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Summary In the Western Dinarides the Lower Liassic carbonates are underlain by Upper Triassic “Hauptdolomit”, whereas the first appearance of the foraminiferOrbitopsella praecursor (Gümbel) marks the beginning of the Middle Liassic. Their composition, observed at several localities in Western Croatia, shows a correlation of sedimentation events, which took place during Early Liassic on the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform. Facies variability is interpreted as result of autocyclic sedimentary processes on which the carbonate platform reacted by periodical oscillations of sea-bottom near the fair-weather wavebase. As a consequence, the Lower Liassic carbonate successions in the Dinarides is characterized by stacking of two main types of coarsening-upward parasequences: (1) the basal part of the Lower Liassic succession is represented by parasequences composed of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones as their lower members, and peloidal-bioclastic wackestone/packstones to grain-stones as their upper members; and (2) the upper part of the Lower Liassic succession with parasequences consisting of mudstones or pelletal-bioclastic wackestones overlain by ooid grainstones. Judging from the composition of parasequences and thickness relations of their members, the first type is interpreted to comprise late transgressive system tract (ITST) and/or early highstand system tract (eHST), while the second type corresponds to a late highstand system tract (1HST) and/or early lowstand system tract (eLST) of a third-order sequence.  相似文献   

Detailed facies analysis and event stratigraphy of an Upper Ordovician (Rocklandian–Edenian) cratonic ramp succession in eastern North America yields insights into eustatically driven sequence architecture and localized tectonic instability. Seven, predominantly subtidal, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic depositional sequences (3rd order) are identified and correlated across the length of a 275-km ramp–to–basin profile. Within the larger depositional sequences (3rd order) at least two smaller orders (4th and 5th) of cyclicity are recognizable. Three systems tracts occur within each sequence (transgressive, TST; highstand, HST; regressive, RST) and are considered in terms of their component parasequences (5th order). Generally, TSTs are composed of skeletal grainstone–rudstone facies, HSTs are dominated by shaly nodular wacke-packstone facies, and RSTs are mostly calcarenite facies. Systems tracts, sequence boundaries and their correlative conformities, maximum flooding surfaces, and forced regression surfaces were traced from shallow shelf to basinal settings. This high-resolution framework also provides insight into the timing of tectonic fluctuations on this cratonic ramp during the Taconic Orogeny and documents the relative influence of tectonism on lateral facies distributions and eustatically derived cyclicity.  相似文献   

