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To determine the effect of exposure to atomic bomb radiation on the occurrence of hyperparathyroidism, the prevalence was determined among a population of 3,948 atomic bomb survivors and their controls in Hiroshima. The diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism was based upon histopathological findings or the presence of consistent hypercalcemia and elevated levels of serum parathyroid hormone. Primary hyperparathyroidism was diagnosed in 19 persons (3 males, 16 females). Females had approximately a threefold higher overall prevalence of hyperparathyroidism than males (P less than 0.05). The prevalence rates of hyperparathyroidism increased with radiation dose (chi2(1) = 12, P less than 0.001) after adjusting for sex and age at the time of the bombing. The estimated relative risk was 4.1 at 1 Gy (95% confidence limits 1.7 to 14). There was some evidence that the effect of radiation was greater for individuals who were younger at the time of the bombing. In conclusion, exposure to atomic bomb radiation affected the occurrence of hyperparathyroidism, suggesting that doses of radiation lower than those used in radiotherapy may also induce this disorder.  相似文献   

The percentage of T lymphocytes of atomic bomb survivors showed no change as a function of age or exposure dose. The percentage of T cells was slightly lower in malignant-tumor patients than in the control group, but was significantly higher in the group with chromosomal aberrations than in the control group. The percentages of phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-induced transformation of peripheral lymphocytes decreased significantly with age in the 0 rad control group and the 200+ rad exposure group, particularly so in the latter. The malignant-tumor group also showed lower percentages of PHA-induced transformation than the control group. The percentages of PHA-induced transformation of lymphocytes of the chromosomal-aberration group were significantly depressed as compared with that of the control group.  相似文献   

Recent evidence argues against a high threshold dose for vision-impairing radiation-induced cataractogenesis. We conducted logistic regression analysis to estimate the dose response and used a likelihood profile procedure to determine the best-fitting threshold model among 3761 A-bomb survivors who underwent medical examinations during 2000-2002 for whom radiation dose estimates were available, including 479 postoperative cataract cases. The analyses indicated a statistically significant dose-response increase in the prevalence of postoperative cataracts [odds ratio (OR), 1.39; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24-1.55] at 1 Gy, with no indication of upward curvature in the dose response. The dose response was suggestive when the restricted dose range of 0 to 1 Gy was examined. A nonsignificant dose threshold of 0.1 Gy (95% CI, <0-0.8) was found. The prevalence of postoperative cataracts in A-bomb survivors increased significantly with A-bomb radiation dose. The estimate (0.1 Gy) and upper bound (0.8 Gy) of the dose threshold for operative cataract prevalence was much lower than the threshold of 2-5 Gy usually assumed by the radiation protection community and was statistically compatible with no threshold at all.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced genomic instability has been studied primarily in cultured cells, while in vivo studies have been limited. One major obstacle for in vivo studies is the lack of reliable biomarkers that are capable of distinguishing genetic alterations induced by delayed radiation effects from those that are induced immediately after a radiation exposure. Here we describe a method to estimate cytogenetic instability in vivo using chromosomally marked clonal T-cell populations in atomic bomb survivors. The basic idea is that clonal translocations are derived from single progenitor cells that acquired an aberration, most likely after a radiation exposure, and then multiplied extensively in vivo, resulting in a large number of progeny cells that eventually comprise several percent of the total lymphocyte population. Therefore, if chromosome instability began to operate soon after a radiation exposure, an elevated frequency of additional but solitary chromosome aberrations in clonal cell populations would be expected. In the present study, six additional translocations were found among 936 clonal cells examined with the G-band method (0.6%); the corresponding value with multicolor FISH analysis was 1.2% (4/333). Since these frequencies were no higher than 1.2% (219/17,878 cells), the mean translocation frequency observed in control subjects using the G-band method, it is concluded that chromosome instabilities that could give rise to an increased frequency of persisting, exchange-type aberrations were not commonly generated by radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Previous surveys of radiation therapy among the Life Span Study (LSS) population at the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) revealed that 1,670 (1.4%) of the LSS participants received radiation treatments before 1984. The data on therapeutic radiation doses are indispensable for studying the relationship between radiation treatments and subsequent cancer occurrences. In this study, the radiation treatments were reproduced experimentally to determine the scattered radiation doses. The experiments were conducted using a female human phantom and various radiation sources, including a medium-voltage X-ray machine and a (60)Co gamma-ray source. Doses were measured using thermoluminescence dosimetry and ionization chambers. Radiation doses were determined for the salivary glands, thyroid gland, breast, lung, stomach, colon, ovary and active bone marrow. The results have been used for documenting the organ doses received by patients in previous surveys. The contribution of therapeutic irradiation to the occurrence of chromosome aberrations was studied using data on doses to active bone marrow from both radiation treatments and atomic bomb exposures in 26 RERF Adult Health Study participants. The results suggest that radiation treatments contributed to a large part of their frequencies of stable-type chromosome aberrations. The therapeutic radiation doses determined in the present study are available for investigating the effects of therapeutic irradiation on the subsequent primary cancers among atomic bomb survivors who received radiation treatments.  相似文献   

