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Diet of stone martens: an example of ecological flexibility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The feeding ecology of the stone marten in a rural area of Central Italy was assessed by faecal analysis. Habitat analysis, performed through a Geographical Information System, and intensive radio-tracking allowed us to investigate intra-population variations of diet in relation to habitat. The species'feeding habits were opportunistic: fruit and berries were the staple diet but mammals and birds were also important. Diet varied seasonally in relation to resource availability, with a predominance of fruit in autumn and frequent presence of insects in summer. Individuals living in adjacent areas but in different habitats (wooded and rural) showed significant variations of diet, adapting their feeding habits to local availability of foods. The great adaptability of the stone marten to very different resource conditions can represent a key to the species'success through its wide range.  相似文献   

王成  魏朝富  高明  罗光莲  蒋伟 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2296-2300
运用景观生态学原理与方法,对重庆市沙坪坝区近10年土地利用变化进行研究;通过对土地利用类型赋予相应的相对生态价值,探讨土地利用结构变化对区域生态健康状况的影响.结果表明,各土地利用类型间相互转移,各时段土地利用结构差异明显;不同土地利用结构下,各子生态系统的相对生态价值高低悬殊,对区域生态健康的贡献程度表现不一;从总体上看,区域相对生态价值在研究时段内有升有降;未来各生态子系统的相对生态价值变化可表现为:先降后升区、持续下降区和持续增长区3种趋势;区域生态健康状况趋势由较健康型向健康型转变.  相似文献   

One of the greatest terrestrial radiations is the diversification of the flowering plants (Angiospermae) in the Cretaceous period. Early angiosperms appear to have been limited to disturbed, aquatic or extremely dry sites, suggesting that they were suppressed in most other places by the gymnosperms that still dominated the plant world. However, fossil evidence suggests that by the end of the Cretaceous the angiosperms had spectacularly taken over the dominant position from the gymnosperms around the globe. Here, we suggest an ecological explanation for their escape from their subordinate position relative to gymnosperms and ferns. We propose that angiosperms due to their higher growth rates profit more rapidly from increased nutrient supply than gymnosperms, whereas at the same time angiosperms promote soil nutrient release by producing litter that is more easily decomposed. This positive feedback may have resulted in a runaway process once angiosperms had reached a certain abundance. Evidence for the possibility of such a critical transition to angiosperm dominance comes from recent work on large scale vegetation shifts, linking long-term field observations, large scale experiments and the use of simulation models.  相似文献   

邬建国 《生态学杂志》1991,2(2):181-186
耗散结构理论与其他热力学概念一起,可以解释生态学中的许多现象。生态系统是耗散系统,用耗散结构理论来分析和讨论生态平衡等问题更为合理、准确。等级系统理论是为理解和研究高度复杂系统而发展起来的系统理论。等级系统理论为研究生态系统的行为和特征提供了客观的、适用的概念构架和实践指南,并为生态系统科学的统一性理论的形成开辟了广阔前景。本文拟就耗散结构理论和等级系统理论的主要内容及其在生态学中的应用作一介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

The structuring of populations at small scales has important consequences for ecological relationships and may contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity within populations. As an example we tested the effects of variation in nectar production rates (NPR) on pollinator visitation in experimental populations of Echium vulgare with different spatial arrangements. Bumblebees discriminate between groups of plants with different NPRs only when these groups are separated by distances larger than 6 m. Within groups, plants with high and low NPR receive similar numbers of approaches. Plants with high NPR increase the average number of approaches to all plants in the group; therefore, plants with low NPR benefit from nectar-rich plants nearby. These results demonstrate that the effects of NPR on pollinator service depend on the spatial structuring of the population. We suggest that this may help to explain the large genetic differences in NPR that we find for E. vulgare at our study site.  相似文献   