Summary A local intraplatform basin developed in the Gartnerkofel-Zielkofel area of the Carnic Alps (southern Carinthia, Austria) during the Middle Triassic (Ladinian). This basin was filled with a transgressive basinal sequence composed of the Uggowitz Formation and overlying Buchenstein Formation. At the northwestern slope of the Gartnerkofel, the platform carbonates of the Schlern Dolomite interfinger with the Buchenstein Formation, causing the formation of two depositional sequences. The Uggowitz Formation consists of the Uggowitz Breccia and the Kühweg Member. Sediments of the Uggowitz Breccia were formed by different types of gravity induced processes. The Kühweg Member is a thin sequence of silt-and fine-grained sandstones which were deposited in a slope to basin margin environment by turbidity currents. The overlying Buchenstein Formation consists of hemipelagic to pelagic limestones of Fassanian age with intercalated pyroclastic rocks (Pietra verde). Nodular limestones were deposited under slow rates of accumulation during a relative sea-level highstand. The uppermost Buchenstein Formation is composed of hemipelagic limestone beds with intercalated graded calcarenites and breccias of platform-derived debris, showing characteristics features of a fore-reef slope of the prograding Schlern Dolomite. Uggowitz Formation and basal Buchenstein Formation are interpreted as a transgressive systems tract, nodular limestones from the middle part of the Buchenstein Formation mark an early highstand systems tract, forereef slope sediments of the upper Buchenstein Formation formed during the beginning regression of a late highstand systems tract, the basal part of the overlying Schlern Dolomite probably reflects a lowstand systems tract. The intercalated bedded limestone facies within the Schlern Dolomite is characterized by large, platform derived blocks, slump structures, breccia beds, graded calcarenites and hemipelagic limestones indicating a forereef slope environent. This intercalated facies belongs to the Buchenstein Formation and interfingers with the Schlern Dolomite. Conodonts from this intercalated slope facies point to Late Fassanian age. Therefore, the two Middle Triassic depositional sequences of the Gartnerkofel area can be correlated with the depositional sequences ‘Ladinian 1’ and ‘Ladinian 2’ of the Dolomites, proposed byDe Zanche et al. (1993). A brief comparison with the basinal sequences of similar age of the karawanken Mountains and the Carnia is presented.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation in Marun oilfield (south-west Iran), is about 440 m-thick marine carbonate succession with subordinate siliciclastic rocks, characterized by abundant benthic foraminifera (perforate and imperforate). Foraminiferal biostratigraphy indicates that this unit is Oligocene–Miocene in age. The distribution of benthic foraminifera and other components have led to the recognition of three siliciclastic and ten carbonate facies that were deposited in inner ramp (shoreline, tidal flat, restricted and open lagoon and shoal), middle and outer ramp sub-environments. Based on vertical facies trends, three third-order sequences in the Oligocene and three third-order sequences in the Miocene sediments have been identified. These depositional sequences are bounded by both type 1 and type 2 sequence boundaries. The transgressive systems tracts (TST) of sequences show deepening-upward facies trend with a gradual upward increase in perforate foraminifera, whereas the highstand systems tracts (HST) have a shallowing-upward facies trend and contain predominantly imperforate foraminifera. Deposition of these depositional sequences (DS) were controlled by both eustasy and tectonic subsidence.  相似文献   

Clastic sediments of Middle–Late Eocene age were studied on the Island of Rab (northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia) in order to reconstruct their depositional history, depositional environments, and geometry of sandstone bodies. Detailed outcrop logging and mapping revealed the response of depositional systems to frequent relative sea-level changes, which initiated significant basinward and landward shifts of facies, respectively. Tidal sandstones are commonly underlain by shoreface sandstones, and overlain by offshore sandy marls, whereas the latter are again overlain by shoreface sandstones. Major relative sea-level falls initiated basinward shift of depositional systems and the incision of incised valleys or estuaries, and consequently truncated the underlying shelf sediments. In some cases, the accelerated sea-level fall caused rapid shoreface progradation which is interpreted as a forced regression. Relative sea-level rise caused flooding of the incised relief, and deposition of tidal sandstone bodies which overlie type-I sequence boundaries. The coarse lag sediment of these sequence boundaries locally disappears laterally, and the boundary is granulometrically less prominent. All of the major bounding surfaces have been recognized in the sections studied, although the maximum flooding surface is recognized as a thin “zone” instead of a single surface. Altogether, 28 complete sequences, and 15 parasequences are recognized in the informal unit of the Lopar sandstones, documenting the depositional response to high-frequency relative sea-level oscillations. They have so far not been recognized in the Eocene of the eastern Adriatic region.  相似文献   

