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The cave bear spread from Western Europe to the Near East during the Riss glaciation (250 KYA) before becoming extinct approximately 12 KYA. During that period, the climatic conditions were highly dynamic, oscillating between glacial and temperate episodes. Such events have constrained the geographic repartition of species, the movements of populations and shaped their genetic diversity. We retrieved and analyzed ancient DNA from 21 samples from five European caves ranging from 40 to 130 KYA. Combined with available data, our data set accounts for a total of 41 sequences of cave bear, coming from 18 European caves. We distinguish four haplogroups at the level of the mitochondrial DNA control region. The large population size of cave bear could account for the maintenance of such polymorphism. Extensive gene flow seems to have connected European populations because two haplogroups cover wide geographic areas. Furthermore, the extensive sampling of the deposits of the Scladina cave located in Belgium allowed us to correlate changes in climatic conditions with the intrapopulational genetic diversity over 90 KY.  相似文献   

The human caspase-12 gene is polymorphic for the presence or absence of a stop codon, which results in the occurrence of both active (ancestral) and inactive (derived) forms of the gene in the population. It has been shown elsewhere that carriers of the inactive gene are more resistant to severe sepsis. We have now investigated whether the inactive form has spread because of neutral drift or positive selection. We determined its distribution in a worldwide sample of 52 populations and resequenced the gene in 77 individuals from the HapMap Yoruba, Han Chinese, and European populations. There is strong evidence of positive selection from low diversity, skewed allele-frequency spectra, and the predominance of a single haplotype. We suggest that the inactive form of the gene arose in Africa approximately 100-500 thousand years ago (KYA) and was initially neutral or almost neutral but that positive selection beginning approximately 60-100 KYA drove it to near fixation. We further propose that its selective advantage was sepsis resistance in populations that experienced more infectious diseases as population sizes and densities increased.  相似文献   

利用近似贝氏计算推论台湾海峡沿岸秋茄种群的拓殖路线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阮宇  吕佳  李俊清  肖国生 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4304-4313
由于地理关系,台湾海峡两岸的红树植物组成具有高度的相似性,都以耐寒性较强的秋茄为优势种。中国台湾(以下简称"台湾")与大陆仅一水之隔,因此台湾的秋茄种群来源最有可能来自东南沿海种群,然而台湾南、北红树植物种群的拓殖路线以及与大陆东南沿海种群的遗传关系的研究至今仍未见报道。通过SSR分子标记,利用近似贝氏计算(Approximate Bayesian Computation)推测海峡两岸4个分布区域秋茄的起源及其拓殖路线。结果表明4个区域的种群出现明显分化,大陆东南北部种群与其他种群间分化程度最高。通过推测台湾北部种群起源可追溯到29000—48400a前,早于末次冰期时间,且台湾北部种群遗传结构与大陆东南南部种群最相近,推测它们可能共同起源于南方祖先。大陆东南沿海南北种群的溯祖时间约为15.1万年至25.2a年前,约为更新世中期末,则意味东南沿海南、北种群的遗传分化可能受到更新世后期气候变化与海侵海退的影响而出现隔离,或东南沿海南、北种群可能来自不同的起源。而台湾南部种群与台湾北部种群的相似性,表明台湾南部种群是由北部种群拓殖而来,近似贝氏计算亦支持这个假说。因而,可以推测海峡两岸秋茄的拓殖路线是从大陆东南南方种群随黑潮迁移至台湾北部,再从北部拓殖到台湾南部。利用近似贝氏计算推论台湾海峡两岸红树林种群起源及拓殖路线,为未来我国东南沿海红树林植物的生物地理研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Understanding how species responded to past climate change can provide information about how they may respond to the current global warming. Here we show how a European reptile species responded to the last natural global warming event at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition that led to the Holocene climatic optimum approximately 5000-8000 years ago. The Aesculapian snake, Zamenis longissimus, is a thermophilous species whose present-day distribution in the southern half of Europe is a remnant of much wider range during the Holocene climatic optimum when populations occurred as far north as Denmark. These northern populations went extinct as the climate cooled, and presently the species is extinct from all central Europe, except few relic populations in locally suitable microhabitats in Germany and the Czech Republic. Our phylogenetic and demographic analyses identified two major clades that expanded from their respective western and eastern refugia after the last glacial maximum (18,000-23,000 years ago) and contributed approximately equally to the present range. Snakes from the relic northern populations carried the Eastern clade, showing that it was primarily the snakes from the eastern, probably Balkan, refugium that occupied the central and northern Europe during the Holocene climatic optimum. Two small, deep-branching clades were identified in near the Black Sea and in Greece. These clades provide evidence for two additional refugia, which did not successfully contribute to the colonization of Europe. If, as our results suggest, some populations responded to the mid-Holocene global warming by shifting their ranges further north than other populations of the same species, knowing what populations were able to expand in different species may provide information about what populations will be important for the species' ability to cope with the current global warming.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and structure of invasive species are affected by the time since invasion, but it is not well understood how. We compare likely the oldest populations of Aedes aegypti in continental North America with some of the newest to illuminate the range of genetic diversity and structure that can be found within the invasive range of this important disease vector. Aedes aegypti populations in Florida have probably persisted since the 1600‐1700s, while populations in southern California derive from new invasions that occurred in the last 10 years. For this comparison, we genotyped 1,193 individuals from 28 sites at 12 highly variable microsatellites and a subset of these individuals at 23,961 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This is the largest sample analyzed for genetic structure for either region, and it doubles the number of southern California populations previously analyzed. As predicted, the older populations (Florida) showed fewer indicators of recent founder effect and bottlenecks; in particular, these populations have dramatically higher genetic diversity and lower genetic structure. Geographic distance and driving distance were not good predictors of genetic distance in either region, especially southern California. Additionally, southern California had higher levels of genetic differentiation than any comparably sized documented region throughout the worldwide distribution of the species. Although population age and demographic history are likely driving these differences, differences in climate and transportation practices could also play a role.  相似文献   

