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Plant pathogenic bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and viroids are difficult to control, and preventive measures are essential to minimize the losses they cause each year in different crops. In this context, rapid and accurate methods for detection and diagnosis of these plant pathogens are required to apply treatments, undertake agronomic measures or proceed with eradication practices, particularly for quarantine pathogens. In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the number of protocols based on nucleic-acid tools being those based on PCR or RT-PCR now routinely applied worldwide. Nucleic acid extraction is still necessary in many cases and in practice inhibition problems are decreasing the theoretical sensitivity of molecular detection. For these reasons, integrated protocols that include the use of molecular techniques as screening methods, followed by confirmation by other techniques supported by different biological principles are advisable. Overall, molecular techniques based on different types of PCR amplification and very especially on real-time PCR are leading to high throughput, faster and more accurate detection methods for the most severe plant pathogens, with important benefits for agriculture. Other technologies, such as isothermal amplification, microarrays, etc. have great potential, but their practical development in plant pathology is still underway. Despite these advances, there are some unsolved problems concerning the detection of many plant pathogens due to their low titre in the plants, their uneven distribution, the existence of latent infections and the lack of validated sampling protocols. Research based on genomic advances and innovative detection methods as well as better knowledge of the pathogens' lifecycle, will facilitate their early and accurate detection, thus improving the sanitary status of cultivated plants in the near future.  相似文献   

The development of the prokaryotic colony inAzolla filiculoides indicates thatAnabaena azollae is maintained through the life cycle of the fern and present in the leaves and megasporocarps. The same biological pattern is applied to the bacteria that are also present in these structures and seems to follow a development pattern identical to the cyanobacteria and probably can be considered the third partner of this symbiotic association.  相似文献   

The minimal region required for actin binding in the smallest of the three domains of gelsolin (termed Segment 1 or S1) was previously defined by deletion mutagenesis as residues 37-126. Further analysis of NH2-terminal deletions here redefines the minimal functional core as residues 41-126. Amino acid substitutions within this core further elucidate the nature of the interaction of segment 1 with actin. Of 26 point mutants analyzed, 14 reduced the affinity for actin. The charged residues His 119, Arg 120, Glu 121, and Gln 123 appear to be involved in direct interaction with actin. Substitutions of Leu 108, Leu 112, and Val 117 by polar groups all affect the structural stability of segment 1 and thereby reduce binding affinity. In addition replacement of Glu 126 by aspartic acid modifies the physical properties of segment 1 and weakens binding. We have further shown that changing charged residues within the highly conserved pentapeptide sequence LDDYL (residues 108-112) has no effect on actin binding. This sequence, found in a number of different actin binding proteins, does not therefore constitute part of the interaction site. Similarly, substitution of the two acidic residues by basic ones within the DESG motif of segment 1 (residues 96-99, but also found near the COOH terminus of actin) does not impair binding. These results show the dangers of predicting functional sites on the basis of conserved sequences.  相似文献   

Protein is the working molecule of the cell, and evolution is the hallmark of life. It is important to understand how protein folding and evolution influence each other. Several studies correlating experimental measurement of residue participation in folding nucleus and sequence conservation have reached different conclusions. These studies are based on assessment of sequence conservation at folding nucleus sites using entropy or relative entropy measurement derived from multiple sequence alignment. Here we report analysis of conservation of folding nucleus using an evolutionary model alternative to entropy-based approaches. We employ a continuous time Markov model of codon substitution to distinguish mutation fixed by evolution and mutation fixed by chance. This model takes into account bias in codon frequency, bias-favoring transition over transversion, as well as explicit phylogenetic information. We measure selection pressure using the ratio omega of synonymous versus non-synonymous substitution at individual residue site. The omega-values are estimated using the PAML method, a maximum-likelihood estimator. Our results show that there is little correlation between the extent of kinetic participation in protein folding nucleus as measured by experimental phi-value and selection pressure as measured by omega-value. In addition, two randomization tests failed to show that folding nucleus residues are significantly more conserved than the whole protein, or the median omega value of all residues in the protein. These results suggest that at the level of codon substitution, there is no indication that folding nucleus residues are significantly more conserved than other residues. We further reconstruct candidate ancestral residues of the folding nucleus and suggest possible test tube mutation studies for testing folding behavior of ancient folding nucleus.  相似文献   

The evolutionary form of the iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) is a repeated game where players strategically choose whether to cooperate with or exploit opponents and reproduce in proportion to game success. It has been widely used to study the evolution of cooperation among selfish agents. In the past 15 years, researchers proved over a series of papers that there is no evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) in the IPD when players maintain long-term relationships. This makes it difficult to make predictions about what strategies can actually persist as prevalent in a population over time. Here, we show that this no ESS finding may be a mathematical technicality, relying on implausible players who are "too perfect" in that their probability of cooperating on any move is arbitrarily close to either 0 or 1. Specifically, in the no ESS proof, all strategies were allowed, meaning that after a strategy X experiences any history H, X cooperates with an unrestricted probability p (X, H) where 0< or =p (X, H)< or =1. Here, we restrict strategies to the set S in which X is a member of S [corrected] if after any H, X cooperates with a restricted probability p (X, H) where e< or =p (X, H)< or =1-e and 0相似文献   