Summary The Turonian to Santonian terrestrial to neritic succession (Lower Gosau Subgroup) in the Northern Calcareous Alps of the eastern part of the Tyrol, Austria, provides an example for deposition on a compartmentalized, narrow, microtidal to low-mesotidal, wave-dominated, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf. The shelf was situated in front of a mainland with a relatively high, articulated relief, and underwent distinct changes in facies architecture mainly as a result of tectonism. The investigated succession was deposited above a deeply incised, articulated truncation surface that formed when the Eo-Alpine orogen, including the area of the future Northern Calcareous Alps, was uplifted and subaerially eroded. Distinct facies associations were deposited from (1) alluvial fans and fan deltas, (2) rivers, (3) siliciclastic lagoonal to freshwater marsh environments, (4) areally/temporally limited carbonate lagoons, (5) transgressive shores, (6) siliciclastic shelf environments, and (7) an aggrading carbonate shelf. During the Turonian to Coniacian, the combination of high rates of both subsidence and sediment accumulation, and a narrow shelf that was compartmentalized with respect to (a) morphology of the substratum, (b) fluviatile input of siliciclastics and contemporaneous input of carbonate clasts from fan deltas, (c) deposition of shallow-water carbonates, and (d) water energy and-depth gave rise to an exceptionally wide spectrum of facies as a distinguishing feature of the succession. With the exception of facies association 7, which formed only once, depositional sequences in the Turonian to Coniacian interval contain all of the facies associations 1 to 6. During Turonian to Coniacian times, the shelf was microtidal to low-mesotidal, and was dominated by waves, storm waves and storm-induced currents. In vegetated marshes, schizohaline to freshwater marl lakes existed. Transgressions occurred onto fan deltas and in association with estuaries, or in association with gravelly to rocky shores. The transgressive successions, including successions deposited from transgressive rocky carbonate shores, are overlain by regressive successions of shelf carbonates or shelf siliciclastics. Deposition of shallow-water carbonates generally occurred within lagoons and over short intervals of time. A „catch-up” succession of shelf carbonates about 100 m thick accumulated only in an area protected from siliciclastic input. In its preserved parts, the Turonian to Coniacian succession does not record deposition adjacent to major active faults. Lateral changes in thickness result mainly from onlap onto the articulated basal truncation surface. Subsidence most probably was controlled by major detachment faults outside the outcrop area, and/or was distributed over a wide area in association with secondary faults above the major detachments. During Coniacian to Early Santonian times, both the older substratum and the overlying Turonian-Coniacian succession were subaerially exposed, faulted and deeply eroded. The following Early Santonian transgression ensued with rocky carbonate shores ahead of a sandy, narrow shoreface-inner shelf environment and a deeper shelf with intermittentlydysaerobic mud. The transgression was associated with the influx of cooler and/or nutrient-rich waters, and heralds an overall deepening. Still during the Early Santonian, the deepening was interrupted by another phase of subaerial exposure. Subsequently, a short phase of shelf deposition was terminated by deepening into bathyal depths.  相似文献   

Summary Paleozoic carbonate ramp sedimentation has generally been described in terms of downlapping clinoforms composed of allochthonous sediment derived from shallower environments. However, during transgressive episodes when carbonate sediment production is low and down slope sediment transport by gravity becomes inactive, autochthonous carbonate sediment accumulates in vertical stacks of essentially in situ sediment. Autochthonous outer ramp deposition is probably a part of many Paleozoic ramp strata, but has heretofore not been recognized because of the general absence of adequate exposures. Evidence of autochthonous, in situ deposition and preservation of sediments in a starved setting is well displayed in the Alamogordo Member of the Lake Valley Formation in south central New Mexico. This evidence includes: 1) beds and bed sets that are individually continuous and traceable along ramp slope for 32 km, 2) down-ramp sequential distributions of depth-sensitive organisms and assemblages but patchy distribution of rock types, 3) lack of sedimentary structures indicative of transport, 4) well preserved, unabraded fossils, 5) the common occurrence of fossils in life position, 6) beds traceable into and through mounds 7) bed thickness trends ascribed to biotic productivity, and 8) geopetal structures in original position. Integrated paleontologic, sedimentologic, and stratigraphic data provide information about depositional processes and setting. The depositional slope was approximately 0.5o based on the distribution of fossil algae; this is comparable to dips reported for other Mississippian homoclinal ramps. An oxygen minimum zone may have impinged on the ramp during a major flooding event. Shifts in biotic gradients from bed to bed reveal transgressive-regressive patterns that would not be resolvable without detailed paleontological evidence. The Alamogordo Member formed as a result of transgressive and early highstand starved carbonate sedimentation along a narrow, homoclinal outer ramp. The surface of maximum flooding and the boundary between the TST and HST are within the Alamogordo Member.  相似文献   