Exposure, pathology and mortality data for mice, dogs and humans were examined to determine whether accurate interspecies predictions of radiation-induced mortality could be achieved. The analyses revealed that (1) days of life lost per unit dose can be estimated for a species even without information on radiation effects in that species, and (2) accurate predictions of age-specific radiation-induced mortality in beagles and the atomic bomb survivors can be obtained from a dose-response model for comparably exposed mice. These findings illustrate the value of comparative mortality analyses and the relevance of animal data to the study of human health effects.  相似文献   

Noncancer disease incidence in atomic bomb survivors, 1958-1998   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the relationships between the incidence of noncancer diseases and atomic bomb radiation dose using the longitudinal data for about 10,000 Adult Health Study (AHS) participants during 1958-1998. The current report updates the analysis we presented in 1993 with 12 additional years of follow-up. In addition to the statistically significant positive linear dose-response relationships detected previously for the incidence of thyroid disease (P < 0.0001), chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (P = 0.001), and uterine myoma (P < 0.00001), we also found a significant positive dose response for cataract (P = 0.026), a negative linear dose-response relationship for glaucoma (P = 0.025), and significant quadratic dose-response relationships for hypertension (P = 0.028) and for myocardial infarction among survivors exposed at less than 40 years of age (P = 0.049). Significant radiation effects for calculus of the kidney and ureter were evident for men but not for women (test of heterogeneity by sex: P = 0.007). Accounting for smoking and drinking did not alter the results. Radiation effects for cataract, glaucoma, hypertension, and calculus of the kidney and ureter in men are new findings. These results attest to the need for continued follow-up of the aging A-bomb survivors to fully elucidate the effects of radiation exposure on the occurrence of noncancer diseases.  相似文献   

This is the second general report on radiation effects on the incidence of solid cancers (cancers other than malignancies of the blood or blood-forming organs) among members of the Life Span Study (LSS) cohort of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors. The analyses were based on 17,448 first primary cancers (including non-melanoma skin cancer) diagnosed from 1958 through 1998 among 105,427 cohort members with individual dose estimates who were alive and not known to have had cancer prior to 1958. Radiation-associated relative risks and excess rates were considered for all solid cancers as a group, for 19 specific cancer sites or groups of sites, and for five histology groups. Poisson regression methods were used to investigate the magnitude of the radiation-associated risks, the shape of the dose response, how these risks vary with gender, age at exposure, and attained age, and the evidence for inter-site variation in the levels and patterns of the excess risk. For all solid cancers as a group, it was estimated that about 850 (about 11%) of the cases among cohort members with colon doses in excess of 0.005 Gy were associated with atomic bomb radiation exposure. The data were consistent with a linear dose response over the 0- to 2-Gy range, while there was some flattening of the dose response at higher doses. Furthermore, there is a statistically significant dose response when analyses were limited to cohort members with doses of 0.15 Gy or less. The excess risks for all solid cancers as a group and many individual sites exhibit significant variation with gender, attained age, and age at exposure. It was estimated that, at age 70 after exposure at age 30, solid cancer rates increase by about 35% per Gy (90% CI 28%; 43%) for men and 58% per Gy (43%; 69%) for women. For all solid cancers as a group, the excess relative risk (ERR per Gy) decreases by about 17% per decade increase in age at exposure (90% CI 7%; 25%) after allowing for attained-age effects, while the ERR decreased in proportion to attained age to the power 1.65 (90% CI 2.1; 1.2) after allowing for age at exposure. Despite the decline in the ERR with attained age, excess absolute rates appeared to increase throughout the study period, providing further evidence that radiation-associated increases in cancer rates persist throughout life regardless of age at exposure. For all solid cancers as a group, women had somewhat higher excess absolute rates than men (F:M ratio 1.4; 90% CI 1.1; 1.8), but this difference disappears when the analysis was restricted to non-gender-specific cancers. Significant radiation-associated increases in risk were seen for most sites, including oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, colon, liver, lung, non-melanoma skin, breast, ovary, bladder, nervous system and thyroid. Although there was no indication of a statistically significant dose response for cancers of the pancreas, prostate and kidney, the excess relative risks for these sites were also consistent with that for all solid cancers as a group. Dose-response estimates for cancers of the rectum, gallbladder and uterus were not statistically significant, and there were suggestions that the risks for these sites may be lower than those for all solid cancers combined. However, there was emerging evidence from the present data that exposure as a child may increase risks of cancer of the body of the uterus. Elevated risks were seen for all of the five broadly classified histological groups considered, including squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, other epithelial cancers, sarcomas and other non-epithelial cancers. Although the data were limited, there was a significant radiation-associated increase in the risk of cancer occurring in adolescence and young adulthood. In view of the persisting increase in solid cancer risks, the LSS should continue to provide important new information on radiation exposure and solid cancer risks for at least another 15 to 20 years.  相似文献   

