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Lipid oxidation and nitration represents a novel area of research of relevance in the understanding of inflammatory processes. Peroxynitrite, the product of the diffusion-limited reaction between nitric oxide and superoxide anion, mediates oxidative modifications in lipid systems including cell membranes and lipoproteins. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of lipid oxidation and nitration by peroxynitrite as well as the influence of physiological molecules and cell targets to redirect peroxynitrite reactivity. We also provide evidence to support that oxidation/nitration of lipids results in the formation of novel signaling modulators of key lipid-metabolizing enzymes.  相似文献   

The goal of these studies was to examine the effect of lipid peroxidation (LPO) on the function of surfactant protein A (SP-A). First, the optimal dialysis conditions for quantitative removal of EDTA and redoxactive metals from reagents were established. Surfactant phospholipids were incubated with free radical generators in the absence or presence of the SP-A or with BSA as a control. We found that SP-A inhibited copper-initiated LPO to an extent similar to BSA (P < 0.05). Exposure of SP-A to LPO was associated with an increase in the level of SP-A-associated carbonyl moieties and a marked reduction in SP-A-mediated aggregation of liposomes. LPO initiated by an azo-compound also resulted in enhanced protein oxidation and markedly inhibited SP-A-mediated liposome aggregation. The kinetics of aggregation of auto-oxidized and nonoxidized liposomes by nonoxidized SP-A was similar, suggesting that SP-A has similar affinities for oxidized and nonoxidized lipids. Oxidative inactivation of SP-A did not occur upon direct incubation of the protein with malondialdehyde alone. We conclude that exposure of SP-A to LPO results in oxidative modification and functional inactivation of SP-A by phospholipid radicals.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein A (SP-A) is an abundant protein found in pulmonary surfactant which has been reported to have multiple functions. In this review, we focus on the structural importance of each domain of SP-A in the functions of protein oligomerization, the structural organization of lipids and the surface-active properties of surfactant, with an emphasis on ultrastructural analyses. The N-terminal domain of SP-A is required for disulfide-dependent protein oligomerization, and for binding and aggregation of phospholipids, but there is no evidence that this domain directly interacts with lipid membranes. The collagen-like domain is important for the stability and oligomerization of SP-A. It also contributes shape and dimension to the molecule, and appears to determine membrane spacing in lipid aggregates such as common myelin and tubular myelin. The neck domain of SP-A is primarily involved in protein trimerization, which is critical for many protein functions, but it does not appear to be directly involved in lipid interactions. The globular C-terminal domain of SP-A clearly plays a central role in lipid binding, and in more complex functions such as the formation and/or stabilization of curved membranes. In recent work, we have determined that the maintenance of low surface tension of surfactant in the presence of serum protein inhibitors requires cooperative interactions between the C-terminal and N-terminal domains of the molecule. This effect of SP-A requires a high degree of oligomeric assembly of the protein, and may be mediated by the activity of the protein to alter the form or physical state of surfactant lipid aggregates.  相似文献   

Exposing BLES (bovine lipid extract surfactant), a clinical surfactant, to reactive oxygen species (ROS) alters surfactant protein B (SP-B), as indicated by Coomassie Blue staining, silver staining, and Western analysis. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) treatment leads to elevated maximum surface tension (gammamax) and a deterioration in minimum gamma (gammamin) during surface area cycling. Fenton reaction resulted in immediate increases in gammamin and gammamax. Intrinsic fluorescence measurements indicated Fenton, but not HOCl, induced conversion of Trp9 of SP-B to hydroxyTrp (OHTrp), N-formylkynurenine (NFKyn), and kynurenine (Kyn). Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) revealed molecular weight alterations consistent with oxidation of Met (HOCl, Fenton) and Trp (Fenton) residues. Oxidative alterations to Met29 and Met65 (HOCl, Fenton) and to Trp9 (OHTrp with HOCL and NFKyn plus Kyn with Fenton) were confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) studies on SP-B tryptic fragments. Some Met oxidation was observed with control SP-B. When taken together with captive bubble tensiometer measurements, these studies suggest that Met oxidation of SP-B by HOCl or Fenton interferes with phospholipid respreading during compression-expansion of surfactant films, while Fenton oxidation, which produces more extensive Met oxidation and disruption of the indole ring of Trp9, further abrogated the ability of such films to attain low surface tensions during compression. These studies provide insight into the manner by which ROS generated during acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome act to inhibit not only endogenous surfactant but also therapeutic surfactants administered to counteract these conditions.  相似文献   