Geological records of early Paleogene warming are rare in low latitudinal regions. The Indian subcontinent preserves records of this global event on western and eastern margins. We attempt to decipher paleoenvironmental setup and facies architecture of the paleo-equatorial early Eocene succession at the Vastan Lignite Mine, Gulf of Cambay, western India. The Vastan lignite succession was deposited in a low-energy coastal marsh-bay complex receiving only fine-grained muddy sediments from the weathered Deccan Traps. The lower part of the Vastan lignite deposit, designated as “Vastan Succession A”, comprises four depositional facies representing distinct environments (open bay, restricted bay, creek and channel, and coastal marsh) and one diagenetic facies. Palynofacies analysis, backed by precise sedimentological framework, records changes in terrestrial supply and fluctuating marine characters of bay and marshes. Eleven Palyno-Units are identified in distinct lithofacies sequences stacked in shallowing-upward cycles representing five parasequences that constitute a Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) deposit. Each parasequence starts with a transgressive sheet deposit, followed by shallowing-upward bay fill-marsh deposits. In the vertical succession, each parasequence acquires increasing marine character, culminating in a maximum flooding surface (shell carbonate) that represents large-scale coastal onlap during early Ypresian time. The TST is followed by a Highstand Systems Tract deposit, which shows an erosional surface at the top of the upper lignite indicating Lowstand Systems Tract and a sequence boundary at ~52 Ma. The Vastan Succession A represents TST (3rd-order cycle) deposits with parasequences and hemicycles representing 4th- and 5th-order cycles. The study demonstrates sea level rise along the Indian western coastal margin in response to early Eocene warming between ~55 and ~52 Ma with maximum transgression at 53.7 Ma.  相似文献   

The Upper Ordovician (Sandbian; late Whiterockian to Mohawkian) Bromide Formation of south-central Oklahoma was deposited along a distally steepened ramp that descended into the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen (SOA). It provides an unparalleled opportunity to examine a spectrum of marine facies that extended from back ramp peritidal settings to the center of the basin. The depositional history and environmental context of the unit are reconsidered using lithofacies analysis and the characterization of sequence stratigraphic patterns at a variety of hierarchical scales. Inner-ramp (above fair weather wavebase; FWWB) lithofacies suggest deposition in a range of environments: tidal flat, lagoon, shoreface, semi-restricted shallow subtidal, and bioclastic shoal. Middle-ramp environments between FWWB and storm wavebase (SWB) are thick and faunally diverse, and consist of rhythmically bedded marls, wackestone, packstone, and shales. Outer-ramp environments (below SWB) are represented by either fissile tan-green shale or thin-bedded carbonate mudstone and shale. Ramp stratigraphy, facies associations, and bounding surfaces suggest that three third-order depositional sequences are present in the Bromide. They demonstrate the transition from a clastic-dominated ramp in the late Whiterockian to a carbonate-dominated ramp in the Mohawkian, and show that the deposition of the Bromide was considerably more complex than the simple transgressive–regressive cycle traditionally used to describe accommodation dynamics in the basin. Meter and decameter-scale cycles (high-frequency sequences) are a common motif within the depositional sequences, and the Corbin Ranch Submember records an important peritidal succession prior to a major sequence boundary with the overlying Viola Springs Formation. New correlations based on measured sections, outcrop gamma-ray profiles, and subsurface well-logs document a novel pattern where the middle Bromide depositional sequence 2 (Mountain Lake Member) expanded down-ramp, whereas the succeeding carbonate-dominated sequence 3 (Pooleville Member) was progressively removed down-ramp. This demonstrates the existence of a major, regionally angular unconformity at the base of the Viola Springs Formation that has implications for basin evolution. Other implications include the validation of high-frequency sequences as a model for elementary cycles in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems and, more regionally, documentation of a new depositional sequence at the Turinian–Chatfieldian stage boundary.  相似文献   

