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The CNS sites of action for progesterone facilitation of female sexual behavior are disputed. Among the areas most often cited are the ventromedial hypothalamus and the ventral midbrain. There is also a controversy about whether estradiol may substitute for progesterone for the facilitation of receptive behavior when given systemically or intracranially. We tested VMH and ventral midbrain applications of estradiol versus progesterone for the facilitation of female sexual behavior in estrogen-primed, ovariectomized female rats. Subjects were implanted with bilateral guide tubes aimed at ventral hypothalamic or midbrain sites. Estrogen-primed rats received either 28-gauge insert cannulae filled at the lumen with pure progesterone, estradiol, or cholesterol, or empty tubes, and were tested for receptivity with intact, experienced stud males just before, and 1 and 4 hr after, intracranial hormone administration. Significant estrous responsiveness was seen only in the 4-hr test after progesterone was implanted in the VMN in the first intracranial cannula test. We conclude, in contrast to some previous reports, that administration of progesterone to the VMN is more effective in the facilitation of female sexual behavior than when it is implanted in the ventral midbrain, and that administration of estradiol to either site is ineffective.  相似文献   

Progesterone (P) facilitation of sexual receptivity in rodents has been achieved by intracranial administration to the ventral hypothalamus; the preoptic area; and midbrain areas such as central gray, mesencephalic reticular formation, and ventral tegmental nucleus. In our laboratory, by far the most effective site in rats has been the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN). However, several reports of sensitivity to P in the midbrain of rats and other rodent species led us to investigate whether stimulation of the ventral midbrain of female rats might contribute to facilitation of sexual receptivity. Ovariectomized Long-Evans rats received one cannula aimed at the VMN, and another aimed at the contralateral ventral mesencephalon. P in both cannulae, following a priming dose of estradiol, caused significantly higher lordosis quotients (LQ) than blank tubes. Controls with bilateral cannulae in the VMN responded when both tubes were filled with P, but did not respond to unilateral VMN P stimulation. P in the VMN and contralateral anterior preoptic area did not result in a greater degree of receptivity than did the empty tubes. These studies indicate that although progesterone stimulation in the midbrain alone is not sufficient to facilitate receptivity in female rats with our methods, the midbrain may play an auxiliary role. P implants in the midbrain appear to facilitate receptivity in the case of VMN implant treatments that are subthreshold for stimulating lordosis. The results are discussed in light of similar studies in other rodent species, and in the context that more than one brain site may be important in the natural stimulation of sexual receptivity by gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

In addition to displaying proceptive (hopping and darting) and receptive (lordosis) behaviors during a sexual encounter with a male, female rodents will regulate the timing of the encounter by engaging in a series of approaches and withdrawals from the male, a behavior termed paced mating behavior. Proceptive, receptive, and paced mating behaviors are all regulated by, and sensitive to, estrogen and progesterone, suggesting that compounds capable of disrupting these critical hormones may also perturb the display of female sexual behavior. The present experiments examined the impact of the selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) tamoxifen and a popular soy phytoestrogen dietary supplement on female sexual behavior in rats. Ovariectomized female rats were given either tamoxifen (TAMOX) by implant or the soy supplement through the diet then injected with estradiol benzoate (EB, 10 microg) or oil followed 48 h later with an injection of progesterone (P, 500 microg). Animals were then tested for sexual behavior 4 h after the P injection. Neither compound had any effect on sexual behavior when administered in conjunction with P alone; however, both significantly diminished receptive behavior, as measured by the lordosis quotient (LQ), in animals primed with both EB and P. Similarly, the hopping and darting rate was also significantly depressed in both the soy- and TAMOX-treated animals, compared to the EB- and P-treated controls, with the soy-treated animals showing significantly less proceptive behavior than the TAMOX-treated animals. Finally, soy but not TAMOX significantly attenuated paced mating behavior in animals compared to the EB- and P-treated controls. These results demonstrate that both the soy supplement and TAMOX act as estrogen antagonists on both proceptive and receptive behavior in female rats.  相似文献   