A number of important Gram-negative pathogens that reside exclusively in the upper respiratory or genitourinary tract of their mammalian host rely on surface receptors that specifically bind host transferrin and lactoferrin as a source of iron for growth. The transferrin receptors have been targeted for vaccine development due to their critical role in acquiring iron during invasive infection and for survival on the mucosal surface. In this study, we focus on the lactoferrin receptors, determining their prevalence in pathogenic bacteria and comparing their prevalence in commensal Neisseria to other surface antigens targeted for vaccines; addressing the issue of a reservoir for vaccine escape and impact of vaccination on the microbiome. Since the selective release of the surface lipoprotein lactoferrin binding protein B by the NalP protease in Neisseria meningitidis argues against its utility as a vaccine target, we evaluated the release of outer membrane vesicles, and transferrin and lactoferrin binding in N. meningitidis and Moraxella catarrhalis. The results indicate that the presence of NalP reduces the binding of transferrin and lactoferrin by cells and native outer membrane vesicles, suggesting that NalP may impact all lipoprotein targets, thus this should not exclude lactoferrin binding protein B as a target.  相似文献   

Summary Every one of eleven different strains randomly selected from 10 different randomly selected genera have shown the same high frequency of occurrence of colony mutants as did almost all strains ofAcetobacter (previously considered outstanding in this respect). Correlation of other properties with such mutant colony forms was not specifically studied, but in 4 strains correlation was noticed, suggesting its presence in the others, as was so often found inAcetobacter. It is suggested from this, that a similar study of strains of other genera might reveal a similarly high frequency of occurrence of mutants, most so-called pure cultures being thus probably mixtures of different cells with different properties. Also the proportion of each cell-type in the culture may vary from predominance to extinction according to the biochemical and other tests applied for the purpose of the ‘characterization’ of the species for taxonomic purposes. If the classification of such varying mixtures is considered of doubtful use, then it seems to follow that ‘species’ of bacteria are virtually unclassifiable, and that even the conception of a genus should be on a broader basis than is often the case at present.  相似文献   

Computational biologists have labored for decades to produce kinetic models to mechanistically explain complex metabolic phenomena. The estimation of numerical values for the large number of kinetic parameters required for constructing large‐scale models has been a major challenge. This collection of kinetic constants has recently been termed the kinetome (Nilsson et al, 2017). In this Commentary, we discuss the recent advances in the field that suggest that the kinetome may be more conserved than expected. A conserved kinetome will accelerate the development of future kinetic models of integrated cellular functions and expand their scope and usability in many fields of biology and biomedicine.Subject Categories: Computational Biology, Metabolism

This Commentary highlights recent discoveries suggesting that the kinetome (a collection of kinetic parameters) can be conserved and discusses how a conserved kinetome will accelerate the development of future kinetic models.  相似文献   

Protein interfaces are thought to be distinguishable from the rest of the protein surface by their greater degree of residue conservation. We test the validity of this approach on an expanded set of 64 protein-protein interfaces using conservation scores derived from two multiple sequence alignment types, one of close homologs/orthologs and one of diverse homologs/paralogs. Overall, we find that the interface is slightly more conserved than the rest of the protein surface when using either alignment type, with alignments of diverse homologs showing marginally better discrimination. However, using a novel surface-patch definition, we find that the interface is rarely significantly more conserved than other surface patches when using either alignment type. When an interface is among the most conserved surface patches, it tends to be part of an enzyme active site. The most conserved surface patch overlaps with 39% (+/- 28%) and 36% (+/- 28%) of the actual interface for diverse and close homologs, respectively. Contrary to results obtained from smaller data sets, this work indicates that residue conservation is rarely sufficient for complete and accurate prediction of protein interfaces. Finally, we find that obligate interfaces differ from transient interfaces in that the former have significantly fewer alignment gaps at the interface than the rest of the protein surface, as well as having buried interface residues that are more conserved than partially buried interface residues.  相似文献   

A simulation model of the saké mashing (moromi process, the main process of saké brewnig, was constructed on the basis of mass transfer and biochemical reactoins in a multi-phase system of solid and liquid.The temperature in the mashing process was controlled using this simulation model and a micro-computer, and fine saké was brewed on an experimental scale. It appeared that the mashing process was divided practically into two phases. It the first phase, the reactions of rice dissolution, glucose production, and ethanol fermentation did not interact with each other, while in the second phase they were limited by the rate of rice dissolution.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques have had a profound impact in biology. Major disciplines, including evolutionary biology, now consistently utilize molecular tools. In contrast, molecular techniques have had a more limited impact in ecology. This discrepancy is surprising. Here, we describe the unexpected paucity of ecological research in the field colloquially referred to as 'molecular ecology.' Publications over the past 15 years from the journals Ecology , Evolution and Molecular Ecology reveal that much of the research published under the molecular ecology banner is in fact evolutionary in nature, and that comparatively little ecological research incorporates molecular tools. This failure to more broadly utilize molecular techniques in ecology is alarming because several promising lines of ecological inquiry could benefit from molecular approaches. Here we summarize the use of molecular tools in ecology and evolution, and suggest several ways to renew the ecological focus in 'molecular ecology'.  相似文献   