We estimate parameters of a general isolation-with-migration model using resequence data from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the Y chromosome, and two loci on the X chromosome in samples of 25-50 individuals from each of 10 human populations. Application of a coalescent-based Markov chain Monte Carlo technique allows simultaneous inference of divergence times, rates of gene flow, as well as changes in effective population size. Results from comparisons between sub-Saharan African and Eurasian populations estimate that 1500 individuals founded the ancestral Eurasian population approximately 40 thousand years ago (KYA). Furthermore, these small Eurasian founding populations appear to have grown much more dramatically than either African or Oceanian populations. Analyses of sub-Saharan African populations provide little evidence for a history of population bottlenecks and suggest that they began diverging from one another upward of 50 KYA. We surmise that ancestral African populations had already been geographically structured prior to the founding of ancestral Eurasian populations. African populations are shown to experience low levels of mitochondrial DNA gene flow, but high levels of Y chromosome gene flow. In particular, Y chromosome gene flow appears to be asymmetric, i.e., from the Bantu-speaking population into other African populations. Conversely, mitochondrial gene flow is more extensive between non-African populations, but appears to be absent between European and Asian populations.  相似文献   

Carr SM  Marshall HD 《Genetics》2008,180(1):381-389
On the basis of multiple complete mitochondrial DNA genome sequences, we describe the temporal phylogeography of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), a lineage that has undergone a complex pattern of vicariant evolution, postglacial demographic shifts, and historic sharp population declines due to fishing and/or environmental shifts. Each of 32 fish from four spawning aggregations from the northwest Atlantic and Norway has a unique mtDNA sequence, which differs by 6-60 substitutions. Phylogenetic analysis identifies six major haplogroups that range in age from 37 to 75 KYA. The widespread haplotype identified by previous single-locus analyses at the center of a "star phylogeny" is shown to be a paraphyletic assemblage of genome lineages. The coalescent that includes all cod occurs 162 KYA. The most basal clade comprises two fish from the western Atlantic. The most recent superclade that includes all fish examined from Norway, and which includes 84% of all fish examined, dates to 128 KYA at the Sangamon/Würm interglacial, when ocean depths on continental shelves would have favored transcontinental movement. The pairwise mismatch distribution dates population expansion of this superclade to the middle of the Wisconsinan/Weichsel glaciation 59 KYA, rather than to a postglacial emergence from a marine refugium 12 KYA, or to more recent historic events. We discuss alternative scenarios for the expansion and distribution of the descendants of the "codmother" in the North Atlantic. Mitochondrial phylogenomic analyses generate highly resolved trees that enable fine-scale tests of temporal hypotheses with an accuracy not possible with single-locus methods.  相似文献   