This paper documents the facies change in response to the Holocene transgression within five sediment cores taken in the lagoon of Mayotte, which contain a Type-1 depositional sequence (lowstand, transgressive and highstand deposits underlain by an erosive sequence boundary). Quantitative compositional analysis and visual examination of the bioclasts were used to document the facies changes. The distribution of the skeletal and non-skeletal grains in the lagoon of Mayotte is clearly controlled by (1) the rate and amplitude of the Holocene sea-level rise, (2) the pre-Holocene basement topography and (3) the growth-potential of the barrier reef during sea-level rise, and the changes in bathymetry and continuity during this period. The sequence boundary consists of the glacial karst surface. The change-over from the glacial lowstand is marked by the occurrence of mangrove deposits. Terrigenous and/or mixed terrigenous-carbonate muds to sandy muds with a mollusc or mollusc-ostracod assemblage dominate the transgressive deposits. Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic or carbonate sand to gravel with a mollusc-foraminifer or mollusc-coral-foraminifer assemblage characterize the early highstand deposits on the inner lagoonal plains. The early highstand deposits in the outer lagoonal plains consist of carbonate muds with a mollusc-foraminifer assemblage. Late highstand deposits consist of terrigenous muds in the nearshore bays, mixed terrigenous-carbonate sandy muds to sands with a mollusc-foraminifer assemblage on the inner lagoonal plains and mixed muds with a mollusc-foraminifer assemblage on the outer deep lagoonal plains. The present development stage of the individual lagoons comprises semi-enclosed to open lagoons with fair or good water exchange with the open ocean.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a time interval within the Late Ludfordian (Late Silurian), involving changes in faunal composition (the Lau Event), a major positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE), and contemporaneous sea-level changes in remote palaeo-basins. Based on the Silurian strata of Gotland (Sweden), we integrate sequence stratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy, and platform-scale palaeoecological changes associated with this turbulent time period in Earth history. Three depositional sequences (sequences Nos. 1–3), including two separate periods of forced regression (falling stage systems tracts, FSSTs) are identified from outcrop and drillcore studies. The sequence stratigraphical framework is interpreted to reflect glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. The CIE starts at the onset of the initial FSST (sequence No. 1), just below the last appearance datum of the conodont Polygnathoides siluricus. The values increase through the ensuing lowstand and transgressive systems tracts (LST and TST) of sequence No. 2 and peak in the following highstand systems tract (HST). A second forced regression (FSST of sequence No. 2) took place in the lower Ozarkodina snajdri Zone. δ13C data are scarce from these siliciclastic strata, but inferably remain high. The δ13C values increase within the LST and earliest TST of sequence No. 3, before a decreasing trend starts within the early TST. δ13C values return to pre-excursion levels within the ensuing HST. The CIE is closely associated with an increase in stromatolites (mats and oncoids) across a wide range of depths and sedimentary environments, and correlations to other basins indicate a global increase in cyanobacterial activity. A drastic decline in level-bottom benthic faunas during the FSST of sequence No. 2 is, however, interpreted as a local response to the progradation of a delta complex (the Burgsvik Sandstone). Biological carbonate production replenishes rapidly within the TST of sequence No. 3, succeeding a thin LST dominated by reworked siliciclastics and chemically precipitated carbonates (ooids). The detailed relationship between the CIE and sea-level change presented herein is not fully consistent with previous reports on the CIEs associated with the lower Silurian Ireviken and Mulde events, respectively. Based on our facies analysis and sequence stratigraphical interpretation, two main mechanisms are suggested as responsible for the Late Ludfordian CIE: (1) a change in the riverine C-weathering flux towards the 13C end member following glacio-eustatically induced subaerial exposure of carbonate platforms throughout the tropics, and, (2) increased photosynthetic activity by benthic cyanobacteria exaggerating the δ13C values of precipitated carbonates.  相似文献   