The scientific community is comfortable with recognising mitochondria as organelles that happen to be descendants of bacteria. Here, I playfully explore the arguments for and against a phylogenetic fundamentalism that states that mitochondria are bacteria and should be given their own taxonomic family, the Mitochondriaceae. I also explore the consequences of recognizing mitochondria as bacteria for our understanding of the systemic response to trauma and for the prospects of creating transgenic mitochondria.  相似文献   

In the microcirculation, longitudinal conduction of vasomotor responses provides an essential means of coordinating flow distribution among vessels in a complex network. Spread of current along the vessel axis can display a regenerative component, which leads to propagation of vasomotor signals over many millimeters; the ionic basis for the regenerative response is unknown. We examined the responses to 10 s of focal electrical stimulation (30 Hz, 2 ms, 30 V) of mouse cremaster arterioles to test the hypothesis that voltage-dependent Na(+) (Na(v)) and Ca(2+) channels might be activated in long-distance signaling in microvessels. Electrical stimulation evoked a vasoconstriction at the site of stimulation and a spreading, nondecremental conducted dilation. Endothelial damage (air bubble) blocked conduction of the vasodilation, indicating an involvement of the endothelium. The Na(v) channel blocker bupivacaine also blocked conduction, and TTX attenuated it. The Na(v) channel activator veratridine induced an endothelium-dependent dilation. The Na(v) channel isoforms Na(v)1.2, Na(v)1.6, and Na(v)1.9 were detected in the endothelial cells of cremaster arterioles by immunocytochemistry. These findings are consistent with the involvement of Na(v) channels in the conducted response. BAPTA buffering of endothelial cell Ca(2+) delayed and reduced the conducted dilation, which was almost eliminated by Ni(2+), amiloride, or deletion of alpha(1H) T-type Ca(2+) (Ca(v)3.2) channels. Blockade of endothelial nitric oxide synthase or Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels also inhibited the conducted vasodilation. Our findings indicate that an electrically induced signal can propagate along the vessel axis via the endothelium and can induce sequential activation of Na(v) and Ca(v)3.2 channels. The resultant Ca(2+) influx activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase and Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels, triggering vasodilation.  相似文献   

Are prions misfolded molecular chaperones?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J P Liautard 《FEBS letters》1991,294(3):155-157
A theory has been developed that could explain prion infection. Prions could be molecular chaperones that are required for their own assembly. The theory has been deduced from an analysis of protein folding and consequences explored by computer simulations. Thermo-kinetic analysis of protein folding shows that a misfolded chaperone gives rise to new misfolded chaperones. Consequently such a protein could behave as a new kind of informative molecule and replicate misfolding according to a process similar to infection. A quantitative model has been derived from this hypothesis that displays the characteristics of prion infections. This hypothesis satisfactorily explains the three manifestations - infection, familial and sporadic - that are the characteristic features of all prion diseases.  相似文献   

Are bacteria an important food source for rotifers in eutrophic lakes?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In situ grazing measurements using fluorescent particles of0.5, 2.4 and 6.3 µm diameter in eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht(The Netherlands) showed that Anuraeopsis fissa, a small rotifer,filtered the smallest, bacteria-sized particles as efficientlyor more efficiently than the larger particles. In contrast,three other rotifer species (Brachionus angularis, Filinia longisetaand Pompholyx sulcata) filtered the bacteria-sized particlesless efficiently than the larger particles. Both Keratella cochlearisand Conochilus unicornis only ingested the bacteria-sized particles.Anuraeopsis fissa had a higher uptake of fluorescent bacteria-sizedparticles than K.cochlearis, both in 1 µm filtrate oflake water and in lake water. Within both species, uptake didnot differ between juveniles and adults. When cultured on threedifferent size fractions of lake water (1, 3 and 15 µmfiltrate) in July, all rotifer species declined in numbers onthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, while A.fissa and B.angularisincreased in numbers on the 15 µm filtrate. The high abundanceof small bacteria in the lake water could not support rotiferpopulations. It is concluded that bacteria are not a suitablefood source of high quality for A.fissa because its populationdoes not grow even though the bacterial concentration was higherthan its estimated threshold food concentration. In August,when individually cultured, the mortality was high for all species,but especially for F.longiseta. The lifespan of K.cochleariswas reduced in the 1 and 3 µm filtrates of lake water,compared with in the 15 µm filtrate. The lifespan of A.fissawas similar in all filtrates, but reproduction was reduced inthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, as in Keratella. On the 15 µmfiltrate, their ages at first reproduction and growth ratesdid not differ. Individuals of A.fissa older than 4 days showeda higher survival in the 15 µm filtrate than in the othertwo filtrates, as did K.cochlearis throughout its life. Hence,bacteria seem to be a more important food source for youngerindividuals of A.fissa than of K.cochlearis.  相似文献   

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