Ecologists and evolutionary biologists must develop theories that can predict the consequences of global warming and other impacts on Earth's biota. Theories of adaptive habitat selection are particularly promising because they link distribution and density with fitness. The evolutionarily stable strategy that emerges from adaptive habitat choice is given by the system's habitat isodar, the graph of densities in pairs of habitats such that the expectation of fitness is the same in each. We illustrate how isodars can be converted into adaptive landscapes of habitat selection that display the density‐ and frequency‐dependent fitness of competing strategies of habitat use. The adaptive landscape varies with the abundance of habitats and can thus be used to predict future adaptive distributions of individuals under competing scenarios of habitat change. Application of the theory to three species of Arctic rodents living on Herschel Island in the Beaufort Sea predicts changes in selection gradients as xeric upland increases in frequency with global warming. Selection gradients will become more shallow for brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) and tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) strategies that preferentially exploit mesic habitat. Climate change will cause selection gradients for the alternative strategy of using mostly xeric habitat to become much steeper. Meanwhile, the adaptive landscape for collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus), which specialize on xeric Dryas‐covered upland, will become increasingly convex. Changes in the adaptive landscapes thus predict expanding niches for Lemmus and Microtus, and a narrower niche for Dicrostonyx. The ability to draw adaptive landscapes from current patterns of distribution represents one of the few methods available to forecast the consequences of climate change on the future distribution and evolution of affected species.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue in favour of using a decision analysis framework for more integrated decision-making when managing protected areas. Such an approach will enable agencies to balance between the frequently conflicting goals of visitor management and ecological integrity. We present a case study from the West Coast Trail in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, BC, Canada, in which we use a hybrid of ELECTRE and AHP to establish a ranking of several management options. We conclude by suggesting that such a more formal framework constitutes a more objective decision support tool, assists in framing relevant management questions and tradeoffs, and at the same time provides guidance for data collection.  相似文献   

Do birds show a different pattern of insular evolution from mammals? Mammals follow the ''island rule'', with large-bodied species getting smaller on islands and small-bodied species getting bigger. By contrast, the traditional view on birds is that they follow no general island rule for body size, but that there is an insular trend for large bills. Insular shifts in feeding ecology are, therefore, widely assumed to be the primary cause of divergence in island birds. We use a comparative approach to test these ideas. Contrary to the traditional view, we find no evidence for increased bill size in insular populations. Instead, changes in both bill size and body size obey the ''island rule''. The differences between our results and the traditional view arise because previous analyses were based largely on passerines. We also investigate some ecological factors that are thought to influence island evolution. As predicted by the traditional view, shifts in bill size are associated with feeding ecology. By contrast, shifts in body size are associated with the potential for intraspecific competition and thermal ecology. All these results remain qualitatively unchanged when we use different methods to score the ecological factors and restrict our analyses to taxa showing pronounced morphological divergence. Because of strong covariation between ecological factors, however, we cannot estimate the relative importance of each ecological factor. Overall, our results show that the island rule is valid for both body size and bill length in birds and that, in addition to feeding ecology, insular shifts in the level of intraspecific competition and the abiotic environment also have a role.  相似文献   

耗散结构,等级系统理论与生态系统   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
耗散结构理论与其他热力学概念一起,可以解释生态学中的许多现象。生态系统是耗散系统,用耗散结构理论来分析和讨论生态平衡等问题更为合理、准确。等级系统理论是为理解和研究高度复杂系统而发展起来的系统理论。等级系统理论为研究生态系统的行为和特征提供了客观的、适用的概念构架和实践指南,并为生态系统科学的统一性理论的形成开辟了广阔前景。本文拟就耗散结构理论和等级系统理论的主要内容及其在生态学中的应用作一介绍和讨论。  相似文献   