Summary The lithologic associations within the Lower Ordovician Mungok Formation in Korea define four depositional facies that formed across a continental margin fringing the Sino-Korean block: these facies represent lagoonal/restricted marine, shoal, inner shelf, and outer shelf environments. The stacking pattern of these facies reveals two systems tracts composed of five depositional sequences. The lower highstand systems tract consists of the lagoonal/restricted marine and shoal facies, whereas the upper lowstand systems tract comprises, in ascending order, inner shelf, outer shelf, and inner shelf facies. Three trilobite biofacies are recognized in the Mungok Formation: i.e.,Yosimuraspis, Kainella, andShumardia biofacies in ascending order. TheYosimuraspis Biofacies is dominated byYosimuraspis but also containsJujuyaspis andElkanaspis. The predominance of the endemic eponymous taxon suggests a lagoonal/restricted marine environment. The nearly monotaxicKainella Biofacies, which comprises pandemic genera such asKainella and occasionallyLeiostegium, may represent a less restricted environment than theYosimuraspis Biofacies. TheShumardia Biofacies occurs in the marlstone/shale lithofacies through relatively thick stratigraphic interval and is dominated by cosmopolitan trilobite taxa with some endemic species. The lithofacies and cosmopolitan trilobite assemblage of theShumardia Biofacies indicate that it occupied an outer shelf environment. The vertical succession of lithofacies and trilobite biofacies in the Mungok Formation records in general a shift from a restricted, shallow water environment to deeper-water environment.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation, a thick carbonate succession of the Oligo-Miocene in Zagros Mountains (southwest Iran), has been studied to determine its microfacies, paleoenvironments and sedimentary sequences. Detailed petrographic analysis of the deposits led to the recognition of 10 microfacies types. In addition, five major depositional environments were identified in the Asmari Formation. These include tidal flat, shelf lagoon, shoal, slope and basin environmental settings and are interpreted as a carbonate platform developed in an open shelf situation but without effective barriers separating the platform from the open ocean. The Asmari carbonate succession consists of four, thick shallowing-upward sequences (third-order cycles). No major hiatuses were recognized between these cycles. Therefore, the contacts are interpreted as SB2 sequence boundary types. The Pabdeh Formation, the deeper marine facies equivalent of the Asmari Limestone is interpreted to be deposited in an outer slope-basin environment. The microfacies of the Pabdeh Formation shows similarities to the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

There have been surprisingly few empirical investigations of the fundamental principle that the architecture of depositional sequences exerts considerable control on observed patterns of faunal distribution and replacement. In this paper, we examine trilobite associations in two sequences of the Upper Ordovician (Sandbian) Bromide Formation of southern Oklahoma. Cluster analysis and ordination of genus abundance data identified five lithofacies‐related biofacies that are also differentiated by diversity patterns. Biofacies of the transgressive system tract (TST) of successive sequences are more similar to each other than they are to biofacies in the highstand systems tract (HST) of the same sequence. This similarity likely records dominance of large, robust convex sclerites in taphonomically degraded samples from condensed, strongly winnowed grainstone and rudstone. Horizons with articulated exoskeletons of isoteline trilobites preserved by obrution deposits occur most commonly in the early HST and record behavioural aggregations. Grainstone and rudstone of the later HST are less winnowed than those of the TST and show less fragmentation and sorting of sclerites. These changes in taphonomic conditions preserve ecological patterns more clearly. In most biofacies, rarefied alpha diversity (samples) and gamma diversity (biofacies) of middle‐ and outer‐ramp HST deposits are greater than in the TSTs, and biofacies replace each other down ramp. Diversity patterns do not agree with model predictions and other data sets that indicate low beta and high alpha diversity in the TST, likely because of taphonomic degradation. Vertical replacement of biofacies is expressed by the appearance of peritidal facies in which trilobites are rare. Biofacies shifts also characterize sequence boundaries and are most profound in the inner‐ramp successions characterized by sharp facies offsets. Comparison with bathymetrically similar deposits in the Taconic foreland basin showed similar diversity trends along environmental gradients, with some differences in shallow‐water settings attributed to taphonomic differences.  相似文献   