The commonly used purification procedures for Transferrin-binding protein B (TbpB) are based on an affinity chromatography step using resins onto which human transferrin had been immobilized. These protocols involve protein elution using denaturing buffer solutions. Here we present an improved protocol which permits protein elution under nondenaturing conditions using chelating agents such as phosphate or compounds containing a pyrophosphate group. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments of the purified protein with holotransferrin have been shown to be a reliable method to assess the purity and activity of the purified material.  相似文献   

The structure-driven assembly of multimeric protein complexes and the formation of intracellular phase-like protein condensates have been the subject of intense research. However, the assembly of larger superstructures comprising cellular components, such as protein nanoparticles driven by general physical rather than specific biochemical interactions, remains relatively uncharacterized. Here, we use gas vesicles (GVs)—genetically encoded protein nanoparticles that form ordered intracellular clusters—as a model system to study the forces driving multiparticle assembly under cytoplasm-like conditions. Our calculations and experimental results show that the ordered assembly of GVs can be achieved by screening their mutual electrostatic repulsion with electrolytes and creating a crowding force with dissolved macromolecules. The precise balance of these forces results in different packing configurations. Biomacromolecules such as polylysine and DNA are capable of driving GV clustering. These results provide basic insights into how physically driven interactions affect the formation of protein superstructures, offer guidance for manipulating nanoparticle assembly in cellular environments through synthetic biology methods, and inform research on the biotechnology applications of GVs.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins that lines the air/liquid interface of the alveolar hypophase and confers mechanical stability to the alveoli during the breathing process. The desire to formulate synthetic mixtures for low-cost prophylactic and therapeutic applications has motivated the study of the specific roles and interactions of the different components. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on a model system composed of a monolayer of palmitic acid (PA) and a surfactant protein B peptide, SP-B(1-25). A detailed structural characterization as a function of the lipid monolayer specific area revealed that the peptide remains inserted in the monolayer up to values of specific area corresponding to an untilted condensed phase of the the pure palmitic acid monolayer. The system remains stable by altering the conformational order of both the anionic lipid monolayer and the peptide secondary structure. Two elements appear to be key for the constitution of this phase: an electrostatic interaction between the cationic peptide residues with the anionic headgroups, and an exclusion of the aromatic residues on the hydrophobic end of the peptide from the hydrophilic and aqueous regions.  相似文献   

The Wilhelmy balance was used for in vitro testing of surface parameters of surfactants used for respiratory distress syndrome therapy. Two commercial protein-free surfactants, ALEC and Exosurf, were compared with pure forms of the three main phospholipids in natural surfactants, dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and their binary mixtures, PC with PE and PG each in the ratio 2:3. Surface excess films (15 A2/molecule) were compressed at 1.2 cycles/min past collapse to a compression ratio of 4:1. The maximum surface pressure, spreading time, compressibility, respreading ratio, recruitment index, and hysteresis area were compared. A consolidated list of criteria for selection of suitable surfactants was compiled from the literature. A relative scoring system was devised for comparison based on these criteria. PC/PG (2:3) performed the best as it fulfilled all the criteria and obtained the highest relative score. Exosurf also performed well, except on the respreading criterion. ALEC and PC/PE were equivalent in their performance and performed well, except on two criteria: hysteresis area and recruitment index. Thus the scoring system proposed here proved valuable to rate the overall efficacy as well as relative merits of surfactant formulations.  相似文献   

Cell movement and resistance to mechanical forces are largely governed by the cytoskeleton, a three-dimensional network of protein filaments that form viscoelastic networks within the cytoplasm. The cytoskeleton underlying the plasma membrane of most cells is rich in actin filaments whose assembly and disassembly are regulated by actin binding proteins that are stimulated or inhibited by signals received and transmitted at the membrane/cytoplasm interface. Inositol phospholipids, or phosphoinositides, are potent regulators of many actin binding proteins, and changes in the phosphorylation of specific phosphoinositide species or in their spatial localization are associated with cytoskeletal remodeling in vitro. This review will focus on recent studies directed at defining the structural features of phosphoinositide binding sites in actin binding proteins and on the influence of the physical state of phosphoinositides on their ability to interact with their target proteins.  相似文献   