6α-Fluorotestosterone, an androgen that is not aromatized in a standard assay system, stimulated sexual behavior in both male and female rats. In males, it was as effective as testosterone. 19-Nortestosterone also stimulated more male sexual behavior than would be expected on the basis of its aromatizability in standard assays. In other tests of the aromatization hypo we used the anti-estrogen, CI-628. This drug inhibited androgen-induced sexual receptivity in female rats, but did not inhibit androgen-induced sexual behavior in male rats. In females, CI-628 antagonized testosterone and 6α-fluorotestosterone equally. These data suggest that the structures of androgens, rather than their abilities to be aromatized, determine behavioral effectiveness.  相似文献   

Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), a synthetic progestin commonly used in contraception and hormone replacement therapy, appears to inhibit libido in women, but little is known about the mechanisms through which it may exert this effect. We compared the acute and sequential actions of MPA and natural progesterone (P4) on sexual behavior in female rats to test the hypothesis that MPA inhibits sexual behavior, at least in part, by acting as a potent progesterone receptor (PR) agonist. Ovariectomized females were placed in one of three dose groups (high, mid, or low), and each subject was tested under three different conditions (MPA, P4, and vehicle). The order of progestin treatment was balanced among subjects, and within each dose group equimolar quantities of MPA and P4 were administered. During each trial, females were injected with estradiol benzoate (EB, 4 mug) followed by one of three progestin treatments (MPA, P4, or vehicle) at +44 h, and behavioral testing at +48 h. On the next day, all females were given a standard 500-microg injection of P4 at +68 h and were tested again for sexual behavior at +72 h. On the first day of behavioral testing, both MPA and P4 induced a pronounced rise in receptive and proceptive behavior at the mid and high doses, but at the lowest dose MPA had a much greater effect in comparison to P4. On the second day of behavioral testing, MPA attenuated the expression of proceptive and receptive behavior at both the mid and high doses, whereas P4 only attenuated the expression of lordosis and only did so at the highest dose. These findings illustrate that MPA and P4 have a similar impact on sexual behavior in female rats and suggest that the inhibitory effects of MPA may be attributable, at least in part, to its potent effects at the progesterone receptor.  相似文献   

From the population of 89 adult sexually inexperienced Wistar male rats 20 animals that initiated copulatory behavior with females exhibiting low intensity of precopulatory behavior (presenting females) were preselected. Prior to castration all 20 males had the same sexual experience: three ejaculatory series in four weekly sessions with females exhibiting high intensity of precopulatory behavior (darting females). Following castration, the decline of copulatory behavior was much slower for the nine males tested with darting females as compared to the 11 males tested with presenting females. Male precopulatory behaviors (anogenital sniffing, touching flanks, etc) outlasted the loss of copulatory behavior and seem to be less dependent on both external and internal determinants. It is concluded that intensive external sexual stimuli can function to compensate, and therefore mask, the subnormal operation of androgen-dependent mechanisms in initiating the copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

The present study tested whether the display of paced mating behavior in female rats over four weekly tests is affected by sexual experience and whether test parameters, i.e., ending the test based on time or number of stimulations received, influence behavioral changes. In Experiment 1A rats with nonpaced sexual experience returned to the male more quickly overall compared to sexually naïve rats in a 30-min test of paced mating behavior. In Experiment 1B, rats received four weekly 30-min tests with one, different, male rat partner each week. Over the four tests, rats returned to the male significantly more quickly after intromissions, but significantly more slowly after ejaculations. Experiment 2A tested whether sexual experience would influence paced mating behavior in tests with a 15-intromission end criterion and the male replaced after ejaculation. Rats tested weekly under 15-intromission test conditions returned to the male significantly more quickly after intromissions, but no behavioral change was observed after ejaculations. When those same rats were given a 30-min test of paced mating behavior (Experiment 2B), they returned to the male significantly more slowly after ejaculations. Collectively, these data show that sexual experience influences the display of paced mating behavior in female rats and that the test parameters interact with sexual experience to influence the nature of the changes. Sexual experience may facilitate behaviors that promote reproductive success in female rats.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the Src/Raf/MAPK signaling pathway is involved in the facilitation of the lordosis and proceptive behaviors induced by progesterone (P) and its ring A-reduced metabolites in ovariectomized, estradiol-primed rats. Intraventricular (icv) infusion of PP2 (7.5, 15 and 30 µg), a Src kinase inhibitor, significantly depressed P-dependent estrous behavior (lordosis and proceptivity) in estradiol-primed rats. Icv infusion of 30 µg of PP2 also significantly attenuated estrous behavior induced by the ring A-reduced P metabolites 5α-dihydroprogesterone (5α-DHP) and 5α-pregnan-3α-ol-20-one (allopregnanolone). PP2 did not inhibit estrous behavior induced by administration of high doses of estradiol alone to ovariectomized rats. We also assessed if the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) is one of the neural sites at which progestins activate Src signaling to facilitate estrous behavior. Bilateral administration of 15 µg of PP2 into the VMH inhibited the stimulation of both lordosis and proceptive behaviors elicited by subcutaneous P administration to estradiol-primed rats. These results suggest that progestins act through Src/Raf/MAPK signaling to initiate estrous behaviors in estrogen-primed rats. This event is one component of the cellular pathways leading to the display of estrous behaviors induced by P and its ring A-reduced metabolites in female rats.  相似文献   