Summary The marine Paleogene of the Tremp Basin in the Central Southern Pyrenees corresponds to four depositional sequences which are related to global eustatic third order cycles (Tejas A 2.3–2.6). Associated transgressive and downlap surfaces coincide with boundaries of biozones. Lowstand systems tracts consist of estuarine and braid delta systems. Transgressive and highstand systems tracts are composed of carbonate banks and reefs. Slow thrust-induced changes of the basin topography conditioned the basic type and the areal distribution of carbonate highstand and clastic lowstand systems. Rapid relative sea level changes controlled the activity and internal dynamic of the depositional systems. E-W directed blind thrust anticlines are covered during highstand periods by carbonate fringing banks withNummulites bars. N-S orientation of thrust anticlines leads to the evolution of reef-dominated barrier banks and shelf lagoonal homoclinal ramps. On-bank transport of carbonate sands dominates during transgressions, off-bank transport during highstand periods. Continuous thrusting during the Ilerdian caused angular unconformities only in combination with relative sea level fall. Sequence-internal onlap configurations result from contemporaneous tectonic tilting. Fourth order carbonate bank margin cycles contain well developed lowstand tracts due to increased subsidence rates. Fourth order flooding surfaces are marked by paleosoil horizons at their landward continuation.  相似文献   

The Paleocene (Danian) Clayton Formation of western Alabama, USA, includes multiple marine shelf parasequences, each comprising a relatively thick marl, capped by a thin limestone, the latter variably reflecting marine flooding episodes. The marls host relatively large firmground burrow systems that penetrate 50–60 cm beneath, and are cast by, superjacent limestones. Excavation of two partially exposed burrow systems – one beneath a highstand parasequence-bounding flooding surface and the other beneath an overlying coplanar sequence boundary/transgressive surface (SB/TS) – reveals complex, primarily horizontal, irregularly branching networks. The former, allied with Thalassinoides paradoxicus, lacks wall bioglyphs, whereas the latter, allied with Spongeliomorpha iberica, is characterized by pervasive, mainly rhombohedral wall bioglyphs that reflect a relatively more firm substrate. Contrasts between these burrow systems are consistent with sequence stratigraphical context and inferred differences in the mechanism and magnitude of depositional hiatuses responsible for firmground development. Both excavated burrow systems likely represent cumulative structures produced by multiple organisms over extended periods of time. The cumulative nature and potential taphonomic biases associated with these and comparable burrow systems in the stratigraphical record preclude confident interpretation of tracemakers and their behaviours. The Clayton burrow systems likely were produced by one or more species of decapod crustacean that engaged in suspension-feeding, surface detritus feeding, gardening or some combination thereof.  相似文献   

The Tortonian bioclastic sands of Anjou (W France) are weakly cemented mixed siliciclastic–carbonate deposits. The carbonate fraction can reach up to 90%, and is irregularly spread over the area of the original depositional platform. The temperate marine water character is demonstrated by the lack of ooids, green algae, and biohermal scleractinians, and is dominated by numerous species of bryozoans and bivalves, associated with red algae, barnacles, and echinoderms (bryomol facies; Heterozoan association). Skeletal grains are weakly cemented. The presence of large submarine dunes indicates a platform bounded by a tide-domination of a succession that developed rapidly under highstand and shelf margin wedge system tracts. The tide-dominated “Faluns de l’Anjou” provides a model different from many other examples of temperate carbonate settings, which are often wave-dominated.  相似文献   