Aim  In response to a recent paper suggesting the failure of ecological niche models to predict between native and introduced distributional areas of fire ants ( Solenopsis invicta ), we sought to assess methodological causes of this failure.
Location  Ecological niche models were developed on the species' native distributional area in South America, and projected globally.
Methods  We developed ecological niche models based on six different environmental data sets, and compared their respective abilities to anticipate the North American invasive distributional area of the species.
Results  We show that models based on the 'bioclimatic variables' of the WorldClim data set indeed fail to predict the full invasive potential of the species, but that models based on four other data sets could predict this potential correctly.
Main conclusions  The difference in predictive abilities appears to centre on the complexity of the environmental variables involved. These results emphasize important influences of environmental data sets on the generality and ability of ecological niche models to anticipate novel phenomena, and offer a simpler explanation for the lack of predictive ability among native and invaded distributional areas than that of niche shifts.  相似文献   

Aim  To investigate biogeographical patterns of cleptoparasitic Exaerete bee species and their orchid bee hosts.
Location  Neotropical region, from Central America to southern Brazil.
Methods  Correlations between relative frequencies of cleptoparasitic Exaerete species and their host Eulaema species were employed to investigate the geographical association between such species pairs.
Results  Our data support the current proposition that the Eulaema meriana / Eulaema flavescens complex is the main host for Exaerete frontalis . Contrary to current belief, however, Eulaema nigrita apparently is not the only and, in some regions, not the most important host for Exaerete smaragdina .
Main conclusions  Current knowledge on cleptoparasite host associations among orchid bees is based on fortuitous observations, and in some instances generalizations from such observations are not corroborated by the frequencies and distributions of the bees involved. Our data suggest that cleptoparasitic pressure, rather than other features of the forest environment, may be responsible for the low abundance of E. nigrita in the Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation (SA) methods were recently extended to detect local spatial autocorrelation (LSA) at individual localities. LSA statistics serve as useful indicators of local genetic population structure. We applied this method to 15 allele frequencies from 43 villages of a South American tribe, the Yanomama. Based on a network of links 相似文献   

1.?Sex plays a crucial role in evolutionary life histories. However, the inclusion of sex in demographic analysis may be a challenge in fieldwork, particularly in monomorphic species. Although behavioural data may help us to sex individuals in the field, this kind of data is unlikely to be error free and is usually discarded. 2.?Here we propose a multi-event capture-recapture model that enables us to exploit uncertain field observations regarding the sex of individuals based on behavioural or morphological criteria. The multi-event capture-recapture model allows us to account for sex uncertainty not restricting our ability to estimate the parameters of interest. In this case, by adding the confirmed sex of just a few individuals, we greatly improve the efficiency of the optimization algorithm. 3.?Using such an approach, we analysed sex differences in demographic parameters (e.g. survival, transience and sex ratio) in a population of Audouin's gulls using observations from long-term fieldwork monitoring (1988-2007). We also assessed the probability of ascertaining sex over time and the probability of error for each field-sexing criterion. 4.?We detected no strong effect of sex on either survival or transience probabilities, and both sexes showed a decreasing trend in survival over time and transience probability after recruitment increased with age and over time. The probability of ascertaining sex over time depended on observers' experience. Strikingly, courtship feeding (but not copulation) emerged as the most reliable clue for sexing individuals, which would suggest that Audouin's gulls engage in same-sex sexual behaviour such as same-sex mounting. 5.?The present modelling emerged as a reliable method for estimating demographic parameters and state transition parameters in ecological studies in which field observations of sex or other individual states are assigned erroneously and uncertainly. This approach could also be useful for applied ecologists for assessing the reliability of their criteria for assigning sex or other individual covariates in the field, thereby permitting them to optimizing their field ecological protocols.  相似文献   