Intratracheal bleomycin in rats is associated with respiratory distress of uncertain etiology. We investigated the expression of surfactant components in this model of lung injury. Maximum respiratory distress, determined by respiratory rate, occurred at 7 days, and surfactant dysfunction was confirmed by increased surface tension of the large-aggregate fraction of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). In injured animals, phospholipid content and composition were similar to those of controls, mature surfactant protein (SP) B was decreased 90%, and SP-A and SP-D contents were increased. In lung tissue, SP-B and SP-C mRNAs were decreased by 2 days and maximally at 4--7 days and recovered between 14 and 21 days after injury. Immunostaining of SP-B and proSP-C was decreased in type II epithelial cells but strong in macrophages. By electron microscopy, injured lungs had type II cells lacking lamellar bodies and macrophages with phagocytosed lamellar bodies. Surface activity of BAL phospholipids of injured animals was restored by addition of exogenous SP-B. We conclude that respiratory distress after bleomycin in rats results from surfactant dysfunction in part secondary to selective downregulation of SP-B and SP-C.  相似文献   

KL 4 is a 21-residue peptide employed as a functional mimic of lung surfactant protein B, which successfully lowers surface tension in the alveoli. A mechanistic understanding of how KL 4 affects lipid properties has proven elusive as the secondary structure of KL 4 in lipid preparations has not been determined at high resolution. The sequence of KL 4 is based on the C-terminus of SP-B, a naturally occurring helical protein that binds to lipid interfaces. The spacing of the lysine residues in KL 4 precludes the formation of a canonical amphipathic alpha-helix; qualitative measurements using Raman, CD, and FTIR spectroscopies have given conflicting results as to the secondary structure of the peptide as well as its orientation in the lipid environment. Here, we present a structural model of KL 4 bound to lipid bilayers based on solid state NMR data. Double-quantum correlation experiments employing (13)C-enriched peptides were used to quantitatively determine the backbone torsion angles in KL 4 at several positions. These measurements, coupled with CD experiments, verify the helical nature of KL 4 when bound to lipids, with (phi, psi) angles that differ substantially from common values for alpha-helices of (-60, -45). The average torsion angles found for KL 4 bound to POPC:POPG lipid vesicles are (-105, -30); this deviation from ideal alpha-helical structure allows KL 4 to form an amphipathic helix at the lipid interface.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of cold stress on antioxidant enzyme activities and examine protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation in various tissues (brain, liver, kidney, heart and stomach). Twenty male Wistar rats (3 months old) weighing 220 ± 20 g were used. The rats were randomly divided into two groups of ten: the control group and the cold stress group. Cold stress was applied to the animals by maintaining them in a cold room (5 °C) for 15 min/day for 15 days. Blood samples were taken for measuring plasma corticosterone levels. Tissues were obtained from each rat for measuring the antioxidant enzyme activities, protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation. Corticosterone levels were increased in the cold stress group. Copper, zinc superoxide dismutase activities were increased in the brains, livers and kidneys, whereas they decreased in the hearts and stomachs of rats in the cold stress group. Catalase activities were increased in the brains, livers, kidneys and hearts, whereas they decreased in the stomachs of rats in the cold stress group. Selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activities were increased in the brain, liver, heart and stomach. Reduced glutathione levels were decreased, while levels of protein carbonyl, conjugated diene and thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances were increased in all tissues of the cold stress group. These results lead us to conclude that cold stress can disrupt the balance in an oxidant/antioxidant system and cause oxidative damage to several tissues by altering the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant status, protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

SP-B(CTERM) is a cationic amphipathic helical peptide and functional fragment composed of residues 63 to 78 of surfactant protein B (SP-B). Static oriented and magic angle spinning solid state NMR, along with molecular dynamics simulation was used to investigate its structure, orientation, and depth in lipid bilayers of several compositions, namely POPC, DPPC, DPPC/POPC/POPG, and bovine lung surfactant extract (BLES). In all lipid environments the peptide was oriented parallel to the membrane surface. While maintaining this approximately planar orientation, SP-B(CTERM) exhibited a flexible topology controlled by subtle variations in lipid composition. SP-B(CTERM)-induced lipid realignment and/or conformational changes at the level of the head group were observed using (31)P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Measurements of the depth of SP-B(CTERM) indicated the peptide center positions ~8? more deeply than the phosphate headgroups, a topology that may allow the peptide to promote functional lipid structures without causing micellization upon compression.  相似文献   