The Late Cenomanian Hummar Formation was studied in three sections in north and central Jordan, at Aameriyya, northeast of Na’ur and the Wadi Haur areas. The base in the Aameriyya area is marked by a subaerial unconformity overlain by a calcrete and a paleokarstic horizon, separating the underlying Fuheis Formation marl from the overlying Hummar Formation limestone. The emergent Aameriyya area is interpreted to have been a paleohigh, as a response to tectonism, and a basin and swell topography is invoked for the Late Cenomanian carbonate platform in this region. The Hummar Formation is believed to form one complete depositional sequence; the calcrete-karst represents a lowstand systems tract, the overlying 2-m massive rudstone/floatstone represents the transgressive systems tracts (TST), and the cortoid grainstone/packstone with clinoforms the highstand systems tracts. The topmost miliolid limestone is probably the late highstand topset of the sequence, followed upwards by the TST of the Shueib Formation marl of the next sequence. The sequence boundary at the upper contact of the Hummar Formation can be correlated regionally whereas the sequence boundary at its base with subaerial exposure has not been reported elsewhere in Jordan, the Negev, or Sinai.  相似文献   

Andrej Šmuc  Jože Čar 《Facies》2002,46(1):205-216
Summary An Upper Ladinian to Lower Carnian succession in the Idrija-Cerkno region (W Slovenia) is described and correlated with similar successions in the Dolomites. Structurally, the area belongs to the Rodne unit (Trnovo nappe, NW Dinarides). The succession was reconstructed from three stratigraphically superimposed sections. The Orehovska Grapa section is characterised by finegrained turbidites composed of sandy mudstones with intercalations of lenses and beds of trachy-andesite tuff and resedimented tuffs. Beds of hemipelagic light grey wackestone are rarely interstratified. These rocks are correlative with the Upper Ladinian Wengen Group. The Police1 section is composed of black shaly marls and mudstones, hemipelagic wackestone, tuffaceous sand-stones, and in the upper part, of calciturbidites overlain by black laminated shales. The section is correlated with the lower part of the San Cassiano Formation. The Police 2 section consists mainly of wavy bedded peloidal and bioclastic limestone, alternating with thin interbeds of shaly mudstones and marls. The limestone and mudstones are interpreted as tempestites and gradually pass into bedded and massive dolomite of Early Carnian age. This succession is similar to the transition from the San Cassiano Formation to the Cassian Dolomite. The studied succession represents a shallowing upward basinal sequence capped by carbonate platform deposits. Palaeogeographically it is a Late Ladinian transition from the carbonate platform in the south to the typical basinal area in the north.  相似文献   

The depositional geometry and facies distribution of an Early Miocene (Burdigalian) carbonate system in the Perfugas Basin (NW Sardinia) comprise a well-exposed example of a transition from a ramp to a steep-flanked platform. The carbonate succession (Sedini Limestone Unit) is composed of two depositional sequences separated by a major erosional unconformity. The lower (sequence 1) records a ramp dominated by heterozoan producers and the upper (sequence 2) is dominated by photozoan producers and displays a gradual steepening of the depositional profile into a steep-flanked platform. This paper shows the process of creating a digital outcrop model including a facies model. This process consists of combining field data sets, including 17 sedimentary logs, and a spatial dataset consisting of differential global positioning system data points measured along key stratigraphic surfaces and sedimentary logs, with the goal of locking traditional field observations into a 3D spatial model. Establishing a precise geometrical framework and visualizing the overall change in the platform geometry and the related vertical and lateral facies variations of the Sedini carbonate platform, allows us to better understand the sedimentary processes leading to the geometrical turn-over of the platform. Furthermore, a detailed facies modeling helps us to gain insight into the detailed depositional dynamics. The final model reproduces faithfully the depositional geometries observed in the outcrops and helps in understanding the relationships between facies and architectural framework at the basin scale. Moreover, it provides the basis to characterize semiquantitatively regional sedimentological features and to make further reservoir and subsurface analogue studies.  相似文献   

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