The study represents palaeodemographic research of osteological material of 3304 individuals from the funds of the Anthropological Laboratory of the Institute of History of the University of Latvia in Riga, dating from the 7th to the 18th century AD. Compensated life expectancy at birth is varying between 20.3 and 22.2 years during the research period. Crude mortality has changed between 49.3 and 45% per hundred. In the early period (7th-13th century) there is a significant male prevalence (2.2-1.4); female life expectancy at the age of 20 is on average 6.6 years less than for males. This difference decreases to 5.4 years in the 13th-18th century. According to historical demography, female life span exceeded male only in the 2nd half of 19th century. The palaeodemographic data indicate that in the 7th-18th century, women in Latvia gave birth to a mean of 4-5 children (the figure includes childless women), of whom half, at most 2-2.5, reached reproductive age, on account of high child mortality. The net reproductive rate R0 (the number of descendants per individual of the parents' generation) varies between 1 and 1.25 in the study period. Concerning the completely excavated cemeteries of Lejasbiteni (7th-10h century) and Daudziesi (16th-17th century), it was possible to calculate the size and structure of the populations that had used these cemeteries. They were similar, having 45.3-49.9% of children up to an age of 14 and 24-28% individuals over the age of 30. According to historical demography, radical improvement of the demographic situation in Latvia began in the second half of the 19th century, when the process of demographic transition in Latvia started.  相似文献   

The island of Sardinia shows a unique high incidence of several autoimmune diseases with multifactorial inheritance, particularly type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. The prior knowledge of the genetic structure of this population is fundamental to establish the optimal design for association studies in these diseases. Previous work suggested that the Sardinians are a relatively homogenous population, but some reports were contradictory and data were largely based on variants subject to selection. For an unbiased assessment of genetic structure, we studied a combination of neutral Y-chromosome variants, 21 biallelic and 8 short tandem repeats (STRs) in 930 Sardinian males. We found a high degree of interindividual variation but a homogenous distribution of the detected variability in samples from three separate regions of the island. One haplogroup, I-M26, is rare or absent outside Sardinia and is very common (0.37 frequency) throughout the island, consistent with a founder effect. A Bayesian full likelihood analysis (BATWING) indicated that the time from the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of I-M26, was 21.0 (16.0-25.5) thousand years ago (KYA) and that the population began to expand 14.0 (7.8-22.0) KYA. These results suggest a largely pre-Neolithic settlement of the island with little subsequent gene flow from outside populations. Consequently, Sardinia is an especially attractive venue for case-control genome wide association scans in common multifactorial diseases. Concomitantly, the high degree of interindividual variation in the current population facilitates fine mapping efforts to pinpoint the aetiologic polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Noble fir (Abies procera Rehd) is a narrowly distributed conifer with a typical mainland-island structure of natural distribution. Here, we examined the genetic structure of populations native to the Pacific coast from Oregon to Washington (5 island and 16 mainland populations) with 14 polymorphic allozyme loci. A general method for estimating the number of unidirectional migrants from the mainland to island populations is presented in terms of the relation of average heterozygosity between the mainland and island populations. The results indicated that there were substantial island-mainland population differentiations (Fst = 0.107+/-0.029~0.154+/-0.039) but small differentiation within the mainland/submainland populations (0.037+/-0.008 approximately 0.054+/-0.010). Significant isolation by distance existed among the island-mainland populations and among the populations in Washington submainland. Four islands investigated received different numbers of migrants from the mainland/submainland. The southern island populations received a smaller number of migrants from the mainland but had greater genetic diversity, implying that there could be introgression with A. magnifica and (or) they represented possible glacial refuges and had expanded northwards after the last glaciations. The island populations close to the Pacific coast were more likely mainland-dependent.  相似文献   

