it created the basis for long-term bond-relations between a hunter and his friend (‘misso’) and a hunter and his honorary elder sister (‘misha’) that could be drawn on in times of hardship. By contrast, interactions between hunter and wildlife were given hardly any attention by our participants. We discuss implications in relation to the stark decline in wildlife and the degradation of grazing land over the last decades, and the consequences of our findings for conservation and development activities.  相似文献   

Could an ethical theory ever play a substantial evidential role in a scientific argument for an empirical hypothesis? InThe Descent of Man, Darwin includes an extended discussion of the nature of human morality, and the ethical theory which he sketches is not simply developed as an interesting ramification of his theory of evolution, but is used as a key part of his evidence for human descent from animal ancestors. Darwin must rebut the argument that, because of our moral nature, humans are essentially different in kind from other animals and so had to have had a different origin. I trace his causal story of how the moral sense could develop out of social instincts by evolutionary mechanisms of group selection, and show that the form of Utilitarianism he proposes involves a radical reduction of the standard of value to the concept of biological fitness. I argue that this causal analysis, although a weakness from a normative standpoint, is a strength when judged for its intended purpose as part of an evidential argument to confirm the hypothesis of human descent.  相似文献   

Suppressors of ICR-induced mutations that exhibit behavior similar to bacterial frameshift suppressors have been identified in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast suppressors have been divided into two groups. Previous evidence indicated that suppressors of one group (Group II: SUF1, SUF3, SUF4, SUF5 and SUF6) represent mutations in the structural genes for glycyl-tRNA's. Suppressors of the other group (Group III: SUF2 and SUF7) were less well characterized. Although they suppressed some ICR-revertible mutations, they failed to suppress Group II frameshift mutations. This communication provides a more thorough characterization of the Group III suppressors and describes the isolation and properties of four new suppressors in that group (SUF8, SUF9, SUF10 and suf11).——In our original study, Group III suppressors were isolated as revertants of the Group III mutations his4–712 and his4–713. All suppressors obtained as ICR-induced revertants of these mutations mapped at the SUF2 locus near the centromere of chromosome III. Suppressors mapping at other loci were obtained in this study by analyzing spontaneous and UV-induced revertants of the Group III mutations. SUF2 and SUF10 suppress both Group III his4 mutations, whereas SUF7, SUF8, SUF9 and suf11 suppress his4–713, but not his4–712. All of the suppressors except suf11 are dominant in diploids homozygous for his4-713. The suppressors fail to suppress representative UAA, UAG and UGA nonsense mutations.——SUF9 is linked to the centromere of chromosome VI, and SUF10 is linked to the centromere of chromosome XIV. A triploid mapping procedure was used to determine the chromosome locations of SUF7 and SUF8. Subsequent standard crosses revealed linkage of SUF7 to cdc5 on chromosome XIII and linkage of SUF8 to cdc12 and pet3 on chromosome VIII.  相似文献   

We have investigated the molecular evidence in favor of the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from an HIV-infected surgeon to one of his patients. After PCR amplification, the env and gag sequences from the viral genome were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the viral sequences derived from the surgeon and his patient are closely related, which strongly suggests that nosocomial transmission occurred. In addition, these viral sequences belong to group M of HIV type 1 but are divergent from the reference sequences of the known subtypes.  相似文献   

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