Surfactant protein B (SP-B) is essential for normal lung surfactant function. Theoretical models predict that the disulfide cross-linked, N- and C-terminal domains of SP-B fold as charged amphipathic helices, and suggest that these adjacent helices participate in critical surfactant activities. This hypothesis is tested using a disulfide-linked construct (Mini-B) based on the primary sequences of the N- and C-terminal domains. Consistent with theoretical predictions of the full-length protein, both isotope-enhanced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and molecular modeling confirm the presence of charged amphipathic alpha-helices in Mini-B. Similar to that observed with native SP-B, Mini-B in model surfactant lipid mixtures exhibits marked in vitro activity, with spread films showing near-zero minimum surface tensions during cycling using captive bubble surfactometry. In vivo, Mini-B shows oxygenation and dynamic compliance that compare favorably with that of full-length SP-B. Mini-B variants (i.e. reduced disulfides or cationic residues replaced by uncharged residues) or Mini-B fragments (i.e. unlinked N- and C-terminal domains) produced greatly attenuated in vivo and in vitro surfactant properties. Hence, the combination of structure and charge for the amphipathic alpha-helical N- and C-terminal domains are key to SP-B function.  相似文献   

Lipid oxidation in foods is initiated by free radical and/or singlet oxygen mechanisms which generate a series of autocatalytic free radical reactions. These autoxidation reactions lead to the breakdown of lipid and to the formation of a wide array of oxidation products. The nature and proportion of these products can vary widely between foods and depend on the composition of the food as well as numerous environmental factors. The toxicological significance of lipid oxidation in foods is complicated by interactions of secondary lipid oxidation products with other food components. These interactions could either form complexes that limit the bioavailability of lipid breakdown products or can lead to the formation of toxic products derived from non-lipid sources. A lack of gross pathological consequences has generally been observed in animals fed oxidized fats. On the other hand, secondary products of lipid autoxidation can be absorbed and may cause an increase in oxidative stress and deleterious changes in lipoprotein and platelet metabolism. The presence of reactive lipid oxidation products in foods needs more systematic research in terms of complexities of food component interactions and the metabolic processing of these compounds.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant, a thin lipid/protein film lining mammalian lungs, functions in vivo to reduce the work of breathing and to prevent alveolar collapse. Analogues of two hydrophobic surfactant proteins, SP-B and SP-C, have been incorporated into therapeutic agents for respiratory distress syndrome, a pathological condition resulting from deficiency in surfactant. To facilitate rational design of therapeutic agents, a molecular level understanding of lipid interaction with surfactant proteins or their analogues in aqueous monolayer films is necessary. The current work uses infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) to determine peptide conformation and the effects of S-palmitoylation on the lipid interactions of a synthetic 13 residue N-terminal peptide [SP-C13(palm)(2)] of SP-C, in mixtures with 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) or 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). Two Amide I' features, at approximately 1655 and approximately 1639 cm(-1) in the peptide IRRAS spectra, are assigned to alpha-helical peptide bonds in hydrophobic and aqueous environments, respectively. In binary DPPC/SP-C13(palm)(2) films, the proportion of hydrated/hydrophobic helix increases reversibly with surface pressure (pi), suggestive of the peptide being squeezed out from hydrophobic regions of the monolayer. No such effect was observed for DPPG/peptide monolayers, indicative of stronger, probably electrostatic, interactions. Depalmitoylation produced a weakened interaction with either phospholipid as deduced from IRRAS spectra and from pi-area isotherms. S-Palmitoylation may modulate peptide hydration and conformation in the N-terminal region of SP-C and may thus permit the peptide to remain in the film at the high surface pressures present during lung compression. The unique capability of IRRAS to detect the surface pressure dependence of protein or peptide structure/interactions in a physiologically relevant model for surfactant is clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

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