We estimated the latitudinal velocity (km/decade) of northern and southern boundaries of core distributions for 30 woody taxa over the last 16 000 years (biotic velocities) using networks of fossil pollen records, and compared these with climate velocities estimated from CCSM3 simulations. Biotic velocities were faster during periods of rapid temperature change (i.e. 16 to 7 ka) than times of relative stability (i.e. 7 to 1 ka), with a consistent northward movement of northern and southern boundaries. For most taxa, biotic velocities were faster for northern than for southern boundaries between 12 and 7 ka, resulting in expanding distributions. For individual time periods, biotic velocities were as fast or faster than climate velocities calculated using multivariate approaches. These results indicate that climate change paced the rate of distribution shifts in both northern and southern populations while suggesting that northern populations were more sensitive. A similar sensitivity and pacing is expected under 21st century climate change.  相似文献   

The seaweed Fucus serratus is hypothesized to have evolved in the North Atlantic and present populations are thought to reflect recolonization from a southern refugium since the last glacial maximum 18 000-20 000 years bp. We examined genetic structure across several spatial scales by analysing seven microsatellite loci in populations collected from 21 localities throughout the species' range. Spatial auto-correlation analysis of seven microsatellite loci revealed no evidence for spatial clustering of alleles on a scale of 100 m despite limited gamete dispersal in F. serratus of approximately 2 m from parental individuals. Pairwise theta analysis suggested that the minimal panmictic unit for F. serratus was between 0.5 and 2 km. Isolation by distance was significant along some contiguous coastlines. Population differentiation was strong within the Skagerrak-Kattegat-Baltic Seas (SKB) (global theta= 0.17) despite a short history of approximately 7500 years. A neighbour-joining tree based on Reynold's distances computed from the microsatellite data revealed a central assemblage of populations on the Brittany Peninsula surrounded by four well-supported clusters consisting of the SKB, the North Sea (Ireland, Helgoland), and two populations from the northern Spanish coast. Samples from Iceland and Nova Scotia were most closely aligned with northwest Sweden and Brittany, respectively. When sample sizes were standardized (N = 41), allelic diversity was twofold higher for Brittany populations than for populations to the north and threefold higher than southern populations. The Brittany region may be a refugium or a recolonized area, whereas the Spanish populations most likely reflect present-day edge populations that have undergone repeated bottlenecks as a consequence of thermally induced cycles of recolonization and extinction.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation in populations of the koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, was investigated, revealing significant differences in the level of diversity between southern and northern regions of eastern Australia. Of the 20 polymorphic RAPD markers identified in koalas, 4-7 were polymorphic in southern populations, while 12-17 were polymorphic in northern populations. Analysis of molecular variance revealed a significant difference in the estimated variance between koalas from northern and those from southern regions (P < 0.001), where populations from the north were greater than twice as variable as their southern cousins. The total genetic diversity observed was attributed to regional differences (30.91%), population differences within a region (11.77%), and differences among individuals within a population (57.32%). For the within-region analyses, a large proportion of the genetic diversity was attributable to individual differences within a population, 80.34% for the north and 91.23% for the south. These results demonstrate that RAPD markers are useful for determining population structure among koalas.  相似文献   

A recent study demonstrated that variation in enamel cap crown formation in the anterior teeth is greater than that in the molars from two geographically distinct populations: native indigenous southern Africans and northern Europeans. Eighty southern African and 69 northern European premolars (P3 and P4) were analyzed in the present study. Cuspal, lateral, and total enamel formation times were assessed. Although cuspal enamel formation times were not consistently different between the two populations, both lateral and total enamel formation times generally were. Bonferroni-corrected t-tests showed that southern Africans had significantly shorter lateral enamel formation time for five of the six cusps, as well as significantly shorter total enamel formation time for these same cusps. An analysis of covariance performed on the lingual cusps of the upper third and fourth premolars showed that differences in enamel formation times between these populations remained when crown height was statistically controlled. A further goal of this study was to ascertain, based on perikymata counts, what Neandertal periodicities would have to be in order for their teeth to have lateral enamel formation times equivalent to either southern Africans or northern Europeans. To this end, perikymata were counted on 32 Neandertal premolars, and the counts were inserted into regression formulae relating perikymata counts to periodicity for each population and each tooth type. Neandertal enamel formation times could be equivalent to those of southern Africans or northern Europeans only if their hypothetical periodicities fall within the range of periodicities for African apes and modern humans (i.e., 6-12 days). The analysis revealed that both populations could encompass Neandertal timings, with hypothetical periodicities based on the southern African population necessitating a lower range of periodicity (6-8 days) than those based on the northern European population (8-11 days).  相似文献   