Radiation-related cancer risks at low doses among atomic bomb survivors   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
To clarify the information in the Radiation Effects Research Foundation data regarding cancer risks of low radiation doses, we focus on survivors with doses less than 0.5 Sv. For reasons indicated, we also restrict attention mainly to survivors within 3, 000 m of the hypocenter of the bombs. Analysis is of solid cancer incidence from 1958-1994, involving 7,000 cancer cases among 50,000 survivors in that dose and distance range. The results provide useful risk estimates for doses as low as 0.05-0.1 Sv, which are not overestimated by linear risk estimates computed from the wider dose ranges 0-2 Sv or 0-4 Sv. There is a statistically significant risk in the range 0-0.1 Sv, and an upper confidence limit on any possible threshold is computed as 0.06 Sv. It is indicated that modification of the neutron dose estimates currently under consideration would not markedly change the conclusions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers increased with atomic bomb radiation dose, and whether radiation decreased the ability to clear HBV among the atomic bomb survivors. The study subjects were 6,121 participants in the Adult Health Study of atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After adjustment for age, sex, city and potential confounders, the rates of seropositivity for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), indicating current HBV infections, and anti-hepatitis B core antibody, indicating either cured or current infections, increased with radiation dose. However, no relationship was observed between radiation and anti-hepatitis B surface antibody (indicating cured infection). The proportion of persons who were unable to clear the virus, as the proportion of HBsAg-positive persons among those ever infected by HBV (positive for HBsAg or surface or core hepatitis B antibody), increased significantly with radiation dose among those receiving blood transfusions. This proportion was not related to dose among those who reported no such transfusions. The findings may suggest a lower likelihood of clearance after HBV infection among those who were more likely to have been infected with HBV as adults after atomic bomb irradiation rather than as infants or adults prior to irradiation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the phagocytic and bactericidal activities of peripheral blood leukocytes from Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors for Staphylococcus aureus. The data were analyzed by multiple linear regression for age, sex, radiation exposure, city of exposure, and neutrophil counts. No significant radiation effect was observed for either blood phagocytic or bactericidal activities. The only significant variable for these functions was the neutrophil count.  相似文献   

Exposure to ionizing radiation has been thought to induce ovarian failure and premature menopause. Proximally exposed female atomic bomb survivors were reported to experience menopause immediately after the exposure more often than those who were distally exposed. However, it remains unclear whether such effects were caused by physical injury and psychological trauma or by direct effects of radiation on the ovaries. The objective of this study was to see if there are any late health effects associated with the exposure to atomic bomb radiation in terms of age at menopause in a cohort of 21,259 Life Span Study female A-bomb survivors. Excess absolute rates (EAR) of natural and artificial menopause were estimated using Poisson regression. A linear threshold model with a knot at 0.40 Gy [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.13, 0.62] was the best fit for a dose response of natural menopause (EAR at 1 Gy at age of 50 years = 19.4/1,000 person-years, 95% CI: 10.4, 30.8) and a linear threshold model with a knot at 0.22 Gy (95% CI: 0.14, 0.34) was the best fit for artificial menopause (EAR at 1 Gy at age of 50 years for females who were exposed at age of 20 years = 14.5/1,000 person-years, 95% CI: 10.2, 20.1). Effect modification by attained age indicated that EARs peaked around 50 years of age for both natural and artificial menopause. Although effect modification by age at exposure was not significant for natural menopause, the EAR for artificial menopause tended to be larger in females exposed at young ages. On the cumulative incidence curve of natural menopause, the median age at menopause was 0.3 years younger in females exposed to radiation of 1 Gy compared with unexposed females. The median age was 1 year younger for combined natural and artificial menopause in the same comparison. In conclusion, age at menopause was thought to decrease with increasing radiation dose for both natural and artificial menopause occurring at least 5 years after the exposure.  相似文献   

A total of 1328 atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima were studied to determine alterations in the number of blood lymphocytes belonging to T-cell subpopulations, the number of CD19 antigen-positive B cells and the number of Leu 7 and CD16 antigen-positive lymphocytes. Overall, with increasing age, significant decreasing trends in the numbers of some lymphocytes in T-cell subpopulations and of B cells were observed. Furthermore, the number of blood lymphocytes positive for CD5 antigen was significantly lower in the people exposed to radiation (greater than 1 Gy) in the older age group (more than 30 years old at the time of the bombing). A similar tendency for decreases in the numbers of CD4, CD8, and CD19 antigen-positive cells was observed in these older survivors, although the differences were not statistically significant. These results suggest that aging of the T-cell related immune system is accelerated in the irradiated people of advanced age. This may be explained by the age-related decrease in thymic function in those subjects who were older at the time of the bombing resulting in a decreased functional ability of the immune system after radiation injury. On the contrary, the number of Leu 7 or CD16 antigen-positive cells was found to be increased significantly in the older age group compared to the younger group, although there was little dependence on dose.  相似文献   

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