Since the seminal works of Draper and Harpending (1982) and Belsky et al. (1991) there has been considerable interest in the link between the family environment experienced as a child and consequent mating and reproductive strategy of females. In this paper, predictions from the hypothesis were tested using postal survey data from a cross-section of 415 women in Merseyside, UK. No relationships were found between father-absence, unrelated male-presence, parental divorce or parental death with age at first coitus, number of sexual partners, mean length of sexual relationships or mean length of relationships prior to coitus occurring. This work was supported by an Economic and Social Research Council Studentship. This paper was completed as part of the author’s doctoral research that focused on differences in age at first reproduction between social classes in the UK, conducted at the University of Liverpool. The author now works for the Scottish Executive, Edinburgh.  相似文献   

Two aspects of reproductive function were examined in relation to female fetus' contiguity to intrauterine male littermates. Following injection of 3.5 μg testosterone propionate (TP) on Day 3, females that had been positioned in utero between two males became sterile earlier in life than those located in utero between two females. Anogenital distances on Days 1 and 3 prior to neonatal treatment with TP were greater in females located in utero between two males than in females residing between two females in utero, suggesting that females developing between two males may have been exposed prenatally to a masculinizing substance, presumably an androgen. No reliable contribution of litter composition was apparent with respect to differentiation of female sexual behavior. Results indicate that littermate hormonal influence is present or effective and can be detected in a neonatally androgenized preparation.  相似文献   

Zearalenone is a resorcylic acid lactone compound that is produced by fungal infection of edible grains and is believed to influence reproduction by binding to estrogen receptors. In order to study the potential estrogenic effects of this compound in the brain, we examined the effects of zearalenone on the expression of neuronal progestin receptors and feminine sexual behavior in female rats. Ovariectomized rats were treated with zearalenone (0.2, 1.0, or 2.0 mg), estradiol benzoate, or vehicle daily for 3 days. They were then either perfused, and progestin receptors visualized by immunocytochemistry, or injected with progesterone and tested for sexual receptivity with male rats. Progestin receptor-containing cells were counted in the medial preoptic area and ventromedial hypothalamus. The two highest doses of zearalenone increased the concentration of neuronal progestin receptors, as did 10 microg of estradiol. The highest dose of zearalenone (2 mg) also induced progestin receptor staining density comparable to that of 10 microg of estradiol benzoate. In behavioral tests, ovariectomized animals treated with 2 mg of zearalenone followed by progesterone showed levels of sexual receptivity comparable to females treated daily with estradiol benzoate (2 microg) followed by progesterone. These studies suggest that, although structurally distinct and less potent than estradiol, zearalenone can act as an estrogen agonist in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Hormonal control of female sexual behavior in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Graded amounts of estradiol benzoate (ranging from 0.48 to 500 μg/kg) were administered to ovariectomized, adrenalectomized female rats in order to analyze the effects of estrogen on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of female reproductive behavior in this species. The interaction of hormone dose and copulatory stimulation was also investigated. In this study, soliciting behavior and lordosis responses were broken down into subcategories. There were three main results. First, it was found that the responses were hierarchically arranged such that, with increasing doses of hormone, the common elements of sexual responding appeared in the same order across individual females. Second, the chronic endocrine background of the female influenced the degree of her receptivity following an acute injection of estrogen. Third, repeated elicitation of lordosis by copulatory stimulation facilitated the subsequent occurrence of lordosis.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have revealed that 2-OH-estradiol can be produced in the brain and that it can compete with estradiol for hypothalamic cytosol binding sites. In the present study ovariectomized female rats received 2-OH-estradiol via sc or iv injections and/or via direct intracerebral implantation either alone or in combination with vehicles, estradiol or testosterone. Behavioral tests after sc progesterone priming indicated that 2-OH-estradiol has relatively weak estrogenic, and no apparent anti-estrogenic or antiaromatization activity in the induction of sexual receptivity.  相似文献   