The Y-chromosome haplogroup N-M231 (Hg N) is distributed widely in eastern and central Asia, Siberia, as well as in eastern and northern Europe. Previous studies suggested a counterclockwise prehistoric migration of Hg N from eastern Asia to eastern and northern Europe. However, the root of this Y chromosome lineage and its detailed dispersal pattern across eastern Asia are still unclear. We analyzed haplogroup profiles and phylogeographic patterns of 1,570 Hg N individuals from 20,826 males in 359 populations across Eurasia. We first genotyped 6,371 males from 169 populations in China and Cambodia, and generated data of 360 Hg N individuals, and then combined published data on 1,210 Hg N individuals from Japanese, Southeast Asian, Siberian, European and Central Asian populations. The results showed that the sub-haplogroups of Hg N have a distinct geographical distribution. The highest Y-STR diversity of the ancestral Hg N sub-haplogroups was observed in the southern part of mainland East Asia, and further phylogeographic analyses supports an origin of Hg N in southern China. Combined with previous data, we propose that the early northward dispersal of Hg N started from southern China about 21 thousand years ago (kya), expanding into northern China 12–18 kya, and reaching further north to Siberia about 12–14 kya before a population expansion and westward migration into Central Asia and eastern/northern Europe around 8.0–10.0 kya. This northward migration of Hg N likewise coincides with retreating ice sheets after the Last Glacial Maximum (22–18 kya) in mainland East Asia.  相似文献   

Populations of the common killifish Fundulus heteroclitus are found along a latitudinal temperature gradient in habitats with high thermal variability. The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of temperature and population of origin on killifish swimming performance (assessed as critical swimming speed, U(crit)). Acclimated fish from northern and southern killifish populations demonstrated a wide zone (from 7 degrees to 33 degrees C) over which U(crit) showed little change with temperature, with performance declining significantly only at lower temperatures. Although we observed significant differences in swimming performance between a northern and a southern population of killifish in one experiment, with northern fish having an approximately 1.5-fold-greater U(crit) than southern fish across all acclimation temperatures, we were unable to replicate this finding in other populations or collection years, and performance was consistently high across all populations and at both low (7 degrees C) and high (23 degrees C) acclimation temperatures. The poor swimming performance of southern killifish from a single collection year was correlated with low muscle [glycogen] rather than with other indicators of fuel stores or body condition. Killifish acclimated to 18 degrees C and acutely challenged at temperatures of 5 degrees , 18 degrees , 25 degrees , or 34 degrees C showed modest thermal sensitivity of U(crit) between 18 degrees and 34 degrees C, with performance declining substantially at 5 degrees C. Thus, much of the zone of relative thermal insensitivity of swimming performance is intrinsic in this species rather than acquired as a result of acclimation. These data suggest that killifish are broadly tolerant of changing temperatures, whether acute or chronic, and demonstrate little evidence of local adaptation in endurance swimming performance in populations from different thermal habitats.  相似文献   

Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (marula), a keystone large tree species in southern Africa and heavily utilized by people and herbivores, is declining at an unprecedented rate in the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. Due to increasing concerns over large tree declines in the KNP, mirroring those in eastern Africa over the last 50 years, and local extinctions of marula populations in the north‐western KNP, adult trees in the southern KNP were monitored between 2001 and 2010. Annual mortality rates across all adult size classes ranged between 3.2 and 4.6%. Loss of adult marula trees in some areas over the last decade exceeded 25%. Rainfall had a strong influence on mortality rates temporally and spatially, but the distance to the nearest perennial river had little influence. Overall, marula populations continue to decline and further local extinctions are possible. Given the clearly unacceptable trends of decline, the next step is to utilize this information (i) to develop predictive models for the future dynamics of marula populations incorporating all drivers; (ii) to advocate active management of refugia within the park where marula populations are protected from elephant impacts; and in combination with (iii) continued monitoring.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a satellite tracking study of seven adult Abdim's Storks Ciconia abdimii that were followed from the nesting areas in southern Niger across the equator to the non-breeding range and back. Post-breeding migration started between early November and early December when all birds migrated directly to an area south of Lake Victoria in Tanzania, where they arrived between late November and early January. One bird moved to Zimbabwe for 2.5 months before returning to Tanzania; this bird returned to the same place in Zimbabwe the following year. The other tagged storks remained in northern Tanzania, suggesting that this region (at least in 2003–2004) is more important as a wintering area for the species than previously thought. While in Tanzania and Zimbabwe, most storks were almost completely stationary. Prenuptial migration started during mid-February, when one stork moved to the Central African Republic (CAR). The other storks moved to northern Uganda in mid-March and four continued into southern Sudan in mid-April, following the progression of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Final migration towards Niger started between early April and early May, when the storks returned to the nests of the previous year in mid-May, almost simultaneously with the first major rainfall. Storks from the same village differed widely in migration strategy. Post-breeding maximum migration speed was between 216km/day and 307km/day, while migration was generally faster on the last leg of the return trip to the nest, with a maximum of 456km/day.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of two segments of mitochondrial DNA (COI and 16S rRNA) was used to examine genetic variation in Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefèbvre) populations from the Mediterranean basin. Four populations were collected from central and southern Greece, and five from northern latitudes: Greece, Italy, France and Spain. No variation was observed in COI, while 16S rRNA segment proved highly polymorphic and 28 different haplotypes were found. Lower intra-population polymorphism was found in the northern populations than in southern ones. Although no significant isolation by distance was found, the UPGMA tree based on Nei's raw number of nucleotide differences separated the populations into two major groups, i.e. one with the northern (40.6 degrees N-43.4 degrees N) and the other with the southern populations (37.3 degrees N-39.2 degrees N). Analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the variation was between the two major groups (Phi(CT)=0.559), and all pairwise comparisons between the northern and southern populations resulted in high and significant F(ST) values (overall F(ST)=0.604). The high F(ST) values and the strong spatial genetic structure indicate that long-distance migration may be a rare event. The populations do not seem to have experienced a strong historical bottleneck. The occurrence of a few widespread haplotypes and the genetic similarity of the northern populations could be attributed to a historical expansion of certain haplotypes from the south towards to the northern borders of the species' distribution area.  相似文献   

Only model organisms live in a world of endless summer. Fitness at temperate latitudes reflects the ability of organisms in nature to exploit the favorable season, to mitigate the effects of the unfavorable season, and to make the timely switch from one life style to the other. Herein, we define fitness as Ry, the year-long cohort replacement rate across all four seasons, of the mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, reared in its natural microhabitat in processor-controlled environment rooms. First, we exposed cohorts of W. smithii, from southern, midlatitude, and northern populations (30-50 degrees N) to southern and northern thermal years during which we factored out evolved differences in photoperiodic response. We found clear evidence of evolved differences in heat and cold tolerance among populations. Relative cold tolerance of northern populations became apparent when populations were stressed to the brink of extinction; relative heat tolerance of southern populations became apparent when the adverse effects of heat could accumulate over several generations. Second, we exposed southern, midlatitude, and northern populations to natural, midlatitude day lengths in a thermally benign midlatitude thermal year. We found that evolved differences in photoperiodic response (1) prevented the timely entry of southern populations into diapause resulting in a 74% decline in fitness, and (2) forced northern populations to endure a warm-season diapause resulting in an 88% decline in fitness. We argue that reciprocal transplants across latitudes in nature always confound the effects of the thermal and photic environment on fitness. Yet, to our knowledge, no one has previously held the thermal year constant while varying the photic year. This distinction is crucial in evaluating the potential impact of climate change. Because global warming in the Northern Hemisphere is proceeding faster at northern than at southern latitudes and because this change represents an amelioration of the thermal environment and a concomitant increase in the duration of the growing season, we conclude that there should be more rapid evolution of photoperiodic response than of thermal tolerance as a consequence of global warming among northern, temperate ectotherms.  相似文献   

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