县域生态保护成效评估方法——以峨山县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
县域是我国基本的行政单元,建立县域生态保护成效评估方法是完善我国生态文明制度建设重要任务。生态系统生产总值(GEP)是指一定区域在一定时期内生态系统为人类福祉提供的最终产品与服务及其价值总和,开展县域GEP核算可以客观反映县域的生态系统状况和生态保护的成效。以省级生态文明县——峨山彝族自治县为例,研究了县域GEP的核算指标体系和核算方法,开展了峨山县GEP核算,分析了峨山县GEP构成及其变化趋势。结果表明:(1)峨山县生态系统产品与服务可以分为产品提供、调节服务和文化服务3大类15项;(2)2015年,峨山县GEP为158.42亿元,气候调节功能和水源涵养功能是最主要的服务功能,二者总和占当年GEP的62.02%;(3)2000年以来,峨山县GEP明显提高,剔除价格因素后,共增加了25.04%,其中产品提供和文化服务功能价值提升明显,分别增加了236.25%和3004.06%。调节服务价值稳中有升,增加了1.30%。本研究表明,现有的生态环境监测数据和经济社会统计数据基本上可以支撑县域GEP的核算,同时县域GEP的变化能够体现出生态系统的保护成效,并为完善政府绩效考核制度提供依据。  相似文献   

闵庆文  何永涛  李文华  李贵才 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2130-2135
从农业气象学原理出发 ,森林植被的生态需水可以理解为林地的蒸散耗水量。根据土壤水分有效性的划分 ,林木暂时凋萎含水量和生长阻滞含水量分别是能保证林木基本生存和正常生长时土壤含水量的下限 ,据此可以作为林地最小生态需水定额和适宜生态需水定额计算的依据 ,其数值通过计算林地的潜在蒸散并利用土壤水分修正系数和林木系数进行订正获得。根据遥感图像资料 ,在 GIS支持下 ,计算了泾河流域现有林地生长季的最小生态需水量和适宜生态需水量 ,分别为 2 0 396 0× 10 4 m3和340 330× 10 4 m3。  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes such as adaptation, ecological filtering, and niche conservatism involve the interaction of organisms with their environment and are thus commonly studied along environmental gradients. Elevational gradients have become among the most studied environmental gradients to understand large-scale patterns of species richness and composition because they are highly replicated with different combinations of geographical, environmental and historical factors. We here review the literature on using elevational gradients to understand evolutionary processes in ferns. Some phylogenetic studies of individual fern clades have considered elevation in the analysis or interpretation and postulated that fern diversification is linked to the colonization of mountain habitats. Other studies that have linked elevational community composition and hence ecological filtering with phylogenetic community composition and morphological traits, usually only found limited phylogenetic signal. However, these studies are ultimately only correlational, and there are few actual tests of the evolutionary mechanisms leading to these patterns. We identify a number of challenges for improving our understanding of how evolutionary and ecological processes are linked to elevational richness patterns in ferns: i) limited information on traits and their ecological relevance, ii) uncertainties on the dispersal kernels of ferns and hence the delimitation of regional species pools from which local assemblages are recruited, iii) limited genomic data to identify candidate genes under selection and hence actually document adaptation and selection, and iv) conceptual challenges in developing clear and testable hypotheses to how specific evolutionary processes can be linked to patterns in community composition and species richness.  相似文献   