The role of the pineal gland in inducing and maintaining the persistent estrus of rats exposed to continuous illumination was examined. Under the cyclic illumination, the pinealectomy or sham-operation revealed no effect on the estrous cycle, although weights of the ovaries, adrenals and hypophysis were slightly but definitely greater in the pinealectomized animals. In rats exposed to the continous illumination immediately after pinealectomy or sham-operation, both groups exhibited the persistent estrous states soon after the change of lighting condition. In these rats, neither the degree of persistent estrus nor the organ weights a autopsy showed any significant difference between the groups. Moreover, the pinealectomy could not alter the incidence of estrous in persistent estrous rats which had been established already by the continuous illumination.  相似文献   

Androgenized females, Day 1 male castrates, normal males, and normal females were tested for mounting behavior as adults following TP administration (1 mg/day). Genital anesthetization was used to eliminate all intromission and ejaculation behavior. Results showed that sexually-naive normal males and androgenized females mounted significantly more then Day 1 male castrates, while the Day 1 male castrates mounted significantly more than normal females. Sexually-experienced normal males and androgenized females displayed a significant facilitation of mounting behavior as compared to the sexually-naive animals. Tests of masculine copulatory behavior without genital anesthetization also were conducted with androgenized females and normal males. In these tests, androgenized females were indistinguishable from normal males in all aspects of the complete masculine pattern. The present results provide evidence that during perinatal development androgen acts directly on neural systems which will later regulate adult masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Hormonal control of female sexual behavior in the Japanese quail   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four experiments were carried out to study the hormonal control of female receptivity and proceptivity in Japanese quail. Both aspects of reproductive behavior can be activated in a dose-dependent manner by injections of estradiol benzoate (EB). Progesterone (P) given in addition to suboptimal doses of EB has little additional stimulatory effect. Other aspects of the reproductive physiology such as enlargement of the cloacal diameter and growth of the oviduct also seem to be controlled primarily by estrogens with little or no additive effect of P. These conclusions were confirmed by injecting egg-laying females with an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, or an antiprogestin, RU38486. Only the former had marked effects on sexual receptivity, cloacal diameter, and oviduct weight. The inhibiting effects of tamoxifen could easily be reversed by injecting females with large doses of estrogen, which demonstrates that tamoxifen acts on an estrogen-dependent mechanism and not through nonspecific effects.  相似文献   

Female rats located near a male during uterine development showed increased frequencies of male-like behavior as adults and virilization of genital morphology. These changes in behavior and morphology were blocked by prenatal treatment with the anti-androgen, Flutamide.  相似文献   

Long-term ovariectomy reduces the ability of estradiol and progesterone treatment to induce sexual receptivity in female rats. Previous researchers suggested that this effect may be due to a decreased induction of neural progestin receptors by estradiol in the long-term ovariectomized rats. The present study was designed to replicate and extend this finding, and to search for neuroanatomical correlates by measuring the volume of the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus, a putative site of action of estradiol and progesterone for the induction of female sexual behavior. Long-term ovariectomy (5 to 6 weeks) as compared to short-term ovariectomy (1 week) reduced the ability of estradiol-17 beta and progesterone treatment to induce sexually receptive and proceptive behaviors. Consistent with previous reports, our data show that the reduced levels of cytosol progestin receptors after long-term ovariectomy and estradiol treatment are related to a reduced ability of estradiol to induce the receptors. Long-term ovariectomy did not affect the concentration of cytosol progestin receptors in the preoptic area, suggesting a neuroanatomical specificity to this effect. Contrary to our predictions, long-term ovariectomy did not affect the volume of the VMN. In fact, estradiol treatment, while blocking the effect of long-term ovariectomy on sexual behavior, decreased the volume of the VMN. Therefore, the measurement of the volume of the VMN is not a good predictor of the responsiveness to steroid hormone induction of sexual behavior.  相似文献   

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