为评估浙江省陆域生态保护红线科学性,本研究从生态安全格局视角出发,基于生态系统全过程的理念评价其生态效应。在明确生态保护红线三重内涵的基础上,构建评价指标体系,应用InVEST模型、净初级生产力定量分析等方法识别生态源地,评估红线斑块重要性;应用最小阻力值模型、重力模型等方法构建生态廊道体系,评估红线连通性;此外,通过景观格局指数、叠置分析等方法评估红线破碎化与协调性。结果表明: 从生态保护重要性看,浙江省生态保护红线保护规模较大,但13.5%的红线区保护重要性不高,省级生态源地中约40%的斑块未被纳入生态保护红线保护区。从空间结构整体性看,生态保护红线连通性不足,核心生态廊道占有率低于15%,部分县市红线斑块较为破碎。从系统间协调性看,生态保护红线跨行政区衔接性较好,但仍需注意平原地区因供需矛盾而导致的划定不实与破碎化现象。借鉴生态安全格局提出红线优化调整的相关策略,可为生态空间管理提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Understanding how climate can interact with other factors in determining patterns of species abundance is a persistent challenge in ecology. Recent research has suggested that the dynamics exhibited by some populations may be a non-additive function of climate, with climate affecting population growth more strongly at high density than at low density. However, we lack methodologies to adequately explain patterns in population growth generated as a result of interactions between intrinsic factors and extrinsic climatic variation in non-linear systems. We present a novel method (the Functional Coefficient Threshold Auto-Regressive (FCTAR) method) that can identify interacting influences of climate and density on population dynamics from time-series data. We demonstrate its use on count data on the size of the Soay sheep population, which is known to exhibit dynamics generated by nonlinear and non-additive interactions between density and climate, living on Hirta in the St Kilda archipelago. The FCTAR method suggests that climate fluctuations can drive the Soay sheep population between different dynamical regimes--from stable population size through limit cycles and non-periodic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Gutiérrez JL  Iribarne OO 《Oecologia》2004,139(4):572-582
Habitat structure is often assumed to be a predictor of habitat function. However, habitat structure may be insufficient to predict the functional significance of a habitat if the level of resources in the habitat is a consequence of the interaction between the habitat structure and physical or biological factors. In this study, we investigated whether depressions in tidal flat sediments generated by stout razor clams, Tagelus plebeius, affect the spatial patterns of pit digging by deposit-feeding burrowing crabs, Chasmagnathus granulata. The pits dug by crabs while feeding overlapped with clam siphon holes at a frequency higher than expected at random, and measurements of pit-digging by crabs integrated over several days indicated a higher frequency of feeding in the sediment of depressions. The daily frequency of pit-digging by crabs in depressions was positively related to the organic matter content of their sediments, but was significantly higher than the frequency of pit-digging away from clam siphon holes only after events of high bedload sediment transport, when the organic matter in the sediments of these depressions peaked. This example demonstrates the conditional nature of the relationship between habitat structure and function by illustrating how a physical process—bedload sediment transport—may introduce variation in the function that depressions play as feeding sites for burrowing crabs. Published information suggests that such conditional responses of organisms to habitat structure: (1) occur in a variety of habitats; (2) involve a variety of structures either of biotic or abiotic origin; and (3) are the consequence of either physical or biological controls that vary in importance according to the general mechanism through which habitat structure affect resources. This broad experimental evidence suggests that the accuracy of predictive models linking habitat structure and function can be improved by incorporating a mechanistic perspective that allows recognition of the potential for conditional responses of organisms to habitat structure.  相似文献   

A few examples of models of chromosome aberration induction are summarised and discussed on the basis of the three main theories of aberration formation, that is "breakage-and-reunion", "exchange" and "one-hit". A model and code developed at the Universities of Milan and Pavia is then presented in detail. The model provides dose-response curves for different aberration types (dicentrics, translocations, rings, complex exchanges and deletions) induced in human lymphocytes by gamma rays, protons and alpha particles of different energies, both as monochromatic fields and as mixed fields. The main assumptions are that only clustered - and thus severe - DNA breaks ("Complex Lesions", CL) can participate in the production of aberrations, and that only break free ends in neighbouring chromosome territories can interact and form exchanges. The yields of CLs induced by the various radiation types of interest are taken from a previous modelling work. These lesions are distributed within a sphere representing the cell nucleus according to the radiation track structure, e.g. randomly for gamma rays and along straight lines for light ions. Interphase chromosome territories are explicitly simulated and configurations are obtained in which each chromosome occupies an intranuclear domain with volume proportional to its DNA content. In order to allow direct comparisons with experimental data, small fragments can be neglected since usually they cannot be detected in experiments. The presence of a background level of aberrations is also taken into account. The results of the simulations are in good agreement with experimental dose-response curves available in the literature, that provides a validation of the model both in terms of the adopted assumptions and in terms of the simulation techniques. To address the question of "true" incompleteness, simulations were also run in which all fragments were assumed to be visible.  相似文献   

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